qc_timestamp_errors: TimeStamp errors localization

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also


Function to pinpoint errors in the timestamp


qc_timestamp_errors(data, timestep = 15, parent_logger = "test")



Data frame containing the data (sapflow or environmental). It must have a TIMESTAMP variable.


Integer indicating the measures timestep (in minutes).


TIMESTAMP variable can present continuity, date or another kind of errors. This function checks for them. For that, from the timestep declared in the metadata, a summary of intervals differing from it is presented. Only intervals differing more than 59 seconds from the declared timestep are reported.


A data frame summarizing the errors found, indicating the interval and its duration (in seconds).

See Also

Other Quality Checks Functions: create_dic, qc_coordinates, qc_data_results_table, qc_env_ranges, qc_env_vars_presence, qc_ext_radiation, qc_factor_values, qc_fix_timestamp, qc_get_biomes_spdf, qc_get_biome, qc_get_sapw_md, qc_get_timestep, qc_get_timezone, qc_is_timestamp, qc_md_cols, qc_md_results_table, qc_mind_the_gap_eff, qc_mind_the_gap, qc_out_hampel_filter, qc_out_of_range, qc_out_remove, qc_outliers_process, qc_outliers_subs, qc_pl_treatments, qc_rad_conversion, qc_range_dic, qc_sapf_ranges, qc_sapw_area_calculator, qc_sapw_conversion, qc_set_timezone, qc_soil_texture, qc_species_names_info, qc_species_names, qc_species_verification, qc_start_process, qc_swc_check, qc_swc_fix, qc_time_interval, qc_timestamp_concordance, qc_timestamp_nas

sapfluxnet/sapfluxnetQC1 documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:50 p.m.