qc_sapw_conversion: Sap flow units transformation

Description Usage Arguments Details Sapwood area Plant Leaf area pl_sapw_area See Also


Function to transform between sap flow units


qc_sapw_conversion(data, sapw_md, output_units = "plant",
  parent_logger = "test")



Data frame containing the sap flow measurements


Data frame containing the sapwood metadata, as obtained from qc_get_sapw_md or qc_sapw_area_calculator.


Character vector indicating the kind of output units. Allowed values are 'plant', 'sapwood' and 'leaf'. See details to obtain more information


Sap flow accepted units can be of two kinds, per sapwood area and per plant. Both kinds can come in many flavours and unit conversion must be done to allow data integration and analysis. This function can return three kind of units:

Per sapwood area

In this case, units returned are cm³·cm⁻²·h⁻¹

Per plant

In this case, units returned are cm³·h⁻¹

Per leaf area unit

In this case, units returned are cm³·cm⁻²·h⁻¹

Sapwood area

If origin units are per sapwood area, direct transformation is made. If origin units are per plant then pl_sapw_area variable from plant metadata is needed to make the conversion.


If origin units are per plant, direct transformation is made. If origin units are per sapwood area then pl_sapw_area variable from plant metadata is needed to make the conversion.

Leaf area

If origin units are per plant then pl_leaf_area variable from plant metadata is needed to make the conversion. If origin units are per sapwood area then pl_leaf_area and pl_sapw_area variables from plant metadata are needed.


If pl_sapw_area is not available but pl_sapw_depth and pl_dbh are provided, sapwood area value can be estimated by means of qc_sapw_area_calculator function previous to the use of this function.

See Also

Other Quality Checks Functions: create_dic, qc_coordinates, qc_data_results_table, qc_env_ranges, qc_env_vars_presence, qc_ext_radiation, qc_factor_values, qc_fix_timestamp, qc_get_biomes_spdf, qc_get_biome, qc_get_sapw_md, qc_get_timestep, qc_get_timezone, qc_is_timestamp, qc_md_cols, qc_md_results_table, qc_mind_the_gap_eff, qc_mind_the_gap, qc_out_hampel_filter, qc_out_of_range, qc_out_remove, qc_outliers_process, qc_outliers_subs, qc_pl_treatments, qc_rad_conversion, qc_range_dic, qc_sapf_ranges, qc_sapw_area_calculator, qc_set_timezone, qc_soil_texture, qc_species_names_info, qc_species_names, qc_species_verification, qc_start_process, qc_swc_check, qc_swc_fix, qc_time_interval, qc_timestamp_concordance, qc_timestamp_errors, qc_timestamp_nas

sapfluxnet/sapfluxnetQC1 documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:50 p.m.