qc_swc_check: Check for correct values of SWC

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also


This function informs about SWC values correctness


qc_swc_check(swc_values, parent_logger = "test")



vector with the swc data


SWC values sometimes come in percentage instead of cm3/cm3, so this function checks three assumptions:

  1. All values between 0-2. This situation is ok (it can contain out of range values, but in the same order of magnitude)

  2. All values between 2-100. This situation occurs usually when values are presented in percentage. they can be safely transformed dividing by 100

  3. None of the former. This is odd, so big red lights and check manually.


A character indicating the assumption detected in the data

See Also

Other Quality Checks Functions: create_dic, qc_coordinates, qc_data_results_table, qc_env_ranges, qc_env_vars_presence, qc_ext_radiation, qc_factor_values, qc_fix_timestamp, qc_get_biomes_spdf, qc_get_biome, qc_get_sapw_md, qc_get_timestep, qc_get_timezone, qc_is_timestamp, qc_md_cols, qc_md_results_table, qc_mind_the_gap_eff, qc_mind_the_gap, qc_out_hampel_filter, qc_out_of_range, qc_out_remove, qc_outliers_process, qc_outliers_subs, qc_pl_treatments, qc_rad_conversion, qc_range_dic, qc_sapf_ranges, qc_sapw_area_calculator, qc_sapw_conversion, qc_set_timezone, qc_soil_texture, qc_species_names_info, qc_species_names, qc_species_verification, qc_start_process, qc_swc_fix, qc_time_interval, qc_timestamp_concordance, qc_timestamp_errors, qc_timestamp_nas

sapfluxnet/sapfluxnetQC1 documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:50 p.m.