
Defines functions .countReadFromBam

## a helper function to count reads from bam files
.countReadFromBam <-
  function(bam,which,DNA2RNA,reads.strand,fragmentLength,left,sliding, binSize ,paired){

    if(paired){  # pair-end sequence
      ba = scanBam(bam, param=ScanBamParam( which=which, what =c("pos","strand","qwidth","isize"), flag = scanBamFlag(isProperPair = T,isSecondMateRead = F) ) )
      ba = data.frame( pos = ba[[1]]$pos, strand = ba[[1]]$strand ,readLength = ba[[1]]$qwidth, isize = ba[[1]]$isize )
      ba = ba[ ba$pos > left, ]
      ba = ba[ba$strand == reads.strand, ] ## filter for strand
      ba$pos = DNA2RNA[ba$pos - left] ## convert mapped read pos into RNA position
      ba = ba[ ba$pos > 0, ] ## drop intron reads.
      ##shift the read pos to the center of the reads
      if(reads.strand == "+"){ba$pos = ba$pos + round(abs(ba$isize)/2) }else{ba$pos = ba$pos + ba$readLength - round(abs(ba$isize)/2)  }
      ##count the reads in the sliding windows
      no.window = length(sliding)
      windowCounts = vector(length = no.window)
      for(j in 1:no.window){
        windowCounts[j]= sum( ba$pos >= sliding[j] &  ba$pos < (sliding[j] + binSize)  )
      windowCounts[no.window] = windowCounts[no.window] + sum( ba$pos >=  (sliding[no.window] + binSize) & ba$pos <= max(DNA2RNA) ) #count the extra part of the last bin

    }else{ # single-end sequence
      ba = scanBam(bam, param=ScanBamParam( which=which, what =c("pos","strand","qwidth") ) )
      ba = data.frame( pos = ba[[1]]$pos, strand = ba[[1]]$strand, readLength = ba[[1]]$qwidth )
      ba = ba[ ba$pos > left, ]
      ba = ba[ba$strand == reads.strand, ] ## filter for strand
      ba$pos = DNA2RNA[ba$pos - left] ## convert mapped read pos into RNA position
      ba = ba[ ba$pos > 0, ] ## drop intron reads.
      ##shift the read pos to the center of the reads
      if(reads.strand == "+"){ba$pos = ba$pos + round(fragmentLength/2) }else{ba$pos = ba$pos + ba$readLength - round(fragmentLength/2)  }
      ##count the reads in the sliding windows
      no.window = length(sliding)
      windowCounts = vector(length = no.window)
      for(j in 1:no.window){
        windowCounts[j]= sum( ba$pos >= sliding[j] &  ba$pos < (sliding[j] + binSize)  )
      windowCounts[no.window] = windowCounts[no.window] + sum( ba$pos >=  (sliding[no.window] + binSize) & ba$pos <= max(DNA2RNA) ) #count the extra part of the last bin

scottzijiezhang/m6Amonster documentation built on Jan. 8, 2021, 1:37 p.m.