
Defines functions enw_add_metaobs_features enw_metadata

Documented in enw_add_metaobs_features enw_metadata

#' @title Extract metadata from raw data
#' @description Extract metadata from raw data, either
#' by reference or by report date. For the target date chosen
#' (reference or report), `confirm`, `max_confirm``, and `cum_prop_reported`
#' are dropped and the first observation for each group and date is retained.
#' @param obs A `data.frame` or `data.table` with columns: `reference_date`
#' and / or `report_date`; at least one must be provided, `.group`, a grouping
#' column and a `date`, a [Date] column.
#' @param target_date A character string, either "reference_date" or
#' "report_date". The column corresponding to this string will be used
#' as the target date for metadata extraction.
#' @return A data.table with columns:
#' * `date`, a [Date] column
#' * `.group`, a grouping column
#' and the first observation for each group and date.
#' The data.table is sorted by `.group` and `date`.
#' @family preprocess
#' @importFrom data.table setkeyv setnames
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obs <- data.frame(
#'   reference_date = as.Date("2021-01-01"),
#'   report_date = as.Date("2022-01-01"), x = 1:10
#' )
#' enw_metadata(obs, target_date = "reference_date")
enw_metadata <- function(obs, target_date = c(
                           "reference_date", "report_date"
                         )) {
  choices <- eval(formals()$target_date)
  target_date <- match.arg(target_date)
  date_to_drop <- setdiff(choices, target_date)

  metaobs <- data.table::setnames(
    coerce_dt(obs, required_cols = target_date, group = TRUE),
    target_date, "date"

      c(date_to_drop, "confirm", "max_confirm", "cum_prop_reported") := NULL
  metaobs <- metaobs[, .SD[1, ], by = c("date", ".group")]
  data.table::setkeyv(metaobs, c(".group", "date"))

#' @title Add common metadata variables
#' @description If not already present, annotates time series data with metadata
#' commonly used in models: day of week, and days, weeks, and months since start
#' of time series.
#' @param metaobs Raw data, coercible via [data.table::as.data.table()].
#' Coerced object must have [Dates] column corresponding to `datecol` name.
#' @param holidays a (potentially empty) vector of dates (or input
#' coercible to such; see [coerce_date()]). The `day_of_week` column will be
#' set to `holidays_to` for these dates.
#' @param holidays_to A character string to assign to holidays, when `holidays`
#' argument non-empty. Replaces the `day_of_week` column value
#' @param datecol The column in `metaobs` corresponding to pertinent dates.
#' @details Effects models often need to include covariates for time-based
#' features, such as day of the week (e.g. to reflect different care-seeking
#' and/or reporting behaviour).
#' This function is called from within [enw_preprocess_data()] to systematically
#' annotate `metaobs` with these commonly used metadata, if not already present.
#' However, it can also be used directly on other data.
#' @return A copy of the `metaobs` input, with additional columns:
#'  * `day_of_week`, a factor of values as output from [weekdays()] and
#'  possibly as `holiday_to` if distinct from weekdays values
#'  * `day`, numeric, 0 based from start of time series
#'  * `week`, numeric, 0 based from start of time series
#'  * `month`, numeric, 0 based from start of time series
#' @family preprocess
#' @importFrom purrr compose
#' @importFrom cli cli_abort cli_warn
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # make some example date
#' nat_germany_hosp <- subset(
#'   germany_covid19_hosp,
#'   location == "DE" & age_group == "80+"
#' )[1:40]
#' basemeta <- enw_add_metaobs_features(
#'   nat_germany_hosp,
#'   datecol = "report_date"
#' )
#' basemeta
#' # with holidays - n.b.: holidays not found are silently ignored
#' holidaymeta <- enw_add_metaobs_features(
#'   nat_germany_hosp,
#'   datecol = "report_date",
#'   holidays = c(
#'     "2021-04-04", "2021-04-05",
#'     "2021-05-01", "2021-05-13",
#'     "2021-05-24"
#'   ),
#'   holidays_to = "Holiday"
#' )
#' holidaymeta
#' subset(holidaymeta, day_of_week == "Holiday")
enw_add_metaobs_features <- function(metaobs,
                                     holidays = NULL,
                                     holidays_to = "Sunday",
                                     datecol = "date") {
  # localize and check metaobs input
  metaobs <- coerce_dt(metaobs, required_cols = datecol)
  if (!is.Date(metaobs[[datecol]])) {
    cli::cli_abort("metaobs column {datecol} is not a `Date`.")

  # this may also error, so coercing first
  holidays <- coerce_date(holidays)

  # warn about columns that may be overwritten
  tarcols <- c("day_of_week", "day", "week", "month")
  if (any(tarcols %in% colnames(metaobs))) {
      "Pre-existing columns in `metaobs` will be overwritten: ",
      "{intersect(tarcols, colnames(metaobs))}."
  # sort by current sorting and datacol
  data.table::setkeyv(metaobs, union(data.table::key(metaobs), datecol))

  # function to transform numbers to be referenced from 0
  zerobase <- function(x) {
    return(x - min(x))
  # function to transform by weeks
  to0week <- function(x) {
    return(x %/% 7L)
  # function to count months from series start
  toevermonths <- function(d) {
    m <- data.table::month(d)
    y <- zerobase(data.table::year(d))
    return(m + 12 * y)

  # functions to extract date indices; defined as
  # series of transformations applied (right to left)
  # then purrr::compose'd
  funs <- lapply(list(
    day_of_week = list(
      function(d) {
          d %in% holidays,
          yes = holidays_to, no = weekdays(d)
    day = list(zerobase, as.numeric),
    week = list(to0week, zerobase, as.numeric),
    month = list(zerobase, toevermonths)
  ), function(fns) {

  # current implementation: this is always true. if we later
  # determine that e.g. we want to optionally overwrite columns
  # then this logic will become useful
  if (length(tarcols)) {
    # pick out transforms associated with those columns
    xforms <- funs[tarcols]

    # add tarcol features
    metaobs[, c(tarcols) := lapply(xforms, do.call, .(get(datecol)))]


#' @title Extend a time series with additional dates
#' @description Extend a time series with additional dates. This is useful
#' when extending the report dates of a time series to include future dates
#' for nowcasting purposes or to include additional dates for backcasting
#' when using a renewal process as the expectation model.
#' @param metaobs A `data.frame` with a `date` column.
#' @param days Number of days to add to the time series. Defaults to 20.
#' @param direction Should new dates be added at the beginning or end of
#' the data. Default is "end" with "start" also available.
#' @inheritParams get_internal_timestep
#' @return A data.table with the same columns as `metaobs` but with
#' additional rows for each date in the range of `date` to `date + days`
#' (or `date - days` if `direction = "start"`). An additional variable
#' observed is added with a value of FALSE for all new dates and TRUE
#' for all existing dates.
#' @family preprocess
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table data.table rbindlist setkeyv
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @examples
#' metaobs <- data.frame(date = as.Date("2021-01-01") + 0:4)
#' enw_extend_date(metaobs, days = 2)
#' enw_extend_date(metaobs, days = 2, direction = "start")
enw_extend_date <- function(metaobs, days = 20, direction = c("end", "start"),
                            timestep = "day") {
  direction <- match.arg(direction)

  internal_timestep <- get_internal_timestep(timestep)
  new_days <- seq(internal_timestep, days, by = internal_timestep)
  if (direction == "start") {
    new_days <- -new_days
    filt_fn <- min
  } else {
    filt_fn <- max
  metaobs <- coerce_dt(metaobs, group = TRUE)
  exts <- metaobs[, .SD[date == filt_fn(date)], by = .group]
  exts <- split(exts, by = ".group")
  exts <- purrr::map(
    ~ data.table::data.table(
      extend_date = .$date + new_days,
  exts <- data.table::rbindlist(exts)
  exts[, date := extend_date][, extend_date := NULL]

  exts <- rbind(
    metaobs[, observed := TRUE],
    exts[, observed := FALSE]
  data.table::setkeyv(exts, c(".group", "date"))

#' @title Assign a group to each row of a data.table
#' @description Assign a group to each row of a data.table. If `by` is
#' specified, then each unique combination of the columns in `by` will
#' be assigned a unique group. If `by` is not specified, then all rows
#' will be assigned to the same group.
#' @param obs A `data.table` or `data.frame` without a `.group` column.
#' @param by A character vector of column names to group by. Defaults to
#' an empty vector.
#' @param copy A logical; make a copy (default) of `obs` or modify it in
#' place?
#' @return A `data.table` with a `.group` column added ordered by `.group`
#' and the existing key of `obs`.
#' @family preprocess
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obs <- data.frame(x = 1:3, y = 1:3)
#' enw_assign_group(obs)
#' enw_assign_group(obs, by = "x")
enw_assign_group <- function(obs, by = NULL, copy = TRUE) {
  obs <- coerce_dt( # must have by (if present), cannot initially have .group
    required_cols = by, forbidden_cols = ".group",
    group = (length(by) == 0), # ... but should add .group, if by is empty
    copy = copy
  if (length(by) != 0) { # if by is not empty, add more complex .group
    obs[, .group := .GRP, by = by]
  # update or set key to include .group
  data.table::setkeyv(obs, union(".group", data.table::key(obs)))

#' @title Add a delay variable to the observations
#' @description This helper function takes a `data.frame` or `data.table` of
#' observations and adds the delay (numeric, in days) between `reference_date`
#' and `report_date` for each observation.
#' @return A `data.table` of observations with a new column `delay`.
#' @inheritParams enw_cumulative_to_incidence
#' @inheritParams enw_add_incidence
#' @inheritParams get_internal_timestep
#' @family preprocess
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obs <- data.frame(report_date = as.Date("2021-01-01") + -2:0)
#' obs$reference_date <- as.Date("2021-01-01")
#' enw_add_delay(obs)
enw_add_delay <- function(obs, timestep = "day", copy = TRUE) {
  obs <- coerce_dt(obs, dates = TRUE, copy = copy)
  internal_timestep <- get_internal_timestep(timestep)
  obs[, delay := as.numeric(report_date - reference_date) / internal_timestep]

#' @title Add the maximum number of reported cases for each `reference_date`
#' @description This is a helper function which adds the maximum (in the sense
#' of latest observed) number of reported cases for each reference_date and
#' computes the proportion of already reported cases for each combination of
#' reference_date and report_date.
#' @return A data.table with new columns `max_confirm` and `cum_prop_reported`.
#' `max_confirm` is the maximum number of cases reported for a certain
#' reference_date. `cum_prop_reported` is the proportion of cases for a certain
#' reference_date that are reported until a given report_day, relative to all
#' cases so far observed for this reference_date.
#' @inheritParams enw_add_incidence
#' @inheritParams enw_latest_data
#' @family preprocess
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obs <- data.frame(report_date = as.Date("2021-01-01") + 0:2)
#' obs$reference_date <- as.Date("2021-01-01")
#' obs$confirm <- 1:3
#' enw_add_max_reported(obs)
enw_add_max_reported <- function(obs, copy = TRUE) {
  obs <- coerce_dt(
    required_cols = "confirm", group = TRUE, dates = TRUE, copy = copy
  orig_latest <- enw_latest_data(obs)
  orig_latest <- orig_latest[
    .(reference_date, .group, max_confirm = confirm)
  if ("max_confirm" %in% colnames(obs)) {
    obs[, max_confirm := NULL]
  obs <- orig_latest[obs, on = c("reference_date", ".group")]
  obs[is.na(reference_date), max_confirm := confirm]
  obs[, cum_prop_reported := confirm / max_confirm]
  setcolorder(obs, c("reference_date", "report_date", ".group"))

#' Filter by report dates
#' @description This is a helper function which allows users to create
#' truncated data sets at past time points from a given larger data set.
#' This is useful when evaluating nowcast performance against fully
#' observed data. Users may wish to combine this function with
#' [enw_filter_reference_dates()].
#' @param obs A `data.frame` with a `report_date` column.
#' @param latest_date Date, the latest report date to include in the
#' returned dataset.
#' @param remove_days Integer, if `latest_date` is not given, the number
#' of report dates to remove, starting from the latest date included.
#' @param obs A `data.frame`; must have `report_date` and `reference_date`
#' columns.
#' @return A data.table  filtered by report date
#' @family preprocess
#' @importFrom cli cli_abort
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Filter by date
#' enw_filter_report_dates(germany_covid19_hosp, latest_date = "2021-09-01")
#' # Filter by days
#' enw_filter_report_dates(germany_covid19_hosp, remove_days = 10)
enw_filter_report_dates <- function(obs, latest_date, remove_days) {
  if (!xor(missing(remove_days), missing(latest_date))) {
      "exactly one of `remove_days` and `latest_date` must be specified."
  filt_obs <- coerce_dt(obs, dates = TRUE)
  if (missing(latest_date)) {
    latest_date <- max(filt_obs$report_date) - remove_days
  filt_obs <- filt_obs[report_date <= as.Date(latest_date)]

#' Filter by reference dates
#' @description This is a helper function which allows users to filter datasets
#' by reference date. This is useful, for example, when evaluating nowcast
#' performance against fully observed data. Users may wish to combine this
#' function with [enw_filter_report_dates()]. Note that by definition it is
#' assumed that report dates must be equal or greater than the corresponding
#' reference date (i.e a report cannot happen before the event being reported
#' occurs). This means that this function will also filter out any report dates
#' that are earlier than their corresponding reference date.
#' @param obs A `data.frame`; must have `report_date` and `reference_date`
#' columns.
#' @param earliest_date earliest reference date to include in the data set
#' @param include_days if `earliest_date` is not given, the number
#' of reference dates to include, ending with the latest reference
#' date included (determined by `latest_date` or `remove_days`).
#' @param latest_date Date, the latest reference date to include in the
#' returned dataset.
#' @param remove_days Integer, if `latest_date` is not given, the number
#' of reference dates to remove, starting from the latest date included.
#' @return A `data.table` filtered by report date
#' @family preprocess
#' @importFrom cli cli_abort
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Filter by date
#' enw_filter_reference_dates(
#'   germany_covid19_hosp,
#'   earliest_date = "2021-09-01",
#'   latest_date = "2021-10-01"
#' )
#' #
#' # Filter by days
#' enw_filter_reference_dates(
#'   germany_covid19_hosp,
#'   include_days = 10, remove_days = 10
#' )
enw_filter_reference_dates <- function(obs, earliest_date, include_days,
                                       latest_date, remove_days) {
  filt_obs <- coerce_dt(obs, dates = TRUE)
  if (!missing(remove_days)) {
    if (!missing(latest_date)) {
      cli::cli_abort("`remove_days` and `latest_date` can't both be specified.")
    latest_date <- max(filt_obs$reference_date, na.rm = TRUE) - remove_days
  if (!missing(remove_days) || !missing(latest_date)) {
    filt_obs <- filt_obs[
      reference_date <= as.Date(latest_date) | is.na(reference_date)
  if (!missing(include_days)) {
    if (!missing(earliest_date)) {
        "`include_days` and `earliest_date` can't both be specified."
    earliest_date <- max(filt_obs$reference_date, na.rm = TRUE) - include_days
  if (!missing(include_days) || !missing(earliest_date)) {
    filt_obs <- filt_obs[
      reference_date >= as.Date(earliest_date) | is.na(reference_date)
      report_date >= as.Date(earliest_date)

#' Filter observations to the latest available reported
#' @description Filter observations for the latest available reported
#' data for each reference date. Note this is not the same as filtering
#' for the maximum report date in all cases as data may only be updated
#' up to some maximum number of days.
#' @return A `data.table` of observations filtered for the latest available data
#' for each reference date.
#' @param obs A `data.frame`; must have `report_date` and `reference_date`
#' columns.
#' @family preprocess
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Filter for latest reported data
#' enw_latest_data(germany_covid19_hosp)
enw_latest_data <- function(obs) {
  latest_data <- coerce_dt(obs, dates = TRUE)

  latest_data <- latest_data[,
    .SD[report_date == (max(report_date)) & !is.na(reference_date)],
    by = "reference_date"

#' Filter observations to restrict the maximum reporting delay
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @return A `data.frame` filtered so that dates by report are less than or
#' equal the reference date plus the maximum delay.
#' @inheritParams enw_filter_delay
#' @inheritParams enw_add_incidence
#' @inheritParams enw_preprocess_data
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecate_stop
#' @family preprocess
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
enw_filter_delay <- function(obs, max_delay, timestep = "day") {
    when = "0.2.3",
    what = "enw_delay_filter()",
    with = "enw_filter_delay()",
    details = "Please file an issue if deprecating this \
      function has caused any issues."
  return(enw_filter_delay(obs, max_delay, timestep))

#' Filter observations to have a consistent maximum delay period
#' @param max_delay The maximum number of days to model in the delay
#' distribution. Must be an integer greater than or equal to 1. Observations
#' with delays larger then the maximum delay will be dropped. If the specified
#' maximum delay is too short, nowcasts can be biased as important parts of the
#' true delay distribution are cut off. At the same time, computational cost
#' scales non-linearly with this setting, so you want the maximum delay to be as
#' long as necessary, but not much longer. Consider what delays are realistic
#' for your application, and when in doubt, check if increasing the maximum
#' delay noticeably changes the delay distribution or nowcasts as estimated by
#' epinowcast. If it does, your maximum delay may still be too short.
#' Note that delays are zero indexed and so include the reference date and
#' `max_delay - 1` other days (i.e. a `max_delay` of 1 corresponds to
#' no delay). You can use [check_max_delay()] to check the coverage of a delay
#' distribution for different maximum delays.
#' @return A `data.frame` filtered so that dates by report are less than or
#' equal the reference date plus the maximum delay.
#' @inheritParams enw_filter_delay
#' @inheritParams enw_add_incidence
#' @inheritParams enw_preprocess_data
#' @family preprocess
#' @importFrom cli cli_warn
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obs <- enw_example("preprocessed")$obs[[1]]
#' enw_filter_delay(obs, max_delay = 2)
enw_filter_delay <- function(obs, max_delay, timestep = "day") {
  obs <- coerce_dt(obs, required_cols = "reference_date", group = TRUE)
  internal_timestep <- get_internal_timestep(timestep)
  daily_max_delay <- internal_timestep * max_delay
  obs <- obs[,
      report_date <= (reference_date + daily_max_delay - 1) |
    by = c("reference_date", ".group")

#' Construct the reporting triangle
#' Constructs the reporting triangle with each row representing a reference date
#' and columns being observations by report date
#' @param obs A `data.frame` as produced by [enw_add_incidence()].
#' Must contain the following variables: `reference_date`, `.group`, `delay`.
#' @return A `data.frame` with each row being a reference date, and columns
#' being observations by reporting delay.
#' @family preprocess
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table dcast setorderv
#' @importFrom cli cli_warn
#' @examples
#' obs <- enw_example("preprocessed")$new_confirm
#' enw_reporting_triangle(obs)
enw_reporting_triangle <- function(obs) {
  obs <- coerce_dt(
    required_cols = c("new_confirm", "reference_date", "delay"),
    group = TRUE
  if (any(obs$new_confirm < 0)) {
        "Negative new confirmed cases found. ",
        "This is not yet supported in epinowcast."
  reports <- data.table::dcast(
    obs, .group + reference_date ~ delay,
    value.var = "new_confirm", fill = 0
  data.table::setkeyv(reports, c(".group", "reference_date"))

#' Recast the reporting triangle from wide to long format
#' @param obs A `data.frame` in the format produced by
#' [enw_reporting_triangle()].
#' @return A long format reporting triangle as a `data.frame` with additional
#' variables `new_confirm` and `delay`.
#' @family preprocess
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table melt setorderv
#' @examples
#' obs <- enw_example("preprocessed")$new_confirm
#' rt <- enw_reporting_triangle(obs)
#' enw_reporting_triangle_to_long(rt)
enw_reporting_triangle_to_long <- function(obs) {
  obs <- coerce_dt(obs, required_cols = "reference_date", group = TRUE)
  reports_long <- data.table::melt(
    id.vars = c("reference_date", ".group"),
    variable.name = "delay", value.name = "new_confirm"
  data.table::setkeyv(reports_long, c(".group", "reference_date", "delay"))

#' Flag observed observations
#' @description Flags observations based on the 'confirm' column.
#' If the '.observed' column does not exist, it is created. Observations are
#' flagged as observed (`TRUE`) if 'confirm' is not NA.
#' @param obs A `data.frame` with at least a have `confirm` column.
#' @return A `data.table` with an additional column '.observed' indicating
#' observed observations.
#' @inheritParams enw_filter_delay
#' @inheritParams enw_preprocess_data
#' @family preprocess
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dt <- data.frame(id = 1:3, confirm = c(NA, 1, 2))
#' enw_flag_observed_observations(dt)
enw_flag_observed_observations <- function(obs, copy = TRUE) {
  obs <- coerce_dt(obs, required_cols = "confirm", copy = copy)
  if (is.null(obs[[".observed"]])) {
    obs[, .observed := !is.na(confirm)]
  }else {
    obs[, .observed := .observed & !is.na(confirm)]

#' Impute NA observations
#' @description Imputes NA values in the 'confirm' column.
#' NA values are replaced with the last available observation or 0.
#' @param obs A `data.frame` with at least 'confirm' and 'reference_date'
#' columns.
#' @param by A character vector of column names to group by. Defaults to
#' an empty vector.
#' @return A `data.table` with imputed 'confirm' column where NA values have
#' been replaced with zero.
#' @inheritParams enw_filter_delay
#' @inheritParams enw_preprocess_data
#' @family preprocess
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dt <- data.frame(
#'  id = 1:3, confirm = c(NA, 1, 2),
#'  reference_date = as.Date("2021-01-01")
#' )
#' enw_impute_na_observations(dt)
enw_impute_na_observations <- function(obs, by = NULL, copy = TRUE) {
  obs <- coerce_dt(
    obs, required_cols = c("confirm", "reference_date", by),
    copy = copy
  data.table::setkeyv(obs, c(data.table::key(obs), "reference_date"))
    # impute missing as last available observation or 0
    confirm := nafill(nafill(confirm, "locf"), fill = 0),
    by = c("reference_date", by)

#' Complete missing reference and report dates
#' Ensures that all reference and report dates are present for
#' all groups based on the maximum and minimum dates found in the data.
#' This function may be of use to users when preprocessing their data. In
#' general all features that you may consider using as grouping variables
#' or as covariates need to be included in the `by` variable.
#' @param min_date The minimum date to include in the data. Defaults to the
#' minimum reference date found in the data.
#' @param max_date The maximum date to include in the data. Defaults to the
#' maximum report date found in the data.
#' @param missing_reference Logical, should entries for cases with missing
#' reference date be completed as well?, Default: TRUE
#' @param completion_beyond_max_report Logical, should entries be completed
#' beyond the maximum date found in the data? Default: FALSE
#' @param flag_observation Logical, should observations that have been
#' imputed as missing be flagged as not observed?. Makes use of
#' [enw_flag_observed_observations()] to add a `.observed` logical vector
#' which indicates if observations have been imputed. This vector can
#' then be passed to the `observation_indicator` argument of [enw_obs()] to
#' control if these observations are used in the likelihood. Default: FALSE
#' @inheritParams get_internal_timestep
#' @return A `data.table` with completed entries for all combinations of
#' reference dates, groups and possible report dates.
#' @inheritParams enw_filter_delay
#' @inheritParams enw_preprocess_data
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table CJ
#' @family preprocess
#' @examples
#' obs <- data.frame(
#'   report_date = c("2021-10-01", "2021-10-03"), reference_date = "2021-10-01",
#'   confirm = 1
#' )
#' enw_complete_dates(obs)
#' # Allow completion beyond the maximum date found in the data
#' enw_complete_dates(obs, completion_beyond_max_report = TRUE, max_delay = 10)
enw_complete_dates <- function(obs, by = NULL, max_delay,
                               min_date = min(obs$reference_date, na.rm = TRUE),
                               max_date = max(obs$report_date, na.rm = TRUE),
                               timestep = "day", missing_reference = TRUE,
                               completion_beyond_max_report = FALSE,
                               flag_observation = FALSE) {
  obs <- coerce_dt(obs, dates = TRUE)

  if (missing(max_delay)) {
    max_delay <- as.numeric(as.IDate(max_date) - as.IDate(min_date))
  internal_timestep <- get_internal_timestep(timestep)

  dates <- seq.Date(
    as.IDate(min_date), as.IDate(max_date), by = internal_timestep
  dates <- as.IDate(dates)

  obs <- enw_assign_group(obs, by = by, copy = FALSE)

  by_with_group_id <- c(".group", by) # nolint: object_usage_linter
  groups <- unique(obs[, ..by_with_group_id])

  completion <- data.table::CJ(
    reference_date = dates,
    .group = groups$.group,
    report_date = 0:max_delay
  completion <- completion[,
    report_date := reference_date + report_date * internal_timestep
  if (!completion_beyond_max_report) {
    completion <- completion[report_date <= max_date]

  if (missing_reference) {
    completion <- rbind(
        reference_date = as.IDate(NA),
        .group = groups$.group,
        report_date = dates
  # join completion with groups and original obs
  completion <- completion[groups, on = ".group"]
  obs <- obs[completion, on = c(names(groups), "reference_date", "report_date")]
  # flag observations that have been imputed as missing
  # also flag NA values in the original data as missing
  if (isTRUE(flag_observation)) {
    obs <- enw_flag_observed_observations(obs, copy = FALSE)

  # impute missing as last available observation or 0
  obs <- enw_impute_na_observations(obs, by = ".group", copy = FALSE)

  check_timestep_by_date(obs, timestep = timestep, exact = TRUE)
  obs[, .group := NULL]
  data.table::setkeyv(obs, c(by, "reference_date", "report_date"))
  data.table::setcolorder(obs, c(by, "report_date", "reference_date"))

#' Extract reports with missing reference dates
#' Returns reports with missing reference dates as well as calculating
#' the proportion of reports for a given reference date that were missing.
#' @param obs A `data.frame` as produced by [enw_add_incidence()].
#' Must contain the following variables: `report_date`, `reference_date`,
#' `.group`, and `confirm`, and `new_confirm`.
#' @return A `data.table` of missing counts and proportions by report date and
#' group.
#' @export
#' @family preprocess
#' @examples
#' obs <- data.frame(
#'   report_date = c("2021-10-01", "2021-10-03"), reference_date = "2021-10-01",
#'   confirm = 1
#' )
#' obs <- rbind(
#'   obs,
#'   data.frame(report_date = "2021-10-04", reference_date = NA, confirm = 4)
#' )
#' obs <- enw_complete_dates(obs)
#' obs <- enw_assign_group(obs)
#' obs <- enw_add_incidence(obs)
#' enw_missing_reference(obs)
enw_missing_reference <- function(obs) {
  obs <- coerce_dt(
    required_cols = "new_confirm", group = TRUE, dates = TRUE
  ref_avail <- obs[!is.na(reference_date)]
  ref_avail <- ref_avail[,
    .(.confirm_avail = sum(new_confirm)),
    by = c("report_date", ".group")

  ref_missing <- obs[is.na(reference_date)]
  cols <- intersect(
      "delay", "reference_date", "max_confirm", "cum_prop_reported",
      "prop_reported", "new_confirm"
    ), colnames(ref_missing)
  ref_missing[, (cols) := NULL]
  ref_missing <- ref_avail[ref_missing, on = c(".group", "report_date")]
  ref_missing[, prop_missing := confirm / (confirm + .confirm_avail)]
  ref_missing[, .confirm_avail := NULL]
  data.table::setkeyv(ref_missing, c(".group", "report_date"))

#' Calculate reporting delay metadata for a given maximum delay
#' Calculate delay metadata based on the supplied maximum delay and independent
#' of other metadata or date indexing. These data are meant to be used in
#' conjunction with metadata on the date of reference. Users can build
#' additional features with this  `data.frame`  or regenerate it using this
#' function in the output of [`enw_preprocess_data()`].
#' @param breaks Numeric, defaults to 4. The number of breaks to use when
#' constructing a categorised version of numeric delays.
#' @inheritParams get_internal_timestep
#' @return A  `data.frame`  of delay metadata. This includes:
#'  - `delay`: The numeric delay from reference date to report.
#'  - `delay_cat`: The categorised delay. This may be useful for model building.
#'  - `delay_week`: The numeric week since the delay was reported. This again
#'  may be useful for model building.
#'  - `delay_head`: A logical variable defining if the delay is in the lower
#'  25% of the potential delays. This may be particularly useful when building
#'  models that assume a parametric distribution in order to increase the weight
#'  of the head of the reporting distribution in a pragmatic way.
#'  - `delay_tail`: A logical variable defining if the delay is in the upper
#'  75% of the potential delays. This may be particularly useful when building
#'  models that assume a parametric distribution in order to increase the weight
#'  of the tail of the reporting distribution in a pragmatic way.
#' @inheritParams enw_filter_delay
#' @inheritParams enw_preprocess_data
#' @family preprocess
#' @export
#' @examples
#' enw_metadata_delay(max_delay = 20, breaks = 4)
enw_metadata_delay <- function(max_delay = 20, breaks = 4, timestep = "day") {
  delays <- data.table::data.table(delay = 0:(max_delay - 1))
  even_delay <- max_delay + max_delay %% 2
  internal_timestep <- get_internal_timestep(timestep)
  delays <- delays[, `:=`(
    delay = delay,
    delay_cat = cut(
      delay, seq(
        from = 0, to = ceiling(even_delay / breaks) * breaks,
        by = ceiling(even_delay / breaks)
      dig.lab = 0, right = FALSE
    delay_week = as.integer((delay * internal_timestep) / 7),
    delay_head = delay < quantile(delay, probs = 0.25),
    delay_tail = delay > quantile(delay, probs = 0.75)

#' Calculate reporting delay metadata for a given maximum delay
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge('deprecated')`
#' @description Calculate delay metadata based on the supplied maximum delay and
#'   independent of other metadata or date indexing. These data are meant to be
#'   used in conjunction with metadata on the date of reference. Users can build
#'   additional features this  `data.frame`  or regenerate it using this
#'   function in the output of `enw_preprocess_data()`.
#'   `enw_delay_metadata()` was renamed to [`enw_metadata_delay()`] for better
#'   consistency.
#' @return A  `data.frame`  of delay metadata. This includes:
#'  - `delay`: The numeric delay from reference date to report.
#'  - `delay_cat`: The categorised delay. This may be useful for model building.
#'  - `delay_week`: The numeric week since the delay was reported. This again
#'   may be useful for model building.
#'  - `delay_tail`: A logical variable defining if the delay is in the upper
#'   75% of the potential delays. This may be particularly useful when building
#'   models that assume a parametric distribution in order to increase the
#'   weight of the tail of the reporting distribution in a pragmatic way.
#' @inheritParams enw_metadata_delay
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' enw_delay_metadata(max_delay = 20, breaks = 4)
enw_delay_metadata <- function(max_delay = 20, breaks = 4) {
    "0.2.3", "enw_delay_metadata()", "enw_metadata_delay()"
  return(enw_metadata_delay(max_delay, breaks))

#' Construct preprocessed data
#' This function is used internally by [enw_preprocess_data()] to combine
#' various pieces of processed observed data into a single object. It
#' is exposed to the user in order to allow for modular data preprocessing
#' though this is not currently recommended. See documentation and code
#' of [enw_preprocess_data()] for more on the expected inputs.
#' @param obs Observations with the addition of empirical reporting proportions
#'  and and restricted to the specified maximum delay.
#' @param new_confirm Incidence of notifications by reference and report date.
#' Empirical reporting distributions are also added.
#' @param latest The latest available observations.
#' @param missing_reference A `data.frame` of reported observations that are
#' missing the reference date.
#' @param reporting_triangle Incident observations by report and reference
#'  date in the standard reporting triangle matrix format.
#' @param metareference Metadata reference dates derived from observations.
#' @param metareport Metadata for report dates.
#' @param metadelay Metadata for reporting delays produced using
#'  [enw_metadata_delay()].
#' @param max_delay Maximum delay to be modelled by epinowcast.
#' @inheritParams enw_filter_delay
#' @inheritParams enw_preprocess_data
#' @inherit enw_preprocess_data return
#' @family preprocess
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pobs <- enw_example("preprocessed")
#' enw_construct_data(
#'   obs = pobs$obs[[1]],
#'   new_confirm = pobs$new_confirm[[1]],
#'   latest = pobs$latest[[1]],
#'   missing_reference = pobs$missing_reference[[1]],
#'   reporting_triangle = pobs$reporting_triangle[[1]],
#'   metareport = pobs$metareport[[1]],
#'   metareference = pobs$metareference[[1]],
#'   metadelay = pobs$metadelay[[1]],
#'   max_delay = pobs$max_delay,
#'   timestep = pobs$timestep[[1]],
#'   by = c()
#' )
enw_construct_data <- function(obs, new_confirm, latest, missing_reference,
                               reporting_triangle, metareport, metareference,
                               metadelay, max_delay, timestep, by) {
  out <- data.table::data.table(
    obs = list(obs),
    new_confirm = list(new_confirm),
    latest = list(latest),
    missing_reference = list(missing_reference),
    reporting_triangle = list(reporting_triangle),
    metareference = list(metareference),
    metareport = list(metareport),
    metadelay = list(metadelay),
    max_delay = max_delay,
    time = nrow(latest[.group == 1]),
    snapshots = nrow(
      unique(obs[!is.na(reference_date)][, .(.group, reference_date)])
    by = list(by),
    groups = length(unique(obs$.group)),
    max_date = max(obs$report_date),
    timestep = timestep
  class(out) <- c("enw_preprocess_data", class(out))

#' Preprocess observations
#' This function preprocesses raw observations under the
#' assumption they are reported as cumulative counts by a reference and
#' report date and is used to assign groups. It also constructs data objects
#' used by visualisation and modelling functions including the
#' observed empirical probability of a report on a given day, the cumulative
#' probability of report, the latest available observations, incidence of
#' observations, and metadata about the date of reference and report (used to
#' construct models). This function wraps other preprocessing functions that may
#' be instead used individually if required. Note that internally reports
#' beyond the user specified delay are dropped for modelling purposes with the
#' `cum_prop_reported` and `max_confirm` variables allowing the user to check
#' the impact this may have (if `cum_prop_reported` is significantly below 1 a
#' longer `max_delay` may be appropriate). Also note that if missing reference
#' or report dates are suspected to occur in your data then these need to be
#' completed with [enw_complete_dates()].
#' @param obs A `data.frame` containing at least the following variables:
#' `reference_date` (index date of interest), `report_date` (report date for
#' observations), `confirm` (cumulative observations by reference and report
#' date).
#' @param by A character vector describing the stratification of
#' observations. This defaults to no grouping. This should be used
#' when modelling multiple time series in order to identify them for
#' downstream modelling
#' @param max_delay The maximum number of days to model in the delay
#' distribution. If not specified the maximum observed delay is assumed to be
#' the true maximum delay in the model. Otherwise, an integer greater than or
#' equal to 1 can be specified. Observations with delays larger then the maximum
#' delay will be dropped. If the specified maximum delay is too short, nowcasts
#' can be biased as important parts of the true delay distribution are cut off.
#' At the same time, computational cost scales non-linearly with this setting,
#' so you want the maximum delay to be as long as necessary, but not much
#' longer.
#' Steps to take to determine the maximum delay:
#' - Consider what is realistic and relevant for your application.
#' - Check the proportion of observations reported (`prop_reported`)
#'  by delay in the `new_confirm` output of `enw_preprocess_obs`.
#' - Use [check_max_delay()] to check the coverage of a candidate `max_delay`.
#' - If in doubt, check if increasing the maximum delay noticeably changes the
#' delay distribution or nowcasts as estimated by `epinowcast`. If it does,
#' your maximum delay may still be too short.
#' Note that delays are zero indexed and so include the reference date and
#' `max_delay - 1` other days (i.e. a `max_delay` of 1 corresponds to
#' no delay).
#' @param timestep The timestep to used in the process model (i.e. the
#' reference date model). This can be a string ("day", "week", "month") or a
#' numeric whole number representing the number of days. If your data does not
#' have this timestep then you may wish to make use of
#' [enw_aggregate_cumulative()] to aggregate your data to the desired timestep.
#' @param ... Other arguments to [enw_add_metaobs_features()],
#'   e.g. `holidays`, which sets commonly used metadata
#'   (e.g. day of week, days since start of time series)
#' @param copy A logical; if `TRUE` (the default) creates a copy; otherwise,
#' modifies `obs` in place.
#' @inheritParams get_internal_timestep
#' @details If `max_delay` is numeric, it will be internally coerced to integer
#' using [as.integer()]).
#' @return A data.table containing processed observations as a series of nested
#' data.frames as well as variables containing metadata. These are:
#'  - `obs`: (observations with the addition of empirical reporting proportions
#'  and restricted to the specified maximum delay).
#' - `new_confirm`: Incidence of notifications by reference and report date.
#' Empirical reporting distributions are also added.
#' - `latest`: The latest available observations.
#' - `missing_reference`: Observations missing reference dates.
#' - `reporting_triangle`: Incident observations by report and reference date in
#' the standard reporting triangle matrix format.
#' - `metareference`: Metadata reference dates derived from observations.
#' - `metrareport`: Metadata for report dates.
#' - `metadelay`: Metadata for reporting delays produced using
#' [enw_metadata_delay()].
#' - `max_delay`: Maximum delay to be modelled by epinowcast.
#' - `time`: Numeric, number of timepoints in the data.
#' - `snapshots`: Numeric, number of available data snapshots to use for
#' nowcasting.
#' - `groups`: Numeric, Number of groups/strata in the supplied observations
#' (set using `by`).
#' - `max_date`: The maximum available report date.
#' @family preprocess
#' @inheritParams enw_add_incidence
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom cli cli_abort
#' @examples
#' library(data.table)
#' # Filter example hospitalisation data to be national and over all ages
#' nat_germany_hosp <- germany_covid19_hosp[location == "DE"]
#' nat_germany_hosp <- nat_germany_hosp[age_group == "00+"]
#' # Preprocess with default settings
#' pobs <- enw_preprocess_data(nat_germany_hosp)
#' pobs
enw_preprocess_data <- function(obs, by = NULL, max_delay,
                                timestep = "day", set_negatives_to_zero = TRUE,
                                ..., copy = TRUE) {
  if (timestep == "month") {
        "Calendar months are not currently supported. Consider using an ",
        "approximate number of days (i.e. 28), a different timestep ",
        "(i.e.'week'), or commenting on issue #309. "
  internal_timestep <- get_internal_timestep(timestep)

  # coerce obs - at this point, either making a copy or not
  # after, we are modifying the copy/not copy
  obs <- coerce_dt(obs, dates = TRUE, copy = copy)
  data.table::setkeyv(obs, "reference_date")

  obs <- enw_assign_group(obs, by = by, copy = FALSE)
  check_timestep_by_date(obs, timestep = timestep, exact = TRUE)

  obs <- enw_add_max_reported(obs, copy = FALSE)
  obs <- enw_add_delay(obs, timestep = timestep, copy = FALSE)

  # max delay
  if (missing(max_delay)) {
    max_delay <- obs[, max(delay, na.rm = TRUE)] + 1
          "Using the maximum observed delay of ", max_delay * internal_timestep,
          " days. You may want to specify a shorter (or, in special cases, ",
          "longer) maximum delay via the `max_delay` argument. See {.help ",
          "[help(enw_preprocess_data)](epinowcast::enw_preprocess_data)} ",
          "for details."
  if (!is.numeric(max_delay) || round(max_delay) != max_delay) {
    cli::cli_abort("`max_delay` must be an integer and not NA")
  if (max_delay < 1) {
    cli::cli_abort("`max_delay` must be greater than or equal to one")
  orig_scale_max_delay <- max_delay
  max_delay <- max_delay * internal_timestep

  # filter by the maximum delay modelled
  obs <- enw_filter_delay(
    obs, max_delay = orig_scale_max_delay, timestep = timestep

  diff_obs <- enw_add_incidence(
    set_negatives_to_zero = set_negatives_to_zero, by = by

  # filter obs based on diff constraints
  obs <- merge(
    obs, diff_obs[, .(reference_date, report_date, .group)],
    by = c("reference_date", "report_date", ".group")

  # update grouping in case any are now missing
  setnames(obs, ".group", ".old_group")
  obs <- enw_assign_group(obs, by)

  # update diff data groups using updated groups
  diff_obs <- merge(
      .(reference_date, report_date, .new_group = .group, .group = .old_group)
    by = c("reference_date", "report_date", ".group")
  diff_obs[, .group := .new_group][, .new_group := NULL]
  obs[, .old_group := NULL]

  # separate obs with and without missing reference date
  reference_available <- diff_obs[!is.na(reference_date)]
  reference_missing <- enw_missing_reference(diff_obs)

  # calculate reporting matrix on obs with available reference date
  reporting_triangle <- enw_reporting_triangle(reference_available)

  # extract latest data
  latest <- enw_latest_data(reference_available)
  latest[, new_confirm := NULL]

  # extract and extend report date meta data to include unobserved reports
  metareport <- enw_metadata(reference_available, target_date = "report_date")
  metareport <- enw_extend_date(
    days = max_delay - 1, direction = "end", timestep = timestep
  metareport <- enw_add_metaobs_features(metareport, ...)

  # extract and add features for reference date
  metareference <- enw_metadata(
    target_date = "reference_date"
  metareference <- enw_add_metaobs_features(metareference, ...)

  # extract and add features for delays
  metadelay <- enw_metadata_delay(
    orig_scale_max_delay, breaks = 4, timestep = timestep

  out <- enw_construct_data(
    obs = obs,
    new_confirm = reference_available,
    missing_reference = reference_missing,
    latest = latest,
    reporting_triangle = reporting_triangle,
    metareference = metareference,
    metareport = metareport,
    metadelay = metadelay,
    max_delay = orig_scale_max_delay,
    by = by,
    timestep = timestep

  # apply checks
  check_max_delay(out[], warn = TRUE, warn_internal = TRUE)

seabbs/epinowcast documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 2:39 a.m.