
Defines functions findIT_MARA findIT_enrichFisher findIT_enrichWilcox findIT_TFHit findIT_TTPair findIT_regionRP

Documented in findIT_enrichFisher findIT_enrichWilcox findIT_MARA findIT_regionRP findIT_TFHit findIT_TTPair

    "TF", "target_gene", "num_TFHit_bg",
    "num_TFHit_inputGene", "num_topLeft", "num_bottomLeft",
    "num_topRight", "num_TFHit_input", "inputRatio",
    "bgRatio", "odds_ratio"
    "TF_id", "num_TFHit_bg", "num_topLeft", "num_bottomLeft",
    "num_topRight", "num_TFHit_inputFeature"
utils::globalVariables(c(".", "hit_N", "TF_score", "TF_score_sum"))

#' findI(nfluential)T(F)_regionRP
#' find Influential TF of your input gene set based on regulatory potential data and TF ChIP-Seq or
#' motif data
#' @importFrom stats t.test
#' @param regionRP the MultiAssayExperiment object from calcRP_region
#' @param Txdb Txdb
#' @param TF_GR_database TF peak GRange with a column named TF_id representing you TF name
#' @param input_genes a character vector which represent genes set
#' which you want to find influential TF for
#' @param background_genes a character vector which represent background genes set.
#' If you do not assign background gene , program will sample
#' background_number genes as background genes from all gene sets.
#' @param background_number background genes number
#' @param verbose whether you want to report detailed running message
#' @return a MultiAssayExperiment object containg detailed TF-percent and TF-pvalue
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (require(TxDb.Athaliana.BioMart.plantsmart28)) {
#'     data("ATAC_normCount")
#'     data("test_geneSet")
#'     Txdb <- TxDb.Athaliana.BioMart.plantsmart28
#'     seqlevels(Txdb) <- paste0("Chr", c(1:5, "M", "C"))
#'     peak_path <- system.file("extdata", "ATAC.bed.gz", package = "FindIT2")
#'     peak_GR <- loadPeakFile(peak_path)
#'     ChIP_peak_path <- system.file("extdata", "ChIP.bed.gz", package = "FindIT2")
#'     ChIP_peak_GR <- loadPeakFile(ChIP_peak_path)
#'     ChIP_peak_GR$TF_id <- "AT1G28300"
#'     mmAnno <- mm_geneScan(peak_GR, Txdb)
#'     regionRP <- calcRP_region(
#'         mmAnno = mmAnno,
#'         peakScoreMt = ATAC_normCount,
#'         Txdb = Txdb,
#'         Chrs_included = "Chr5"
#'     )
#'     set.seed(20160806)
#'     result_findIT_regionRP <- findIT_regionRP(
#'         regionRP = regionRP,
#'         Txdb = Txdb,
#'         TF_GR_database = ChIP_peak_GR,
#'         input_genes = test_geneSet,
#'         background_number = 3000
#'     )
#' }
findIT_regionRP <- function(regionRP,
                            background_genes = NULL,
                            background_number = 3000,
                            verbose = TRUE) {
    check_colnames("TF_id", TF_GR_database)

    Chrs_included <- S4Vectors::metadata(regionRP)$Chrs_included
    input_genes <- as.character(unique(input_genes))

    # warning will appear firstly
    withr::local_options(list(warn = 1))
    all_geneSets <- GenomicFeatures::genes(Txdb)
    all_geneSets <- names(all_geneSets[GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(all_geneSets) %in% Chrs_included])

    if (mean(input_genes %in% all_geneSets) < 1) {
        dropN <- sum(!input_genes %in% all_geneSets)
        msg <- paste0(dropN, " input genes are not in your Txdb, I will filter these genes")
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
        input_genes <- input_genes[input_genes %in% all_geneSets]

    if (is.null(background_genes)) {
        background_pools <- all_geneSets[!all_geneSets %in% input_genes]
        # Do not use set.seed() in any internal code.
        # This seed is anniversary of me and Daisy :)
        # set.seed(20160806)
        background_genes <- sample(background_pools,size = background_number)

    } else if (mean(background_genes %in% all_geneSets) < 1) {
        dropN <- sum(!background_genes %in% all_geneSets)
        background_genes <- background_genes[background_genes %in% all_geneSets]
        msg <- paste0(
            " background genes are not in your Txdb, ",
            "I will filter these genes"
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)

    if (any(input_genes %in% background_genes)) {
        warning("your input and background have overlapping genes", call. = FALSE)

    if (verbose) {
        ">> extracting RP info from regionRP...\t\t",
        format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")

    fullRP_mt <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(regionRP)$fullRP
    fullRP_GR <- SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(MultiAssayExperiment::experiments(regionRP)[[1]])
    # pre-fill gene without peak with percent 0
    genes_twoSets <- c(input_genes, background_genes)
    TF_percent_fill <- data.frame(
        gene_id = genes_twoSets[!genes_twoSets %in% unique(fullRP_GR$gene_id)],
        percent = 0,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    peakGR_origin <- data.frame(fullRP_GR, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
        dplyr::select(c("seqnames", "start", "end", "width", "strand", "feature_id")) %>%
        dplyr::distinct(.keep_all = TRUE) %>%
        GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(keep.extra.columns = TRUE)

    if (verbose) {
        ">> dealing with TF_GR_databse...\t\t",
        format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")

    hits <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(TF_GR_database, peakGR_origin)

    # although some motif may hits more than one times in one peak
    # maintain these info is not useful for find IT based on percent

    # these info can be useful for MARA ridge analysis, but not here

    hits_df <- data.frame(
        TF_id = TF_GR_database$TF_id[queryHits(hits)],
        feature_id = peakGR_origin$feature_id[subjectHits(hits)],
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    ) %>%
        # dplyr::group_by(TF_id, feature_id) %>%
        # dplyr::summarise(hit_N = dplyr::n()) %>%
        # dplyr::mutate(hitN_norm = hit_N - sum(hit_N) / length(peakGR_origin)) %>%
        # dplyr::ungroup() -> hits_df
        dplyr::distinct(TF_id, feature_id, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%

    # select related feature_id to speed up below calculation
    input_related_feature <- subset(fullRP_GR, gene_id %in% genes_twoSets)$feature_id
    hits_df <- subset(hits_df, feature_id %in% input_related_feature)

    # select related fullRP_GR to speed up below calculation
    fullRP_GR_select <- subset(fullRP_GR, gene_id %in% genes_twoSets)
    mmAnno_peakGenePair <- S4Vectors::mcols(fullRP_GR_select)[, c("feature_id", "gene_id")]
    fullRP_mt_select <- fullRP_mt[names(fullRP_GR_select), ]

    all_TFs <- unique(TF_GR_database$TF_id)

    allSample_pvalue_list <- list()
    allSample_mean_list <- list()
    allSample_percent_list <- list()

    if (verbose) {
        ">> calculating percent and p-value...\t\t",
        format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")

    for (i in seq_len(dim(fullRP_mt)[2])) {
        sample_name <- colnames(fullRP_mt_select)[i]

        fullRP_mt_sample <- data.frame(
            RP = fullRP_mt_select[, sample_name],
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE

        if (verbose) {
            ">> dealing with", sample_name, "...\t\t",
            format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")

        pvalue_list <- list()
        mean_list <- list()
        percent_list <- list()
        pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = length(all_TFs))

        for (TF in all_TFs) {
            suppressMessages(TF_percent <- fullRP_mt_sample %>%
                dplyr::left_join(subset(hits_df, TF_id == TF)) %>%
                dplyr::mutate(TF_hit = dplyr::case_when(
                    is.na(TF_id) ~ 0,
                    TRUE ~ 1
                )) %>%
                dplyr::group_by(gene_id) %>%
                dplyr::summarise(percent = sum(TF_hit * RP) / sum(RP)) %>%

            TF_percent_input <- subset(TF_percent, gene_id %in% input_genes)
            # TF_percent_input$gene_type <- "input_genes"
            TF_percent_background <- subset(TF_percent, gene_id %in% background_genes)
            # TF_percent_background$gene_type <- "background_genes"

            # percent_list[[TF]] <- dplyr::bind_rows(
            #     TF_percent_input,
            #     TF_percent_background
            # )

            percent_list[[TF]] <- TF_percent_input

            input_percent <- TF_percent_input$percent
            background_percent <- TF_percent_background$percent

            mean_list[[TF]] <- mean(input_percent) - mean(background_percent)

            # maybe we should not use wilcox.test
            # https://github.com/AllenWLynch/lisa/issues/3
            # http://archive.bio.ed.ac.uk/jdeacon/statistics/tress4.html#Transformation%20of%20data
            # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55984490/arcsine-transformation-of-percentage-data
            # pvalue_list[[TF]] <- wilcox.test(input_percent,
            #                                  background_percent,
            #                                  alternative = "greater")$p.value

            # one side ? or two side ?
            pvalue_list[[TF]] <- t.test(
                alternative = "greater"

        percent_df <- lapply(names(percent_list), function(x) {
            data <- percent_list[[x]]
            data$TF_id <- x

        allSample_percent_list[[sample_name]] <- do.call(rbind, percent_df)

        allSample_mean_list[[sample_name]] <- unlist(mean_list)
        allSample_pvalue_list[[sample_name]] <- unlist(pvalue_list)

    if (verbose) {
        ">> merging all info together...\t\t",
        format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")

    allSample_pvalue_se <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(do.call(cbind, allSample_pvalue_list))
    allSample_mean_se <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(do.call(cbind, allSample_mean_list))

    allSample_percent_df <- lapply(names(allSample_percent_list), function(x) {
        data <- allSample_percent_list[[x]]
        data$sample <- x
    allSample_percent_df <- do.call(rbind, allSample_percent_df)

    final_result <- MultiAssayExperiment::MultiAssayExperiment(
            "TF_percentMean" = allSample_mean_se,
            "TF_pvalue" = allSample_pvalue_se

    S4Vectors::metadata(final_result)$percent_df <- allSample_percent_df
    S4Vectors::metadata(final_result)$hits_df <- hits_df

    if (verbose) {
        ">> done\t\t",
        format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")


#' findI(nfluential)T(F)_T(F)T(arget)Pair
#' find influential TF of your input gene set based on public TF-Target data
#' @importFrom stats fisher.test
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @param input_genes a character vector which represent genes set
#' which you want to find influential TF for
#' @param TF_target_database TF_target pair data with two column named TF_id and
#' target_gene
#' @param gene_background a character vector represent your bakcaground gene.
#' If you do not assign background gene, program will consider
#' all target gene as background
#' @param TFHit_min minimal size of target gene regulated by TF
#' @param TFHit_max maximal size of target gene regulated by TF
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("TF_target_database")
#' data("test_geneSet")
#' result_findIT_TTPair <- findIT_TTPair(
#'     input_genes = test_geneSet,
#'     TF_target_database = TF_target_database
#' )
findIT_TTPair <- function(input_genes,
                          gene_background = NULL,
                          TFHit_min = 5,
                          TFHit_max = 10000) {

    check_colnames(c("TF_id","target_gene"), TF_target_database)

    # input_genes and TF-target pair may have some overlap
    # some human gene maybe look like number, like 12340?
    input_genes <- as.character(unique(input_genes))

    if (is.null(gene_background)) {
        gene_background <- unique(TF_target_database$target_gene)

    # drop genes may not in your TF database
    # just like GO enrichment
    input_genes <- input_genes[input_genes %in% gene_background]

    num_gene_bg <- length(gene_background)
    num_gene_input <- length(input_genes)

    # some human gene maybe look like number, like 12340?
    TF_target_filter <- TF_target_database %>%
        dplyr::distinct(TF_id, target_gene,.keep_all = TRUE) %>%
            TF_id = as.character(TF_id),
            target_gene = as.character(target_gene)
        ) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(TF_id) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(num_TFHit_bg = dplyr::n()) %>%
            num_TFHit_bg > TFHit_min,
            num_TFHit_bg < TFHit_max
        ) %>%
        # this step can drop TF whose target is not in inputGenes
        dplyr::filter(target_gene %in% input_genes)

    if (nrow(TF_target_filter) == 0) {
        stop("sorry, your input genes is not in your target genes",
            call. = FALSE

    TFHit_summary <- TF_target_filter %>%
        dplyr::mutate(num_TFHit_inputGene = dplyr::n()) %>%
        dplyr::ungroup() %>%
        dplyr::select(TF_id, num_TFHit_bg, num_TFHit_inputGene) %>%
        dplyr::distinct(.keep_all = TRUE) %>%
        dplyr::rename(num_topLeft = num_TFHit_inputGene) %>%
        # N of TF Hit in inputGene
            num_bottomLeft = num_TFHit_bg - num_topLeft, # N of TF Hit in leftGene
            num_topRight = num_gene_input - num_topLeft, # N of TF not Hit in inputGene
            # N of TF not Hit in leftGene
            num_bottomRight = num_gene_bg - num_topLeft - num_bottomLeft - num_topRight

    # # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40093595/dplyr-group-by-and-convert-multiple-columns-to-a-vector
    # This TF_split list will be large object, for 1.7M TF-target, it will be 122.4MB
    # TF_target_database %>%
    # split(.$TF) %>%
    #   lapply(function(x){x$target_gene}) -> TF_split

    TF_fihserMt <- TFHit_summary[, -c(1:2)]
    TF_fisher_result <- tibble::tibble(
        TF_id = TFHit_summary$TF_id,
        pvalue = apply(TF_fihserMt, 1, function(x) {
            fisher.test(matrix(x, nrow = 2),alternative = "greater")$p.value
        odds_ratio = apply(TF_fihserMt, 1, function(x) {
            fisher.test(matrix(x, nrow = 2),alternative = "greater")$estimate
    ) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(pvalue = dplyr::case_when(
            pvalue > 1 ~ 1, # https://github.com/StoreyLab/qvalue/issues/7
            TRUE ~ pvalue

    # If qvalue error, maybe
    # https://github.com/YuLab-SMU/clusterProfiler/blob/97ddd55fb4aa131956e3323fda9e59cb43a6a8ec/R/enrichDAVID.R#L131-L132

    final_result <- suppressMessages(dplyr::inner_join(TFHit_summary,
                                                       TF_fisher_result)) %>%
            inputRatio = paste0(num_topLeft, "/", num_gene_input),
            bgRatio = paste0(num_TFHit_bg, "/", num_gene_bg),
            num_TFHit_input = num_topLeft
        ) %>%
        dplyr::select(TF_id, num_TFHit_input, inputRatio, bgRatio, pvalue, odds_ratio) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(padj = p.adjust(pvalue),
                      qvalue = calcQvalue(pvalue),
                      rank = rank(pvalue)) %>%


#' findI(nfluential)T(F)_TFHit
#' find influential TF of your input gene set based on TF ChIP-Seq or motif data
#' @importFrom stats wilcox.test
#' @param input_genes a character vector which represent genes set
#' which you want to find influential TF for
#' @param Txdb Txdb
#' @param TF_GR_database TF peak GRange with a column named TF_id representing you TF name
#' @param scan_dist scan distance
#' @param decay_dist decay distance
#' @param Chrs_included a character vector represent chromosomes
#' which you want to sample background genes from
#' @param background_genes a character vector which represent background genes set.
#' If you do not assign background gene , program will sample
#' background_number genes as background genes from all gene sets.
#' @param background_number background genes number
#' @param verbose whether you want to report detailed running message
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (require(TxDb.Athaliana.BioMart.plantsmart28)) {
#'     data("test_geneSet")
#'     Txdb <- TxDb.Athaliana.BioMart.plantsmart28
#'     seqlevels(Txdb) <- paste0("Chr", c(1:5, "M", "C"))
#'     ChIP_peak_path <- system.file("extdata", "ChIP.bed.gz", package = "FindIT2")
#'     ChIP_peak_GR <- loadPeakFile(ChIP_peak_path)
#'     ChIP_peak_GR$TF_id <- "AT1G28300"
#'     set.seed(20160806)
#'     result_findIT_TFHit <- findIT_TFHit(
#'         input_genes = test_geneSet,
#'         Txdb = Txdb,
#'         TF_GR_database = ChIP_peak_GR
#'     )
#' }
findIT_TFHit <- function(input_genes,
                         scan_dist = 2e4,
                         decay_dist = 1e3,
                         background_genes = NULL,
                         background_number = 3000,
                         verbose = TRUE) {

    input_genes <- as.character(unique(input_genes))
    check_colnames("TF_id", TF_GR_database)

    if (missing(Chrs_included)) {
        Chrs_included <- seqlevels(Txdb)

    # warning will appear firstly
    withr::local_options(list(warn = 1))

    if (verbose) {
        ">> preparing gene features information...\t\t",
        format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")

    gene_location <- GenomicFeatures::genes(Txdb)
    all_geneSets <- names(gene_location[GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(gene_location) %in% Chrs_included])

    if (mean(input_genes %in% all_geneSets) < 1) {
        dropN <- sum(!input_genes %in% all_geneSets)
        msg <- paste0(
            " input genes are not in your Txdb, I will filter these genes"
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
        input_genes <- input_genes[input_genes %in% all_geneSets]

    if (is.null(background_genes)) {
        background_pools <- all_geneSets[!all_geneSets %in% input_genes]
        background_genes <- sample(background_pools,size = background_number)

    } else if (mean(background_genes %in% all_geneSets) < 1) {
        dropN <- sum(!background_genes %in% all_geneSets)
        msg <- paste0(
            " background genes are not in your Txdb, ",
            "I will filter these genes"
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)

    if (any(input_genes %in% background_genes)) {
        warning("your input and background have overlapping genes", call. = FALSE)

    genes_twoSets <- c(input_genes, background_genes)
    # I just need peak located in gene_two sets, not all peaks
    gene_start <- GenomicRanges::resize(gene_location[genes_twoSets],
        width = 1, fix = "start"

    gene_promoter <- suppressWarnings(
            upstream = scan_dist,
            downstream = scan_dist

    if (all(is.na(seqinfo(Txdb)@seqlengths))) {
        warning("your chr length is not set, gene_promoter may cross bound",
            call. = FALSE
    } else {
        if (verbose) {
            ">> some scan range may cross Chr bound, trimming...\t\t",
            format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")

        gene_promoter <- GenomicRanges::trim(gene_promoter)

    TF_GR_list <- split(TF_GR_database, TF_GR_database$TF_id)

    if (verbose) {
        ">> calculating p-value for each TF, which may be time consuming...\t\t",
        format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")

    result <- purrr::map(names(TF_GR_list), function(x) {
        TF_GR <- TF_GR_list[[x]]
        overlapHits <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(gene_promoter, TF_GR)

        hit_genes <- gene_promoter[S4Vectors::queryHits(overlapHits)]$gene_id

        RP_fill <- data.frame(
            gene_id = genes_twoSets[!genes_twoSets %in% unique(hit_genes)],
            sumRP = 0

        hit_features_location <- TF_GR[S4Vectors::subjectHits(overlapHits)]

        centerToTSS <- GenomicRanges::distance(
            GenomicRanges::resize(hit_features_location, fix = "center", width = 1)

        RP <- 2^(-centerToTSS / decay_dist)

        RP_list <- data.frame(
            gene_id = hit_genes,
            RP = RP
        ) %>%
            dplyr::group_by(gene_id) %>%
            dplyr::summarise(sumRP = sum(RP)) %>%
            dplyr::bind_rows(RP_fill) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(gene_type = dplyr::case_when(
                gene_id %in% input_genes ~ "input_genes",
                TRUE ~ "bg_genes"
            )) %>%

        pvalue <- wilcox.test(RP_list[[2]]$sumRP,
            alternative = "greater"

        mean_value <- mean(RP_list[[2]]$sumRP) - mean(RP_list[[1]]$sumRP)

        return(c(mean_value, pvalue, length(TF_GR)))

    if (verbose) {
        ">> merging all info together...\t\t",
        format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")

    final_result <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(result), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))
    final_result <- tibble::tibble(final_result)
    colnames(final_result) <- c("mean_value", "pvalue", "TFPeak_number")

    final_result <- final_result %>%
        dplyr::mutate(TF_id = names(TF_GR_list),
                      pvalue = dplyr::case_when(
                          pvalue > 1 ~ 1,
                          TRUE ~ pvalue),
                      padj = p.adjust(pvalue),
                      qvalue = calcQvalue(pvalue),
                      rank = rank(pvalue)) %>%
        dplyr::select("TF_id", "mean_value", "TFPeak_number",
                      "pvalue", "padj", "qvalue",
                      "rank") %>%

    if (verbose) {
        ">> done\t\t",
        format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")


#' findIT_enrichWilcox
#' @param input_feature_id a character vector which represent peaks set
#' which you want to find influential TF for
#' @param peak_GR a GRange object represent your whole feature location with a
#' column named feature_id, which your input_feature_id should a part of it.
#' @param TF_GR_database TF peak GRange with a column named TF_id representing you TF name
#' @param background_peaks a character vector which represent background peak set.
#' If you do not assign background peaks, program will sample
#' background_number peaks as background peaks from all feature_id in your peak_GR
#' @param background_number background peaks number
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("test_featureSet")
#' peak_path <- system.file("extdata", "ATAC.bed.gz", package = "FindIT2")
#' peak_GR <- loadPeakFile(peak_path)
#' ChIP_peak_path <- system.file("extdata", "ChIP.bed.gz", package = "FindIT2")
#' ChIP_peak_GR <- loadPeakFile(ChIP_peak_path)
#' ChIP_peak_GR$TF_id <- "AT1G28300"
#' result_findIT_enrichWilcox <- findIT_enrichWilcox(
#'     input_feature_id = test_featureSet,
#'     peak_GR = peak_GR,
#'     TF_GR_database = ChIP_peak_GR
#' )
findIT_enrichWilcox <- function(input_feature_id,
                                background_peaks = NULL,
                                background_number = 3000) {

    check_colnames("feature_id", peak_GR)
    check_colnames("TF_id", TF_GR_database)

    input_feature_id <- unique(input_feature_id)
    all_feature_id <- unique(peak_GR$feature_id)

    if ( mean(input_feature_id %in% all_feature_id) < 1 ) {
        stop("some of your input_feature_id is not your peak_GR feature_id set",
             call. = FALSE)

    names(peak_GR) <- peak_GR$feature_id
    input_GR <- peak_GR[input_feature_id]

    if (is.null(background_peaks)) {
        background_pool <- all_feature_id[!all_feature_id %in% input_feature_id]
        background_peaks <- sample(background_pool, background_number)

    } else if (mean(background_peaks %in% all_feature_id) < 1) {
        dropN <- sum(!background_peaks %in% all_feature_id)
        background_peaks <- background_peaks[background_peaks %in% all_feature_id]
        msg <- paste0(
            " background peaks are not in your peak GR feature id sets, ",
            "I will filter these peak"
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)

    if (any(input_feature_id %in% background_peaks)) {
        warning("your input and background have overlapping peak", call. = FALSE)

    peak_twoSets <- c(input_feature_id, background_peaks)
    peak_GR_select <- peak_GR[peak_twoSets]

    hits <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(TF_GR_database, peak_GR_select)

    hits_df <- data.frame(
        TF_id = TF_GR_database$TF_id[queryHits(hits)],
        feature_id = peak_GR_select$feature_id[subjectHits(hits)],
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    if ("TF_score" %in% colnames(mcols(TF_GR_database))) {
        hits_df$TF_score <- TF_GR_database$TF_score[queryHits(hits)]
    } else {
        hits_df$TF_score <- 1

    hits_df_sum <- hits_df %>%
        dplyr::group_by(TF_id, feature_id) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(TF_score_sum = sum(TF_score))

    all_TF <- unique(TF_GR_database$TF_id)
    fill_hitN <- data.frame(
        TF_id = rep(all_TF, each = length(peak_twoSets)),
        feature_id = rep(peak_twoSets, length(all_TF)),
        fill = "foo"

    hits_sum_fill <- suppressMessages(fill_hitN %>%
        dplyr::left_join(hits_df_sum) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(TF_score_sum = dplyr::case_when(
            is.na(TF_score_sum) ~ 0,
            TRUE ~ TF_score_sum

    hits_sum_input <- hits_sum_fill %>%
        dplyr::filter(feature_id %in% input_feature_id)

    hits_sum_background <- hits_sum_fill %>%
        dplyr::filter(feature_id %in% background_peaks)

    allTF_list <- purrr::map(all_TF, function(x){
        input_score <- hits_sum_input %>%
            dplyr::filter(TF_id %in% x) %>%

        background_score <- hits_sum_background %>%
            dplyr::filter(TF_id %in% x) %>%

        pvalue <- wilcox.test(input_score,
                              alternative = "greater")$p.value

        result_tb <- tibble::tibble(TF_id = x,
                                    input_meanMotifScore = mean(input_score),
                                    bg_meanMotifScore = mean(background_score),
                                    pvalue = pvalue)


    final_result <- do.call(rbind, allTF_list)
    final_result <- final_result %>%
        dplyr::mutate(pvalue = dplyr::case_when(
            pvalue > 1 ~ 1,
            TRUE ~ pvalue
        padj = p.adjust(pvalue),
        qvalue = calcQvalue(pvalue),
        rank = rank(pvalue)) %>%



#' findI(nfluential)T(F)_enrichFisher
#' find influential TF of your input peak set compared with your whole peak sets
#' based on TF ChIP-Seq or motif data.
#' @importFrom stats fisher.test
#' @param input_feature_id a character vector which represent peaks set
#' which you want to find influential TF for
#' @param peak_GR a GRange object represent your whole feature location with a
#' column named feature_id, which your input_feature_id should a part of it.
#' @param TF_GR_database TF peak GRange with a column named TF_id representing you TF name
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("test_featureSet")
#' peak_path <- system.file("extdata", "ATAC.bed.gz", package = "FindIT2")
#' peak_GR <- loadPeakFile(peak_path)
#' ChIP_peak_path <- system.file("extdata", "ChIP.bed.gz", package = "FindIT2")
#' ChIP_peak_GR <- loadPeakFile(ChIP_peak_path)
#' ChIP_peak_GR$TF_id <- "AT1G28300"
#'  result_findIT_enrichFisher <- findIT_enrichFisher(
#'     input_feature_id = test_featureSet,
#'     peak_GR = peak_GR,
#'     TF_GR_database = ChIP_peak_GR
#' )
findIT_enrichFisher <- function(input_feature_id,
                                TF_GR_database) {

    check_colnames("feature_id", peak_GR)
    check_colnames("TF_id", TF_GR_database)

    input_feature_id <- unique(input_feature_id)
    num_feature_input <- length(input_feature_id)
    num_feature_bg <- length(peak_GR$feature_id)

    hits <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(peak_GR, TF_GR_database)
    peakTF_pair <- data.frame(
        feature_id = peak_GR$feature_id[queryHits(hits)],
        TF_id = TF_GR_database$TF_id[subjectHits(hits)]
    ) %>%
        dplyr::distinct(feature_id, TF_id, .keep_all = TRUE)

    TFHit_summary <- peakTF_pair %>%
        dplyr::group_by(TF_id) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(num_TFHit_bg = dplyr::n()) %>%
        dplyr::filter(feature_id %in% input_feature_id) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(num_topLeft = dplyr::n()) %>%
        dplyr::ungroup() %>%
        dplyr::select(TF_id, num_TFHit_bg, num_topLeft) %>%
        dplyr::distinct(.keep_all = TRUE) %>%
            num_bottomLeft = num_TFHit_bg - num_topLeft,
            num_topRight = num_feature_input - num_topLeft,
            num_bottomRight = num_feature_bg - num_topLeft - num_bottomLeft - num_topRight

    TF_fihserMt <- as.matrix(TFHit_summary[, -c(1:2)])

    TF_fisher_result <- data.frame(
        TF_id = TFHit_summary$TF_id,
        pvalue = apply(TF_fihserMt, 1, function(x) {
            fisher.test(matrix(x, nrow = 2),
                alternative = "greater"
        odds_ratio = apply(TF_fihserMt, 1, function(x) {
            fisher.test(matrix(x, nrow = 2),
                alternative = "greater"
    ) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(pvalue = dplyr::case_when(
            pvalue > 1 ~ 1, # https://github.com/StoreyLab/qvalue/issues/7
            TRUE ~ pvalue

    final_result <- suppressMessages(dplyr::inner_join(TFHit_summary,
                                                       TF_fisher_result)) %>%
            inputRatio = paste0(num_topLeft, "/", num_feature_input),
            bgRatio = paste0(num_TFHit_bg, "/", num_feature_bg),
            num_TFHit_inputFeature = num_topLeft
        ) %>%
        dplyr::select(TF_id, num_TFHit_inputFeature, inputRatio, bgRatio, pvalue, odds_ratio) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(padj = p.adjust(pvalue),
                      qvalue = calcQvalue(pvalue),
                      rank = rank(pvalue)) %>%


#' findIT_MARA
#' @importFrom glmnet cv.glmnet glmnet
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @param input_feature_id a character vector which represent peaks set
#' which you want to find influential TF for
#' @param peak_GR a GRange object represent your whole feature location with a
#' column named feature_id, which your input_feature_id should a part of it.
#' @param peakScoreMt peak count matrix.
#' @param TF_GR_database TF peak GRange with a column named TF_id representing you TF name.
#' If you have TF_score column, MARA will consider it. otherwise, MARA will consider each hit is 1.
#' @param log whether you want to log your peakScoreMt
#' @param meanScale whether you want to mean-centered per row
#' @param output one of 'coef' and 'cor'. Default is coef
#' @param verbose whether you want to report detailed running message
#' @return a data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("ATAC_normCount")
#' data("test_featureSet")
#' peak_path <- system.file("extdata", "ATAC.bed.gz", package = "FindIT2")
#' peak_GR <- loadPeakFile(peak_path)
#' ChIP_peak_path <- system.file("extdata", "ChIP.bed.gz", package = "FindIT2")
#' ChIP_peak_GR <- loadPeakFile(ChIP_peak_path)
#' ChIP_peak_GR$TF_id <- "AT1G28300"
#' set.seed(20160806)
#' result_findIT_MARA <- findIT_MARA(
#'     input_feature_id = test_featureSet,
#'     peak_GR = peak_GR,
#'     peakScoreMt = ATAC_normCount,
#'     TF_GR_database = ChIP_peak_GR
#' )
findIT_MARA <- function(input_feature_id,
                        log = TRUE,
                        meanScale = TRUE,
                        output = c("coef", "cor"),
                        verbose = TRUE) {

    input_feature_id <- unique(input_feature_id)
    check_colnames("feature_id", peak_GR)
    check_colnames("TF_id", TF_GR_database)

    if (verbose) {
        ">> dealing with TF_GR_database...\t\t",
        format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")
    hits <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(TF_GR_database, peak_GR)

    all_TF <- unique(TF_GR_database$TF_id)

    hits_df <- data.frame(
        TF_id = TF_GR_database$TF_id[queryHits(hits)],
        feature_id = peak_GR$feature_id[subjectHits(hits)],
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    if ("TF_score" %in% colnames(mcols(TF_GR_database))) {
        hits_df$TF_score <- TF_GR_database$TF_score[queryHits(hits)]

    hits_df <- hits_df %>%

    if ("TF_score" %in% colnames(hits_df)) {
        TF_normFactor <- hits_df %>%
            dplyr::summarise(norm = sum(TF_score) / length(peak_GR))
    } else {
        TF_normFactor <- hits_df %>%
            dplyr::summarise(norm = dplyr::n() / length(peak_GR))

    hits_df <- hits_df %>%
        dplyr::group_by(TF_id, feature_id)

    if ("TF_score" %in% colnames(hits_df)) {
        TF_hitN <- hits_df %>%
            dplyr::summarise(hit_N = sum(TF_score))
    } else {
        TF_hitN <- hits_df %>%
            dplyr::summarise(hit_N = dplyr::n())

    # some feature_id may not hit by your TF
    # which means feature in all TF will be 0
    fill_hitN <- data.frame(
        TF_id = rep(all_TF, each = length(input_feature_id)),
        feature_id = rep(input_feature_id, length(all_TF))

        hitN_select_wide <- fill_hitN %>%
            dplyr::left_join(TF_hitN) %>%
            replace(is.na(.), 0) %>%
                names_from = TF_id,
                values_from = hit_N

    hitN_mt <- as.data.frame(hitN_select_wide[, -1])
    rownames(hitN_mt) <- hitN_select_wide$feature_id
    hitN_mt <- hitN_mt[, TF_normFactor$TF_id, drop = FALSE]
    hitN_mt <- sweep(hitN_mt, 2, TF_normFactor$norm, "-")

    peakScoreMt_select <- peakScoreMt[input_feature_id, ]

    if (log) {
        peakScoreMt_select <- log(peakScoreMt_select + 1)

    if (meanScale) {
        peakScoreMt_select <- t(apply(
            peakScoreMt_select, 1,
            function(x) x - mean(x)

    if (mean(rownames(peakScoreMt_select) == rownames(hitN_mt)) < 1) {
        stop("something wrong")

    merge_df <- suppressMessages(hitN_mt %>%
        dplyr::as_tibble(rownames = "feature_id") %>%
                rownames = "feature_id"

    output = match.arg(output, c("coef", "cor"))
    if (output == "cor"){
        if (verbose) {
            ">> calculating TF cor in each sample...\t\t",
            format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")

    } else {
        if (verbose) {
            ">> calculating coef and converting into z-score using INT...\t\t",
            format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")
    TF_activity_list <- purrr::map(colnames(peakScoreMt_select),
                                   function(sample) {

        if (verbose) {
            ">> dealing with ", sample, "...\t\t",
            format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")

        train_data <- merge_df[, c(sample, all_TF)]
        colnames(train_data)[1] <- "value"

        if (length(all_TF) == 1 | output == "cor") {
            activity_df <- data.frame(
                TF_id = all_TF,
                cor = cor(train_data)[1, -1],
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE

            colnames(activity_df)[2] <- sample


        x <- model.matrix(value ~ ., train_data)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
        y <- train_data$value

        # I do not want to do variable selection
        # I just want to see the tendency of TF in samples
        # so I use the ridge regression instead of lasso
        cv.out <- cv.glmnet(x, y, alpha = 0)

        model <- glmnet(x, y, alpha = 0, lambda = cv.out$lambda.min)
        activity_df <- data.frame(coef(model)[-1, 1])

        # it seems that coef will print `ATHB-9` instead of ATHB9
        # so I gsub these "`"
        activity_df$TF_id <- gsub("`", "", rownames(activity_df))
        colnames(activity_df)[1] <- sample
        activity_df[, 1] <- INT(activity_df[, 1])
        activity_df <- activity_df[, c(2, 1)]

        # should we need cor info ?
        # it can mark the significant of TF
        # cor_data <- cor(train_data)[1, -1]
        # suppressMessages(
        #     activity_df %>%
        #         dplyr::inner_join(
        #             data.frame(TF_id = names(cor_data),
        #                        cor = cor_data)
        #         )
        # ) -> activity_df


    if (verbose) {
        ">> merging all info together...\t\t",
        format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")

    TF_activity_df <- suppressMessages(
        purrr::reduce(TF_activity_list, inner_join)
    TF_activity_df <- tibble::tibble(TF_activity_df)

    if (verbose) {
        ">> done\t\t",
        format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %X")

shangguandong1996/FindIT2 documentation built on March 1, 2024, 8:34 p.m.