
Defines functions SHARP_unlimited

Documented in SHARP_unlimited

#' Run SHARP for clustering single-cell RNA data whose size (e.g., dim > 2,147,483,647) is beyond R to handle.
#' Because the current R lacks 64-bit integers support, it is recommended to divided the huge-size data into several smaller partitions first.
#' @param scExp a list of input single-cell expression matrices, where each element represents a partition of the huge-size single-cell RNA-seq data matrix.
#' @param viewflag a logic to indicate whether to save the ensemble random-projection feature vectors for further visualization. The default is TRUE.
#' @param ... other parameters similar to those used in SHARP() function. Please refer to SHARP() for details.
#' @details This is a complementary SHARP function to deal with the case where R itself can not handle a matrix whose non-zero element is over 2,147,483,647. The huge-size matrix is first divided into several partitions which are susequently saved into a list. SHARP_unlimited() can directly deal with this list.
#' @return a list containing the SHARP clustering results, distribution of the clustering results, the predicted optimal number of clusters, time SHARP consumes for clustering, some intermediate results including clustering results by each random-projection based hierarchical clustering and other related statstical information including number of cells, genes, reduced dimensions and number of applications of random projection.
#' @examples
#' enresults = SHARP_unlimited(scExp)
#' @author Shibiao Wan <shibiao@pennmedicine.upenn.edu>
#' @import foreach
#' @import parallel
#' @import doParallel
#' @import Matrix
#' @export
SHARP_unlimited <- function(scExp, viewflag = TRUE, n.cores, ensize.K, N.cluster = NULL, minN.cluster, maxN.cluster, rN.seed, ...) {
    # timing
    start_time <- Sys.time()  #we exclude the time for loading the input matrix
    title = "scRNA-Seq Clustering"
    if (missing(scExp)) {#scRNA-seq expression matrix
        stop("No expression data is provided!")
    if(class(scExp) != "list"){
        if(class(scExp) == "matrix"){
            #warning(paste(length(dr), "duplicated genes are found and then are removed!"))
            warning("SHARP is used instead of SHARP_unlimited because the input is a matrix!")
            enresults = SHARP(scExp)
        stop("The input should be a LIST of partitioned scRNA-seq expression matrices!")
    }else if(class(scExp) == "list" && length(scExp) == 1){
        warning("SHARP is used instead of SHARP_unlimited because the length of the input is 1!")
        enresults = SHARP(scExp[[1]])
    if (missing(n.cores)) {
        # number of cores to be used, the default is to use all but one cores
        n.cores = detectCores() - 1
    # registerDoMC(n.cores)
#     registerDoParallel(n.cores)

    nnp = length(scExp)#number of partitions/blocks
    nng = vector("numeric", nnp)
    nnc = vector("numeric", nnp)
#     ncells = sum(sapply(1:length(scExp), function(i) scExp[[i]]@Dim[2]))#number of cells
    ncells = sum(sapply(1:length(scExp), function(i) dim(scExp[[i]])[2]))#number of cells
    p = ceiling(log2(ncells)/(0.2^2))#the reduced dimension
    gnames = rownames(scExp[[1]])#get the gene names
     # if no minimum number of clusters is provided
    if (missing(minN.cluster)) {
        minN.cluster = 2  #by default, we try the minimum number of clusters starting from 2
    # if no maximum number of clusters is provided
    if (missing(maxN.cluster)) {
        maxN.cluster = max(40, ceiling(ncells/5000))  #by default, we try the maximum number of clusters as large as 40 or the number of cells minus 1, whichever is smaller.

    if (!missing(rN.seed)) {#random seed for reproducible results
        # seed number for reproducible results
        if (!is.numeric(rN.seed)) {
            stop("The rN.seed should be a numeric!")
        if (rN.seed%%1 != 0) {
            stop("The rN.seed should be an integer!")
    } else {
        rN.seed = 0.5  #use a non-integer to represent random results
    if (missing(ensize.K)) {
                ensize.K = 5
    rM = foreach(k = 1:ensize.K) %dopar% {###to use consistent random matrices across different partitions
            if (rN.seed == 0.5) {
                ranM(scExp[[1]], p, 0.5)  #for random results
            } else {
                ranM(scExp[[1]], p, 50 + rN.seed + k)  #for reproducible result
#     if(viewflag){
#         registerDoParallel(n.cores)
#         rM2 = foreach(k = 1:ensize.K) %dopar% {###to use consistent random matrices across different partitions
#             if (rN.seed == 0.5) {
#                 ranM(scExp[[1]], 30, 0.5)  #for random results
#             } else {
#                 ranM(scExp[[1]], 30, 50 + rN.seed + k)  #for reproducible result
#             }
#         }
#         stopImplicitCluster()
#     }
#     stopImplicitCluster()
    ifColor = vector("list", length = nnp)
    iE1 = vector("list", length = nnp)
    ifolds = vector("list", length = nnp)
    y = list()
    for(i in 1:nnp){
        cat("=======================================================================\nProcessing Partition", i, "of the scRNA-seq data...\n")
        mat = scExp[[i]]
        nng[i] = nrow(mat) 
        nnc[i] = ncol(mat)
#         mat = as.matrix(scExp[[i]])
        y[[i]] = SHARP(mat, reduced.ndim = p, prep = FALSE, logflag = FALSE, n.cores = n.cores, rM = rM, ensize.K = ensize.K, rN.seed = rN.seed, ...)
#         folds = c(folds, rep(i, nnc[i]))#folds
#         fColor = c(fColor, paste(y[[i]]$pred_clusters, "s", i, sep = ""))
#         E1 = rbind(E1, y[[i]]$viE)
        ifolds[[i]] = rep(i, nnc[i])#folds
        ifColor[[i]] = paste(y[[i]]$pred_clusters, "s", i, sep = "")
        iE1[[i]] = t(y[[i]]$viE)###for ease of ordering; by default, R concatenate elements by columns; but here the feature dim (column) is the same for each element of the list
#         if (!missing(exp.type)) {#expression type
#             if (exp.type != "CPM" && exp.type != "TPM" && exp.type != "UMI") {#if the type is neither CPM nor TPM
#                 scExp = t(t(scExp)/colSums(scExp)) * 1e+06#we do normalization
#             }
#         }
    folds = unlist(ifolds)#convert a list to a vector
    fColor = unlist(ifColor)
    E1 = t(matrix(unlist(iE1), ncol = ncells))
    cat("Total number of single cells:", length(fColor), "\n")
    cat("Number of unique meta-clusters:", length(unique(fColor)), "\n")
    cat("Dim of feature matrix for similarity-based meta-clustering:", dim(E1), "\n")
#     print(y[[1]]$paras)
    cat("Similarity-based meta-clustering for combining blockwise results...\n")
    stmp = sMetaC(fColor, E1, folds, y[[1]]$paras$hmethod, N.cluster, minN.cluster, maxN.cluster, y[[1]]$paras$sil.thre, y[[1]]$paras$height.Ntimes)
    finalrowColor = stmp$finalColor
    if(!is.numeric(N.cluster) && ncells > 1e4){#remove those extremely small clusters
        cat("Adjust clusters with very small number of cells...\n")
        xt = table(finalrowColor)
        s = names(which(xt < 10))#combine those clusters whose numbers are less than 10
        if(length(s) != 0){
             xi = which(!is.na(match(finalrowColor, as.numeric(s))))
#         s1 = length(unique(finalrowColor)) - length(s) + 1
            finalrowColor[xi] = min(as.numeric(s))
    #reorganize the clustering in order according to the decreasing order of number of cells
    x = sort(table(finalrowColor), decreasing = TRUE) 
    map = setNames(as.character(1:length(x)), names(x))#the former replacing the latter 
    finalrowColor[] <- map[finalrowColor]
    finalrowColor = as.numeric(finalrowColor)


    end_time <- Sys.time()
    t <- difftime(end_time, start_time, units = "mins")  #difference time in minutes
    # print(t)
    cat("Analysis complete!\n")
    cat("Total running time:", t, "minutes\n")
    uf = unique(finalrowColor)
    luf = length(uf)#length of unique pred-clusters
    tn = table(finalrowColor)
    tn1 = tn[order(as.numeric(names(tn)))]#order the distributions of the clustering results
#     ncells = sum(nnc)
    ngenes = nng[1]
    enresults = list()
    enresults$pred_clusters = finalrowColor
    enresults$unique_pred_clusters = sort(as.numeric(uf))
    enresults$distr_pred_clusters = tn1
    enresults$N.pred_clusters = luf
    enresults$N.cells = ncells
    enresults$N.genes = ngenes
    enresults$gnames = gnames
    enresults$reduced.dim = y[[1]]$reduced.ndim
    enresults$ensize.K = y[[1]]$ensize.K
        if(ncells>1e5){#if the number cells is too large, we need to do further dim reduction
            kdim = 50
            if (rN.seed == 0.5) {
                z0 = ranM2(p, kdim, 0.5)  #for random results
            } else {
                z0 = ranM2(p, kdim, 50 + rN.seed + k)  #for reproducible result
            enresults$viE = as.matrix(1/sqrt(kdim)*E1%*%z0)
        }else{#otherwise, we just used the original one
            enresults$viE = E1
#         x0 = matrix(0, ncells, luf)
#         for(i in 1:ncells){
#             x0[i, finalrowColor[i] == uf] = 1
#         }
        x0 = sparseMatrix(i = 1:ncells, j = as.numeric(finalrowColor), x = 1, dims = c(ncells, luf))
        enresults$x0 = x0
    enresults$time = t
    enresults$paras = y[[1]]$paras
shibiaowan/SHARP documentation built on April 28, 2021, 1:56 p.m.