
Defines functions get_marker_genes

Documented in get_marker_genes

#' Get marker genes for each cluster
#' This is to identify marker genes for each cluster after SHARP clustering. It uses a method similar to that proposed in the SC3 package except two improvements: (1) it uses an adjusted threshold to select marker genes instead of using a hardthreshod (i.e., p-value < 0.01 and AUROC > 0.85), so that marker genes can be found for all clusters; (2) it uses a parallelization way to calculate the p-value and AUROC (areas under the curve of the Receiver Operating Characteristic) for each gene, thus much faster than SC3.
#' @param scExp the original expression matrix
#' @param y the clustering results after running SHARP.R
#' @param n.cores   number of cores to be used. The default is (n-1) cores, where n is the number of cores in your local computer or server.
#' @return a matrix where each row represents each selected marker gene and each column represnts one property of the gene, including its cluster, p-value and AUROC.
#' @examples
#' y = SHARP(scExp)
#' sginfo = get_marker_genes(scExp, y)
#' @import ROCR
#' @import doParallel
#' @import data.table
#' @export
get_marker_genes <- function(scExp, y, theta, auc, pvalue, FC, ng, n.cores){

    # timing
    start_time <- Sys.time()  #we exclude the time for loading the input matrix
    if (missing(n.cores)) {
        # number of cores to be used, the default is to use all but one cores
        n.cores = detectCores() - 1

        theta = 1e-4
        auc = 0.7
        pvalue = 0.01
        FC = 2 #fold change >=2 
        ng = 1 #only the top 1 
    ncells = y$N.cells#number of cells

    N.cluster = y$N.pred_cluster

    ##remove those unnecessary (no changes) and duplicated genes
    r = duplicated(rownames(scExp))#find any duplicated genes in the input expression
    dr = which(r)#duplicated indices
        warning(paste(length(dr), "duplicated genes are found and then are removed!"))
        scExp = scExp[!r, ]
    r1 = colnames(scExp)#cell barcodes
    dr1 = which(duplicated(r1))
        warning(paste(length(dr1), "duplicated cell barcodes are found and then are renamed to avoid duplicates!"))
        r1 = make.unique(r1)
        colnames(scExp) = r1#unique cell barcodes
#         scExp = scExp[, !r0]
#     if(y$logmark){#if log-transform is applied, then we need to 
#         scExp = log2(scExp + 1)
#     }

#     scExp = scExp[rowSums(scExp)!=0, ]#much faster than using standard deviation
#     scExp = scExp[apply(scExp,1,function(x) sd(x)!=0),]
    #remove those all-zero or all-same-expression genes
#     f0 = foreach(i = 1:nrow(scExp), .combine = c)%dopar%{
#         x = sd(scExp[i, ])
#         if(x!=0){
#             return(TRUE)
#         }else{
#             return(FALSE)
#         }
#     }
#     scExp = scExp[f0, ]
#     scExp <- t(scale(t(scExp)))#no need to normalize

#     scExp = as.matrix(scExp)

    D = nrow(scExp)#number of genes

    uy = y$unique_pred_clusters#unique
    if(max(as.numeric(uy)) > length(uy)){#in case we use a larger value than the number of unique elements
        y$pred_clusters  = match(y$pred_clusters, uy)#we use the index instead

    label = as.numeric(y$pred_clusters)
#     dt <- data.frame(yy = t(scExp), ig = label)#gene expression; cluster
    dt <- data.frame(ig = label)#gene expression; cluster
    cat("Looking for marker genes...\n")

    #    D = 100
    total <- D
    # create progress bar
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)

    gn0 = rownames(scExp)

    rr = min(ng, N.cluster)#number of top genes whose AUC to be checked
#     ginfo = foreach(i = 1:D, .combine = c)%dopar%{
    g5 = foreach(i = 1:D, .combine = "rbind")%dopar%{
        dd = scExp[i, ]
        dp = length(which(dd!=0))/length(dd)
        if(dp > theta){
            r0 = as.numeric(as.character(scExp[i, ]))
            r = rank(scExp[i, ])#gene rank
            s0 = aggregate(r0~dt$ig, FUN = mean)#average over one gene across cells
             s = aggregate(r~dt$ig, FUN = mean)#average over one gene across cells
#         cat("Get the cell index of the maximum expression...\n")
#             icluster = which.max(s$r)#the cluster with the maximum value
            iclusters = order(-s$r)[1:rr]#indices of the top rr average ranks
            auc_res0 <- foreach(icluster = iclusters, .combine = c)%do%{
                pred = prediction(r, as.numeric(dt$ig) == icluster)
                auc_res <- unlist(performance(pred, "auc")@y.values)
            ic = which.max(auc_res0)
            icluster = iclusters[ic]#optimal cluster ID
            auc0 = auc_res0[ic]#the maximum AUC
#             cat("AUC:", auc_res0, "--maxAUC:", auc0, "--icluster:", icluster, "\n")
            x1 = r[as.numeric(dt$ig) == icluster]
            x2 = r[as.numeric(dt$ig) != icluster]
            p = wilcox.test(x1, x2)$p.value
            y1 = s0$r0[icluster]#
            y2 = max(s0$r0[setdiff(1:N.cluster, icluster)])
            fc = y1/y2
#             s = aggregate(r~dt$ig, FUN = mean)#average over one gene across cells
#             icluster = which.max(s$r)#the cluster with the maximum value
#             x = r[as.numeric(dt$ig) == icluster]
#             y = r[as.numeric(dt$ig) != icluster]
#             p = wilcox.test(x, y)$p.value
#             pred <- prediction(r, as.numeric(dt$ig) == icluster)
#             auc0 <- unlist(performance(pred, "auc")@y.values)
            auc0 = icluster = fc = 0
            p = 1
#         tt = c(auc, icluster, p)
        tt = c(auc0, icluster, p, dp, fc)#character
        # update progress bar
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
        # cat(c(auc, icluster, p), "\n")
#     gn1 = as.character(ginfo[,1])
#     ginfo = ginfo[,c(2:5)]
#     ginfo = matrix(ginfo, nrow = 4)


    rownames(g5) = gn0
    colnames(g5) = c("auc", "icluster", "pvalue", "sparsity", "FC")

    ginfo = data.frame(g5)
#     ginfo <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(ginfo), ncol = 4, byrow = T))
#     colnames(ginfo) = c("auc", "icluster", "pvalue", "sparsity")
#     rownames(ginfo) = rownames(scExp)

    nr = nrow(ginfo)
    cat("Number of genes checked:", nr, "\n")
    ginfo = ginfo[ginfo$sparsity > theta, ]#remove low-expressed genes
    ginfo = ginfo[!is.nan(ginfo$pvalue), ]#remove those corresponding to p-value == NaN
    ginfo$pvalue = p.adjust(ginfo$pvalue, method = "holm")

    gallinfo = ginfo
    colnames(gallinfo) = c("auc", "icluster", "pvalue", "sparsity", "FC")
    ###in case some clusters do not have any qualified marker genes, we need to lower the AUC threshold (0.85)
    dt = data.table(ginfo)
    dt0 = dt[, list(maxauc = max(auc), minpvalue = min(pvalue)), by = icluster]

    ##adjusted AUC and p-value
#     adpvalue = max(0.01, max(dt0$minpvalue))
#     adauc = min(0.85, min(dt0$maxauc))
    adpvalue = pvalue
    adauc = min(auc, min(dt0$maxauc))
    cat("The adjusted p-avalue is", adpvalue, "and the adjusted AUROC is", adauc, "\n")

    x1 = which(ginfo$pvalue < adpvalue)

    x2 = which(ginfo$auc > adauc)

    # x1 = which(ginfo$pvalue < 0.01)
    # x2 = which(ginfo$auc > 0.85)

    xx = intersect(x1, x2)

    sginfo0 = ginfo[xx, ]#selected genes with p-values and their clusters
    sginfo = sginfo0[sginfo0$FC>=FC, ]#select those passing the fold change threshold
    sginfo = sginfo[order(sginfo$icluster, -sginfo$FC, -sginfo$auc, sginfo$pvalue, -sginfo$sparsity),]###order by the FC in descending order
    nsgene = nrow(sginfo)
    cat("Number of selected marker genes:", nsgene, "\n")
    #the corresponding expressions of marker genes
#     dd = foreach(i = 1:nsgene, .combine = "rbind")%dopar%{
#         unlist(sapply(1:len, function(x) scExp[[x]][rownames(sginfo[i, ]),]))
#     }
#     dd = scExp[rownames(sginfo), ]
#     dd = scExp[which(gn0 %in% rownames(sginfo)), ]
    dd = scExp[rownames(sginfo), ]#after removing the duplicated genes
    end_time <- Sys.time()
    t <- difftime(end_time, start_time, units = "mins")  #difference time in minutes
    cat("Running time for finding marker genes:", t ,"minutes\n")
    res = list()
    res$mginfo = sginfo
    res$mat = dd
    res$label = label
    res$logmark = y$paras$logmark
    res$gallinfo = gallinfo
#     return(sginfo)
shibiaowan/SHARP documentation built on April 28, 2021, 1:56 p.m.