
# insert_pseudomarkers

#' Insert pseudomarkers into a marker map
#' Insert pseudomarkers into a map of genetic markers, for a single chromosome.
#' @param map A list of numeric vectors; each vector gives marker
#' positions for a single chromosome.
#' @param step Distance between pseudomarkers and markers; if
#' \code{step=0} no pseudomarkers are inserted.
#' @param off_end Distance beyond terminal markers in which to insert
#' pseudomarkers.
#' @param stepwidth Indicates whether to use a fixed grid
#' (\code{stepwidth="fixed"}) or to use the maximal distance between
#' pseudomarkers to ensure that no two adjacent markers/pseudomarkers
#' are more than \code{step} apart.
#' @param pseudomarker_map A map of pseudomarker locations; if provided the
#' \code{step}, \code{off_end}, and \code{stepwidth} arguments are
#' ignored.
#' @param tol Tolerance for determining whether a pseudomarker would duplicate a marker position.
#' @return A vector of positions of pseudomarkers and markers: the
#' input \code{map} vector with pseudomarker positions added. An
#' attribute \code{"index"} is an integer vector that indicates which
#' positions are pseudomarkers (value -1) and which are markers
#' (positive values, indicating the marker indices, (starting at 0).) If
#' \code{stepwidth=fixed} (or if \code{pseudomarker_map} is provided), a
#' further attribute (\code{"grid"}) is a logical vector that
#' indicates which positions correspond to the fixed grid.
#' @details If \code{stepwidth="fixed"}, a grid of pseudomarkers is
#' added to the marker map.
#' If \code{stepwidth="max"}, a minimal set of pseudomarkers are
#' added, so that the maximum distance between adjacent markers or
#' pseudomarkers is at least \code{step}. If two adjacent markers are
#' separated by less than \code{step}, no pseudomarkers will be added
#' to the interval. If they are more then \code{step} apart, a set of
#' equally-spaced pseudomarkers will be added.
#' If \code{pseudomarker_map} is provided, then the \code{step},
#' \code{off_end}, and \code{stepwidth} arguments are ignored, and the
#' input \code{pseudomarker_map} is taken to be a grid of pseudomarkers.
#' @export
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' library(qtl)
#' data(hyper)
#' map <- pull.map(hyper)
#' map_w_pmar <- insert_pseudomarkers(map, step=1)
insert_pseudomarkers <-
function(map, step=0, off_end=0, stepwidth=c("fixed", "max"),
         pseudomarker_map, tol=0.01)
    stepwidth <- match.arg(stepwidth)
    if(missing(pseudomarker_map) || is.null(pseudomarker_map)) {
        pseudomarker_map <- vector("list", length(map))
    else {
            stop("pseudomarker_map should be a list")
        if(length(pseudomarker_map) != length(map))
            stop("length(pseudomarker_map) != length(map)")

    result <- vector("list", length(map))
    names(result) <- chr <- names(map)

    for(i in seq(along=map)) {
        result[[i]] <- insert_pseudomarkers_onechr(map[[i]], step, off_end,
                                                   stepwidth, pseudomarker_map[[i]], tol,
                                                   paste0("c", chr[i], ".loc"))


insert_pseudomarkers_onechr <-
function(map, step=0, off_end=0, stepwidth=c("fixed", "max"),
         pseudomarker_map, tol=0.01, pmar_stem="loc")
    if(any(is.na(map))) stop("map values can't be missing")

    if(tol < 0) stop("tol should be >= 0")

    if(missing(pseudomarker_map) || is.null(pseudomarker_map)) {
        stepwidth <- match.arg(stepwidth)
        if(step < 0) stop("step should be >= 0")
        if(step > 0 && tol >= step) stop("tol should be << step")
        if(off_end < 0) stop("off_end should be >= 0")
    else {
            stop("pseudomarker_map values can't be missing")
        stepwidth <- "custom"

           fixed=insert_pseudomarkers_grid(map, step, off_end, tol, pmar_stem),
           max=insert_pseudomarkers_minimal(map, step, off_end, tol, pmar_stem),
           custom=combine_markers_with_grid(map, pseudomarker_map, tol, pmar_stem))

# pseudomarker map as grid, ignoring markers
# map = vector of marker positions; names = marker names
# step = distance between pseudomarkers
# off_end = amount to go beyond the terminal markers
# tol = tolerance for determining whether a marker hits a pseudomarker
# pmar_stem = leading part of name of pseudomarkers
insert_pseudomarkers_grid <-
function(map, step, off_end=0, tol=0.01, pmar_stem="loc")
    if(step==0) {
        attr(map, "index") <- seq(along=map)-1
        map <- add_pmap_attr(map, "markers", step, off_end)

    # locations of pseudomarkers
    pmar <- seq(min(map)-off_end, max(map)+off_end, by=step)

    map <- combine_markers_with_grid(map, pmar, tol, pmar_stem, step)
    map <- add_pmap_attr(map, "fixed", step, off_end)


# combine the markers in "map" with the pseudomarker positions in "pmar".
# treat the positions in "pmar" as agrid, and return both the marker index
# and a logical vector of which values in output are on the grid.
combine_markers_with_grid <-
function(map, pmar_map, tol=0.01, pmar_stem="loc", step)
    if(missing(step) || is.null(step)) step <- 0.1

    # for each pseudomarker, distance to nearest marker
    d <- abs(outer(map, pmar_map, "-"))
    mind <- apply(d, 2, min)

    # omit pseudomarkers that hit a marker
    to_omit <- (mind < tol)
    pmar_map <- pmar_map[!to_omit]
    if(length(pmar_map) == 0) {
        attr(map, "index") <- seq(along=map)-1
        attr(map, "grid") <- rep(TRUE, length(map))

    # markers that are on pseudomarker grid
    grid <- rep(FALSE, length(map))
        grid[apply(d[,to_omit,drop=FALSE], 2, which.min)] <- TRUE

        names(pmar_map) <- create_pseudomarker_names(pmar_map, step, pmar_stem)

    # index of markers vs pseudomarkers
    index <- c(seq(along=map), rep(0, length(pmar_map)))
    # logical vector indicating grid
    grid <- c(grid, rep(TRUE, length(pmar_map)))

    # add pseudomarkers to markers
    map <- c(map, pmar_map)

    # sort the map
    o <- order(map)
    map <- map[o]

    attr(map, "index") <- index[o]-1
    attr(map, "grid") <- grid[o]

# create names for pseudomarkers
create_pseudomarker_names <-
function(pmar_map, step, pmar_stem="loc")
    digits <- ceiling(-log10(step))
    digits <- ifelse(digits < 0, 0, digits)

    paste0(pmar_stem, round(pmar_map, digits))

# pseudomarker map, minimal number of pseudomarkers to add
# map = vector of marker positions; names = marker names
# step = min distance between markers or pseudomarkers
# off_end = amount to go beyond the terminal markers
# tol = tolerance for determining whether a marker hits a pseudomarker
# pmar_stem = leading part of name of pseudomarkers
insert_pseudomarkers_minimal <-
function(map, step, off_end=0, tol=0.01, pmar_stem="loc")
    if(step==0) {
        attr(map, "index") <- seq(along=map)-1
        map <- add_pmap_attr(map, "markers", step, off_end)

    # distance between markers
    d <- diff(map)
    if(any(d < 0))
        stop("marker positions should be sorted")

    pmar_map <- c(seq(min(map), min(map)-off_end, by=-step)[-1],
                  seq(max(map), max(map)+off_end, by=step)[-1])

    if(length(map) == 1) { # just one marker
        index <- c(1, rep(0, length(pmar_map)))
        map <- c(map, pmar_map)
        o <- order(map)
        map <- map[o]
        attr(map, "index") <- index[o]-1
        map <- add_pmap_attr(map, "max", step, off_end)

    # intervals needing pseudomarkers (d = distances between adjacent markers
    int2fill <- which(d > step)

    pmar_map <- c(pmar_map, unlist(lapply(int2fill, function(a) {
        n <- ceiling((map[a+1]-map[a])/step)+1
        seq(map[a], map[a+1], length.out=n)[-c(1, n)] })))

    if(length(pmar_map) == 0) {
        attr(map, "index") <- seq(along=map)-1
        map <- add_pmap_attr(map, "max", step, off_end)

    names(pmar_map) <- create_pseudomarker_names(pmar_map, step, pmar_stem)

    # index of markers vs pseudomarkers
    index <- c(seq(along=map), rep(0, length(pmar_map)))

    # add pseudomarkers to markers
    map <- c(map, pmar_map)

    # sort the map
    o <- order(map)
    map <- map[o]
    map <- add_pmap_attr(map, "max", step, off_end)
    attr(map, "index") <- index[o]-1


# add stepwidth, step, and off_end attributes to map
add_pmap_attr <-
function(map, stepwidth, step, off_end)
    attr(map, "stepwidth") <- stepwidth
    attr(map, "step") <- step
    attr(map, "off_end") <- off_end
simecek/qtl2 documentation built on May 29, 2019, 10:01 p.m.