#   MASH
#   R6-ified
#   PfMOI Methods
#   David Smith, Hector Sanchez, Sean Wu
#   May 21, 2017

# PfMOI_PAR Getters & Setters

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Method: Get PfMOI_PAR
#' Get either entire list or one named element of PfMOI_PAR. See \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}} for definitions.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$get_PfMOI_PAR_PAR()}
Human_get_PfMOI_PAR <- function(ix = NULL){

#' PfMOI \code{HumanPop} Method: Get PfMOI_PAR
#' Get either entire list or one named element of PfMOI_PAR. See \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}} for definitions.
#' This method is bound to \code{HumanPop$get_PfMOI_PAR()}
#' @param PfMOI_PAR new parameter list, see \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}}
HumanPop_get_PfMOI_PAR <- function(ix = NULL){
  } else {

#' PfMOI \code{HumanPop} Method: Set PfMOI Paramters for a \code{\link{HumanPop}}
#' Set PfMOI_PAR for a HumanPop; this is useful for simulating multiple populations with different parameter values.
#' This method is bound to \code{HumanPop$set_PfMOI_PAR()}
#' @param PfMOI_PAR new parameter list, see \code{\link{PfSI.Parameters}}
HumanPop_set_PfMOI_PAR <- function(PfMOI_PAR){
  private$PfMOI_PAR = PfMOI_PAR

# Add PfMOI Utilities to 'HumanPop' Class

#' PfMOI \code{HumanPop} Method: Increment PfID
#' Whenever a new liver-stage infection manifests in a human we increment the PfID counter and return the new PfID.
#' This method is bound to \code{HumanPop$increment_PfID()}
PfMOI_increment_PfID <- function(){
  private$PfID = private$PfID + 1L

#' PfMOI \code{HumanPop} Method: Initialize MICRO PfMOI Infections
#' Initialize PfMOI infections with MOI given by vector of MOI for population for MICRO or SimBitePfMOI
#' This method is bound to \code{HumanPop$init_MICRO_PfMOI()}
#' @param PfMOI a vector of length equal to \code{HumanPop$nHumans} giving the MOI of each person. If \code{NULL} all people are set to MOI of 0.
init_MICRO_PfMOI <- function(PfMOI = NULL, tStart = 0){

  private$PfID = 1L

  if(is.null(PfMOI)){PfMOI = rep(0,self$nHumans)}

  for(ixH in 1:length(PfMOI)){
    if(PfMOI[ixH] == 0){
      private$pop[[ixH]]$get_Pathogens()$track_history(tEvent = tStart,event = "S")
    } else {
      for(ixI in 1:PfMOI[ixH]){
        private$pop[[ixH]]$infectHumanPfMOI(tEvent = tStart, PAR = list(damID = -1L, sireID = -1L))


#' PfMOI \code{HumanPop} Method: Initialize MACRO PfMOI Infections
#' Initialize PfMOI infections with mean parasite MOI for each patch.
#' This method is bound to \code{HumanPop$init_MACRO_PfMOI()}
#' @param PfMOI a vector of mean MOI in each patch
#' @param tStart time to start simulation
init_MACRO_PfMOI <- function(PfMOI, tStart = 0){

  private$PfID = 1L

  # initialize biting propensity on humans

  patchID = private$patchID
  patches = unique(patchID)
  # iterate over patches
  for(ixP in patches){
    print(paste0("init PfMOI infections in patch: ",ixP," at PfMOI: ",PfMOI[ixP]))

    # iterate over humans in that patch
    humanIter = which(patchID==ixP)
    for(ixH in humanIter){

      myMOI = rpois(n=1,lambda=PfMOI[ixP])
      if(myMOI > 0){
        for(i in 1:myMOI){
          private$pop[[ixH]]$infectHumanPfMOI(tEvent = tStart, PAR = list(damID = -1L, sireID = -1L))
      } else {
        private$pop[[ixH]]$get_Pathogens()$track_history(tEvent = tStart,event = "S")

    } # end iter over humans

  } # end iter over patches


#' MACRO PfMOI \code{MacroTile} Method: Initialize MACRO PfMOI Infections
#' Initialize PfMOI infections with mean parasite MOI for each patch.
#' Pass \code{PfMOI} and \code{tStart} to function \code{\link{init_MACRO_PfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{MacroTile$init_PfMOI()}
#' @param PfPR a vector of parasite prevalence at each patch
#' @param tStart time to start simulation
init_MacroTile_PfMOI <- function(PfMOI, tStart = 0){
  private$HumanPop$init_MACRO_PfMOI(PfMOI, tStart)

#' PfMOI \code{HumanPop} Method: Get PfMOI Histories
#' Get all PfMOI histories, stored in class \code{\link{humanPfMOI}}
#' This function is bound to \code{HumanPop$get_PfMOI_history()}
HumanPop_get_PfMOI_history <- function(){
  PfMOI_history = vector(mode="list",length=self$nHumans)
  for(ixH in 1:self$nHumans){
    PfMOI_history[[ixH]] = private$pop[[ixH]]$get_Pathogens()$get_history()

# Add PfMOI Pathogen Object to 'Human' & 'HumanPop' Class

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Method: Set Human-stage PfMOI Object
#' Set the \code{\link{humanPfMOI}} object in a human.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$set_humanPfMOI()}
Human_set_humanPfMOI <- function(PfID, tInf = -1L, MOI = 0L, b = 0.55, c = 0.15, damID = -1L, sireID = -1L, chemoprophylaxis = FALSE){
  private$Pathogens = MASH::humanPfMOI(PfID, tInf, MOI, b, c, damID, sireID, chemoprophylaxis)

#' PfMOI \code{HumanPop} Method: Set Human-stage PfMOI Object
#' Set the \code{\link{humanPfMOI}} object in a human poulation.
#' This method is bound to \code{HumanPop$set_humanPfMOI()}
#' @param b infected mosquito to human transmission efficiency
#' @param c infected human to mosquito transmission efficiency
HumanPop_set_humanPfMOI <- function(b = NULL, c = NULL){

  b = private$PfMOI_PAR$Pf_b
  c = private$PfMOI_PAR$Pf_c

  # set pathogens
  for(ixH in 1:self$nHumans){
    private$pop[[ixH]]$set_humanPfMOI(PfID = -1L, b = b, c = c)


# PfMOI Event Timing

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Method: Duration of Infection
#' How many days does a single PfMOI infection last? See \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}} parameter \code{DurationPf} for baseline clearance rate.
#' This function  calculates clearance rate under the assumption of independent clearance (M/M/1 queueing process for infection).
#' This method is called from \code{\link{}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$ttClearPf()}
PfMOI_ttClearPf_Independent <- function(){
  return(rexp(n=1, rate=1/self$get_PfMOI_PAR("DurationPf")))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Method: Duration of Infection with Pathogen Interaction
#' How many days does a single PfMOI infection last? See \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}} parameter \code{DurationPf} for baseline clearance rate.
#' This function calculates clearance rate as a function of individual MOI modeling pathogen competition for host resources (faster clearance than expected under independent clearance)
#' or pathogen facilitation (slower clearance than expected under independent clearance).
#' This method is called from \code{\link{}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$ttClearPf()}
#'  * See \url{https://doi.org/10.1186/1475-2875-8-87} for details of queueing model with pathogen interaction.
PfMOI_ttClearPf_Interaction <- function(){
  clearanceRate = (1/self$get_PfMOI_PAR("DurationPf")) ^ (private$Pathogens$get_MOI() * self$get_PfMOI_PAR("InteractionPf"))
  return(rexp(n=1, rate=clearanceRate))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Method: Duration of Latency
#' How many days after the infectious bite does a PfMOI infection start? See \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}} parameter \code{LatentPf} constant latent period.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$ttInfectPf()}
PfMOI_ttInfectionPf <- function(){

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Method: Timing of Fever Incident
#' What is the timing of fever relative to the start of a PfMOI infection? See \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}} parameter \code{mnFeverPf} mean (on natural scale) and parameter \code{vrFeverPf} standard deviation (on natural scale) of log-normally distributed time to fever.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$ttFeverPf()}
PfMOI_ttFeverPf <- function(){

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Method: Timing of Treatment
#' What is the timing of treatment relative to the start of a fever incident? See \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}} parameter \code{mnTreatPf} for mean waiting time of exponentially distributed waiting period.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$ttTreatPf()}
PfMOI_ttTreatPf <- function(){
  rexp(1, 1/self$get_PfMOI_PAR("mnTreatPf"))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Method: Duration of Protection from Chemoprophylaxis
#' After administration of Chemoprophylaxis what is time to susceptibility? See \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}} parameter \code{mnChemoprophylaxisPf} constant timing period.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{event_endprophylaxisPfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$ttSusceptiblePf()}
PfMOI_ttSusceptiblePf <- function(){

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Method: Duration of protection by PE Vaccination
#' After administration of PE Vaccination what is duration of protection (reduced infected mosquito to human transmission efficiency)? See \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}} parameter \code{mnPEPf} and \code{vrPEPf} for normally distributed duration of protection.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{event_pewanePfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$ttPEWanePf()}
PfMOI_ttPEWanePf <- function(){
  return(rnorm(n = 1, mean = self$get_PfMOI_PAR("mnPEPf"), sd = self$get_PfMOI_PAR("vrPEPf")))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Method: Duration of protection by GS Vaccination
#' Duration of protection by GS Vaccination? See \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}} parameter \code{mnGSPf} and \code{vrGSPf} for normally distributed duration of protection.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{event_gswanePfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$ttGSWanePf()}
PfMOI_ttGSWanePf <- function(){
  return(rnorm(n = 1, mean = self$get_PfMOI_PAR("mnGSPf"), sd = self$get_PfMOI_PAR("vrGSPf")))

# PfMOI Methods for 'MicroMosquitoFemale'

#' PfMOI Helper Code for Pathogen Initialization in \code{\link{MicroMosquitoFemale}}
#' Initializes an empty PfMOI pathogen in \code{\link{MicroMosquitoFemale}} called during object initialization.
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$init_Pathogens()}
#' @md
#' @export
init_Pathogens_MicroMosquitoFemale_PfMOI <- function(){
  private$Pathogens = MASH::PfMOI()

#' PfMOI Helper Code for Pathogen Initialization in \code{\link{MicroMosquitoPopFemale}}
#' Initializes empty PfMOI pathogens in \code{\link{MicroMosquitoPopFemale}} called during object initialization.
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoPopFemale$init_Pathogens()}
#' @md
#' @export
init_Pathogens_MicroMosquitoPopFemale_PfMOI <- function(){
  for(ixM in (1:length(private$pop))[-private$nullPop]){

#' PfMOI \code{\link{MicroMosquitoFemale}} Method: Host Probing
#' The mosquito probes the host prior to successful feeding. Probing occurs during code\{MicroMosquitoFemale$humanEncounter()}.
#' Mosquito to human pathogen transmission occurs during host probing.
#' If the PfMOI infection(s) has passed the EIP, \code{\link{probeHost_PfMOI}} is called via the mosquito's pointer to the \code{\link{HumanPop}} class
#' to initiate the PfMOI infection process.
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$probing()}
#' @md
probing_PfMOI <- function(){
  # if mosquito has active infection(s) that have passed the EIP
  if(private$Pathogens$get_MOI() > 0 & length(private$Pathogens$which_EIP(private$tNow - private$FemalePopPointer$get_MBITES_PAR("PfEIP")) > 0)){
    # pass mosquitoPfMOI object to probed human
    private$HumansPointer$get_Human(ixH = private$hostID)$probeHost_PfMOI(tBite = private$tNow, EIP = private$FemalePopPointer$get_MBITES_PAR("PfEIP"), mosquitoPfMOI = private$Pathogens)

#' PfMOI \code{\link{MicroMosquitoFemale}} Method: Host Feeding
#' The mosquito feeds on the host. Feeding occurs during code\{MicroMosquitoFemale$humanEncounter()}.
#' Human to mosquito pathogen transmission occurs during host feeding.
#'  * This method is bound to \code{MicroMosquitoFemale$feeding()}
#' @md
feeding_PfMOI <- function(){
  hostMOI = private$HumansPointer$get_Human(ixH = private$hostID)$get_Pathogens()$get_MOI()

  if(hostMOI > 0){
    infectionsN = max(hostMOI,private$HumansPointer$get_PfMOI_PAR("HumanMaxI"))
    infections = private$HumansPointer$get_Human(ixH = private$hostID)$get_Pathogens()$get_Infection()

    for(i in 1:infectionsN){

          PfID_new = infections$PfID[i],
          tInf_new = private$tNow,
          damID_new = infections$damID[i],
          sireID_new = infections$sireID[i],




# Add PfMOI Events to 'Human' Class
# 'XX' family of functions for human event queues

# PfMOI: Mosquito to Human infectious bite
# Add methods to 'Human' Class

#' PfMOI \code{\link{Human}} Method: Simulated Host Probing
#' This method is a filler for a host probing event in called in \code{\link{SimBitePfMOI}}.
#' If the \code{\link{mosquitoPfMOI}} has MOI > 0 this function calls \code{\link{infectiousBite_PfMOI}} until all infections exhausted or paramter "MosyMaxI" is reached.
#'  * This method is bound to \code{Human$probeHost_PfMOI()} after correct initialization with \code{\link{SimBitePfMOI.Setup}}.
#' @param tBite time of bite
#' @param mosquitoPfMOI \code{\link{mosquitoPfMOI}} object passed from mosquito to human
#' @md
probeHost_SimBitePfMOI <- function(tBite, mosquitoPfMOI){

  MOI = mosquitoPfMOI$get_MOI()

    N = self$get_PfMOI_PAR("MosyMaxI")

    infNum = max(MOI,N)
    for(i in 1:infNum){
      PAR = mosquitoPfMOI$get_InfectionIx(i)
      self$infectiousBite_PfMOI(tBite, PAR)


#' PfMOI \code{\link{Human}} Method: Host Probing
#' This method is called by a mosquito when she probes a human host, but may also be called by \code{\link{SimBitePfSI}} as a filler.
#' If the biting mosquito is infectious, the method calls \code{\link{infectiousBite_PfMOI}}, otherwise does nothing.
#'  * This method is bound to \code{Human$probeHost_PfMOI()}
#' @param tBite time of bite
#' @param EIP length of entomological incubation period
#' @param mosquitoPfMOI \code{\link{mosquitoPfMOI}} object passed from mosquito to human
#' @md
probeHost_PfMOI <- function(tBite, EIP, mosquitoPfMOI){

  infections = mosquitoPfMOI$get_InfectionEIP(tBite - EIP)
  infectionsN = max(length(infections),self$get_PfMOI_PAR("MosyMaxI"))

  for(i in 1:infectionsN){
    self$infectiousBite_PfMOI(tBite, PAR = list(PfID = infections$PfID[i],damID = infections$damID[i],sireID = infections$sireID[i]))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Method: Infectious Bite on Human
#' This method is called from \code{\link{probeHost_PfMOI}}.
#' If the infectious bite results in successful transmission, this function queues a human infection event, see \code{\link{add2Q_infectHumanPfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$infectiousBite_PfMOI()}
#' @param tBite time of bite
#' @param PAR single clonal variant returned from \code{mosquitoPfMOI$get_clone()}
infectiousBite_PfMOI <- function(tBite, PAR){
  if(runif(1) < private$Pathogens$get_b()){

    tInfStart = tBite + self$ttInfectionPf()
    self$add2Q_infectHumanPfMOI(tEvent = tInfStart, PAR = PAR)

# Start a PfMOI Infection

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Add PfMOI Infection Event to Event Queue
#' Add a PfMOI infection to the event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{infectiousBite_PfMOI}}
#' This method adds event \code{\link{event_infectHumanPfMOI}} to the event queue.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$add2Q_infectHumanPfMOI()}
#' @param tEvent time of infection
#' @param PAR single clonal variant returned from \code{mosquitoPfMOI$get_InfectionIx()}
add2Q_infectHumanPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  private$EventQueue$addEvent2Q(event = self$event_infectHumanPfMOI(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Generate PfMOI Infection Event
#' Generate PfMOI infection event to place in event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{add2Q_infectHumanPfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$event_infectHumanPfMOI()}
#'  * tag: \code{\link{infectHumanPfMOI}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent time of infection
#' @param PAR single clonal variant returned from \code{mosquitoPfMOI$get_clone()}
event_infectHumanPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR){
  list(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR, tag = "infectHumanPfMOI")

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: PfMOI Infection Event
#' Simulate a PfMOI infection. If the human is not under chemoprophylaxis, begin queuing events for this clonal variant's infection process.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$infectHumanPfMOI()}
#'  * A Bernoulli event is drawn to determine if this infection produces fever; if so \code{\link{add2Q_feverPfMOI}} is called.
#'  * The end of this PfMOI infection is queued by \code{\link{add2Q_endPfMOI}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent time of infection
#' @param PAR single clonal variant returned from \code{mosquitoPfMOI$get_clone()}
infectHumanPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR){


    # generate a new global PfID here from HumanPop
    PfID = self$get_HumansPointer()$increment_PfID()

    # add new infection to my infection queue
    private$Pathogens$add_Infection(PfID, PAR$damID, PAR$sireID)

    if(runif(1) < self$get_PfMOI_PAR("FeverPf")){
      self$add2Q_feverPfMOI(tEvent = tEvent)

    self$add2Q_endPfMOI(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = list(PfID = PfID))
    private$Pathogens$track_history(tEvent = tEvent, event = "I")


# End a PfMOI Infection

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Add PfMOI Clearance Event to Event Queue
#' Add PfMOI infection clearance event to the event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{infectHumanPfMOI}}
#' This method adds event \code{\link{event_endPfMOI}} to the event queue.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$add2Q_endPfMOI()}
#' @param tEvent time of infection
#' @param PAR named list
#'  * PfID: PfID of the infection to end
#' @md
add2Q_endPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  private$EventQueue$addEvent2Q(event = self$event_endPfMOI(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Generate PfMOI Clearance Event
#' Generate PfMOI clearance event to place in event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{add2Q_endPfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$event_endPfMOI()}
#'  * tag: \code{\link{endPfMOI}}
#'  * tEvent: treatment time is calculated as tTreat = tEvent + \code{\link{PfMOI_ttClearPf}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent time of clearance
#' @param PAR named list
#'  * PfID: PfID of the infection to end
#' @md
event_endPfMOI = function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  tEnd = tEvent + self$ttClearPf()
  list(tEvent = tEnd, PAR = PAR, tag = "endPfMOI")

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: PfMOI Infection Event
#' Clear a PfMOI infection corresponding to the given PfID.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$endPfMOI()}
#' @param tEvent time of clearance
#' @param PAR named list
#'  * PfID: PfID of the infection to end
#' @md
endPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR){
  private$Pathogens$track_history(tEvent = tEvent, event = "C")

# Fever

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Add PfMOI Fever Event to Event Queue
#' Add PfMOI fever event to the event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{infectHumanPfMOI}}
#' This method adds event \code{\link{event_feverPfMOI}} to the event queue.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$add2Q_feverPfMOI()}
#' @param tEvent time of fever
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
#' @md
add2Q_feverPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  private$EventQueue$addEvent2Q(event = self$event_feverPfMOI(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Generate PfMOI Fever Event
#' Generate PfMOI fever event to place in event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{add2Q_feverPfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$event_feverPfMOI()}
#'  * tag: \code{\link{feverPfMOI}}
#'  * tEvent: treatment time is calculated as tTreat = tEvent + \code{\link{PfMOI_ttFeverPf}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent time of fever
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
#' @md
event_feverPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  tFever = tEvent + self$ttFeverPf()
  list(tEvent = tFever, PAR = PAR, tag = "feverPfMOI")

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: PfMOI Infection Event
#' Clear a PfMOI infection corresponding to the given PfID.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$endPfMOI()}
#' @param tEvent time of clearance
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
#' @md
feverPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR){
  private$Pathogens$track_history(tEvent = tEvent, event = "F")
  if(runif(1) < self$get_PfMOI_PAR("TreatPf")){
    self$add2Q_treatPfMOI(tEvent = tEvent)


# Treatment

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Add PfMOI Treatment Event to Event Queue
#' Add PfMOI treatment event to the event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{feverPfMOI}}
#' This method adds event \code{\link{event_treatPfMOI}} to the event queue.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$add2Q_treatPfMOI()}
#' @param tEvent time of fever
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
add2Q_treatPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  private$EventQueue$addEvent2Q(event = self$event_treatPfMOI(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Generate PfMOI Treatment Event
#' Generate PfMOI treatment event to place in event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{add2Q_treatPfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$event_treatPfMOI()}
#'  * tag: \code{\link{treatPfMOI}}
#'  * tEvent: treatment time is calculated as tTreat = tEvent + \code{\link{PfMOI_ttTreatPf}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent time of treatment
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
event_treatPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  tTreat = tEvent + self$ttTreatPf()
  list(tEvent = tTreat, PAR = PAR, tag = "treatPfMOI")

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: PfMOI Treatment Event
#' Simulate a PfMOI treatment event. If the human is infected, set susceptible and track history; also initiate period of chemoprophylaxis, see \code{\link{add2Q_endprophylaxisPfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$treatPfMOI()}
#' @param tEvent time of treatment
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
treatPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR){

  private$Pathogens$set_MOI(MOI = 0L)
  private$EventQueue$rmTagFromQ(tag = "endPfMOI") # take out all clearance events

  private$Pathogens$track_history(tEvent = tEvent, event = "S")
  private$Pathogens$track_history(tEvent = tEvent, event = "P")

  # Initiate a period of protection from chemoprophylaxis

# End of Chemoprophylaxis

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Add PfMOI End of Chemoprophylaxis Event to Event Queue
#' Add PfMOI end of chemoprophylaxis event to the event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{treatPfMOI}}
#' This method adds event \code{\link{event_endprophylaxisPfMOI}} to the event queue.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$add2Q_endprophylaxisPfMOI()}
#' @param tEvent time of event
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
add2Q_endprophylaxisPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  private$EventQueue$addEvent2Q(event = self$event_endprophylaxisPfMOI(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Generate PfMOI End of Chemoprophylaxis Event
#' Generate PfMOI end of chemoprophylaxis event to place in event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{add2Q_endprophylaxisPfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$event_endprophylaxisPfMOI()}
#'  * tag: \code{\link{endprophylaxisPfMOI}}
#'  * tEvent: treatment time is calculated as tSusceptible = tEvent + \code{\link{PfMOI_ttSusceptiblePf}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent time to end chemoprophylaxis
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
event_endprophylaxisPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  tSusceptible = tEvent + self$ttSusceptiblePf()
  list(tEvent = tSusceptible, PAR = PAR, tag = "endprophylaxisPfMOI")

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: PfMOI End of Chemoprophylaxis Event
#' End PfMOI chemoprophylaxis protection.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$endprophylaxisPfMOI()}
#' @param tEvent time to end chemoprophylaxis
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
endprophylaxisPfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR){
  # End Prophylaxis
  private$Pathogens$track_history(tEvent = tEvent, event = "PP")


# HUMAN PE vaccination functions

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Add PfMOI PE Vaccination Event to Event Queue
#' Add PfMOI PE vaccination event to the event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{queueVaccination_SimBitePfMOI}}
#' This method adds event \code{\link{event_pevaccinatePfMOI}} to the event queue.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$add2Q_pevaccinatePfMOI()}
#' @param tEvent time of vaccination
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
add2Q_pevaccinatePfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  private$EventQueue$addEvent2Q(event = self$event_pevaccinatePfMOI(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Generate PfMOI PE Vaccination Event
#' Generate PfMOI PE vaccination event to place in event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{add2Q_pevaccinatePfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$event_pevaccinatePfMOI()}
#'  * tag: \code{\link{pevaccinatePfMOI}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent begin PE protection
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
event_pevaccinatePfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  list(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR, tag = "pevaccinatePfMOI")

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: PfMOI PE Vaccination Event
#' Begin PfMOI PE vaccination protection.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$endprophylaxisPfMOI()}
#'  * protection: infected mosquito to human transmission efficiency is modified by \code{peBlockPf}, see \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}}
#'  * waning efficacy: queue \code{\link{add2Q_pewanePfMOI}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent begin PE protection
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
pevaccinatePfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR){
  if(runif(1) < self$get_PfMOI_PAR("PEProtectPf")){
    private$Pathogens$set_b(self$get_PfMOI_PAR("Pf_b") * (1-self$get_PfMOI_PAR("peBlockPf")))
    self$add2Q_pewanePfMOI(tEvent = tEvent)
    private$Pathogens$track_history(tEvent = tEvent, event = "PEvaxx")

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Add PfMOI PE Waning Protection Event to Event Queue
#' Add PfMOI PE waning protection event to the event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{pevaccinatePfMOI}}
#' This method adds event \code{\link{event_pewanePfMOI}} to the event queue.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$add2Q_pewanePfMOI()}
#' @param tEvent time of vaccination
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
add2Q_pewanePfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  private$EventQueue$addEvent2Q(event = self$event_pewanePfMOI(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Generate PfMOI PE Waning Protection Event
#' Generate PfMOI PE waning protection event to place in event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{add2Q_pevaccinatePfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$event_pevaccinatePfMOI()}
#'  * tag: \code{\link{pevaccinatePfMOI}}
#'  * tEvent: loss of efficacy is calculated as tWane = tEvent + \code{\link{PfMOI_ttPEWanePf}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent end PE protection
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
event_pewanePfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  tWane = tEvent + self$ttPEWanePf()
  list(tEvent = tWane, PAR = PAR, tag = "pewanePfMOI")

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: PfMOI PE Waning Protection Event
#' End PfMOI PE protection.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$pewanePfMOI()}
#'  * protection: infected mosquito to human transmission efficiency is set back to \code{Pf_b}, see \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent end PE protection
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
pewanePfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR){
  private$Pathogens$track_history(tEvent = tEvent, event = "PEwane")

# HUMAN GS vaccination functions

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Add PfMOI GS Vaccination Event to Event Queue
#' Add PfMOI GS vaccination event to the event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{queueVaccination_SimBitePfMOI}}
#' This method adds event \code{\link{event_gsvaccinatePfMOI}} to the event queue.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$add2Q_gsvaccinatePfMOI()}
#' @param tEvent time of vaccination
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
add2Q_gsvaccinatePfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  private$EventQueue$addEvent2Q(event = self$event_gsvaccinatePfMOI(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Generate PfMOI GS Vaccination Event
#' Generate PfMOI GS vaccination event to place in event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{add2Q_gsvaccinatePfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$event_gsvaccinatePfMOI()}
#'  * tag: \code{\link{gsvaccinatePfMOI}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent begin gs protection
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
event_gsvaccinatePfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  list(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR, tag = "gsvaccinatePfMOI")

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: PfMOI GS Vaccination Event
#' Begin PfMOI GS vaccination protection.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$endprophylaxisPfMOI()}
#'  * protection: infected human to mosquito transmission efficiency is modified by \code{gsBlockPf}, see \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}}
#'  * waning efficacy: queue \code{\link{add2Q_gswanePfMOI}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent begin gs protection
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
gsvaccinatePfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR){
  if(runif(1) < self$get_PfMOI_PAR("GSProtectPf")){
    private$Pathogens$Pf$set_c(self$get_PfMOI_PAR("Pf_c") * (1-self$get_PfMOI_PAR("gsBlockPf")))
    self$add2Q_gswanePfMOI(tEvent = tEvent)
    private$Pathogens$track_history(tEvent = tEvent, event = "GSvaxx")

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Add PfMOI GS Waning Protection Event to Event Queue
#' Add PfMOI GS waning protection event to the event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{gsvaccinatePfMOI}}
#' This method adds event \code{\link{event_gswanePfMOI}} to the event queue.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$add2Q_gswanePfMOI()}
#' @param tEvent time of vaccination
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
add2Q_gswanePfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  private$EventQueue$addEvent2Q(event = self$event_gswanePfMOI(tEvent = tEvent, PAR = PAR))

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: Generate PfMOI GS Waning Protection Event
#' Generate PfMOI GS waning protection event to place in event queue.
#' This method is called from \code{\link{add2Q_gsvaccinatePfMOI}}
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$event_gsvaccinatePfMOI()}
#'  * tag: \code{\link{gsvaccinatePfMOI}}
#'  * tEvent: loss of efficacy is calculated as tWane = tEvent + \code{\link{PfMOI_ttGSWanePf}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent end gs protection
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
event_gswanePfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR = NULL){
  tWane = tEvent + self$ttGSWanePf()
  list(tEvent = tWane, PAR = PAR, tag = "gswanePfMOI")

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Event: PfMOI GS Waning Protection Event
#' End PfMOI GS protection.
#' This method is bound to \code{Human$gswanePfMOI()}
#'  * protection: infected human to mosquito transmission efficiency is set back to \code{Pf_c}, see \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}}
#' @md
#' @param tEvent end GS protection
#' @param PAR \code{NULL}
gswanePfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR){
  private$Pathogens$track_history(tEvent = tEvent, event = "GSwane")

# PfMOI Diagnostics

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Method: Rapid Diagnostic Test
#' Administer RDT to this human.
#'  * if infected: true positive is detected with probability \code{rdtSensPf}, see \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}}
#'  * if susceptible: false positive is detected with probability \code{rdtSpecPf}, see \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}}
#' @md
rdtTest_PfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR){
    runif(1) < self$get_PfMOI_PAR("rdtSensPf")
  } else {
    runif(1) < self$get_PfMOI_PAR("rdtSpecPf")

#' PfMOI \code{Human} Method: Light Microscopy Test
#' Administer light microscopy to this human.
#'  * if infected: true positive is detected with probability \code{lmSensPf}, see \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}}
#'  * if susceptible: false positive is detected with probability \code{lmSpecPf}, see \code{\link{PfMOI.Parameters}}
#' @md
lmTest_PfMOI <- function(tEvent, PAR){
    runif(1) < self$get_PfMOI_PAR("lmSensPf")
  } else {
    runif(1) < self$get_PfMOI_PAR("lmSpecPf")
smitdave/MASH documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:02 a.m.