#' @export
#' @rdname runAme
runAme.list <- function(input,
control = "shuffle",
outdir = "auto",
method = "fisher",
database = NULL,
meme_path = NULL,
sequences = FALSE,
silent = TRUE, ...){
x <- sequence_input_control_list(input, control)
input <- x$input
control <- x$control
res <- purrr::map(input, runAme.default,
control = control,
outdir = outdir,
method = method,
database = database,
meme_path = meme_path,
sequences = sequences,
silent = silent,
#' @export
#' @rdname runAme
runAme.BStringSetList <- function(input,
control = "shuffle",
outdir = "auto",
method = "fisher",
database = NULL,
meme_path = NULL,
sequences = FALSE,
silent = TRUE, ...){
runAme.list(as.list(input), control, outdir, method, database, meme_path, sequences, silent, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname runAme
runAme.default <- function(input,
control = "shuffle",
outdir = "auto",
method = "fisher",
database = NULL,
meme_path = NULL,
sequences = FALSE, silent = TRUE, ...){
input <- sequence_input(input)
if (!all(is.na(control))){
control <- sequence_input(control)
# Autodetect outdir path from path names
# note: this line must run after input&control are parsed to paths
if (outdir == "auto") {outdir <- outdir_name(input, control)}
user_flags <- prepareAmeFlags(control, outdir, method, ...)
database <- search_meme_database_path(database)
command <- search_meme_path(path = meme_path, util = "ame")
# format: ame <flags> <input.fa> <db.meme>
flags <- c(user_flags, input, database)
ps_out <- processx::run(command, flags, spinner = TRUE, error_on_status = FALSE)
# Handles printing argument suggestions if process has non-zero exit status
# help_fun must be anonymous function to delay evaluating ame_help unless it's needed
ps_out %>%
process_check_error(help_fun = ~{ame_help(command)},
user_flags = cmdfun::cmd_help_parse_flags(user_flags) %>%
grep("shuffle", ., invert = TRUE, value = TRUE),
flags_fun = ~{gsub("-", "_", .x)},
default_help_fun = TRUE)
print_process_stdout(ps_out, silent = silent)
print_process_stderr(ps_out, silent = silent)
# NOTE: sequences.tsv is only created when method == "fisher"
ame_out <- cmdfun::cmd_file_combn("ame", c("tsv", "html"), outdir)
if (method == "fisher"){
ame_seq <- cmdfun::cmd_file_combn("sequences", "tsv", outdir)
ame_out$sequences <- ame_seq[[1]]
ame_out %>%
import_sequences <- FALSE
if (method == "fisher" & sequences){
import_sequences <- ame_out$sequences
importAme(path = ame_out$tsv, method = method, sequences = import_sequences)
#' Returns ame help lines
#' @param command path to ame. output of search_meme_path(util = "ame")
#' @return
#' @noRd
ame_help <- function(command){
processx::run(command, "--help", error_on_status = FALSE)$stderr
prepareAmeFlags <- function(control, outdir, method, ...){
argsDict <- c("outdir" = "oc")
flagList <- cmdfun::cmd_args_all() %>%
cmdfun::cmd_list_interp(argsDict) %>%
purrr::set_names(~{gsub("_", "-", .x)})
if (exists("control", flagList)) {
if (flagList$control == "shuffle") {
flagList$control <- "--shuffle--"
if (exists("bfile", flagList)) {
if (flagList$control %in% c("motif", "uniform")) {
flagList$control <- paste0("--", flagList$control, "--")
flagList %>%
cmdfun::cmd_list_to_flags(prefix = "--")
#' Parse AME output
#' This imports AME results using the "ame.tsv" output, and optionally the
#' "sequences.tsv" output if run with "method = fisher". AME results differ
#' based on the method used, thus this must be set on import or the column
#' names will be incorrect.
#' @param path path to ame results file ("ame.tsv")
#' @param method ame run method used (one of: c("fisher", "ranksum", "dmhg3",
#' "dmhg4", "pearson", "spearman")). Default: "fisher".
#' @param sequences NULL/FALSE to skip sequence import, or path to sequences
#' file to import (only valid for method = "fisher")
#' @return data.frame with method-specific results. See [AME
#' results](http://meme-suite.org/doc/ame-output-format.html) webpage for more
#' information. If sequences is set to a path to the sequences.tsv and method
#' = "fisher", the list-column `sequences` will be appended to resulting
#' data.frame.
#' @seealso [runAme()]
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @importFrom tidyr nest
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @family import
#' @examples
#' ame_tsv <- system.file("extdata", "ame.tsv", package = "memes", mustWork = TRUE)
#' importAme(ame_tsv)
importAme <- function(path, method = c("fisher", "ranksum", "dmhg3", "dmhg4", "pearson", "spearman"), sequences = NULL) {
method <- match.arg(method)
has_sequences <- is.character(sequences)
cols <- get_ame_coltypes(method)
data <- readr::read_tsv(path,
col_names = names(cols$cols),
col_types = cols,
skip = 1,
comment = "#"
if (nrow(data) == 0){
message("AME detected no enrichment")
if (has_sequences && method != "fisher") {
msg <- "`sequences` argument is invalid unless method = 'fisher'."
stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
if (!has_sequences || method != "fisher") {
if (has_sequences && method == "fisher") {
seq <- importAmeSequences(sequences)
if (is.null(seq)){
seq %<>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$motif_id, .data$motif_db) %>%
tidyr::nest() %>%
dplyr::rename("sequences" = "data") %>%
return(dplyr::left_join(data, seq, by = c("motif_id","motif_db")))
#' Helper for combining readr::cols() objects
#' @param col readr::cols() object
#' @param cols_list list of readr::cols() objects. **NOTE** order MATTERS!
#' @return combined cols() object of all inputs
#' @noRd
combine_cols <- function(col, cols_list){
# original cols to col
# pass extra cols to cols as list
out <- col
purrr::walk(cols_list, ~{
out$cols <<- c(out$cols, .x$cols)
#' Import AME sequences information for method="fisher" runs.
#' @param path path to sequences.tsv ame output file
#' @return data.frame with columns:
#' - motif_db: name of motif db the identified motif was found in
#' - motif_id: name of identified motif (primary identifier)
#' - seq_id (name of fasta entry)
#' - label_[fasta|pwm]_score: score used for labeling positive (either fasta or pwm score)
#' - class_[fasta|pwm]_score: score used for classifying positives (either fasta or pwm score)
#' - class: whether a sequence was called true-positve ("tp") or false-positive ("fp")
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' importAmeSequences("path/to/ame/sequences.tsv")
#' }
#' @noRd
importAmeSequences <- function(path){
sequences <- readr::read_tsv(path,
col_types = readr::cols("c", "c", "c", "d", "d", "c"),
col_names = TRUE,
comment = "#")
if (nrow(sequences) == 0){
message("Sequences output is empty")
sequences %<>%
dplyr::rename_all(tolower) %>%
# positions 4 & 5 encode which score was used to "label" (4) vs "classify" (5)
# can be either PWM for Fasta score, and can't predict which one easily, so
# just prefix these two.
dplyr::rename_at(4, function(x){paste0("label_", x)}) %>%
dplyr::rename_at(5, function(x){paste0("class_", x)})
#' Generate columntypes/names for ame results.
#' @param method ame run method used (one of: c("fisher", "ranksum", "dmhg3",
#' "dmhg4", "pearson", "spearman")).
#' @return readr::cols object w/ names & datatypes for given method
#' @importFrom readr cols
#' @noRd
get_ame_coltypes <- function(method){
# Strategey: build readr::cols() vector for each input type, the combine together using switch for import.
cols_common <- readr::cols("rank" = "i",
"motif_db" = "c",
"motif_id" = "c",
"motif_alt_id" = "c",
"consensus" = "c",
"pvalue" = "d",
"adj.pvalue" = "d",
"evalue" = "d",
"tests" = "i"
cols_fisher_ranksum_dmhg <- readr::cols("fasta_max" = "d",
"pos" = "i",
"neg" = "i"
cols_fisher <- readr::cols("pwm_min" = "d",
"tp" = "i",
"tp_percent" = "d",
"fp" = "i",
"fp_percent" = "d"
cols_ranksum <- readr::cols("u" = "d",
"pleft" = "d",
"pright" = "d",
"pboth" = "d",
"adj.pleft" = "d",
"adj.pright" = "d",
"adj.both" = "d"
cols_pearson <- readr::cols("pearson_cc" = "d",
"mean_squared_error" = "d",
"slope" = "d",
"intercept" = "d"
cols_spearman <- readr::cols("spearman_cc" = "d")
method <- gsub("[3,4]dmhg", "dmhg", method)
cols <- switch(method,
fisher = combine_cols(cols_common, list(cols_fisher_ranksum_dmhg, cols_fisher)),
ranksum = combine_cols(cols_common, list(cols_fisher_ranksum_dmhg, cols_ranksum)),
dmhg = combine_cols(cols_common, list(cols_fisher_ranksum_dmhg)),
pearson = combine_cols(cols_common, list(cols_pearson)),
spearman = combine_cols(cols_common, list(cols_spearman)),
stop(paste0(method, " is not a valid method"))
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