
Defines functions defaultNCores armaCor balancedKNN points.within t.get.projected.delta.from.log2ratio t.get.projected.delta2 t.get.projected.delta read.gene.mapping.info find.ip.sites read.loom.matrices t.get.projected.cell2 t.get.projected.cell val2col ac sn edgeR.libsize lengthstats2 t.get.estimates2 t.annotate.bam.reads read.strtc1.bams read.smartseq2.bams show.velocity.on.embedding.eu show.velocity.on.embedding.cor tSNE.velocity.plot pca.velocity.plot filter.genes.by.cluster.expression global.velcoity.estimates gene.relative.velocity.estimates

Documented in ac armaCor filter.genes.by.cluster.expression find.ip.sites gene.relative.velocity.estimates global.velcoity.estimates pca.velocity.plot read.gene.mapping.info read.loom.matrices read.smartseq2.bams read.strtc1.bams show.velocity.on.embedding.cor show.velocity.on.embedding.eu tSNE.velocity.plot

#' @useDynLib nlvelo
#' @import MASS
#' @import stats
#' @import graphics
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums spMatrix Diagonal t rowMeans colMeans rowSums colSums diag
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
#' @importFrom pcaMethods pca
#' @importFrom mgcv gam s
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom cluster pam
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom grDevices adjustcolor colorRampPalette
#//' @importFrom Biostrings PWM matchPWM
#//' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#//' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#//' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom methods as

# optional imports
# @import igraph
# @importFrom abind abind
# @import hdf5r
# @importFrom edgeR calcNormFactors
# @import GenomicAlignments
# @import Rsamtools
# @importFrom Rtsne Rtsne

##' Estimate RNA velocity using gene-relative slopes
##' @param emat - spliced (exonic) count matrix
##' @param nmat - unspliced (nascent) count matrix
##' @param deltaT - amount of time to project the cell forward
##' @param smat - optional spanning read matrix (used in offset calculations)
##' @param steady.state.cells - optional set of steady-state cells on which the gamma should be estimated (defaults to all cells)
##' @param kCells - number of k nearest neighbors (NN) to use in slope calculation smoothing
##' @param cellKNN - optional pre-calculated cell KNN matrix
##' @param kGenes - number of genes (k) to use in gene kNN pooling
##' @param old.fit - optional old result (in this case the slopes and offsets won't be recalculated, and the same kNN graphs will be used)
##' @param mult - library scaling factor (1e6 in case of FPM)
##' @param min.nmat.smat.correlation - minimum required Spearman rank correlation between n and s counts of a gene
##' @param min.nmat.emat.correlation - minimum required Spearman rank correlation between n and e counts of a gene
##' @param min.nmat.emat.slope - minimum sloope of n~e regression
##' @param zero.offset - should offset be set to zero, or determined (through smat regression or using near-0 e cases)
##' @param deltaT2 - scaling of the projected difference vector (normally should be set to 1)
##' @param fit.quantile perform gamma fit on a top/bottom quantiles of expression magnitudes
##' @param diagonal.quantiles whether extreme quantiles should be computed diagonally
##' @param show.gene an optional name of a gene for which the velocity estimation details should be shown (instead of estimating all velocities)
##' @param do.par whether the graphical device parameters should be reset as part of show.gene (default=TRUE)
##' @param cell.dist - cell distance to use in cell kNN pooling calculations
##' @param emat.size - pre-calculated cell sizes for the emat (spliced) matrix
##' @param nmat.size - pre-calculated cell sizes for the nmat (unspliced) matrix
##' @param cell.emb - cell embedding to be used in show.gene function
##' @param cell.colors - cell colors to be used in show.gene function
##' @param expression.gradient - color palette used to show the expression magnitudes in show.gene function
##' @param residual.gradient - color palette used to show the u residuals in show.gene function
##' @param n.cores - number of cores to use
##' @param verbose - output messages about progress
##' @param N - Hill coefficient in modeling the nonlinear relationship
##' @param K - a constant in the Hill function
##' @return a list with velocity results, including the current normalized expression state ($current), projected ($projected) over a certain time ($deltaT), unscaled transcriptional change ($deltaE), fit results ($gamma, $ko, $sfit if spanning reads were used), optional cell pooling parameters ($cellKNN, $kCells), kNN-convolved normalized matrices (conv.nmat.norm and conv.emat.norm), library scale ($mult)
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##'  # use min/max quantile gamma fit (recommended option when one can afford to do cell kNN smoothing)
##'  # The example below uses k=5 cell kNN pooling, and top/bottom 2% exprssion quantiles
##'  # emat and nmat are spliced (exonic) and unspliced (intronic) molecule/read count matirces
##' (preferably filtered for informative genes)
##'  rvel <- gene.relative.velocity.estimates(emat,nmat,deltaT=1,kCells = 5,fit.quantile = 0.02)
##'  # alternativly, the function can be used to visualize gamma fit and regression for a
##' particular gene. here we pass embedding (a matrix/data frame with rows named with cell names,
##' and columns corresponding to the x/y coordinates)
##'  # and cell colors. old.fit is used to save calculation time.
##'  gene.relative.velocity.estimates(emat,nmat,deltaT=1,kCells = 5,fit.quantile = 0.02,
##'     old.fit=rvel,show.gene='Chga',cell.emb=emb,cell.colors=cell.colors)
##' }
##' @export
gene.relative.velocity.estimates <- function(emat,nmat,deltaT=1,smat=NULL,steady.state.cells=colnames(emat),kCells=10,cellKNN=NULL,kGenes=1,old.fit=NULL,mult=1e3,min.nmat.smat.correlation=0.05,min.nmat.emat.correlation=0.05, min.nmat.emat.slope=0.05, zero.offset=FALSE,deltaT2=1, fit.quantile=NULL, diagonal.quantiles=FALSE, show.gene=NULL, do.par=TRUE, cell.dist=NULL, emat.size=NULL, nmat.size=NULL, cell.emb=NULL, cell.colors=NULL, expression.gradient=NULL,residual.gradient=NULL,
                                             K = 0.5,N = 1, n.cores=defaultNCores(), verbose=TRUE) {
  if (!is.null(K) | !is.null(N)) {
    cat("Estimating RNA velocity using nonlinear models!!", "\n")
  } else {
    cat("Estimating RNA velocity using the original linear models!!", "\n")

  if(!all(colnames(emat)==colnames(nmat))) stop("emat and nmat must have the same columns (cells)");
  if(!is.null(smat)) { if(!all(colnames(emat)==colnames(smat))) stop("smat must have the same columns (cells) as emat") }
  resl <- list();
  # bring matrices to the same gene set (just in case)
  vg <- intersect(rownames(emat),rownames(nmat));
  if(is.null(smat)) {
    emat <- emat[vg,]; nmat <- nmat[vg,]
  } else {
    vg <- intersect(vg,rownames(smat))
    emat <- emat[vg,]; nmat <- nmat[vg,]; smat <- smat[vg,]
  if(!is.null(show.gene)) {
    if(!show.gene %in% rownames(emat)) { stop(paste("gene",show.gene,"is not present in the filtered expression matrices")) }
  # TODO: add gene filtering options
  pcount <- 1;

  if(!is.null(cell.dist)) {
    if(class(cell.dist)!='dist') { stop("cell.dist must be of a class dist") }
    if(!all(labels(cell.dist)==colnames(emat))) {
      cat("matching cells between cell.dist and emat/nmat ... ")
      cell.dist <- as.matrix(cell.dist)
      cn <- intersect(colnames(emat),colnames(cell.dist))
      cell.dist <- as.dist(cell.dist[cn,cn]);
      emat <- emat[,cn]; nmat <- nmat[,cn];
      if(!is.null(smat)) { smat <- smat[,cn] }

  # size estimates
  if(is.null(emat.size)) { emat.size <- Matrix::colSums(emat); }
  if(is.null(nmat.size)) { nmat.size <- Matrix::colSums(nmat); }
  emat.cs <- emat.size[colnames(emat)]/mult;
  nmat.cs <- nmat.size[colnames(nmat)]/mult;

  emat.log.norm <- log(as.matrix(t(t(emat)/emat.cs))+pcount);
  if(!is.null(old.fit)) { cellKNN <- old.fit[['cellKNN']]}
  knn.maxl <- 1e2
  if(kCells>1) {
    if(is.null(cellKNN)) {
      cat("calculating cell knn ... ")
      if(is.null(cell.dist)) {
        cellKNN <- balancedKNN(emat.log.norm,kCells,kCells*knn.maxl,n.threads=n.cores);
      } else {
        cellKNN <- balancedKNN(emat.log.norm,kCells,kCells*knn.maxl,n.threads=n.cores,dist=cell.dist);
      diag(cellKNN) <- 1;
      resl$cellKNN <- cellKNN;
    # smoothed matrices
    cat("calculating convolved matrices ... ")
    conv.emat <- emat %*% cellKNN[colnames(emat),colnames(emat)]
    conv.nmat <- nmat %*% cellKNN[colnames(nmat),colnames(nmat)]
    conv.emat.cs <- (emat.cs %*% cellKNN[colnames(emat),colnames(emat)])[1,]
    conv.nmat.cs <- (nmat.cs %*% cellKNN[colnames(nmat),colnames(nmat)])[1,]
  } else {
    conv.emat <- emat; conv.nmat <- nmat; cellKNN <- NULL;
    conv.emat.cs <- emat.cs; conv.nmat.cs <- nmat.cs;


  # size-normalized counts
  conv.emat.norm <- t(t(conv.emat)/conv.emat.cs)
  conv.nmat.norm <- t(t(conv.nmat)/conv.nmat.cs)

  # size-normalized counts
  emat.norm <- t(t(emat)/emat.cs)
  nmat.norm <- t(t(nmat)/nmat.cs)

  if(kGenes>1) {
    if(!is.null(old.fit) && !is.null(old.fit$geneKNN)) {
      geneKNN <- old.fit$geneKNN;
    } else {
      cat("gene kNN ... ")
      geneKNN <- balancedKNN(t(log(as.matrix(conv.emat.norm)+pcount)),kGenes,kGenes*1.2e3,n.threads=n.cores); diag(geneKNN) <- 1;
    resl$geneKNN <- geneKNN;

    # normalize contribution of different neighbor genes to match the median totals (to avoid distortions due to high-yielding genes)
    cat("scaling gene weights ... ")
    gt <- rowSums(conv.emat.norm)
    scaledGeneKNN <- t(apply(geneKNN,2,function(ii) pmin(1,median(gt[which(ii>0)])/gt) * ii))
    cat("convolving matrices ... ")
    conv.emat.norm <- scaledGeneKNN %*% conv.emat.norm;
    conv.nmat.norm <- scaledGeneKNN %*% conv.nmat.norm;


  if(!is.null(smat)) {

    if(kCells>1) {
      conv.smat <- smat %*% cellKNN[colnames(smat),colnames(smat)]
    } else {
      conv.smat <- smat
    conv.smat.cs <- Matrix::colSums(conv.smat)/mult;
    conv.smat.norm <- t(t(conv.smat)/conv.smat.cs)

    if(kGenes>1) {
      conv.smat.norm <- scaledGeneKNN %*% conv.smat.norm;

    # use spanning reads to fit offset for the intronic reads, test correlation
    if(is.null(old.fit)) {
      cat("fitting smat-based offsets ... ")
      sfit <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,parallel::mclapply(sn(rownames(conv.emat.norm)),function(gn) {
        df <- data.frame(n=(conv.nmat.norm[gn,steady.state.cells]),e=(conv.emat.norm[gn,steady.state.cells]),s=conv.smat.norm[gn,steady.state.cells])
        sd <- lm(n~s,data=df)
        r <- with(df[df$s>0,],cor(n,s,method='spearman'),3)

    } else {
      sfit <- old.fit$sfit;

  resl$conv.nmat.norm <- conv.nmat.norm;
  resl$conv.emat.norm <- conv.emat.norm;

  # fit gamma, using the offset above
  if(!is.null(show.gene)) {
    gn <- show.gene;
    if(!is.null(cell.emb)) {
      # show embedding heatmaps
      cc <- intersect(rownames(cell.emb),colnames(conv.emat.norm));
      if(do.par) { par(mfrow=c(1,4), mar = c(2.5,2.5,2.5,0.5), mgp = c(1.5,0.65,0), cex = 0.85); }
      plot(cell.emb[cc,],pch=21,col=ac(1,alpha=0.2),bg=val2col(conv.emat.norm[gn,cc],gradientPalette=expression.gradient),cex=0.8,xlab='',ylab='',main=paste(gn,'s'),axes=F); box();
      plot(cell.emb[cc,],pch=21,col=ac(1,alpha=0.2),bg=val2col(conv.nmat.norm[gn,cc],gradientPalette=expression.gradient),cex=0.8,xlab='',ylab='',main=paste(gn,'u'),axes=F); box();
    do <- NULL;
    if(!is.null(smat)) { # use smat-based offsets
      df <- data.frame(n=(conv.nmat.norm[gn,steady.state.cells]),e=(conv.emat.norm[gn,steady.state.cells]),o=sfit[gn,'o'])
      if(zero.offset) df$o <- 0;
    }  else { # calculate offset based on the nascent counts obsered for near-0 exonic levels
      df <- data.frame(n=(conv.nmat.norm[gn,steady.state.cells]),e=(conv.emat.norm[gn,steady.state.cells]))
      o <- 0;
      df$o <- o;
      #zi <- emat[gn,steady.state.cells]==0;
      if(!zero.offset) { zi <- df$e<1/conv.emat.cs[steady.state.cells]; if(any(zi)) { o <- sum(df$n[zi])/(sum(zi)+1)} }
      df$o <- o;

      # if(any(zi)) {
      #   do <- lm(n~e,data=df[zi,])
      #   #summary(do)
      #   df$o <- max(0,do$coefficients[1])
      # }


    d <- lm(n~e+offset(o)+0,data=df,weights=df$e^4+df$n^4);
    cell.col <- ac(rep(1,nrow(df)),alpha=0.1); names(cell.col) <- rownames(df)
    if(!is.null(cell.colors)) {
      cc <- intersect(names(cell.colors),rownames(df));
      cell.col[cc] <- cell.colors[cc]
    if(!is.null(do)) {

    # min/max fit
    if(!is.null(fit.quantile)) {
      if(diagonal.quantiles) {
        # determine maximum ranges
        emax <- quantile(df$e,p=0.99)
        nmax <- quantile(df$n,p=0.99)
        if(emax==0) emax <- max(max(df$e),1e-3)
        if(nmax==0) nmax <- max(max(df$n),1e-3)
        x <- df$e/emax + df$n/nmax;
        eq <- quantile(x,p=c(fit.quantile,1-fit.quantile))
        if(!is.null(smat)) { # will use smat offset, so disregard lower quantile
          pw <- as.numeric(x>=eq[2])
        } else {
          pw <- as.numeric(x>=eq[2] | x<=eq[1])
      } else {
        eq <- quantile(df$e,p=c(fit.quantile,1-fit.quantile))
        if(!is.null(smat) || zero.offset) { # will use smat offset, so disregard lower quantile
          pw <- as.numeric(df$e>=eq[2])
        } else {
          pw <- as.numeric(df$e>=eq[2] | df$e<=eq[1])

      if(!is.null(smat) || zero.offset) { # use smat offset
        d <- lm(n~e+offset(o)+0,data=df,weights=pw);
      } else {
        d <- lm(n~e,data=df,weights=pw)

      ## eq <- quantile(df$e,p=c(fit.quantile,1-fit.quantile))
      ## pw <- as.numeric(df$e>=eq[2] | df$e<=eq[1])
      ## if(!is.null(smat)) { # use smat offset
      ##   d <- lm(n~e+offset(o)+0,data=df,weights=pw);
      ## } else {
      ##   d <- lm(n~e,data=df,weights=pw)
      ## }

    df <- df[order(df$e,decreasing=T),];

    if(!is.null(cell.emb)) {
      plot(cell.emb[cc,],pch=21,col=ac(1,alpha=0.2),bg=val2col(resid(d)[cc],gradientPalette=residual.gradient),cex=0.8,xlab='',ylab='',main=paste(gn,'resid'),axes=F); box();
    if(kGenes>1) { return(invisible(geneKNN)) } else { return(1) }

  cat("fitting gamma coefficients ... ")
  if(is.null(old.fit)) {
    ko <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,parallel::mclapply(sn(rownames(conv.emat.norm)),function(gn) {
      if(!is.null(smat)) { # use smat-based offsets
        df <- data.frame(n=(conv.nmat.norm[gn,steady.state.cells]),e=(conv.emat.norm[gn,steady.state.cells]),o=sfit[gn,'o'])
        if(zero.offset) df$o <- 0;
      }  else { # calculate offset based on the nascent counts obsered for near-0 exonic levels
        df <- data.frame(n=(conv.nmat.norm[gn,steady.state.cells]),e=(conv.emat.norm[gn,steady.state.cells]))
        o <- 0;
        if(!zero.offset) { zi <- df$e<1/conv.emat.cs[steady.state.cells]; if(any(zi)) { o <- sum(df$n[zi])/(sum(zi)+1)} }
        df$o <- o;
      if(is.null(fit.quantile)) {
        #d <- lm(n~e+offset(o)+0,data=df,weights=df$e^4+df$n^4);
        d <- lm(n~e+offset(o)+0,data=df,weights=df$e^4+df$n^4);
      } else {
        if(diagonal.quantiles) {
          # determine maximum ranges
          emax <- quantile(df$e,p=0.99)
          nmax <- quantile(df$n,p=0.99)
          if(emax==0) emax <- max(max(df$e),1e-3)
          if(nmax==0) nmax <- max(max(df$n),1e-3)
          x <- df$e/emax + df$n/nmax;
          eq <- quantile(x,p=c(fit.quantile,1-fit.quantile))
          if(!is.null(smat)) { # will use smat offset, so disregard lower quantile
            pw <- as.numeric(x>=eq[2])
          } else {
            pw <- as.numeric(x>=eq[2] | x<=eq[1])
        } else {
          eq <- quantile(df$e,p=c(fit.quantile,1-fit.quantile))
          if(!is.null(smat) || zero.offset) { # will use smat offset, so disregard lower quantile
            pw <- as.numeric(df$e>=eq[2])
          } else {
            pw <- as.numeric(df$e>=eq[2] | df$e<=eq[1])
        if(!is.null(smat) || zero.offset) { # use smat offset
          d <- lm(n~e+offset(o)+0,data=df,weights=pw);
        } else {
          if (!is.null(N)&!is.null(K)){
            d <- lm(n2~e,data=df,weights=pw)
          } else{
            d <- lm(n~e,data=df,weights=pw)

          # note: re-estimating offset here

    ko <- na.omit(ko)
    cat("done. succesfful fit for",nrow(ko),"genes\n")
  } else { full.ko <- ko <- na.omit(old.fit$ko); }

  if(!is.null(smat)) {
    sfit <- na.omit(sfit)
    ko <- ko[rownames(ko) %in% rownames(sfit),]; # omit genes for which sfit didn't work
    vi <- sfit$r > min.nmat.smat.correlation
    ko <- ko[vi,]
    if(!all(vi)) cat("filtered out",sum(!vi),"out of",length(vi),"genes due to low nmat-smat correlation\n")

  full.ko <- ko;
  vi <- ko$r>min.nmat.emat.correlation
  print("377 passed")
  if(!all(vi)) cat("filtered out",sum(!vi),"out of",length(vi),"genes due to low nmat-emat correlation\n")
  print("379 passed")
  ko <- ko[vi,]

  vi <- ko$g>min.nmat.emat.slope
  if(!all(vi)) cat("filtered out",sum(!vi),"out of",length(vi),"genes due to low nmat-emat slope\n")
  ko <- ko[vi,]

  gamma <- ko$g; offset <- ko$o; names(gamma) <- names(offset) <- rownames(ko);
  cat("calculating RNA velocity shift ... ")
  if(kGenes>1) { # gene-convolved estimation
    # estimate M value
    npred <- gamma*conv.emat.norm[names(gamma),] + ko$o;
    npred[npred<0] <- 0;
    mval <- log2(conv.nmat.norm[names(gamma),]+pcount) - log2(npred+pcount);
    resl$mval <- mval;

    #resl$conv.deltaE <- t.get.projected.delta(conv.emat.norm,conv.nmat.norm,gamma,offset=offset,delta=deltaT)
    #resl$conv.projected <- t.get.projected.cell2(conv.emat.norm,emat.size,as.matrix(resl$conv.deltaE),mult = mult,delta=deltaT2);
    #resl$conv.projected[resl$conv.projected<0] <- 0;

    # switch back to non-gene-kNN conv.* matrices
    conv.emat.norm <- t(t(conv.emat)/conv.emat.cs)
    conv.nmat.norm <- t(t(conv.nmat)/conv.nmat.cs)
    # estimate gamma
    cat("re-estimating gamma of individual genes ... ")

    am <- conv.nmat.norm[rownames(mval),]-offset; am[am<0] <- 0;
    fm <- log2(am) - mval - log2(conv.emat.norm[rownames(mval),])
    wm <- is.finite(fm)
    fm[!is.finite(fm)] <- 0;
    gammaA <- 2^(rowSums(fm * wm)/rowSums(wm))
    gammaA <- gammaA[is.finite(gammaA)];

    gamma <- gammaA;

    # can estimate deltaE from the mval
    cat("calculating RNA velocity shift ... ")
    # estimate delta from M value
    deltaE <- t.get.projected.delta.from.log2ratio(em=conv.emat.norm,gamma=gamma,r=mval,delta=deltaT)
    #deltaE <- t.get.projected.delta2(conv.emat.norm,conv.nmat,conv.nmat.cs,gamma,offset=offset,delta=deltaT)
  } else { # regular estimation
    #deltaE <- t.get.projected.delta2(conv.emat.norm,conv.nmat,conv.nmat.cs,gamma,offset=offset,delta=deltaT)
    deltaE <- t.get.projected.delta(conv.emat.norm,conv.nmat.norm,gamma,offset=offset,delta=deltaT, Ndelta=N, Kdelta=K)

  resl$gamma <- gamma;

  cat("calculating extrapolated cell state ... ")

  # reduced cell normalization (only genes for which momentum was estimated)
  emat.norm <- emat[rownames(emat) %in% rownames(deltaE),]
  #emat.sz <- Matrix::colSums(emat.norm)/mult;
  emat.sz <- emat.cs;
  emat.norm <- t(t(emat.norm)/(emat.sz));

  emn <- t.get.projected.cell2(emat.norm,emat.sz,as.matrix(deltaE),mult = mult,delta=deltaT2);
  #emn <- t.get.projected.cell(emat.norm,as.matrix(deltaE),target.mult = mult,model.mult=mult,delta=deltaT2,size.normalize=FALSE);


  full.ko$valid <- rownames(full.ko) %in% rownames(ko)
  resl <- c(resl,list(projected=emn,current=emat.norm,deltaE=deltaE,deltaT=deltaT,ko=full.ko,mult=mult,kCells=kCells));
  if(!is.null(smat)) { resl$sfit <- sfit }

##' Structure-based gene velocity estimation
##' @param emat - spliced (exonic) count matrix
##' @param nmat - unspliced (nascent) count matrix
##' @param vel - initial gene-relative velocity estimates (output of the gene.relative.velocity.estimates function)
##' @param base.df gene structure information data frame ($gene.df in output of read.gene.mapping.info()), containing the following columns ($il - total intronic length in log10(length+1) scale; $el - total exonic length; $nex - number of expressed (above some low threshold) exons; as well as optional $nipconc/$nipdisc giving number of concordant and discordant internal priming sites)
##' @param deltaT - amount of time to project the cell forward
##' @param smat - optional spanning read matrix (used in offset calculations)
##' @param kGenes - number of genes to use in evaluating trimmed mean of M values
##' @param kGenes.trim - number of genes to trim (from both ends)
##' @param smooth.kGenes - gene kNN pooling k value (used in the initial gene-relative fit)
##' @param kCells - number of k nearest neighbors (NN) to use in slope calculation smoothing
##' @param deltaT2 - scaling of the projected difference vector (normally should be set to 1)
##' @param min.gene.conuts - minimum number of spliced reads/molecules that a gene should have
##' @param min.gene.cells - minimum number of cells in which a gene should be expressed
##' @param min.intron.length - minimum exon length
##' @param min.exon.length - minimum exon length
##' @param top.global.pearson.deviance - maximum deviance threshold to filter out genes with very high unsplied counts (likely due to other processes)
##' @param cellKNN - optional pre-calculated cell KNN matrix
##' @param cell.dist - cell distance to use in cell kNN pooling calculations
##' @param fit.quantile perform gamma fit on a top/bottom quantiles of expression magnitudes
##' @param zero.offset force gene offsets to be zero (default if smat is not supplied), otherwise estimated from the lower quantile or quantile fit
##' @param diagonal.quantiles whether diagonal quantile determination should be used (if fit.quantile is specified)
##' @param m.pcount - pseudocount to be used in M value calculations (defaults to 5)
##' @param plot.model.fit plot gamma values predicted by the structure-bsaed model as a function of gene-relative gamma estimates.
##' @param n.cores - number of cores to use
##' @return a list with velocity results, including the current normalized expression state ($current), projected ($projected), unscaled transcriptional change ($deltaE), fit results ($ko, $sfit), optional cell pooling parameters ($cellKNN, $kCells), kNN-convolved normalized matrices (conv.nmat.norm and conv.emat.norm)
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##'  # emat / nmat are the spliced/unpsliced matrices respectively
##'  # rvel is a gene-relative velocity estimate
##'  # base.df (here dat$base.df) is a gene information table.
##'  #   For SMART-seq2, it is part of the \code{\link{read.smartseq2.bams}} output.
##'  #   For droplet data, this info can be obtained \code{\link{}}
##'  gvel <- global.velcoity.estimates(emat, nmat, rvel, dat$base.df, deltaT=1, kCells=5,
##'        kGenes = 15, kGenes.trim = 5, min.gene.cells = 0, min.gene.conuts = 500)
##' }
##' @export
global.velcoity.estimates <- function(emat,nmat,vel,base.df,deltaT=1,smat=NULL,kGenes=15,kGenes.trim=5,smooth.kGenes=0,kCells=10,deltaT2=1,min.gene.conuts=100,min.gene.cells=20,min.intron.length=10^3.5,min.exon.length=10^2.7,top.global.pearson.deviance=3,cellKNN=NULL,cell.dist=NULL,fit.quantile=NULL, zero.offset=NULL, diagonal.quantiles=FALSE, m.pcount=5,plot.model.fit=FALSE, n.cores=defaultNCores()) {

  if(is.null(zero.offset)) zero.offset <- is.null(smat); # set zero offset to true unless we have smat data

  mult <- vel$mult; # use the same library scale as in the supplied relative velocity estimates
  # reconsile gene lists
  gi <- intersect(intersect(rownames(base.df),rownames(emat)),rownames(nmat))
  emat <- emat[gi,]; nmat <- nmat[gi,];
  base.df <- base.df[gi,]

  # do some gene filtering
  vi <- rowSums(emat[rownames(base.df),])>min.gene.conuts & rowSums(emat[rownames(base.df),]>0)>min.gene.cells
  if(!all(vi)) cat("filtered out",sum(!vi),"out of",length(vi),"genes due to low emat levels\n")
  base.df <- base.df[vi,]

  vi <- base.df$il>log10(min.intron.length) & base.df$el>log10(min.exon.length) #requiring some minimum intronic and exonic lengths
  if(!all(vi)) cat("filtered out",sum(!vi),"out of",length(vi),"genes due to insufficient exonic or intronic lengths\n")
  base.df <- base.df[vi,]

  mult <- vel$mult;

  # do a quick global model of total nascent reads as a function of total exonic reads and gene structural parameters to filter
  # out the genes with very high nascent/exonic ratio - those are likely driven by other transcripts
  df <- data.frame(e=rowSums(emat[rownames(base.df),]), n=rowSums(nmat[rownames(base.df),]), base.df)
  #df$ir <- expr.lstat[rownames(df),'t']/expr.lstat[rownames(df),'i']
  df$eir <- base.df$il/base.df$el
  df$e <- log(df$e)
  gm <- MASS::glm.nb(n~.,data=df,link=log,init.theta=2)
  vi <- resid(gm,type='pearson') <= top.global.pearson.deviance;
  if(!all(vi)) cat("filtered out",sum(!vi),"out of",length(vi),"genes due to excessive nascent counts\n")
  base.df <- base.df[vi,]

  # reconcile gene lists and matrices
  gi <- intersect(rownames(base.df),rownames(emat))
  emat <- emat[gi,]; nmat <- nmat[gi,];
  base.df <- base.df[gi,]

  # start with gene-relative slopes
  gamma <- vel$gamma;
  gamma <- gamma[intersect(rownames(base.df),names(gamma))]
  #gamma <- ko$g; offset <- ko$o; names(gamma) <- names(offset) <- rownames(ko);
  cat("using relative slopes for",length(gamma),"genes to fit structure-based model ... ")

  df <- data.frame(k=log(gamma),base.df[names(gamma),]); # note we're working with log gamma to get good resolution of low values
  df$eir <- log(((10^df$il)-1)/((10^df$el)-1)) # intronic/exonic ratio
  df$e <- log(rowSums(emat[rownames(df),])) # total gene expression
  # genome-wide model fit
  # fit genome-wide model for the slope, based on the gene structural parameters and the total expression (exonic) magnitude
  if('nipconc' %in% colnames(base.df)) {
    cat("with internal priming info ... ")
    df <- cbind(df,data.frame(log10(base.df[names(gamma),c("nipconc","nipdisc")]+1)))
    km <- mgcv::gam(k~s(il,e)+s(eir)+s(nex)+s(nipconc)+s(nipdisc),data=df,weights=sqrt(rowSums(emat[rownames(df),])))
  } else {
    km <- mgcv::gam(k~s(il,e)+s(eir)+s(nex),data=df,weights=sqrt(rowSums(emat[rownames(df),])))
  cat(paste0(round((1-km$deviance/km$null.deviance)*100,1),"% deviance explained.\n"))

  if(plot.model.fit) {
    plot(df$k,predict(km),xlab=expression(paste('log[ gene-relative ',gamma,']')),ylab=expression(paste('log[ structure-based ',gamma,']')),pch=19,cex=0.7,col=ac(1,alpha=0.2));
    legend(x='bottomright',bty='n',legend=c(paste0(round((1-km$deviance/km$null.deviance)*100,1),"% deviance explained")))

  # generate predictions for all genes
  df <- base.df; # note we're working with log gamma to get good resolution of low values
  df$eir <- log(((10^df$il)-1)/((10^df$el)-1)) # intronic/exonic ratio
  df$e <- log(rowSums(emat[rownames(df),])) # total gene expression
  cat("predicting gamma ... ")
  sqGammaPred <- predict(km,newdata=df,type='response')

  # re-estimate offsets (and cellKNN) using relative fit
  cat("refitting offsets ... ")
  vel2 <- gene.relative.velocity.estimates(emat,nmat,smat=smat,kCells=kCells,kGenes=1,cell.dist=cell.dist,fit.quantile=fit.quantile,zero.offset=zero.offset,diagonal.quantiles=diagonal.quantiles)
  ko <- vel2$ko;
  cat("re-estimated offsets for",nrow(ko),"out of",nrow(emat),"genes\n")
  emat <- emat[rownames(ko),]; nmat <- nmat[rownames(ko),]
  sqGammaPred <- sqGammaPred[rownames(ko)]
  if(kCells>1) {
    cellKNN <- vel2$cellKNN;
    cat("calculating convolved matrices ... ")
    conv.emat <- emat %*% cellKNN[colnames(emat),colnames(emat)]
    conv.nmat <- nmat %*% cellKNN[colnames(nmat),colnames(nmat)]
  } else {
    conv.emat <- emat; conv.nmat <- nmat;

  # size estimates

  conv.emat.cs <- Matrix::colSums(conv.emat)/mult;
  conv.nmat.cs <- Matrix::colSums(conv.nmat)/mult;
  # size-normalized counts
  conv.emat.norm <- t(t(conv.emat)/conv.emat.cs)
  conv.nmat.norm <- t(t(conv.nmat)/conv.nmat.cs)

  # TODO: we want to restrict the set of genes that can be neighbors
  cat("calculating gene knn ... ")
  emm <- log10(as.matrix(conv.emat.norm)+1)
  gknn <- balancedKNN(t(emm),kGenes,nrow(emm),n.threads=n.cores); diag(gknn) <- 1;
  cat("estimating M values ... ")
  # amount of nascent transcription predicted by the model-based k esimates
  npred <- t(t(conv.emat.norm[names(sqGammaPred),]*exp(as.numeric(sqGammaPred)))*conv.nmat.cs)
  # adjust for offset
  npred <- npred+ko$o

  mval <- log2((conv.nmat[rownames(npred),]+m.pcount)/(npred+m.pcount))
  cat("adjusting mval offsets ... ")
  # estimate median M value (log2 observed nascent / expected nascent ratio) across kNN genes
  mmval <- do.call(rbind,parallel::mclapply(sn(colnames(gknn)),function(gn) {
    gin <- names(which(gknn[,gn]>0)) # neighbor gene names
    #x <- apply(mval[gin,],2,median) # works well too
    x <- apply(mval[gin,],2,mean,trim=kGenes.trim)

  if(kGenes>1) { # gene-convolved estimation
    # switch back to non-gene-kNN conv.* matrices
    conv.emat.norm <- t(t(conv.emat)/conv.emat.cs)
    conv.nmat.norm <- t(t(conv.nmat)/conv.nmat.cs)

  # adjust gamma predictions
  cat("re-estimating gamma ... ")

  offset <- ko[,'o']

  ### alternative gamma fit procedure
  ## gammaA <- unlist(mclapply(sn(rownames(mval)),function(gn) {
  ##   # here we try to optimize k to match the expression change based on mmval
  ##   df <- data.frame(n=conv.nmat.norm[gn,],e=conv.emat.norm[gn,],m=2^mval[gn,],o=ko[gn,'o'])
  ##   df$na <- df$n-df$o; df$na[df$na<0] <- 0; # apply offset
  ##   pc <- mean(df$e)/5; # min count
  ##   # fitness function, capturing discrepancy in deltaE
  ##   #f <- function(k) { ep <- (df$e+pc)*df$m - df$e; np <- df$n/k-df$e; sum(sqrt(abs(ep-np))) }
  ##   f <- function(k) { egt <- exp(-k); ep <- (df$e+pc)*(egt*(1-df$m)+df$m) - df$e; np <- df$e*egt + (df$na)/k*(1-egt)-df$e; sum(sqrt(abs(ep-np))) }
  ##   # poor man's optimization here, to guide interval methods
  ##   iv <- 10^seq(-4,2,by=0.1)
  ##   ivv <- unlist(lapply(iv,f))
  ##   mi <- which.min(ivv)
  ##   ov <- optim(iv[mi],f,lower=iv[max(1,mi-2)],upper=iv[min(length(iv),mi+2)],method='L-BFGS-B')
  ##   if(ov$value<ivv[mi]) { return((ov$par))} else { return((iv[mi]))}
  ## },mc.cores=n.cores,mc.preschedule=T))

  am <- conv.nmat.norm[rownames(mmval),]-offset; am[am<0] <- 0;
  fm <- log2(am) - mmval - log2(conv.emat.norm[rownames(mmval),])
  wm <- is.finite(fm)
  fm[!is.finite(fm)] <- 0;
  gammaA <- 2^(rowSums(fm * wm)/rowSums(wm))
  gammaA <- gammaA[is.finite(gammaA)];

  #plot(log(old.gammaA),log(gammaA)); abline(a=0,b=1,lty=2,col=2);


  # can estimate deltaE from the mval
  cat("calculating RNA velocity shift ... ")
  deltaE <- t.get.projected.delta.from.log2ratio(em=conv.emat.norm,gamma=gammaA,r=mmval,delta=deltaT)
  cat("calculating extrapolated cell state ... ")
  emat.size <- Matrix::colSums(emat)/mult;

  em <- as.matrix(t(t(emat)/emat.size))
  em <- em[rownames(em) %in% rownames(deltaE),]
  emn <- t.get.projected.cell2(em,emat.size,as.matrix(deltaE),mult = mult,delta=deltaT2);
  resl <- list(projected=emn,current=em,deltaE=deltaE,deltaT=deltaT,mval=mval,mult=mult,vel2=vel2,gammaA=gammaA);


##' Filter genes by requirining minimum average expression within at least one of the provided cell clusters
##' @param emat spliced (exonic) count matrix
##' @param clusters named cell factor defining clusters
##' @param min.max.cluster.average required minimum average expression count (no normalization is perfomed)
##' @return filtered emat matrix
##' @export
filter.genes.by.cluster.expression <- function(emat,clusters,min.max.cluster.average=0.1) {
  if(!any(colnames(emat) %in% names(clusters))) stop("provided clusters do not cover any of the emat cells!")
  vc <- intersect(colnames(emat),names(clusters))
  cl.emax <- apply(do.call(cbind,tapply(vc,as.factor(clusters[vc]),function(ii) Matrix::rowMeans(emat[,ii]))),1,max)
  vi <- cl.emax>min.max.cluster.average;

##' PCA-based visualization of the velocities
##' @param vel velocity estimation (gene-relative or global)
##' @param nPcs number of successive PCs to visualize
##' @param cell.colors a named vector of cell colors for visualization
##' @param scale scale to use for expression state transform (default: 'log', other possible values are 'sqrt','linear')
##' @param plot.cols number of columns into which to arrange the plots
##' @param norm.nPcs optional total number of PCs to use for velocity magnitude normalization
##' @param do.par whether to set up graphical parameters of a plot
##' @param pc.multipliers an optional vector multipliers for the cell PC scores (useful for reorienting the PCs)
##' @param show.grid.flow whether a grid flow should be shown
##' @param grid.n number of grid points (on each axis)
##' @param grid.sd standard deviation of the grid
##' @param arrow.scale scale multiplier for the velocity estimates
##' @param min.grid.cell.mass minimum cellular mass
##' @param min.arrow.size minimum size of an arrow to show
##' @param pcount pseudocount
##' @param arrow.lwd thickness of arrows to plot
##' @param size.norm whether to rescale current and projected states by cell size (default=FALSE)
##' @param return.details whether to return detailed output
##' @param plot.grid.points whether to show dots at every grid point
##' @param fixed.arrow.length whether to use fixed-size arrow
##' @param max.grid.arrow.length limit to the size of the arrows that could be shown (when fixed.arrow.length=FALSE)
##' @param n.cores number of cores to use in the calculations
##' @param ... extra parameters are passed to plot() function
##' @return If return.details=F, returns invisible list containing PCA info (epc) and projection of velocities onto the PCs (delta.pcs). If return.details=T, returns an extended list that can be passed into p1 app for velocity visualization.
##' @export
pca.velocity.plot <- function(vel,nPcs=4,cell.colors=NULL,scale='log',plot.cols=min(3,nPcs-1),norm.nPcs=NA,do.par=T, pc.multipliers=NULL, show.grid.flow=FALSE, grid.n=20, grid.sd=NULL, arrow.scale=1, min.grid.cell.mass=1, min.arrow.size=NULL, pcount=1, arrow.lwd=1, size.norm=FALSE, return.details=FALSE, plot.grid.points=FALSE, fixed.arrow.length=FALSE,max.grid.arrow.length=NULL, n.cores=defaultNCores(), ...) {
  x0 <- vel$current;
  x1 <- vel$projected;
  if(is.null(cell.colors)) { cell.colors <- ac(rep(1,ncol(x0)),alpha=0.3); names(cell.colors) <- colnames(x0) }
  # rescale to the same size
  if(size.norm) {
    cat("rescaling ... ")
    sz <- Matrix::colSums(x0);
    x0 <- t(t(x0)/sz)*mean(sz)
    x1 <- t(t(x1/Matrix::colSums(x1)))*mean(sz);
  # transform
  if(scale=='log') {
    cat("log ... ")
    x0.log <- log2(x0+pcount)
    x1.log <- log2(x1+pcount)
  } else if(scale=='sqrt') {
    cat("sqrt ... ")
    x0.log <- sqrt(x0)
    x1.log <- sqrt(x1)
  } else { # linear
    cat("linear ... ")
    x0.log <- x0
    x1.log <- x1

  cat("pca ... ")
  cent <- rowMeans(x0.log);
  epc <- pcaMethods::pca(t(x0.log-cent),center=F,nPcs=ifelse(is.na(norm.nPcs),nPcs,norm.nPcs))

  if(!is.null(pc.multipliers)) { # apply multipliers (used for flipping the direction of PCs in the plots)
    if(length(pc.multipliers)!=nPcs) stop("pc.multipliers must be a vector equal in length to the number of PCs")
    cat("pc multipliers ... ")
    epc@loadings <- t(t(epc@loadings)*pc.multipliers)
    epc@scores <- scale(epc@completeObs,scale=F,center=T) %*% epc@loadings;

  x1.scores <- t(x1.log - cent) %*% epc@loadings

  # normalize velocities ...?
  cat("delta norm ... ")
  delta.pcs <- as.matrix(x1.scores-epc@scores)
  if(!is.na(norm.nPcs)) {
    delta.pcs <- delta.pcs/mean(sqrt(rowSums(delta.pcs^2))) # suggested by Gioele, unsure about this ....

  # browser()
  # z <- as.matrix(t(x1.log-x0.log)) %*% epc@loadings
  # hist(apply(vel$deltaE,2,mean))
  # summary(apply(vel$deltaE,2,mean))
  # hist(apply(as.matrix(x1.log-x0.log),2,mean))
  # summary(apply(as.matrix(x1.log-x0.log),2,mean))
  # z <- t(as.matrix(vel$deltaE)[rownames(epc@loadings),]) %*%  epc@loadings
  # str(z)
  # str(delta.pcs)
  # cn <- 'L6'
  # cn <- 'O15'
  # z <- (x1.log-x0.log)[,cn] * epc@loadings[,3]
  # z2 <- vel$deltaE[names(z),cn] * epc@loadings[,3]
  # sort(z,d=T)[1:20]
  # sum(z)
  # delta.pcs[cn,3]
  # summary(delta.pcs[,3])
  # str(epc@loadings[,3])
  # sort(delta.pcs[,3],d=T)[1:10]
  # z <- rowMeans(x1.log-x0.log) * epc@loadings[,3]

  delta.pcs <- delta.pcs *arrow.scale;
  if(do.par) par(mfrow=c(ceiling((nPcs-1)/plot.cols),plot.cols), mar = c(3.5,3.5,2.5,1.5), mgp = c(2,0.65,0), cex = 0.85);
  vinfo <- lapply(1:(nPcs-1),function(i) {
    pos <- epc@scores[,c((i-1)+1,(i-1)+2)];
    #ppos <- x1.scores[,c((i-1)+1,(i-1)+2)];
    ppos <- pos+delta.pcs[,c((i-1)+1,(i-1)+2)];
    plot(pos,bg=cell.colors[rownames(pos)],pch=21,col=ac(1,alpha=0.3),lwd=0.5,xlab=paste("PC",(i-1)+1),ylab=paste("PC",(i-1)+2),axes=T,main=paste('PC',(i-1)+1,' vs. PC',(i-1)+2,sep=''),  ...); box();

    if(show.grid.flow) { # show grid summary of the arrows
      # arrow estimates for each cell
      ars <- data.frame(pos[,1],pos[,2],ppos[,1],ppos[,2])
      colnames(ars) <- c('x0','y0','x1','y1')
      arsd <- data.frame(xd=ars$x1-ars$x0,yd=ars$y1-ars$y0)
      rownames(ars) <- rownames(arsd) <- rownames(pos);

      # set up a grid
      rx <- range(c(range(ars$x0),range(ars$x1)))
      ry <- range(c(range(ars$y0),range(ars$y1)))
      gx <- seq(rx[1],rx[2],length.out=grid.n)
      gy <- seq(ry[1],ry[2],length.out=grid.n)

      # for each grid point calculate Gaussian-weighted delta average
      if(is.null(grid.sd)) {
        grid.sd <- sqrt((gx[2]-gx[1])^2 + (gy[2]-gy[1])^2)/2
        cat("grid.sd=",grid.sd," ")

      if(is.null(min.arrow.size)) {
        min.arrow.size <- sqrt((gx[2]-gx[1])^2 + (gy[2]-gy[1])^2)*1e-2;
        cat("min.arrow.size=",min.arrow.size," ")

      if(is.null(max.grid.arrow.length)) {
        max.grid.arrow.length <- sqrt(sum((par('pin')/c(length(gx),length(gy)))^2))*0.25
        cat("max.grid.arrow.length=",max.grid.arrow.length," ")

      garrows <- do.call(rbind,lapply(gx,function(x) {
        # cell distances (rows:cells, columns: grid points)
        cd <- sqrt(outer(pos[,2],-gy,'+')^2 + (x-pos[,1])^2)
        cw <- dnorm(cd,sd=grid.sd)
        # calculate x and y delta expectations
        gw <- Matrix::colSums(cw)
        cws <- pmax(1,Matrix::colSums(cw));
        gxd <- Matrix::colSums(cw*arsd$xd)/cws
        gyd <- Matrix::colSums(cw*arsd$yd)/cws

        al <- sqrt(gxd^2+gyd^2);
        vg <- gw>=min.grid.cell.mass & al>=min.arrow.size

      colnames(garrows) <- c('x0','y0','x1','y1')

      # plot
      if(fixed.arrow.length) {
      } else {
        alen <- pmin(max.grid.arrow.length,sqrt( ((garrows[,3]-garrows[,1]) * par('pin')[1] / diff(par('usr')[c(1,2)]) )^2 + ((garrows[,4]-garrows[,2])*par('pin')[2] / diff(par('usr')[c(3,4)]) )^2))
        # can't specify different arrow lengths in one shot :(
        suppressWarnings(lapply(1:nrow(garrows),function(i) arrows(garrows[i,1],garrows[i,2],garrows[i,3],garrows[i,4],length=alen[i],lwd=arrow.lwd)))
      if(plot.grid.points) points(rep(gx,each=length(gy)),rep(gy,length(gx)),pch='.',cex=1e-1,col=ac(1,alpha=0.4))

      if(return.details) { # for the p1 app
        # calculate expression shift
        cat("expression shifts .")
        # for individual cells
        es <- as.matrix(epc@loadings[,c((i-1)+1,(i-1)+2)] %*% t(delta.pcs[,c((i-1)+1,(i-1)+2)]))

        gs <- epc@loadings[,c((i-1)+1,(i-1)+2)] %*% rbind(garrows[,3]-garrows[,1],garrows[,4]-garrows[,2])

        # note: here we're using deltaE vector, which may be normalized a bit differently from the $current/$projectted that was used above
        nd <- as.matrix(vel$deltaE)
        if(scale=='log') {
          nd <- (log10(abs(nd)+1)*sign(nd))
        } else if(scale=='sqrt') {
          nd <- (sqrt(abs(nd))*sign(nd))
        # velocity for the grid (weight-averaged velocity vectors)

        gv <- do.call(cbind,parallel::mclapply(gx,function(x) {
          # cell distances (rows:cells, columns: grid points)
          cd <- sqrt(outer(pos[,2],-gy,'+')^2 + (x-pos[,1])^2)
          cw <- dnorm(cd,sd=grid.sd)
          # calculate x and y delta expectations
          gw <- Matrix::colSums(cw)
          cws <- pmax(1,Matrix::colSums(cw));
          cw <- t(t(cw)/cws)
          gxd <- Matrix::colSums(cw*arsd$xd)
          gyd <- Matrix::colSums(cw*arsd$yd)
          al <- sqrt(gxd^2+gyd^2);
          vg <- gw>=min.grid.cell.mass & al>=min.arrow.size
          if(any(vg)) {
            z <- nd %*% cw[,vg]
          } else { NULL }
        cat(". done\n")


    } else {
      # draw individual arrows
  if(return.details) { return(vinfo) }

##' Joint t-SNE visualization of the velocities by joint t-SNE embedding of both current and extraploated cell positions
##' @param vel velocity result
##' @param cell.colors named color vector for the cells
##' @param scale whether to rescale current/projected
##' @param do.par whether to reset par (default=T)
##' @param delta.norm whether to renormalize velocities following PCA projection
##' @param nPcs number of PCs onto which project the velocities
##' @param norm.nPcs number of PCs to use for velocity normalization
##' @param perplexity perplexity parameter to use in joint t-SNE calculation
##' @param show.grid.flow whether grid flow pattern should be drawn
##' @param grid.n number of grid points along each axis
##' @param grid.sd standard deviation of each grid point (used to determine the averaging radius for each grid point)
##' @param min.grid.cell.mass minimal number of cells around a grid point required for the grid point to show up
##' @param pcount pseudocount
##' @param verbose whether to show messages
##' @param min.arrow.median.ratio minimal ratio of arrow length (to the median arrow length) below which the arrows are not drawn (default=1/10)
##' @param max.arrow.quantile max arrow quantile that's used for arrow size calculation (default=0.9)
##' @param arrow.scale scaling factor for the arrows
##' @param arrow.lwd arrow line width
##' @param xlab x axis label
##' @param ylab y axis label
##' @param n.cores number of cores to use
##' @param size.norm whether to re-normalize current and projected cell sizes
##' @param ... extra parameters are passed to plot() routine.
##' @return invisible list containing embedding positions of current state (current.emb) and extrapolated states (projected.emb)
##' @export
tSNE.velocity.plot <- function(vel,cell.colors=NULL,scale='log',do.par=T, delta.norm=TRUE, nPcs=15, norm.nPcs=nPcs*10, perplexity=ncol(vel$current)/3, show.grid.flow=FALSE, grid.n=20, grid.sd=NULL, min.grid.cell.mass=1, pcount=0.1, verbose=TRUE, min.arrow.median.ratio=1/10, max.arrow.quantile=0.9, arrow.scale=1, arrow.lwd=1, xlab="", ylab="", n.cores=defaultNCores(), size.norm=TRUE, ...) {
  x0 <- vel$current;
  x1 <- vel$projected;
  if(is.null(cell.colors)) { cell.colors <- ac(rep(1,ncol(x0)),alpha=0.3); names(cell.colors) <- colnames(x0) }

  if(size.norm) {
    # rescale to the same size
    cat("rescaling ... ")
    sz <- Matrix::colSums(x0);
    x0 <- t(t(x0)/sz)*mean(sz)
    x1 <- t(t(x1)/Matrix::colSums(x1))*mean(sz);
  # transform
  if(scale=='log') {
    cat("log ... ")
    x0.log <- log2(x0+pcount)
    x1.log <- log2(x1+pcount)
  } else if(scale=='sqrt') {
    cat("sqrt ... ")
    x0.log <- sqrt(x0)
    x1.log <- sqrt(x1)
  } else { # linear
    cat("linear ... ")
    x0.log <- x0
    x1.log <- x1
  if(!is.null(nPcs)) { # reduce using PCA first
    cat("pca ... ")
    cent <- rowMeans(x0.log);
    epc <- pcaMethods::pca(t(x0.log-cent),center=F,nPcs=ifelse(is.na(norm.nPcs),nPcs,norm.nPcs))
    x0.log <- epc@scores;
    x1.log <- t(x1.log - cent) %*% epc@loadings
    if(delta.norm) {
      # normalize velocities ...?
      cat("delta norm ... ")
      delta.pcs <- x1.log-x0.log;
        delta.pcs <- delta.pcs/mean(sqrt(rowSums(delta.pcs^2))) # ? unsure about this (cell-wise L2 norm)
      x1.log <- x0.log+delta.pcs;
    # drop extra Pcs
    x0.log <- t(x0.log[,1:nPcs])
    x1.log <- t(x1.log[,1:nPcs])
  cat("tSNE ...")
  emb <- Rtsne::Rtsne(t(cbind(as.matrix(x0.log),as.matrix(x1.log))), num_threads=n.cores, perplexity=perplexity, verbose=verbose)$Y;
  x0.emb <- emb[1:ncol(x0.log),]
  x1.emb <- emb[-(1:ncol(x0.log)),]
  rownames(x0.emb) <- rownames(x1.emb) <- colnames(x0.log);

  cat("delta norm ... ") # again, somewhat unsure about this part
  delta.emb <- x1.emb - x0.emb;
  asize <- rowSums(delta.emb^2);
  no.arrow <- asize<= median(asize)*min.arrow.median.ratio;
  # restrict size top top 90% quantile
  delta.emb <- delta.emb/asize * pmin(asize,2*quantile(asize,p=max.arrow.quantile))*arrow.scale;
  delta.emb[no.arrow,] <- 0;
  if(do.par) par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar = c(3.5,3.5,2.5,1.5), mgp = c(2,0.65,0), cex = 0.85);
  plot(x0.emb,bg=cell.colors[rownames(x0.emb)],pch=21,col=ac(1,alpha=0.3),xlab=ylab,ylab=xlab, ... ); box();

  if(show.grid.flow) { # show grid summary of the arrows
    # arrow estimates for each cell
    ars <- data.frame(x0.emb[,1],x0.emb[,2],x0.emb[,1]+delta.emb[,1],x0.emb[,2]+delta.emb[,2])
    colnames(ars) <- c('x0','y0','x1','y1')
    arsd <- data.frame(xd=ars$x1-ars$x0,yd=ars$y1-ars$y0)

    # set up a grid
    cat("grid estimates ... ")
    rx <- range(c(range(ars$x0),range(ars$x1)))
    ry <- range(c(range(ars$y0),range(ars$y1)))
    gx <- seq(rx[1],rx[2],length.out=grid.n)
    gy <- seq(ry[1],ry[2],length.out=grid.n)

    # for each grid point calculate Gaussian-weighted delta average
    if(is.null(grid.sd)) {
      grid.sd <- sqrt((gx[2]-gx[1])^2 + (gy[2]-gy[1])^2)/2
    ginfo <- lapply(gx,function(x) {
      # cell distances (rows-cells,columsn - grid points)
      cd <- sqrt(outer(x0.emb[,2],-gy,'+')^2 + (x-x0.emb[,1])^2)
      cw <- dnorm(cd,sd=grid.sd)
      # calculate x and y delta expectations
      gw <- Matrix::colSums(cw)
      cws <- pmax(1,Matrix::colSums(cw));
      gxd <- Matrix::colSums(cw*arsd$xd)/cws
      gyd <- Matrix::colSums(cw*arsd$yd)/cws

      vg <- gw>=min.grid.cell.mass
      if(any(vg)) {
  } else {
    # draw individual arrows


##' Visualize RNA velocities on an existing embedding using correlation-based transition probability matrix within the kNN graph
##' @param emb embedding onto which to project the velocities; The dimensions of coordinates should be on the order of 10x10 for the default values to make sense.
##' @param vel velocity estimates (e.g. returned by gene.relative.velocity.estimates() )
##' @param n neighborhood size (default=100 cells)
##' @param cell.colors name vector of cell colors
##' @param corr.sigma sigma parameter used to translate velocity-(expression delta) correlation into a transition probability
##' @param show.grid.flow whether to show grid velocity summary
##' @param grid.n number of grid points along each axis
##' @param grid.sd standard deviation (in embedding coordinate space) used to determine the weighting of individual cells around each grid point
##' @param min.grid.cell.mass minimal cell "mass" (weighted number of cells) around each grid point required for it to show up
##' @param min.arrow.size minimal arrow size
##' @param arrow.scale arrow scale multiplier
##' @param max.grid.arrow.length minimal arrow size
##' @param fixed.arrow.length whether to use fixed arrow width (default=FALSE)
##' @param plot.grid.points whether to mark all grid points with dots (even if they don't have valid velocities)
##' @param scale velocity scale to use (default: 'log', other values: 'sqrt','rank','linear')
##' @param nPcs number of PCs to use for velocity regularization (default NA, turns off regularization)
##' @param arrow.lwd arrow width (under fixed.arrow.length=T)
##' @param xlab x axis label
##' @param ylab y axls label
##' @param n.cores number of cores to use
##' @param do.par whether to reset plotting parameters
##' @param show.cell whether to show detailed velocity estimates for a specified cell
##' @param cell.border.alpha transparency for the cell border
##' @param cc velocity-(exprssion delta) correlation matrix (can be passed back from previous results, as $cc) to save calculation time when replotting the same velocity estimates on the same embedding with different parameters
##' @param return.details whether to return detailed output (which can be passed to p1 app for visualization)
##' @param expression.scaling whether to scale the velocity length by the projection of velocity onto the expected expression change (based on the transition probability matrix)
##' @param ... extra parameters passed to plot() function
##' @return if return.details=F, returns invisible list containing transition probability matrix ($tp) and the velocity-(expression delta) correlation matrix ($cc). If return.details=T, returns a more extended list that can be passed as veloinfo to pagoda2::p2.make.pagoda1.app() for visualization
##' @export
show.velocity.on.embedding.cor <- function(emb,vel,n=100,cell.colors=NULL, corr.sigma=0.05, show.grid.flow=FALSE, grid.n=20, grid.sd=NULL, min.grid.cell.mass=1, min.arrow.size=NULL, arrow.scale=1, max.grid.arrow.length=NULL, fixed.arrow.length=FALSE, plot.grid.points=FALSE, scale='log', nPcs=NA,  arrow.lwd=1, xlab="", ylab="", n.cores=defaultNCores(), do.par=T, show.cell=NULL, cell.border.alpha=0.3,cc=NULL, return.details=FALSE, expression.scaling=FALSE,  ...) {
  randomize <- FALSE;
  if(do.par) par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar = c(3.5,3.5,2.5,1.5), mgp = c(2,0.65,0), cex = 0.85);
  celcol <- 'white'
  if(is.null(show.cell)) { celcol <- cell.colors[rownames(emb)] }
  plot(emb,bg=celcol,pch=21,col=ac(1,alpha=cell.border.alpha), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...);

  #plot(emb,bg=cell.colors[rownames(emb)],pch=21,col=ac(1,alpha=0.3), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab);
  em <- as.matrix(vel$current);
  ccells <- intersect(rownames(emb),colnames(em));
  em <- em[,ccells]; emb <- emb[ccells,]
  nd <- as.matrix(vel$deltaE[,ccells])
  cgenes <- intersect(rownames(em),rownames(nd));
  nd <- nd[cgenes,]; em <- em[cgenes,]
  if(randomize) {
    # randomize cell and sign for each gene
    nd <- t(apply(nd,1,function(x) (rbinom(length(x),1,0.5)*2-1)*abs(sample(x))))
  #vg <- rownames(em) %in% rownames(r)

  if(is.null(cc)) {
    # cosine projections
    cat("delta projections ... ")

    if(scale=='log') {
      cat("log ")
      cc <- colDeltaCorLog10(em,(log10(abs(nd)+1)*sign(nd)),nthreads=n.cores);
    } else if(scale=='sqrt') {
      cat("sqrt ")
      cc <- colDeltaCorSqrt(em,(sqrt(abs(nd))*sign(nd)),nthreads=n.cores);
    } else if(scale=='rank') {
      cat("rank ")
      cc <- colDeltaCor((apply(em,2,rank)),(apply(nd,2,rank)),nthreads=n.cores);
    } else { # linear
      cat("linear ")
      cc <- colDeltaCor(em,nd,nthreads=n.cores);
    colnames(cc) <- rownames(cc) <- colnames(em)
    diag(cc) <- 0;

  cat("knn ... ")
  if(n>nrow(cc)) { n <- nrow(cc) }
  # TODO: add kNN based on high-dimensional correlation or Euclidean distances
  # define kNNs based on the embedding (L2 distance)
  emb.knn <- balancedKNN(t(emb),k=n,maxl=nrow(emb),dist='euclidean',n.threads=n.cores)
  diag(emb.knn) <- 1
  # caluclate transition probabilities (from col to row)
  cat("transition probs ... ")
  tp <- exp(cc/corr.sigma)*emb.knn
  #diag(tp) <- 0; #  should we allow the self-corelation for scaling?
  tp <- t(t(tp)/Matrix::colSums(tp)); # tp shows transition from a given column cell to different row cells
  tp <- as(tp,'dgCMatrix')
  if(!is.null(show.cell)) {
    i <- match(show.cell,rownames(emb));
    if(is.na(i)) stop(paste('specified cell',i,'is not in the embedding'))
    # plot transition prob for a given cell
    di <- t(t(emb)-emb[i,])
    di <- di/sqrt(Matrix::rowSums(di^2))*arrow.scale; di[i,] <- 0;
    dir <- Matrix::colSums(di*tp[,i])
    dic <- Matrix::colSums(di*(tp[,i]>0)/sum(tp[,i]>0)); # relative to expected kNN center
    dia <- dir-dic;
  } else {
    # arrow estimates for each cell
    cat("calculating arrows ... ")
    arsd <- data.frame(t(embArrows(emb,tp,arrow.scale,n.cores)))
    rownames(arsd) <- rownames(emb);

    if(expression.scaling) {
      tpb <- tp>0; tpb <- t(t(tpb)/colSums(tpb));
      es <- as.matrix(em %*% tp) -as.matrix(em %*% as.matrix(tpb));
      # project velocity onto expression shift
      #pm <- as.matrix(t(vel$deltaE)/sqrt(colSums(vel$deltaE*vel$deltaE)))[colnames(es),] * (t(es)/sqrt(colSums(es*es)))
      #pl <- pmax(0,apply(pm,1,sum))
      pl <- pmin(1,pmax(0,apply(as.matrix(vel$deltaE[,colnames(es)]) * es, 2, sum)/sqrt(colSums(es*es))))

      arsd <- arsd * pl;

    ars <- data.frame(cbind(emb,emb+arsd));
    colnames(ars) <- c('x0','y0','x1','y1')
    colnames(arsd) <- c('xd','yd')
    rownames(ars) <- rownames(emb);

    if(show.grid.flow) { # show grid summary of the arrows

    # set up a grid
    cat("grid estimates ... ")
    rx <- range(c(range(ars$x0),range(ars$x1)))
    ry <- range(c(range(ars$y0),range(ars$y1)))
    gx <- seq(rx[1],rx[2],length.out=grid.n)
    gy <- seq(ry[1],ry[2],length.out=grid.n)

    # for each grid point calculate Gaussian-weighted delta average
    if(is.null(grid.sd)) {
      grid.sd <- sqrt((gx[2]-gx[1])^2 + (gy[2]-gy[1])^2)/2
      cat("grid.sd=",grid.sd," ")
    if(is.null(min.arrow.size)) {
      min.arrow.size <- sqrt((gx[2]-gx[1])^2 + (gy[2]-gy[1])^2)*1e-2;
      cat("min.arrow.size=",min.arrow.size," ")
    if(is.null(max.grid.arrow.length)) {
      max.grid.arrow.length <- sqrt(sum((par('pin')/c(length(gx),length(gy)))^2))*0.25
      cat("max.grid.arrow.length=",max.grid.arrow.length," ")

    garrows <- do.call(rbind,lapply(gx,function(x) {
      # cell distances (rows:cells, columns: grid points)
      cd <- sqrt(outer(emb[,2],-gy,'+')^2 + (x-emb[,1])^2)
      cw <- dnorm(cd,sd=grid.sd)
      # calculate x and y delta expectations
      gw <- Matrix::colSums(cw)
      cws <- pmax(1,Matrix::colSums(cw));
      gxd <- Matrix::colSums(cw*arsd$xd)/cws
      gyd <- Matrix::colSums(cw*arsd$yd)/cws

      al <- sqrt(gxd^2+gyd^2);
      vg <- gw>=min.grid.cell.mass & al>=min.arrow.size

    colnames(garrows) <- c('x0','y0','x1','y1')

    # plot
    if(fixed.arrow.length) {
    } else {
      alen <- pmin(max.grid.arrow.length,sqrt( ((garrows[,3]-garrows[,1]) * par('pin')[1] / diff(par('usr')[c(1,2)]) )^2 + ((garrows[,4]-garrows[,2])*par('pin')[2] / diff(par('usr')[c(3,4)]) )^2))
      # can't specify different arrow lengths in one shot :(
      suppressWarnings(lapply(1:nrow(garrows),function(i) arrows(garrows[i,1],garrows[i,2],garrows[i,3],garrows[i,4],length=alen[i],lwd=arrow.lwd)))
    if(plot.grid.points) points(rep(gx,each=length(gy)),rep(gy,length(gx)),pch='.',cex=1e-1,col=ac(1,alpha=0.4))


    if(return.details) { # for the p1 app
      # calculate expression shift
      cat("expression shifts .")
      # for individual cells

      scale.int <- switch(scale,'log'=2,'sqrt'=3,1)
      #es <- expectedExpressionShift(e=as.matrix(em),tp=tp,scale=scale.int,nthreads=n.cores); colnames(es) <- colnames(em); rownames(es) <- rownames(em);
      if(!expression.scaling) { #otherwise it has already been calculated
        tpb <- tp>0; tpb <- t(t(tpb)/colSums(tpb));
        #es <- expectedExpressionShift(e=as.matrix(em %*% as.matrix(tpb)),tp=tp,scale=scale.int,nthreads=n.cores); colnames(es) <- colnames(em); rownames(es) <- rownames(em);
        es <- as.matrix(em %*% tp) -as.matrix(em %*% as.matrix(tpb));
      # for the grid
      gs <- do.call(cbind,parallel::mclapply(gx,function(x) {
        # cell distances (rows:cells, columns: grid points)
        cd <- sqrt(outer(emb[,2],-gy,'+')^2 + (x-emb[,1])^2)
        cw <- dnorm(cd,sd=grid.sd)
        # calculate x and y delta expectations
        gw <- Matrix::colSums(cw)
        cws <- pmax(1,Matrix::colSums(cw));
        cw <- t(t(cw)/cws)
        gxd <- Matrix::colSums(cw*arsd$xd)
        gyd <- Matrix::colSums(cw*arsd$yd)
        al <- sqrt(gxd^2+gyd^2);
        vg <- gw>=min.grid.cell.mass & al>=min.arrow.size
        if(any(vg)) {
          z <- es %*% cw[,vg]
        } else { NULL }

      if(scale=='log') {
        nd <- (log10(abs(nd)+1)*sign(nd))
      } else if(scale=='sqrt') {
        nd <- (sqrt(abs(nd))*sign(nd))
      # velocity for the grid
      gv <- do.call(cbind,parallel::mclapply(gx,function(x) {
        # cell distances (rows:cells, columns: grid points)
        cd <- sqrt(outer(emb[,2],-gy,'+')^2 + (x-emb[,1])^2)
        cw <- dnorm(cd,sd=grid.sd)
        # calculate x and y delta expectations
        gw <- Matrix::colSums(cw)
        cws <- pmax(1,Matrix::colSums(cw));
        cw <- t(t(cw)/cws)
        gxd <- Matrix::colSums(cw*arsd$xd)
        gyd <- Matrix::colSums(cw*arsd$yd)
        al <- sqrt(gxd^2+gyd^2);
        vg <- gw>=min.grid.cell.mass & al>=min.arrow.size
        if(any(vg)) {
          z <- nd %*% cw[,vg]
        } else { NULL }
      cat(". done\n")


    } else { # draw individual arrows
      # calculate arrows, draw
      # lapply(1:nrow(emb),function(i) {
      #   # normalized directions to each point
      #   di <- t(t(emb)-emb[i,])
      #   di <- di/sqrt(Matrix::rowSums(di^2))*arrow.scale; di[i,] <- 0;
      #   di <- Matrix::colSums(di*tp[,i]) - Matrix::colSums(di*(tp[,i]>0)/sum(tp[,i]>0)); # relative to expected kNN center
      #   if(fixed.arrow.length) {
      #     suppressWarnings(arrows(emb[colnames(em)[i],1],emb[colnames(em)[i],2],emb[colnames(em)[i],1]+di[1],emb[colnames(em)[i],2]+di[2],length=0.05,lwd=arrow.lwd))
      #   } else {
      #     ali <- sqrt( (di[1] * par('pin')[1] / diff(par('usr')[c(1,2)]) )^2 + (di[2]*par('pin')[2] / diff(par('usr')[c(3,4)]) )^2)
      #     suppressWarnings(arrows(emb[colnames(em)[i],1],emb[colnames(em)[i],2],emb[colnames(em)[i],1]+di[1],emb[colnames(em)[i],2]+di[2],length=min(0.05,ali),lwd=arrow.lwd))
      #   }
      # })

      apply(ars,1,function(x) {
        if(fixed.arrow.length) {
        } else {
          ali <- sqrt( ((x[3]-x[1]) * par('pin')[1] / diff(par('usr')[c(1,2)]) )^2 + ((x[4]-x[2])*par('pin')[2] / diff(par('usr')[c(3,4)]) )^2)


##' Visualize RNA velocities on an existing embedding using Euclidean-based transition probability matrix within the kNN graph.
##'  based on Euclidean distance of the extrapolated cell to others
##' The direction of the arrow is towards n closest neighbors. The magnitude of the arrow is determined by the cosine projection of the velocity on to the chosen direction
##' n=1 will only show arrows for cells that end up being projected closer to some other cell than to the original position
##' n=k (k>1) will show an average direction
##' Given an expression distance between cells d, and ratio of extrapolated to current expression distances between cells f, the transition probability is calculated as exp(- (d*(f^beta))^2/(2*sigma^2) )
##' @param emb embedding to be used for projection
##' @param vel velocity result
##' @param n neighborhood size (default=30)
##' @param embedding.knn pre-calculated kNN
##' @param cell.colors named color vector for cell plotting
##' @param sigma sigma to use in calculating transition probability from the eucledian distance (estimated automatically by default)
##' @param beta beta parameter used in calculation of transition probability (by default=1)
##' @param arrow.scale additional scaling factor for the arrows (default=1)
##' @param scale scale to use in calculating distances (default: 'log', also supported 'sqrt'
##' @param nPcs number of PCs to project the cells onto (to perform distance calculations in lower dimensions), default=NA which turns off PCA dimensional reduction
##' @param arrow.lwd arrow line width
##' @param xlab x axis label
##' @param ylab y axis label
##' @param control.for.neighborhood.density compensate for cell density variations in the embedding (default: TRUE)
##' @param ntop.trajectories number of top trajectories to trace back for a given cell (when show.trajectories=TRUE)
##' @param do.par whether to reset plotting parameters (default=TRUE)
##' @param show.cell.arrows show detailed velocity projection for the specified cell
##' @param show.cell.trajectories show trajectories for a specified cell
##' @param show.trajectories show top median diffusion trajectories
##' @param show.all.trajectories show all diffusion paths (messy)
##' @param show.cell.diffusion.posterior show diffusion posterior of a given cell
##' @param show.grid.flow show velocity projections on a grid
##' @param diffusion.steps number of diffusion steps to take forward (default=10)
##' @param cell.dist - optional custom distance (must include all of the cells that are intersecting between emb and vel)
##' @param trajectory.spline.shape shape parameter for smoothing median cell trajectories (default=1)
##' @param cell.color.alpha trasparency parameter to apply when showing cell colors
##' @param n.cores number of cores to use in calculations
##' @param n.trajectory.clusters number of trajectory clusters to show median paths for (when show.trajectories=TRUE)
##' @param ... extra parameters are passed to the plot() function
##' @return transition probability matrix
##' @export
show.velocity.on.embedding.eu <- function(emb,vel,n=30,embedding.knn=TRUE,cell.colors=NULL, sigma=NA, beta=1, arrow.scale=1, scale='log', nPcs=NA, arrow.lwd=1, xlab="", ylab="", control.for.neighborhood.density=TRUE, ntop.trajectories=1, do.par=T, show.cell.arrows=NULL, show.cell.trajectories=NULL, show.trajectories=FALSE, show.all.trajectories=FALSE, show.cell.diffusion.posterior=NULL, show.grid.flow=FALSE, diffusion.steps=10, cell.dist=NULL, trajectory.spline.shape=1, cell.color.alpha=0.5, n.cores=defaultNCores(), n.trajectory.clusters=10, ...) {
  em <- vel$current; emn <- vel$projected;
  if(is.null(cell.colors)) { cell.colors <- ac(rep(1,ncol(em)),alpha=0.3); names(cell.colors) <- colnames(em) }
  if(do.par) par(mar = c(3.5,3.5,2.5,1.5), mgp = c(2,0.65,0), cex = 0.85);
  cc <- 'white'
  if(is.null(show.cell.arrows) && is.null(show.cell.diffusion.posterior)) { cc <- cell.colors[rownames(emb)] }
  plot(emb,bg=cc,pch=21,col=ac(1,alpha=cell.color.alpha), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...);

  ccells <- intersect(rownames(emb),colnames(em));
  emn <- emn[,ccells]; em <- em[,ccells]; emb <- emb[ccells,]

  if(scale=='log') {
    cat("log scale ... ")
    em <- log10(em+1); emn <- log10(emn+1);
  } else if(scale=='sqrt') {
    cat("sqrt scale ... ")
    em <- sqrt(em); emn <- sqrt(emn);

  if(!is.na(nPcs)) { # run PCA reduction on the em
    cat("reducing to",nPcs,"PCs ... ")
    epc.center <- rowMeans(em);
    epc <- pcaMethods::pca(t(em-epc.center),center=F,nPcs=nPcs);
    em <- t(epc@scores)
    emn <- t(t(emn - epc.center) %*% epc@loadings)

  cat("distance ... ")
  cc <- colEuclid(as.matrix(em),as.matrix(emn))
  cc0 <- colEuclid(as.matrix(em),as.matrix(em))
  cd <- (cc0-cc); # reduction in the Euclidean distance

  if(n>nrow(cc)) { n <- nrow(cc) }

  # pick reasonable sigma and beta if they weren't provided
  if(is.na(sigma) | is.na(beta)) { mcd <- mean(abs(cd)/cc) }
  # TODO: adaptive methods for signal
  if(is.na(sigma)) { sigma <- mcd/10 }
  if(is.na(beta)) { beta <- mcd/20 }
  cat("sigma=",round(sigma,3)," beta=",round(beta,3)," transition probs ... ")

  # exp(- (d*(f^beta))^2/(2*sigma^2) )
  f <- (cc/cc0)^beta; diag(f) <- 1;
  tp <- exp(- ((cc0*f)^2) / (2*sigma^2))
  np <- exp(- ((cc0)^2) / (2*sigma^2))

  if(n<nrow(emb)) {
    if(!is.null(cell.dist)) {
      cat("kNN on provided distance ... ")
      if(!all(labels(cell.dist)==colnames(em))) {
        cat("matching cells between cell.dist and emat/nmat ... ")
        cell.dist <- as.matrix(cell.dist)
        cn <- colnames(em)
        cell.dist <- as.dist(cell.dist[cn,cn]);
      cell.knn <- balancedKNN(t(emb),k=n,maxl=nrow(emb),n.threads=n.cores,dist=cell.dist)
      diag(cell.knn) <- 1;
    } else {
      if(embedding.knn) {
        cat("embedding kNN ... ")
        # define kNNs based on the embedding (L2 distance)
        cell.knn <- balancedKNN(t(emb),k=n,maxl=nrow(emb),dist='euclidean',n.threads=n.cores)
        #diag(cell.knn) <- 0; # disallow self-transitions?
        diag(cell.knn) <- 1;
      } else {
        cat("expression kNN ... ")
        # define kNN based on the correlation distance in high-d
        cell.knn <- balancedKNN(em,k=n,maxl=ncol(em),dist='cor',n.threads=n.cores)
        diag(cell.knn) <- 1;
    tp <- tp*cell.knn;
    np <- np*cell.knn;

  # estimate density of the neighborhood
  tp <- t(t(tp)/Matrix::colSums(tp))
  np <- t(t(np)/Matrix::colSums(np))
  #diag(tp) <- diag(np) <- 0;
  #tp.nd <- colSums(tp); np.nd <- colSums(np);
  #tp <- tp * np.nd;

  if(control.for.neighborhood.density) {
    np.f <- Matrix::diag(np);
    tp <- tp*(np.f)
    np <- np*(np.f)

  #diag(tp) <- diag(np) <- 0;
  # normalize
  tp <- t(t(tp)/Matrix::colSums(tp))
  np <- t(t(np)/Matrix::colSums(np))

  ## if(diffusion.step.size>1) {
  ##   # bring transition probability to the specified power
  ##   require(expm)
  ##   tp <- t(as.matrix(t(tp)) %^% diffusion.step.size);
  ##   np <- t(as.matrix(t(np)) %^% diffusion.step.size);
  ##   tp <- t(t(tp)/Matrix::colSums(tp))
  ##   np <- t(t(np)/Matrix::colSums(np))
  ## }

  # normalize transition probabilities
  rownames(tp) <- colnames(tp) <- rownames(np) <- colnames(np) <- colnames(em);

  if(!is.null(show.cell.diffusion.posterior)) {
    i <- match(show.cell.diffusion.posterior,rownames(emb));
    if(is.na(i)) stop(paste('specified cell',i,'is not in the embedding'))
    # run diffusion
    cp <- Matrix::Diagonal(ncol(tp)); # cell position probabilities
    rownames(cp) <- colnames(cp) <- rownames(tp);
    ttp <- t(tp);

    # run diffusion steps to figure out end positions
    cat("simulating diffusion ... ")
    for(i in 1:diffusion.steps) {
      cp <- cp %*% ttp;
      #cp[cp<1e-5] <- 0;
    # plot
  } else if(!is.null(show.cell.arrows)) {
    i <- match(show.cell.arrows,rownames(emb));
    if(is.na(i)) stop(paste('specified cell',i,'is not in the embedding'))
    # plot transition prob for a given cell
    di <- t(t(emb)-emb[i,])
    di <- di/sqrt(Matrix::rowSums(di^2))*arrow.scale; di[i,] <- 0;
    dir <- Matrix::colSums(di*tp[,i])
    dic <- Matrix::colSums(di*np[,i]); # relative to the neighborhood
    dia <- dir-dic;
  } else if(show.trajectories) { # show diffusion paths
    cp <- Matrix::Diagonal(ncol(tp)); # cell position probabilities
    rownames(cp) <- colnames(cp) <- rownames(tp);

    #cpt <- as.array(cp);
    cpl <- list(); cpl[[1]] <- cp;
    #cp <- as.matrix(cp); tp <- as.matrix(tp)

    #ep <- as.array(emb)
    ttp <- t(tp);

    # run diffusion steps to figure out end positions
    cat("simulating diffusion ... ")
    for(i in 1:diffusion.steps) {
      cp <- cp %*% ttp;
      #cp[cp<1e-5] <- 0;
      #cpt <- abind(cpt,cp,along=3)
      cpl[[i+1]] <- cp;
      # clean up to zero out all but top n cells
      #cp <- t(apply(cp,1,function(x) { x[x<sort(x,decreasing=TRUE)[10]] <- 0; x }))
      #diag(cp) <- 0; #  prohibit the cell from returning to itself
      #cp <- cp/Matrix::rowSums(cp)

    #cpt <- abind(lapply(cpl,as.matrix),along=3)

    # calculate probabilistic trajectories to the final ntop points

    # rank final points by probability
    cpo <- t(apply(-cp,1,order))

    # graph-based walkback approach

    # construct a walkback graph
    trp <- as(ttp,'dgTMatrix')
    cat("constructing path graph ... ")
    x <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:(diffusion.steps+1),function(i) {
      cbind(i=trp@i+1 + (i-1)*nrow(cp), # current time step
            j=trp@j+1 + (i)*nrow(cp))
    x <- x[x[,2]<=nrow(cp)*(diffusion.steps+1),]
    x <- spMatrix(nrow(cp)*(diffusion.steps+1),nrow(cp)*(diffusion.steps+1),i=x[,1],j=x[,2],x=rep(1,nrow(x)))
    g <- igraph::graph.adjacency(x,mode='directed')
    rm(x); gc();

    # find topn trajectories for each cell
    cat("tracing shortest trajectories ... ")
    sps <- parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(cp),function(celli) {
      top.desti <- order(cp[celli,],decreasing=TRUE)[1:ntop.trajectories]
      # calculate cell-specific weights
      cw <- unlist(lapply(cpl,function(d) as.numeric(trp@x*(d[celli,trp@i+1]))))
      cw <- cw[1:igraph::ecount(g)] # trim extra edges
      # convert into penalty scores
      cw <- -log(cw)
      sp <- igraph::shortest_paths(g,from=celli,to=nrow(cp)*(diffusion.steps-1)+top.desti,weights=cw,mode='out')
      # remove time offset on the path nodes
      sp <- lapply(sp$vpath,function(x) { y <- (as.integer(x) %% nrow(cp)); y[y==0] <- nrow(cp); y});
      names(sp) <- rownames(cp)[top.desti]

    # cluster paths
    cat("clustering ... ")
    all.cells <- 1:nrow(cp)
    #spuci <- do.call(cbind,lapply(sps,function(x) all.cells %in% x[[1]]))
    # filter out empty paths
    sps <- lapply(sps,function(y) y[unlist(lapply(y,function(x) length(unique(x))))>1])
    spuci <- do.call(cbind,lapply(sps,function(y) do.call(cbind,lapply(y,function(x) all.cells %in% x))))
    usps <- unlist(sps,recursive=F); # will be used in looking up median trajectories in plotting

    spuci.dist <- as.matrix(dist(t(spuci),method = 'manhattan'))
    spuci.pam <- pam(spuci.dist,n.trajectory.clusters)

    # bezier
    # determine common start/end points
    #plot(emb,bg='white',pch=21,col=ac(1,alpha=cell.color.alpha), xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab);
    lapply(1:length(spuci.pam$id.med),function(cn) {
        mp <- usps[[spuci.pam$id.med[cn]]]; mp <- mp[!duplicated(mp)]
        bp <- data.frame(do.call(cbind,xspline(emb[mp,],shape=trajectory.spline.shape,draw=F)))
        bp <- bp[abs(diff(bp$x))+abs(diff(bp$y))>1e-5,]
        ai <- round(length(bp$x)*c(0.2,0.8,0.5))
  } else if(!is.null(show.cell.trajectories)) {
    # show optimal path(s) for a particular cell
    celli <- match(show.cell.trajectories,rownames(emb));
    if(is.na(celli)) stop(paste('specified cell',show.cell.trajectories,'is not in the embedding'))

    cp <- Matrix::Diagonal(ncol(tp)); # cell position probabilities
    rownames(cp) <- colnames(cp) <- rownames(tp);

    #cpt <- as.array(cp);
    cpl <- list(); cpl[[1]] <- cp;
    #cp <- as.matrix(cp); tp <- as.matrix(tp)

    #ep <- as.array(emb)
    ttp <- t(tp);

    # run diffusion steps to figure out end positions
    cat("simulating diffusion ... ")
    for(i in 1:diffusion.steps) {
      cp <- cp %*% ttp;
      #cp[cp<1e-5] <- 0;
      cpl[[i+1]] <- cp;

    # rank final points by probability
    cpo <- t(apply(-cp,1,order))

    # graph-based walkback approach

    # construct a walkback graph
    trp <- as(ttp,'dgTMatrix')

    cat("constructing path graph ... ")
    x <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:(diffusion.steps+1),function(i) {
      cbind(i=trp@i+1 + (i-1)*nrow(cp), # current time step
            j=trp@j+1 + (i)*nrow(cp))
    x <- x[x[,2]<=nrow(cp)*(diffusion.steps+1),]
    x <- spMatrix(nrow(cp)*(diffusion.steps+1),nrow(cp)*(diffusion.steps+1),i=x[,1],j=x[,2],x=rep(1,nrow(x)))
    g <- igraph::graph.adjacency(x,mode='directed')
    rm(x); gc();

    # find topn trajectories for each cell
    cat("tracing shortest trajectories ... ")
    top.desti <- order(cp[celli,],decreasing=TRUE)[1:ntop.trajectories]

    # calculate cell-specific weights
    cw <- unlist(lapply(cpl,function(d) as.numeric(trp@x*(d[celli,trp@i+1]))))
    cw <- cw[1:igraph::ecount(g)] # trim extra edges
    # convert into penalty scores
    cw <- -log(cw)
    sp <- igraph::shortest_paths(g,from=celli,to=nrow(cp)*(diffusion.steps)+top.desti,weights=cw,mode='out')
    # remove time offset on the path nodes
    sp <- lapply(sp$vpath,function(x) { y <- (as.integer(x) %% nrow(cp)); y[y==0] <- nrow(cp); y});
    names(sp) <- rownames(cp)[top.desti]
    lapply(sp,function(mp) {
      if(!is.null(mp) && length(mp)>0) {
        mp <- mp[!duplicated(mp)]
        if(length(mp)>1)  {
          bp <- data.frame(do.call(cbind,xspline(emb[mp,],shape=trajectory.spline.shape,draw=F)))
          bp <- bp[abs(diff(bp$x))+abs(diff(bp$y))>1e-5,]
          ai <- round(length(bp$x)*c(0.2,0.8,0.5))
  } else if(show.all.trajectories) { # show diffusion paths
    cp <- Matrix::Diagonal(ncol(tp)); # cell position probabilities row-from col-to
    rownames(cp) <- colnames(cp) <- rownames(tp);
    ep <- as.array(emb)

    for(i in 1:diffusion.steps) {
      cp <- cp %*% t(tp);
      # expected position
      cpm <- t(apply(cp,1,function(x) { x[x<sort(x,decreasing=TRUE)[3]] <- 0; x/sum(x) }))
      epi <- as.matrix(cpm %*% emb);
      #epi <- as.matrix(cp %*% emb);
      ep <- abind::abind(ep,epi,along=3)
    apply(ep,c(1),function(d) {
  } else {
    # calculate arrows, draw
    lapply(1:nrow(emb),function(i) {
      # normalized directions to each point
      di <- t(t(emb)-emb[i,])
      di <- di/sqrt(Matrix::rowSums(di^2))*arrow.scale; di[i,] <- 0;
      di <- Matrix::colSums(di*tp[,i]) - Matrix::colSums(di*np[,i]); # relative to expected kNN center


##' DEPRECATED: Read in cell-specific bam files for SMART-seq2 measurement
##' This function is deprecated. Please use velocyto.py to prepare loom file from SMART-seq2 bam files.
##' @title read.smartseq2.bams
##' @param bam.files list of bam files
##' @param annotation.file refFlat genome annotation file (use gtfToGenePred to generate refFlat file from gtf)
##' @param min.exon.count minimum number of reads (across all cells) for an exon to be considered expressed in the dataset
##' @param n.cores number of cores to use
##' @return a list containing: emat - exonic (spliced) read count matrix ; iomat - intronic (unspliced) matrix; smat - spanning read matrix; base.df - data frame containing gene structural information; exons - exon annotation and read counts; genes - gene annotation table with additional structural info; expr.lstat - gene length statistics when considering only expressed exons
##' @export
read.smartseq2.bams <- function(bam.files,annotation.file,min.exon.count=100,n.cores=defaultNCores()) {
  # read in annotation
  # TODO: enable direct gtf read
  cat("reading gene annotation ... ")
  x <- read.delim(annotation.file,header=F,sep="\t",stringsAsFactors=F)
  genes <- data.frame(name=x[,1],chr=x[,3],strand=x[,4],start=x[,5],end=x[,6],stringsAsFactors=F)
  genes$p5 <- genes$start; genes$p5[genes$strand=="-"] <- genes$end[genes$strand=="-"];
  genes$p3 <- genes$end; genes$p3[genes$strand=="-"] <- genes$start[genes$strand=="-"];
  genes$size <- genes$end - genes$start;
  cat("done (",nrow(genes),"genes)\n")

  # parse out exon information
  cat("parsing exon information ... ")
  exons <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:nrow(x),function(i) {
    df <- do.call(cbind,strsplit(as.character(x[i,c(10,11)]),','))
  exons <- data.frame(gene=as.character(exons[,3]),start=as.numeric(exons[,1]),end=as.numeric(exons[,2]),stringsAsFactors=F)
  exons$chr <- genes$chr[match(exons$gene,genes$name)]

  # eliminate duplicated exons? - points.within will count reads only once anyhow
  exons <- exons[!duplicated(paste(exons[,1],exons[,2],exons[,3])),]

  # eliminate multiple variants - keep the largest ones
  genes <- genes[order(genes$size,decreasing=T),]
  genes <- genes[!duplicated(genes$name),]

  # read in expression data
  #  - ultimately we'll get three kinds of matrices here:
  #      1. exonic reads
  #      2. intronic-only reads
  #      3. spanning reads (overlapping an intron and an exon)
  #  - we will also use bam files to count the number of expressed exons,
  #    to adjust the structural parameters of each gene. Though this is not
  #    as important for the intron-only models.

  # read in all bam files
  cat("reading in",length(bam.files),"bam files ... ")
  # annotate individual reads
  cdl <- parallel::mclapply(bam.files,t.annotate.bam.reads,genes=genes,exons=exons,margin=1,exon.margin=1,mc.cores=n.cores)
  # get count estimates per gene
  cat("estimating gene counts ... ")
  edl <- parallel::mclapply(cdl,t.get.estimates2,genes=genes,mc.cores=n.cores)

  cat("adjusting gene annotation based on expressed regions ... ")
  # count total number of reads per exon to get the ones that are expressed ...
  tl <- Matrix::colSums(do.call(rbind,parallel::mclapply(cdl,function(x) { ect <- table(c(x$exonstart,x$exonend)); fect <- rep(0,nrow(exons)); fect[as.integer(names(ect))] <- ect; fect; },mc.cores=n.cores,mc.preschedule=T)))

  # calculate gene length statistics, based on the expressed exons
  expr.exons <- exons[tl>min.exon.count,]; # expressed exons - those showing >100 reads dataset-wide
  expr.lstat <- lengthstats2(1e8,genes=genes,exons=expr.exons); # intron/exon length statistics for genes, considering only expressed exons

  # compile joint table
  df <- data.frame(il=log10(expr.lstat[,2]+1),el=log10(expr.lstat[,3]+1)); rownames(df) <- rownames(expr.lstat)
  df$nex <- as.integer(table(expr.exons$gene)[rownames(df)]);
  df$nex[is.na(df$nex)] <- 0

  # construct sparse input matrices
  # exonic counts
  emat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(edl,function(d) { (d[,'exon']) }));  emat[!is.finite(emat)] <- 0;  emat <- as(emat,'dgCMatrix')
  # spanning counts
  smat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(edl,function(d) { (d[,'span']) }));  smat[!is.finite(smat)] <- 0;  smat <- as(smat,'dgCMatrix')
  # intron-only counts
  iomat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(edl,function(d) { (d[,'introno']) }));  iomat[!is.finite(iomat)] <- 0;  iomat <- as(iomat,'dgCMatrix')


##' Read in cell-specific bam files for STRT/C1
##' @param bam.files list of bam files (one per cell)
##' @param annotation.file gene annotation refFlat file
##' @param min.exon.count minimum number of molecules (across all cells) for the exon to be considered expressed
##' @param n.cores number of cores to use
##' @param min.umi.reads minimum number of read required per UMI/gene combination to be counted (defaults to 1)
##' @return a list structure analogous to the return of read.smartseq2.bams(), counting molecules instead of reads.
read.strtc1.bams <- function(bam.files,annotation.file,min.exon.count=100,n.cores=defaultNCores(),min.umi.reads=1) {
  # read in annotation
  # TODO: enable direct gtf read
  cat("reading gene annotation ... ")
  x <- read.delim(annotation.file,header=F,sep="\t",stringsAsFactors=F)
  genes <- data.frame(name=x[,1],chr=x[,3],strand=x[,4],start=x[,5],end=x[,6],stringsAsFactors=F)
  genes$p5 <- genes$start; genes$p5[genes$strand=="-"] <- genes$end[genes$strand=="-"];
  genes$p3 <- genes$end; genes$p3[genes$strand=="-"] <- genes$start[genes$strand=="-"];
  genes$size <- genes$end - genes$start;
  cat("done (",nrow(genes),"genes)\n")

  # parse out exon information
  cat("parsing exon information ... ")
  exons <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:nrow(x),function(i) {
    df <- do.call(cbind,strsplit(as.character(x[i,c(10,11)]),','))
  exons <- data.frame(gene=as.character(exons[,3]),start=as.numeric(exons[,1]),end=as.numeric(exons[,2]),stringsAsFactors=F)
  exons$chr <- genes$chr[match(exons$gene,genes$name)]

  # eliminate duplicated exons? - points.within will count reads only once anyhow
  exons <- exons[!duplicated(paste(exons[,1],exons[,2],exons[,3])),]

  # eliminate multiple variants - keep the largest ones
  genes <- genes[order(genes$size,decreasing=T),]
  genes <- genes[!duplicated(genes$name),]

  # read in expression data
  #  - ultimately we'll get three kinds of matrices here:
  #      1. exonic reads
  #      2. intronic-only reads
  #      3. spanning reads (overlapping an intron and an exon)
  #  - we will also use bam files to count the number of expressed exons,
  #    to adjust the structural parameters of each gene. Though this is not
  #    as important for the intron-only models.

  # read in all bam files
  cat("reading in",length(bam.files),"bam files ... ")
  # annotate individual reads

  #t.reduce.umi <- function(z) { z[!duplicated(paste(gsub(".*?_","",z$name),z$gene)),] }
  t.reduce.umi <- function(z) {
    z$umig <- paste(gsub(".*?_","",z$name),z$gene)

  cdl <- parallel::mclapply(bam.files,function(x) t.reduce.umi(t.annotate.bam.reads(x,genes=genes,exons=exons,margin=1,exon.margin=1,use.names=T)),mc.cores=n.cores)

  # get count estimates per gene
  cat("estimating gene counts ... ")
  edl <- parallel::mclapply(cdl,t.get.estimates2,genes=genes,mc.cores=n.cores)

  cat("adjusting gene annotation based on expressed regions ... ")
  # count total number of reads per exon to get the ones that are expressed ...
  tl <- Matrix::colSums(do.call(rbind,parallel::mclapply(cdl,function(x) { ect <- table(c(x$exonstart,x$exonend)); fect <- rep(0,nrow(exons)); fect[as.integer(names(ect))] <- ect; fect; },mc.cores=n.cores,mc.preschedule=T)))

  # calculate gene length statistics, based on the expressed exons
  expr.exons <- exons[tl>min.exon.count,]; # expressed exons - those showing >100 reads dataset-wide
  expr.lstat <- lengthstats2(1e8,genes=genes,exons=expr.exons); # intron/exon length statistics for genes, considering only expressed exons

  # compile joint table
  df <- data.frame(il=log10(expr.lstat[,2]+1),el=log10(expr.lstat[,3]+1)); rownames(df) <- rownames(expr.lstat)
  df$nex <- as.integer(table(expr.exons$gene)[rownames(df)]);
  df$nex[is.na(df$nex)] <- 0

  # construct sparse input matrices
  # exonic counts
  emat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(edl,function(d) { (d[,'exon']) }));  emat[!is.finite(emat)] <- 0;  emat <- as(emat,'dgCMatrix')
  # spanning counts
  smat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(edl,function(d) { (d[,'span']) }));  smat[!is.finite(smat)] <- 0;  smat <- as(smat,'dgCMatrix')
  # intron-only counts
  iomat <- do.call(cbind,lapply(edl,function(d) { (d[,'introno']) }));  iomat[!is.finite(iomat)] <- 0;  iomat <- as(iomat,'dgCMatrix')


# parse bam file and annotate the reads relative to genes/exons
t.annotate.bam.reads <- function(fname, genes, exons, chrl=unique(genes$chr), test.strand=F, margin=3e3, tags=NULL,use.names=FALSE,exon.margin=0) {

  if (!requireNamespace("GenomicRanges", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"GenomicRanges\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!requireNamespace("Rsamtools", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"Rsamtools\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",call. = FALSE)

  if (!requireNamespace("GenomeInfoDb", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"GenomeInfoDb\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",call. = FALSE)

  if(!is.null(tags)) {
    param <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(flag=Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isDuplicate=FALSE,isSecondaryAlignment=FALSE),tag=unlist(tags))
  } else {
    param <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(flag=Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isDuplicate=FALSE,isSecondaryAlignment=FALSE))
  z <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(fname,param=param,use.names=use.names)

  bam.data <- data.frame(chr=as.vector(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(z)),start=BiocGenerics::start(z),end=BiocGenerics::end(z),strand=as.vector(BiocGenerics::strand(z)),stringsAsFactors=F)
  ## if(!is.null(tags)) {
  ##   bam.data <- cbind(bam.data,as.data.frame(S4Vectors::elementMetadata((z))))
  ## }
  if(use.names) {
    bam.data$name <- names(z)
  bam.data <- bam.data[bam.data$chr %in% chrl,]

  chrl <- chrl[chrl %in% unique(bam.data$chr)]

  ## assign reads to genes
  x <- do.call(rbind,lapply(chrl,function(chr) {
    ri <- which(bam.data$chr==chr)
    results <- data.frame(bam.data[ri,],gene=rep(NA,length(ri)), exonstart=0, exonend=0, readtype='NI',stringsAsFactors=F) ## intronic read unless evidence to change it
    gi <- which(genes$chr==chr)
    ei <- which(exons$chr==chr)

    # check if the read is associated with any gene
    pi1 <- points.within(bam.data$start[ri],genes$start[gi]-margin,genes$end[gi]+margin); # note that many gene fragments are supplied at once - no need to loop in R!
    pi2 <- points.within(bam.data$end[ri],genes$start[gi]-margin,genes$end[gi]+margin);
    vi <- pi1>0 | pi2>0;
    if(any(vi)) {
      results$gene[vi] <- genes$name[gi[pmax(pi1[vi],pi2[vi])]]; # take largest matched gene index .. should check for consistency

    # check exon mapping
    pi1 <- points.within(bam.data$start[ri],exons$start[ei]-exon.margin,exons$end[ei]+exon.margin);
    pi2 <- points.within(bam.data$end[ri],exons$start[ei]-exon.margin,exons$end[ei]+exon.margin);

    # see if both ends map to the same exon - that's NC
    vi <- pi1>0  & pi1==pi2
    if(any(vi)) { results$readtype[vi] <- 'NC'; results$gene[vi] <- exons$gene[ei[pi1[vi]]]; }

    # different exons - NE
    vi <- pi1>0 & pi2>0 & pi1!=pi2
    if(any(vi)) { results$readtype[vi] <- 'NE'; results$gene[vi] <- exons$gene[ei[pi1[vi]]]; }

    # one exon, and one something else - assume NS for now, will check for margins later
    vi <- sign(pi1) != sign(pi2);
    if(any(vi)) { results$readtype[vi] <- 'NS'; results$gene[vi] <- exons$gene[ei[pmax(pi1,pi2)[vi]]]; }

    # note: I am not sure what these two values are needed for, but here's how to get them
    pi1[pi1==-1] <- NA; pi2[pi2==-1] <- NA;
    results$exonstart <- ei[pi1]; results$exonend <- ei[pi2];

    # assign margin classes (N5 - fully in the 5' margin, N3 - fully in the 3', N5b - spanning exon and 5' margin, N3b - spanning exon and 3' margin)
    if(margin>0) {
      # start is in the start margin
      pi1 <- points.within(bam.data$start[ri],genes$start[gi]-margin,genes$start[gi]-1);
      pi1check <- points.within(bam.data$start[ri],genes$start[gi],genes$end[gi]); # check for genes
      ivi <- pi1>0 & pi1check>0 # both in margin and in some other gene - should be invalidated
      if(any(ivi)) { results$gene[ivi] <- NA }

      # if it is in vi, then it must be partially margin (joining margin and the first/last exon), otherwise it's fully in margin
      vi2 <- pi1>0 & vi;
      if(any(vi2)) { results$readtype[vi2] <- ifelse(genes$strand[gi[pi1[vi2]]]=='+','N5b','N3b') }
      vi2 <- pi1>0 & !vi;
      if(any(vi2)) { results$readtype[vi2] <- ifelse(genes$strand[gi[pi1[vi2]]]=='+','N5','N3') }

      # and now check the other end of the read
      # end is in the margin
      pi2 <- points.within(bam.data$end[ri],genes$end[gi]+1,genes$end[gi]+margin);
      pi2check <- points.within(bam.data$end[ri],genes$start[gi],genes$end[gi]); # check for genes
      ivi <- pi2>0 & pi2check>0 # both in margin and in some other gene - should be invalidated
      if(any(ivi)) { results$gene[ivi] <- NA }

      # if it is in vi, then it must be partially margin (joining margin and the first/last exon), otherwise it's fully in margin
      vi2 <- pi2>0 & vi;
      if(any(vi2)) { results$readtype[vi2] <- ifelse(genes$strand[gi[pi2[vi2]]]=='+','N3b','N5b') }
      vi2 <- pi2>0 & !vi;
      if(any(vi2)) { results$readtype[vi2] <- ifelse(genes$strand[gi[pi2[vi2]]]=='+','N3','N5') }

    # omit reads that didn't get assinged to genes (or were invalidated)
    results <- results[!is.na(results$gene),]

# count different read types per gene
t.get.estimates2 <- function(cd,genes) {
  cd$gene <- match(cd$gene,genes$name);
  # number of reads within the exons
  vi <- cd$readtype %in% c("NC","NE");  exon.counts <- tapply(cd$gene[vi],cd$gene[vi],length)

  # intronic reads
  vi <- cd$readtype %in% c("NI","NS"); intron.counts <- tapply(cd$gene[vi],cd$gene[vi],length)
  # intron only counts
  vi <- cd$readtype %in% c("NI"); introno.counts <- tapply(cd$gene[vi],cd$gene[vi],length)
  # span only counts
  vi <- cd$readtype %in% c("NS"); span.counts <- tapply(cd$gene[vi],cd$gene[vi],length)

  # number of reads in the upstream region (don't include those briding exon, since they're supposed to be a different strand)
  vi <- cd$readtype %in% c("N5"); upstream.counts <- tapply(cd$gene[vi],cd$gene[vi],length)
  # downstream region (running from the exon is fine, since it can be the same strand)
  vi <- cd$readtype %in% c("N3","N3b"); downstream.counts <- tapply(cd$gene[vi],cd$gene[vi],length)

  # construct report matrix
  df <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(genes),ncol=7)
  df[as.integer(names(exon.counts)),1] <- exon.counts
  df[,2] <- 0
  # normalize by the expected fraction of reads from the last 1kb (assume that the last exon is ~1kb) TODO: transcript-coordinate estimation
  #df[,2] <- df[,2]/lstat.e3$e*lstat$e;

  df[as.integer(names(intron.counts)),3] <- intron.counts
  df[as.integer(names(upstream.counts)),4] <- upstream.counts
  df[as.integer(names(downstream.counts)),5] <- downstream.counts
  df[as.integer(names(introno.counts)),6] <- introno.counts
  df[as.integer(names(span.counts)),7] <- span.counts
  rownames(df) <- genes$name; colnames(df) <- c("exon","mg5","intron","upstream","downstream","introno","span")

lengthstats2 <- function(maxlen,genes,exons,n.cores=defaultNCores(),p3=FALSE) {
  lf <- do.call(rbind,parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(genes),function(gi) {
    ei <- which(exons$gene==genes$name[gi])
    if((genes$strand[gi]=="+" & !p3) | (genes$strand[gi]=="-" & p3)) {
      nt <- seq(genes$start[gi],min(genes$start[gi]+maxlen-1,genes$end[gi]),by=1);
    } else {
      nt <- seq(max(genes$end[gi]-maxlen-1,genes$start[gi]),genes$end[gi],by=1)
  lf <- cbind(lf,e=lf[,"t"]-lf[,"i"])
  rownames(lf) <- genes$name

# quick utility function to calculate library sizes using edgeR
edgeR.libsize <- function(mat, ...) {
  f <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(mat)
  f <- f/exp(mean(log(f)))

# quick self-naming vector routine
sn <- function(x) { names(x) <- x; x}

#' adjust colors, while keeping the vector names
#' @param x color vector
#' @param alpha transparenscy value (passed to adjustcolors as alpha.f)
#' @param ... parameters passsed to adjustcolor
#' @export
ac <- function(x, alpha=1, ...) { y <- adjustcolor(x, alpha.f=alpha, ...); names(y) <- names(x); return(y)}

# quick function to map value vector to colors
val2col <- function(x,gradientPalette=NULL,zlim=NULL,gradient.range.quantile=0.95) {
  if(all(sign(x)>=0)) {
    if(is.null(gradientPalette)) {
      gradientPalette <- colorRampPalette(c('gray90','red'), space = "Lab")(1024)
    if(is.null(zlim)) {
      zlim <- as.numeric(quantile(na.omit(x),p=c(1-gradient.range.quantile,gradient.range.quantile)))
      if(diff(zlim)==0) {
        zlim <- as.numeric(range(na.omit(x)))
    x[x<zlim[1]] <- zlim[1]; x[x>zlim[2]] <- zlim[2];
    x <- (x-zlim[1])/(zlim[2]-zlim[1])

  } else {
    if(is.null(gradientPalette)) {
      gradientPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "grey90", "red"), space = "Lab")(1024)
    if(is.null(zlim)) {
      zlim <- c(-1,1)*as.numeric(quantile(na.omit(abs(x)),p=gradient.range.quantile))
      if(diff(zlim)==0) {
        zlim <- c(-1,1)*as.numeric(na.omit(max(abs(x))))
    x[x<zlim[1]] <- zlim[1]; x[x>zlim[2]] <- zlim[2];
    x <- (x-zlim[1])/(zlim[2]-zlim[1])


  gp <- gradientPalette[x*(length(gradientPalette)-1)+1]
  if(!is.null(names(x))) { names(gp) <- names(x) }

# estimate expression of a projected cell given the original expression matrix and deltaE matrix
# delta is the amount of time onto which the projection should be done
t.get.projected.cell <- function(em,deltae,delta=1,target.mult=1e3,model.mult=1e3,size.normalize=FALSE) {
  rz <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(em),ncol=ncol(em)); colnames(rz) <- colnames(em); rownames(rz) <- rownames(em)
  gn <- intersect(rownames(deltae),rownames(rz))
  rz[match(gn,rownames(rz)),colnames(deltae)] <- deltae[gn,]*target.mult/model.mult; # correcting for different mult
  emn <- em+delta*rz;  emn[emn<0] <- 0
  # rescale ... note: none of these seem appropriate
  #i <- 11;smoothScatter(sqrt(em[,i]),sqrt(emn[,i])); abline(a=0,b=1)
  #emn.scale <- unlist(lapply(1:ncol(em),function(i) { n <- calcNormFactors(cbind(em[,1],emn[,1])); n[2]/n[1]}))
  #emn <- t(t(emn)/emn.scale)
  if(size.normalize) {
    emn <- t(t(emn)/Matrix::colSums(emn)*Matrix::colSums(em))

# calculates the difference in the number of counts based on the library size, renormalizes
# note: also introduces centripetal velocity
t.get.projected.cell2 <- function(em,cellSize,deltae,mult=1e3,delta=1) {
  rz <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(em),ncol=ncol(em)); colnames(rz) <- colnames(em); rownames(rz) <- rownames(em)
  gn <- intersect(rownames(deltae),rownames(rz))
  rz[match(gn,rownames(rz)),colnames(deltae)] <- deltae[gn,];
  # translate fpm delta into the number of molecules based on the current cell size
  rz <- t(t(rz)*cellSize)
  emm <- t(t(em)*cellSize)
  emn <- emm + rz*delta;
  emn[emn<0] <- 0;
  newCellSize <- (cellSize+Matrix::colSums(emn-emm)/mult)
  emn <- t(t(emn)/newCellSize)

  #emn <- t(t(emn)/Matrix::colSums(emn)*Matrix::colSums(em))

# reads layers/spliced/unspliced/ambiguous from a loom file
##' Read in loom matrices of spliced/unpsliced reads as
##' prepared by velocyto.py CLI
##' @param file loom file name
##' @param engine Use hdf5r or h5 to import loom file
##' @return a list containing spliced, unspliced, ambiguous and spanning matrices
##' @export
read.loom.matrices <- function(file, engine='hdf5r') {
  if (engine == 'h5'){
    cat('reading loom file via h5...\n')
    f <- h5::h5file(file,mode='r');
    cells <- f["col_attrs/CellID"][];
    genes <- f["row_attrs/Gene"][];
    dl <- c(spliced="/layers/spliced",unspliced="/layers/unspliced",ambiguous="/layers/ambiguous");
    if("/layers/spanning" %in% h5::list.datasets(f)) {
      dl <- c(dl,c(spanning="/layers/spanning"))
    dlist <- lapply(dl,function(path) {
      m <- as(f[path][],'dgCMatrix'); rownames(m) <- genes; colnames(m) <- cells; return(m)
  } else if (engine == 'hdf5r') {
    cat('reading loom file via hdf5r...\n')
    f <- hdf5r::H5File$new(file, mode='r')
    cells <- f[["col_attrs/CellID"]][]
    genes <- f[["row_attrs/Gene"]][]
    dl <- c(spliced="layers/spliced",
    if("layers/spanning" %in% hdf5r::list.datasets(f)) {
      dl <- c(dl, c(spanning="layers/spanning"))
    dlist <- lapply(dl, function(path) {
      m <- as(t(f[[path]][,]),'dgCMatrix')
      rownames(m) <- genes; colnames(m) <- cells;
  else {
    warning('Unknown engine. Use hdf5r or h5 to import loom file.')

##' identify positions of likely internal priming sites by looking for polyA/polyT stretches within
##' annotated intronic regions
##' @param gtf.file location of a gtf file with gene annotations
##' @param genome bioC genome structure (i.e. Mmusculus)
##' @param genome.name name of the genome assembly (i.e. mm10)
##' @param w A/T weight in the PWM
##' @param n length of the motif
##' @param min.score minimal required match score
##' @param add.chr whether to add 'chr' prefix to the chromosome names in the gtf annotation (to match bioC)
##' @return a data frame containing list of likely internal priming sites, listing chromosome ($chr), positions ($start/$end), name, PWM matching score, PWM match strand ($strand), gene, gene strand ($gs), and whether the motif is in concordant direction of gene transcription ($conc)
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' library(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10)
##' ip.mm10 <- find.ip.sites('refdata-cellranger-mm10-1.2.0/genes/genes.gtf',Mmusculus,'mm10')
##' }
##' @export
find.ip.sites <- function(gtf.file,genome,genome.name,w=0.9,n=15,min.score='80%',add.chr=TRUE) {

  if (!requireNamespace("GenomicRanges", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"GenomicRanges\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (!requireNamespace("Biostrings", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"Biostrings\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)

  # helper functions to move out of bioC classes
  grange2df <- function(x,name='hit') {

  # read specified features from gtf file, recording specified attributes
  t.read.gtf <- function(file,feature="gene",atts=c("gene_id"),n.cores=30) {
    if (!requireNamespace("data.table", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package \"data.table\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
           call. = FALSE)
    #x <- read.table(file,header=F,sep="\t",stringsAsFactors=F)
    x <- data.table::fread(file,header=F,sep="\t",stringsAsFactors=F,data.table=FALSE)
    vi <- which(x[,3]==feature)
    names(atts) <- atts;
    ad <- do.call(cbind,lapply(atts,function(att) {
      gsub("\\\"","",gsub(paste('.*',att,' ([^;]*);.*',sep=""),"\\1",x[vi,9]))
    df <- x[vi,c(1,4,5,7)]
    colnames(df) <- c("chr","start","end","strand");

  cat("reading genes ... ");
  genes <- t.read.gtf(gtf.file,atts=c("gene_name"))
  cat("reading exons ... ");
  exons <- t.read.gtf(gtf.file,feature='exon',atts=c("gene_name","transcript_biotype"))
  exons <- exons[exons$transcript_biotype=='protein_coding',] # want to mask everything else
  if(add.chr) {
    genes$chr <- paste0('chr',genes$chr);
    exons$chr <- paste0('chr',exons$chr);
  cat("making ranges ... ")
  gene.ranges <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(genes$chr,IRanges::IRanges(start=genes[,2],end=genes[,3]),strand=genes$strand)
  names(gene.ranges) <- genes$gene_name
  exon.ranges <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(exons$chr,IRanges::IRanges(start=exons[,2],end=exons[,3]),strand=exons$strand)
  cat("matching hits ... ")
  N <- 1e3;
  m <- as.matrix(rbind(A=rep(round(w*N),n),C=rep(round((1-w)/3*N),n),G=rep(round((1-w)/3*N),n),T=rep(round((1-w)/3*N),n))); storage.mode(m) <- 'integer'
  pwm <- Biostrings::PWM(m)
  hits <- Biostrings::matchPWM(pwm,genome,min.score=min.score,with.score=T)
  cat("annotating hits .");
  df <- grange2df(hits,name=paste0('(A)',n)) # convert into a table
  df <- do.call(rbind,tapply(1:nrow(df),df$chr,function(ii) df[ii[order(df$start[ii])],])) # sort
  df <- rbind(groupMotifs(df[df$strand=='+',]),groupMotifs(df[df$strand=='-',])) # cluster
  df <- do.call(rbind,tapply(1:nrow(df),df$chr,function(ii) df[ii[order(df$start[ii])],])) # sort again
  # get gene strand information and classify concordance
  sn <- function(x) { names(x) <- x; x}
  gene.margin <- 0;
  df <- do.call(rbind,lapply(sn(intersect(unique(genes$chr),unique(df$chr))),function(chr) {
    vg <- which(genes$chr==chr);
    vm <- which(df$chr==chr);
    ei <- points.within((df$start[vm]+df$end[vm])/2,genes$start[vg]-gene.margin,genes$end[vg]+gene.margin)
    vi <- which(ei>-1)
    x <- cbind(df[vm[vi],],gene=genes$gene_name[vg[ei[vi]]],gs=genes$strand[vg[ei[vi]]])
    x$conc <- x$strand==x$gs
  cat(". done\n");

##' read in detailed molecular mapping info from hdf5 file as written out by "-d" option of velocyto.py
##' @param fname name of the hdf5 detailed molecular mapping (debug) file, written out by velocyto.py
##' @param cell.clusters optional cell cluster factor
##' @param internal.priming.info optionall internal priming info, as produced by find.ip.sites() function
##' @param min.exon.count minimal total (dataset-wide) number of molecules for an exon to be considered expressed
##' @param n.cores number of cores to use
##' @param engine use either h5 or hdf5r to read the input hdf5 file
##' @return a list containing gene structural information data structure ($gene.df, with el,il, nex,nipconc,nipdisc columns corresponding to the log10 exonic length, intronic length, number of exons, numebr of internal concordant and discordant priming sites, respectively), and $info tables from the hdf5 file with an additional per-cluster entry $cluster.feature.counts table showing per-feature (rows) per-cluster (column) molecule counts (if cell.clusters are not supplied $info$cluster.feauture.counts will contain one column, 'all' giving dataset-wide counts)
##' @export
read.gene.mapping.info <- function(fname,cell.clusters=NULL,internal.priming.info=NULL,min.exon.count=10,n.cores=defaultNCores(),engine='hdf5r') {
  cat("reading in mapping info from",fname,' via', engine)
  if (engine == 'h5') {
    f <- h5::h5file(fname,mode='r')
  } else if (engine == 'hdf5r') {
    f <- hdf5r::H5File$new(fname, mode='r')
  } else {
    stop('Unknown engine. Use either hdf5r or h5.\n')
  # read in info tables
  if (engine == 'h5') info <- lapply(sn(c("chrm","exino","features_gene","is_intron","is_last3prime","start_end","strandplus","tr_id")),function(n) { cat('.'); f[paste('/info',n,sep='/')][] })
  if (engine == 'hdf5r') {
  info <- lapply(
    sn(c("chrm","exino","features_gene", "is_intron","is_last3prime",
    function(n) {
      cat('.'); x <- f[[paste('info', n, sep='/')]]$read();
      if (is.matrix(x)) {t(x)} else {x} })
  info$chrm <- gsub("^chr","",info$chrm)
  cat(" done\n")
  # extract cell names
  if (engine == 'h5') cnames <- gsub('/pos','',gsub('/cells/','',grep('/pos',grep("/cells/", h5::list.datasets(f),value=T),value=T)))
  if (engine == 'hdf5r') {
    cnames <- gsub(
      '/pos', '',
                grep("cells/", hdf5r::list.datasets(f), value=T),
  if(!is.null(cell.clusters)) {
    # count abundancies per element for each cell cluster
    cell.clusters <- as.factor(cell.clusters)
    if(!any(names(cell.clusters) %in% cnames)) {
      warning(paste("could not match any of the specified cell names. hdf5 file contains names like [",paste(cnames[1:3],collapse=' '),"... ]"))
      cat("parsing out feature counts across all cells ... ")
      if (engine == 'h5') {
        info$cluster.feature.counts <- cbind('all'=tabulate(unlist(lapply(
          function(n) f[paste('/cells',n,'ixs',sep='/')][] ))+1,nbins=length(info$chrm)))
      } else if (engine == 'hdf5r') {
        info$cluster.feature.counts <- cbind('all'=tabulate(unlist(lapply(
          function(n) f[[paste('cells',n,'ixs',sep='/')]]$read() ))+1,
      } else {stop('Unknown engine. Use either hdf5r or h5.\n')}
    } else {
      cat("parsing out info for",length(levels(cell.clusters)),"clusters: [");
      if (engine == 'h5'){
        cluster.feature.counts <- do.call(cbind,tapply(names(cell.clusters),as.factor(cell.clusters),function(ii) {
            function(n) f[paste('/cells',n,'ixs',sep='/')][] ))+1,
      if (engine == 'hdf5r') {
        cluster.feature.counts <- do.call(cbind,tapply(names(cell.clusters),as.factor(cell.clusters),function(ii) {
            function(n) f[[paste('cells',n,'ixs',sep='/')]]$read() ))+1,

      cat(". ]. done\n")
      info$cluster.feature.counts <- cluster.feature.counts;
  } else {
    # combine counts on all cells
    cat("parsing out feature counts across all cells ... ")
    if (engine == 'h5'){
      info$cluster.feature.counts <- cbind('all'=tabulate(unlist(lapply(
        function(n) f[paste('/cells',n,'ixs',sep='/')][] ))+1,
    if (engine == 'hdf5r'){
      info$cluster.feature.counts <- cbind('all'=tabulate(unlist(lapply(
        function(n) f[[paste('cells',n,'ixs',sep='/')]]$read() ))+1,
  if (engine == 'h5' ) h5::h5close(f)
  if (engine == 'hdf5r') f$close_all()

  # calculate dataset-wide effective gene length and other parameters
  # attempt to get unique gene names
  #gchr <- paste(info$features_gene,info$chrm,sep=':')
  genes <- info$features_gene;

  if(!is.null(internal.priming.info)) {
    internal.priming.info$chr <- gsub("^chr","",as.character(internal.priming.info$chr))

  t.get.lengthinfo <- function(fc,min.exon.count=10) {
    #fc <- rowSums(cluster.feature.counts)
    # find last expressed exon for each gene
    gdf <- do.call(rbind,mclapply(sn(unique(genes)),function(gene) {
      ii <- which(genes==gene);
      exons <- info$is_intron[ii]=='FALSE'
      # select exons with a valid minimal expression level
      valid.exons <- fc[ii[exons]]>=min.exon.count
      # is gene more on one chromosome, ignore the gene
      if(length(unique(info$chrm[ii]))>1) {
        valid.exons[valid.exons] <- FALSE;

      if(any(valid.exons)) {
        # number of exons, their lengths
        valid.exons.sizes <- info$start_end[ii[exons][valid.exons],,drop=F]
        el <- flatLength(valid.exons.sizes[order(valid.exons.sizes[,1,drop=F],decreasing=FALSE),,drop=F]);
        # define effective range
        gene.range <- range(valid.exons.sizes)
        gene.size <- diff(gene.range)+1
        rv <- c(el=log10(el+1),il=log10((gene.size-el)+1),nex=nrow(valid.exons.sizes))
        if(!is.null(internal.priming.info)) {
          vi <- which(internal.priming.info$chr==info$chrm[ii[1]] & internal.priming.info$start>=gene.range[1] & internal.priming.info$end<=gene.range[2])
          if(length(vi)>0) {
            nipconc <- sum(internal.priming.info$conc[vi]);
            rv <- c(rv,c(nipconc=nipconc,nipdisc=length(vi)-nipconc))
          } else {
            rv <- c(rv,c(nipconc=0,nipdisc=0))
      } else {
  cat("calculating gene stats ... ")
  base.df <- t.get.lengthinfo(rowSums(info$cluster.feature.counts),min.exon.count = min.exon.count)

# estimate projected delta given x'=(y-o) - gamma*x solution
# em - normalized expression matrix
# nm - normalized nascent matrix
# gamma - inferred degradation coefficients
# o - inferred offset (assumed to be zero by default)
# delta - time to project forward
t.get.projected.delta <- function(em,nm,gamma,offset=rep(0,length(gamma)),delta=0.5, Ndelta=NULL, Kdelta=NULL) {
  # adjust rownames
  gn <- intersect(names(gamma),rownames(em));
  if(is.null(names(offset))) { names(offset) <- names(gamma); }
  em <- em[gn,]; nm <- nm[gn,]; gamma <- gamma[gn]; offset <- offset[gn];
  # time effect constant
  egt <- exp(-gamma*delta);
    print(paste0("K delta:", Kdelta, "; ", "N delta:", Ndelta))
    replaced_nm = nm^Ndelta/(Kdelta^Ndelta +nm^Ndelta)
    y <- replaced_nm-offset; y[y<0] <- 0;
    print("No K and N specified for hill function for delta")
    y <- nm-offset; y[y<0] <- 0;  # zero out entries with a negative n levels after offset adjustment
  em*egt + (1-egt)*y/gamma  - em

# conservative estimate based on the sensitivity to addition/subtraction of a single n count
t.get.projected.delta2 <- function(em,nm,nm.size,gamma,offset=rep(0,length(gamma)),delta=0.5,scount=1) {
  # adjust rownames
  gn <- intersect(names(gamma),rownames(em));
  if(is.null(names(offset))) { names(offset) <- names(gamma); }
  em <- em[gn,]; nm <- nm[gn,]; gamma <- gamma[gn]; offset <- offset[gn];
  # time effect constant
  egt <- exp(-gamma*delta);
  y <- nm-(offset %o% nm.size);
  y1 <- y-scount; y2 <- y+scount;
  y[y<0] <- 0; # zero out entries with a negative n levels after offset adjustment
  y1[y1<0] <- 0; y2[y2<0] <- 0;
  d <- em*egt + (1-egt)*t(t(y)/nm.size)/gamma  - em;
  d1 <- em*egt + (1-egt)*t(t(y1)/nm.size)/gamma  - em;
  d2 <- em*egt + (1-egt)*t(t(y2)/nm.size)/gamma  - em;

  cd <- d;
  zi <- abs(cd)>abs(d1); cd[zi] <- d1[zi]
  zi <- abs(cd)>abs(d2); cd[zi] <- d2[zi]
  cd[sign(d1)!=sign(d2)] <- 0;

# estimate projected delta given log2 fold observed/expected nascent ratio
# em - normalized expression matrix
# nm - normalized nascent matrix
# gamma - inferred degradation coefficients
# r - log2 observed/expected nascent cont ratio
# delta - time to project forward
t.get.projected.delta.from.log2ratio <- function(em,gamma,r,delta=0.5,min.val=1e-4) {
  # adjust rownames
  gn <- intersect(intersect(names(gamma),rownames(em)),rownames(r));
  em <- em[gn,]; gamma <- gamma[gn]; r <- 2^r[gn,];
  # time effect constant
  egt <- exp(-gamma*delta);
  (em+min.val)*(egt*(1-r) +r) - em

# determine membership of points in fragments
points.within <- function(x,fs,fe,return.list=F,return.unique=F,sorted=F,return.point.counts=F) {
  if(is.null(x) | length(x) < 1) { return(c()) };
  if(!sorted) {
    ox <- rank(x,ties.method="first");
    x <- sort(x);

  se <- c(fs,fe);
  fi <- seq(1:length(fs));
  fi <- c(fi,-1*fi);

  fi <- fi[order(se)];
  se <- sort(se);

  storage.mode(x) <- storage.mode(fi) <- storage.mode(se) <- "integer";
  if(return.unique) { iu <- 1; } else { iu <- 0; }
  if(return.list) { il <- 1; } else { il <- 0; }
  if(return.point.counts) { rpc <- 1; } else { rpc <- 0; }
  storage.mode(iu) <- storage.mode(il) <- storage.mode(rpc) <- "integer";
  result <- points_within2(x,se,fi,il,iu,rpc)
  #result <- .Call("points_within2",x,se,fi,il,iu,rpc);
  if(!sorted & !return.point.counts) {
    result <- result[ox];

balancedKNN <- function(val,k,maxl=k,return.distance.values=FALSE,n.threads=1,dist='cor') {
  if(class(dist)=="dist") { # actual distance was passed
    if(!all(labels(dist)==colnames(val))) { stop("balancedKNN(): supplied distance doesn't match the columns of val") }
    cd <- as.matrix(dist);
  }  else {
    if(dist=='cor') {
      cd <- 1-cor(val);
    } else if(dist=='euclidean') {
      cd <- as.matrix(dist(t(val)))
    } else {
      stop(paste("unknown distance",dist,"specified"))
  z <-  balanced_knn(cd,k,maxl,return.distance.values,n.threads);
  rownames(z) <- colnames(z) <- colnames(val);

# fater matrix correlations wtih armadillo
##' A slightly faster way of calculating column correlation matrix
##' @param mat matrix whose columns will be correlated
##' @param nthreads number of threads to use
##' @return correlation matrix
##' @export
armaCor <- function(mat,nthreads=1) {
  cd <- arma_mat_cor(mat);
  rownames(cd) <- colnames(cd) <- colnames(mat);

defaultNCores <- function() { parallel::detectCores(logical=F) }
sqjin/nlvelo documentation built on Feb. 11, 2021, 8:09 a.m.