
# Manipulation of emission spectra for area/overlap calculation

# Helper functions

#' Calculate flow cytometer channel range.
#' Converts channel specifications into a list of c(min, max) ranges. Parsing
#' script inteprets specifications of the form xxxLP for long pass, xxxSP for
#' short pass, or xxx/yy for bandpass filter.
#' @param channels Vector of channels e.g. c('530/30', '670LP').
#' @param min.wavelengths Minimum wavlength for calculating short pass extent.
#' @param max.wavelengths Maximum wavlength for calculating long pass extent.
#' @return A list of c(min, max) ranges. 
#' @export
calculate_ranges <- function(channels, min.wavelength, max.wavelength) {

  ranges <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(channels)) {

    if (!is.na(str_match(channels[i], '\\d{3}SP')[1])) {

      value <- as.numeric(str_extract(channels[i], '\\d+'))
      ranges[[i]] <- c(min.wavelength, value)

    } else if (!is.na(str_match(channels[i], '\\d{3}LP')[1])) {

      value <- as.numeric(str_extract(channels[i], '\\d+'))
      ranges[[i]] <- c(value, max.wavelength)

    } else if (!is.na(str_match(channels[i], '\\d{3}/\\d{2}')[1])) {

      value <- as.numeric(str_extract(channels[i], '\\d+(?=/)'))
      range <- as.numeric(str_extract(channels[i], '(?<=/)\\d+'))
      ranges[[i]] <- c(value - range/2, value + range/2)

    } else {

      msg <- 'Filter format must be one of "xxxSP", "xxxLP", or "xxx/yy".'



# Format conversion functions

#' Convert excitation/emission matrix to excitation/emission curves
#' Converts intesity data from an excitation/emission profile. First,
#' the wavelength of maximum peak intensity is identified at each 
#' excitation. The relative intensity at maximum emission forms the
#' excitations curve, while the relative intensity at peak excitation
#' forms the emission curve.
#' @param excitation A vector of excitations.
#' @param emission A vector of emissions.
#' @param intensity A vector of intensities corresponding to each
#'                  excitation/emission pair.
#' @param basis A sequence of wavelength values (in nm) at which
#'              the excitation and emission curves will be evaluated.
#' @return A data.frame with three columns --  wavelength, excitation, 
#'         and emission (corresponding to the excitation and emission
#'         curves).
#' @export
matrix_to_spectra <- function(excitation, emission, intensity, wavelengths = NA,
                              basis = seq(300, 800, length.out = 200)) {

  # Forcing numerical values
  excitation <- as.numeric(excitation)
  emision <- as.numeric(emission)
  intensity <- as.numeric(intensity)

  # Checking for NAs
  if (any(is.na(excitation), is.na(emission), is.na(intensity))) {
    msg <- paste('The excitation, emission, and intensity vectors must',
                 'be numeric and not contain NA values')

  # Combining into data.frame
  d <- data.frame(excitation = excitation, emission = emission,
                  intensity = intensity)

  # Identifying maximum emission intensity for each excitation
  d.em.max <- d %>%
                group_by(excitation) %>%
                summarize(emission = emission[intensity == max(intensity)][1],
                          intensity = intensity[intensity == max(intensity)][1],
                          n.max = sum(intensity == max(intensity)))

  # Checking for multiple maximum values (which suggests an overflow occured)
  if (any(d.em.max$n.max > 1)) {
    msg <- 'Multiple maximum intensities identified, data may have overflown.'

  # Getting excitation and emission wavelengths at maximum intensity
  d.max <- filter(d.em.max, intensity == max(intensity))
  in.max <- d.max$intensity
  em.max <- d.max$emission
  ex.max <- d.max$excitation

  if (is.na(wavelengths)) {
    ex <- filter(d, emission == em.max)
    x.ex <- ex$excitation
    y.ex <- ex$intensity

    em <- filter(d, excitation == ex.max)
    x.em <- em$emission
    y.em <- em$intensity
  else {
    emissions <- unique(d$emission)
    differences <- abs(emissions - wavelengths[2])
    em.chosen <- emissions[which(differences == min(differences))]
    ex <- filter(d, emission == em.chosen)
    x.ex <- ex$excitation
    y.ex <- ex$intensity

    excitations <- unique(d$excitation)
    differences <- abs(excitations - wavelengths[1])
    ex.chosen <- excitations[which(differences == min(differences))]
    em <- filter(d, excitation == ex.chosen)
    x.em <- em$emission
    y.em <- em$intensity

  f_extrapolate <- function(x, wavelength, intensity) {
    f_interpolate <- splinefun(wavelength, intensity)
    low <- min(wavelength)
    high <- max(wavelength)
    y <- ifelse((x > low) & (x < high), f_interpolate(x), 0)
    y[y < 0] <- 0
    y <- (y - min(y))/(max(y) - min(y))

  out <- data.frame(wavelength = basis, 
                    excitation = f_extrapolate(basis, x.ex, y.ex),
                    emission = f_extrapolate(basis, x.em, y.em))

# Functions relating areas under spectral curves

#' Calculate area under spectral curve
#' Calculates the area under an emission spectra within specified channels,
#' excited by given laser wavelength. The output is a dataframe to
#' facilitate use within dplyr's do() function.
#' @param wavelengths A vector of wavelengths (nm).
#' @param excitations A vector of excitation intensities.
#' @param emissions A vector of emmision intensities.
#' @param lasers Vector of lasers exciting given proteins e.g. c(488, 642).
#' @param channels Vector of channels for which spectral area is calculated
#'                 e.g. c('530/30', '670LP').
#' @param threshold Fraction of total spectral area observed in a given
#'                  channel that is considered to be practically 0.
#' @return A data frame with two columns -- channel and area.
#' @export
calculate_area <- function(wavelengths, excitations, emissions, lasers,
                           channels, threshold = 1e-2) {

  # Generating spectral function
  f_excitation <- splinefun(wavelengths, excitations)
  f_emission <- splinefun(wavelengths, emissions)

  scaling.factor <- f_excitation(lasers)/max(excitations)

  # Initializing output
  out <- data.frame(channel = channels, area = 0)

  # Integrating
  w.min <- min(wavelengths)
  w.max <- max(wavelengths)
  ranges <- calculate_ranges(channels, w.min, w.max)

  # A laser functions as a lower limit on emission wavelength
  total.area <- 0
  for (j in 1:length(lasers)) {
    low <- max(w.min, lasers[j])
    high <- max(w.max, lasers[j])

    if (high > low) {
      curve.area <- integrate(f_emission, w.min, w.max)$value
      total.area <- total.area + curve.area * scaling.factor[j]

  if (total.area == 0) return(out)

  # Looping through channels and lasers to increment area 
  for (i in 1:length(channels)) {
    for (j in 1:length(lasers)) {
      low <- max(ranges[[i]][1], lasers[j])
      high <- max(ranges[[i]][2], lasers[j])

      if (high > low) {
        curve.area <- integrate(f_emission, low, high)$value 
        out[i, 'area'] <- out[i, 'area'] + curve.area * scaling.factor[j]
  # Filtering out values below the threshold 
  out <- mutate(out, area = ifelse(area/total.area < threshold, 0, area))


#' Calculate overlap between proteins
#' Calculates the pairwise overlaps in area under an emission spectra between 
#' proteins. Areas are calculated by taking into account the specified 
#' channels and excitation by given laser wavelength. Pairs are constructed
#' from all combinations of the given proteins and overlap is reported
#' as a fraction of the area of the second protein in a given pair. For example, 
#' the overlap of EGFP by EYFP will likely be different from the overlap of 
#' EYFP by EGFP. An overlap of NA means that the area of the second protein is
#' 0 for the given channel (and would result in division by 0). An overlap of
#' 0 means that the relative area of overlapping proteins is practically 0.
#' @param wavelengths A vector of wavelengths (nm).
#' @param excitations A vector of excitation intensities.
#' @param emissions A vector of emmision intensities.
#' @param proteins A vector of protein labels that correspond to each
#'                 measurement.
#' @param lasers Vector of lasers exciting given proteins e.g. c(488, 642).
#' @param channels Vector of channels for which spectral area is calculated
#'                 e.g. c('530/30', '670LP').
#' @param threshold Fraction of total spectral area observed in a given
#'                  channel that is considered to be practically 0.
#' @return A data frame with four columns -- protein1, protein2, channel 
#'         and overlap. Overlap represents the fraction of protein1 area
#'         occupied by protein2 in a given channel.
#' @export
calculate_pairwise_overlap <- function(wavelengths, excitations, emissions, 
                                       proteins, lasers, channels, 
                                       threshold = 1e-2) {

  # Generating data frame
  d <- data.frame(protein = proteins, wavelength = wavelengths,
                  excitation = excitations, emission = emissions)

  # Ordering by wavelength
  d.max <- d %>%
             group_by(protein) %>%
             summarize(wavelength = wavelength[emission == max(emission)]) %>%

  d$protein <- factor(as.character(d$protein), 
                      levels = as.character(d.max$protein))
  d <- arrange(d, protein)

  # Calculating areas
  areas <- d %>%
             group_by(protein) %>%
             do(calculate_area(.$wavelength, .$excitation, .$emission,
                               lasers = lasers, channels = channels, 
                               threshold = threshold))

  # Generating a Cartesian product
  areas$id <- 1
  areas2 <- rename(areas, protein2 = protein, area2 = area)
  # Calculating overlap 
  combined <- left_join(areas, areas2, by = c('id', 'channel')) %>%
                select(protein1 = protein, protein2, 
                       channel, area1 = area, area2) %>%
                filter(protein1 != protein2) %>%
                mutate(overlap = ifelse(area1 > 0, area2/area1, NA)) %>%
                select(-area1, -area2)


#' Assess protein combinations
#' Generates all possible combinations of proteins taken n at time, chooses
#' optimal detection channels by selecting those with least overlap and
#' calculates three metrics -- max total overlap for the selected channels,
#' sum of all spectral areas for the selected channels, and the ratio
#' of largest calculated area to smallest. Areas are calculated by taking into 
#' account excitation by given laser wavelength. As taking n combinations
#' may result in large computation time, it is recommended that some
#' prescreening is performed before running the assessment.
#' @param wavelengths A vector of wavelengths (nm).
#' @param excitations A vector of excitation intensities.
#' @param emissions A vector of emmision intensities.
#' @param proteins A vector of protein labels that correspond to each
#'                 measurement.
#' @param n The number of protein combinations to consider.
#' @param lasers Vector of lasers exciting given proteins e.g. c(488, 642).
#' @param channels Vector of channels for which spectral area is calculated
#'                 e.g. c('530/30', '670LP').
#' @param spectra.threshold Fraction of total spectral area observed in a 
#'                          given channel that is considered to be 
#'                          practically 0.
#' @param channel.threshold Fraction of maximum area observed within a given
#'                          channel that is considered to be practically 0
#'                          (compared to all channel areas of the protein).
#' @param intensity.threshold Fraction of maximum area observed across all 
#'                            channels that is considered to be practically 0
#'                            (compared to selected protein subset).
#' @return A data frame listing the combination of protein1, protein2,
#'         protein3 individually, combined combination string, maximum
#'         overlap, sum of detection areas, ratio of largest area to
#'         smallest, and the detection strategy string that combines protein,
#'         channel, and channel overlap information.
#' @export
assess_combinations <- function(wavelengths, excitations, emissions, 
                                proteins, n, lasers, channels, 
                                spectra.threshold = 1e-2,
                                channel.threshold = 1e-2,
                                intensity.threshold = 1e-2) {

  # Checking input
  if (n > length(channels)) {
    msg <- 'Number of proteins (n) must not exceed number of channels.'

  # Checking input
  if (n <= 1) {
    msg <- 'Number of proteins (n) must be 2 or greater.'

  # Generating data frame
  d <- data.frame(protein = proteins, wavelength = wavelengths,
                  excitation = excitations, emission = emissions)

  # Ordering by wavelength
  d.max <- d %>%
             group_by(protein) %>%
             summarize(wavelength = wavelength[emission == max(emission)]) %>%

  d$protein <- factor(as.character(d$protein), 
                      levels = as.character(d.max$protein))
  d <- arrange(d, protein)

  # Calculating areas
  areas <- d %>%
             group_by(protein) %>%
             do(calculate_area(.$wavelength, .$excitation, .$emission,
                               lasers = lasers, channels = channels, 
                               threshold = spectra.threshold))

  # Generating a Cartesian product
  areas$id <- 1
  areas2 <- rename(areas, protein2 = protein, area2 = area)
  # Calculating overlap 
  overlap <- left_join(areas, areas2, by = c('id', 'channel')) %>%
               select(protein1 = protein, protein2, 
                      channel, area1 = area, area2) %>%
               filter(protein1 != protein2) %>%
               ungroup() %>%
               mutate(overlap = ifelse(area1 > 0, area2/area1, NA)) %>%
               select(-area1, -area2)

  # Combinations
  out <- t(combn(unique(as.character(areas$protein)), n))
  out <- as.data.frame(out)
  colnames(out) <- paste('protein', 1:n, sep = '')
  proteins <- paste('protein', 1:n, sep = '')
  out <- cbind(out, unite_(out, 'combination', proteins, sep = '-'))
  out$overlap.max <- NA
  out$area.sum <- NA
  out$area.diff <- NA
  out$detection <- NA

  for (col in proteins) {
    out[, col] <- as.character(out[, col])

  # Looping through each combination
  for (i in 1:nrow(out)) {
    combination <- as.character(out[i, proteins])
    s.areas <- filter(areas, protein %in% combination)

    # Filtering proteins by relative intensity across all channels
    area.sums <- s.areas %>%
                   group_by(protein) %>%
                   summarize(area = sum(area))
    max.area <- max(area.sums$area)

    area.sums <- filter(area.sums, area > intensity.threshold * max.area)

    # Skip iteration if any proteins are dropped
    if (length(area.sums$protein) < n) next

    # Subsetting overlaps
    s.overlap <- filter(overlap, protein1 %in% combination, 
                                 protein2 %in% combination)
    # Calculating overlap sums 
    overlap.sums <- s.overlap %>%
                      group_by(protein1, channel) %>%
                      summarize(overlap = sum(overlap)) %>%
                      ungroup() %>%
                      arrange(overlap) %>%
                      mutate(channel = as.character(channel),
                             protein1 = as.character(protein1)) %>%
                      rename(protein = protein1)

    # Calculating fraction of area in each channel
    s.areas <- s.areas %>%
                 group_by(protein) %>%
                 mutate(fraction = area/sum(area)) %>%
                 ungroup() %>%
                 mutate(protein = as.character(protein),
                        channel = as.character(channel))

    # Merging and filtering
    columns <- c('protein', 'channel', 'area', 'fraction')
    overlap.sums <- overlap.sums %>%
                      left_join(s.areas[ , columns],
                                by = c('protein', 'channel')) %>%
                      filter(fraction > channel.threshold)

    overlaps <- c()
    chosen.areas <- c()
    chosen.proteins <- c()
    chosen.channels <- c()

    for (j in 1:n) {
      overlaps <- c(overlaps, overlap.sums$overlap[1])
      chosen.areas <- c(chosen.areas, overlap.sums$area[1])
      chosen.proteins <- c(chosen.proteins, overlap.sums$protein[1])
      chosen.channels <- c(chosen.channels, overlap.sums$channel[1])
      overlap.sums <- filter(overlap.sums, 
                             !channel %in% chosen.channels, 
                             !protein %in% chosen.proteins) 

      if (nrow(overlap.sums) == 0) break

    if (length(overlaps) == n) {
      out$overlap.max[i] <- max(overlaps)
      out$area.diff[i] <- max(chosen.areas)/min(chosen.areas)
      out$area.sum[i] <- sum(chosen.areas)
      out$detection[i] <- paste(chosen.proteins, chosen.channels, 
                                round(overlaps, 2),
                                sep = '-', collapse = ', ')

ssokolen/fluoroscripts documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:43 a.m.