#' @keywords internal
.calcDiffProps <- function(adja1,
testJacc = TRUE,
jaccTestGreater = FALSE,
testRand = TRUE,
nPermRand = 1000,
gcdOrb = NULL) {
isempty1 <- all(adja1[lower.tri(adja1)] == 0)
isempty2 <- all(adja2[lower.tri(adja2)] == 0)
# calculate network properties
props1 <- .calcProps(adjaMat = adja1, dissMat = dissMat1, assoMat = assoMat1,
avDissIgnoreInf = avDissIgnoreInf,
sPathNorm = sPathNorm, sPathAlgo = sPathAlgo,
connectivity = connectivity,
normNatConnect = normNatConnect,
weighted = weighted, isempty = isempty1,
clustMethod = clustMethod, clustPar = clustPar,
weightClustCoef = weightClustCoef,
hubPar = hubPar, hubQuant = hubQuant,
lnormFit = lnormFit, weightDeg = weightDeg,
normDeg = normDeg, normBetw = normBetw,
normClose = normClose, normEigen = normEigen,
centrLCC = centrLCC, graphlet = FALSE,
jaccard = TRUE, jaccQuant = jaccQuant)
props2 <- .calcProps(adjaMat = adja2, dissMat = dissMat2, assoMat = assoMat2,
avDissIgnoreInf = avDissIgnoreInf,
sPathNorm = sPathNorm, sPathAlgo = sPathAlgo,
connectivity = connectivity,
normNatConnect = normNatConnect,
weighted = weighted, isempty = isempty2,
clustMethod = clustMethod, clustPar = clustPar2,
weightClustCoef = weightClustCoef,
hubPar = hubPar, hubQuant = hubQuant,
lnormFit = lnormFit, weightDeg = weightDeg,
normDeg = normDeg, normBetw = normBetw,
normClose = normClose, normEigen = normEigen,
centrLCC = centrLCC, graphlet = FALSE,
jaccard = TRUE, jaccQuant = jaccQuant)
#== differences in network properties ========================================
### centralities
diffdeg <- sort(props1$deg - props2$deg[names(props1$deg)])
diffbetw <- sort(props1$betw - props2$betw[names(props1$betw)])
diffclose <- sort(props1$close - props2$close[names(props1$close)])
diffeigen <- sort(props1$eigen - props2$eigen[names(props1$eigen)])
# absolute differences
absdiffdeg <- abs(props1$deg - props2$deg[names(props1$deg)])
absdiffbetw <- abs(props1$betw - props2$betw[names(props1$betw)])
absdiffclose <- abs(props1$close - props2$close[names(props1$close)])
absdiffeigen <- abs(props1$eigen - props2$eigen[names(props1$eigen)])
### Average dissimilarity
avDiss1 <- props1$avDiss
avDiss2 <- props2$avDiss
avDiss1_lcc <- props1$avDiss_lcc
avDiss2_lcc <- props2$avDiss_lcc
if (is.na(avDiss1)) {
avDiss1 <- avDiss1_lcc <- 1
if (is.na(avDiss2)) {
avDiss2 <- avDiss2_lcc <- 1
diffdiss <- abs(avDiss1 - avDiss2)
diffdiss_lcc <- abs(avDiss1_lcc - avDiss2_lcc)
### Average Path Length (or Mean Distance)
avPath1 <- props1$avPath
avPath2 <- props2$avPath
avPath1_lcc <- props1$avPath_lcc
avPath2_lcc <- props2$avPath_lcc
if (is.na(avPath1)) {
avPath1 <- avPath1_lcc <- 1
if (is.na(avPath2)) {
avPath2 <- avPath2_lcc <- 1
diffpath <- abs(avPath1 - avPath2)
diffpath_lcc <- abs(avPath1_lcc - avPath2_lcc)
### Clustering coefficient
clustCoef1 <- props1$clustCoef
clustCoef2 <- props2$clustCoef
clustCoef1_lcc <- props1$clustCoef_lcc
clustCoef2_lcc <- props2$clustCoef_lcc
if (is.na(clustCoef1)) {
clustCoef1 <- clustCoef1_lcc <- 0
if (is.na(clustCoef2)) {
clustCoef2 <- clustCoef2_lcc <- 0
diffclustcoef <- abs(clustCoef1 - clustCoef2)
diffclustcoef_lcc <- abs(clustCoef1_lcc - clustCoef2_lcc)
# differential Modularity
if (clustMethod != "none") {
modul1 <- props1$modul
modul2 <- props2$modul
modul1_lcc <- props1$modul_lcc
modul2_lcc <- props2$modul_lcc
diffmod <- abs(modul1 - modul2)
diffmod_lcc <- abs(modul1_lcc - modul2_lcc)
} else {
modul1 <- modul2 <- modul1_lcc <- modul2_lcc <- NA
diffmod <- diffmod_lcc <- NA
# connectivity
if (connectivity) {
# vertex connectivity
diffvertconnect <- abs(props1$vertconnect - props2$vertconnect)
diffvertconnect_lcc <- abs(props1$vertconnect_lcc - props2$vertconnect_lcc)
# edge connectivity
diffedgconnect <- abs(props1$edgeconnect - props2$edgeconnect)
diffedgconnect_lcc <- abs(props1$edgeconnect_lcc - props2$edgeconnect_lcc)
} else {
diffvertconnect <- diffvertconnect_lcc <- NA
diffedgconnect <- diffedgconnect_lcc <- NA
# natural connectivity
diffnatconnect <- abs(props1$natConnect - props2$natConnect)
diffnatconnect_lcc <- abs(props1$natConnect_lcc - props2$natConnect_lcc)
# density (relative number of edges)
diffdensity <- abs(props1$density - props2$density)
diffdensity_lcc <- abs(props1$density_lcc - props2$density_lcc)
# positive-to-negative ratio
diffpep <- abs(props1$pep - props2$pep)
diffpep_lcc <- abs(props1$pep_lcc - props2$pep_lcc)
# number of connected components
diffncomp <- abs(props1$nComp - props2$nComp)
# size of the largest connected component
difflccsize <- abs(props1$lccSize - props2$lccSize)
# relative LCC size
difflccsizerel <- abs(props1$lccSizeRel - props2$lccSizeRel)
# adjusted Rand index for measuring similarity between two clusterings
clust1 <- props1$clust
clust2 <- props2$clust
clust1_lcc.tmp <- props1$clust_lcc
clust2_lcc.tmp <- props2$clust_lcc
c1names <- names(clust1_lcc.tmp)
c2names <- names(clust2_lcc.tmp)
uniNames <- union(c1names, c2names)
clust1_lcc <- clust2_lcc <- rep(0, length(uniNames))
names(clust1_lcc) <- names(clust2_lcc) <- uniNames
clust1_lcc[c1names] <- clust1_lcc.tmp
clust2_lcc[c2names] <- clust2_lcc.tmp
if (isempty1 || isempty2) {
randInd <- randInd_lcc <- NA
} else {
randInd <- c(value = WGCNA::randIndex(table(clust1, clust2), adjust = TRUE),
pval = NA)
randInd_lcc <- c(value = WGCNA::randIndex(table(clust1_lcc, clust2_lcc),
adjust = TRUE), pval = NA)
# significance test for Rand index
if (testRand) {
randInd["pval"] <- .sigTestRand(randInd = randInd[1],
nPermRand = nPermRand,
clust1 = clust1, clust2 = clust2)
randInd_lcc["pval"] <- .sigTestRand(randInd = randInd_lcc[1],
nPermRand = nPermRand,
clust1 = clust1_lcc,
clust2 = clust2_lcc)
# Jaccard Index
jaccDeg <-
.calcJaccard(props1$topdeg, props2$topdeg, sigTest = testJacc)
jaccBetw <-
.calcJaccard(props1$topbetw, props2$topbetw, sigTest = testJacc)
jaccClose <-
.calcJaccard(props1$topclose, props2$topclose, sigTest = testJacc)
jaccEigen <-
.calcJaccard(props1$topeigen, props2$topeigen, sigTest = testJacc)
jaccHub <-
.calcJaccard(props1$hubs, props2$hubs, sigTest = testJacc)
# Graphlet Correlation Distance (GCD)
if (gcd) {
gcd <- calcGCD(adja1 = adja1, adja2 = adja2, orbits = gcdOrb)
if (isempty1 || isempty2) {
gcd_lcc <- gcd
} else {
adja1_lcc <- props1$adjaMat_lcc
adja2_lcc <- props2$adjaMat_lcc
gcd_lcc <- calcGCD(adja1 = adja1_lcc, adja2 = adja2_lcc, orbits = gcdOrb)
class(gcd) <- class(gcd_lcc) <- "list"
} else {
gcd <- gcd_lcc <- NULL
output <- list(jaccDeg = jaccDeg,
jaccBetw =jaccBetw,
jaccClose = jaccClose,
jaccEigen = jaccEigen,
jaccHub = jaccHub,
randInd = randInd,
randIndLCC = randInd_lcc,
gcd = gcd,
gcdLCC = gcd_lcc,
diffsGlobal = list(diffnComp = diffncomp,
diffavDiss = diffdiss,
diffavPath = diffpath,
diffDensity = diffdensity,
diffVertConnect = diffvertconnect,
diffEdgeConnect = diffedgconnect,
diffNatConnect = diffnatconnect,
diffPEP = diffpep,
diffClustCoef = diffclustcoef,
diffModul = diffmod),
diffsGlobalLCC = list(difflccSize = difflccsize,
difflccSizeRel = difflccsizerel,
diffavDiss = diffdiss_lcc,
diffavPath = diffpath_lcc,
diffDensity = diffdensity_lcc,
diffVertConnect = diffvertconnect_lcc,
diffEdgeConnect = diffedgconnect_lcc,
diffNatConnect = diffnatconnect_lcc,
diffPEP = diffpep_lcc,
diffClustCoef = diffclustcoef_lcc,
diffModul = diffmod_lcc),
diffsCentr = list(diffDeg = diffdeg,
diffBetw = diffbetw,
diffClose = diffclose,
diffEigen = diffeigen),
absDiffsCentr = list(absDiffDeg = absdiffdeg,
absDiffBetw = absdiffbetw,
absDiffClose = absdiffclose,
absDiffEigen = absdiffeigen),
props = list(deg1 = props1$deg,
deg2 = props2$deg,
betw1 = props1$betw,
betw2 = props2$betw,
close1 = props1$close,
close2 = props2$close,
eigen1 = props1$eigen,
eigen2 = props2$eigen,
hubs1 = props1$hubs,
hubs2 = props2$hubs,
nComp1 = props1$nComp,
nComp2 = props2$nComp,
avDiss1 = avDiss1,
avDiss2 = avDiss2,
avPath1 = avPath1,
avPath2 = avPath2,
density1 = props1$density,
density2 = props2$density,
vertConnect1 = props1$vertconnect,
vertConnect2 = props2$vertconnect,
edgeConnect1 = props1$edgeconnect,
edgeConnect2 = props2$edgeconnect,
natConnect1 = props1$natConnect,
natConnect2 = props2$natConnect,
pep1 = props1$pep,
pep2 = props2$pep,
clustCoef1 = clustCoef1,
clustCoef2 = clustCoef2,
modularity1 = modul1,
modularity2 = modul2,
clust1 = clust1,
clust2 = clust2),
propsLCC = list(lccSize1 = props1$lccSize,
lccSize2 = props2$lccSize,
lccSizeRel1 = props1$lccSizeRel,
lccSizeRel2 = props2$lccSizeRel,
avDiss1 = avDiss1_lcc,
avDiss2 = avDiss2_lcc,
avPath1 = avPath1_lcc,
avPath2 = avPath2_lcc,
density1 = props1$density_lcc,
density2 = props2$density_lcc,
vertConnect1 = props1$vertconnect_lcc,
vertConnect2 = props2$vertconnect_lcc,
edgeConnect1 = props1$edgeconnect_lcc,
edgeConnect2 = props2$edgeconnect_lcc,
natConnect1 = props1$natConnect_lcc,
natConnect2 = props2$natConnect_lcc,
pep1 = props1$pep_lcc,
pep2 = props2$pep_lcc,
clustCoef1 = clustCoef1_lcc,
clustCoef2 = clustCoef2_lcc,
modularity1 = modul1_lcc,
modularity2 = modul2_lcc)
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