
simple_roi_analysis <- function(dimensionality = 3, imageFileNames = c(), predictors, formula, testType = c("lm", 
  "student.t", "wilcox"), roiLabelsFileName = "") {
  ## Check input variables
  if (missing(testType)) {
    stop("'testType' missing")
  testType <- match.arg(testType, c("lm", "student.t", "wilcox"))
  if (testType == "lm") {
    if (missing(formula)) {
      stop("A formula must be specified for testType = 'lm'.")
    if (missing(predictors)) {
      stop("'predictors' missing")
    if (!is.data.frame(predictors)) {
      stop("Expected data frame for 'predictors' with 'lm' testing.")
  } else {
    if (missing(predictors)) {
      stop("'predictors' missing")
    if (is.vector(predictors) || (is.matrix(predictors) && ncol(predictors) == 1)) {
      predictors <- as.data.frame(predictors)
    colnames(predictors) <- c("diagnosis")
    formula <- as.formula(response ~ 1 + diagnosis)
  predictorNames <- colnames(predictors)
  # Check to make sure that the predictor data frame has the same variable names as the formula.
  responseVariableName <- all.vars(formula)[attr(terms(formula), "response")]
  variables <- attr(terms(formula), "variables")
  tmp <- c()
  for (i in 3:length(variables)) {
    tmp <- append(tmp, variables[[i]])
  variables <- tmp
  if (!all(variables %in% predictorNames)) {
    stop("The predictor column names and formula names do not match.")
  numberOfImages <- length(imageFileNames)
  if (numberOfImages != nrow(predictors)) {
    stop("The number of predictor values does not match the number of images.\n")
  ## Do the actual data prep and testing
  cat("******* Conducting ", testType, " ROI analysis (number of images = ", numberOfImages, "). *******\n\n", 
    sep = "")
  # Read the mask and place the masked voxels in the images in a matrix
  cat("Reading ROI labels file ", roiLabelsFileName, "\n\n", sep = "")
  roiLabelsMask <- antsImageRead(roiLabelsFileName, dimensionality, "unsigned int")
  roiLabels <- sort(unique(c(as.array(roiLabelsMask))))
  roiLabels <- roiLabels[which(roiLabels != 0)]
  cat("Unique ROI labels =", roiLabels, "\n\n", sep = " ")
  numberOfForegroundVoxels <- length(roiLabelsMask[roiLabelsMask != 0])
  dataMatrix <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = numberOfImages, ncol = numberOfForegroundVoxels)
  for (i in 1:length(imageFileNames)) {
    predictorString <- paste(predictorNames[1], "=", predictors[i, 1], sep = "")
    if (ncol(predictors) >= 2) {
      for (j in 2:ncol(predictors)) {
        predictorString <- paste(predictorString, ", ", predictorNames[j], "=", predictors[i, j], sep = "")
    cat("Reading image ", imageFileNames[i], " (", i, " of ", numberOfImages, ", ", predictorString, ").\n", 
      sep = "")
    subjectImage <- antsImageRead(imageFileNames[i], dimensionality)
    dataMatrix[i, ] <- as.array(subjectImage[roiLabelsMask != 0])
  roiLabelsMask <- c(roiLabelsMask[roiLabelsMask != 0])
  # Perform the t-testing.  Monitor progress.
  tValues <- rep(NA, length(roiLabels))
  pValues <- rep(NA, length(roiLabels))
  for (i in 1:length(roiLabels)) {
    values <- rowMeans(dataMatrix[, which(roiLabelsMask == roiLabels[i])], na.rm = TRUE)
    testData <- cbind(rowMeans(dataMatrix[, which(roiLabelsMask == roiLabels[i])], na.rm = TRUE), predictors)
    colnames(testData) <- c(responseVariableName, predictorNames)
    if (testType == "student.t") {
      testResults <- try(t.test(formula = formula, data = testData))
      if (inherits(testResults, "try-error")) {
        tValues[i] <- NA
        pValues[i] <- NA
      } else {
        tValues[i] <- testResults$statistic
        pValues[i] <- testResults$p.value
    } else if (testType == "wilcox") {
      testResults <- try(wilcox.test(formula = formula, data = testData))
      if (inherits(testResults, "try-error")) {
        tValues[i] <- NA
        pValues[i] <- NA
      } else {
        tValues[i] <- testResults$statistic
        pValues[i] <- testResults$p.value
    } else {
      # if( testType == 'lm' )
      testResults <- summary(lm(formula = formula, data = testData))
      tValues[i] <- testResults$coef[2, 3]
      pValues[i] <- testResults$coef[2, 4]
  cat("Done.\n", sep = "")
  return(list(roi.labels = roiLabels, t.values = tValues, p.values = pValues))
stnava/itkImageR documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:21 p.m.