Defines functions cbind_pca cbind_eigen PCA.default PCA.formula Principal PCA2 Principal2 APA2.fa APA_PCA PCA

Documented in APA2.fa APA_PCA PCA PCA2 PCA.default Principal Principal2

#'  PCA (Faktoranalyse)
#' Eine Auswertung die sich an den Tabellen Output von SPSS 
#' orientiert, kann mit der library library(psych) und den Funktionen 
#' principal() und fa() bewerkstelligt werden. 
#' Der Output entspricht dem was SPSS unter Faktorenanalyse berechnet. 
#' Ein anderer Zugang sind die Funktionen princomp() und prcomp() oder die library library(vegan)
#'  mit der Funktion rda().
#' Gestohlen von psych::print.psych.fa \link{print.psych}.
#' Die Ergebnisse stimmen mit SPSS weitgehend ueberein. Ueberprueft habe ich das
#' anhand der Daten vom Stampfl.
#' mehr unter \link{fkv}
#' Interpretation:
#' KorrelationsMatrix: Korrelation von mindestens r=.30
#' Erklaerte Gesamtvarianz (Eigenwerte)
#' Erklärte Gesamtvarianz => Kummulierte %
#' Measures of Appropriateness of Factor Analysis
#' KMO- und Bartlett-Test (partiellen Korrelationen zwischen Itempaaren)
#' KMO: Minimum   0.50
#' Bartlett's test of sphericity (überprueft die Nullhypothese, ob die Korrelationsmatrix eine Identitaetsmatrix ist.)
#' gut ist wenn p < .050
#' Anzahl an Faktoren
#' Faustregel nur Eigenwerte größer als eins (Kaiser-Guttman-Kriterium)
#' oder Scree-Plot hier wird der charakteristische Knick als kriterium gewaehlt
#' Rotierte Komponentenmatrix (varimax)
#' Quelle: \url{http://statistikguru.de/spss/hauptkomponentenanalyse/auswerten-und-berichten.html}
#' Deutsch
#' Es wurde eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse durchgeführt, um die wichtigsten,
#' unabhängigen Faktoren zu extrahieren. Das Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin-Kriterium war .867 und der Bartlett-Test hochsignifikant (p < .001), was eine ausreichend hohe Korrelation zwischen Items darstellt, um eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse durchzuführen. Nur Faktoren mit Eigenwerten ≥ 1 wurden in Betracht gezogen (Guttman, 1954; Kaiser, 1960).
#' Eine Überprüfung des Kaiser–Kriteriums und Scree-Plots rechtfertigte
#' die Extraktion von zwei Faktoren, jeweils mit Eigenwerten über 1,
#' die eine Gesamtvarianz von 60.45 aufklären. Unter den Lösungen lieferte die Varimax rotierte zweifaktor-Lösung die Lösung, die am besten zu interpretieren war, bei der die meisten Items nur auf einen der beiden Faktoren hohe Ladungen zeigten.
#' English
#' We performed a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to extract the most important independent factors. The Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was .867, representing a relatively good factor analysis, and Bartlett’s test of Sphericity was significant (p < .001), indicating that correlations between items were sufficiently large for performing a PCA. Only factors with eigenvalues ≥ 1 were considered (Guttman, 1954; Kaiser, 1960).
#' Examination of Kaiser’s criteria and the scree-plot yielded empirical justification for retaining two factors with eigenvalues exceeding 1 which accounted for 60.45 of the total variance. Among the factor solutions, the varimax-rotated two-factor solution yielded the most interpretable solution, and most items loaded highly on only one of the two factors.
#' @param ... weitere Argumente wie:
#' digits = 2 Number of digits to use in printing
#' all = FALSE if all=TRUE, then the object is declassed and all output from the function is printed
#' cut = NULL Cluster loadings < cut will not be printed. For the factor analysis functions (fa and factor.pa etc.), cut defaults to 0, for ICLUST to .3, for omega to .2.
#' sort = TRUE Cluster loadings are in sorted order
#' @return HTML oder Test Output
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pc <- psych::principal(Harman74.cor$cov,4,rotate="varimax")
#' mr <- psych::fa(Harman74.cor$cov,4,rotate="varimax")  #minres factor analysis
#' pa <- psych::fa(Harman74.cor$cov,4,rotate="varimax",fm="pa")  # principal axis factor analysis
#' round(psych::factor.congruence(list(pc,mr,pa)),2)
#' APA2(pc)
#' APA2(mr)
#' APA2(pa)
#' # -- Buehl Faktoranalyse Seite 475
#' ## some(DF <- GetData("Raw data/FKV.SAV"))
#' # -  Freiburger Fragebogen zur Krankheitsverarbeitung
#' # #DF <- DF[,-1]
#' # APA2( ~., DF, test=T)
#' # library(arm)
#' # windows(5,5)
#' # corrplot(DF, abs=TRUE, n.col.legend=7)#  corrplot {arm}
#' # SaveData( )
#' # APA_PCA(DF, 5, cut=.35,include.plot = FALSE)
PCA <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname APA_
#' @description APA_PCA: Faktoranalyse wie SPSS \link{PCA}
#' @param include.pca,include.loading,include.test,include.plot,include.kmo was soll ausgegeben werden
#' @param w,h,main,opene_graphic_device,save_graphic Fenster w=5 h=5 Ueberschrift
#' @export
APA_PCA <- function(data,
                    include.pca = TRUE,
                    include.loading = include.pca,
                    include.test = include.pca,
                    include.plot = FALSE,
                    include.kmo = TRUE,
                    w = 5,
                    h = 5,
                    opene_graphic_device = FALSE,
                    save_graphic = opene_graphic_device,
                    caption = "Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix",
                    note = "",
                    output = which_output(),
                    main = "") {
  res <- PCA(data, ...)
  if (include.loading) {
    Output(res$Loadings, caption = caption, output = output)
  if (include.test) {
    Output(res$Test, caption = caption, output = output)
  if (include.plot) {
    x.matrix <- as.matrix(data)
    if (opene_graphic_device)
      grDevices::windows(w, h)
    print(psych::VSS.scree(cor(x.matrix), main = main))
    if (save_graphic)
      stp25output::SaveData("scree_plot", caption = "scree plot")
  if (include.kmo) {
    Output(res$KMO, caption = caption, output = output)

#' @rdname APA2
#' @export
APA2.fa <- function(...) {

#' @rdname APA2
#' @param  all APA2.principal if all=TRUE, then the object is declassed and all output from the function is printed
#' @param suppress.warnings APA2.principal Fehlermeldung unterdruecken
#' @export
APA2.principal <-
  function (x,
            caption = "",
            note = "",
            digits = 2,
            all = FALSE,
            cut = .30,
            sort = TRUE,
            suppress.warnings = TRUE,
    res_loadings <- NULL
    res_stdloadings <- NULL
    res_einen <- NULL
    colnames(x$loadings) <-
      paste0("PC", 1:(length(colnames(x$loadings))))
    if (!is.matrix(x) && !is.null(x$fa) && is.list(x$fa))
      x <- x$fa
    if (!is.null(x$fn)) {
      if (x$fn == "principal") {
        caption <- paste(caption, "Principal Components Analysis")
      else {
        caption <- paste(caption, "Factor Analysis using method = ", x$fm)

    load <- x$loadings
    if (is.null(cut))
      cut <- 0
    nitems <- dim(load)[1]
    nfactors <- dim(load)[2]
    if (sum(x$uniqueness) + sum(x$communality) > nitems) {
      covar <- TRUE
    } else {
      covar <- FALSE
    loads <- data.frame(item = seq(1:nitems),
                        cluster = rep(0, nitems),
    u2.order <- 1:nitems
    if (sort) {
      loads$cluster <- apply(abs(load), 1, which.max)
      ord <- sort(loads$cluster, index.return = TRUE)
      loads[1:nitems, ] <- loads[ord$ix, ]
      rownames(loads)[1:nitems] <- rownames(loads)[ord$ix]
      items <- table(loads$cluster)
      first <- 1
      item <- loads$item
      for (i in 1:length(items)) {
        if (items[i] > 0) {
          last <- first + items[i] - 1
          ord <- sort(abs(loads[first:last, i + 2]),
                      decreasing = TRUE,
                      index.return = TRUE)
          u2.order[first:last] <- item[ord$ix + first - 1]
          loads[first:last, 3:(nfactors + 2)] <-
            load[item[ord$ix + first - 1], ]
          loads[first:last, 1] <- item[ord$ix + first - 1]
          rownames(loads)[first:last] <-
            rownames(loads)[ord$ix + first - 1]
          first <- first + items[i]
    if (max(abs(load) > 1) && !covar)
      note <- "Warning: A Heywood case was detected"
    ncol <- dim(loads)[2] - 2
    rloads <- round(loads, digits)
    fx <- format(rloads, digits = digits)
    nc <- nchar(fx[1, 3], type = "c")
    fx.1 <- fx[, 1, drop = FALSE]
    fx.2 <- fx[, 3:(2 + ncol)]
    load.2 <- as.matrix(loads[, 3:(ncol + 2)])
    fx.2[abs(load.2) < cut] <- paste(rep(" ", nc), collapse = "")
    if (sort) {
      fx <- data.frame(V = fx.1, fx.2)
      if (dim(fx)[2] < 3)
        colnames(fx) <- c("V", colnames(x$loadings))
    else {
      fx <- data.frame(fx.2)
      colnames(fx) <- colnames(x$loadings)
    if (nfactors > 1) {
      if (is.null(x$Phi)) {
        h2 <- rowSums(load.2 ^ 2)
      else {
        h2 <- diag(load.2 %*% x$Phi %*% t(load.2))
    else {
      h2 <- load.2 ^ 2
    if (!is.null(x$uniquenesses)) {
      u2 <- x$uniquenesses[u2.order]
    else {
      u2 <- (1 - h2)
    vtotal <- sum(h2 + u2)
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(vtotal, nitems))) {
      # cat("Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix\n")
      com <- x$complexity[u2.order]
      if (!is.null(com)) {
        res_loadings <- cbind_pca(
          Items = rownames(fx),
          h2 = Format2(h2, 2)#,
          #- u2=Format2(u2,2), # auskommentiert weil spss das nicht ausgibt
          #- com=Format2(com,2)
          caption = caption,
          note = note
      else {
        res_loadings <-
            Items = rownames(fx),
            h2 = Format2(h2, 2)#,
            #- u2=Format2(u2,2)
            caption = caption,
            note = note
    else {
      # cat("Unstandardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon covariance matrix\n")
      res_loadings <- cbind_pca(
        Items = rownames(fx),
        h2 = Format2(h2, 2)#,
        #  u2=Format2(u2,2),
        #  H2 = Format2(h2/(h2 + u2),2),
        #  U2 = Format2(u2/(h2 + u2),2)
        caption = "Unstandardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon covariance matrix",
        note = note
    if (is.null(x$Phi)) {
      if (nfactors > 1) {
        vx <- colSums(load.2 ^ 2)
      else {
        vx <- sum(load.2 ^ 2)
    else {
      vx <- diag(x$Phi %*% t(load) %*% load)
    names(vx) <- colnames(x$loadings)
    varex <- rbind(`SS loadings` = vx)
    varex <- rbind(varex, `Proportion Var` = vx / vtotal)
    if (nfactors > 1) {
      varex <- rbind(varex, `Cumulative Var` = cumsum(vx / vtotal))
      varex <- rbind(varex, `Proportion Explained` = vx / sum(vx))
      varex <-
        rbind(varex, `Cumulative Proportion` = cumsum(vx / sum(vx)))
    # cat("\n")
    res_einen <- round(varex, digits)
           caption = "Erklaerte Gesamtvarianz (Eigenwerte)")
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(vtotal, nitems))) {
      # cat("\n Standardized loadings (pattern matrix)\n")
      fx <- format(loads, digits = digits)
      nc <- nchar(fx[1, 3], type = "c")
      fx.1 <- fx[, 1, drop = FALSE]
      fx.2 <- round(loads[, 3:(2 + ncol)] / sqrt(h2 + u2), digits)
      load.2 <- loads[, 3:(ncol + 2)] / sqrt(h2 + u2)
      fx.2[abs(load.2) < cut] <- paste(rep(" ", nc), collapse = "")
      fx <- data.frame(V = fx.1, fx.2)
      if (dim(fx)[2] < 3)
        colnames(fx) <- c("V", colnames(x$loadings))
      if (nfactors > 1) {
        h2 <- h2 / (h2 + u2)
      else {
        h2 <- h2 / (h2 + u2)
      u2 <- (1 - h2)
      res_stdloadings <- cbind_pca(Items = rownames(fx),
                                   h2 = Format2(h2, 2)#,
                                   #  u2=Format2(u2,2)
                                   caption = "Standardized loadings (pattern matrix)")
      if (is.null(x$Phi)) {
        if (nfactors > 1) {
          vx <- colSums(load.2 ^ 2)
        else {
          vx <- diag(t(load) %*% load)
          vx <- vx * nitems / vtotal
      else {
        vx <- diag(x$Phi %*% t(load) %*% load)
        vx <- vx * nitems / vtotal
      names(vx) <- colnames(x$loadings)
      varex <- rbind(`SS loadings` = vx)
      varex <- rbind(varex, `Proportion Var` = vx / nitems)
      if (nfactors > 1) {
        varex <- rbind(varex, `Cumulative Var` = cumsum(vx / nitems))
        varex <-
          rbind(varex, `Cum. factor Var` = cumsum(vx / sum(vx)))
      #  cat("\n")
      res_einen <- round(varex, digits)
    if (!is.null(x$Phi)) {
      if (!is.null(x$fn)) {
        if (x$fn == "principal") {
          cat("\n With component correlations of \n")
        else {
          cat("\n With factor correlations of \n")
      colnames(x$Phi) <- rownames(x$Phi) <- colnames(x$loadings)
      Output(round(x$Phi, digits))
    else {
      if (!is.null(x$rotmat)) {
        U <- x$rotmat
        ui <- solve(U)
        Phi <- t(ui) %*% ui
        Phi <- cov2cor(Phi)
        if (!is.null(x$fn)) {
          if (x$fn == "principal") {
            cat("\n With component correlations of \n")
          else {
            cat("\n With factor correlations of \n")
        colnames(Phi) <- rownames(Phi) <- colnames(x$loadings)
        Output(round(Phi, digits))
    result2 <- list()
    if (!is.null(x$complexity))
      # Text("Mean item complexity = ", round(mean(x$complexity), 1))
      result2[["mean"]] <-
      c("Mean item complexity", round(mean(x$complexity), 1))
    objective <- x$criteria[1]
    if (!is.null(objective)) {
      if (!is.null(x$fn)) {
        if (x$fn == "principal") {
          # Text("Test of the hypothesis that ", nfactors,
          #   if (nfactors == 1)
          #      " component is"
          #  else " components are", " sufficient.")
          result2[["head"]] <-
              "Test of the hypothesis that ",
              if (nfactors == 1)
                " component is"
                " components are",
              " sufficient."
        else {
            "Test of the hypothesis that",
            if (nfactors == 1)
              "factor is"
              "factors are",
          result2[["head"]] <-
              "Test of the hypothesis that",
              if (nfactors == 1)
                "factor is"
                "factors are",
      if (x$fn != "principal") {
        if (!is.null(x$null.dof)) {
            "The degrees of freedom for the null model are ",
            " and the objective function was ",
            round(x$null.model, digits),
        if (!is.null(x$null.chisq)) {
          Text(" with Chi Square of ", round(x$null.chisq,
          "The degrees of freedom for the model are",
          " and the objective function was ",
          " ",
      if (!is.null(x$rms)) {
        #Text("The root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) is ",
        #   round(x$rms, digits), "\n")
        result2[["RMSR"]] <-   c("RMSR", Format2(x$rms, 2))
      if (!is.null(x$crms)) {
          "The df corrected root mean square of the residuals is ",
          round(x$crms, digits),
          " ",
      if ((!is.null(x$nh)) && (!is.na(x$nh))) {
        Text("The harmonic number of observations is ",
      if ((!is.null(x$chi)) && (!is.na(x$chi))) {
        result2[["chi"]]  <- c("empirical chi square",
                               rndr_X(x$chi, NULL, NULL, x$EPVAL))
      if (x$fn != "principal") {
        if (!is.na(x$n.obs)) {
            "The total number of observations was ",
            " with MLE Chi Square = ",
            " with prob < ",
            signif(x$PVAL,  digits),
        if (!is.null(x$TLI))
          Text("Tucker Lewis Index of factoring reliability = ",
               round(x$TLI, digits + 1))
      if (!is.null(x$RMSEA)) {
          "RMSEA index = ",
          round(x$RMSEA[1], digits +
          " and the",
          (1 - x$RMSEA[4]) * 100,
          "% confidence intervals are ",
          round(x$RMSEA[2:3], digits + 1),
      if (!is.null(x$BIC)) {
        Text("BIC = ", round(x$BIC, digits))
    if (!is.null(x$fit))
      Text("Fit based upon off diagonal values =", round(x$fit.off,
    if ((!is.null(x$fn)) && (x$fn != "principal")) {
      if (!is.null(x$R2)) {
        stats.df <- t(data.frame(sqrt(x$R2), x$R2, 2 * x$R2 -
        rownames(stats.df) <-
            "Correlation of scores with factors  ",
            "Multiple R square of scores with factors ",
            "Minimum correlation of possible factor scores "
        colnames(stats.df) <- colnames(x$loadings)
      else {
        stats.df <- NULL
      badFlag <- FALSE
      if ((is.null(x$R2)) || (any(max(x$R2, na.rm = TRUE) >
                                  (1 + .Machine$double.eps)))) {
        badFlag <- TRUE
        if (!suppress.warnings) {
            "\n WARNING, the factor score fit indices suggest that the solution is degenerate. Try a different method of factor extraction.\n"
          warning("the factor score fit indices suggest that the solution is degenerate\n")
      else {
        if (!is.null(stats.df)) {
          cat("\nMeasures of factor score adequacy             \n")
          print(round(stats.df, digits))
        if (!is.null(x$stats$R2) && !badFlag) {
          cat("\nMeasures of factor score adequacy             ",
          cat("\nCorrelation of scores with factors           ",
              round(sqrt(x$R2), digits))
          cat("\nMultiple R square of scores with factors      ",
              round(x$R2, digits))
          cat("\nMinimum correlation of factor score estimates ",
              round(2 * x$R2 - 1, digits))
      Measures = c(result2[["mean"]][1],
      Statistic = c(result2[["mean"]][2],
    ), caption = result2[["head"]])
    result <- list(Vaccounted = varex)

#' @rdname PCA
#' @export
Principal2 <- function(x, ...) {
  APA_PCA(x, ...)

#' @rdname PCA
#' @export
PCA2 <- function(x, ...) {
  APA_PCA(x, ...)

#' @rdname PCA
#' @export
Principal <- function(x, ...) {
  PCA(x, ...)

PCA.formula <- function(x,
                        ...) {
  data <- Formula_Data(x, data)$Y_data
  PCA.default(data, ...)

#' @rdname PCA
#' @description Principal() ist die Kopie von principal aus psych
#' @param data  Daten als data.frame
#' @param nfactors Anzahl Faktoren default  nfactors=1
#' @param cut Cluster loadings  cut= .30,     <  will not be printed.
#' @param residuals Anzeige der Residuen  default: FALSE
#' @param rotate Rotation default = "varimax"
#' @param n.obs  default= NA
#' @param covar  default= FALSE
#' @param scores  default= TRUE
#' @param missing  default= FALSE
#' @param impute  Imputation default = "median" NA ist keine Imputation
#' @param oblique.scores  default= TRUE
#' @param method  default= "regression"
#' @param N ist nicht zu ändern
#' @export
PCA.default <- function(data,
                        nfactors = 1,
                        cut = .35,
                        residuals = FALSE,
                        rotate = "varimax",
                        n.obs = NA,
                        covar = FALSE,
                        scores = TRUE,
                        missing = FALSE,
                        impute = "median",
                        oblique.scores = TRUE,
                        method = "regression",
                        #  type=c("pca", "plot", "kmo"), w=5, h=5,
                       # sort = TRUE,
                        N = nrow(data),
                        caption = "Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix",
                        ...) {
  if (!stp25aggregate:::all_identical2(data)) {
    Text("Die Skalenniveaus sind gemischt daher ist die Berechnung nicht m?glich.")
  } else if (any(sapply(data, is.factor))) {
    Text("Die Daten sind Factoren daher umwandeln nach Numeric.")
    data <- dapply2(
      fun = function(x)
  #-- Imputieren wegen NAs
  if (anyNA(data)) {
    if (!is.na(impute)) {
      Text("Imputation fehlender Werte (", impute, ") N=", N)
      data <- data.frame(lapply(data,
                                  if (anyNA(x)) {
                                    if (impute == "median") {
                                      x[which(is.na(x))] <-  median(x, na.rm = T)
                                    } else if (impute == "mean") {
                                      x[which(is.na(x))] <-  mean(x, na.rm = T)
                                  } else {
    } else{
      data <- na.omit(data)
      Text("Faelle mit fehlenden Werten auschliessen N=",
  resPCS <- extract_principal(psych::principal(
    nfactors = nfactors,
    residuals = residuals,
    rotate = rotate
  #-- Kaiser, Meyer, Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy
  resK <-  psych::KMO(data)
  # resK$MSA
  resBar <-
    psych::cortest.bartlett(data) #-  Bartlett-Test  auf  Sphärizität,
  resKMO <- prepare_output(data.frame(
    Measures = c("Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure",
                 "Bartlett's test of sphericity") ,
    Statistic = c(
      Format2(resK$MSA, 2),
             resBar$df, NULL, resBar$p.value)
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  caption = "Measures of Appropriateness of Factor Analysis")
    Loadings = resPCS$loadings,
    Eigenvalue = resPCS$eigen,
    Test = resPCS$test,
    KMO = resKMO

#' Werte aus psyche:pca extrahieren
#' @noRd
extract_principal <-
  function (x,
            caption = "",
            note = "",
            digits = 2,
            all = FALSE,
            cut = .30,
            sort = TRUE,
            suppress.warnings = TRUE,
    res <- NULL
    colnames(x$loadings) <-
      paste0("PC", 1:(length(colnames(x$loadings))))
    if (!is.matrix(x) && !is.null(x$fa) && is.list(x$fa))
      x <- x$fa
    if (!is.null(x$fn)) {
      if (x$fn == "principal") {
        caption <- paste(caption, "Principal Components Analysis")
      else {
        caption <- paste(caption, "Factor Analysis using method = ", x$fm)
    load <- x$loadings
    if (is.null(cut))
      cut <- 0
    nitems <- dim(load)[1]
    nfactors <- dim(load)[2]
    if (sum(x$uniqueness) + sum(x$communality) > nitems) {
      covar <- TRUE
    } else {
      covar <- FALSE
    loads <- data.frame(item = seq(1:nitems),
                        cluster = rep(0, nitems),
    u2.order <- 1:nitems
    if (sort) {
      loads$cluster <- apply(abs(load), 1, which.max)
      ord <- sort(loads$cluster, index.return = TRUE)
      loads[1:nitems,] <- loads[ord$ix,]
      rownames(loads)[1:nitems] <- rownames(loads)[ord$ix]
      items <- table(loads$cluster)
      first <- 1
      item <- loads$item
      for (i in 1:length(items)) {
        if (items[i] > 0) {
          last <- first + items[i] - 1
          ord <- sort(abs(loads[first:last, i + 2]),
                      decreasing = TRUE,
                      index.return = TRUE)
          u2.order[first:last] <- item[ord$ix + first - 1]
          loads[first:last, 3:(nfactors + 2)] <-
            load[item[ord$ix + first - 1],]
          loads[first:last, 1] <- item[ord$ix + first - 1]
          rownames(loads)[first:last] <-
            rownames(loads)[ord$ix + first - 1]
          first <- first + items[i]
    if (max(abs(load) > 1) && !covar)
      note <- "Warning: A Heywood case was detected"
    ncol <- dim(loads)[2] - 2
    rloads <- round(loads, digits)
    fx <- format(rloads, digits = digits)
    nc <- nchar(fx[1, 3], type = "c")
    fx.1 <- fx[, 1, drop = FALSE]
    fx.2 <- fx[, 3:(2 + ncol)]
    load.2 <- as.matrix(loads[, 3:(ncol + 2)])
    fx.2[abs(load.2) < cut] <- paste(rep(" ", nc), collapse = "")
    if (sort) {
      fx <- data.frame(V = fx.1, fx.2)
      if (dim(fx)[2] < 3)
        colnames(fx) <- c("V", colnames(x$loadings))
    else {
      fx <- data.frame(fx.2)
      colnames(fx) <- colnames(x$loadings)
    if (nfactors > 1) {
      if (is.null(x$Phi)) {
        h2 <- rowSums(load.2 ^ 2)
      else {
        h2 <- diag(load.2 %*% x$Phi %*% t(load.2))
    else {
      h2 <- load.2 ^ 2
    if (!is.null(x$uniquenesses)) {
      u2 <- x$uniquenesses[u2.order]
    else {
      u2 <- (1 - h2)
    vtotal <- sum(h2 + u2)
    if (isTRUE(all.equal(vtotal, nitems))) {
      # cat("Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix\n")
      com <- x$complexity[u2.order]
      if (!is.null(com)) {
        res$loadings <- cbind_pca(
          Items = rownames(fx),
          h2 = Format2(h2, 2),
          u2 = Format2(u2, 2),
          com = Format2(com, 2),
          caption = caption,
          note = note
      else {
        res$loadings <-
            Items = rownames(fx),
            h2 = Format2(h2, 2),
            u2 = Format2(u2, 2),
            caption = caption,
            note = note
    else {
      res$loadings <- cbind_pca(
        Items = rownames(fx),
        h2 = Format2(h2, 2),
        u2 = Format2(u2, 2),
        #H2 = Format2(h2/(h2 + u2),2),
        # U2 = Format2(u2/(h2 + u2),2),
        caption = "Unstandardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon covariance matrix",
        note = note
    if (is.null(x$Phi)) {
      if (nfactors > 1) {
        vx <- colSums(load.2 ^ 2)
      else {
        vx <- sum(load.2 ^ 2)
    else {
      vx <- diag(x$Phi %*% t(load) %*% load)
    names(vx) <- colnames(x$loadings)
    varex <- rbind(`SS loadings` = vx)
    varex <- rbind(varex, `Proportion Var` = vx / vtotal)
    if (nfactors > 1) {
      varex <- rbind(varex, `Cumulative Var` = cumsum(vx / vtotal))
      varex <- rbind(varex, `Proportion Explained` = vx / sum(vx))
      varex <-
        rbind(varex, `Cumulative Proportion` = cumsum(vx / sum(vx)))
    res$eigen <- cbind_eigen(varex)
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(vtotal, nitems))) {
      # cat("\n Standardized loadings (pattern matrix)\n")
      fx <- format(loads, digits = digits)
      nc <- nchar(fx[1, 3], type = "c")
      fx.1 <- fx[, 1, drop = FALSE]
      fx.2 <- round(loads[, 3:(2 + ncol)] / sqrt(h2 + u2), digits)
      load.2 <- loads[, 3:(ncol + 2)] / sqrt(h2 + u2)
      fx.2[abs(load.2) < cut] <- paste(rep(" ", nc), collapse = "")
      fx <- data.frame(V = fx.1, fx.2)
      if (dim(fx)[2] < 3)
        colnames(fx) <- c("V", colnames(x$loadings))
      if (nfactors > 1) {
        h2 <- h2 / (h2 + u2)
      else {
        h2 <- h2 / (h2 + u2)
      u2 <- (1 - h2)
      res$stdloadings <- cbind_pca(
        Items = rownames(fx),
        h2 = Format2(h2, 2),
        u2 = Format2(u2, 2),
        caption = "Standardized loadings (pattern matrix)"
      if (is.null(x$Phi)) {
        if (nfactors > 1) {
          vx <- colSums(load.2 ^ 2)
        else {
          vx <- diag(t(load) %*% load)
          vx <- vx * nitems / vtotal
      else {
        vx <- diag(x$Phi %*% t(load) %*% load)
        vx <- vx * nitems / vtotal
      names(vx) <- colnames(x$loadings)
      varex <- rbind(`SS loadings` = vx)
      varex <- rbind(varex, `Proportion Var` = vx / nitems)
      if (nfactors > 1) {
        varex <- rbind(varex, `Cumulative Var` = cumsum(vx / nitems))
        varex <-
          rbind(varex, `Cum. factor Var` = cumsum(vx / sum(vx)))
      res$eigen <- cbind_eigen(varex)
    res$test <- prepare_output(
        Measures = c("n.obs", "Mean item complexity", "RMSR",
                     "empirical chi square"),
        Statistics = c(
          round(mean(x$complexity), 1),
          Format2(x$rms, 2),
          rndr_X(x$chi, NULL, NULL, x$EPVAL)
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      caption = paste(
        "Test of the hypothesis that ",
        if (nfactors == 1)
          " component is"
          " components are",
        " sufficient."
      N = x$n.obs

#' Eigenwert
#' @noRd
cbind_eigen <- function(x,
                        caption = "Erklaerte Gesamtvarianz (Eigenwerte)",
                        digits = 3)  {
  prepare_output(round(x, digits), caption = caption)

#' data.frame der Ladungen
#' @noRd
cbind_pca <- function(Items,
                      caption = "",
                      note = "") {
  names(fx)[1] <- "Nr"
    cbind(Item = Items, fx, h2,
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
    caption = caption,
    note = note
stp4/stp25stat documentation built on Sept. 17, 2021, 2:03 p.m.