
Defines functions coal2rmet parse.arlequin landscape.coalinput

Documented in landscape.coalinput

# function to read simcoal output and integrate into rmetasim

# Mark's functions to parse arlequin files (modified by KKM)

`%upto%` <- function (from, to) 
if (from <= to) from:to else numeric(0)

coal2rmet <- function( file, norm=TRUE){
#  print(paste("enter coal2rmet",file))
  dat <- parse.arlequin( file)
  pops <- unique( dat$pop)
  is.nuc <- !is.factor( dat[,2])
  dat[,-1] <- lapply( dat[,-1,drop=F], as.character)
  if( is.nuc) {
    nr <- nrow( dat)
    dat <- dat[ rep( 1:nr, each=2),]
    nl <- (ncol( dat)-1)/2
    dat[ 2*(1:nr), (1:nl)*2] <- dat[ 2*(1:nr)-1, (1:nl)*2+1]
    dat <- dat[ ,-2*(1:nl)-1]

  dat[,-1] <- lapply( dat[,-1,drop=F], as.factor)
  n.locs <- ncol( dat)-1
  loctable <- lapply( dat[,-1,drop=F], function( x) {
    m <- t( table( dat[,1], as.integer( x)))
    dimnames( m)[[1]] <- levels( x)

  if( norm)
    loctable <- lapply( loctable, function( x) x / rep( colSums( x), each=nrow( x)))
#  print(paste("exit coal2rmet",file))


parse.arlequin <- function( file){
  dat <- readLines( file)
  data <- NULL
  i.pop <- 0
  while( !is.na( droppo <- grep( 'SampleData *=', dat)[1])) {
    i.pop <- i.pop + 1
    dat <- dat[ -(1:droppo)]
    endo <- grep( '^ *\\} *$', dat)[1]
    dati <- dat[ 1 %upto% (endo-1)]
    blanks <- grep( '^( ||t)*$', dati)
    if( length( blanks))
      dati <- dati[ -blanks]
    is.indiv <- regexpr( '_', dati)>0
    if( is.nuc <- !all( is.indiv))
      dati <- paste( dati[ is.indiv], dati[ !is.indiv], sep=' ')

    fo <- textConnection( dati)
    on.exit( close( fo))
    data.i <- cbind( pop=i.pop, read.table( fo, header=FALSE, row=NULL)[ ,-(1:2),drop=FALSE])
    close( fo)

    if( is.null( data))
      data <- data.i
      data <- rbind( data, data.i)

  if( is.nuc) {
    nl <- (ncol( data)-1)/2
    data <- data[ ,c (1, 1+c( matrix( 1:(2*nl), nrow=2, byrow=T)))]

# EG: coal2rmet( 'tossm_0.arp')

# Allan's function to glue the parsed data into rmetasim format
# This function will clobber existing individuals and loci in rland object
#KKM remove 'seqmut' and 'msmut' from arguments list and replace with
#KKM 'mut.rates', which should be an array equal in length to the number of loci.
landscape.coalinput <- function(rland, npp=200,
                                arlseq = NULL, arlms = NULL,
                                seqsitemut = 1e-7,
                                msmut = 5e-4,
                                mut.rates = NULL)
    if (is.null(arlseq)&is.null(arlms)&is.null(mut.rates))
        print ("you must specify some type of coalescent input")
      } else #give it a shot
      rland$loci <- NULL
      if (!is.null(arlseq))
          clocseq <- lapply(arlseq,function(x) coal2rmet(x))
          clocseq <- do.call(c,clocseq)
          clocseq <- NULL
### temporary hack to make imported sequences work
#      if(!is.null(clocseq))
#        {
#          clocseq <- clocseq[1]
#        }
                                        #KKM Make the call to coal2rmet an lapply
                                        #KKM so if multiple datafiles are listed
                                        #KKM in arlms, each datafile is processed.
                                        #KKM Use 'do.call' to combine results
                                        #KKm from each datafile into a single list.
      if (!is.null(arlms)){
        clocms <- lapply(arlms,function(x) coal2rmet(x))
        clocms <- do.call(c,clocms)
        clocms <- NULL
      cloc <- c(clocseq,clocms)
      if (is.null(mut.rates)) {mut.rates=rep(NA,length(cloc))}
      for (loc in 1:length(cloc))
                                        #            print(paste("setting up locus",loc))
          states <- as.character(rownames(cloc[[loc]]))
          attr(states,"names") <- NULL
          ltype <- c(1,2)[length(grep("T",states[1]))+1]
          freqs <- as.numeric(apply(as.matrix(cloc[[loc]]),1,mean))
          attr(freqs,"names") <- NULL
          if (ltype==1)
                                        #KKM Replace 'msmut' with 'mut.rates[loc]'
              if (is.na(mut.rates[loc])) {mut.rates[loc] <- msmut}
              rland <- landscape.new.locus(rland, type=ltype, ploidy=2, mutationrate = mut.rates[loc],
                                           numalleles=length(states), frequencies = freqs,
                                           states = as.numeric(states), transmission = 0)
            } else {
              if (is.na(mut.rates[loc])) {mut.rates[loc] <- seqsitemut}
                                        #KKM Replace 'msmut' with 'mut.rates[loc]'
              rland <- landscape.new.locus(rland, type=ltype, ploidy=1, mutationrate = mut.rates[loc], numalleles=length(states), frequencies = freqs, states = states, allelesize=nchar(states[1]), transmission = 1)
                                        #            print(paste("added locus",loc))
      S <- rland$demography$localdem[[1]]$LocalS  #needs to be changed to localdemk
      R <- rland$demography$localdem[[1]]$LocalR  #needs to be changed to localdemk
                                        #here are the eigenvectors for the local demographies
      ev <- eigen((R+diag(dim(R)[1]))%*%S)$vectors[,1]
      if (length(npp)==1)
        NperPop <- rep(npp,rland$intparam$habitats) #population size per population, make into a parameter
        NperPop <- npp
      indlist <- vector("list",length(NperPop))
      for (p in 1:length(NperPop))
          im <- matrix(NA,nrow=NperPop[p],ncol=landscape.democol()+sum(landscape.ploidy(rland)))
          colcnt <- landscape.democol()+1
          for (loc in 1:length(landscape.ploidy(rland)))
              probs <- cloc[[loc]][,p]
              indices <- sapply(rland$loci[[loc]]$alleles,function(x){x$aindex})
              for (al in 1:landscape.ploidy(rland)[loc])
                  im[,colcnt] <- sample(indices,NperPop[p],replace=T,prob=probs)
                colcnt <- colcnt+1
          im[,1] <- sample((0:(rland$intparam$stages-1))+((p-1)*rland$intparam$stages),NperPop[p],replace=T,prob=ev)
          im[,2] <- rep(0,NperPop[p])
          im[,3] <- im[,2]
          im[,5:landscape.democol()] <- 0
          indlist[[p]] <- im
      individuals <- do.call("rbind",indlist)
      individuals <- individuals[order(individuals[,1]),]
      individuals[,4] <- 1:dim(individuals)[1]
      rland$individuals <- matrix(as.integer(individuals),nrow=dim(individuals)[1])
      rland$intparam$nextindividual <- dim(individuals)[1]+1
stranda/kernelPop2 documentation built on March 30, 2020, 5:37 a.m.