#' Align the cell types from the prediction with the truth.
#' @param tt0 a N*N table.
#' @return the matched (re-ordered) table
#' @examples
#' vec1 = rep(1:4, each=100)
#' vec2 = sample(vec1)
#' tb = table(vec1, vec2)
#' #tb_arg = align_CellType(tb)
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
align_CellType = function(tt0) {
N_rows = nrow(tt0)
N_cols = ncol(tt0)
tt = tt0
if(N_rows<N_cols) {
tt = t(tt0)
N_rows = nrow(tt)
N_cols = ncol(tt)
K = ncol(tt)
res = array(NA, dim=dim(tt))
## first find the largest entry
ix.row = rep(NA, nrow(tt))
ix.col = rep(NA, ncol(tt))
for(i in seq_len(K)) { ## loop through the columns. Note that now we have N_rows<N_cols
iii = which(tt == max(tt), arr.ind = TRUE)
if(is.matrix(iii)) ## multiple max numbers
iii = iii[1,]
ix.row[i] = iii[1]
ix.col[i] = iii[2]
tt[iii[1],] = -1
tt[,iii[2]] = -1
if(N_rows>N_cols) { # fill in extra rows
ix.row[(K+1):N_rows] = setdiff(seq_len(N_rows), ix.row)
tt = tt0
tt = t(tt0)
res = tt[ix.row, ix.col]
res = t(res)
#' Calculate the purity between two vectors.
#' @param x a vector.
#' @param y a vector. x and y are with the same length.
#' @return the purity score
Purity = function(x, y) {
x = as.vector(x)
y = as.vector(y)
tbl = table(x, y)
tbl.major = apply(tbl, 1, max)
n = sum(tbl)
purity = sum(tbl.major)/ n
#' Calculate 3 metrics and these methods are exported in C codes.
#' flag = 1 --- Rand index, flag = 2 --- Fowlkes and Mallows's index, flag = 3 --- Jaccard index
#' @param cl1 a vector
#' @param cl2 a vector
#' @param randMethod a string chosen from "Rand", "FM", or "Jaccard"
#' @return a numeric vector including three values
cal_metrics = function(cl1, cl2, randMethod = c("Rand", "FM", "Jaccard"))
stop("cl1 is not a vector!\n");
stop("cl2 is not a vector!\n");
if(length(cl1) != length(cl2)){
stop("two vectors have different lengths!\n");
len <- length(randMethod)
if(len == 0){
stop("The argument 'randMethod' is empty!\n") }
# unique values of elements in 'cl1'
cl1u <- unique(cl1)
# number of clusters in partition 1
m1 <- length(cl1u)
# unique values of elements in 'cl2'
cl2u <- unique(cl2)
# number of clusters in partition 2
m2 <- length(cl2u)
n <- length(cl1)
randVec <- rep(0, len)
names(randVec) <- randMethod
for(i in seq_len(len))
randMethod[i] <- match.arg(arg = randMethod[i], choices = c("Rand", "FM", "Jaccard"))
flag <- match(randMethod[i], c("Rand", "FM", "Jaccard"))
c.res <- .C("cal_3_metrics",
r = as.double(0))
randVec[i] <- c.res$r
aricode_NMI = function (c1, c2, variant =
c("max", "min", "sqrt", "sum", "joint")){
variant <- match.arg(variant)
entropy = function (c1, c2) {
res <- sortPairs(c1, c2)
N <- length(c1)
H.UV <- -sum(res$nij * log(res$nij))/N + log(N)
H.U <- -sum(res$ni. * log(res$ni.))/N + log(N)
H.V <- -sum(res$n.j * log(res$n.j))/N + log(N)
res <- list(UV = H.UV, U = H.U, V = H.V, sortPairs = res)
H <- entropy(c1, c2)
MI <- -H$UV + H$U + H$V
D <- switch(variant, max = max(H$U, H$V), sqrt = sqrt(H$U *H$V),
min = min(H$U, H$V), sum = 0.5 * (H$U + H$V), joint = H$UV)
res <- MI/D
#' Calculate the a series of the evaluation statistics.
#' @param vec1 a vector.
#' @param vec2 a vector. x and y are with the same length.
#' @return a vector of evaluation metrics
#' @examples
#' vec2 = vec1 = rep(1:4, each = 100)
#' vec2[1:10] = 4
#' acc = eval_Cluster(vec1, vec2)
#' @export
eval_Cluster = function(vec1, vec2){
vec1 = as.numeric(as.factor(vec1))
vec2 = as.numeric(as.factor(vec2))
ari = mclust::adjustedRandIndex(vec1, vec2)
metrics3 = cal_metrics(vec1, vec2)
# ri = metrics3[1]
fmi = metrics3[2]
jaccard = metrics3[3]
# nmi = aricode_NMI(vec1, vec2)
purity = Purity(vec1, vec2)
res = as.numeric(c(ari, purity, jaccard, fmi))
names(res) = c("ARI", "Purity", "Jaccard", "FM")
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