
Defines functions check_aesthetics

#' @include legend-draw.r

#' @section Geoms:
#' All \code{geom_*} functions (like \code{geom_point}) return a layer that
#' contains a \code{Geom*} object (like \code{GeomPoint}). The \code{Geom*}
#' object is responsible for rendering the data in the plot.
#' Each of the \code{Geom*} objects is a \code{\link{gganimintproto}} object, descended
#' from the top-level \code{Geom}, and each implements various methods and
#' fields. To create a new type of Geom object, you typically will want to
#' implement one or more of the following:
#' Compared to \code{Stat} and \code{Position}, \code{Geom} is a little
#' different because the execution of the setup and compute functions is
#' split up. \code{setup_data} runs before position adjustments, and
#' \code{draw_layer} is not run until render time,  much later. This
#' means there is no \code{setup_params} because it's hard to communicate
#' the changes.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Override either \code{draw_panel(self, data, panel_scales, coord)} or
#'     \code{draw_group(self, data, panel_scales, coord)}. \code{draw_panel} is
#'     called once per panel, \code{draw_group} is called once per group.
#'     Use \code{draw_panel} if each row in the data represents a
#'     single element. Use \code{draw_group} if each group represents
#'     an element (e.g. a smooth, a violin).
#'     \code{data} is a data frame of scaled aesthetics. \code{panel_scales}
#'     is a list containing information about the scales in the current
#'     panel. \code{coord} is a coordinate specification. You'll
#'     need to call \code{coord$transform(data, panel_scales)} to work
#'     with non-Cartesian coords. To work with non-linear coordinate systems,
#'     you typically need to convert into a primitive geom (e.g. point, path
#'     or polygon), and then pass on to the corresponding draw method
#'     for munching.
#'     Must return a grob. Use \code{\link{zeroGrob}} if there's nothing to
#'     draw.
#'   \item \code{draw_key}: Renders a single legend key.
#'   \item \code{required_aes}: A character vector of aesthetics needed to
#'     render the geom.
#'   \item \code{default_aes}: A list (generated by \code{\link{aes}()} of
#'     default values for aesthetics.
#'   \item \code{reparameterise}: Converts width and height to xmin and xmax,
#'     and ymin and ymax values. It can potentially set other values as well.
#' }
#' @rdname animint2-gganimintproto
#' @format NULL
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
Geom <- gganimintproto("Geom",
  required_aes = character(),
  non_missing_aes = character(),

  default_aes = aes(),

  draw_key = draw_key_point,

  handle_na = function(self, data, params) {
    remove_missing(data, params$na.rm,
      c(self$required_aes, self$non_missing_aes),

  draw_layer = function(self, data, params, panel, coord) {
    if (empty(data)) {
      n <- if (is.factor(data$PANEL)) nlevels(data$PANEL) else 1L
      return(rep(list(zeroGrob()), n))

    # Trim off extra parameters
    params <- params[intersect(names(params), self$parameters())]

    args <- c(list(quote(data), quote(panel_scales), quote(coord)), params)
    plyr::dlply(data, "PANEL", function(data) {
      if (empty(data)) return(zeroGrob())

      panel_scales <- panel$ranges[[data$PANEL[1]]]
      do.call(self$draw_panel, args)
    }, .drop = FALSE)

  draw_panel = function(self, data, panel_scales, coord, ...) {
    groups <- split(data, factor(data$group))
    grobs <- lapply(groups, function(group) {
      self$draw_group(group, panel_scales, coord, ...)

    ggname(snake_class(self), gTree(
      children = do.call("gList", grobs)

  draw_group = function(self, data, panel_scales, coord) {
    stop("Not implemented")

  setup_data = function(data, params) data,

  # Combine data with defaults and set aesthetics from parameters
  use_defaults = function(self, data, params = list()) {
    # Fill in missing aesthetics with their defaults
    missing_aes <- setdiff(names(self$default_aes), names(data))
    if (empty(data)) {
      data <- plyr::quickdf(self$default_aes[missing_aes])
    } else {
      data[missing_aes] <- self$default_aes[missing_aes]

    # Override mappings with params
    aes_params <- intersect(self$aesthetics(), names(params))
    check_aesthetics(params[aes_params], nrow(data))
    data[aes_params] <- params[aes_params]

  # Most parameters for the geom are taken automatically from draw_panel() or
  # draw_groups(). However, some additional parameters may be needed
  # for setup_data() or handle_na(). These can not be imputed automatically,
  # so the slightly hacky "extra_params" field is used instead. By
  # default it contains `na.rm`
  extra_params = c("na.rm"),

  parameters = function(self, extra = FALSE) {
    # Look first in draw_panel. If it contains ... then look in draw groups
    panel_args <- names(gganimintproto_formals(self$draw_panel))
    group_args <- names(gganimintproto_formals(self$draw_group))
    args <- if ("..." %in% panel_args) group_args else panel_args

    # Remove arguments of defaults
    args <- setdiff(args, names(gganimintproto_formals(Geom$draw_group)))

    if (extra) {
      args <- union(args, self$extra_params)

  aesthetics = function(self) {
    c(union(self$required_aes, names(self$default_aes)), "group")

  pre_process = function(g, g.data, ranges){
    list(g = g, g.data = g.data)
  ## Save a layer to disk, save and return meta-data.
  ## l- one layer of the ggplot object.
  ## d- one layer of calculated data from ggplot_build(p).
  ## meta- environment of meta-data.
  ## layer_name- name of layer
  ## ggplot- ggplot
  ## built- built list
  ## AnimationInfo- animation list
  ## ID- number starting from 1
  ## returns- list representing a layer, with corresponding aesthetics, ranges, and groups.
  export_animint = function(l, d, meta, layer_name, ggplot, built, AnimationInfo) {
    xminv <- y <- xmaxv <- chunks.for <- NULL
    ## above to avoid NOTE on CRAN check.
    g <- list(geom=strsplit(layer_name, "_")[[1]][2])
    g$classed <- layer_name

    ranges <- built$panel$ranges

    ## needed for when group, etc. is an expression:
    g$aes <- sapply(l$mapping, function(k) as.character(as.expression(k)))

    ## use un-named parameters so that they will not be exported
    ## to JSON as a named object, since that causes problems with
    ## e.g. colour.
    ## 'colour', 'size' etc. have been moved to aes_params
    g$params <- getLayerParams(l)
    off_params <- sub("_off", "", grep("_off", names(l$extra_params), value = TRUE))
    geom_params <- c(names(l$aes_params), off_params)
    duplicate_params <- intersect(geom_params, names(g$aes))
    if(length(duplicate_params) > 0) {
      duplicate_on <- intersect(names(l$aes_params), duplicate_params)
      duplicate_off <- setdiff(paste0(intersect(off_params, duplicate_params),"_off"), "_off")
      duplicate_geom <- c(duplicate_on, duplicate_off)
      stop(paste0("Same visual property cannot be defined in both aes and geom. Property defined in aes:", 
                 paste0(duplicate_params, collapse = ", "), ". Property defined in geom:", paste0(duplicate_geom, collapse = ", "),
                 ". The visual property needs only be defined in one place, so if it should be different for each rendered geom, but not depend on selection state, then it should be defined in aes; but if the property should depend on the selection state then it should be defined in geom"))

    ## Make a list of variables to use for subsetting. subset_order is the
    ## order in which these variables will be accessed in the recursive
    ## JavaScript array structure.

    ## subset_order IS in fact useful with geom_segment! For example, in
    ## the first plot in the breakpointError example, the geom_segment has
    ## the following exported data in plot.json

    ## "subset_order": [
    ##  "showSelected",
    ## "showSelected2"
    ## ],

    ## This information is used to parse the recursive array data structure
    ## that allows efficient lookup of subsets of data in JavaScript. Look at
    ## the Firebug DOM browser on
    ## http://sugiyama-www.cs.titech.ac.jp/~toby/animint/breakpoints/index.html
    ## and navigate to plot.Geoms.geom3.data. You will see that this is a
    ## recursive array that can be accessed via
    ## data[segments][bases.per.probe] which is an un-named array
    ## e.g. [{row1},{row2},...] which will be bound to the <line> elements by
    ## D3. The key point is that the subset_order array stores the order of the
    ## indices that will be used to select the current subset of data (in
    ## this case showSelected=segments, showSelected2=bases.per.probe). The
    ## currently selected values of these variables are stored in
    ## plot.Selectors.

    ## Separate .variable/.value selectors
    s.aes <- selectSSandCS(g$aes)
    meta$selector.aes[[g$classed]] <- s.aes

    ## Do not copy group unless it is specified in aes, and do not copy
    ## showSelected variables which are specified multiple times.
    do.not.copy <- colsNotToCopy(g, s.aes)
    copy.cols <- ! names(d) %in% do.not.copy

    g.data <- d[copy.cols]

    is.ss <- names(g$aes) %in% s.aes$showSelected$one
    show.vars <- g$aes[is.ss]
    pre.subset.order <- as.list(names(show.vars))

    is.cs <- names(g$aes) %in% s.aes$clickSelects$one
    update.vars <- g$aes[is.ss | is.cs]

    update.var.names <- if(0 < length(update.vars)){
      data.frame(variable=names(update.vars), value=NA)

    interactive.aes <- with(s.aes, {
      rbind(clickSelects$several, showSelected$several,

    ## Construct the selector.
    for(row.i in seq_along(interactive.aes$variable)){
      aes.row <- interactive.aes[row.i, ]
      is.variable.value <- !is.na(aes.row$value)
      selector.df <- if(is.variable.value){
        selector.vec <- g.data[[paste(aes.row$variable)]]
        value.col <- paste(aes.row$variable)
      for(sel.i in 1:nrow(selector.df)){
        sel.row <- selector.df[sel.i,]
        value.col <- paste(sel.row$value.col)
        selector.name <- paste(sel.row$selector.name)
        ## If this selector was defined by .variable .value aes, then we
        ## will not generate selectize widgets.
        meta$selectors[[selector.name]]$is.variable.value <- is.variable.value
        ## If this selector has no defined type yet, we define it once
        ## and for all here, so we can use it later for chunk
        ## separation.
          selector.type <- meta$selector.types[[selector.name]]
          if(is.null(selector.type))selector.type <- "single"
          stopifnot(selector.type %in% c("single", "multiple"))
          meta$selectors[[selector.name]]$type <- selector.type
        ## If this selector does not have any clickSelects then we show
        ## the selectize widgets by default.
        for(look.for in c("showSelected", "clickSelects")){
          if(grepl(look.for, aes.row$variable)){
            meta$selectors[[selector.name]][[look.for]] <- TRUE
        ## We also store all the values of this selector in this layer,
        ## so we can accurately set levels after all geoms have been
        ## compiled.
        value.vec <- unique(g.data[[value.col]])
        key <- paste(g$classed, row.i, sel.i)
        meta$selector.values[[selector.name]][[key]] <-
          list(values=paste(value.vec), update=g$classed)

    is.show <- grepl("showSelected", names(g$aes))
    has.show <- any(is.show)
    ## Error if non-identity stat is used with showSelected, since
    ## typically the stats will delete the showSelected column from the
    ## built data set. For example geom_bar + stat_bin doesn't make
    ## sense with clickSelects/showSelected, since two
    ## clickSelects/showSelected values may show up in the same bin.
    stat.type <- class(l$stat)[[1]]
    checkForNonIdentityAndSS(stat.type, has.show, is.show, l,
                            g$classed, names(g.data), names(g$aes))

    ## Warn if non-identity position is used with animint aes.
    position.type <- class(l$position)[[1]]
    if(has.show && position.type != "PositionIdentity"){
      warning("showSelected only works with position=identity, problem: ",

    ##print("before pre-processing")

    ## Pre-process some complex geoms so that they are treated as
    ## special cases of basic geoms. In ggplot2, this processing is done
    ## in the draw method of the geoms.

    processed_values <- l$geom$pre_process(g, g.data, ranges)
    g <- processed_values$g
    g.data <- processed_values$g.data
    ## Check g.data for color/fill - convert to hexadecimal so JS can parse correctly.
    for(color.var in c("colour", "color", "fill", "colour_off", "color_off", "fill_off")){
      if(color.var %in% names(g.data)){
        g.data[,color.var] <- toRGB(g.data[,color.var])
      if(color.var %in% names(g$params)){
        g$params[[color.var]] <- toRGB(g$params[[color.var]])

    has.no.fill <- g$geom %in% c("path", "line")
    zero.size <- any(g.data$size == 0, na.rm=TRUE)
    if(zero.size && has.no.fill){
      warning(sprintf("geom_%s with size=0 will be invisible",g$geom))

    ## raise warning for using *_off params without clickSelects
    has.off <- any(names(g$params) %like% "_off")
    has.no.cs <- !any(is.cs)
    if(has.no.cs && has.off){
      off.vec <- grep( "_off$", names(g$params), value = TRUE)
      warning(sprintf("%s has %s which is not used because this geom has no clickSelects; please specify clickSelects or remove %s",
      g$classed, paste(off.vec, collapse=", "), paste(off.vec, collapse=", ")))

    ## raise warning for geoms does not support fill
    has.fill.off <- any(names(g$params) == "fill_off")
    no.fill.geom <- c("path", "line", "segment", "linerange", "hline", "vline")
    if (g$geom %in% no.fill.geom && has.fill.off) {
      g$params <- g$params[!names(g$params) %in% "fill_off"]
      warning(sprintf("%s has fill_off which is not supported.", g$classed))
    ## TODO: coord_transform maybe won't work for
    ## geom_dotplot|rect|segment and polar/log transformations, which
    ## could result in something nonlinear. For the time being it is
    ## best to just ignore this, but you can look at the source of
    ## e.g. geom-rect.r in ggplot2 to see how they deal with this by
    ## doing a piecewise linear interpolation of the shape.

    ## Flip axes in case of coord_flip
    if(inherits(ggplot$coordinates, "CoordFlip")){
      names(g.data) <- switch_axes(names(g.data))

    ## Output types
    ## Check to see if character type is d3's rgb type.
    g$types <- sapply(g.data, function(x) {
      type <- paste(class(x), collapse="-")
      if(type == "character"){
        }else if(sum(!is.linetype(x))==0){
        }else {
    g$types[["group"]] <- "character"

    ## convert ordered factors to unordered factors so javascript
    ## doesn't flip out.
    ordfactidx <- which(g$types=="ordered-factor")
    for(i in ordfactidx){
      g.data[[i]] <- factor(as.character(g.data[[i]]))
      g$types[[i]] <- "factor"

    ## Get unique values of time variable.
    time.col <- NULL
    if(is.list(AnimationInfo$time)){ # if this is an animation,
      g.time.list <- list()
      for(c.or.s in names(s.aes)){
        cs.info <- s.aes[[c.or.s]]
        for(a in cs.info$one){
          if(g$aes[[a]] == AnimationInfo$time$var){
            g.time.list[[a]] <- g.data[[a]]
            time.col <- a
        for(row.i in seq_along(cs.info$several$value)){
          cs.row <- cs.info$several[row.i,]
          c.name <- paste(cs.row$variable)
          is.time <- g.data[[c.name]] == AnimationInfo$time$var
          g.time.list[[c.name]] <- g.data[is.time, paste(cs.row$value)]
      u.vals <- unique(unlist(g.time.list))
        AnimationInfo$timeValues[[paste(g$classed)]] <- sort(u.vals)
    ## Make the time variable the first subset_order variable.
      pre.subset.order <- pre.subset.order[order(pre.subset.order != time.col)]

    ## Determine which showSelected values to use for breaking the data
    ## into chunks. This is a list of variables which have the same
    ## names as the selectors. E.g. if chunk_order=list("year") then
    ## when year is clicked, we may need to download some new data for
    ## this geom.
    subset.vec <- unlist(pre.subset.order)
    if("chunk_vars" %in% names(g$params)){ #designer-specified chunk vars.
      designer.chunks <- g$params$chunk_vars
        stop("chunk_vars must be a character vector; ",
            "use chunk_vars=character() to specify 1 chunk")
      not.subset <- !designer.chunks %in% g$aes[subset.vec]
        stop("invalid chunk_vars ",
            paste(designer.chunks[not.subset], collapse=" "),
            "; possible showSelected variables: ",
            paste(g$aes[subset.vec], collapse=" "))
      is.chunk <- g$aes[subset.vec] %in% designer.chunks
      chunk.cols <- subset.vec[is.chunk]
      nest.cols <- subset.vec[!is.chunk]
    }else{ #infer a default, either 0 or 1 chunk vars:
        ## no selectors, just make 1 chunk.
        nest.cols <- subset.vec
        chunk.cols <- NULL
        selector.types <- sapply(meta$selectors, "[[", "type")
        selector.names <- g$aes[subset.vec]
        subset.types <- selector.types[selector.names]
        can.chunk <- subset.types != "multiple"
        names(can.chunk) <- subset.vec
        ## Guess how big the chunk files will be, and reduce the number of
        ## chunks if there are any that are too small.
        tmp <- tempfile()
        some.lines <- rbind(head(g.data), tail(g.data))
        write.table(some.lines, tmp,
                    quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
        bytes <- file.info(tmp)$size
        bytes.per.line <- bytes/nrow(some.lines)
        bad.chunk <- function(){
          can.chunk.cols <- subset.vec[can.chunk]
          maybe.factors <- g.data[, can.chunk.cols, drop=FALSE]
          for(N in names(maybe.factors)){
            maybe.factors[[N]] <- paste(maybe.factors[[N]])
          rows.per.chunk <- table(maybe.factors)
          bytes.per.chunk <- rows.per.chunk * bytes.per.line
          if(all(4096 < bytes.per.chunk))return(NULL)
          ## If all of the tsv chunk files are greater than 4KB, then we
          ## return NULL here to indicate that the current chunk
          ## variables (indicated in can.chunk) are fine.

          ## In other words, the compiler will not break a geom into
          ## chunks if any of the resulting chunk tsv files is estimated
          ## to be less than 4KB (of course, if the layer has very few
          ## data overall, the compiler creates 1 file which may be less
          ## than 4KB, but that is fine).
          dim.byte.list <- list()
          if(length(can.chunk.cols) == 1){
            dim.byte.list[[can.chunk.cols]] <- sum(bytes.per.chunk)
            for(dim.i in seq_along(can.chunk.cols)){
              dim.name <- can.chunk.cols[[dim.i]]
              dim.byte.list[[dim.name]] <-
                apply(bytes.per.chunk, -dim.i, sum)
          selector.df <-
                      chunks.without=sapply(dim.byte.list, length),
                      min.bytes=sapply(dim.byte.list, min))
          ## chunks.for is the number of chunks you get if you split the
          ## data set using just this column. If it is 1, then it is
          ## fine to chunk on this variable (since we certainly won't
          ## make more than 1 small tsv file) and in fact we want to
          ## chunk on this variable, since then this layer's data won't
          ## be downloaded at first if it is not needed.
          not.one <- subset(selector.df, 1 < chunks.for)
          if(nrow(not.one) == 0){
          bad <- bad.chunk()
          can.chunk[[bad]] <- FALSE
          nest.cols <- subset.vec[!can.chunk]
          chunk.cols <- subset.vec[can.chunk]
          nest.cols <- subset.vec
          chunk.cols <- NULL
      } # meta$selectors > 0

    # If there is only one PANEL, we don't need it anymore.
    # g$PANEL <- unique(g.data[["PANEL"]])
    plot.has.panels <- nrow(built$panel$layout) > 1
    g.data <- removeUniquePanelValue(g.data, plot.has.panels)

    ## Also add pointers to these chunks from the related selectors.
      selector.names <- as.character(g$aes[chunk.cols])
      chunk.name <- paste(selector.names, collapse="_")
      g$chunk_order <- as.list(selector.names)
      for(selector.name in selector.names){
        meta$selectors[[selector.name]]$chunks <-
          unique(c(meta$selectors[[selector.name]]$chunks, chunk.name))
      g$chunk_order <- list()
    g$nest_order <- as.list(nest.cols)
    names(g$chunk_order) <- NULL
    names(g$nest_order) <- NULL
    g$subset_order <- g$nest_order

    ## If this plot has more than one PANEL then add it to subset_order
    ## and nest_order.
      g$subset_order <- c(g$subset_order, "PANEL")
      g$nest_order <- c(g$nest_order, "PANEL")

    ## nest_order should contain both .variable .value aesthetics, but
    ## subset_order should contain only .variable.
    if((nrow(s.aes$showSelected$several) > 0)){
      g$nest_order <- with(s.aes$showSelected$several, {
        c(g$nest_order, paste(variable), paste(value))
      g$subset_order <-
        c(g$subset_order, paste(s.aes$showSelected$several$variable))

    ## group should be the last thing in nest_order, if it is present.
    data.object.geoms <- c("line", "path", "ribbon", "polygon")
    if("group" %in% names(g$aes) && g$geom %in% data.object.geoms){
      g$nest_order <- c(g$nest_order, "group")

    ## Some geoms should be split into separate groups if there are NAs.
    if(any(is.na(g.data)) && "group" %in% names(g$aes)){
      sp.cols <- unlist(c(chunk.cols, g$nest_order))
      order.args <- list()
      for(sp.col in sp.cols){
        order.args[[sp.col]] <- g.data[[sp.col]]
      ord <- do.call(order, order.args)
      g.data <- g.data[ord,]
      is.missing <- apply(is.na(g.data), 1, any)
      diff.vec <- diff(is.missing)
      new.group.vec <- c(FALSE, diff.vec == 1)
      for(chunk.col in sp.cols){
        one.col <- g.data[[chunk.col]]
        is.diff <- c(FALSE, one.col[-1] != one.col[-length(one.col)])
        new.group.vec[is.diff] <- TRUE
      subgroup.vec <- cumsum(new.group.vec)
      g.data$group <- subgroup.vec

    ## Find infinite values and replace with range min/max.
    for(xy in c("x", "y")){
      range.name <- paste0(xy, ".range")
      range.mat <- sapply(ranges, "[[", range.name)
      xy.col.vec <- grep(paste0("^", xy), names(g.data), value=TRUE)
      xy.col.df <- g.data[, xy.col.vec, drop=FALSE]
      cmp.list <- list(`<`, `>`)#order is important here!
      for(row.i in seq_along(cmp.list)){
        ## PANEL may be a factor so it is not good enough to do
        ## if(is.numeric(g.data$PANEL))
        panel.vec <- if("PANEL" %in% names(g.data)){
          rep(1, nrow(g.data))
        extreme.vec <- range.mat[row.i, panel.vec]
        cmp <- cmp.list[[row.i]]
        to.rep <- cmp(xy.col.df, extreme.vec)
        row.vec <- row(to.rep)[to.rep]
        xy.col.df[to.rep] <- extreme.vec[row.vec]
      g.data[, xy.col.vec] <- xy.col.df

    ## Determine if there are any "common" data that can be saved
    ## separately to reduce disk usage.
    data.or.null <- getCommonChunk(g.data, chunk.cols, g$aes)
    g.data.varied <- if(is.null(data.or.null)){
      split_recursive(na.omit(g.data), chunk.cols)
      g$columns$common <- as.list(names(data.or.null$common))
      tsv.name <- sprintf("%s_chunk_common.tsv", g$classed)
      tsv.path <- file.path(meta$out.dir, tsv.name)
      write.table(data.or.null$common, tsv.path,
                  quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
                  sep = "\t")

    list(g=g, g.data.varied=g.data.varied, timeValues=AnimationInfo$timeValues)

#' Graphical units
#' Multiply size in mm by these constants in order to convert to the units
#' that grid uses internally for \code{lwd} and \code{fontsize}.
#' @name graphical-units

#' @export
#' @rdname graphical-units
.pt <- 72.27 / 25.4
#' @export
#' @rdname graphical-units
.stroke <- 96 / 25.4

check_aesthetics <- function(x, n) {
  ns <- vapply(x, length, numeric(1))
  good <- ns == 1L | ns == n

  if (all(good)) {

    "Aesthetics must be either length 1 or the same as the data (", n, "): ",
    paste(names(!good), collapse = ", "),
    call. = FALSE
tdhock/animint2 documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 4:25 a.m.