
Defines functions olRanges runDiff countRangeset writeTargetsRef mergeBamByFactor

Documented in countRangeset mergeBamByFactor olRanges runDiff writeTargetsRef

## Merge BAM files based on factor and return updated SYSargs object ##
## Useful prior to peak calling in ChIP-Seq or miRNA gene prediction experiments
## where pooling of replicates maximizes depth of read coverage.
## Note: default factor is "Factor"
mergeBamByFactor <- function(args, targetsDF = NULL, mergefactor = "Factor",
                             out_dir = file.path("results", "merge_bam"),
                             overwrite = FALSE, silent = FALSE, ...) {
    if (!inherits(args, c("SYSargs", "SYSargs2", "character"))) stop("Argument 'x' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs' OR 'SYSargs2 OR named character vector")
    dir.create(out_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    if(!dir.exists(out_dir)) stop("Cannot create out dircotory '", out_dir, "' for you, check permissions")
    ## SYSargs class
    if (inherits(args, "SYSargs")) {
        mergefactor <- targetsin(args)[[mergefactor]]
        targetsin <- targetsin(args)
        bampaths <- infile1(args)
        if (!"FileName" %in% colnames(targetsin)) stop("Name of one column in 'targetsin(arg)' is expected to be 'FileName'.")
        ## SYSargs2 class
    } else if (inherits(args, "SYSargs2")) {
        mergefactor <- targets.as.df(targets(args))[[mergefactor]]
        targetsin <- targets.as.df(targets(args))
        bampaths <- infile1(args)
        if (!"FileName" %in% colnames(targetsin)) stop("Name of one column in 'targetsin(arg)' is expected to be 'FileName'.")
    } else if (inherits(args, "character")) {
        if (is.null(names(args))) stop("Please provide a named character vector, where the names elements should be the sampleID")
        bampaths <- args
        if (is.null(targetsDF)) stop("'targets argument is required when a named character vector is provided for 'args' argument'.")
        if (!inherits(targetsDF, c("DFrame", "data.frame"))) stop("Argument 'targets' needs to be assigned an object of class 'DFrame' OR 'data.frame'")
        targetsDF <- as.data.frame(targetsDF)
        mergefactor <- targetsDF[[mergefactor]]
        targetsin <- targetsDF
    ## Check validity of input
    allbam <- !grepl("\\.bam$|\\.BAM", bampaths)
    if (any(allbam)) stop("The following files lack the extension '.bam': ", paste(basename(bampaths[allbam]), collapse = ", "))
    ## Unique values in Factor column of targetsin(args)
    sample_index <- !duplicated(as.character(mergefactor))
    names(sample_index) <- names(bampaths)
    uniorder <- unique(mergefactor)
    unifreq <- table(mergefactor)[uniorder] # Important: in order of targetsin(args)!
    if (!any(unifreq >= 2)) warning("Values in Factor column are all unique. Thus, there are no BAM files to merge.")
    ## Store BAM file paths in a list that have >=2 identical values (replicates) in Factor column of targets file
    filelist <- tapply(bampaths, factor(mergefactor), as.character)
    filelist <- filelist[names(unifreq)] # Assures original order
    ## Create vector containing paths of output BAM files
    outname_vec <- file.path(out_dir, paste0(names(filelist), "_merged.bam"))
    names(outname_vec) <- names(filelist)

    filelist_merge <- names(unifreq[unifreq >= 2])# Merge only those with >= 2 files
    filelist_single <- names(unifreq[unifreq == 1])# single bams will be copied cover

    ## If any output BAM file exists and 'overwrite=FALSE' then stop
    file_exists <- file.exists(outname_vec)
    names(file_exists) <- names(outname_vec)
    if (any(file_exists) & overwrite == FALSE) stop("The following files exist: ", paste(names(file_exists)[file_exists], collapse = ", "), ". Delete/rename them or set 'overwrite=TRUE'")
    ## Generate collapsed BAM files
    for (i in seq(along = filelist)) {
        if(names(filelist)[i] %in% filelist_merge) mergeBam(filelist[[i]],  outname_vec[i], indexDestination = TRUE, overwrite = overwrite)
        else if (names(filelist)[i] %in% filelist_single) file.copy(filelist[[i]],  outname_vec[i], overwrite = overwrite)
        if (silent != TRUE) {
            cat("Merged BAM files:", basename(filelist[[i]]), "and saved to file", outname_vec[i], "\n\n")
    ## Generate updated SYSargs and SYSargs2 object
    filelist[names(outname_vec)] <- outname_vec # Assign new file names to proper slots
    outfile_names <- unlist(filelist)
    args_sub <- args[sample_index]
    ## SYSargs class
    if (inherits(args, "SYSargs")) {
        targets_out <- targetsout(args_sub)
        targets_out[, "FileName"] <- outfile_names
        rownames(targets_out) <- NULL
        syslist <- list(
            targetsin = targetsin(args_sub),
            targetsout = targets_out,
            targetsheader = targetsheader(args_sub),
            modules = modules(args_sub),
            software = "mergeBamByFactor",
            cores = cores(args_sub),
            other = other(args_sub),
            reference = reference(args_sub),
            results = results(args_sub),
            infile1 = infile1(args_sub),
            infile2 = infile2(args_sub),
            outfile1 = outfile_names,
            sysargs = sysargs(args_sub),
            outpaths = outfile_names
        args_sub_out <- as(syslist, "SYSargs")
        ## SYSargs2 class
    } else if (inherits(args, "SYSargs2")) {
        out <- sapply(names(outfile_names), function(x) list(outfile_names[[x]]), simplify = F)
        for (i in seq_along(out)) {
            names(out[[i]]) <- files(args)$step
        # out <- sapply(names(out), function(x) names(out[[x]]) <- files(args)$step, simplify = F)
        sys2list <- list(
            targets = targets(args_sub),
            targetsheader = targetsheader(args_sub),
            modules = as.list(modules(args_sub)),
            wf = wf(args_sub),
            clt = clt(args_sub),
            yamlinput = yamlinput(args_sub),
            cmdlist = cmdlist(args_sub),
            input = input(args_sub),
            output = out,
            files = files(args_sub),
            inputvars = inputvars(args_sub),
            cmdToCwl = list(),
            status = data.frame(),
            internal_outfiles = list()
        args_sub_out <- as(sys2list, "SYSargs2")
    } else if (inherits(args, "character")) {
        targetsDF <- targetsDF[, -which(colnames(targetsDF) %in% c("FileName1", "FileName2", "FileName"))]
        targetsDF <- targetsDF[sample_index, ]
        # a <- file.path(.getPath(filelist_merge[[1]]), outfile_names)
        args_sub_out <- cbind(FileName = outname_vec, targetsDF)
## Usage:
# args <- systemArgs(sysma=NULL, mytargets="targets_bam.txt")
# args_merge <- mergeBamByFactor(args, overwrite=TRUE, silent=FALSE)
# writeTargetsout(x=args_merge, file="targets_mergeBamByFactor.txt", overwrite=TRUE)

## Creat targets file with refence sample, e.g. input sample for ChIP-Seq ##
writeTargetsRef <- function(infile, outfile, silent = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE, ...) {
    ## Import
    headerlines <- readLines(infile)
    targets <- read.delim(infile, comment.char = "#")
    ## Check for expected input
    if (!c("SampleReference") %in% colnames(targets)) stop("Targets file lacks SampleReference column")
    if (!c("FileName") %in% colnames(targets)) stop("Targets file lacks FileName column")
    if (all(c("FileName1", "FileName2") %in% colnames(targets))) stop("Targets file is expected to have only one FileName column")
    if (file.exists(outfile) & overwrite == FALSE) {
            "I am not allowed to overwrite files; please delete existing file: ",
            outfile, " or set 'overwrite=TRUE'"
    testv <- as.character(targets$SampleReference)
    testv <- testv[!is.na(testv)]
    testv <- testv[testv != ""]
    myfiles <- as.character(targets$FileName)
    names(myfiles) <- as.character(targets$SampleName)
    if (!all(testv %in% names(myfiles))) {
            "Value(s) ", paste(testv[!testv %in% names(myfiles)], collapse = ", "),
            " from SampleReference column have no matches in SampleName column!"
    ## Rearrange targets file
    targets <- data.frame(FileName1 = targets$FileName, FileName2 = NA, targets)
    targets[, "FileName2"] <- myfiles[as.character(targets$SampleReference)]
    targets <- targets[!is.na(as.character(targets$SampleReference)), , drop = FALSE]
    targets <- targets[targets$SampleReference != "", , drop = FALSE]
    targets <- targets[, !(names(targets) %in% "FileName")]
    ## Export targets file including header lines
    headerlines <- headerlines[grepl("^#", headerlines)]
    targetslines <- c(paste(colnames(targets), collapse = "\t"), apply(targets, 1, paste, collapse = "\t"))
    writeLines(c(headerlines, targetslines), outfile, ...)
    if (silent != TRUE) cat("\t", "Modified", infile, "file with sample-wise reference has been written to outfile", outfile, "\n")
## Usage:
# writeTargetsRef(infile="~/targets.txt", outfile="~/targets_refsample.txt", silent=FALSE, overwrite=FALSE)

## Iterative read counting over different range files ##
## Convenience function to perform read counting over several different
## range sets, e.g. peak ranges or feature types
countRangeset <- function(bfl, args, outfiles = NULL, format = "tabular", ...) {
    pkg <- c("GenomeInfoDb")
    checkPkg(pkg, quietly = FALSE)
    ## Input validity checks
    if (!inherits(bfl, "BamFileList")) stop("'bfl' needs to be of class 'BamFileList'.")
    if (!any(inherits(args, "SYSargs"), inherits(args, "SYSargs2"), inherits(args, "character"))) stop("Argument 'x' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs' OR 'SYSargs2 OR named character vector")
    ## SYSargs or SYSargs2 class
    if (inherits(args, "SYSargs") | inherits(args, "SYSargs2")) {
        absent_peak_file <- infile1(args)[!file.exists(infile1(args))]
        if (length(absent_peak_file) != 0) stop("The following files assigned to 'infile1(args)' do not exist: ", paste(basename(absent_peak_file), collapse = ", "))
        if (inherits(args, "SYSargs")) {
            absent_peak_file <- infile1(args)
            countDFnames <- outpaths(args)
            ## SYSargs2 class
        } else if (inherits(args, "SYSargs2")) {
            absent_peak_file <- infile1(args)
            countDFnames <- subsetWF(args, slot = "output", subset = 1, index = 1)
        ## named character vector class
    } else if (inherits(args, "character")) {
        if (is.null(names(args))) stop("Please provide a named character vector, where the names elements should be the sampleID")
        absent_peak_file <- args
        if (is.null(outfiles)) stop("Please provide a named character vector, where the names elements should be the sampleID and the outfiles names.")
        if (!all(names(outfiles) %in% names(absent_peak_file))) stop("names of 'outfiles' argument should be find at names of 'args' argument.")
        countDFnames <- outfiles
    for (i in seq(along = absent_peak_file)) {
        if (format == "tabular") {
            df <- read.delim(absent_peak_file[i], comment.char = "#")
            peaks <- as(df, "GRanges")
        } else if (format == "bed") {
            peaks <- rtracklayer::import.bed(absent_peak_file[i])
        } else {
            stop("Input file format not supported.")
        names(peaks) <- paste0(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(peaks)), "_", start(peaks), "-", end(peaks))
        peaks <- split(peaks, names(peaks))
        countDF <- GenomicAlignments::summarizeOverlaps(peaks, bfl, ...)
        countDF <- SummarizedExperiment::assays(countDF)$counts
        write.table(countDF, countDFnames[i], col.names = NA, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
        cat("Wrote count result", i, "to", basename(countDFnames[i]), "\n")
    if (inherits(args, "character")) {
        names(countDFnames) <- names(args)
    } else {
## Usage:
# countDFnames <- countRangeset(bfl, args, mode="Union", ignore.strand=TRUE)

## Iterative edgeR/DESeq2 analysis over counts sets from different range sets ##
## Convenience function to iterate over several count sets generated by
## countRangeset() or similar utilities
runDiff <- function(args, outfiles = NULL, diffFct, targets, cmp, dbrfilter, ...) {
    if (!any(inherits(args, "SYSargs"), inherits(args, "SYSargs2"), inherits(args, "character"))) stop("Argument 'x' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs' OR 'SYSargs2 OR named character vector")
    ## SYSargs class
    if (inherits(args, "SYSargs")) {
        countfiles <- infile1(args)
        dbrDFnames <- outpaths(args)
        ## SYSargs2 class
    } else if (inherits(args, "SYSargs2")) {
        countfiles <- infile1(args)
        dbrDFnames <- subsetWF(args, slot = "output", subset = 1, index = 1)
    } else if (inherits(args, "character")) {
        countfiles <- args
        dbrDFnames <- outfiles
    ## Input validity checks
    absent_count_files <- countfiles[!file.exists(countfiles)]
    if (length(absent_count_files) != 0) stop("The following files assigned to 'countfiles' do not exist: ", paste(basename(absent_count_files), collapse = ", "))
    ## Perform differential analysis
    dbrlists <- list()
    for (i in seq(along = dbrDFnames)) {
        countDF <- read.delim(countfiles[i], row.names = 1)
        edgeDF <- diffFct(countDF = countDF, targets, cmp, ...)
        write.table(edgeDF, dbrDFnames[i], quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", col.names = NA)
        grDevices::pdf(paste0(dbrDFnames[i], ".pdf"))
        DBR_list <- filterDEGs(degDF = edgeDF, filter = dbrfilter)
        dbrlists <- c(dbrlists, list(DBR_list))
        names(dbrlists)[i] <- names(dbrDFnames[i])
        cat("Wrote count result", i, "to", basename(dbrDFnames[i]), "\n")
        cat("Saved plot", i, "to", basename(paste0(dbrDFnames[i], ".pdf")), "\n")
## Usage:
# dbrlist <- runDiff(args, diffFct=run_edgeR, targets=targetsin(args_bam), cmp=cmp[[1]], independent=TRUE, dbrfilter=c(Fold=2, FDR=1))
# dbrlist <- runDiff(args, diffFct=run_edgeR, targets=ttargets.as.df(targets(args_bam)), cmp=cmp[[1]], independent=TRUE, dbrfilter=c(Fold=2, FDR=1))

## (A) olRanges Function for IRanges and GRanges Objects ##
##  Identify Range Overlaps
olRanges <- function(query, subject, output = "gr") {
    pkg <- c("IRanges", "GenomeInfoDb")
    checkPkg(pkg, quietly = FALSE)
    ## Input check
    if (!((class(query) == "GRanges" & class(subject) == "GRanges") | (class(query) == "IRanges" & class(subject) == "IRanges"))) {
        stop("Query and subject need to be of same class, either GRanges or IRanges!")
    ## Find overlapping ranges
    if (class(query) == "GRanges") {
        GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(query) <- rep(NA, length(GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(query)))
        GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(subject) <- rep(NA, length(GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(subject)))
    olindex <- as.matrix(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query, subject))
    query <- query[olindex[, 1]]
    subject <- subject[olindex[, 2]]
    olma <- cbind(Qstart = start(query), Qend = end(query), Sstart = start(subject), Send = end(subject))
    ## Pre-queries for overlaps
    startup <- olma[, "Sstart"] < olma[, "Qstart"]
    enddown <- olma[, "Send"] > olma[, "Qend"]
    startin <- olma[, "Sstart"] >= olma[, "Qstart"] & olma[, "Sstart"] <= olma[, "Qend"]
    endin <- olma[, "Send"] >= olma[, "Qstart"] & olma[, "Send"] <= olma[, "Qend"]
    ## Overlap types
    olup <- startup & endin
    oldown <- startin & enddown
    inside <- startin & endin
    contained <- startup & enddown
    ## Overlap types in one vector
    OLtype <- rep("", length(olma[, "Qstart"]))
    OLtype[olup] <- "olup"
    OLtype[oldown] <- "oldown"
    OLtype[inside] <- "inside"
    OLtype[contained] <- "contained"
    ## Overlap positions
    OLstart <- rep(0, length(olma[, "Qstart"]))
    OLend <- rep(0, length(olma[, "Qstart"]))
    OLstart[olup] <- olma[, "Qstart"][olup]
    OLend[olup] <- olma[, "Send"][olup]
    OLstart[oldown] <- olma[, "Sstart"][oldown]
    OLend[oldown] <- olma[, "Qend"][oldown]
    OLstart[inside] <- olma[, "Sstart"][inside]
    OLend[inside] <- olma[, "Send"][inside]
    OLstart[contained] <- olma[, "Qstart"][contained]
    OLend[contained] <- olma[, "Qend"][contained]
    ## Absolute and relative length of overlaps
    OLlength <- (OLend - OLstart) + 1
    OLpercQ <- OLlength / width(query) * 100
    OLpercS <- OLlength / width(subject) * 100
    ## Output type
    oldf <- data.frame(Qindex = olindex[, 1], Sindex = olindex[, 2], olma, OLstart, OLend, OLlength, OLpercQ, OLpercS, OLtype)
    if (class(query) == "GRanges") {
        oldf <- cbind(space = as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(query)), oldf)
    if (output == "df") {
    if (output == "gr") {
        if (class(query) == "GRanges") {
            S4Vectors::elementMetadata(query) <- cbind(as.data.frame(elementMetadata(query)), oldf)
        if (class(query) == "IRanges") {
            query <- GRanges(seqnames = S4Vectors::Rle(rep("dummy", length(query))), ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = oldf[, "Qstart"], end = oldf[, "Qend"]), strand = S4Vectors::Rle(BiocGenerics::strand(rep("+", length(query)))), oldf)

## Run olRanges function
## Sample Data Sets
# grq <- GRanges(seqnames = S4Vectors::Rle(c("chr1", "chr2", "chr1", "chr3"), c(1, 3, 2, 4)),
#                ranges = IRanges(seq(1, 100, by=10), end = seq(30, 120, by=10)),
#                strand = S4Vectors::Rle(BiocGenerics::strand(c("-", "+", "-")), c(1, 7, 2)))
# grs <- shift(grq[c(2,5,6)], 5)
# olRanges(query=grq, subject=grs, output="df")
# olRanges(query=grq, subject=grs, output="gr")
tgirke/systemPipeR documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 9:48 a.m.