
Defines functions .parseOutStr .parseNewOut .parseInStr .parseNewIn .cwlAppend .cwlRename .cwlReplace .cwlIndexTrim .catCmdRaw .catOutputs .catInputs .catBase .modifyCwlParse .cmdToCwl appendParam renameParam replaceParam subsetParam printParam writeParamFiles createParamFiles

Documented in appendParam createParamFiles printParam renameParam replaceParam subsetParam writeParamFiles

## createParamFiles ##
createParamFiles <- function(commandline, cwlVersion = "v1.1", class = "CommandLineTool",
                             results_path = "./results", module_load = "baseCommand",
                             file = "default", syntaxVersion = "v1", writeParamFiles = TRUE, confirm = FALSE,
                             overwrite = FALSE, silent = FALSE) {

    syntaxVersion <- match.arg(syntaxVersion, c("v1", "v2"))
    parse_func <- if(syntaxVersion == "v1") .modifyCwlParse else .cmd2cwl2
    if(syntaxVersion == "v1" && stringr::str_detect(commandline, ";")) on.exit(message(crayon::yellow$bold(
        "';' symbol detected but you are using v1 syntax, are you sure this is right?"
    )), add = TRUE)
    commandline <- parse_func(commandline)
    if (all(interactive() && confirm == FALSE)) {
        correct <- readline(cat(
            cat(crayon::bgMagenta("*****Checking Output*****\n")),
            "Is it all correct? ", "\n",
            "Would you like to proceed now? Type a number: \n 1. Yes \n 2. No \n"
        if (all(is.na(pmatch(c(1, 2), correct)))) stop("Unrecognized response ", dQuote(correct))
    } else {
        ## For an non-interactive session
        correct <- "1"
    if (correct == "1") {
        WF <- createWF(
            targets = NULL, commandline, results_path = results_path,
            module_load = module_load, overwrite = TRUE, cwlVersion = cwlVersion, class = class
        WF <- renderWF(WF)
        if (writeParamFiles) {
            ## Action to save files
            writeParamFiles(sysargs = WF, file = file, overwrite = overwrite, silent = silent, syntaxVersion = syntaxVersion)
        ## Return
    } else if (correct == "2") {
        message("Please try to adjust the raw command line and try again!")

createParam <- createParamFiles

## Usage:
# command <- "
# hisat2 \
#     -S <F, out: ./results/M1A.sam> \
#     -x <F: ./data/tair10.fasta> \
#     -k <int: 1> \
#     -min-intronlen <int: 30> \
#     -max-intronlen <int: 3000> \
#     -threads <int: 4> \
#     -U <F: ./data/SRR446027_1.fastq.gz> \
#     --verbose
# "
# cmd <- createParamFiles(command)
# cmdlist(cmd)

## writeParamFiles ##
writeParamFiles <- function(sysargs, file = "default", overwrite = TRUE, silent = FALSE, syntaxVersion = "v1") {

    syntaxVersion <- match.arg(syntaxVersion, c("v1", "v2"))

    if (any(length(cmdlist(sysargs)[[1]]) == 0)) stop("Argument 'sysargs' needs to be assigned an object of class 'SYSargs2' fully rendered.")
    baseCommand <- clt(sysargs)[[1]]$baseCommand
    if ("default" %in% file) {
        if (dir.exists(file.path("param", "cwl", baseCommand)) == FALSE) dir.create(path = file.path("param", "cwl", baseCommand), recursive = TRUE)
        file.cwl <- file.path("param", "cwl", baseCommand, paste0(baseCommand, ".cwl"))
        file.yml <- file.path("param", "cwl", baseCommand, paste0(baseCommand, ".yml"))
    } else {
        for (i in seq_along(file)) {
            extension <- sub(".*\\.", "", file[[i]])
            if (!c("cwl") %in% extension & !c("yml") %in% extension) stop("Argument 'file' needs to be assigned as a character vector with the names of the two param file. For example, 'test.cwl' and 'test.yml'.")
            if (c("yml") %in% extension) {
                file.yml <- file[[i]]
            } else if (c("cwl") %in% extension) {
                file.cwl <- file[[i]]
    if (file.exists(file.cwl) & overwrite == FALSE) {
            "I am not allowed to overwrite files; please delete existing file: ",
            file.cwl, " or set 'overwrite=TRUE', or provide a different name in the 'file' argument"
    if (file.exists(file.yml) & overwrite == FALSE) {
            "I am not allowed to overwrite files; please delete existing file: ",
            file.yml, " or set 'overwrite=TRUE', or provide a different name in the 'file' argument"
    args <- sysargs2(sysargs)
    if(!inherits(args$cmdToCwl, syntaxVersion))
        stop("input sysargs building syntax version is different than `syntaxVersion` value. Please change it.")
    cwlVersion <- args$clt[[1]]$cwlVersion
    class <- args$clt[[1]]$class
    module_load <- args$yamlinput$ModulesToLoad[[1]]
    results_path <- args$yamlinput$results_path$path
    clt <- write.clt(args$cmdToCwl, cwlVersion = cwlVersion, class = class, file.cwl = file.cwl,
                     writeout = TRUE, silent = silent,  syntaxVersion = syntaxVersion)
    yamlinput <- write.yml(args$cmdToCwl, file.yml = file.yml, results_path = results_path,
                           module_load = module_load, writeout = TRUE, silent = silent, syntaxVersion = syntaxVersion)

## Usage:
# cmd <- createParamFiles(command)
# writeParamFiles(cmd)

## printParam ##
printParam <- function(sysargs, position, index = NULL) {

    obj <- if(inherits(sysargs, "SYSargs2")) cmdToCwl(sysargs) else if(inherits(sysargs, "cwlParse")) sysargs else {
        stop("sysargs must be `SYSargs2` or `cwlParse` object")
    if(inherits(obj, "v2")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 2, please use `printParam2`")
    .modifyCwlParse(commandline = obj, position = position, index = index)


## Usage
# printParam(cmd, position = "baseCommand")
# printParam(cmd, position = "inputs")
# printParam(cmd, position = "outputs")
# printParam(cmd, position = "inputs", index = 1:2)
# # or use character to index
# printParam(cmd, position = "inputs", index = c("S", "U"))
# printParam(cmd, position = "inputs", index = -1:-2)

## subsetParam  ##
subsetParam <- function(sysargs, position, index = NULL, trim = TRUE, mute = FALSE) {
    if(!inherits(sysargs, c("SYSargs2", "cwlParse"))) stop("sysargs must be `SYSargs2` or `cwlParse` object")
    if (inherits(sysargs, "SYSargs2")) {
        param <- cmdToCwl(sysargs)
        if(inherits(param, "v2")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 2, please use `removeParam2`")
        newParam <- .modifyCwlParse(
            commandline = param, position = position,
            index = index, trim = trim, mute = mute
        cmdToCwl(sysargs) <- newParam
        sysargs <- updateWF(sysargs)
    } else {
        if (inherits(sysargs, "cwlParse")) {
            if(inherits(sysargs, "v2")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 2, please use `removeParam2`")
            sysargs <- .modifyCwlParse(
                commandline = sysargs, position = position,
                index = index, trim = trim, mute = mute

## Usage:
# cmd2 <- subsetParam(cmd, position = "inputs", index = 1:2, trim = TRUE)
# cmdlist(cmd2)
# cmd3 <- subsetParam(cmd, position = "inputs", index = -1, trim = TRUE)
# cmdlist(cmd3)

## replaceParam  ##
replaceParam <- function(sysargs, position, index = NULL, replace, mute = FALSE) {
    if(!inherits(sysargs, c("SYSargs2", "cwlParse"))) stop("sysargs must be `SYSargs2` or `cwlParse` object")
    if (inherits(sysargs, "SYSargs2")) {
        param <- cmdToCwl(sysargs)
        if(inherits(param, "v2")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 2, please use `replaceParam2`")
        newParam <- .modifyCwlParse(
            commandline = param, position = position,
            index = index, replacing = replace, mute = mute
        cmdToCwl(sysargs) <- newParam
        sysargs <- updateWF(sysargs)
    } else {
        if (inherits(sysargs, "cwlParse")) {
            if(inherits(sysargs, "v2")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 2, please use `replaceParam2`")
            sysargs <- .modifyCwlParse(
                commandline = sysargs, position = position,
                index = index, replacing = replace, mute = mute

## Usage:
# cmd4 <- replaceParam(cmd, "base", index = 1, replace = list(baseCommand = "bwa"))
# cmdlist(cmd4)
# newIn <- new_inputs <- list(
#     "new_input1" = list(type = "File", preF="-b", yml ="myfile"),
#     "new_input2" = "-L <int: 4>"
# )
# cmd5 <- replaceParam(cmd, "inputs", index = 1:2, replace = new_inputs)
# cmdlist(cmd5)
# # string format
# new_outs <- list(
#     "sam_out" = "<F: $(inputs.results_path)/test.sam>"
# )
# cmd6 <- replaceParam(cmd, "outputs", index = 1, replace = new_outs)
# output(cmd6)
# # list format
# new_outs <- list(
#     "sam_out" = list(type = "File", value = "$(inputs.results_path)/test2.sam")
# )
# cmd7 <- replaceParam(cmd, "outputs", index = 1, replace = new_outs)
# output(cmd7)

## renameParam  ##
renameParam <- function(sysargs, position, index = FALSE, rename, mute = FALSE) {
    if(!inherits(sysargs, c("SYSargs2", "cwlParse"))) stop("sysargs must be `SYSargs2` or `cwlParse` object")
    if (inherits(sysargs, "SYSargs2")) {
        param <- cmdToCwl(sysargs)
        if(inherits(param, "v2")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 2, please use `renameParam2`")
        newParam <- .modifyCwlParse(
            commandline = param, position = position,
            index = index, rename = rename, mute = mute
        cmdToCwl(sysargs) <- newParam
        sysargs <- updateWF(sysargs)
    } else {
        if (inherits(sysargs, "cwlParse")) {
            if(inherits(sysargs, "v2")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 2, please use `renameParam2`")
            sysargs <- .modifyCwlParse(
                commandline = sysargs, position = position,
                index = index, rename = rename, mute = mute

# ## Usage:
# cmd8 <- renameParam(cmd, "inputs", index = c("S"), rename = c("Sample"))

## appendParam  ##
appendParam <- function(sysargs, position, index = NULL, append, after = NULL, mute = FALSE) {
    if(!inherits(sysargs, c("SYSargs2", "cwlParse"))) stop("sysargs must be `SYSargs2` or `cwlParse` object")
    if (inherits(sysargs, "SYSargs2")) {
        param <- cmdToCwl(sysargs)
        if(inherits(param, "v2")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 2, please use `appendParam2`")
        newParam <- .modifyCwlParse(
            commandline = param, position = position,
            index = index, appending = append, after = after, mute = mute
        cmdToCwl(sysargs) <- newParam
        sysargs <- updateWF(sysargs)
    } else {
        if (inherits(sysargs, "cwlParse")) {
            if(inherits(sysargs, "v2")) stop("input sysargs built on syntax version 2, please use `appendParam2`")
            sysargs <- .modifyCwlParse(
                commandline = sysargs, position = position,
                index = index, appending = append, after = after, mute = mute

# newIn <- new_inputs <- list(
#     "new_input1" = list(type = "File", preF="-b1", yml ="myfile1"),
#     "new_input2" = list(type = "File", preF="-b2", yml ="myfile2"),
#     "new_input3" = "-b3 <F: myfile3>"
# )
# cmd9 <- appendParam(cmd, "inputs", append = new_inputs)
# cmdlist(cmd9)
# cmd10 <- appendParam(cmd, "inputs", append = new_inputs, after=0)
# cmdlist(cmd10)

## ## Internal Functions  ##
.cmdToCwl <- function(cmd, mute = FALSE) {
    slash_line <- NULL
    stopifnot(is.character(cmd) && length(cmd) == 1)
    cmd_split <- stringr::str_split(cmd, "\n", simplify = TRUE) %>% # split args by line
        stringr::str_remove_all("^[ ]+") %>% # remove all leading, ending spaces
        stringr::str_remove_all("[ ]+$")
    # remove empty lines
    cmd_split <- cmd_split[cmd_split != ""]
    if (any(start_check <- stringr::str_detect(cmd_split[-1], "^[^<-]"))) {
        stop("Args must start with '-' or '<' for no prefix arg: ", cmd_split[-1][start_check])
    if (any(slash_check <- stringr::str_detect(cmd_split, "\\\\$"))) {
        stop("Invalid line ends with '\\\\': ", stringr::str_replace(cmd_split[slash_line], "\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"))
    # base command
    cmd_base <- cmd_split[1]
    cmd_list <- cmd_split[-1] %>%
        stringr::str_replace("^<", "no_prefix <") # find no prefix args
    # find no default args and replace with keyword no_default
    no_defaults <- cmd_list[stringr::str_detect(cmd_list, "<.*>", negate = TRUE)] %>%
        stringr::str_replace("$", " <no_default: no_default>")
    # replace them
    cmd_list[stringr::str_detect(cmd_list, "<.*>", negate = TRUE)] <- no_defaults
    # grep groups
    cmd_list <- stringr::str_match(cmd_list, "(^[-]{0,2}[A-Za-z0-9-_]+) (<.*>$)")

    # get prefix
    cmd_arg_prefix <- cmd_list[, 2]
    # give unique names of no prefix args
    # use prefix without - as name
    cmd_names <- cmd_arg_prefix %>% stringr::str_remove("^[-]{0,2}")
    # give unique names of no prefix args
    cmd_names[cmd_names == "no_prefix"] <- paste0("no_prefix", seq(sum(cmd_names == "no_prefix")))
    # now safe to replace no_prefix to ""
    cmd_arg_prefix[cmd_arg_prefix == "no_prefix"] <- ""

    # get arg content
    cmd_args <- cmd_list[, 3] %>%
        stringr::str_remove("^<") %>%
        stringr::str_remove(">$") %>%
        stringr::str_split(": ")
    # get defaults
    cmd_arg_defaults <- unlist(lapply(cmd_args, `[[`, 2)) %>%
        stringr::str_remove("^[ ]+") %>%
        stringr::str_remove("[ ]+$") %>%
        stringr::str_replace("^no_default$", "")
    # get input type
    cmd_arg_info <- unlist(lapply(cmd_args, `[[`, 1)) %>% stringr::str_split(",")
    cmd_arg_type <- unlist(lapply(cmd_arg_info, `[[`, 1)) %>%
        stringr::str_remove("^[ ]+") %>%
        stringr::str_remove("[ ]+$") %>%
        stringr::str_replace("^F$", "File") %>%
        # change F to File
        stringr::str_replace("^no_default$", "") # change no_defaults to empty
    # get to know if any input will be used for output
    cmd_out_steps <- unlist(lapply(cmd_arg_info, `[`, 2)) %>%
        stringr::str_remove("^[ ]+") %>%
        stringr::str_remove("[ ]+$") %>%
    # assemble inputs
    inputs <- mapply(
        function(type, prefix, default) {
            list(type = type, preF = prefix, yml = default)
        type = cmd_arg_type, prefix = cmd_arg_prefix, default = cmd_arg_defaults,
    names(inputs) <- cmd_names
    # assemble outputs
    outputs <- mapply(
        function(type, default) {
            list(type = type, value = default)
        type = cmd_arg_type[cmd_out_steps],
        default = cmd_arg_defaults[cmd_out_steps],
    names(outputs) <- paste0("output", seq(length(cmd_out_steps)))
    # assemble all
    commandline <- structure(list(baseCommand = cmd_base, inputs = inputs, outputs = outputs), class = c("list", "cwlParse", "v1"))
    if (!mute) .catCmdRaw(commandline)

########## .modifyCwlParse ##########
.modifyCwlParse <- function(commandline,
                            position = NULL,
                            index = NULL,
                            trim = FALSE,
                            replacing = NULL,
                            appending = NULL,
                            after = NULL,
                            rename = NULL,
                            mute = FALSE) {
    # assertions
    if (inherits(commandline, "character")) {
        commandline <- .cmdToCwl(commandline, mute = TRUE)
    } else if (inherits(commandline, "cwlParse")) {
        commandline <- commandline
    } else {
        stop("Expecting a 'character' or 'cwlParse' object")
    # If position is NULL print it and return
    if (is.null(position)) {
        return(invisible(commandline)) # always return itself

    position <- match.arg(position, c("baseCommand", "inputs", "outputs"))
    if (position == "baseCommand" && !is.null(rename)) stop("'rename' does not work on 'baseCommand' position")
    stopifnot(is.character(index) || is.numeric(index) || is.null(index))
    stopifnot(is.logical(trim) && length(trim) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.logical(mute) && length(mute) == 1)

    # selected printing and/or trimming
    if (is.null(replacing) && is.null(rename) && is.null(appending) || trim) {
        commandline <- .cwlIndexTrim(commandline, position, index, trim, mute)
    # replace and rename
    if (!is.null(replacing)) commandline <- .cwlReplace(commandline, position, index, replacing, mute)
    if (!is.null(rename)) commandline <- .cwlRename(commandline, position, index, rename, mute)
    if (!is.null(appending)) commandline <- .cwlAppend(commandline, position, appending, after, mute)


############# helper funcs ###########
## printing methods----
.catBase <- function(baseCommand) {
    cat(baseCommand, "\n")

.catInputs <- function(inputs) {
    input_names <- names(inputs)
    for (i in seq_along(inputs)) {
            input_names[i], ":\n",
            "    type: ", inputs[[i]][["type"]], "\n",
            "    preF: ", inputs[[i]][["preF"]], "\n",
            "    yml: ", inputs[[i]][["yml"]], "\n",
            sep = ""

.catOutputs <- function(outputs) {
    out_names <- names(outputs)
    for (i in seq_along(outputs)) {
            out_names[i], ":\n",
            "    type: ", outputs[[i]][["type"]], "\n",
            "    value: ", outputs[[i]][["value"]], "\n",
            sep = ""

.catCmdRaw <- function(commandline) {
    cmd_string <- lapply(commandline$inputs, `[`, c("preF", "yml")) %>%
        unlist() %>%
        paste0(collapse = " ")
    cat(crayon::bgBlue("*****Parsed raw command line*****\n"))
    cat(commandline$baseCommand, cmd_string, "\n")

## print certain position or trimming----
.cwlIndexTrim <- function(commandline, position, index, trim, mute) {
        "baseCommand" = {
        "inputs" = {
            inputs <- commandline$inputs
            if (!is.null(index)) {
                if (is.character(index)) {
                    index <- index[index %in% names(inputs)]
                } else if (is.numeric(index)) {
                    if (sum(index > 0) > 0 && sum(index < 0) > 0) {
                        stop("Cannot mix negative and positive indexing")
                    } else if (length(index) == 1 && index == 0) {
                        stop("Cannot use a single 0 to index")
                    index <- index[index <= length(inputs)]
                } else {
                    stop("Incorrect class of index")
                inputs <- commandline$inputs[index]
            } else {
                inputs <- commandline$inputs

            if (trim) {
                commandline$inputs <- inputs
                if (!mute) {
            } else {
        "outputs" = {
            outputs <- commandline$outputs
            if (!is.null(index)) {
                if (is.character(index)) {
                    index <- index[index %in% names(outputs)]
                } else if (is.numeric(index)) {
                    if (sum(index > 0) > 0 && sum(index < 0) > 0) {
                        stop("Cannot mix negative and positive indexing")
                    } else if (length(index) == 1 && index == 0) {
                        stop("Cannot use a single 0 to index")
                    index <- index[index <= length(outputs)]
                } else {
                    stop("Incorrect class of index")
                outputs <- commandline$outputs[index]
            } else {
                outputs <- commandline$outputs
            if (trim) {
                commandline$outputs <- outputs
                if (!mute) {
            } else {

## replacing method ----------
.cwlReplace <- function(commandline, position, index, replacing, mute) {
    # many assertions
    ## assert names
    re_names <- names(replacing)
    if ("" %in% re_names) stop("All items in 'replacing' must be named")
    if (length(unique(re_names)) != length(re_names)) stop("All items in 'replacing' must be unique")

    if (!is.null(replacing) && is.null(index)) stop("'replace' specified but 'index' is empty")
    if (length(replacing) != length(index)) stop("'replace' and 'index' must have the same length")
    if (length(unique(index)) != length(replacing)) stop("You have duplicated index")
    if (length(unique(names(replacing))) != length(replacing)) stop("All replacing items must be uniquely named")
    ## start to replace
        "baseCommand" = {
            if (length(replacing) != 1) stop("The list to replace baseCommand needs to be length of 1")
            if (names(replacing[1]) != "baseCommand") stop("Replace list for baseCommand must have an item named 'baseCommand'")
            commandline$baseCommand <- replacing[["baseCommand"]][[1]]
            if (!mute) {
                cat("Replacing baseCommand\n")
        "inputs" = {
            replacing <- .parseNewIn(replacing)
            ### verify index
            if (is.character(index)) {
                # change char to numeric
                index <- which(names(commandline$inputs) %in% index)
            } else if (is.numeric(index)) {
                if (sum(index < 0) > 0) {
                    stop("Cannot use negative indexing for replacing")
                } else if (length(index) == 1 && index == 0) {
                    stop("Cannot use a single 0 to index")
                index <- index[index <= length(commandline$inputs)]
            if (length(index) < 1) stop("No valid index left")
            # after some invalid index removed, validate index and replacing again
            if (length(index) != length(replacing)) {
                    "length of index is ", length(index),
                    " but length of replacing is ", length(replacing),
                    " after removing invalid indices"
            ## start to replace
            commandline$inputs[index] <- replacing
            ## overwrite names
            names(commandline$inputs)[index] <- names(replacing)
            if (!mute) {
                cat("Replacing inputs\n")
        "outputs" = {
            ## assert input type
            replacing <- .parseNewOut(replacing)
            ### verify index
            if (is.character(index)) {
                # change char to numeric
                index <- which(names(commandline$outputs) %in% index)
            } else if (is.numeric(index)) {
                if (sum(index < 0) > 0) {
                    stop("Cannot use negative indexing for replacing")
                } else if (length(index) == 1 && index == 0) {
                    stop("Cannot use a single 0 to index")
                index <- index[index <= length(commandline$outputs)]
            if (length(index) < 1) stop("No valid index left")
            # after some invalid index removed, validate index and replacing again
            if (length(index) != length(replacing)) {
                    "length of index is ", length(index),
                    " but length of replacing is ", length(replacing),
                    " after removing invalid indices"
            ## start to replace
            commandline$outputs[index] <- replacing
            ## overwrite names
            names(commandline$outputs)[index] <- names(replacing)
            if (!mute) {
                cat("Replacing outputs\n")
## rename --------
.cwlRename <- function(commandline, position, index, rename, mute) {
    if (is.null(index)) stop("'rename' specified but 'index' is empty")
    if (length(rename) != length(index)) stop("'rename' and 'index' must have the same length")
    if (length(unique(rename)) != length(rename)) stop("Duplicated reanme items detected")
    if (position == "baseCommand") stop("Cannot rename baseCommand position")

        "inputs" = {
            if (is.character(index)) {
                # change char to numeric
                index <- which(names(commandline$inputs) %in% index)
            } else if (is.numeric(index)) {
                if (sum(index < 0) > 0) {
                    stop("Cannot use negative indexing for rename")
                } else if (length(index) == 1 && index == 0) {
                    stop("Cannot use a single 0 to index")
                index <- index[index <= length(commandline$inputs)]
            if (length(index) < 1) stop("No valid index left")
            if (length(index) != length(rename)) {
                    "length of index is ", length(index),
                    " but length of rename is ", length(rename),
                    " after removing invalid indices"
            ## overwrite names
            names(commandline$inputs)[index] <- rename
            if (!mute) {
                cat("Renaming inputs\n")
        "outputs" = {
            if (is.character(index)) {
                # change char to numeric
                index <- which(names(commandline$outputs) %in% index)
            } else if (is.numeric(index)) {
                if (sum(index < 0) > 0) {
                    stop("Cannot use negative indexing for rename")
                } else if (length(index) == 1 && index == 0) {
                    stop("Cannot use a single 0 to index")
                index <- index[index <= length(commandline$outputs)]
            if (length(index) < 1) stop("No valid index left")
            if (length(index) != length(rename)) {
                    "length of index is ", length(index),
                    " but length of rename is ", length(rename),
                    " after removing invalid indices"
            names(commandline$outputs)[index] <- rename
            if (!mute) {
                cat("Renaming outputs\n")

## appending method ----
.cwlAppend <- function(commandline, position, appending, after, mute) {
    # many assertions
    if (position == "baseCommand") stop("Cannot appending to baseCommand")
    ## assert names
    ap_names <- names(appending)
    if ("" %in% ap_names) stop("All items in 'appending' must be named")
    if (length(unique(ap_names)) != length(ap_names)) stop("All items in 'replacing' must be unique")
    after <- if (is.null(after)) {
    } else {
        stopifnot(is.numeric(after) && length(after) == 1)
    ## start to replace
        "inputs" = {
            ## assert input type
            appending <- .parseNewIn(appending, print_word = "appending")
            ## start to append
            commandline$inputs <- append(commandline$inputs, appending, after = after)
            if (!mute) {
                cat("Replacing inputs\n")
        "outputs" = {
            ## assert input type
            appending <- .parseNewOut(appending, print_word = "appending")
            ## start to append
            commandline$outputs <- append(commandline$outputs, appending, after = after)
            if (!mute) {
                cat("Replacing outputs\n")

## in/out parsing methods
.parseNewIn <- function(newIn, print_word = "replacing") {
    in_names <- names(newIn)
    newIn <- lapply(seq_along(newIn), function(x) {
        if (is.list(newIn[[x]])) {
            ## assert items
            if (length(newIn[[x]]) != 3 || !all(names(newIn[[x]]) %in% c("type", "preF", "yml"))) {
                cat("You are ", print_word, " inputs:\n")
                stop(names(newIn[x]), ' item in "', print_word, '" must be length 3 and have "type", "preF" and "yml"')
            ## assert item type
            lapply(newIn[[x]], function(i) {
                if (length(i) != 1 || !is.character(i)) {
                    cat("You are ", print_word, " inputs:\n")
                    stop('In "', names(newIn[x]), '": "type", "preF", "yml" in each item must all be length 1 character string')
        } else if (is.character(newIn[[x]]) && length(newIn[[x]]) == 1) {
        } else {
            cat("You are ", print_word, " inputs:\n")
            stop("Item ", names(newIn[x]), " in ", print_word, " must be a list with 3 sub-item or a chracter string")
    names(newIn) <- in_names

.parseInStr <- function(inStr) {
    cmd_list <- stringr::str_replace(inStr, "^<", "no_prefix <") # find no prefix args
    no_defaults <- cmd_list[stringr::str_detect(cmd_list, "<.*>", negate = TRUE)] %>%
        stringr::str_replace("$", " <no_default: no_default>")
    cmd_list[stringr::str_detect(cmd_list, "<.*>", negate = TRUE)] <- no_defaults

    cmd_list <- stringr::str_match(cmd_list, "(^[-]{0,2}[A-Za-z0-9-_]+) (<.*>$)")
    if (is.na(cmd_list[1, 1])) stop("Invalid string: ", inStr)
    cmd_arg_prefix <- cmd_list[, 2]
    cmd_arg_prefix[cmd_arg_prefix == "no_prefix"] <- ""

    cmd_args <- cmd_list[, 3] %>%
        stringr::str_remove("^<") %>%
        stringr::str_remove(">$") %>%
        stringr::str_split(": ")

    cmd_arg_defaults <- unlist(lapply(cmd_args, `[[`, 2)) %>%
        stringr::str_remove("^[ ]+") %>%
        stringr::str_remove("[ ]+$") %>%
        stringr::str_replace("^no_default$", "")

    cmd_arg_info <- unlist(lapply(cmd_args, `[[`, 1)) %>% stringr::str_split(",")
    cmd_arg_type <- unlist(lapply(cmd_arg_info, `[[`, 1)) %>%
        stringr::str_remove("^[ ]+") %>%
        stringr::str_remove("[ ]+$") %>%
        stringr::str_replace("^F$", "File") %>%
        # change F to File
        stringr::str_replace("^no_default$", "")
    list(type = cmd_arg_type, preF = cmd_arg_prefix, yml = cmd_arg_defaults)

.parseNewOut <- function(newOut, print_word = "replacing") {
    out_names <- names(newOut)
    newOut <- lapply(seq_along(newOut), function(x) {
        if (is.list(newOut[[x]])) {
            ## assert items
            if (length(newOut[[x]]) != 2 || !all(names(newOut[[x]]) %in% c("type", "value"))) {
                cat("You are ", print_word, " outputs:\n")
                stop(names(newOut[x]), ' item in "', print_word, '" must be length 2 and have "type", "value"')
            ## assert item type
            lapply(newOut[[x]], function(i) {
                if (length(i) != 1 || !is.character(i)) {
                    cat("You are ", print_word, " outputs:\n")
                    stop('In "', names(newOut[x]), '": "type", "value" in each item must all be length 1 character string')
        } else if (is.character(newOut[[x]]) && length(newOut[[x]]) == 1) {
        } else {
            cat("You are ", print_word, " outputs:\n")
            stop("Item ", names(newOut[x]), " in ", print_word, " must be a list with 3 sub-item or a chracter string")
    names(newOut) <- out_names

.parseOutStr <- function(outStr) {
    cmd_list <- outStr
    if (!stringr::str_detect(cmd_list, "^<.*>$")) stop("Invalid string: '", outStr, " ', needs to be inside '<...>'")
    if (length(stringr::str_extract_all(cmd_list, ":", simplify = TRUE)) != 1) {
        stop("Invalid string: '", outStr, " ', needs to have exact 1 ':'")

    cmd_args <- cmd_list %>%
        stringr::str_remove("^<") %>%
        stringr::str_remove(">$") %>%
        stringr::str_split(": ")
    if (stringr::str_detect(cmd_args[[1]][1], "\\W")) {
        stop("Invalid string: '", outStr, " ', no special character for output type")

    cmd_arg_defaults <- unlist(lapply(cmd_args, `[[`, 2)) %>%
        stringr::str_remove("^[ ]+") %>%
        stringr::str_remove("[ ]+$") %>%
        stringr::str_replace("^no_default$", "")

    cmd_arg_info <- unlist(lapply(cmd_args, `[[`, 1)) %>% stringr::str_split(",")
    cmd_arg_type <- unlist(lapply(cmd_arg_info, `[[`, 1)) %>%
        stringr::str_remove("^[ ]+") %>%
        stringr::str_remove("[ ]+$") %>%
        stringr::str_replace("^F$", "File") %>%
        # change F to File
        stringr::str_replace("^no_default$", "")
    list(type = cmd_arg_type, value = cmd_arg_defaults)
tgirke/systemPipeR documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 1:22 p.m.