
Defines functions trimbatch scaleRanges predORF plotfeatureCoverage .resizeFeature featureCoverage plotfeaturetypeCounts featuretypeCounts genFeatures

Documented in featureCoverage featuretypeCounts genFeatures plotfeatureCoverage plotfeaturetypeCounts predORF scaleRanges trimbatch

## Generate various feature types from TxDb objects ##
genFeatures <- function(txdb, featuretype = "all", reduce_ranges, upstream = 1000, downstream = 0, verbose = TRUE) {
    pkg <- c("GenomeInfoDb", "GenomicFeatures")
    checkPkg(pkg, quietly = FALSE)
    ## Check validity of inputs
    supported_features <- c("tx_type", "promoter", "intron", "exon", "cds", "fiveUTR", "threeUTR", "intergenic")
    if (tolower(featuretype[1]) == "all") featuretype <- supported_features
    if (class(txdb) != "TxDb") stop("Argument 'txdb' needs to be assigned object of class TxDb!")
    if (any(!featuretype %in% supported_features)) stop("featuretype supports any of the following values: ", paste(supported_features, collapse = ", "))
    ## Empty GRangesList to store results
    featuresGRl <- GRangesList()
    GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(featuresGRl) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(txdb)
    ## Empty GRanges object for feature types that don't exist
    gr_empty <- GRanges()
    mcols(gr_empty) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = character(), featuretype_id = character(), featuretype = character())
    GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(gr_empty) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(txdb)
    ## Gene/transcript id mappings (required for some features)
    ids <- mcols(GenomicFeatures::transcripts(txdb, columns = c("tx_id", "tx_name", "gene_id")))
    ge_id <- unstrsplit(ids$gene_id)
    names(ge_id) <- ids$tx_id
    ## Transcript ranges: each 'tx_type' as separate GRanges object (reduced by gene)
    if ("tx_type" %in% featuretype) {
        tx <- GenomicFeatures::transcripts(txdb, columns = c("tx_name", "gene_id", "tx_type"))
        if (length(tx) == 0) { # If range set is empty, append 'gr_empty'.
            featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("transcript" = gr_empty))
        } else {
            mcols(tx)$tx_type <- ifelse(is.na(mcols(tx)$tx_type), "transcript", mcols(tx)$tx_type)
            tx_type <- unique(mcols(tx)$tx_type)
            for (i in seq_along(tx_type)) {
                tmp <- tx[mcols(tx)$tx_type == tx_type[i]]
                if (reduce_ranges == TRUE) {
                    tmp <- reduce(split(tmp, as.character(mcols(tmp)$gene_id)))
                    tmp <- unlist(tmp)
                    feature_id <- paste(names(tmp), ":", tx_type[i], "_red", sep = "")
                    mcols(tmp) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = names(tmp), featuretype_id = feature_id, featuretype = paste0(tx_type[i], "_red"))
                    names(tmp) <- seq_along(tmp)
                    featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList(tmp = tmp))
                    names(featuresGRl)[length(featuresGRl)] <- paste0(tx_type[i], "_red")
                } else {
                    mcols(tmp) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = mcols(tmp)$gene_id, featuretype_id = mcols(tmp)$tx_name, featuretype = tx_type[i])
                    featuresGRl <- c(tmp = featuresGRl, GRangesList(tmp = tmp))
                    names(tmp) <- seq_along(tmp)
                    names(featuresGRl)[length(featuresGRl)] <- tx_type[i]
            if (verbose == TRUE) cat("Created feature ranges:", paste(tx_type, collapse = ", "), "\n")
    ## Create promoter ranges reduced by gene
    if ("promoter" %in% featuretype) {
        mycheck <- suppressWarnings(promoters(GenomicFeatures::transcriptsBy(txdb, "gene"), upstream, downstream))
        if (length(mycheck) == 0) { # If range set is empty, append 'gr_empty'.
            featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("promoter" = gr_empty))
        } else {
            if (reduce_ranges == TRUE) {
                mypromoters <- suppressWarnings(unlist(reduce(promoters(GenomicFeatures::transcriptsBy(txdb, "gene"), upstream, downstream))))
                mypromoters <- trim(mypromoters)
                feature_id <- paste0(names(mypromoters), ":P_red")
                mcols(mypromoters) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = names(mypromoters), featuretype_id = feature_id, featuretype = "promoter_red")
                names(mypromoters) <- seq_along(mypromoters)
                featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("promoter_red" = mypromoters))
            } else {
                mypromoters <- suppressWarnings(promoters(txdb, upstream, downstream, columns = c("tx_name", "gene_id", "tx_type")))
                mypromoters <- trim(mypromoters)
                mcols(mypromoters) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = as(mcols(mypromoters)$gene_id, "CharacterList"), featuretype_id = mcols(mypromoters)$tx_name, featuretype = "promoter")
                featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("promoter" = mypromoters))
            if (verbose == TRUE) cat("Created feature ranges: promoter", "\n")
    ## Create intron ranges reduced by gene
    if ("intron" %in% featuretype) {
        ## Introns by transcript
        myintrons <- GenomicFeatures::intronsByTranscript(txdb)
        if (length(myintrons) == 0) { # If range set is empty, append 'gr_empty'.
            featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("intron" = gr_empty))
        } else {
            ## Convert to introns by genes
            intron_count <- sapply(width(myintrons), length)
            names(intron_count) <- ge_id[names(intron_count)]
            intron_count <- intron_count[intron_count != 0]
            ge_id_intron <- rep(names(intron_count), intron_count)
            myintrons <- unlist(myintrons)
            myintrons <- split(myintrons, ge_id_intron) # Introns by gene
            if (reduce_ranges == TRUE) {
                ## Reduce introns by gene, use gene ID for naming and append counter
                myintrons <- reduce(myintrons)
                intron_red_count <- sapply(width(myintrons), length)
                ge_id_red_intron <- rep(names(intron_red_count), intron_red_count)
                feature_id <- paste(ge_id_red_intron, sprintf("I%03d_red", unlist(sapply(as.integer(intron_red_count), function(x) seq(from = 1, to = x)))), sep = ":")
                myintrons <- unlist(myintrons)
                mcols(myintrons) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = ge_id_red_intron, featuretype_id = feature_id, featuretype = "intron_red")
                names(myintrons) <- seq_along(myintrons)
                featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("intron_red" = myintrons))
            } else {
                intron_red_count <- sapply(width(myintrons), length)
                ge_id_red_intron <- rep(names(intron_red_count), intron_red_count)
                feature_id <- paste(ge_id_red_intron, sprintf("I%03d", unlist(sapply(as.integer(intron_red_count), function(x) seq(from = 1, to = x)))), sep = ":")
                myintrons <- unlist(myintrons)
                mcols(myintrons) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = as(ge_id_red_intron, "CharacterList"), featuretype_id = feature_id, featuretype = "intron")
                names(myintrons) <- seq_along(myintrons)
                featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("intron" = myintrons))
            if (verbose == TRUE) cat("Created feature ranges: intron", "\n")
    ## Create exon ranges reduced by gene
    if ("exon" %in% featuretype) {
        ## exons by gene
        myexons <- GenomicFeatures::exonsBy(txdb, "gene")
        if (length(myexons) == 0) { # If range set is empty, append 'gr_empty'.
            featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("exon" = gr_empty))
        } else {
            if (reduce_ranges == TRUE) {
                myexons <- reduce(myexons)
                exon_red_count <- sapply(width(myexons), length)
                ge_id_red_exon <- rep(names(exon_red_count), exon_red_count)
                feature_id <- paste(ge_id_red_exon, sprintf("E%03d_red", unlist(sapply(as.integer(exon_red_count), function(x) seq(from = 1, to = x)))), sep = ":")
                myexons <- unlist(myexons)
                mcols(myexons) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = ge_id_red_exon, featuretype_id = feature_id, featuretype = "exon_red")
                names(myexons) <- seq_along(myexons)
                featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("exon_red" = myexons))
            } else {
                exon_red_count <- sapply(width(myexons), length)
                ge_id_red_exon <- rep(names(exon_red_count), exon_red_count)
                feature_id <- paste(ge_id_red_exon, sprintf("E%03d", unlist(sapply(as.integer(exon_red_count), function(x) seq(from = 1, to = x)))), sep = ":")
                myexons <- unlist(myexons)
                mcols(myexons) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = as(ge_id_red_exon, "CharacterList"), featuretype_id = feature_id, featuretype = "exon")
                names(myexons) <- seq_along(myexons)
                featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("exon" = myexons))
            if (verbose == TRUE) cat("Created feature ranges: exon", "\n")
    ## Create CDS ranges reduced by gene
    if ("cds" %in% featuretype) {
        ## CDS by gene
        mycds <- GenomicFeatures::cdsBy(txdb, "gene")
        if (length(mycds) == 0) { # If range set is empty, append 'gr_empty'.
            featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("cds" = gr_empty))
        } else {
            if (reduce_ranges == TRUE) {
                mycds <- reduce(mycds)
                cds_red_count <- sapply(width(mycds), length)
                ge_id_red_cds <- rep(names(cds_red_count), cds_red_count)
                feature_id <- paste(ge_id_red_cds, sprintf("CDS%03d_red", unlist(sapply(as.integer(cds_red_count), function(x) seq(from = 1, to = x)))), sep = ":")
                mycds <- unlist(mycds)
                mcols(mycds) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = ge_id_red_cds, featuretype_id = feature_id, featuretype = "cds_red")
                names(mycds) <- seq_along(mycds)
                featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("cds_red" = mycds))
            } else {
                cds_red_count <- sapply(width(mycds), length)
                ge_id_red_cds <- rep(names(cds_red_count), cds_red_count)
                feature_id <- paste(ge_id_red_cds, sprintf("CDS%03d", unlist(sapply(as.integer(cds_red_count), function(x) seq(from = 1, to = x)))), sep = ":")
                mycds <- unlist(mycds)
                mcols(mycds) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = as(ge_id_red_cds, "CharacterList"), featuretype_id = feature_id, featuretype = "cds")
                names(mycds) <- seq_along(mycds)
                featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("cds" = mycds))
            if (verbose == TRUE) cat("Created feature ranges: cds", "\n")
    ## Create 5'UTR ranges reduced by gene
    if ("fiveUTR" %in% featuretype) {
        ## 5'UTRs by transcript
        myfiveutr <- GenomicFeatures::fiveUTRsByTranscript(txdb)
        if (length(myfiveutr) == 0) { # If range set is empty, append 'gr_empty'.
            featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("fiveUTR" = gr_empty))
        } else {
            ## Convert to 5'UTRs by genes
            utr_count <- sapply(width(myfiveutr), length)
            names(utr_count) <- ge_id[names(utr_count)]
            utr_count <- utr_count[utr_count != 0]
            ge_id_utr <- rep(names(utr_count), utr_count)
            myfiveutr <- unlist(myfiveutr)
            myfiveutr <- split(myfiveutr, ge_id_utr) # UTRs by gene
            if (reduce_ranges == TRUE) {
                ## Reduce introns by gene, use gene ID for naming and append counter
                myfiveutr <- reduce(myfiveutr)
                utr_red_count <- sapply(width(myfiveutr), length)
                ge_id_red_utr <- rep(names(utr_red_count), utr_red_count)
                feature_id <- paste(ge_id_red_utr, sprintf("fiveUTR%03d_red", unlist(sapply(as.integer(utr_red_count), function(x) seq(from = 1, to = x)))), sep = ":")
                myfiveutr <- unlist(myfiveutr)
                mcols(myfiveutr) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = ge_id_red_utr, featuretype_id = feature_id, featuretype = "fiveUTR_red")
                names(myfiveutr) <- seq_along(myfiveutr)
                featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("fiveUTR_red" = myfiveutr))
            } else {
                utr_red_count <- sapply(width(myfiveutr), length)
                ge_id_red_utr <- rep(names(utr_red_count), utr_red_count)
                feature_id <- paste(ge_id_red_utr, sprintf("fiveUTR%03d", unlist(sapply(as.integer(utr_red_count), function(x) seq(from = 1, to = x)))), sep = ":")
                myfiveutr <- unlist(myfiveutr)
                mcols(myfiveutr) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = as(ge_id_red_utr, "CharacterList"), featuretype_id = feature_id, featuretype = "fiveUTR")
                names(myfiveutr) <- seq_along(myfiveutr)
                featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("fiveUTR" = myfiveutr))
            if (verbose == TRUE) cat("Created feature ranges: fiveUTR", "\n")
    ## Create 3'UTR ranges reduced by gene
    if ("threeUTR" %in% featuretype) {
        ## 3'UTRs by transcript
        mythreeutr <- GenomicFeatures::threeUTRsByTranscript(txdb)
        if (length(mythreeutr) == 0) { # If range set is empty, append 'gr_empty'.
            featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("threeUTR" = gr_empty))
        } else {
            ## Convert to 3'UTRs by genes
            utr_count <- sapply(width(mythreeutr), length)
            names(utr_count) <- ge_id[names(utr_count)]
            utr_count <- utr_count[utr_count != 0]
            ge_id_utr <- rep(names(utr_count), utr_count)
            mythreeutr <- unlist(mythreeutr)
            mythreeutr <- split(mythreeutr, ge_id_utr) # UTRs by gene
            if (reduce_ranges == TRUE) {
                ## Reduce introns by gene, use gene ID for naming and append counter
                mythreeutr <- reduce(mythreeutr)
                utr_red_count <- sapply(width(mythreeutr), length)
                ge_id_red_utr <- rep(names(utr_red_count), utr_red_count)
                feature_id <- paste(ge_id_red_utr, sprintf("threeUTR%03d_red", unlist(sapply(as.integer(utr_red_count), function(x) seq(from = 1, to = x)))), sep = ":")
                mythreeutr <- unlist(mythreeutr)
                mcols(mythreeutr) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = ge_id_red_utr, featuretype_id = feature_id, featuretype = "threeUTR_red")
                names(mythreeutr) <- seq_along(mythreeutr)
                featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("threeUTR_red" = mythreeutr))
            } else {
                utr_red_count <- sapply(width(mythreeutr), length)
                ge_id_red_utr <- rep(names(utr_red_count), utr_red_count)
                feature_id <- paste(ge_id_red_utr, sprintf("threeUTR%03d", unlist(sapply(as.integer(utr_red_count), function(x) seq(from = 1, to = x)))), sep = ":")
                mythreeutr <- unlist(mythreeutr)
                mcols(mythreeutr) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = as(ge_id_red_utr, "CharacterList"), featuretype_id = feature_id, featuretype = "threeUTR")
                names(mythreeutr) <- seq_along(mythreeutr)
                featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("threeUTR" = mythreeutr))
            if (verbose == TRUE) cat("Created feature ranges: threeUTR", "\n")
    ## Create intergenic ranges
    if ("intergenic" %in% featuretype) {
        # if(verbose==TRUE & any(is.na(seqlengths(txdb)))) warning("seqlengths missing for: ", paste(head(names(seqlengths(txdb))[is.na(seqlengths(txdb))]), collapse=", "), ". Thus, corresponding chromosome end ranges will be missing in intergenic results.")
        ge <- GenomicFeatures::genes(txdb)
        if (length(ge) == 0) { # If range set is empty, append 'gr_empty'.
            featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("intergenic" = gr_empty))
        } else {
            myseqinfo <- GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(ge)
            GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(ge) <- NA # Note: the following ignores chromosome end ranges on the right end
            mynames <- names(ge)
            BiocGenerics::strand(ge) <- "*"
            ge <- reduce(ge, with.revmap = TRUE)
            myids <- character(length = length(ge))
            revmaplist <- as.list(mcols(ge)$revmap)
            for (i in seq(along = ge)) myids[i] <- paste(mynames[revmaplist[[i]]], collapse = "_")
            myintergenics <- gaps(ge)
            myintergenics <- myintergenics[BiocGenerics::strand(myintergenics) == "*"] # Removes chromosome ranges created by gaps when seqlengths available
            # index <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(ge, myintergenics, minoverlap=0L)
            index <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(ge, myintergenics, maxgap = 0L, minoverlap = 0L) # change necessary since default in IRanges changed from maxgap=0L to maxgap=-1L
            myids <- tapply(myids[as.matrix(index)[, 1]], as.matrix(index)[, 2], paste, collapse = "__")
            if (reduce_ranges == TRUE) {
                mcols(myintergenics) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = sprintf("INTER%08d", seq_along(myids)), featuretype_id = as.character(myids), featuretype = "intergenic")
            } else {
                mcols(myintergenics) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = as(sprintf("INTER%08d", seq_along(myids)), "CharacterList"), featuretype_id = as.character(myids), featuretype = "intergenic")
            names(myintergenics) <- seq_along(myintergenics)
            GenomeInfoDb::seqinfo(myintergenics) <- myseqinfo
            featuresGRl <- c(featuresGRl, GRangesList("intergenic" = myintergenics))
            if (verbose == TRUE) cat("Created feature ranges: intergenic", "\n")
    ## Return results
## Usage:
# file <- system.file("extdata/annotation", "tair10.gff", package="systemPipeRdata")
# txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(file=file, format="gff3", organism="Arabidopsis")
# feat <- genFeatures(txdb, featuretype="all", reduce_ranges=TRUE, upstream=1000, downstream=0, verbose=TRUE)

## Compute and Plot Read Distribution Across Feature Types ##
## Compute distribution of reads across feature types
featuretypeCounts <- function(bfl, grl, singleEnd = TRUE, readlength = NULL, type = "data.frame") {
    pkg <- c("GenomicAlignments", "IRanges")
    checkPkg(pkg, quietly = FALSE)
    ## Check for valid inputs
    if (!(is.null(readlength[1]) | is.integer(readlength))) stop("readlength needs to be assigned NULL or integer vector")
    if (length(type) != 1) stop("Argument needs to be character vector of length 1.")
    if (!any(c("list", "data.frame") %in% type)) stop("Argument 'type' needs to be assigned one of 'list' or 'data.frame'")
    ## List container for storing results
    resultlist <- sapply(names(bfl), function(x) list(NULL))
    ## Vector to store counts of total aligned reads
    totalcounts <- numeric(length(bfl))
    names(totalcounts) <- names(bfl)
    ## Total length (in bps) of each reduced feature type
    feattypelength <- sapply(names(grl), function(x) sum(width(reduce(grl[[x]]))))
    ## Read count for every feature given in gr (coming from gff)
    for (i in names(grl)) BiocGenerics::strand(grl[[i]][BiocGenerics::strand(grl[[i]]) == "*"]) <- "+" # Sets "*" to "+" to avoid double-counting of reads in this strand-specific method
    feature <- names(grl)
    featurewithtotal <- c(names(grl), "N_total_aligned")
    for (j in seq(along = bfl)) {
        if (is.null(readlength[1])) {
            myMA <- matrix(rep(0, length(featurewithtotal) * 1), nrow = length(featurewithtotal), ncol = 1, dimnames = list(featurewithtotal, "anyreadlength"))
        } else {
            myMA <- matrix(rep(0, length(featurewithtotal) * length(readlength)), nrow = length(featurewithtotal), ncol = length(readlength), dimnames = list(featurewithtotal, readlength))
        myMAsense <- myMA
        bf <- open(bfl[[j]])
        while (isIncomplete(bf)) {
            if (singleEnd == TRUE) {
                aligns <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(bf, use.names = FALSE)
            } else if (singleEnd == FALSE) {
                aligns <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignmentPairs(bf, use.names = FALSE)
            } else {
                stop("singleEnd needs to be TRUE or FALSE")
            for (i in feature) {
                gr <- grl[[i]]
                counter <- which(feature == i)
                ## Non-strand-specific counts
                alignssub <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(aligns, gr, ignore.strand = TRUE)
                if (singleEnd == TRUE) {
                    if (is.null(readlength[1])) {
                        counts <- length(alignssub)
                        if (counter == 1) totalcounts <- length(aligns)
                    } else {
                        counts <- table(GenomicAlignments::qwidth(alignssub))[colnames(myMA)]
                        if (counter == 1) totalcounts <- table(GenomicAlignments::qwidth(aligns))[colnames(myMA)]
                } else { # The following reports for PE reads the mean read length for each pair
                    if (is.null(readlength[1])) {
                        counts <- length(alignssub)
                        if (counter == 1) totalcounts <- length(aligns)
                    } else {
                        mywidth <- round((GenomicAlignments::qwidth(GenomicAlignments::last(alignssub)) + GenomicAlignments::qwidth(S4Vectors::first(alignssub))) / 2)
                        counts <- table(mywidth)[colnames(myMA)]
                        if (counter == 1) {
                            totalmywidth <- round((GenomicAlignments::qwidth(GenomicAlignments::last(aligns)) + GenomicAlignments::qwidth(S4Vectors::first(aligns))) / 2)
                            totalcounts <- table(totalmywidth)[colnames(myMA)]
                counts[is.na(counts)] <- 0
                myMA[i, ] <- myMA[i, ] + counts
                if (counter == 1) {
                    totalcounts[is.na(totalcounts)] <- 0
                    myMA["N_total_aligned", ] <- myMA["N_total_aligned", ] + totalcounts
                ## Strand-specific counts
                alignssub <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(aligns, gr, ignore.strand = FALSE)
                if (singleEnd == TRUE) {
                    if (is.null(readlength[1])) {
                        sensecounts <- length(alignssub)
                        if (counter == 1) totalsensecounts <- length(aligns[BiocGenerics::strand(aligns) == "+"])
                    } else {
                        sensecounts <- table(GenomicAlignments::qwidth(alignssub))[colnames(myMAsense)]
                        if (counter == 1) totalsensecounts <- table(GenomicAlignments::qwidth(aligns[BiocGenerics::strand(aligns) == "+"]))[colnames(myMAsense)]
                } else { # The following reports for PE reads the mean read length for each pair
                    if (is.null(readlength[1])) {
                        sensecounts <- length(alignssub)
                        if (counter == 1) totalsensecounts <- length(aligns[BiocGenerics::strand(aligns) == "+"])
                    } else {
                        mywidth <- round((GenomicAlignments::qwidth(GenomicAlignments::last(alignssub)) + GenomicAlignments::qwidth(S4Vectors::first(alignssub))) / 2)
                        sensecounts <- table(mywidth)[colnames(myMA)]
                        if (counter == 1) {
                            totalmywidth <- round((GenomicAlignments::qwidth(GenomicAlignments::last(aligns)) + GenomicAlignments::qwidth(S4Vectors::first(aligns))) / 2)
                            totalsensecounts <- table(totalmywidth)[colnames(myMA)]
                sensecounts[is.na(sensecounts)] <- 0
                myMAsense[i, ] <- myMAsense[i, ] + sensecounts
                if (counter == 1) {
                    totalsensecounts[is.na(totalsensecounts)] <- 0
                    myMAsense["N_total_aligned", ] <- myMAsense["N_total_aligned", ] + totalsensecounts
        myMAantisense <- myMA - myMAsense
        myMAantisense[myMAantisense < 0] <- 0
        myMAsense[myMAsense <- 0] <- 0
        myMAsense <- data.frame(SampleName = names(bfl)[j], Strand = "Sense", Featuretype = row.names(myMAsense), Featuretypelength = as.numeric(feattypelength[row.names(myMAsense)]), myMAsense, check.names = FALSE)
        myMAantisense <- data.frame(SampleName = names(bfl)[j], Strand = "Antisense", Featuretype = row.names(myMAantisense), Featuretypelength = as.numeric(feattypelength[row.names(myMAantisense)]), myMAantisense, check.names = FALSE)
        resultlist[[j]] <- list(Sense = myMAsense, Antisense = myMAantisense)
        cat(paste0("Processed sample ", j, ": ", names(bfl)[j]), "\n")
    ## Object types to return
    if (type == "list") {
    } else if (type == "data.frame") {
        resultdf <- do.call("rbind", unlist(resultlist, recursive = FALSE))
        row.names(resultdf) <- NULL
    } else {
        stop("Argument 'type' needs to be assigned one of 'list' or 'data.frame'")

## Usage:
# outpaths <- subsetWF(args , slot="output", subset=1, index=1)
# file.exists(outpaths)
# featureCounts <- featuretypeCounts(bfl=BamFileList(outpaths, yieldSize=50000), grl=feat, singleEnd=TRUE, readlength=c(74:76,99:102), type="data.frame")
# write.table(featureCounts, "results/featureCounts.xls", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
# featureCounts2 <- featuretypeCounts(bfl=BamFileList(outpaths), grl=feat, singleEnd=TRUE, readlength=NULL, type="data.frame")
# write.table(featureCounts2, "results/featureCounts2.xls", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")

## Plot distribution of reads across feature types ##
plotfeaturetypeCounts <- function(x, graphicsfile, graphicsformat = "pdf", scales = "fixed", anyreadlength = FALSE, drop_N_total_aligned = TRUE, scale_count_val = 10^6, scale_length_val = NULL) {
    checkPkg("grid", quietly = FALSE)
    ## Input validity checks
    if (class(x) != "data.frame") stop("x needs to be object of class 'data.frame'")
    if (any(colnames(x)[1:3] != c("SampleName", "Strand", "Featuretype"))) stop("First three column names need to be: 'SampleName', 'Strand', 'Featuretype'")
    if (!is.numeric(as.matrix(x[, -c(1:3)]))) stop("Following columns (after 3rd one) need to be numeric.")
    ## global functions or variables
    Strand <- Feature <- Counts <- Length <- NULL
    ## Store Featuretypelength and remove it from x
    featuretypelength <- tapply(x$Featuretypelength, x$Featuretype, unique)
    featuretypelength <- featuretypelength[!is.na(featuretypelength)]
    x <- x[, !colnames(x) %in% "Featuretypelength"]
    ## Get numbers of total aligned reads per sample
    N_total_aligned_DF <- x[x$Featuretype == "N_total_aligned", ]
    if (colnames(N_total_aligned_DF)[4] != "anyreadlength") N_total_aligned_DF <- data.frame(N_total_aligned_DF[, 1:3], anyreadlength = rowSums(N_total_aligned_DF[, -c(1:3)]))
    N_total_aligned <- tapply(as.numeric(as.vector(N_total_aligned_DF[, 4])), N_total_aligned_DF$SampleName, sum)
    ## Eliminate total read counts to not show them in plots
    if (drop_N_total_aligned == TRUE) x <- x[x$Featuretype != "N_total_aligned", ]
    ## Sum up read length counts if 'anyreadlength=TRUE'
    if (colnames(x)[4] != "anyreadlength" & anyreadlength == TRUE) x <- data.frame(x[, 1:3], anyreadlength = rowSums(x[, -c(1:3)]))
    ## Scale per x reads (e.g. per million reads)
    if (is.numeric(scale_count_val[1])) {
        if (is.numeric(scale_length_val[1])) {
            correctv <- scale_length_val / featuretypelength[as.character(x$Featuretype)]
            for (i in seq_along(colnames(x))[-c(1:3)]) x[, i] <- as.numeric(as.vector(x[, i])) * (scale_count_val / N_total_aligned[x$SampleName]) * correctv
        } else if (length(scale_length_val) == 0) {
            for (i in seq_along(colnames(x))[-c(1:3)]) x[, i] <- as.numeric(as.vector(x[, i])) * (scale_count_val / N_total_aligned[x$SampleName])
        } else {
            stop("'scale_length_val' needs to be assinged NULL or numeric value.")
    } else if (is.null(scale_count_val[1])) {
        if (is.numeric(scale_length_val[1])) {
            correctv <- scale_length_val / featuretypelength[as.character(x$Featuretype)]
            for (i in seq_along(colnames(x))[-c(1:3)]) x[, i] <- as.numeric(as.vector(x[, i])) * correctv
        } else if (length(scale_length_val) == 0) {
            x <- x
        } else {
            stop("'scale_length_val' needs to be assinged NULL or numeric value.")
    } else {
        stop("'scale_count_val' needs to be assinged NULL or numeric value.")
    ## Define plotting order of samples
    x[, 1] <- factor(x[, 1], levels = unique(x[, 1]), ordered = TRUE)
    ## Label for count axis
    if (length(scale_count_val) == 0 & length(scale_length_val) == 0) axis_label <- "Raw counts"
    if (length(scale_count_val) > 0 & length(scale_length_val) > 0) axis_label <- paste("Counts normalized per", scale_count_val, "reads", "and", scale_length_val, "bp feature length")
    if (length(scale_count_val) > 0 & length(scale_length_val) == 0) axis_label <- paste("Counts normalized per", scale_count_val, "reads")
    if (length(scale_count_val) == 0 & length(scale_length_val) > 0) axis_label <- paste("Counts normalized per", scale_length_val, "bp feature length")
    ## Plot without read length resolution
    if (colnames(x)[4] == "anyreadlength") {
        x[, 3] <- factor(x[, 3], levels = sort(as.character(unique(x[, 3])), decreasing = TRUE), ordered = TRUE) # Defines plotting order of bars!!!
        colnames(x)[3:4] <- c("Feature", "Counts") # Assign nicer names for plot
        myplot <- ggplot2::ggplot(x, ggplot2::aes(x = Feature, y = Counts)) +
            ggplot2::geom_bar(ggplot2::aes(fill = Strand), position = "stack", stat = "identity") +
            ggplot2::facet_wrap(~SampleName) +
            ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(axis_label) +
            ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 0, vjust = 0.4)) +
            ggplot2::coord_flip() +
            ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(limits = unique(x$Feature))
        cat("Generated graphics file", graphicsfile, "\n")
        ## Plot with read length resolution
    } else {
        ## Split data on samples (SampleName column) and convert to format expected by ggplot2
        .convert2DFlist <- function(x) {
            featureCountslist <- split(x, x$SampleName, drop = TRUE)
            featureCountslist <- featureCountslist[unique(as.character(x$SampleName))]
            for (j in seq_along(featureCountslist)) {
                df <- featureCountslist[[j]]
                tmpDF <- data.frame()
                for (i in seq_along(df[, 4:length(df[1, ])])) {
                    tmpDF <- rbind(tmpDF, data.frame(df[, 1:3], Counts = df[, i + 3], Length = colnames(df[, i + 3, drop = FALSE])))
                featureCountslist[[j]] <- tmpDF
        featureCountslist <- .convert2DFlist(x)

        ## Get maximum read counts in data set after summing up strand spec counts
        tmp <- data.frame(paste(x[, 1], x[, 3], sep = "_"), x[, -c(1:3)])
        mymax <- max(t(sapply(unique(tmp[, 1]), function(x) colSums(tmp[tmp[, 1] == x, -1]))))
        ## Generate plotting instructions
        myplotlist <- sapply(names(featureCountslist), function(x) NULL, simplify = FALSE)
        for (i in seq(along = featureCountslist)) {
            myplot <- ggplot2::ggplot(featureCountslist[[i]], ggplot2::aes(x = Length, y = Counts)) +
                ggplot2::geom_bar(ggplot2::aes(fill = Strand), position = "stack", stat = "identity") +
                ggplot2::facet_wrap(~Featuretype, ncol = 1, scales = scales) +
                ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
                ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 0, vjust = 0.4)) +
                ggplot2::ggtitle(featureCountslist[[i]][1, 1]) +
                ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(limits = unique(featureCountslist[[i]]$Length))
            ## Assure same scale for all panels if scales="fixed"
            if (scales == "fixed") {
                myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(axis_label, limits = c(0, mymax))
            } else {
                myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(axis_label)
            myplotlist[[i]] <- myplot
        ## Generate graphics and write to file in pdf, png or jpeg format.
        if (tolower(graphicsformat) == "pdf") mydim <- c(height = 20, width = 6 * length(myplotlist))
        if (tolower(graphicsformat) %in% c("png", "jpeg")) mydim <- c(height = 20 * 96, width = 6 * length(myplotlist) * 96)
        get(graphicsformat)(graphicsfile, width = mydim["width"], height = mydim["height"])
        grid::grid.newpage() # Open a new page on grid device
        grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(layout = grid::grid.layout(1, length(myplotlist)))) # Assign to device viewport with 1 by 2 grid layout
        for (i in seq(along = myplotlist)) print(myplotlist[[i]], vp = grid::viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = i))
        cat("Generated graphics file", graphicsfile, "\n")

## Usage:
# library(ggplot2); library(grid)
# featureCounts <- read.delim("results/featureCounts.xls", check.names=FALSE)
# myplots <- plotfeaturetypeCounts(x=featureCounts, graphicsfile="results/featureCounts.pdf", graphicsformat="pdf", scales="fixed", anyreadlength=FALSE, drop_N_total_aligned=TRUE, scale_count_val=10^6, scale_length_val=10^3)
# featureCounts2 <- read.delim("results/featureCounts2.xls", check.names=FALSE)
# myplots <- plotfeaturetypeCounts(x=featureCounts2, graphicsfile="results/featureCounts2.pdf", graphicsformat="pdf", scales="fixed", anyreadlength=TRUE, drop_N_total_aligned=TRUE, scale_count_val=10^6, scale_length_val=10^3)

## Compute and plot coverage along features ##
## Computes coverage along single and multi component features, such as exons/cds by transcripts.
featureCoverage <- function(bfl, grl, resizereads = NULL, readlengthrange = NULL, Nbins = 20, method = mean, fixedmatrix, resizefeatures, upstream, downstream, outfile, overwrite = FALSE) {
    pkg <- c("GenomicAlignments", "IRanges", "GenomeInfoDb")
    checkPkg(pkg, quietly = FALSE)
    ## Input validity checks
    if (!is.null(outfile)) {
        if (file.exists(outfile) & overwrite == FALSE) stop("File ", outfile, " exists. Delete it or set 'overwrite=TRUE'")
        if (file.exists(outfile) & overwrite == TRUE) unlink(outfile)
    if (class(bfl) != "BamFileList") stop("'bfl' needs to be of class 'BamFileList'")
    if (!inherits(grl, "GRangesList")) stop("'grl' needs to be a GRangesList object.")
    if (!is.null(readlengthrange)) {
        if (is.numeric(readlengthrange) & length(readlengthrange) != 2) stop("'readlengthrange' needs to be assigned NULL or numeric vector of length 2")
        if (!is.numeric(readlengthrange)) stop("'readlengthrange' needs to be assigned NULL or numeric vector of length 2")
        if ((is.numeric(readlengthrange) & length(readlengthrange) == 2) & readlengthrange[1] > readlengthrange[2]) stop("Second value in read length range needs to be equal or larger then first one.")
    if (fixedmatrix == TRUE & resizefeatures == FALSE) stop("If 'fixedmatrix=TRUE' then 'resizefeatures' needs to be set to 'TRUE' too.")
    ## If Nbins is not NULL, then remove ranges with width < Nbins
    if (!is.null(Nbins)) grl <- grl[sum(width(reduce(grl))) >= Nbins]
    ## Resize features by upstream and downstream value
    if (resizefeatures == TRUE) {
        grl <- .resizeFeature(grl = grl, upstream = upstream, downstream = upstream, component_resort = TRUE)
    ## Following codes operates mostly on GRanges object
    gr <- unlist(grl)
    ## Define empty buckets for collcecting results generated in master loop
    binDFresult <- data.frame()
    fixedMAresult <- data.frame()
    fixedbinMAresult <- data.frame()
    rle_result <- list()
    for (mysample in seq_along(bfl)) {
        ## Compute coverage for ranges in stored in gr from BAM file. Note, coverage() works
        ## directly on BAM files but for resizing read lengths and strand specific analysis
        ## one needs to import the corresponding alignment sections first.
        ## Import alignment chunk
        aligns <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(bfl[[mysample]], param = ScanBamParam(what = Rsamtools::scanBamWhat(), which = gr))
        ## Remove duplicated mappings generated by readGAlignment for nearby/overlapping ranges; reduce() doesn't fix that
        aligns <- aligns[!duplicated(paste(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(aligns)), start(aligns), end(aligns), as.character(BiocGenerics::strand(aligns)), mcols(aligns)$qname, sep = "_"))]
        ## Subset to specific read length range specified under readlengthrange
        if (is.numeric(readlengthrange)) {
            aligns <- aligns[GenomicAlignments::qwidth(aligns) >= readlengthrange[1] & GenomicAlignments::qwidth(aligns) <= readlengthrange[2]]
        ## Compute coverage
        if (is.numeric(resizereads[1])) {
            cov <- coverage(resize(granges(aligns), resizereads[1]))
            cov_pos <- coverage(resize(granges(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(aligns, gr, ignore.strand = FALSE)), resizereads[1]))
        } else if (is.null(resizereads)) {
            cov <- coverage(aligns)
            cov_pos <- coverage(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(aligns, gr, ignore.strand = FALSE))
        } else {
            stop("'resizereads' needs to be assigned NULL or positive integer of length 1.")
        cov_neg <- cov - cov_pos
        ## Extract coverage for gr components.
        ## Sense coverage
        # cov_posreg <- suppressWarnings(Biostrings::Views(cov_pos, as(gr, "IntegerRangesList"))) # delete
        cov_posreg <- suppressWarnings(Biostrings::Views(cov_pos[names(as(gr, "IntegerRangesList"))], as(gr, "IntegerRangesList"))) # Update 22-Nov-15: cov_pos needs to be subsetted by seqnames in IntegerRangesList. This is relevant if txdb/grl was created from gff with scaffolds not containing any genes
        cov_posreg <- cov_posreg[sapply(cov_posreg, length) > 0] # Removes empty components (chr)
        ## Antisense coverage
        # cov_negreg <- suppressWarnings(Biostrings::Views(cov_neg, as(gr, "IntegerRangesList"))) # delete
        cov_negreg <- suppressWarnings(Biostrings::Views(cov_neg[names(as(gr, "IntegerRangesList"))], as(gr, "IntegerRangesList"))) # Update 22-Nov-15: cov_neg needs to be subsetted by seqnames in IntegerRangesList. This is relevant if txdb/grl was created from gff with scaffolds not containing any genes
        cov_negreg <- cov_negreg[sapply(cov_negreg, length) > 0] # Removes empty components (chr)
        ## Collapse (splice) multicomponent coverage ranges, e.g. cds exons to full cds
        ## Sense coverage
        mystrand <- BiocGenerics::strand(grl)
        mystrand <- sapply(names(mystrand), function(x) as.character(mystrand[[x]])[1])
        cov_posList <- as.list(mystrand)
        ## Features on "+" strand
        for (i in seq_along(cov_posreg)) {
            for (j in names(mystrand[mystrand == "+"])) {
                myview <- cov_posreg[[i]][names(cov_posreg[[i]]) %in% j]
                if (length(myview) != 0) {
                    cov_posList[[j]] <- S4Vectors::Rle(as.numeric(na.omit(as.vector(t(as.matrix(myview))))))
        ## Features on "-" strand: note coverage of component features needs to be reversed here prior to collapsing to single feature!
        for (i in seq_along(cov_posreg)) {
            for (j in names(mystrand[mystrand == "-"])) {
                myview <- cov_posreg[[i]][names(cov_posreg[[i]]) %in% j]
                if (length(myview) != 0) {
                    cov_posList[[j]] <- S4Vectors::Rle(as.numeric(na.omit(as.vector(t(as.matrix(reverse(myview)))))))
        ## Antisense coverage
        cov_negList <- as.list(mystrand)
        ## Features on "+" strand
        for (i in seq_along(cov_negreg)) {
            for (j in names(mystrand[mystrand == "+"])) {
                myview <- cov_negreg[[i]][names(cov_negreg[[i]]) %in% j]
                if (length(myview) != 0) {
                    cov_negList[[j]] <- S4Vectors::Rle(as.numeric(na.omit(as.vector(t(as.matrix(myview))))))
        ## Features on "-" strand: note coverage of component features needs to be reversed here prior to collapsing to single feature!
        for (i in seq_along(cov_negreg)) {
            for (j in names(mystrand[mystrand == "-"])) {
                myview <- cov_negreg[[i]][names(cov_negreg[[i]]) %in% j]
                if (length(myview) != 0) {
                    cov_negList[[j]] <- S4Vectors::Rle(as.numeric(na.omit(as.vector(t(as.matrix(reverse(myview)))))))
        ## Get total number of aligned reads from BAM file and add to output for normalization
        param <- ScanBamParam(flag = scanBamFlag(isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE, isUnmappedQuery = FALSE))
        aligned_reads <- Rsamtools::countBam(bfl[mysample], param = param)
        ## If Nbins is integer, compute relative bin coverage for fixed number of bins (intervals) of each feature
        if (!is.null(Nbins)) {
            ## Function to bin coverage
            .interComp <- function(x, slice, method) {
                interval <- cut(1:length(x), slice, labels = FALSE)
                resultvec <- tapply(x, as.factor(interval), method)
            ## Sense coverage
            myMApos <- t(sapply(cov_posList, function(y) .interComp(x = y, slice = Nbins, method = method)))
            ## Antisense coverage
            myMAneg <- t(sapply(cov_negList, function(y) .interComp(x = y, slice = Nbins, method = method)))
            ## Combine results
            myMAneg <- myMAneg[rownames(myMApos), , drop = FALSE] # Assure proper sorting
            myDFpos <- data.frame(SampleName = names(bfl[mysample]), N_total_aligned = aligned_reads$records, IDs = rownames(myMApos), Strand = "Sense", myMApos, check.names = FALSE)
            myDFneg <- data.frame(SampleName = names(bfl[mysample]), N_total_aligned = aligned_reads$records, IDs = rownames(myMAneg), Strand = "Antisense", myMAneg, check.names = FALSE)
            myDFbins <- rbind(myDFpos, myDFneg, make.row.names = FALSE)
            row.names(myDFbins) <- NULL
            binDFresult <- rbind(binDFresult, myDFbins)
            exportDF <- myDFbins
        ## Generate fixed matrix output
        if (fixedmatrix == TRUE) {
            mycolnames <- c(-upstream:-1, 0, 1:downstream)
            fixedMAstartpos <- t(sapply(names(cov_posList), function(x) as.numeric(cov_posList[[x]])[1:(upstream + downstream + 1)]))
            colnames(fixedMAstartpos) <- mycolnames
            fixedMAendpos <- t(sapply(names(cov_posList), function(x) as.numeric(cov_posList[[x]])[(length(as.numeric(cov_posList[[x]])) - (upstream + downstream)):length(as.numeric(cov_posList[[x]]))]))
            colnames(fixedMAendpos) <- mycolnames
            fixedMAstartneg <- t(sapply(names(cov_negList), function(x) as.numeric(cov_negList[[x]])[1:(upstream + downstream + 1)]))
            colnames(fixedMAstartneg) <- mycolnames
            fixedMAendneg <- t(sapply(names(cov_negList), function(x) as.numeric(cov_negList[[x]])[(length(as.numeric(cov_negList[[x]])) - (upstream + downstream)):length(as.numeric(cov_negList[[x]]))]))
            colnames(fixedMAendneg) <- mycolnames
            fixedMA <- rbind(
                data.frame(SampleName = names(bfl[mysample]), N_total_aligned = aligned_reads$records, IDs = rownames(fixedMAstartpos), Strand = "Sense", fixedMAstartpos, check.names = FALSE),
                data.frame(SampleName = names(bfl[mysample]), N_total_aligned = aligned_reads$records, IDs = rownames(fixedMAstartneg), Strand = "Antisense", fixedMAstartneg, check.names = FALSE)
            tmpMA <- rbind(
                data.frame(fixedMAendpos[rownames(fixedMAstartpos), , drop = FALSE], check.names = FALSE),
                data.frame(fixedMAendneg[row.names(fixedMAstartneg), , drop = FALSE], check.names = FALSE)
            fixedMAout <- cbind(fixedMA, "<S|E>" = "|", tmpMA)
            row.names(fixedMAout) <- NULL
            fixedMAresult <- rbind(fixedMAresult, fixedMAout)
            exportDF <- fixedMAout
        ## Combine fixed and binned coverage matrix
        if (!is.null(Nbins) & fixedmatrix == TRUE) {
            fixedbinMAout <- data.frame(fixedMA, "<S|B>" = "|", myDFbins[, -c(1:4), drop = FALSE], "<B|E>" = "|", tmpMA, check.names = FALSE)
            row.names(fixedbinMAout) <- NULL
            fixedbinMAresult <- rbind(fixedbinMAresult, fixedbinMAout)
            exportDF <- fixedbinMAout
        ## Organize rle results in list
        if (fixedmatrix == FALSE & is.null(Nbins)) {
            rle_out <- list(list(N_total_aligned = aligned_reads$records, sense = as(cov_posList, "RleList"), antisense = as(cov_negList, "RleList")))
            names(rle_out) <- names(bfl[mysample])
            rle_result <- c(rle_result, rle_out)
        ## Write tabular data to file in append mode
        if (!is.null(outfile) & (fixedmatrix == TRUE | !is.null(Nbins))) {
            if (!file.exists(outfile)) {
                write.table(exportDF, outfile, append = FALSE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t")
                cat("Processed sample:", names(bfl[mysample]), "and wrote results to file", outfile, "\n")
            } else {
                write.table(exportDF, outfile, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
                cat("Processed sample:", names(bfl[mysample]), "and appended results to file", outfile, "\n")
        } else {
            cat("Processed sample:", names(bfl[mysample]), "\n")
    ## Return proper final result
    if (!is.null(Nbins) & fixedmatrix == FALSE) {
    } else if (is.null(Nbins) & fixedmatrix == TRUE) {
    } else if (!is.null(Nbins) & fixedmatrix == TRUE) {
    } else {
## Usage:
# grl <- GenomicFeatures::cdsBy(txdb, "tx", use.names=TRUE)
# fcov <- featureCoverage(bfl=BamFileList(outpaths[1]), grl=grl[1:4], resizereads=NULL, readlengthrange=NULL, Nbins=NULL, method=mean, fixedmatrix=TRUE, resizefeatures=TRUE, upstream=20, downstream=20, outfile="results/zzz.xls", overwrite=TRUE)

## Helper function to extend single and multi component ranges
## Extends featureBy GRangeList objects containing component features
## such as exons in CDSs or transcripts so that only the first and last components
## get extended. Single component features will be extended the same way.
.resizeFeature <- function(grl, upstream, downstream, component_resort = TRUE) {
    checkPkg("GenomeInfoDb", quietly = FALSE)
    if (!inherits(grl, "GRangesList")) stop("'grl' needs to be a GRangesList object.")
    gr <- unlist(grl)
    if (!all(names(grl) %in% unique(names(gr)))) stop("None or not all components in grl are named.")
    ## Add sort_index
    mcols(gr) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(mcols(gr), sort_index = seq_along(gr))
    ## Ranges on + strand
    gr_pos <- gr[BiocGenerics::strand(gr) == "+" | BiocGenerics::strand(gr) == "*"] # Note: treats unstranded * the same as pos +
    if (component_resort == TRUE) {
        gr_pos <- gr_pos[order(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(gr_pos)), names(gr_pos), start(gr_pos))] # Assures proper sorting
    index_pos_first <- !duplicated(names(gr_pos), fromLast = FALSE)
    suppressWarnings(start(gr_pos[index_pos_first]) <- start(gr_pos[index_pos_first]) - upstream)
    gr_pos <- trim(gr_pos)
    index_pos_last <- !duplicated(names(gr_pos), fromLast = TRUE)
    suppressWarnings(end(gr_pos[index_pos_last]) <- end(gr_pos[index_pos_last]) + downstream)
    gr_pos <- trim(gr_pos)
    ## Ranges on - strand
    gr_neg <- gr[BiocGenerics::strand(gr) == "-"]
    if (component_resort == TRUE) {
        gr_neg <- gr_neg[order(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(gr_neg)), names(gr_neg), -start(gr_neg))]
    index_neg_first <- !duplicated(names(gr_neg), fromLast = FALSE)
    suppressWarnings(end(gr_neg[index_neg_first]) <- end(gr_neg[index_neg_first]) + upstream)
    gr_neg <- trim(gr_neg)
    index_neg_last <- !duplicated(names(gr_neg), fromLast = TRUE)
    suppressWarnings(start(gr_neg[index_neg_last]) <- start(gr_neg[index_neg_last]) - downstream)
    gr_neg <- trim(gr_neg)
    ## Return output in same format as input
    gr_mod <- c(gr_pos, gr_neg)
    gr_mod <- gr_mod[order(mcols(gr_mod)$sort_index)]
    gr_mod <- gr_mod[, seq_along(colnames(mcols(grl[[1]])))]
    myfactor <- names(gr_mod)
    if (is.null(names(grl[[1]]))) names(gr_mod) <- NULL
    grl_mod <- split(gr_mod, myfactor)
    grl_mod <- grl_mod[names(grl)]
## Usage:
# grl_mod <- .resizeFeature(grl=grl, upstream=20, downstream=20, component_resort=TRUE)

## Plot feature coverage ##
## Plots tabular coverage data generated by featureCoverage()
plotfeatureCoverage <- function(covMA, method = mean, scales = "fixed", extendylim = 2, scale_count_val = 10^6) {
    checkPkg("grid", quietly = FALSE)
    ## Some input validity checks
    if (class(covMA) != "data.frame") stop("'covMA' needs to be assigned an object of class 'data.frame'.")
    expectedcol <- c("SampleName", "N_total_aligned", "IDs", "Strand")
    if (any(!colnames(covMA)[1:4] %in% expectedcol)) stop("The first 4 columns in 'covMA' need to be named: ", paste(expectedcol, collapse = ", "))
    ## global functions or variables
    Coverage <- Strand <- NULL
    ## Determine split type required for provided input
    splitloc <- which(grepl("(<S\\|B>)|(<B\\|E>)|(<S\\|E>)", colnames(covMA)))
    ## Get numbers of total aligned reads per sample
    N_total_aligned <- covMA$N_total_aligned
    names(N_total_aligned) <- covMA$SampleName
    N_total_aligned <- N_total_aligned[!duplicated(names(N_total_aligned))]
    ## Define function to convert tabular input into ggplot2 friendly format
    .convertDFlist <- function(malist) {
        for (j in seq_along(malist)[-1]) {
            df <- malist[[j]]
            tmpDF <- data.frame()
            for (i in seq_along(colnames(df))[-c(1, 2)]) {
                tmpDF <- rbind(tmpDF, data.frame(df[, 1:2], Position = colnames(df)[i], Coverage = df[, i]))
            malist[[j]] <- tmpDF
    ## Construct informative title: print ID if only one or their count if more than 1
    ti <- as.character(unique(covMA[, "IDs"]))
    if (length(ti) > 1) ti <- paste(length(ti), "features")

    ## Split and compute summary stats in format expected by ggplot2
    ## For binned matrix
    if (length(splitloc) == 0) {
        malist <- sapply(c("title", "bin"), function(x) NULL)
        malist[["title"]] <- c(titlebin = paste("CDS of", ti), x = "Bins", y = "Coverage")
        bin <- covMA
        malist[["bin"]] <- aggregate(bin[, -c(1:4)], by = list(SampleName = bin$SampleName, Strand = bin$Strand), FUN = method)
        malist <- .convertDFlist(malist)
    ## For fixed matrix around start and stop codons
    if (length(splitloc) == 1) {
        malist <- sapply(c("title", "start", "stop"), function(x) NULL)
        malist[["title"]] <- c(titlestart = paste("Start of", ti), titlestop = paste("Stop of", ti), x = "Bins", y = "Coverage")
        start <- covMA[, 1:(splitloc[1] - 1)]
        malist[["start"]] <- aggregate(start[, -c(1:4)], by = list(SampleName = start$SampleName, Strand = start$Strand), FUN = method)
        stop <- covMA[, c(1:4, (splitloc[1] + 1):length(colnames(covMA)))]
        malist[["stop"]] <- aggregate(stop[, -c(1:4)], by = list(SampleName = stop$SampleName, Strand = stop$Strand), FUN = method)
        malist <- .convertDFlist(malist)
    ## For fixed matrix and binned matrix
    if (length(splitloc) == 2) {
        malist <- sapply(c("title", "start", "bin", "stop"), function(x) NULL)
        malist[["title"]] <- c(titlestart = paste("Start of", ti), titlebin = paste("CDS of", ti), titlestop = paste("Stop of", ti), x = "Bins", y = "Coverage")
        start <- covMA[, 1:(splitloc[1] - 1)]
        malist[["start"]] <- aggregate(start[, -c(1:4)], by = list(SampleName = start$SampleName, Strand = start$Strand), FUN = method)
        bin <- covMA[, c(1:4, (splitloc[1] + 1):(splitloc[2] - 1))]
        malist[["bin"]] <- aggregate(bin[, -c(1:4)], by = list(SampleName = bin$SampleName, Strand = bin$Strand), FUN = method)
        stop <- covMA[, c(1:4, (splitloc[2] + 1):length(colnames(covMA)))]
        malist[["stop"]] <- aggregate(stop[, -c(1:4)], by = list(SampleName = stop$SampleName, Strand = stop$Strand), FUN = method)
        malist <- .convertDFlist(malist)
    ## Scale per x reads (e.g. per million reads)
    if (is.numeric(scale_count_val[1])) {
        for (i in seq_along(malist)[-1]) malist[[i]][, "Coverage"] <- malist[[i]][, "Coverage"] * (scale_count_val / N_total_aligned[malist[[i]][, "SampleName"]])
    } else if (length(scale_count_val) == 0) {
        malist <- malist
    } else {
        stop("'scale_count_val' needs to be assinged NULL or numeric value.")
    ## Label for coverage axis
    if (length(scale_count_val) == 0) axis_label <- "Raw Coverage"
    if (length(scale_count_val) > 0) axis_label <- paste("Coverage normalized per", scale_count_val, "reads")
    ## Get maximum coverage in data sets after summing up strand spec counts
    mymax <- numeric()
    for (i in seq_along(malist)[-1]) {
        myfactor <- paste(malist[[i]][, 1], malist[[i]][, 2], malist[[i]][, 3], sep = "_")
        mymax <- max(c(mymax, max(tapply(malist[[i]][, "Coverage"], myfactor, sum))))
    mymax <- mymax * extendylim
    ## Generate plotting instructions
    myplotlist <- sapply(names(malist[-1]), function(x) NULL, simplify = FALSE)
    for (i in seq_along(myplotlist)) {
        myplot <- ggplot2::ggplot(malist[[names(myplotlist)[i]]], ggplot2::aes(x = Position, y = Coverage)) +
            ggplot2::geom_bar(ggplot2::aes(fill = Strand), position = "stack", stat = "identity") +
            ggplot2::facet_wrap(~SampleName, ncol = 1, scales = scales) +
            ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
            ggplot2::ggtitle(malist[["title"]][i]) +
            ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(limits = unique(malist[[names(myplotlist)[i]]]$Position))
        ## Assure same scale for all panels if scales="fixed"
        if (scales == "fixed") {
            myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(axis_label, limits = c(0, mymax))
        } else {
            myplot <- myplot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(axis_label)
        myplotlist[[i]] <- myplot
    ## Generate graphics
    grid::grid.newpage() # Open a new page on grid device
    grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(layout = grid::grid.layout(1, length(myplotlist)))) # Assign to device viewport with 1 by 2 grid layout
    for (i in seq(along = myplotlist)) print(myplotlist[[i]], vp = grid::viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = i))

## Usage:
# grl <- GenomicFeatures::cdsBy(txdb, "tx", use.names=TRUE)
# fcov <- featureCoverage(bfl=BamFileList(outpaths[1:2]), grl=grl[1:4], resizereads=NULL, readlengthrange=NULL, Nbins=20, method=mean, fixedmatrix=TRUE, resizefeatures=TRUE, upstream=20, downstream=20, outfile="results/zzz.xls", overwrite=TRUE)
# plotfeatureCoverage(covMA=fcov, method=mean, scales="fixed", extendylim=2, scale_count_val=10^6)

## Predict ORFs ##
## Function to predict ORFs in DNA sequences provided as DNAString/DNAStringSet objects
predORF <- function(x, n = 1, type = "grl", mode = "orf", strand = "sense", longest_disjoint = FALSE, startcodon = "ATG", stopcodon = c("TAA", "TAG", "TGA")) {
    pkg <- c("IRanges", "GenomeInfoDb")
    checkPkg(pkg, quietly = FALSE)
    ## Check input validity
    if (any(nchar(c(startcodon, stopcodon)) != 3)) stop("startcodon and stopcodons can only contain 3-letter strings.")
    if (!toupper(mode) %in% c("ORF", "CDS")) stop("'mode' can only be assigned one of: 'orf' or 'cds'")
    if (length(names(x)) == 0 | any(duplicated(names(x)))) stop("Sequence name slot of x need be populated with unique names.")
    ## Remove sequence with less than 6 nucleotides in length
    x <- x[width(x) >= 6]
    ## Function for predicting ORFs/CDSs on single sequence
    .predORF <- function(x, n, mode, strand, ...) {
        ## start/stop codon assignment
        if (tolower(strand) == "sense") {
            mystrand <- 1 # for +
            startcodon <- startcodon
            stopcodon <- stopcodon
        } else if (tolower(strand) == "antisense") {
            ## Reverse and complement start/stop plus swap their assignment
            mystrand <- 2 # for -
            stopcodon_temp <- as.character(Biostrings::reverseComplement(Biostrings::DNAStringSet(stopcodon)))
            startcodon_temp <- as.character(Biostrings::reverseComplement(Biostrings::DNAStringSet(startcodon)))
            stopcodon <- startcodon_temp
            startcodon <- stopcodon_temp
        } else {
            stop("strand can only be assigned 'sense', 'antisense' or 'both'")
        ## Sequences containing N are not processed
        if (Biostrings::alphabetFrequency(x)["N"] > 0) {
            orfRanges <- cbind(subject_id = numeric(), start = numeric(), end = numeric(), width = numeric(), strand = numeric(), inframe2end = numeric())
            warning("Skipped sequence containing Ns.")
        ## Tripletize x for each frame
        c1 <- as.character(suppressWarnings(Biostrings::codons(x)))
        c2 <- as.character(suppressWarnings(Biostrings::codons(x[2:length(x)])))
        c3 <- as.character(suppressWarnings(Biostrings::codons(x[3:length(x)])))
        ## Identify position of start/stop in tripletized x
        startpos1 <- which(c1 %in% startcodon)
        stoppos1 <- which(c1 %in% stopcodon)
        startpos2 <- which(c2 %in% startcodon)
        stoppos2 <- which(c2 %in% stopcodon)
        startpos3 <- which(c3 %in% startcodon)
        stoppos3 <- which(c3 %in% stopcodon)
        ## Make sure subsequent code also finds coding sequence frames (CDS) rather than just strict open reading frames (ORFs)
        if (mode == "cds") {
            stoppos1 <- unique(c(0, stoppos1, length(c1) + 1))
            stoppos2 <- unique(c(0, stoppos2, length(c2) + 1))
            stoppos3 <- unique(c(0, stoppos3, length(c3) + 1))
            startpos1 <- stoppos1
            startpos2 <- stoppos2
            startpos3 <- stoppos3
        ## Map tripletized matches back to sequence of x
        if (tolower(strand) == "sense") {
            orfpos1 <- t(sapply(seq(along = startpos1), function(x) c((startpos1[x] * 3) - 2, stoppos1[stoppos1 > startpos1[x]][1] * 3)))
            if (length(orfpos1) == 0) orfpos1 <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2)
            orfpos2 <- t(sapply(seq(along = startpos2), function(x) c((startpos2[x] * 3) - 1, (stoppos2[stoppos2 > startpos2[x]][1] * 3) + 1)))
            if (length(orfpos2) == 0) orfpos2 <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2)
            orfpos3 <- t(sapply(seq(along = startpos3), function(x) c((startpos3[x] * 3) - 0, (stoppos3[stoppos3 > startpos3[x]][1] * 3) + 2)))
            if (length(orfpos3) == 0) orfpos3 <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2)
        if (tolower(strand) == "antisense") { # Note - for antisense predictions startpos contain stop codons and stoppos contain start codons
            startpos1 <- sort(startpos1, decreasing = TRUE)
            startpos2 <- sort(startpos2, decreasing = TRUE)
            startpos3 <- sort(startpos3, decreasing = TRUE)
            stoppos1 <- sort(stoppos1, decreasing = TRUE)
            stoppos2 <- sort(stoppos2, decreasing = TRUE)
            stoppos3 <- sort(stoppos3, decreasing = TRUE)
            orfpos1 <- t(sapply(seq(along = stoppos1), function(x) c((startpos1[startpos1 < stoppos1[x]][1] * 3) - 2, stoppos1[x] * 3)))
            if (length(orfpos1) == 0) orfpos1 <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2)
            orfpos2 <- t(sapply(seq(along = stoppos2), function(x) c((startpos2[startpos2 < stoppos2[x]][1] * 3) - 1, (stoppos2[x] * 3) + 1)))
            if (length(orfpos2) == 0) orfpos2 <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2)
            orfpos3 <- t(sapply(seq(along = stoppos3), function(x) c((startpos3[startpos3 < stoppos3[x]][1] * 3) - 0, (stoppos3[x] * 3) + 2)))
            if (length(orfpos3) == 0) orfpos3 <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2)
        orfRanges <- rbind(orfpos1, orfpos2, orfpos3)
        orfRanges <- na.omit(orfRanges)
        if (mode == "cds") { # Modifications required for mode=="cds"
            orfRanges[, 1] <- orfRanges[, 1] + 3
            orfRanges[orfRanges[, 2] > length(x), 2] <- length(x)
        orfRanges <- IRanges::IRanges(start = orfRanges[, 1], end = orfRanges[, 2])
        orfRanges <- orfRanges[rev(order(width(orfRanges)))]
        ## Organize results in data.frame and also add info about frame of predicted ORF to downstream ORF e.g. prediction is uORF of 5'-UTR
        orfRanges <- as.data.frame(orfRanges)
        inframe <- (length(x) - orfRanges$end) / 3
        inframe2 <- inframe
        inframe2[abs((inframe - as.integer(inframe))) == 0] <- 1
        inframe2[abs(round((inframe - as.integer(inframe)), 2)) == round(1 / 3, 2)] <- 2
        inframe2[abs(round((inframe - as.integer(inframe)), 2)) == round(2 / 3, 2)] <- 3
        if (nrow(orfRanges) > 0) {
            orfRanges <- cbind(subject_id = 1:length(orfRanges[, 1]), orfRanges, strand = mystrand, inframe2end = inframe2)
        } else {
            orfRanges <- cbind(subject_id = numeric(), start = numeric(), end = numeric(), width = numeric(), strand = numeric(), inframe2end = numeric())
        ## Return all ORFs
        if (n == "all") {
            ## Subset to non-overlapping ORF set containing longest ORF
            if (nrow(orfRanges) > 0 & longest_disjoint == TRUE) {
                tmpgr <- GRanges(seqnames = "dummy", IRanges::IRanges(orfRanges[, 2], orfRanges[, 3]), strand = "+")
                orfRanges <- orfRanges[disjointBins(tmpgr) == 1, , drop = FALSE]
                orfRanges[, 1] <- 1:nrow(orfRanges)
            ## Return only as many ORFs as specified under n sorted decreasingly by length
        } else if (is.numeric(n)) {
            ## Make sure subsetting does not exceed number of records in orfRanges
            if (nrow(orfRanges) < n & nrow(orfRanges) != 0) {
                upperlimit <- length(orfRanges[, 1])
            } else if (nrow(orfRanges) > 0) {
                upperlimit <- n
            } else {
                upperlimit <- NULL
            if (is.null(upperlimit)) {
                return(orfRanges[upperlimit, , drop = FALSE])
            } else {
                return(orfRanges[1:upperlimit, , drop = FALSE])
        } else {
            stop("n needs to be assigned positive integer or 'all'")
    ## Run .predORF
    if (class(x) == "DNAString") {
        if (tolower(strand) == "sense" | tolower(strand) == "antisense") {
            tmp <- .predORF(x, n, mode, strand, longest_disjoint, startcodon, stopcodon)
            tmp[, "strand"] <- ifelse(as.numeric(tmp[, "strand"]) == 1, "+", "-")
        } else if (tolower(strand) == "both") {
            tmp_pos <- .predORF(x, n, mode, strand = "sense", longest_disjoint, startcodon, stopcodon)
            tmp_neg <- .predORF(x, n, mode, strand = "antisense", longest_disjoint, startcodon, stopcodon)
            tmp <- rbind(tmp_pos, tmp_neg)
            tmp[, "strand"] <- ifelse(as.numeric(tmp[, "strand"]) == 1, "+", "-")
        } else {
            stop("strand can only be assigned 'sense', 'antisense' or 'both'")
        if (type == "df") {
        if (type == "gr") {
            return(makeGRangesFromDataFrame(data.frame(seqnames = "unknown", tmp), keep.extra.columns = TRUE))
    if (class(x) == "DNAStringSet") {
        if (tolower(strand) == "sense" | tolower(strand) == "antisense") {
            tmp <- lapply(x, function(y) .predORF(y, n = n, mode = mode, strand, longest_disjoint, startcodon, stopcodon))
            names(tmp) <- names(x)
            tmpdf <- do.call("rbind", tmp)
            rownames(tmpdf) <- NULL
            tmpdf <- data.frame(seqnames = rep(names(tmp), sapply(tmp, nrow)), tmpdf)
            tmpdf[, "strand"] <- ifelse(as.numeric(tmpdf[, "strand"]) == 1, "+", "-")
        } else if (tolower(strand) == "both") {
            ## for sense strand
            tmp_pos <- lapply(x, function(y) .predORF(y, n = n, mode = mode, strand = "sense", longest_disjoint, startcodon, stopcodon))
            names(tmp_pos) <- names(x)
            tmpdf_pos <- do.call("rbind", tmp_pos)
            rownames(tmpdf_pos) <- NULL
            ## for antisense strand
            tmpdf_pos <- data.frame(seqnames = rep(names(tmp_pos), sapply(tmp_pos, nrow)), tmpdf_pos)
            tmp_neg <- lapply(x, function(y) .predORF(y, n = n, mode = mode, strand = "antisense", longest_disjoint, startcodon, stopcodon))
            names(tmp_neg) <- names(x)
            tmpdf_neg <- do.call("rbind", tmp_neg)
            rownames(tmpdf_neg) <- NULL
            tmpdf_neg <- data.frame(seqnames = rep(names(tmp_neg), sapply(tmp_neg, nrow)), tmpdf_neg)
            ## combine and sort results
            tmpdf <- rbind(tmpdf_pos, tmpdf_neg)
            tmpdf[, "strand"] <- ifelse(as.numeric(tmpdf[, "strand"]) == 1, "+", "-")
            tmpdf <- tmpdf[order(tmpdf$seqnames, tmpdf$subject_id), ]
        } else {
            stop("strand can only be assigned 'sense', 'antisense' or 'both'")
        ## Return results in format defined by type
        if (tolower(type) == "df") {
            rownames(tmpdf) <- NULL
        } else if (tolower(type) == "gr") {
            tmpdf <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(tmpdf, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
        } else if (tolower(type) == "grl") {
            tmpdf <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(tmpdf, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
            tmpdf <- split(tmpdf, as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(tmpdf)))
        } else {
            stop("type can only be assigned 'df' of 'gr'")
# library(Biostrings)
# file <- system.file("extdata", "someORF.fa", package="Biostrings")
# dna <- readDNAStringSet(file)
# orf <- predORF(dna[1:4], n=1, type="df", mode="orf", strand="antisense", startcodon="ATG", stopcodon=c("TAA", "TAG", "TGA"))

## Scale feature level mappings to genome positions ##
## Function to scale ranges within genomic features (query)
## to corresponding genome positions (subject). The function
## also accounts for intron insertions of compound features
## (e.g. between exons of transcribed regions) that are absent in
## the query ranges, but present in the corresponding subject ranges.
scaleRanges <- function(subject, query, type = "custom", verbose = TRUE) {
    pkg <- c("IRanges", "GenomeInfoDb")
    checkPkg(pkg, quietly = FALSE)
    ## Both input objects need to be of class GRangesList
    if (!inherits(subject, "GRangesList") | !inherits(query, "GRangesList")) stop("Both subject and query need to be GRangesList objects.")
    ## All names(query) need to be present in names(subject)
    if (any(!names(query) %in% names(subject))) stop("All 'names(query)' need to be present in 'names(subject)'.")
    ## Perform scaling on single subject/query pair each containing on entry
    .scaleRanges <- function(subject, query, returntype = "df") {
        ## Check for validity of query
        if (length(query) > 1) warning("Only the first range in 'query' will be used.")
        query <- query[1]
        if (sum(width(subject)) < width(query)) stop("Sum of width of subject ranges cannot be smaller than width of query range.")
        ## Check for validity of subject
        subjectstrand <- unique(as.character(BiocGenerics::strand(subject)))
        if (length(subjectstrand) != 1) stop("More than one orientation detected. There can only be one.")
        querystrand <- unique(as.character(BiocGenerics::strand(query)))
        ## Check for validity of seqnames
        myseqname <- unique(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(subject)))
        if (length(myseqname) != 1) stop("More than one seqname detected. There can only be one.")
        ## Scale query range to range of subject ranges (of genomic feature) using interval trees from IRanges
        subject <- subject[order(start(subject))]
        rangev <- paste("c(", paste(paste(start(subject), end(subject), sep = ":"), collapse = ", "), ")", sep = "")
        rangev <- eval(parse(text = rangev))
        names(rangev) <- seq_along(rangev)
        if (subjectstrand == "+") rangev <- rangev[start(query):end(query)]
        if (subjectstrand == "-") rangev <- rev(rangev)[start(query):end(query)]
        ir <- reduce(IRanges::IRanges(rangev, rangev))
        ## Set orientation properly
        if (querystrand == "-" & subjectstrand == "-") mystrand <- "+"
        if (querystrand == "+" & subjectstrand == "+") mystrand <- "+"
        if (querystrand == "+" & subjectstrand == "-") mystrand <- "-"
        if (querystrand == "-" & subjectstrand == "+") mystrand <- "-"
        ## Organize result as GRanges
        if (mystrand == "+") { # Proper exon ranking for exons on +/- strand
            gr <- GRanges(myseqname, ir[order(start(ir), decreasing = FALSE)], mystrand)
        } else {
            gr <- GRanges(myseqname, ir[order(start(ir), decreasing = TRUE)], mystrand)
        mcols(gr) <- data.frame(type = type)
        ## Return results as data.frame or GRanges
        if (returntype == "gr") {
        if (returntype == "df") {
    ## Run .scaleRanges on two GRangesLists as input
    subject <- subject[names(query)] # Subset subject to entries in query
    mygrl <- unlist(query)
    myids1 <- rep(names(query), sapply(start(query), length))
    myids2 <- paste(myids1, ":", start(mygrl), "_", end(mygrl), sep = "")
    mcols(mygrl) <- data.frame(type = type)
    mygrl <- split(mygrl, seq_along(mygrl))
    names(mygrl) <- myids2
    mylist <- as.list(character(length = length(mygrl)))
    names(mylist) <- names(mygrl)
    for (i in seq_along(mygrl)) {
        myentryid <- myids1[i]
        suppressWarnings(mylist[[i]] <- .scaleRanges(subject[[myentryid]], mygrl[[i]]))
        if (verbose == TRUE) {
            cat(paste0("Scaled range ", i, " of ", length(mygrl), " ranges: ", names(mygrl[i])), "\n")
    ## If loop gets interrupted, output only completed results!
    mylist <- mylist[1:i]
    gr <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(do.call("rbind", mylist), keep.extra.columns = FALSE)
    mcols(gr) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(feature_by = as(rep(names(mylist), sapply(mylist, nrow)), "CharacterList"), featuretype_id = names(gr), featuretype = type)
    names(gr) <- NULL
    grl <- split(gr, as.character(mcols(gr)$feature_by))
## Usage for simple example
# subject <- GRanges(seqnames="Chr1", IRanges(c(5,15,30),c(10,25,40)), strand="+")
# query <- GRanges(seqnames="myseq", IRanges(1, 9), strand="+")
# scaleRanges(GRangesList(myid1=subject), GRangesList(myid1=query), type="test")

## Usage for more complex example
# library(txdbmaker)
# gff <- system.file("extdata/annotation", "tair10.gff", package="systemPipeRdata")
# txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(file=gff, format="gff3", organism="Arabidopsis")
# futr <- fiveUTRsByTranscript(txdb, use.names=TRUE)
# genome <- system.file("extdata/annotation", "tair10.fasta", package="systemPipeRdata")
# dna <- extractTranscriptSeqs(FaFile(genome), futr)
# uorf <- predORF(dna, n="all", mode="orf", longest_disjoint=TRUE, strand="sense")
# grl_scaled <- scaleRanges(subject=futr, query=uorf, type="uORF", verbose=TRUE)
# rtracklayer::export.gff3(unlist(grl_scaled), "uorf.gff")

## Translational Efficiency Analysis ##
## Currently, this step is covered entire by the code given in the Ribo-Seq
## workflow vignette using DESeq2 out of the box. The approach ended up being
## very similar to some of time course analysis steps given in the DESeq2
## vignette as well as some community discussions:
##      https://support.bioconductor.org/p/61509/ also here
##      https://support.bioconductor.org/p/67455/
## To-dos: add convenience function similar to run_DESeq2 (or extend it)
## to handle this analysis step for many experiment sets in a more convenient manner.

## Adaptor Trimming ##
## Trims adaptors hierarchically from longest to shortest match from right end of read.
## If 'internalmatch=TRUE' then internal matches will trigger the same behavior. The
## argument minpatternlength defines shortest adaptor match to consider for reads
## containing only partial adaptors at the right end.
trimbatch <- function(fq, pattern, internalmatch = FALSE, minpatternlength = 8,
                      Nnumber = 1, polyhomo = 100, minreadlength = 18, maxreadlength) {
    mylength <- max(width(fq))
    if (internalmatch == TRUE) {
        regpart <- ".*"
    } else {
        regpart <- "$"
    processedreads <- ShortRead::ShortReadQ()
    ## Iterative trimming based on regular expression
    for (j in seq(along = minpatternlength:(nchar(pattern))) - 1) {
        mypattern <- paste(substring(pattern, 1, nchar(pattern) - j), regpart, sep = "")
        d <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(gsub(mypattern, "", sread(fq)))
        q <- Biostrings::BStringSet(Biostrings::quality(Biostrings::quality(fq)), 1, width(d))
        fq <- ShortRead::ShortReadQ(sread = d, quality = q, id = id(fq))
        processedreads <- BiocGenerics::append(processedreads, fq[width(fq) < mylength])
        fq <- fq[width(fq) >= mylength]
    processedreads <- BiocGenerics::append(processedreads, fq)
    processedreads <- processedreads[width(processedreads) >= minreadlength & width(processedreads) <= maxreadlength] # Read length filter
    filter1 <- ShortRead::nFilter(threshold = Nnumber) # keep only reads with <= x Ns
    filter2 <- ShortRead::polynFilter(threshold = polyhomo, nuc = c("A", "C", "T", "G")) # remove reads with x or more of the same nucleotide
    filter <- ShortRead::compose(filter1, filter2) # Combine filters into one
## Usage:
# iterTrim <- trimbatch(fq, pattern="ACACGTCT", minpatternlength=6, Nnumber=1, polyhomo=20, minreadlength=16, maxreadlength = 101)
# preprocessReads(args=args, Fct=iterTrim, batchsize=100000, overwrite=TRUE, compress=TRUE)
tgirke/systemPipeR documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 9:48 a.m.