## Method Definitions for SYSargs ##
## Methods to return SYSargs components
setMethod(f = "targetsin", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "targetsout", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "targetsheader", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "modules", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "software", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "cores", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "other", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "reference", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "results", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "infile1", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "infile2", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "outfile1", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "SampleName", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "sysargs", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
setMethod(f = "outpaths", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x) {
## Constructor methods
## List to SYSargs with: as(mylist, "SYSargs")
from = "list", to = "SYSargs",
def = function(from) {
targetsin = from$targetsin,
targetsout = from$targetsout,
targetsheader = from$targetsheader,
modules = from$modules,
software = from$software,
cores = from$cores,
other = from$other,
reference = from$reference,
results = from$results,
infile1 = from$infile1,
infile2 = from$infile2,
outfile1 = from$outfile1,
sysargs = from$sysargs,
outpaths = from$outpaths
## Define print behavior for SYSargs
f = "show", signature = "SYSargs",
definition = function(object) {
cat("An instance of '", class(object), "' for running '", object@software, "' on ", length(object@sysargs), " samples ", "\n", sep = "")
## Extend names() method
f = "names", signature = "SYSargs",
definition = function(x) {
## Extend length() method
f = "length", signature = "SYSargs",
definition = function(x) {
## Behavior of "[" operator for SYSargs
setMethod(f = "[", signature = "SYSargs", definition = function(x, i, ..., drop) {
if (is.logical(i)) {
i <- which(i)
x@targetsin <- x@targetsin[i, ]
x@targetsout <- x@targetsout[i, ]
x@infile1 <- x@infile1[i]
x@infile2 <- x@infile2[i]
x@outfile1 <- x@outfile1[i]
x@sysargs <- x@sysargs[i]
x@outpaths <- x@outpaths[i]
## Construct SYSargs object from param and targets files
systemArgs <- function(sysma, mytargets, type = "SYSargs") {
## Read sysma and convert to arglist; if NULL is assigned to sysma then a dummy version is generated
sysmapath <- sysma
if (length(sysmapath) != 0) {
sysma <- as.matrix(read.delim(sysma, comment.char = "#"))
sysma[is.na(sysma)] <- ""
} else {
sysma <- cbind(
PairSet = c("software", "cores", "other", "outfile1", "reference", "infile1", "infile1", "infile2", "infile2"),
Name = c("", "", "", "", "", "", "path", "", "path"),
Value = c("", "1", "", "<FileName1>", "", "<FileName1>", "", "<FileName2>", "")
if (any(sysma[, 1] %in% "type")) { # Detects software type: commandline or R
iscommandline <- sysma[sysma[, 1] %in% "type", , drop = FALSE]
iscommandline <- as.logical(iscommandline[1, "Value"])
sysma <- sysma[!sysma[, 1] %in% "type", ] # removes type row(s)
} else {
iscommandline <- TRUE # If type line not present then 'commandline' will be assumed
arglist <- sapply(as.character(unique(sysma[, "PairSet"])), function(x) as.vector(t(as.matrix(sysma[sysma[, "PairSet"] == x, 2:3]))), simplify = FALSE)
for (i in seq(along = arglist)) names(arglist[[i]]) <- paste(rep(c("n", "v"), length(arglist[[i]]) / 2), rep(1:(length(arglist[[i]]) / 2), 2), sep = "")
if (type == "json") {
checkPkg("rjson", quietly = FALSE)
## Read comment/header lines from targets file
targetsheader <- readLines(mytargets)
targetsheader <- targetsheader[grepl("^#", targetsheader)]
## Validity checks
mytargets <- read.delim(mytargets, comment.char = "#")
mytargetsorig <- mytargets
if (any(duplicated(mytargets$SampleName))) stop("SampleName column of mytargets cannot contain duplicated entries!")
## Preprocessing of targets input
colnames(mytargets)[1] <- "FileName1" # To support FileName column for SE data
## Insert empty FileName2 column if not present
if (length(mytargets$FileName2) == 0) mytargets <- data.frame(FileName1 = mytargets$FileName1, FileName2 = "", mytargets[, !colnames(mytargets) %in% "FileName1"])
## Check name:value violations in arglist
check <- sapply(names(arglist), function(x) sum(grepl("^n", names(arglist[[x]]))) == sum(grepl("^n", names(arglist[[x]]))))
if (any(!check)) stop("Name:Value violation in arglist component(s): ",
paste(names(check[check]), collapse = ", "))
## Modify arglist object as specified in arglist and mytargets
## Remove module component and store values in separate container
modules <- as.character(arglist$modules[grepl("v", names(arglist$modules))])
arglist <- arglist[!names(arglist) %in% "modules"]
## Extract single value components
software <- as.character(arglist$software[grepl("v", names(arglist$software))])
other <- as.character(arglist$other[grepl("v", names(arglist$other))])
if (!(is.na(arglist[["reference"]][["v1"]]) | nchar(arglist[["reference"]][["v1"]]) == 0)) {
reference <- as.character(arglist$reference[grepl("v", names(arglist$reference))])
if (!grepl("^/", reference)) reference <- paste0(getwd(), gsub("^\\.", "", reference)) # Turn relative into absolute path.
arglist[["reference"]]["v1"] <- reference
} else {
reference <- ""
cores <- as.numeric(arglist$cores[grepl("v", names(arglist$cores))])
## Populate arglist$infile1
if (any(grepl("^<.*>$", arglist$infile1))) {
infile1 <- gsub("<|>", "", arglist$infile1[grepl("^<.*>$", arglist$infile1)][[1]])
infile1 <- as.character(mytargets[, infile1])
infile1 <- normalizePath(infile1)
argname <- arglist$infile1[grep("<.*>", arglist$infile1)[1] - 1]
path <- arglist$infile1[grep("path", arglist$infile1)[1] + 1]
infile1back <- paste(path, infile1, sep = "")
names(infile1back) <- as.character(mytargets$SampleName)
infile1 <- paste(argname, " ", path, infile1, sep = "")
arglist[["infile1"]] <- gsub("(^ {1,})|( ${1,})", "", infile1)
} else {
infile1back <- rep("", length(mytargets[, 1]))
infile1 <- infile1back
names(infile1back) <- as.character(mytargets$SampleName)
arglist[["infile1"]] <- infile1back
## Populate arglist$infile2
if (any(grepl("^<.*>$", arglist$infile2))) {
infile2 <- gsub("<|>", "", arglist$infile2[grepl("^<.*>$", arglist$infile2)][[1]])
infile2 <- as.character(mytargets[, infile2])
if (nchar(infile2[1]) > 0) infile2 <- normalizePath(infile2)
argname <- arglist$infile2[grep("<.*>", arglist$infile2)[1] - 1]
path <- arglist$infile2[grep("path", arglist$infile2)[1] + 1]
infile2back <- paste(path, infile2, sep = "")
names(infile2back) <- as.character(mytargets$SampleName)
infile2 <- paste(argname, " ", path, infile2, sep = "")
arglist[["infile2"]] <- gsub("(^ {1,})|( ${1,})", "", infile2)
} else {
infile2back <- rep("", length(mytargets[, 1]))
infile2 <- infile2back
names(infile2back) <- as.character(mytargets$SampleName)
arglist[["infile2"]] <- infile2back
## Populate arglist$outfile1
outfile1 <- gsub("<|>", "", arglist$outfile1[grepl("^<.*>$", arglist$outfile1)][[1]])
outfile1 <- as.character(mytargets[, outfile1])
outfile1 <- gsub("^.*/", "", outfile1)
remove <- arglist$outfile1[grep("remove", arglist$outfile1)[1] + 1]
outfile1 <- gsub(as.character(remove), "", outfile1)
outfile1back <- outfile1
outpaths <- outfile1
outextension <- as.character(arglist$outfile1[grep("outextension", arglist$outfile1) + 1])
append <- arglist$outfile1[grep("append", arglist$outfile1)[1] + 1]
outfile1 <- paste(outfile1, append, sep = "")
argname <- arglist$outfile1[grep("<.*>", arglist$outfile1)[1] - 1]
path <- arglist$outfile1[grep("path", arglist$outfile1)[1] + 1]
path <- gsub("^\\./|^/|/$", "", path)
resultpath <- paste(getwd(), "/", path, "/", sep = "")
outfile1back <- paste(getwd(), "/", path, "/", outfile1, sep = "")
names(outfile1back) <- as.character(mytargets$SampleName)
outfile1 <- paste(argname, " ", getwd(), "/", path, "/", outfile1, sep = "")
arglist[["outfile1"]] <- gsub("(^ {1,})|( ${1,})", "", outfile1)
## Populate arglist$outfile2 if it exists (usually only required for PE trimming)
if ("outfile2" %in% names(arglist)) {
outfile2 <- gsub("<|>", "", arglist$outfile2[grepl("^<.*>$", arglist$outfile2)][[1]])
outfile2 <- as.character(mytargets[, outfile2])
outfile2 <- gsub("^.*/", "", outfile2)
remove2 <- arglist$outfile2[grep("remove", arglist$outfile2)[1] + 1]
outfile2 <- gsub(as.character(remove2), "", outfile2)
outfile2back <- outfile2
outpaths2 <- outfile2
outextension2 <- as.character(arglist$outfile2[grep("outextension", arglist$outfile2) + 1])
append2 <- arglist$outfile2[grep("append", arglist$outfile2)[1] + 1]
outfile2 <- paste(outfile2, append2, sep = "")
argname2 <- arglist$outfile2[grep("<.*>", arglist$outfile2)[1] - 1]
path2 <- arglist$outfile2[grep("path", arglist$outfile2)[1] + 1]
path2 <- gsub("^\\./|^/|/$", "", path2)
resultpath2 <- paste(getwd(), "/", path2, "/", sep = "")
outfile2back <- paste(getwd(), "/", path2, "/", outfile2, sep = "")
names(outfile2back) <- as.character(mytargets$SampleName)
outfile2 <- paste(argname2, " ", getwd(), "/", path2, "/", outfile2, sep = "")
arglist[["outfile2"]] <- gsub("(^ {1,})|( ${1,})", "", outfile2)
## Generate arglist$outpaths
outpaths <- paste(getwd(), "/", path, "/", outpaths, outextension, sep = "")
names(outpaths) <- as.character(mytargets$SampleName)
## Generate targetsout
targetsout <- mytargetsorig
targetsout[, 1] <- outpaths[as.character(targetsout$SampleName)]
if ("outfile2" %in% names(arglist)) {
outpaths2 <- paste(getwd(), "/", path2, "/", outpaths2, outextension2, sep = "")
names(outpaths2) <- as.character(mytargets$SampleName)
targetsout[, 2] <- outpaths2[as.character(targetsout$SampleName)]
arglist <- arglist[!names(arglist) %in% "outfile2"]
} else {
colnames(targetsout)[1] <- "FileName"
targetsout <- targetsout[, !colnames(targetsout) %in% "FileName2"]
## Collapse remaining components to single string vectors
remaining <- names(arglist)[!names(arglist) %in% c("outfile1", "infile1", "infile2", "outpaths")]
for (i in remaining) arglist[[i]] <- rep(gsub("(^ {1,})|( ${1,})", "", paste(arglist[[i]], collapse = " ")), length(arglist$infile1))
args <- do.call("cbind", arglist)
rownames(args) <- as.character(mytargets$SampleName)
args <- apply(args, 1, paste, collapse = " ")
if (software == "bash_commands") { # If command-line is series of bash commands
args <- gsub("' {1,}| {1,}'", "'", args)
args <- gsub("bash_commands {1,}", "", args)
## When software is R-based then system commands make no sense and NA is used instead
if (iscommandline == FALSE) args[] <- ""
## If sysma=NULL then make adjustments that are most reasonable
if (length(sysmapath) == 0) {
targetsout <- mytargetsorig
modules <- ""
software <- "R functions"
other <- ""
reference <- ""
resultpath <- ""
outfile1back <- infile1back
args[] <- ""
outpaths[] <- infile1back
## Construct SYSargs object from components
syslist <- list(
targetsin = mytargetsorig,
targetsout = targetsout,
targetsheader = targetsheader,
modules = modules,
software = software,
cores = cores,
other = other,
reference = reference,
results = resultpath,
infile1 = infile1back,
infile2 = infile2back,
outfile1 = outfile1back,
sysargs = args,
outpaths = outpaths
sysargs <- as(syslist, "SYSargs")
if (type == "SYSargs") {
## Usage:
# args <- systemArgs(sysma="../inst/extdata/tophat.param", mytargets="../inst/extdata/targets.txt")
# names(args); modules(args); cores(args); outpaths(args); sysargs(args)
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