
Defines functions getParamVector MatrixToPars ParsToMatrix multi.which GetLHSPoints GetGridPoints GenerateValues compute_neglnlikelihood HessianConfidence print.corhmm_confidence ComputeCI

Documented in ComputeCI

#' Compute confidence around rate estimates
#' corHMM gives a single point estimate of rates, but this point estimate could be very uncertain. A traditional way to evaluate confidence is to vary each parameter until the log likelihood gets 2 units worse, while holding other parameters at their maximum likelihood estimates. That's fine and fast, but it can be misled by ridges. So, instead, we want all values that lead to a likelihood within two log likelihood units of the best. The range will be at least as wide as the univariate estimates but probably much larger. 
#' @param corhmm.object The result of a corHMM search
#' @param desired.delta How many log likelihood units to deviate from the optimal likelihood from
#' @param n.points How many points to use
#' @param verbose If TRUE, print details of the search to the screen
#' @param good.only If TRUE, only return the ones within the desired delta
#' @param use.pbapply If TRUE, use the pbapply package to give output for the multivariate fitting
#' @param n.cores If using pbapply, batch the analyses across this many cores
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass into the likelihood function.
#' @export 
#' @examples 
#' 	data(primates)
#'	phy <- multi2di(primates[[1]])
#'	data <- primates[[2]]
#'	MK_3state <- corHMM(phy = phy, data = data, rate.cat = 1)
#'	confidence_results <- ComputeConfidenceIntervals(MK_3state)
#'  print(confidence_results)
#'  plot(confidence_results, pch=".", col=rgb(0,0,0,.5))
#' @author Brian C. O'Meara
# ComputeConfidenceIntervals <- function(corhmm.object, desired.delta = 2, n.points=5000, verbose=TRUE, good.only=TRUE, use.pbapply=FALSE, n.cores=1, ...) {
# 	best.lnl <- corhmm.object$loglik
# 	index.mat <- corhmm.object$index.mat
# 	raw.rates <- corhmm.object$solution
# 	corhmm.object$node.states <- "none" #we don't want to waste time on this
# 	par <- MatrixToPars(corhmm.object)
# 	par.best <- par
# 	# Univariate
# 	results<-data.frame(data.frame(matrix(nrow=1, ncol=1+length(par))))
# 	results[1,] <- c(best.lnl, par.best)
# 	for(par_index in seq_along(par)) {
# 		par <- par.best
# 		current.lnl <- best.lnl
# 		while(current.lnl > best.lnl - 5*desired.delta) {
# 			par[par_index] <- par[par_index]*.97
# 			current.lnl <- compute_neglnlikelihood(par, corhmm.object)
# 			results[nrow(results)+1,] <- c(current.lnl, par)
# 			if(verbose & nrow(results)%%100==0) {
# 				print(tail(results,100))
# 			}
# 		}
# 		current.lnl <- best.lnl
# 		while(current.lnl > best.lnl - 5*desired.delta) {
# 			par[par_index] <- par[par_index]*1.03
# 			current.lnl <- compute_neglnlikelihood(par, corhmm.object)
# 			results[nrow(results)+1,] <- c(current.lnl, par)
# 			if(verbose & nrow(results)%%100==0) {
# 				print(tail(results,100))
# 			}
# 		}
# 	}
# 	dim_univariate <- nrow(results)-1
# 	# Multivariate
# 	lower <- apply(results[,-1], 2, min, na.rm=TRUE)
# 	upper <- apply(results[,-1], 2, max, na.rm=TRUE)
# 	#new.params <- GetGridPoints(lower, upper, n.points)
# 	new.params <- GetLHSPoints(lower, upper, n.points)
# 	if(verbose) {
# 		print("About to estimate multivariate uncertainty")
# 	}
# 	new.lnl <- rep(NA, nrow(new.params))
# 	if(use.pbapply) {
# 		new.lnl <- pbapply::pbapply(new.params, 1, compute_neglnlikelihood, corhmm.object, cl=n.cores)
# 	} else {
# 		new.lnl <- apply(new.params, 1, compute_neglnlikelihood, corhmm.object)
# 	}
# 	more_results <- cbind(matrix(new.lnl, ncol=1), new.params)
# 	colnames(more_results) <- colnames(results)
# 	results <- rbind(results, more_results)
# 	#results$type <- c("start", rep("univariate", dim_univariate), rep("multivariate", n.points))
# 	results.good.enough <- subset(results, results[,1]>max(results[,1])-desired.delta)
# 	if(good.only) {
# 		results <- results.good.enough
# 	}
# 	colnames(results) <- c("lnL", names(par))
# 	class(results) <- append("corhmm_confidence", class(results))
#     return(results)
# }

#' Compute confidence around rate estimates
#' corHMM gives a single point estimate of rates, but this point estimate could be very uncertain. A traditional way to evaluate confidence is to vary each parameter until the log likelihood gets 2 units worse, while holding other parameters at their maximum likelihood estimates. That's fine and fast, but it can be misled by ridges. So, instead, we want all values that lead to a likelihood within two log likelihood units of the best. The range will be at least as wide as the univariate estimates but probably much larger. 
#' @param corhmm.object The result of a corHMM search
#' @param desired.delta How many log likelihood units to deviate from the optimal likelihood from
#' @param n.points How many points to use
#' @param print_freq Output progress every print_freq steps.
#' @param verbose If TRUE, print details of the search to the screen
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass into the likelihood function.
#' @export 
#' @examples 
#' 	data(primates)
#'	phy <- multi2di(primates[[1]])
#'	data <- primates[[2]]
#'	MK_3state <- corHMM(phy = phy, data = data, rate.cat = 1)
#'	confidence_results <- ComputeConfidenceIntervals(MK_3state)
#'  print(confidence_results)
#'  plot(confidence_results, pch=".", col=rgb(0,0,0,.5))
#' @author Brian C. O'Meara
ComputeCI <- function(corhmm.object, desired.delta = 2, n.points=5000, verbose=TRUE,  print_freq=50, ...) {
	best.neglnl <- -corhmm.object$loglik
	index.mat <- corhmm.object$index.mat
	raw.rates <- corhmm.object$solution
	corhmm.object$node.states <- "none" #we don't want to waste time on this

	par <- MatrixToPars(corhmm.object)
	par.best <- par

	# compute_neglnlikelihood <- function(...) {
	# 	return(-compute_lnlikelihood(...))	
	# }
	dented_results <- dent_walk(par=par.best, fn=compute_neglnlikelihood, best_neglnL=best.neglnl,  nsteps=n.points, print_freq=print_freq, corhmm.object=corhmm.object)
	# class(dented_results) <- "dentist"

	# class(dented_results) <- append("corhmm_confidence", class(dented_results))

print.corhmm_confidence <- function(obj) {
	obj_rates <- as.data.frame(obj[,-1])
	best_index <- which.max(obj$lnL)[1]
	cat("Range of log likelihoods is ", max(obj$lnL), " to ", min(obj$lnL), " a difference of ", max(obj$lnL)- min(obj$lnL), "\n", sep="")
	result <- data.frame(min=apply(obj_rates, 2, min), best=simplify2array(unname(obj_rates[best_index,,drop=TRUE])), max=apply(obj_rates, 2, max))
	rownames(result) <- colnames(obj_rates)
	for (i in sequence(ncol(obj_rates))) {
		for (j in sequence(ncol(obj_rates))) {
			if(i!=j) {
				ratios <- obj_rates[,i] / obj_rates[,j]
				result <- rbind(result, c(min(ratios), obj_rates[best_index,i] / obj_rates[best_index,j], max(ratios)))
				rownames(result)[nrow(result)] <- paste0(colnames(obj_rates)[i], " / ", colnames(obj_rates)[j])

HessianConfidence <- function(corhmm.object) {
	index.mat <- corhmm.object$index.mat
	raw.rates <- corhmm.object$solution
	corhmm.object$node.states <- "none" #we don't want to waste time on this

	par <- MatrixToPars(corhmm.object)
	hess <- numDeriv::hessian(compute_neglnlikelihood, par, "Richardson", method.args=list(), corhmm.object)
	return.matrix <- rbind(par-1.96*prop_sigma, par+1.96*prop_sigma)
	return.matrix[which(return.matrix<0)] <- 0
	rownames(return.matrix) <- c("lower", "upper")
	colnames(return.matrix) <- names(par)

# simple function; returns log likelihood
compute_neglnlikelihood <- function(par, corhmm.object) {

  # legacy code. all previous verions of corhmm don't give the collapse as an output, but it's now needed to create the matrices correctly. 
    collapse = TRUE # default setting
    collapse = corhmm.object$collapse
	corhmm.object$order.test <- FALSE
	corhmm.object$phy$node.label <- NULL
	nObs <- dim(corhmm.object$index.mat)[1]/corhmm.object$rate.cat
	model.set.final <- rate.cat.set.corHMM.JDB(phy = corhmm.object$phy, data = corhmm.object$data, rate.cat = corhmm.object$rate.cat, ntraits = nObs, model = "ARD", collapse=collapse)
	rate.mat <- corhmm.object$index.mat
	rate.mat[rate.mat == 0] <- NA
	rate <- rate.mat
	model.set.final$np <- max(rate, na.rm=TRUE)
	rate[is.na(rate)]=max(rate, na.rm=TRUE)+1
	model.set.final$rate <- rate
	model.set.final$index.matrix <- rate.mat
	model.set.final$Q <- matrix(0, dim(rate.mat)[1], dim(rate.mat)[2])
	## for precursor type models ##
	col.sums <- which(colSums(rate.mat, na.rm=TRUE) == 0)
	row.sums <- which(rowSums(rate.mat, na.rm=TRUE) == 0)
	drop.states <- col.sums[which(col.sums == row.sums)]
	if(length(drop.states > 0)){
	model.set.final$liks[,drop.states] <- 0
	result <- dev.corhmm(
		p = log(par), 
		phy = corhmm.object$phy, 
		liks = model.set.final$liks, 
		Q = model.set.final$Q, 
		rate = model.set.final$rate, 
		root.p = corhmm.object$root.p, 
		rate.cat = corhmm.object$rate.cat, 
		order.test = corhmm.object$order.test, 
		lewis.asc.bias = ifelse(any(grepl("lewis.asc.bias", names(corhmm.object))), corhmm.object$lewis.asc.bias, FALSE)

	#return(dev.corhmm(log(par), corhmm_object$phy, liks=42, Q=42, rate=42, root.p=corhmm.object$root.p, rate.cat=42, order.test=42, lewis.asc.bias=ifelse(any(grepl("lewis.asc.bias", names(corhmm.object))), corhmm.object$lewis.asc.bias, FALSE)))

#' Gets random numbers to try
GenerateValues <- function(par, lower, upper, max.tries=100, expand.prob=0, examined.max, examined.min) {
    if(is.null(lower)) {
        lower <- 0.1*par
    if(is.null(upper)) {
        upper <- 10*par
    while(!pass && tries<=max.tries) {
        tries <- tries+1
        new.vals <- rep(NA, length(par))
        for(i in sequence(length(par))) {
            examined.max[i]<-max(0.001, examined.max[i])
            new.vals.bounds <- sort(c(max(lower[i], 0.9*examined.min[i]), min(upper[i], 1.1*examined.max[i])), decreasing=FALSE)
            new.vals[i]<-stats::runif(1, min=ifelse(is.finite(new.vals.bounds[1]),new.vals.bounds[1], 0.000001) , max=ifelse(is.finite(new.vals.bounds[2]), new.vals.bounds[2], 10000))

            if(new.vals[i]<lower[i]) {
            if(new.vals[i]>upper[i]) {
    if(tries>max.tries) {
    names(new.vals) <- names(par)

GetGridPoints <- function(lower, upper, n.points) {
	n.grains <- ceiling(n.points^(1/length(lower)))
	vector.list <- list()
	for (i in seq_along(lower)) {
		vector.list[[i]] <- seq(from=lower[i], to=upper[i], length.out=n.grains)
	parameter.matrix <- expand.grid(vector.list)

GetLHSPoints <- function(lower, upper, n.points) {
	raw.points <- randomLHS(n=n.points, k=length(lower))
	parameter.matrix <- NA*raw.points
	for (i in seq_along(lower)) {
		parameter.matrix[,i] <- qunif(raw.points[,i], min=lower[i], max=upper[i])
	colnames(parameter.matrix) <- names(lower)

# A which for multidimensional arrays.
# Mark van der Loo 16.09.2011
# A Array of booleans
# returns a sum(A) x length(dim(A)) array of multi-indices where A == TRUE
multi.which <- function(A){
    if ( is.vector(A) ) return(which(A))
    d <- dim(A)
    T <- which(A) - 1
    nd <- length(d)
    t( sapply(T, function(t){
        I <- integer(nd)
        I[1] <- t %% d[1]
        sapply(2:nd, function(j){
            I[j] <<- (t %/% prod(d[1:(j-1)])) %% d[j]
    }) + 1 )

ParsToMatrix <- function(pars, corhmm.object) {
	return_mat <- matrix(pars[corhmm.object$index.mat], dim(corhmm.object$index.mat))
	rownames(return_mat) <- rownames(corhmm.object$solution)
	colnames(return_mat) <- colnames(corhmm.object$solution)

MatrixToPars <- function(corhmm.object) {
	index.mat <- corhmm.object$index.mat
	raw.rates <- corhmm.object$solution

	par <- rep(NA,max(index.mat, na.rm=TRUE))
	for (i in seq_along(par)) {
		par[i] <- raw.rates[which(index.mat==i)][1]
		relevant_indices <- multi.which(index.mat==i)[1,]
		names(par)[i] <- paste0(rownames(raw.rates)[relevant_indices[1]]," -> ", colnames(raw.rates)[relevant_indices[2]])

getParamVector <- function(corhmm.object) {
  par <- corhmm.object$solution[!is.na(corhmm.object$solution)]
  position <- 0
  for (col_index in sequence(nrow(corhmm.object$solution))) {
    for(row_index in sequence(nrow(corhmm.object$solution))) {
      if(!is.na(corhmm.object$solution[row_index, col_index])) {
        position <- position+1
        par[position] <- corhmm.object$solution[row_index, col_index]
        names(par)[position] <- paste0(rownames(corhmm.object$solution)[row_index], " to ", colnames(corhmm.object$solution)[col_index])
thej022214/corHMM documentation built on May 11, 2024, 3:23 p.m.