#' @name dlr
#' @title Genotype likelihood ratio distance (Dlr)
#' @description The function computes Paetkau's et al. (1997) genotype likelihood
#' ratio distance (Dlr).
#' @param data The output assignment file (home likelihood or
#' likelihood ratio statistics) from GENODIVE.
#' @param strata A tab delimited file with 2 columns with header:
#' \code{INDIVIDUALS} and \code{STRATA}.
#' The \code{STRATA} column is used here as the populations id of your sample.
#' @param plots (optional) Generate Dlr plots for all the pairwise populations
#' in the dataset. The plots are \code{ggplot2} objects that can be modified with
#' the proper \code{ggplot2} syntax. Default: \code{plots = FALSE}.
#' @param filename (optional) Name of the file prefix for
#' the matrix and the table written in the working directory.
#' @param parallel.core (optional) The number of core for parallel computation.
#' Default: \code{parallel.core = parallel::detectCores() - 1}.
#' @return A list with 5 objects:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item the assignment results ($assignment),
#' \item the dlr pairwise table ($dlr.table),
#' \item the lower diagonal dlr distance matrix ($dlr.dist),
#' \item a data.frame with the dlr distance mirrored ($dlr.matrix),
#' \item the list of dlr plots ($dlr.plots)
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dlr <- assigner::dlr(
#' data = "assignment.gdv", strata = "my.strata.tsv", plots = TRUE)
#' # to get the plots list:
#' plot.list <- dlr$dlr.plots
#' # access and isolate in different object a plot with $
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname dlr
#' @references Paetkau D, Slade R, Burden M, Estoup A (2004)
#' Genetic assignment methods for the direct, real-time estimation of
#' migration rate: a simulation-based exploration of accuracy and power.
#' Molecular Ecology, 13, 55-65.
#' @references Paetkau D, Waits LP, Clarkson PL, Craighead L, Strobeck C (1997)
#' An empirical evaluation of genetic distance statistics using microsatellite
#' data from bear (Ursidae) populations. Genetics, 147, 1943-1957.
#' @references Meirmans PG, Van Tienderen PH (2004) genotype and genodive:
#' two programs for the analysis of genetic diversity of asexual organisms.
#' Molecular Ecology Notes, 4, 792-794.
#' @author Thierry Gosselin \email{thierrygosselin@@icloud.com}
dlr <- function(
plots = FALSE,
filename = NULL,
parallel.core = parallel::detectCores() - 1
) {
cat("########################### assigner::Dlr #############################\n")
timing <- proc.time()
if (missing(data)) stop("GenoDive file missing")
if (missing(strata)) stop("Strata file missing")
# import and modify the assignment file form GenoDive-------------------------
message("Importing GenoDive assignment results")
# no longer work with readr v.2
# temp.file <- suppressWarnings(
# suppressMessages(
# readr::read_table(
# file = data,
# col_names = FALSE,
# skip_empty_rows = FALSE
# )
# )
# )
temp.file <- suppressWarnings(
readr::read_fwf(file = data, skip_empty_rows = FALSE)
message("Inspecting strata")
# strata.df <- readr::read_tsv(file = strata, col_names = TRUE, col_types = "cc")
strata.df <- radiator::read_strata(strata = strata, pop.id = TRUE) %$% strata
max.lines <- nrow(strata.df)
# max.lines = nrow(temp.file) - 1 # previously with readr < v2.0
skip.number <- which(stringi::stri_detect_fixed(str = temp.file$X1,
pattern = "membership")) + 1
assignment <- suppressMessages(
delim = "\t",
skip = skip.number,
n_max = max.lines,
col_names = TRUE,
progress = interactive(),
na = "---",
skip_empty_rows = TRUE
) %>%
dplyr::filter(!is.na(Current)) %>%
INDIVIDUALS = Individual, POP_ID = Current, INFERRED = Inferred,
LIK_MAX = Lik_max, LIK_HOME = Lik_home, LIK_RATIO = Lik_ratio)
temp.file <- skip.number <- NULL
assignment$INDIVIDUALS <- radiator::clean_ind_names(assignment$INDIVIDUALS)
assignment$POP_ID <- radiator::clean_ind_names(assignment$POP_ID)
assignment$INFERRED <- radiator::clean_ind_names(assignment$INFERRED)
# check that same number of individuals and pop...
if (!identical(sort(assignment$INDIVIDUALS), sort(strata.df$INDIVIDUALS))) {
stop("Assignment file and strata don't have the same individuals")
assignment.pop <- ncol(assignment) - 6
strata.pop <- dplyr::n_distinct(strata.df$POP_ID)
if (assignment.pop != strata.pop) stop("Assignment file and strata don't have the same number of populations")
fixed.header <- c("INDIVIDUALS", "POP_ID", "INFERRED", "LIK_MAX", "LIK_HOME", "LIK_RATIO")
header.pop <- purrr::discard(.x = colnames(assignment), .p = colnames(assignment) %in% fixed.header) %>%
radiator::clean_ind_names(x = .)
get.pop <- strata.df %>%
dplyr::filter(INDIVIDUALS %in% header.pop) %>%
INDIVIDUALS = factor(x = INDIVIDUALS, levels = header.pop),
POP_ID = as.character(POP_ID)
) %>%
strata.df <- NULL
# Change header for the real pop names
colnames(assignment) <- c(fixed.header, get.pop$POP_ID)
# Change POP_ID and inferred for the real pop name
assignment %<>%
POP_ID = stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(
str = POP_ID, pattern = get.pop$INDIVIDUALS, replacement = get.pop$POP_ID, vectorize_all = FALSE),
INFERRED = stringi::stri_replace_all_fixed(
str = INFERRED, pattern = get.pop$INDIVIDUALS, replacement = get.pop$POP_ID, vectorize_all = FALSE)
# check if some columns are filled with NA.. (small sample size...)
pop.prob <- assignment %>%
purrr::keep(~all(is.na(.x))) %>%
if (length(pop.prob) > 0) {
message("Problem with sample size too low for: ", paste0(pop.prob, collapse = ", "))
message("Removing problematic strata")
assignment %<>%
get.pop %<>% dplyr::filter(!POP_ID %in% pop.prob)
# All combination of populations----------------------------------------------
message("Calculating Dlr...")
pop.pairwise <- utils::combn(unique(get.pop$POP_ID), 2)
# pop.pairwise <- matrix(pop.pairwise, nrow = 2)
# Dlr for all pairwise populations--------------------------------------------
dlr.all.pop <- as.numeric()
for (i in 1:ncol(pop.pairwise)) {
# i <- 1
dlr.all.pop[i] <- dlr_relative(data = assignment,
pop1 = pop.pairwise[1,i],
pop2 = pop.pairwise[2,i])
dlr.all.pop <- as.numeric(dlr.all.pop)
# pop.pairwise <- NULL
# Table with Dlr--------------------------------------------------------------
names.pairwise <- utils::combn(unique(get.pop$POP_ID), 2, paste, collapse = '-')
dlr.table <- tibble::tibble(PAIRWISE_POP = as.character(names.pairwise), DLR = dlr.all.pop) %>%
dplyr::mutate(DLR = round(as.numeric(DLR), 2))
# Dist and Matrix-------------------------------------------------------------
dlr.dist <- stats::dist(1:length(unique(get.pop$POP_ID)))
dlr.dist.matrix <- dlr.all.pop
attributes(dlr.dist.matrix) <- attributes(dlr.dist)
dlr.dist.matrix <- as.matrix(dlr.dist.matrix)
colnames(dlr.dist.matrix) <- rownames(dlr.dist.matrix) <- unique(get.pop$POP_ID)
dlr.dist.matrix <- stats::as.dist(dlr.dist.matrix)
dlr.matrix <- tibble::as_tibble(x = as.matrix(dlr.dist.matrix), rownames = "POP")
# get.pop <- NULL
# create list of results -----------------------------------------------------
res <- list(
assignment = assignment,
dlr.table = dlr.table,
dlr.dist = dlr.dist.matrix,
dlr.matrix = dlr.matrix
# Dlr plots ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (plots) {
# all combination of individual pair
pop.pairwise <- utils::combn(unique(get.pop$POP_ID), 2, simplify = FALSE)
# names(pop.pairwise) <- pop.pairwise
# get the number of pairwise comp.
number.pairwise <- length(pop.pairwise)
message("Generating ", number.pairwise, " Dlr plots...")
# dlr.plots <- list()
# dlr.plots <- .assigner_parallel_mc(
# X = pop.pairwise,
# FUN = plot_dlr,
# mc.preschedule = FALSE,
# mc.silent = FALSE,
# mc.cleanup = TRUE,
# mc.cores = parallel.core,
# data = assignment,
# dlr = NULL,
# x.dlr = NULL,
# y.dlr = NULL,
# fst = NULL,
# x.fst = NULL,
# y.fst = NULL,
# plot.dlr = TRUE,
# plot.width = NULL,
# plot.height = NULL,
# plot.dpi = NULL
# ) %>%
# purrr::flatten(.)
dlr.plots <- purrr::map(
.x = pop.pairwise,
.f = plot_dlr,
data = assignment,
dlr = NULL,
x.dlr = NULL,
y.dlr = NULL,
fst = NULL,
x.fst = NULL,
y.fst = NULL,
plot.dlr = TRUE,
plot.width = NULL,
plot.height = NULL,
plot.dpi = NULL
) %>%
res$dlr.plots <- dlr.plots
}#End Dlr plots
# Write file to working directory --------------------------------------------
if (is.null(filename)) {
message("Writing files to directory: no")
} else {
# saving table
filename.table <- stringi::stri_join(filename, "table.tsv", sep = ".")
readr::write_tsv(x = dlr.table, file = filename.table)
# saving matrix
filename.matrix <- stringi::stri_join(filename, "matrix.tsv", sep = ".")
readr::write_tsv(dlr.matrix, filename.matrix)
message("Writing files to directory: yes")
message("Filenames : ", "\n", filename.table, "\n", filename.matrix)
timing <- proc.time() - timing
message("Computation time: ", round(timing[[3]]), " sec")
cat("############################## completed ##############################\n")
# Dlr absolute
# dlr.absolute <- assignment %>%
# dplyr::group_by(INDIVIDUALS) %>%
# dplyr::mutate(RATIO = dplyr::if_else(
# POP_ID == rlang::UQ(pop1),
# rlang::.data[[pop1]] - rlang::.data[[pop2]],
# rlang::.data[[pop2]] - rlang::.data[[pop1]])
# ) %>%
# dplyr::group_by(POP_ID) %>%
# dplyr::summarise(DLR_ABSOLUTE = sum(RATIO)/length(RATIO)) %>%
# dplyr::ungroup(.) %>%
# dplyr::summarise(DLR_ABSOLUTE = sum(DLR_ABSOLUTE)/2)
# Internal nested functions: ---------------------------------------------------
# dlr relative -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title dlr_relative
#' @description Calculate relative Dlr between 2 pops
#' @rdname dlr_relative
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
dlr_relative <- function(data, pop1, pop2){
dlr <- data %>%
dplyr::filter(POP_ID %in% c(pop1, pop2)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(INDIVIDUALS) %>%
RATIO = dplyr::if_else(
POP_ID %in% pop1,
.data[[pop1]] - .data[[pop2]],
# rlang::.data[[pop1]] - rlang::.data[[pop2]],
.data[[pop2]] - .data[[pop1]]
# rlang::.data[[pop2]] - rlang::.data[[pop1]]
) %>%
dplyr::group_by(POP_ID) %>%
dplyr::summarise(DLR_RELATIVE = (sum(RATIO) / length(RATIO) ^ 2), .groups = "drop") %>%
dplyr::summarise(DLR_RELATIVE = sum(DLR_RELATIVE) / 2)
}#End dlr_relative
# plot_dlr ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @name plot_dlr
#' @title Assignment plot of genotype likelihood (Dlr).
#' @description The function generate a figure similar to Paetkau's et al. (2004)
#' Fig 6.
#' @param data The assigment object from
#' \code{\link[assigner]{dlr}} output.
#' @param pop.pairwise List of pairwise populations to generate the Dlr plot.
#' @param dlr (optional) Character string with Dlr value.
#' @param x.dlr (optional) Position to the x-axis of the Dlr value.
#' @param y.dlr (optional) Position to the y-axis of the Dlr value.
#' @param fst (optional) Character string with Fst value.
#' @param x.fst (optional) Position to the x-axis of the Fst value.
#' @param y.fst (optional) Position to the y-axis of the Fst value.
#' @param plot.dlr (optional) By default will write the plot in the working directory.
#' @param plot.width (optional) Width in cm of the figure.
#' @param plot.height (optional) height in cm of the figure.
#' @param plot.dpi (optional) Number of dpi for the figure (e.g 600).
#' @return A list with the assignment table and the assignment plot.
#' @export
#' @rdname plot_dlr
#' @keywords internal
#' @references Paetkau D, Slade R, Burden M, Estoup A (2004)
#' Genetic assignment methods for the direct, real-time estimation of migration
#' rate: a simulation-based exploration of accuracy and power.
#' Molecular Ecology, 13, 55-65.
#' @references Meirmans PG, Van Tienderen PH (2004) genotype and genodive:
#' two programs for the analysis of genetic diversity of asexual organisms.
#' Molecular Ecology Notes, 4, 792-794.
#' @author Thierry Gosselin \email{thierrygosselin@@icloud.com}
plot_dlr <- function(
dlr = NULL,
x.dlr = NULL,
y.dlr = NULL,
fst = NULL,
x.fst = NULL,
y.fst = NULL,
plot.dlr = TRUE,
plot.width = NULL,
plot.height = NULL,
plot.dpi = NULL) {
if (missing(data)) stop("GenoDive file missing")
if (missing(pop.pairwise)) stop("Missing pop.pairwise argument")
# import data ----------------------------------------------------------------
assignment.select <- dplyr::rename(data, Populations = POP_ID)
POPA <- pop.pairwise[1]
POPB <- pop.pairwise[2]
# Check that POPA and POPB are found in the data
if (!POPA %in% colnames(assignment.select)) stop("POPA value is not in the assignment file")
if (!POPB %in% colnames(assignment.select)) stop("POPB value is not in the assignment file")
pop.select <- c(POPA, POPB)
fixed.header <- c("INDIVIDUALS", "Populations", "INFERRED", "LIK_MAX", "LIK_HOME", "LIK_RATIO")
dlr.plot.name <- stringi::stri_join("dlr_plot_pop_", stringi::stri_join(pop.select, collapse = "_"))
assignment.select <- suppressWarnings(
assignment.select %>%
dplyr::filter(Populations %in% pop.select) %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::one_of(c(fixed.header, pop.select))))
scale.temp <- suppressWarnings(
dplyr::one_of(pop.select)) %>%
min.scale <- min(scale.temp)
max.scale <- max(scale.temp)
assignment.plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(assignment.select, ggplot2::aes_string(x = POPA, y = POPB)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(fill = Populations, shape = Populations), na.rm = TRUE, alpha = 0.8, size = 4) +
ggplot2::geom_abline(slope = 1) +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = stringi::stri_join("Log (genotype likelihood) population: ", POPA), limits = c(min.scale, max.scale)) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = stringi::stri_join("Log (genotype likelihood) population: ", POPB), limits = c(min.scale, max.scale)) +
ggplot2::scale_shape_manual(values = c(21, 24)) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = c("black", NA)) +
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10, family = "Helvetica", face = "bold"),
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10, family = "Helvetica", face = "bold"),
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10, family = "Helvetica", face = "bold"),
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10, family = "Helvetica", face = "bold"),
strip.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 0, size = 10, family = "Helvetica", face = "bold")
if (is.null(dlr)) {
assignment.plot <- assignment.plot
} else {
assignment.plot <- assignment.plot + ggplot2::annotate("text", x = x.dlr, y = y.dlr,
label = dlr, colour = "black")
if (is.null(fst)) {
assignment.plot <- assignment.plot
} else {
assignment.plot <- assignment.plot + ggplot2::annotate("text", x = x.fst, y = y.fst,
label = fst, colour = "black")
if (plot.dlr) {
filename <- stringi::stri_join(dlr.plot.name, ".png")
message("File written: ", filename)
if (is.null(plot.width)) plot.width <- 20
if (is.null(plot.height)) plot.height <- 20
if (is.null(plot.dpi)) plot.dpi <- 300
filename = filename,
plot = assignment.plot,
width = plot.width,
height = plot.height,
dpi = plot.dpi,
units = "cm",
device = "png",
limitsize = FALSE
res <- list(assignment.plot)
names(res) <- dlr.plot.name
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