
Defines functions print.inlineTensor createInlineTensor computeSig print.cppTensor print.tensorFunction createCppTensor tensorFunction getTensorList RcppSimpleTensorGetArgs

Documented in createInlineTensor getTensorList print.inlineTensor print.tensorFunction tensorFunction

#' C++ tensor expressions made easy and fast 
#' The goal of this library is to help create cpp implementations for multidimensional operations.
#' Use the main 2 functions RcppSimpleTensor and TI to get started.
#' ...
#' @import Rcpp 
#' @import digest
#' @docType package
#' @name RcppSimpleTensor
#' @author Thibaut Lamadon \email{thibaut.lamadon@@gmail.com} , Florian Oswald <florian.oswald@@gmail.com>
#' @references
#' \url{https://github.com/tlamadon/RcppSimpleTensor}
#' @aliases RcppSimpleTensor RcppSimpleTensor-package

# TODO: add support for recursive formulations
# for simulating time series for example

# TODO: use of tensors inside formula (i,j)
# TODO: use the shape of a tensor supplied as extra arguments for indexes
#   TI(expression ,  shape=G[i,j,k])

# check out ?methods to overload $

# this will store the list of currently
# know tensors - each tensors will have 
# a formula, a hash, a file path, last date of compilation,
# a function call, a signature with associated dimensions.


# storing the list of options
RCPP_OPTS = list(
       RCPP_TENSOR_LIST = list()

# this function takes a term and 
# grabs informations about the tensor expression
# it returns the list of Tensors, the list of indexes
# and the list of scalars
RcppSimpleTensorGetArgs <- function(a,r) {

  # if we find a scalar, we append it
  # unless it's in i,j,k,l, in which case we replace it with i_i ot j_i
  if (length(a)==1) {

    # check if we have a scalar, ow it's just a number
    vv = paste(a)
    if ( vv %in% c('i','j','k','l')) {
      vv= paste(vv,'_i',sep='')
    } else if (!is.numeric(a)) {
      r$S = unique(c(r$S,paste(a)))

    r$E = vv 

  # if we find a tensor we do:
  # 1) we check if we know about all the indices and append the new ones
  # 2) we rewrite the bracket expression using C pointers
  # 3) we return that string
  ind = ""
  if (length(a)>=3 & a[[1]] == '[') {
    tensorName = paste(a[[2]]) 
    # running through the indices
    for (i in c((length(a)-2):1)){
      at = a[[i+2]]

      # grab a simple lag
      if (length(at)>1) {
        indexlag = as.numeric(at[[3]])
        index  = paste(at[[2]])      
      } else {
        index  = paste(at)      

      indexn = paste(index,"_n",sep="")
      indexi = paste(index,"_i",sep="")

      # appending the indice if it's new
      r$I = unique(c(r$I,index)) 
      # storing that this indices is this dimension for this tensor
      r$D = rbind(r$D , data.frame(I=index, M=tensorName, dim = i, lag=indexlag))

      # create lag string
      if (indexlag>0) {
        LAG_STR = paste('-',indexlag)
      } else {
	      LAG_STR = ''

      # using the size and index, create the Cpp pointer with correct value
      if (i == (length(a)-2)) 
        ind = paste(indexi,LAG_STR)
        ind = paste( indexi ,LAG_STR, " + " , indexn , "*( ", ind ,")",sep="")

    # finally we can append the tensor name in the front
    STR = paste(tensorName, "[" ,ind, "]",sep="")

    r$E = STR

  # if we encounter a binary operator
  if (length(a)==3) {

    op = paste(a[[1]])

    # process the first argument
    r = RcppSimpleTensorGetArgs( a[[2]],r)
    STR1 = r$E
    # process the second argument
    r = RcppSimpleTensorGetArgs( a[[3]],r)
    STR2 = r$E

    # compose the expression
    if (op %in% c("+","-","/","*",">","<","<=",">=",'||','&&'))
      r$E  = paste(STR1,op,STR2,sep=" ");
      #r$E  = paste( "(", STR1 ,")",op,"(",STR2,")",sep="");

    if (op %in% c("max","min"))
      r$E  = paste( "f" , op, "(", STR1 ,",",STR2,")",sep="");

    if (op %in%  c('^','pow'))
      r$E  = paste( "pow(", STR1 ,",",STR2,")",sep="");


  # we found a unary operator
  if (length(a)==2) {
    r = RcppSimpleTensorGetArgs( a[[2]],r)
    if (a[[1]] == 'I') {
      r$E = paste("((", r$E , ")?1.0:0.0)",sep="")

    if (paste(a[[1]]) %in% c('exp','log','cos','sin','tan')) {
      r$E = paste(a[[1]],"(", r$E , ")",sep="")

    if (paste(a[[1]]) %in% c('sign')) {
      r$E = paste("copysignf(1.0,", r$E , ")",sep="")

    if (paste(a[[1]]) %in% c('abs')) {
      r$E = paste('f',a[[1]],"(", r$E , ")",sep="")

    if (a[[1]] == '(') {
      r$E = paste("(", r$E , ")",sep="")

#' Returns the list of current available compiled C++ tensors 
#' @keywords tensor cpp compile
#' @export
getTensorList <- function() {

  env = parent.frame()
  tt = objects(envir = env, all.names = TRUE)
  for (oon in tt) {
    oo <- get(oon, envir = env)
    if (class(oo) == 'tensorFunction') {
      cat(oon,': tensorFunction\n')

# creates the c fucntion from expression

#' This function generates another function that represents the tensor
#' descirbed in the only argument.
#' The function interprets the tensor expression, generates C++ code
#' for it, compiles the code, links the compiled code, and returns a 
#' a R function that wraps the C++ tensor
#' @param expr tensor expression 
#' @param name name to be associated with the tensor. The name is used to store the binary file
#' and the link to the object in a global list. Note that conflicts can happen if several packages
#' use identical names. If no name is provided a hash from the expression is computed.
#' @param cache whether you want the function to look for a cached version of the tensor.
#' RcppSimpleTensor will look in the hidden .tensor folder in the working directory for
#' a previously compiled binray for that particular tensor.
#' @param verbose prints information about the compilation if any as well as the generated
#' source code
#' @keywords tensor cpp compile
#' @export
tensorFunction <- function(expr,name=NULL,cache=TRUE,verbose=FALSE) {
  rr = createCppTensor(expr=expr,name=name,cache=cache,verbose=verbose);
  tf <- rr$wrapFunc
  class(tf) <- 'tensorFunction'
  attr(tf,'cppTensor') <- rr

createCppTensor <- function(expr,name=NULL,cache=TRUE,verbose=FALSE,RCPP_TENSOR_LIST=list()) {

  # parse the expression usign substitute
  if (typeof(expr)=='language') {
    a = expr
  } else if (is.character(expr)) {
    a = as.formula(expr)

  # look if we already have this compiled localy
  strexpr  =  deparse(a)
  fhash    = digest(strexpr) 
  if (is.null(name)) name = fhash;
  filename = paste('rcppTensor_',fhash,sep="")

  # if we already have the tensor in our local list and cache==TRUE, then just return it
  #ltensor = RCPP_TENSOR_LIST[[name]]
  #if (!is.null(ltensor) & cache==TRUE) return(ltensor);

  # otherwise we have to go to work!
  if (a[[1]] != '~') {
    cat("the formula needs to be of the form R[...] ~ ...")

  # extract RHS and LHS
  r= list(D= data.frame(), S=c(), M=c() , I=c())
  RHS = RcppSimpleTensorGetArgs(a[[3]],r)
  LHS = RcppSimpleTensorGetArgs(a[[2]],r)

  # find indices to sum over
  indiceSum = setdiff(RHS$I,LHS$I)
  indiceOut = LHS$I

  # creating signature and source's head
  sig = c()
  sign = c()

  # Adding the matrices/tensors
  for (i in RHS$M) {
    varn = i 
    if (varn == 'R') { next} #skip R
    sig  = c(sig , "numeric")
    sign = c(sign, paste(varn,"_",sep=""))
    src = paste(src , 'Rcpp::NumericVector ' , varn, '(' ,varn, '_);\n', sep="")

  # Adding the scalars
  for (i in RHS$S) {
    varn = i
    sig  = c(sig , "double")
    sign = c(sign, paste(varn,"_",sep=""))
    src = paste(src , 'double ' , varn , ' = Rcpp::as<double> (', varn, '_);\n',sep="")
  reduceSig = sig
  names(reduceSig) = sign;
  varframe= RHS$D

  if (verbose) {

  # Adding indices and sizes
  for (i in c(indiceOut,indiceSum)) {
    varn = i
    # get highest lag
    lag = 0 #max(varframe$lag[varframe$I==varn])

    sig  = c(sig , "int")
    sign = c(sign, paste(varn,"_",sep=""))
    src = paste(src , 'int ' , varn , '_n = Rcpp::as<int> (', varn, '_);\n',sep="")
    src2 = paste(src2 , 'int ' , i , '_i;\n',sep="")
    srcloop = paste(srcloop,'for (',i,'_i=0','; ',i,'_i<',i,'_n; ',i,'_i++)\n',sep="")

  names(sig) = sign;

  # creating R sig
  for (i in indiceOut) {
    Rsize = c(Rsize,paste(i,"_n",sep="")) 
  Rsize = paste(Rsize,collapse="*")

  # pasting all together!
  CODE = src;
  CODE = paste(CODE,src2)
  if (is.null(LHS$I)) {
      CODE = paste(CODE,'double R;' ,"\n", sep="")
  } else {
      CODE = paste(CODE,'Rcpp::NumericVector R(', Rsize, ');' ,"\n", sep="")
  CODE = paste(CODE,srcloop)
  CODE = paste(CODE,"{\n")
  CODE = paste(CODE, LHS$E , " = " , LHS$E, " + \\\n ", sep="")
  # we need to break the line, let's do it every 60 charaters
  # but we need to break on a blank space!
  LEFT_STR = strsplit(RHS$E," ")
  lcount = 0
  for (s in LEFT_STR[[1]]) {

    if (lcount>LINE_LENGTH) {
      CODE = paste(CODE, "\\\n" , sep="")
      lcount =0

    CODE = paste(CODE, s , sep="")
    lcount = lcount + nchar(s)
  CODE = paste(CODE, "; \n" , sep="")
  #CODE = paste(CODE, RHS$E, ";\n" , sep="")

  CODE = paste(CODE,"}\n")
  CODE = paste(CODE,"return(wrap(R));\n")
  if (verbose) {

  tmpfun <- rsp_cxxfunction(sig, CODE,plugin="Rcpp",file=filename,includes="#include <math.h>",verbose=verbose,cache=cache)

  # finally we wrap it into another function that will get the sizes 
  # automatically from the matrices -- we want the wrap function 
  # to have the correct names, so we want to remove the _ from them

  # I construct again a function instead of using do.call which
  # seems very slow, I want to frontload as much as possible

  tmpFunWrap = NULL
  WRAPFUNC = paste("tmpFunWrap <- function(", paste(gsub('_$','',names(reduceSig)),collapse=",") ,") {",";", sep="");
  # Adding automatic computation of the indices dimensions
  dd = RHS$D
  for (i in c(indiceOut,indiceSum)) {
    # find where to get the size from 
    ddt = dd[dd$I==i,]
    WRAPFUNC = paste(WRAPFUNC, i , " = dim(as.array(", ddt$M[1] ,"))[", ddt$dim[1] ,"]" ,";",sep ="")  
  # Calling the C function
  WRAPFUNC = paste(WRAPFUNC, "R = tmpfun(", paste(gsub('_$','',names(sig)),collapse=",") ,");",sep ="")  
  # Reshape the answer
  dd = LHS$D
  if (!is.null(LHS$I)) {
   WRAPFUNC = paste(WRAPFUNC, "dim(R) <- c(", paste(paste(dd$I[order(dd$dim)],sep=""),collapse=","),") ;",sep="")
  WRAPFUNC = paste(WRAPFUNC, "return(R)}" ,sep="")

  argnamelist = paste(gsub('_$','',names(reduceSig)),collapse=",")

  if (verbose) {

  # add the current tensor to the list
  res = list()
  res$inFunc   = tmpfun
  res$sig      = sig
  res$wrapFunc = tmpFunWrap
  res$RHS      = RHS
  res$hash     = fhash
  res$str_expr = strexpr
  res$filename = filename
  res$name     = name
  res$argnamelist  = argnamelist
  class(res) <- 'cppTensor'

  # check if the hash is already in the list, if not add it!
  # not thread safe!!!!!
#  if ( !(name %in% names(RCPP_TENSOR_LIST))) {
#    RCPP_TENSOR_LIST[[length(RCPP_TENSOR_LIST)+1]]     <<- res
#    names(RCPP_TENSOR_LIST)[length(RCPP_TENSOR_LIST)]  <<- name
#    #RCPP_TENSOR_LIST<<- tmplist
#  } else {
#    # create an error!
#    warning('This tensor hash is already in the list, that should never happen!\n')
#  }

# ----- Roxygen Documentation
#' Function to print content of a tensorFunction 
#' @param tensor tensor to print 
#' @keywords tensor cpp compile
#' @method print tensorFunction
print.tensorFunction <- function(tensor) {  

# ----- Roxygen Documentation
#' Function to print content of a cppTensor 
#' @param tensor tensor to print 
#' @keywords tensor cpp compile
#' @method print cppTensor
print.cppTensor <- function(tensor) {  
  cat('C++ tensor: ',tensor$str_expr,'\n')
  cat('    file  : ',tensor$filename,'\n\n')

# TODO: use only expression, not strings, and evaluate the subparts!!!!

computeSig <- function(expr,dims) {
 # parse the expression usign substitute
  if (typeof(expr)=='language') {
    a = expr
  } else if (is.character(expr)) {
    a = as.formula(expr)

  if (typeof(dims)=='language') {
    b = dims
  } else if (is.character(dims)) {
    b = as.formula(dims)

  # look if we already have this compiled localy
  strexpr  =  paste(deparse(a),deparse(b))
  fhash    = digest(strexpr) 

# ----- Roxygen Documentation
#' This function directly evaluates the tensor expression
#' using the arrays available in the current scope
#' @export
createInlineTensor <- function() {


 TI <- function(argTensor,argDims=0,name=NULL,shape=NULL,verbose=FALSE) {

    if (is.null(name)) name =  paste(digest(substitute(argTensor)),digest(substitute(argDims))); 
    ltensor = RCPP_TENSOR_LIST[[name]] 

    if (!is.null(ltensor)) {
      if (verbose) cat('tensor found in L2 cache\n')
      rr = ltensor ;
    } else {

      dims   = deparse(substitute(argDims))
      dims   = gsub('\\+',',',dims)

      tsor   = deparse(substitute(argTensor))
      if (dims!='0') {
        TENSOR = paste('R[',dims,'] ~ ',tsor,sep='',collapse='')
      } else {
        TENSOR = paste('R ~ ',tsor,sep='',collapse='')
      rr = createCppTensor(TENSOR,name=name)  

      if (is.null(name)) name=rr$name;

      n = length(RCPP_TENSOR_LIST)
      ns <- names(RCPP_TENSOR_LIST)
      ns[[n+1]] <- name
      RCPP_TENSOR_LIST[[n+1]] <<- rr
      names(RCPP_TENSOR_LIST) <<- ns 

    # get the list of arguments from parent environment
    argvals = eval(parse(text=paste('list(' , paste(rr$argnamelist,collapse=','),')')),environment())
    res = do.call(rr$wrapFunc,argvals)

 class(TI) <- 'inlineTensor'


# ----- Roxygen Documentation
#' Prints the content of the inline tensor. Basically all c++ compiled tensors used by TI. 
#' @param TI inline tensor to print
#' @method print inlineTensor
print.inlineTensor <- function(TI) {
   for (tt in environment(TI)$RCPP_TENSOR_LIST) print(tt);

# =====================================================
# this reimplement the inline funciton but allows
# reloading of the binary if found

rsp_cxxfunction <- function (sig = character(), body = character(), plugin = "default", 
    includes = "", settings = getPlugin(plugin), file= basename(tempfile()) , ..., verbose = FALSE , cache = FALSE) 
    #f <- basename(tempfile())
    f = file
    if (!is.list(sig)) {
        sig <- list(sig)
        names(sig) <- f
        if (!length(body)) 
            body <- ""
        names(body) <- f
    if (length(sig) != length(body)) 
        stop("mismatch between the number of functions declared in 'sig' and the number of function bodies provided in 'body'")
    signature <- lapply(sig, function(x) {
        if (!length(x)) {
        else {
            paste(sprintf("SEXP %s", names(x)), collapse = ", ")
    decl <- lapply(1:length(sig), function(index) {
        sprintf("SEXP %s( %s) ;", names(signature)[index], signature[[index]])
    def <- lapply(1:length(sig), function(index) {
        sprintf("\nSEXP %s( %s ){\n%s\n}\n", names(signature)[index], 
            signature[[index]], if (is.null(settings$body)) 
            else settings$body(body[[index]]))
    settings_includes <- if (is.null(settings$includes)) 
    else paste(settings$includes, collapse = "\n")
    code <- sprintf("\n// includes from the plugin\n%s\n\n// user includes\n%s\n\n// declarations\nextern \"C\" {\n%s\n}\n\n// definition\n%s\n\n", 
        settings_includes, paste(includes, collapse = "\n"), 
        paste(decl, collapse = "\n"), paste(def, collapse = "\n"))
    if (!is.null(env <- settings$env)) {
        do.call(Sys.setenv, env)
        if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
            cat(" >> setting environment variables: \n")
            writeLines(sprintf("%s = %s", names(env), env))
    LinkingTo <- settings$LinkingTo
    if (!is.null(LinkingTo)) {
        paths <- find.package(LinkingTo, quiet = TRUE)
        if (length(paths)) {
            flag <- paste(inline:::paste0("-I\"", paths, "/include\""), 
                collapse = " ")
            Sys.setenv(CLINK_CPPFLAGS = flag)
            if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
                cat(sprintf("\n >> LinkingTo : %s\n", paste(LinkingTo, 
                  collapse = ", ")))
                cat("CLINK_CPPFLAGS = ", flag, "\n\n")
    if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
        writeLines(" >> Program source :\n")
    language <- "C++"

    # if tensor folder not here, we create it
    if (file.exists('.tensor')==FALSE){

    libLFile <- rsp_compileCode(f, code, language = language, verbose = verbose,dir  = paste(getwd(),'/.tensor/',sep=""),cache = cache)
    #cleanup <- function(env) {
    #    if (f %in% names(getLoadedDLLs())) 
    #        dyn.unload(libLFile)
    #    unlink(libLFile)
    #reg.finalizer(environment(), cleanup, onexit = TRUE)
    res <- vector("list", length(sig))
    names(res) <- names(sig)
    res <- new("CFuncList", res)

    #load only if not loaded yet
    dlllist = getLoadedDLLs()
    if (f %in%  names(dlllist)) {
      DLL <- dlllist[f]
      DLL = DLL[[1]]
    } else {
      DLL <- dyn.load(libLFile)

    for (i in seq_along(sig)) {
        res[[i]] <- new("CFunc", code = code)
        fn <- function(arg) {
        args <- formals(fn)[rep(1, length(sig[[i]]))]
        names(args) <- names(sig[[i]])
        formals(fn) <- args
        body <- quote(.Call(EXTERNALNAME, ARG))[c(1:2, rep(3, 
        for (j in seq(along = sig[[i]])) body[[j + 2]] <- as.name(names(sig[[i]])[j])
        body[[1L]] <- .Call
        body[[2L]] <- getNativeSymbolInfo(names(sig)[[i]], DLL)$address
        body(fn) <- body
        res[[i]]@.Data <- fn
    convention <- ".Call"
    if (identical(length(sig), 1L)) 
    else res

rsp_compileCode <- function (f, code, language, verbose, dir = tmpdir(),cache=FALSE) 
    wd = getwd()
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
        libCFile <- paste(dir, "/", f, ".EXT", sep = "")
        libLFile <- paste(dir, "/", f, ".dll", sep = "")
        libLFile2 <- paste(dir, "/", f, ".dll", sep = "")
    else {
        libCFile <- paste(dir, "/", f, ".EXT", sep = "")
        libLFile <- paste(dir, "/", f, ".so", sep = "")
        libLFile2 <- paste(dir, "/", f, ".sl", sep = "")

    if (cache & file.exists(libLFile))

    extension <- switch(language, `C++` = ".cpp", C = ".c", Fortran = ".f", 
        F95 = ".f95", ObjectiveC = ".m", `ObjectiveC++` = ".mm")
    libCFile <- sub(".EXT$", extension, libCFile)
    write(code, libCFile)
    if (file.exists(libLFile)) 
    if (file.exists(libLFile2)) 
    errfile <- paste(basename(libCFile), ".err.txt", sep = "")
    cmd <- paste(R.home(component = "bin"), "/R CMD SHLIB ", 
        basename(libCFile), " 2> ", errfile, sep = "")
    if (verbose) 
        cat("Compilation argument:\n", cmd, "\n")
    compiled <- system(cmd, intern = !verbose)
    errmsg <- readLines(errfile)
    if (!file.exists(libLFile) && file.exists(libLFile2)) 
        libLFile <- libLFile2
    if (!file.exists(libLFile)) {
        cat("\nERROR(s) during compilation: source code errors or compiler configuration errors!\n")
        cat("\nProgram source:\n")
        code <- strsplit(code, "\n")
        for (i in 1:length(code[[1]])) cat(format(i, width = 3), 
            ": ", code[[1]][i], "\n", sep = "")
        stop(paste("Compilation ERROR, function(s)/method(s) not created!", 
            paste(errmsg, collapse = "\n")))
tlamadon/RcppSimpleTensor documentation built on Sept. 10, 2021, 12:24 a.m.