
Defines functions coloc.compute coloc.fast coloc.data coloc multicoloc.data multicoloc2.data multicoloc

Documented in coloc coloc coloc.compute coloc.fast multicoloc

## Colocalisation analysis, implementing method of Giambartolomei et al. 2014

#' Colocalization computation
#' Colocalization computation using summary statistics
#' Computes Bayesian posterior probabilities of colocalization versus
#' alternative models, based on the approach of Giambartolomei et al. (2014)
#' but with a more efficient and more flexible implementation.
#' The original approach is also extended to compute a model averaged
#' point estimate of the causal effect of each trait on the other.
#' The parameter \code{join_type} controls how variants with missing
#' summary statistics are handled.  \code{inner} subsets to variants
#' with non-missing statistics for both analyses.  \code{outer} keeps
#' substitutes Bayes factors of zero for all variants with missing
#' statistics (i.e. assumes they have much less strong associations
#' than other variants).  \code{left} subsets to variants with
#' non-missing beta1 and se1 analysis 1, and substitutes Bayes factors
#' of zero for variants with missing beta2 or se2.  \code{right} does
#' the opposite.
#' @param data Data frame with one row for each variant, and columns beta1, se1, beta2, se2
#' @param priorsd1 Standard deviation of prior on beta1
#' @param priorsd2 Standard deviation of prior on beta2
#' @param priorc1 Prior on variant being causal for trait 1
#' @param priorc2 Prior on variant being causal for trait 2
#' @param priorc12 Prior on variant being causal for traits 1 and 2
#' @param join_type How to handle missing summary statistics
#' @param summary_only Whether to return only the colocalization results
#' @return
#'  The input data frame with additional columns added,
#'  and colocalization probabilities as attributes.
#' @author Toby Johnson \email{Toby.x.Johnson@gsk.com}
#' @export
coloc.compute <- function(data,
                          priorsd1 = 1, priorsd2 = 1, priorc1 = 1e-4, priorc2 = 1e-4, priorc12 = 1e-5,
                          join_type = 'inner',
                          summary_only = FALSE) {
    ## coloc_compute replaces lnabf that are NA by -Inf , hence zero probability.
    ## Can be used two ways:
    ##   1. Set to *match* the type of join used in the preceding db query, so that rows
    ##      missing from one side of the query are handled appropriately.
    ##   2. Use a broader db query e.g. full/outer join, then set this option to
    ##      use the results *as if* a narrower query had been used.  E.g. previous
    ##      behaviour was always to do full/outer join db query and then drop NAs in
    ##      coloc.fast, hence as if a normal/inner join query had been done.
    stopifnot(all(c('beta1', 'se1', 'beta2', 'se2') %in% names(data)))
    stopifnot(join_type %in% c('inner', 'left', 'right', 'outer'))
    data <- within(data, {
        lnabf1 <- abf.Wakefield(beta1, se1, priorsd1, log = TRUE)
        lnabf2 <- abf.Wakefield(beta2, se2, priorsd2, log = TRUE)
        inc1 <- if (join_type == 'inner' | join_type == 'left') !is.na(lnabf1) else TRUE
        inc2 <- if (join_type == 'inner' | join_type == 'right') !is.na(lnabf2) else TRUE
        inc <- inc1 & inc2
    data <- data[which(data$inc), ]
    data <- within(data, {
        inc1 <- NULL
        inc2 <- NULL
        inc <- NULL
    abf1 <- norm1(c(0, data$lnabf1), log = TRUE)
    abf2 <- norm1(c(0, data$lnabf2), log = TRUE)
    abf1[is.na(abf1)] <- 0
    abf2[is.na(abf2)] <- 0
    data$abf1 <- abf1[-1]
    data$abf2 <- abf2[-1]
    attr(data, 'nullabf1') <- abf1[1]
    attr(data, 'nullabf2') <- abf2[1]

    nv <- nrow(data)
    ## compute colocalization model probabilities
    prior <- norm1(c(1, priorc1*nv, priorc2*nv, priorc1*priorc2*nv*(nv - 1), priorc12*nv))
    names(prior) <- c('H0', 'H1', 'H2', 'H1,2', 'H12')
    bf = if (nv > 0) c(abf1[1]*abf2[1], 
                       (sum(abf1[-1])*sum(abf2[-1]) - sum(abf1[-1]*abf2[-1]))/(nv*(nv - 1)), 
                       sum(abf1[-1]*abf2[-1])/nv) else rep(NA, 5)
    bf <- bf/max(bf)
    names(bf) <- names(prior)
    posterior <- norm1(prior*bf)
    names(posterior) <- names(prior)

    ## compute model averaged effect size ratios
    mw <- data$abf1*data$abf2 # model weights
    alpha12 <- sum(mw*data$beta1/data$beta2)/sum(mw)
    alpha21 <- sum(mw*data$beta2/data$beta1)/sum(mw)

    if (summary_only) {
        return(list(nv = nv, prior = prior, bf = bf, posterior = posterior, alpha12 = alpha12, alpha21 = alpha21))
    } else {
        attr(data, 'coloc') <- list(nv = nv, prior = prior, bf = bf, posterior = posterior, alpha12 = alpha12, alpha21 = alpha21)
        ## should we include the assumed priors?

    ## should never:

## coloc.fast() is a minimalist implementation
## intended to be an internal function, for use inside
## data table grouped operations (such inside multicoloc)
## FIXME this returns NA for alpha12/alpha21 when join type is not inner
## because some of the beta are NA - important for multicoloc(signal2=...)
coloc.fast <- function(beta1, se1, beta2, se2,
                       join_type = 'inner', 
                       priorsd1 = 1, priorsd2 = 1, priorc1 = 1e-4, priorc2 = 1e-4, priorc12 = 1e-5,
                       epsilon = 1e-6) {

  stopifnot(join_type %in% c('inner', 'left', 'right', 'outer'))
  lnabf1 <- abf.Wakefield(beta1, se1, priorsd1, log = TRUE)
  lnabf2 <- abf.Wakefield(beta2, se2, priorsd2, log = TRUE)
  ## Fill in zeros not filter out, depending on join_type, thanks Karl and Karsten!!!!
  inc1 <- if (join_type == 'inner' | join_type == 'left') !is.na(lnabf1) else TRUE
  inc2 <- if (join_type == 'inner' | join_type == 'right') !is.na(lnabf2) else TRUE
  inc <- inc1 & inc2
  nv <- as.double(sum(inc))
  if (nv > 0) {
    ## compute colocalization model probabilities
    abf1 <- norm1(c(0, lnabf1[inc]), log = TRUE)
    abf2 <- norm1(c(0, lnabf2[inc]), log = TRUE)
    abf1[is.na(abf1)] <- 0
    abf2[is.na(abf2)] <- 0
    posterior <- norm1(c(1. * abf1[1]*abf2[1],
                         priorc1 * sum(abf1[-1])*abf2[1],
                         priorc2 * abf1[1]*sum(abf2[-1]),
                         priorc1*priorc2 * (sum(abf1[-1])*sum(abf2[-1]) - sum(abf1[-1]*abf2[-1])),
                         priorc12 * sum(abf1[-1]*abf2[-1])))
    ## compute model averaged effect size ratios
    mw <- abf1[-1]*abf2[-1] # model weights
    mwi <- which(mw >= max(mw)*epsilon) # epsilon=1e-6 are model weights to drop terms for
    alpha12 <- sum((beta1[inc]/beta2[inc]*mw)[mwi])/sum(mw[mwi])
    alpha21 <- sum((beta2[inc]/beta1[inc]*mw)[mwi])/sum(mw[mwi])
  } else {
    posterior <- rep(NA, 5)
    alpha12 <- NA
    alpha21 <- NA
  res <- c(nv, posterior, alpha12, alpha21)
  names(res) <- c('nv', 'P0', 'P1', 'P2', 'P1,2', 'P12', 'alpha12', 'alpha21')
  return(as.list(res)) # FIXME make this more slick

#' @export
coloc.data <- function(analysis1, analysis2,
                       signal1, signal2, 
                  chrom, pos_start, pos_end, pos, 
                  hgncid, ensemblid, rs, surround = 500000,
                  entity, entity1, entity2,
                  dbc = getOption("gtx.dbConnection", NULL), ...) {

  ## Determine genomic region from arguments
  xregion <- gtxregion(chrom = chrom, pos_start = pos_start, pos_end = pos_end, pos = pos, 
                       hgncid = hgncid, ensemblid = ensemblid, rs = rs, surround = surround,
                       dbc = dbc)

  ## substitute generic entity for entity1 and entity2 if needed
  if (missing(entity1) && !missing(entity)) entity1 <- entity
  if (missing(entity2) && !missing(entity)) entity2 <- entity

  ## Determine entity, if required, for each analysis
  xentity1 <- gtxentity(analysis1, 
                        entity = entity1, hgncid = hgncid, ensemblid = ensemblid,
                        tablename = 't1',
                        dbc = dbc)
  xentity2 <- gtxentity(analysis2, 
                        entity = entity2, hgncid = hgncid, ensemblid = ensemblid,
                        tablename = 't2',
                        dbc = dbc)

  ## Get association statistics
  res <- sqlWrapper(dbc, 
                                 t1.chrom AS chrom, t1.pos AS pos, t1.ref AS ref, t1.alt AS alt,
                                 t1.beta%s AS beta1, t1.se%s AS se1, 
                                 t2.beta%s AS beta2, t2.se%s AS se2  
                                 %sgwas_results%s AS t1 
                             FULL JOIN 
                                 %sgwas_results%s AS t2 
                             USING (chrom, pos, ref, alt) 
                                 %s AND %s AND %s %s AND 
                                 %s AND %s AND %s %s 
                             ORDER BY chrom, pos, ref, alt
                            if (missing(signal1)) '' else '_cond', 
                            if (missing(signal1)) '' else '_cond', 
                            if (missing(signal2)) '' else '_cond', 
                            if (missing(signal2)) '' else '_cond', 
                            gtxanalysisdb(analysis1, dbc = dbc), 
                            if (missing(signal1)) '' else '_cond', 
                            gtxanalysisdb(analysis2, dbc = dbc), 
                            if (missing(signal2)) '' else '_cond', 
                            where_from(analysisu = analysis1, signalu = signal1, tablename = 't1'), 
                            gtxwhere(chrom = xregion$chrom, pos_ge = xregion$pos_start, pos_le = xregion$pos_end, tablename = 't1'), 
                            if (missing(signal1)) 'AND t1.pval IS NOT NULL' else '', 
                            where_from(analysisu = analysis2, signalu = signal2, tablename = 't2'),
                            gtxwhere(chrom = xregion$chrom, pos_ge = xregion$pos_start, pos_le = xregion$pos_end, tablename = 't2'),
                            if (missing(signal2)) 'AND t2.pval IS NOT NULL' else ''
                    uniq = FALSE) # expect >=1 rows

  attr(res, 'region') <- xregion
  attr(res, 'entity1') <- xentity1 # note never null, but $entity element may be NULL
  attr(res, 'entity2') <- xentity2 # note never null, but $entity element may be NULL

#' Colocalization analysis.
#' Colocalization analysis using summary statistics from database.
#' This high level function conducts a colocalization analysis, using
#' summary statistics for association with two traits, across a region of
#' the genome.  The \code{analysis1} and \code{analysis2} arguments specify
#' which analyses to use summary statistics from.
#' Where one or both analyses 
#' have summary statistics for multiple entities (e.g. from eQTL or
#' pQTL analyses), the desired entities must be specified (see below).
#' The \code{style} argument can be set to \code{'Z'} to plot Z
#' statistics for the two analyses, and/or \code{'beta'} to plot beta (effect
#' size) statistics for the two analyses.  \dQuote{One-sided} plots, where
#' the ref/alt alleles are flipped so that beta is always positive for
#' \code{analysis1}, are provided as styles \code{'Z1'} and \code{'beta1'}.
#' The style \code{'none'} suppresses plotting altogether.  In all plots,
#' the x and y axes are used for analysis1 and analysis2 respectively.
#' To help interpretation, 95% credible sets are calculated
#' separately for each analysis.  Variants in both credible sets are plotted
#' as diamonds, and variants only in one credible set are plotted as triangles
#' (down for the x axis analysis1; up for the y axis analysis 2).  Additionally,
#' two channel shading is used to indicate posterior probability of
#' causality for analysis1 (red), analysis2 (green), or both (yellow).
#' Note that when using a \code{hgncid} or \code{ensemblid} gene
#' identifier to specify the region from which to use summary statistics,
#' the default \code{surround=500000} will \emph{not} include the full
#' cis eQTL region as usually specified.
#' The region of interest can be specified in several different ways.
#' The region can be supplied as physical coordinates using the arguments
#' \code{chrom}, \code{pos_start} and \code{pos_end}.  Alternatively, the
#' region can be centered on a gene of interest, using either the
#' \code{hgncid} or \code{emsemblid} argument, and the size of region
#' around the gene can be modified using the \code{surround} argument.
#' Note that the primary purpose of gene-identifying arguments
#' \code{hgncid} or \code{ensemblid} is to specify the genomic region of
#' interest (and thus the set of the variants to analyse).  It is only a
#' secondary purpose that the entity for eQTL or pQTL analyses will be
#' inferred from \code{hgncid} or \code{ensemblid}, if no explicit
#' \code{entity} argument is given.
#' Entities are used to distinguish genomic features, where a single set
#' analysis includes summary statistics, for each variant, for
#' associations with one or more entities.  E.g. in an eQTL analysis,
#' each transcript or gene is an entity, and a single typical variant
#' will have summary statistics for associations with multiple
#' transcripts or genes.  If either of the analyses specified by
#' \code{analysis1} and \code{analysis2} have results separated by
#' entity, then the arguments \code{entity1} and \code{entity2} are used
#' to specify the desired entity from each.  If either \code{entity1} or
#' \code{entity2} is missing, the argument \code{entity} is used
#' instead.  (This mechanism facilitates e.g. colocalization between analyses
#' for the same transcript between two different eQTL datasets.)  If the
#' argument \code{entity} is also missing, the function attempts to infer
#' a suitable entity from the \code{hgncid} or \code{ensemblid}
#' arguments.  (This leads to sensible default behaviour, and facilitates
#' the most common use case of centering the genomic region of interest
#' on the entity being analysed in an eQTL or pQTL dataset.)
#' @param analysis1 The key value for the first GWAS analysis to analyze
#' @param analysis2 The key value for the second GWAS analysis to analyze
#' @param chrom Character specifying chromosome
#' @param pos_start Start position of region
#' @param pos_end End position of region
#' @param hgncid HGNC identifier of gene to define region around
#' @param ensemblid ENSEMBL gene identifier to define region around
#' @param surround Distance around gene to include in region. Default: 500000
#' @param entity Identifier for an entity, for analyses of multiple entities
#' @param entity1 Identifier for an entity, for analysis
#' @param entity2 Identifier for an entity, for analysis2
#' @param style Character specifying plot style. Default: 'Z'
#' @param dbc Database connection. Default: getOption("gtx.dbConnection", NULL)
#' @return
#'  a data frame containing the result of the
#'  colocalization analysis, see \code{\link{coloc.compute}} for details.
#'  The plot is generated as a side effect.
#' @author Toby Johnson \email{Toby.x.Johnson@gsk.com}
#' @export

coloc <- function(analysis1, analysis2, signal1, signal2, 
                  chrom, pos_start, pos_end, pos, 
                  hgncid, ensemblid, rs, surround = 500000,
                  entity, entity1, entity2,
                  style = 'Z', 
                  priorsd1 = 1, priorsd2 = 1, priorc1 = 1e-4, priorc2 = 1e-4, priorc12 = 1e-5,
                  join_type = 'inner',
                  dbc = getOption("gtx.dbConnection", NULL)) {

  ## query variant-level summary stats
  res <- coloc.data(analysis1 = analysis1, analysis2 = analysis2,
                    signal1 = signal1, signal2 = signal2, 
                    chrom = chrom, pos_start = pos_start, pos_end = pos_end, pos = pos,
                    hgncid = hgncid, ensemblid = ensemblid, rs = rs, surround = surround,
                    entity = entity, entity1 = entity1, entity2 = entity2,
                    dbc = dbc)  
  gtx_debug('coloc.data query returned {nrow(res)} rows')

  pdesc1 <- gtxanalysis_label(analysis = analysis1, entity = attr(res, 'entity1'), signal = signal1, nlabel = FALSE, dbc = dbc)
  pdesc2 <- gtxanalysis_label(analysis = analysis2, entity = attr(res, 'entity2'), signal = signal2, nlabel = FALSE, dbc = dbc)
  ## compute coloc probabilities
  resc <- coloc.compute(res,
                        priorsd1 = priorsd1, priorsd2 = priorsd2,
                        priorc1 = priorc1, priorc2 = priorc2, priorc12 = priorc12,
                        join_type = join_type)

  ## compute extra variables and symbol/colour for plotting
  if ('Z' %in% style || 'Z1' %in% style) {
      # compute Z statistics if needed for plots
      resc <- within(resc, { z1 <- beta1/se1 ; z2 <- beta2/se2 })
  if ('beta1' %in% style || 'Z1' %in% style) {
      # prepare for sign flipping if needed for half-scatter plots
      bs = sign(resc$beta1)
      bz = which(bs == 0L)
      if (length(bz) > 0) {
          warning('Randomly flipping signs of beta2 for ', length(bz), ' variant(s) with beta1==0.')
          bs[bz] <- ifelse(runif(length(bz)) < 0.5, -1L, 1L)
      stopifnot(all(bs == -1L | bs == 1L, na.rm = TRUE))
      resc$flip <- bs

  ## tidy this up, put twochannel in gtxbase; more carefully name the plot style variables
  twochannel <- function(x, y, grey = 0.67, alpha = 0.5) {
      r <- pmin(pmax(1+x*y-y, 0), 1)
      g <- pmin(pmax(1+x*y-x, 0), 1)
      b <- pmin(pmax(1+x*y-y-x, 0), 1)
      return(rgb(grey*r, grey*g, grey*b, alpha = alpha))
  p1 <- norm1(c(attr(resc, 'nullabf1'), priorc1*resc$abf1))
  p2 <- norm1(c(attr(resc, 'nullabf2'), priorc2*resc$abf2))
  cs1 <- credset(p1)[-1]
  cs2 <- credset(p2)[-1]
  bg <- twochannel(x = p1[-1]/max(p1),
                   y = p2[-1]/max(p2))
  cex <- 0.75 + 0.5*p1[-1] + 0.5*p2[-1]
  pch = ifelse(cs1, ifelse(cs2, 22, 25), ifelse(cs2, 24, 21))
  if ('Z' %in% style) {
      with(resc, {
               xlim = range(c(0, beta1/se1), na.rm = TRUE),
               ylim = range(c(0, beta2/se2), na.rm = TRUE), # forces (0,0) to be included in plot
               cex = cex, pch = pch, bg = bg, col = rgb(.33, .33, .33, .5), 
               ann = FALSE)
	  abline(h = 0)
	  abline(v = 0)
          mtext.fit(main = paste0('H', c('0', 'x', 'y', 'x,y', 'xy'), '=',
                                  round(attr(resc, 'coloc')$posterior*100), '%', collapse = ', '),
                    xlab = paste(pdesc1, 'association Z score'),
                    ylab = paste(pdesc2, 'association Z score'))
	  mtext(paste('colocalization at', attr(resc, 'region')$label), 3, 3) # should force to fit plot area
  if ('Z1' %in% style) {
      with(resc, {
               xlim = c(0, max(flip*beta1/se1, na.rm = TRUE)),
               ylim = range(c(0, flip*beta2/se2), na.rm = TRUE), 
               cex = cex, pch = pch, bg = bg, col = rgb(.33, .33, .33, .5), 
               ann = FALSE)
	  abline(h = 0)
	  abline(v = 0)
          mtext.fit(main = paste0('H', c('0', 'x', 'y', 'x,y', 'xy'), '=',
                                  round(attr(resc, 'coloc')$posterior*100), '%', collapse = ', '),
                    xlab = paste(pdesc1, 'association Z score'),
                    ylab = paste(pdesc2, 'association Z score'))
	  mtext(paste('colocalization at', attr(resc, 'region')$label), 3, 3) # should force to fit plot area
  if ('beta' %in% style) {
      with(resc, {
               xlim = range(c(0, beta1), na.rm = TRUE),
               ylim = range(c(0, beta2), na.rm = TRUE), # forces (0,0) to be included in plot
               cex = cex, pch = pch, bg = bg, col = rgb(.33, .33, .33, .5), 
               ann = FALSE)
	  abline(h = 0)
	  abline(v = 0)
          mtext.fit(main = paste0('H', c('0', 'x', 'y', 'x,y', 'xy'), '=',
                                  round(attr(resc, 'coloc')$posterior*100), '%', collapse = ', '),
                    xlab = paste(pdesc1, 'association effect size'),
                    ylab = paste(pdesc2, 'association effect size'))
          mtext(paste('colocalization at', attr(resc, 'region')$label), 3, 3) # should force to fit plot area
  if ('beta1' %in% style) {
      with(resc, {
               xlim = c(0, max(flip*beta1, na.rm = TRUE)),
               ylim = range(c(0, flip*beta2), na.rm = TRUE), 
               cex = cex, pch = pch, bg = bg, col = rgb(.33, .33, .33, .5), 
               ann = FALSE)
	  abline(h = 0)
	  abline(v = 0)
          mtext.fit(main = paste0('H', c('0', 'x', 'y', 'x,y', 'xy'), '=',
                                  round(attr(resc, 'coloc')$posterior*100), '%', collapse = ', '),
                    xlab = paste(pdesc1, 'association effect size'),
                    ylab = paste(pdesc2, 'association effect size'))
          mtext(paste('colocalization at', attr(resc, 'region')$label), 3, 3) # should force to fit plot area

  return(invisible(resc)) # in future, will return invisible res with resc as an attribute

## analysis1 must have entities, analysis2 must not
## note that surround=0 is a sensible default because
## of the region expansion performed within this function
#' @export
multicoloc.data <- function(analysis1, analysis2, signal2, 
                            chrom, pos_start, pos_end, pos, 
                            hgncid, ensemblid, rs, surround = 0,
##                            entity, entity1, entity2,
##                            style = 'Z', 
                            hard_clip = FALSE, 
                            dbc = getOption("gtx.dbConnection", NULL)) {
  ## note there is a *niche* case where analysis2 would have an entity
  ## e.g. coloc ABC123 expression against expression of all other nearby entities

  ## Determine genomic region from arguments
  xregion <- gtxregion(chrom = chrom, pos_start = pos_start, pos_end = pos_end, pos = pos, 
                       hgncid = hgncid, ensemblid = ensemblid, rs = rs, surround = surround,
                       dbc = dbc)
  chrom = xregion$chrom
  pos_start = xregion$pos_start
  pos_end = xregion$pos_end

  ## Currently only works if analysis1 all in the same db table
  db1 <- unique(sapply(analysis1, gtxanalysisdb, dbc = dbc))
  if (length(db1) == 1L) {
    if (db1 == '') {
      # current database, okay
    } else {
      # sanitize
      db1 <- sanitize1(db1, type = 'alphanum.')
  } else {
    stop('multicoloc does not work with analysis1 spanning multiple databases')

#  ## substitute generic entity for entity1 and entity2 if needed
#  if (missing(entity1) && !missing(entity)) entity1 <- entity
#  if (missing(entity2) && !missing(entity)) entity2 <- entity

#  ## Determine entity, if required, for each analysis
#  xentity1 <- gtxentity(analysis1, entity = entity1, hgncid = hgncid, ensemblid = ensemblid)
#  xentity2 <- gtxentity(analysis2, entity = entity2, hgncid = hgncid, ensemblid = ensemblid)

  ## We want to include complete association statistics for all entities that
  ## partly or fully overlap the query region.  (This cannot be done
  ## by adding a buffer region since entities are of variable size, and have
  ## association statistics that extend by unknown intervals around the
  ## entity [GTEx 1Mb cis-regions are not guaranteed].)
  ## Therefore we run a series of queries, to
  ## 1. Find all entities with >=1 association statistic within the overlap query region
  ## 2. Find the interval that includes all association statistics for those entities
  ## 3. Do a coloc query for this region (with WHERE ... AND entity=)
  ## Note that for efficiency regions we want query 3. to be by a defined physical region
  ## rather than directly selecting on WHERE entity IN ...
  flog.info(paste0('Query region is chr', chrom, ':', pos_start, '-', pos_end, 
         ' (', prettyNum(pos_end - pos_start + 1, big.mark = ',', scientific = FALSE), ' bp)'))

  eq <- sqlWrapper(dbc, 
                                 DISTINCT entity
                             FROM %sgwas_results
                                 %s AND %s ;',
                            gtxwhat(analysis = analysis1), 
                            gtxwhere(chrom = chrom, pos_ge = pos_start, pos_le = pos_end)),
                    uniq = FALSE)$entity
  ## FIXME this may return zero rows, should handle gracefully
  flog.info(paste0('Query region includes association statistics for ', length(eq), ' entities'))

  if (!hard_clip) {
      ep <- sqlWrapper(dbc, 
                                 min(pos) as minpos, max(pos) as maxpos
                             FROM %sgwas_results
                                 %s AND %s ;',
                             gtxwhat(analysis = analysis1),
                             gtxwhere(chrom = chrom, entity = eq)))
      pos_start <- ep$minpos
      pos_end <- ep$maxpos
      flog.info(paste0('Expanded region is chr', chrom, ':', pos_start, '-', pos_end,
             ' (', prettyNum(pos_end - pos_start + 1, big.mark = ',', scientific = FALSE), ' bp)'))

  ## If using marginal results from analysis2 (i.e. missing(signal2)), then
  ##   we use a (INNER) JOIN and hence silently drop rows that don't match
  ## If using CLEO results from analysis2, then we use a LEFT JOIN
  ## FIXME if hard_clip can make this query run faster by not selecting on entity

  if (missing(signal2)) {
    t0 <- as.double(Sys.time())
    # query marginal statistics for analysis2
    res <- sqlWrapper(dbc,
                      sprintf('SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN
                                   t1.analysis AS analysis1, t1.entity AS entity1,
                                   t1.chrom AS chrom, t1.pos AS pos, t1.ref AS ref, t1.alt AS alt, 
                                   t1.beta AS beta1, t1.se AS se1, 
                                   t2.beta AS beta2, t2.se AS se2 
                                        chrom, pos, ref, alt, analysis, entity, beta, se
                                    FROM %sgwas_results 
                                        %s AND %s AND %s AND pval IS NOT NULL
                                   ) AS t1 
                               JOIN /* +SHUFFLE */
                                        chrom, pos, ref, alt, beta, se
                                    FROM %sgwas_results
                                        %s AND %s AND pval IS NOT NULL
                                   ) AS t2
                               USING (chrom, pos, ref, alt)
                               ORDER BY analysis1, entity1, chrom, pos, ref, alt;',
                            gtxwhat(analysis = analysis1),
                            gtxwhere(chrom = chrom, pos_ge = pos_start, pos_le = pos_end),
                            gtxwhere(chrom = chrom, entity = eq),
                            gtxanalysisdb(analysis2, dbc = dbc),
                            where_from(analysisu = analysis2), 
                            gtxwhere(chrom = chrom, pos_ge = pos_start, pos_le = pos_end) 
                    uniq = FALSE) # expect >=1 rows
    t1 <- as.double(Sys.time())
    flog.info(paste0('Results query returned ', nrow(res), ' rows in ', round(t1 - t0, 3), 's.'))
  } else {
    # query CLEO statistics for analysis2, 
    # the left join strategy *only works for a single signal*
    t0 <- as.double(Sys.time())
    res <- try(sqlWrapper(dbc,
                                   t1.analysis AS analysis1, t1.entity AS entity1, t2.signal AS signal2, 
                                   t1.chrom AS chrom, t1.pos AS pos, t1.ref AS ref, t1.alt AS alt, 
                                   t1.beta AS beta1, t1.se AS se1, 
                                   t2.beta_cond AS beta2, t2.se_cond AS se2 
                               FROM %sgwas_results AS t1
                               LEFT JOIN %sgwas_results_cond AS t2
                               USING (chrom, pos, ref, alt)
                                   %s AND %s AND %s AND pval IS NOT NULL
                                   AND %s AND %s
                               ORDER BY analysis1, entity1, signal2, chrom, pos, ref, alt
                              gtxwhat(analysis = analysis1, tablename = 't1'),
                              gtxwhere(chrom = chrom, pos_ge = pos_start, pos_le = pos_end, tablename = 't1'), 
                              gtxwhere(chrom = chrom, entity = eq, tablename = 't1'),
                              where_from(analysisu = analysis2, signalu = signal2, tablename = 't2'), 
                              gtxwhere(chrom = chrom, pos_ge = pos_start, pos_le = pos_end, tablename = 't2')
                    uniq = FALSE)) # expect >=1 rows
    #res$signal2 <- signal2 # WARNING this only works when there is one signal queried at a time
    t1 <- as.double(Sys.time())
    flog.info(paste0('Results query returned ', nrow(res), ' rows in ', round(t1 - t0, 3), 's.'))
    signals_found <- na.omit(unique(res$signal2))
    if (length(signals_found) == 0L) {
      flog.warn(paste0('Query returned no summary statistics for signal=', paste0(signal2, collapse = ',')))
    } else if (length(signals_found) == 1L) {
      flog.debug(paste0('multicoloc LEFT JOIN query returned ', 
                        sum(res$signal2 == signals_found[1]),
                        ' rows with signal2=', signals_found[1], ' and ',
                        ' rows with signal2=NA'))
      res$signal2 <- signals_found[1]
    } else {
      # don't know how to handle this case efficiently, what follows is horrible code!
      stop('multicoloc.data currently cannot handle multiple signal2 in one call')
      #resalt <- do.call(rbind, lapply(signals_found, function(s1) { 
      #  tmp <- rbind(subset(res, signal2 == s1), 
      #               subset(res, is.na(signal2) | signal2 != s1))
      #  tmp <- tmp[!duplicated(with(tmp, paste0(analysis1, ' ', entity1, ' ', chrom, ':', pos, ':', ref, '>', alt))), ]


## A second use case for multicoloc, is that a single analysis1 
## [and entity1] is to be colocalized with a potentially 
## large set of analysis2 [and entity2], not necessarily e/pQTL.
## Motivating example is taking a locus tophit from one
## disease GWAS, PheWAS'ing it, and then testing colocalization
## with all the PheWAS hits.

#' @export
multicoloc2.data <- function(analysis1, 
                             chrom, pos_start, pos_end, pos, 
                             hgncid, ensemblid, rs, surround = 0,
                             dbc = getOption("gtx.dbConnection", NULL)) {

  ## check target is a dataframe
  stopifnot(all(c('analysis', 'entity') %in% names(target)))
  ## could play nicer and write a null column for entity if  not present

  ## Determine genomic region from arguments
  xregion <- gtxregion(chrom = chrom, pos_start = pos_start, pos_end = pos_end, pos = pos, 
                       hgncid = hgncid, ensemblid = ensemblid, rs = rs, surround = surround,
                       dbc = dbc)
  chrom = xregion$chrom
  pos_start = xregion$pos_start
  pos_end = xregion$pos_end
  ## Determine entity, if required, for each analysis1
  xentity1 <- gtxentity(analysis1, entity = entity1, hgncid = hgncid, ensemblid = ensemblid)

  where2 <- paste0('(',
                        paste(sprintf('(analysis=\'%s\' AND entity%s)', 
                                      ifelse(!is.na(entity) & entity != '', 
                                             sprintf('=\'%s\'', entity), 
                                             ' IS NULL')),
                              collapse = ' OR ')),

  t0 <- as.double(Sys.time())
  # note join is t2 join t1, so that join hints are
  # same as regular multicoloc
  res <- sqlWrapper(dbc,
                    sprintf('SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN
                              t2.analysis AS analysis2, t2.entity AS entity2,
                              t1.beta AS beta1, t1.se AS se1, 
                              t2.beta AS beta2, t2.se AS se2 
                              chrom, pos, ref, alt, analysis, entity, beta, se
                              FROM gwas_results 
                              %s AND %s AND pval IS NOT NULL
                              ) AS t2 
                              JOIN /* +SHUFFLE */
                              chrom, pos, ref, alt, beta, se
                              FROM gwas_results
                              %s AND %s AND pval IS NOT NULL
                              ) AS t1
                              USING (chrom, pos, ref, alt);',
                              gtx:::gtxwhere(chrom = chrom, pos_ge = pos_start, pos_le = pos_end),
                              gtx:::where_from(analysisu = analysis1), 
                              gtx:::gtxwhere(chrom = chrom, pos_ge = pos_start, pos_le = pos_end) 
                      uniq = FALSE) # expect >=1 rows
  t1 <- as.double(Sys.time())
  gtx_info('Results query returned {nrow(res)} rows in {round(t1 - t0, 3)}s.')

#' @import data.table
#' @export
multicoloc <- function(analysis1, analysis2, signal2, 
                       chrom, pos_start, pos_end, pos, 
                       hgncid, ensemblid, rs, surround = 0,
                       hard_clip = FALSE, style = 'heatplot',
                       thresh_analysis = 0.1, thresh_entity = 0.1, 
                       dbc = getOption("gtx.dbConnection", NULL), ...) {

  ## get summary stats (ss)
  ss <- multicoloc.data(analysis1 = analysis1, analysis2 = analysis2, signal2 = signal2, 
                         chrom = chrom, pos_start = pos_start, pos_end = pos_end, pos = pos, 
                         hgncid = hgncid, ensemblid = ensemblid, rs = rs,
                         surround = surround, hard_clip = hard_clip, 
                         dbc = dbc)

  ## do colocalization analyses using data.table fast grouping
  ## storing in data.table res (= multicoloc RESults)
  t0 <- as.double(Sys.time())
  ss <- data.table::data.table(ss) # could inline
  if (missing(signal2)) {
    # query was marginal statistics for analysis2
    # FIXME handle this better in multicoloc.data, 
    # always return signal2, but 'default' if a marginal lookup
    data.table::setkey(ss, analysis1, entity1)
    res <- ss[ ,
                coloc.fast(beta1, se1, beta2, se2), # FIXME explicitly pass priors
                by = .(analysis1, entity1)]
  } else {
    # query was CLEO statistics for analysis2, may include multiple signals, and was LEFT JOIN not (inner) JOIN
    # after this left join, eqtl stats that do not match any signal,
    # need to be replicated for all signals, or need to be members of 
    # multiple groups
    # Considering possibilities:
    #   If there is only one signal plus NA rows, we
    #   can set signal=NA to the only non-NA signal value
    #   and proceed (still left join assumption beta2=NA -> abf2=0
    #   If there is no signal (all.is.na(signal)),
    #   all the lnABF will be -Inf under left join assumptions
    #   and the norm1 will fail with a division by zero - FIX THIS UPSTREAM IN coloc.fast
    # could make logic on this, with set to empty vector if missing(signals2)
    data.table::setkey(ss, analysis1, entity1, signal2) # added signal2 here
    res <- ss[ ,
              coloc.fast(beta1, se1, beta2, se2, join_type = 'left'), # FIXME explicitly pass priors
              by = .(analysis1, entity1, signal2)]
  t1 <- as.double(Sys.time())
  gtx_info('Colocalization analyzed for {sum(!is.na(res$P12))} pairs in {round(t1 - t0, 3)}s.')

  ## get results labels (resl), i.e. gene data for entities
  ## 1. look up entity_type for each analysis1 and merge:
  res <- merge(res, 
               annot(analysis = res$analysis1)[ , c('analysis', 'entity_type'), drop = FALSE], 
               by.x = 'analysis1', by.y = 'analysis', 
               all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
  ## 2. look up labels for each (entity, entity_type) pair and merge:
  res <- merge(res, 
               annot(within(res, entity <- entity1)[ , c('entity', 'entity_type'), drop = FALSE]), 
               by.x = c('entity1', 'entity_type'), by.y = c('entity', 'entity_type'),
               all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
  ## 3. fallback for entities not found by annot()
  w_res_nolabel <- which(with(res, label == '' | is.na(label)))
  if (length(w_res_nolabel) > 0) {
    gtx_warn('using fallback labels for entities [{paste(res[w_res_nolabel]$entity1, collapse = ", ")}]')
    res[w_res_nolabel, label := entity1]  
  ## 4. restore key (and hence row order), inherited from ss, but broken by previous merges
  if (missing(signal2)) {
    data.table::setkey(res, analysis1, entity1)
  } else {
    data.table::setkey(res, analysis1, entity1, signal2)

  ## Add the following as an attr()ibute
  ## analysis2 is not allowed an entity currently
  pdesc2 <- gtxanalysis_label(analysis = analysis2, signal = signal2, nlabel = FALSE, dbc = dbc)
  if ('heatplot' %in% style) {
                    thresh_analysis = thresh_analysis, 
                    thresh_entity = thresh_entity, 
                    main = pdesc2)

#' Multiple colocalization, use case 2
#' Multiple colocalization, one (disease) analysis against 
#' a set of analysis/entity pairs.
#' A second use case for multicoloc, is that a single analysis1 
#' (and entity1 in future) is to be colocalized with a potentially 
#' large set of analysis2 (with or without entity2; not necessarily 
#' e/pQTL).
#' The Motivating example is taking a top hit variant at a (disease) 
#' GWAS locus,PheWAS'ing it, and then testing colocalization with all 
#' the PheWAS hits.
#' @param analysis1 analysis id to colocalize
#' @param target data frame with columns analysis and entity
#' @param chrom other arguments used to determine region for coloc
#' @return
#'  A data frame of analysis1 against each analysis/entity from
#'  target (called analysis2 and entity2) along with 
#'  colocalization probabilities.
#' @author Toby Johnson \email{Toby.x.Johnson@gsk.com}
#' @import data.table
#' @export
multicoloc2 <- function(analysis1, 
                        chrom, pos_start, pos_end, pos, 
                        hgncid, ensemblid, rs, surround = 0,
                        dbc = getOption("gtx.dbConnection", NULL), ...) {
  ## get summary stats (ss)
  ss <- multicoloc2.data(analysis1 = analysis1, target = target, 
                        chrom = chrom, pos_start = pos_start, pos_end = pos_end, pos = pos, 
                        hgncid = hgncid, ensemblid = ensemblid, rs = rs,
                        surround = surround, 
                        dbc = dbc)
  ## do colocalization analyses using data.table fast grouping
  ## storing in data.table res (= multicoloc RESults)
  t0 <- as.double(Sys.time())
  ss <- data.table::data.table(ss) # could inline
  data.table::setkey(ss, analysis2, entity2)
  res <- ss[ ,
               gtx:::coloc.fast(beta1, se1, beta2, se2), # FIXME explicitly pass priors
               by = .(analysis2, entity2)]
  t1 <- as.double(Sys.time())
  gtx_info('Colocalization analyzed for {sum(!is.na(res$P12))} pairs in {round(t1 - t0, 3)}s.')
  res <- as.data.frame(res)
  res$analysis1 <- analysis1
## Input, a matrix of z values with analysis as column names and entity as row names 
multicoloc.plot <- function(res, 
                            thresh_entity = 0.1, 
                            thresh_analysis = 0.1, 
                            main = 'Unspecified multicoloc plot', 
                            dbc = getOption("gtx.dbConnection", NULL)) {

  analyses <- unique(res$analysis1)
  entities <- res[match(unique(res$entity1), res$entity1), list(entity1, label, chrom, pos_start, pos_end)]
  entities <- entities[order((entities$pos_start + entities$pos_end)/2.), ]
  ## create column z between -1 and 1 for coloc P12 probability * sign of effect direction
  ## then reshape ready for matrix
  res[ , z := P12*sign(alpha21)]
  resmat <- reshape(res[ , list(analysis1, entity1, z)],
                  direction = 'wide', idvar = 'entity1', timevar = 'analysis1')
  zmat <- as.matrix(resmat[match(entities$entity1, resmat$entity1), 
                             paste0('z', '.', analyses), with = FALSE])
  # note, preserve order of entities because sorted by midpoint pos_start,pos_end
  # MUST BE preserved if replaced by a merge or left join
  #  res <- cbind(res, resc[match(res$entity1, resc$entity1), paste0('z', '.', analyses), with  = FALSE])
  rownames(zmat) <- entities$label
  colnames(zmat) <- analyses

  ## thresh_analysis <- thresh_analysis*max(zmat, na.rm = TRUE) # threshold could be relative instead of absolute
  ## thresh_entity <- thresh_entity*max(zmat, na.rm = TRUE) # threshold, ditto
  ## FIXME, if nothing passes thresholds, should adapt more gracefully
  zmat.rsel <- apply(zmat, 1, function(z) return(any(abs(z) >= thresh_entity, na.rm = TRUE) && any(!is.na(z))))
  if (all(!zmat.rsel)) gtx_warn('No entities to plot, because no P12 >= thresh_entity={thresh_entity}')    
  zmat.cord <- order(apply(zmat, 2, function(z) if (any(abs(z) >= thresh_analysis, na.rm = TRUE)) max(abs(z), na.rm = TRUE) else NA), na.last = NA)
  if (identical(length(zmat.cord), 0L)) gtx_warn('No analyses to plot, because no P12 >= thresh_analysis={thresh_analysis}')
  zmat <- zmat[zmat.rsel, zmat.cord, drop = FALSE]
  if (any(zmat.rsel) && length(zmat.cord) > 0L) {
    ## Query plot labels for analyses
    label_y <- sqlWrapper(dbc, 
                          sprintf('SELECT analysis, label FROM analyses WHERE %s',
                                  gtxwhat(analysis = colnames(zmat))),
                          uniq = FALSE)
    label_y <- label_y$label[match(colnames(zmat), label_y$analysis)]
    ## label_y <- ifelse(!is.na(label_y), label_y, colnames(zmat)) # fall back to analysis if label lookup failed
    x_labelmax <- .4 # max fraction of total x space to use for analysis descriptions
    y_linesep <- 2. # spacing desired as multiple of strheight()
    cex_ylab <- 1.
    while (TRUE) {
      y_used <- sum(strheight(label_y, cex = cex_ylab)*y_linesep)
      x_used <- max(strwidth(label_y, cex = cex_ylab))
      if (y_used <= 1. && x_used <= x_labelmax) break
      cex_ylab <- cex_ylab*min(1./y_used, x_labelmax/x_used)
    x_labeluse <- x_used
    cex_values <- 1.
    while (TRUE) {
      y_used <- strheight('000', cex = cex_values)*ncol(zmat)*y_linesep
      x_used <- strwidth('000', cex = cex_values)*nrow(zmat)
      if (y_used <= 1. && x_used <= (1. - x_labeluse)) break
      cex_values <- cex_values*min(1./y_used, (1. - x_labeluse)/x_used)
    plot.window(c(-x_labeluse/(1. - x_labeluse), 1.)*(nrow(zmat) + .5), c(.5, ncol(zmat) + .5))
    abline(v = 0)
    image(x = 1:nrow(zmat), y = 1:ncol(zmat),
          z = zmat,
          zlim = c(-1, 1),
          col = c(rgb(0:100/100, 0:100/100, 1), rgb(1, 100:0/100, 100:0/100,)),
          add = TRUE) # should add options for different colour scalings
    text(0, 1:ncol(zmat), label_y, pos = 2, cex = cex_ylab)
    for (idx in 1:ncol(zmat)) {
      zvals <- as.integer(round(abs(zmat[, idx])*100))
      text(1:nrow(zmat), idx, ifelse(!is.na(zvals), sprintf('%02i', zvals), ''), cex = cex_values)
    axis(1, at = 1:nrow(zmat),
         labels = rownames(zmat),
         las = 2, cex.axis = .5, font = 3)
    mtext.fit(main = main)
    ## FIXME add legend about what is not shown, region used, hard clipping on/off
  } else {
    gtx_warn('Skipping plotting')


## We aim to deprecate multicoloc.kbs by fixing multicoloc
## to return results as a long list
#' @import data.table
#' @export
multicoloc.kbs <- function(analysis1, analysis2,
                       chrom, pos_start, pos_end, pos, 
                       hgncid, ensemblid, rs, surround = 0,
                       hard_clip = FALSE, style = 'heatplot',
                       thresh_analysis = 0.1, thresh_entity = 0.1, 
                       dbc = getOption("gtx.dbConnection", NULL), ...) {

  ## get summary stats
  ss <- multicoloc.data(analysis1 = analysis1, analysis2 = analysis2,
                         chrom = chrom, pos_start = pos_start, pos_end = pos_end, pos = pos, 
                         hgncid = hgncid, ensemblid = ensemblid, rs = rs,
                         surround = surround, hard_clip = hard_clip, 
                         dbc = dbc) %>% 
  res <- sqlWrapper(getOption('gtx.dbConnection_cache_genes', dbc), 
                    sprintf('SELECT ensemblid AS entity1, hgncid FROM genes WHERE %s ORDER BY pos_start;',
                            gtxwhere(ensemblid = unique(ss$entity))), # FIXME not guaranteed entity_type is ENSG
                    uniq = FALSE)
  res$entity <- res$ensemblid # FIXME not guaranteed entity_type

  ret <- ss[ ,
              coloc.fast(beta1, se1, beta2, se2),
              by = .(analysis1, entity1)] %>% 
         left_join(., res, by = "entity1") %>% 
         dplyr::rename(tissue = analysis1) %>%
         dplyr::rename(ensembl_id = entity1) %>%
         dplyr::rename(hgnc_id = hgncid)
      # FIXME you may want to rename P1, P2, P12 etc.
tobyjohnson/gtx documentation built on Aug. 30, 2019, 8:07 p.m.