#' Check for Packages
#' Triggers an error if a package is not installed.
#' @param packages A character vector of packages.
#' @export
packageCheck <- function(packages){
for(package in packages){
if (!requireNamespace(package, quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("\nUh oh! This method depends on library(", package,
"). ", "\nTry miSciTools::demand(\"", package, "\").")
#' Plot Multiple Graphs
#' Easily plot multiple graphs within the same window. Code adapted from
#' http://www.cookbook-r.com/.
#' @param ... Multiple plots.
#' @param cols A numeric scalar. The number of plot columns.
#' @export
multiplot <- function(..., cols = 1){
if(!requireNamespace("grid", quietly = TRUE)){
stop("Uh oh! This method depends on grid. ",
"Try running: miSciTools::demand('grid')")
# Make a list of plots
plots <- list(...)
numPlots <- length(plots)
# Layout the panel
layout <- matrix(seq(from = 1,
to = cols * ceiling(numPlots/cols)),
ncol = cols,
nrow = ceiling(numPlots/cols)
if(numPlots == 1){
# Set up the page
layout = grid::grid.layout(nrow(layout),
# Place each plot, in the correct location
for(i in 1:numPlots){
# Get the i,j matrix positions of the regions that contain this subplot
matchidx <- as.data.frame(which(layout == i, arr.ind = TRUE))
vp = grid::viewport(layout.pos.row = matchidx$row,
layout.pos.col = matchidx$col)
#' Load or Install Package
#' This function installs a package if not already installed, then loads it.
#' @param packages A character vector. The package(s) to load or install.
#' @export
demand <- function(packages){
for(package in packages){
if(!is.element(package, utils::installed.packages()[, 1])){
cat("Looking for", package, "at CRAN...\n")
utils::install.packages(package, repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org")
if(!is.element(package, utils::installed.packages()[, 1])){
cat("Looking for", package, "at Bioconductor...\n")
BiocManager::install(package, update = FALSE)
if(!is.element(package, utils::installed.packages()[, 1])){
cat("Looking for", package, "at R-Forge...\n")
utils::install.packages(package, repos = "http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
if(is.element(package, utils::installed.packages()[,1])){
library(package, character.only = TRUE)
warning("Could not find ", package, "!")
#' Set Temporary Object
#' Set a given value to a temporary object in a specified environment.
#' @param value An object to assign as a temporary object.
#' @param pos Where to do the assignment (relative to the \code{asTempObj}
#' environment). Defaults to \code{pos = 1}.
#' @param envir The environment to use.
#' @return The name of the temporary object as assigned in the provided
#' environment.
#' @export
asTempObj <- function(value, pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos)){
alreadyInUse <- TRUE
id <- paste(sample(c(letters, LETTERS), 8), collapse = "")
alreadyInUse <- id %in% ls(pos = pos, envir = envir)
assign(id, value, pos = pos, envir = envir)
#' Write R Script
#' This function saves a character string as an R script. By default, this
#' script gets stored in a temporary directory as a temporarily file.
#' This function returns the file path for the saved R script for later
#' use (e.g., via \code{\link{qsub}}).
#' @param ... Any number of character strings or R expressions to join
#' together and save as an R script.
#' @param file A character string. The file path, including directory, where
#' to save the new script. Defaults to a temporary file name.
#' @param preview A logical scalar. Toggles whether to preview the script
#' in the console before saving it. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return The file path for the saved R script.
#' @export
writeR <- function(..., file = paste0(tempfile(), ".R"), preview = FALSE){
# Save parent environment to temporary directory
file.wd <- paste0(file, "Data")
save.image(file = file.wd)
# Combine strings and expressions into an R script
R <- paste0(..., collapse = "")
# Load parent environment from within R script
R <- paste0("load(\"", file.wd, "\")\n", R)
# Save R script in a temporary directory
if(preview) cat(R)
fileConn <- file(file)
writeLines(R, fileConn)
#' Qsub Linux Command
#' This function sends a Linux command to the PBS queue via \code{qsub}.
#' @param cmd A character string. A Linux command to \code{qsub} or the
#' location of an R script to \code{qsub}.
#' @param ... Any additional PBS argument(s). Each argument should
#' get named according to the bash character argument (e.g., set
#' \code{-M thom@tpq.me} with \code{qsub(command, M = "thom@tpq.me")}).
#' @export
qsub <- function(cmd, ...){
# Make sure 'cmd' is character input
if(class(cmd) != "character"){
stop("Please supply the 'cmd' argument as a character string.")
# Check if 'cmd' is an R file
if(file.exists(cmd) & substr(cmd, nchar(cmd)-1, nchar(cmd)) == ".R"){
cmd <- paste0("R CMD BATCH ", cmd)
# Prepare #PBS args
args <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1]
if(length(args) > 0){
args.bash <- paste0("#PBS -", names(args), " ", unlist(args), "\n",
collapse = "")
args.bash <- "#PBS\n"
# Write script to execute cmd
bash <- paste0("#! /bin/bash", "\n",
args.bash, "\n", cmd)
# Send script to queue
run <- paste0("echo \"", bash, "\" | qsub")
#' Insert New Line
#' Inserts a new line of text into an existing file at a specified breakpoint.
#' @param file A character string. The text file to modify.
#' @param after A character string. A fragment of existing text that marks
#' the line after which to insert the new text.
#' @param what A character string. The new text to insert.
#' @export
insert <- function(file, after, what){
# Read lines from connection
con <- file(file)
lines <- readLines(con)
# Find where to insert the new line
i <- which(grepl(after, lines))[1]
# Insert the new line
if(i == length(lines)){
new <- c(lines[1:i], as.character(what))
new <- c(lines[1:i], as.character(what), lines[(i+1):length(lines)])
# Write lines to connection
writeLines(new, con = con)
#' Make Progress Bar
#' @param i The current iteration.
#' @param k Total iterations.
#' @param numTicks The result of \code{progress}.
#' @return The next \code{numTicks} argument.
#' @export
progress <- function(i, k, numTicks){
if(i == 1) numTicks <- 0
if(numTicks == 0) cat("|-")
while(i > numTicks*(k/40)){
if(numTicks == 10) cat("(25%)")
if(numTicks == 20) cat("(50%)")
if(numTicks == 30) cat("(75%)")
numTicks <- numTicks + 1
if(i == k) cat("-|\n")
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