# Package Name: Gimpute
# Description:
# Gimpute -- An efficient genetic data imputation pipeline
# Gimpute R package, An efficient genetic data imputation pipeline
# Copyright (C) 2018 Junfang Chen (junfang.chen@zi-mannheim.de)
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' Remove heterozygous SNPs in male chromosome X
#' @description
#' Remove heterozygous SNPs in haploid male chromosome X only if chromosome X
#' data exists.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param hhCutOff the cutoff for removing male haploid heterozygous SNPs
#' on the chromosome X. The default is 0.005.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @param outputHetSNPfile the output pure text file that stores
#' all heterozygous SNPs with their frequency (the number of males for the
#' corresponding SNP), if any. Lines are sorted by descending number.
#' @param outputRetainSNPfile the output pure text file that stores
#' retained heterozygous SNPs with their frequency (the number of males for
#' the corresponding SNP), if any. Lines are sorted by descending number.
#' @return 1.) The output PLINK binary files. 2.) A pure text files (if any)
#' with two columns: SNPs and their corresponding frequency. 3.) After SNP
#' removal, a pure text files (if any) with two columns: SNPs and their
#' corresponding frequency.
#' @details A haploid heterozygous is a male genotype that is heterozygous,
#' which could be an error given the haploid nature of the male X chromosome.
#' In principle, one has to remove all heterozygous SNPs of chromosome X
#' in males.
#' However, too many SNPs might be removed in some data sets.
#' Therefore a small percentage of such SNPs in the data set is allowed.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "genoUpdatedData"
#' hhCutOff <- 0.005 ## can be tuned
#' outputPrefix <- "2_01_removedSnpHetX"
#' outputHetSNPfile <- "2_01_snpHHfreqAll.txt"
#' outputRetainSNPfile <- "2_01_snpHHfreqRetained.txt"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedSnpHetX(plink, inputPrefix, hhCutOff, outputPrefix,
#' ## outputHetSNPfile, outputRetainSNPfile)
removedSnpHetX <- function(plink, inputPrefix, hhCutOff, outputPrefix,
outputHetSNPfile, outputRetainSNPfile){
bim <- read.table(paste0(inputPrefix, ".bim"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
chrCodes <- names(table(bim[,1]))
chr23check <- length(grep(23, chrCodes))
if (chr23check == 1) {
## just to get .hh file and .fam file
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --chr 23 --filter-males --make-bed --out male23nonPAR"))
if (is.na(file.size("male23nonPAR.hh"))) {
## copy/rename all snp info updated plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
} else {
## *.hh: A text file with one line per error (sorted primarily by
## variant ID, 2nd by sample ID) with the following 3 fields:
# Family ID Within-family ID Variant ID
hh <- read.table("male23nonPAR.hh", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
fam <- read.table("male23nonPAR.fam", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
hetSNPsFreq <- table(hh[,3])
# hetSNPFreqFreq <- table(hetSNPs)
cut4removeHetSNP <- nrow(fam) * hhCutOff
mostFakeSNPs <- hetSNPsFreq[which(hetSNPsFreq >= cut4removeHetSNP)]
mostFakeSNPs <- names(mostFakeSNPs)
write.table(mostFakeSNPs, file="mostFakeSNPs.txt", quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
## remove these fake SNPs
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --exclude mostFakeSNPs.txt --make-bed --out ",
## remove unwanted files
system(paste0("rm mostFakeSNPs.txt"))
## generate hetSNPsFreq in .txt file
hetSNPinstNum <- as.data.frame(hetSNPsFreq, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
hetSNPinstNum <- hetSNPinstNum[order(hetSNPinstNum[,2],
## all heterozygous SNPs
write.table(hetSNPinstNum, file=outputHetSNPfile, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
## remaining heterozygous SNPs
hetSNPinstNumSub <- hetSNPinstNum[!is.element(hetSNPinstNum[,1],
mostFakeSNPs), ]
write.table(hetSNPinstNumSub, file=outputRetainSNPfile,
quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE,
col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
system(paste0("rm male23nonPAR.* ", inputPrefix,".*"))
} else {
## copy/rename plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
system(paste0("rm ", inputPrefix,".*"))
#' Remove male subjects with haploid heterozygous SNPs
#' @description
#' Determine the frequency of male subjects that have heterozygous SNPs on
#' chromosome X and a reasonable cutoff to remove those affect males, if
#' chromosome X data exists.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param hhSubjCutOff the cutoff for removing male subjects with haploid
#' heterozygous SNPs on the chromosome X. The default is 15.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @param outputSubjHetFile the output pure text file that stores male subjects
#' that have heterozygous SNPs with their frequency (if any), i.e. the number
#' of .hh SNPs in this male. Lines are sorted by descending number.
#' @param outputRetainSubjectFile the output pure text file that stores
#' male subjects that have heterozygous SNPs with their frequency after
#' subject removal (if any). Lines are sorted by descending number.
#' @param outputHetSNPfile the output pure text file that stores all
#' heterozygous SNPs with their frequency (the number of males for this SNP)
#' , if any. Lines are sorted by descending number.
#' @return 1.) The output PLINK binary files. 2.) A pure text file with
#' two columns: heterozygous male subjects and their corresponding heterozygous
#' SNPs. 3.) After subject removal, a pure text file consisting of two columns:
#' heterozygous male subjects and their corresponding heterozygous SNPs.
#' A pure text file with two columns: all heterozygous SNPs and their frequency.
#' @details A haploid heterozygous is a male genotype that is heterozygous,
#' which could be an error given the haploid nature of the male X chromosome.
#' In principle, one has to remove all males that have heterozygous SNPs on the
#' chromosome X. However, too many males might be removed in some data sets.
#' Therefore a small percentage of such males in the data set is allowed.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "genoUpdatedData"
#' hhSubjCutOff <- 15 ## can be tuned
#' outputPrefix <- "2_02_removedInstHetX"
#' outputSubjHetFile <- "2_02_instHetXfreqAll.txt"
#' outputRetainSubjectFile <- "2_02_instHetXfreqRetained.txt"
#' outputHetSNPfile <- "2_02_snpHHfreqAll.txt"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedMaleHetX(plink, inputPrefix, hhSubjCutOff,
#' ## outputPrefix, outputSubjHetFile,
#' ## outputRetainSubjectFile, outputHetSNPfile)
removedMaleHetX <- function(plink, inputPrefix, hhSubjCutOff=15, outputPrefix,
outputSubjHetFile, outputRetainSubjectFile,
bim <- read.table(paste0(inputPrefix, ".bim"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
chrCodes <- names(table(bim[,1]))
chr23check <- length(grep(23, chrCodes))
if (chr23check == 1) {
## just to get .hh file and .fam file
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --chr 23 --filter-males --make-bed --out male23nonPAR"))
if ( is.na(file.size("male23nonPAR.hh")) ){
## copy/rename all snp info updated plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
system(paste0("touch ", outputSubjHetFile) )
system(paste0("touch ", outputRetainSubjectFile) )
} else {
## .hh: A text file with one line per error (sorted primarily by
## variant ID,secondarily by sample ID) with the following 3 fields:
## Family ID Within-family ID Variant ID
hh <- read.table("male23nonPAR.hh", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
fam <- read.table("male23nonPAR.fam", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
hetInstFreq <- table(hh[,2])
mostFakeInst <- hetInstFreq[which(hetInstFreq >= hhSubjCutOff)]
whFakeID <- is.element(fam[,2], names(mostFakeInst))
mostFakeInstID <- fam[whFakeID, c("V1", "V2")]
write.table(mostFakeInstID, file="mostFakeInst4plink.txt",
quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE,
col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
## remove these fake SNPs
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --remove mostFakeInst4plink.txt --make-bed --out ",
system(paste0("rm mostFakeInst4plink.txt"))
## generate hetSNPsFreq in .txt file
InstHetSNP <- as.data.frame(hetInstFreq, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
InstHetSNP <- InstHetSNP[order(InstHetSNP[,2], decreasing=TRUE),]
write.table(InstHetSNP, file=outputSubjHetFile, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
## remaining males with heterozygous SNPs
InstHetSNPsub <- InstHetSNP[!is.element(InstHetSNP[,1],
names(mostFakeInst)), ]
write.table(InstHetSNPsub, file=outputRetainSubjectFile,
quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE,
col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
system(paste0("rm male23nonPAR.*"))
## output a text file that stores all heterozygous SNPs
## with their frequency after the above steps;
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", outputPrefix,
" --chr 23 --filter-males --make-bed --out male23nonPAR"))
if (is.na(file.size("male23nonPAR.hh"))) {
system(paste0("touch ", outputHetSNPfile)) ## with empty output
} else {
hh <- read.table("male23nonPAR.hh", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
hetSNPsFreq <- table(hh[,3])
hetSNPinstNum <- as.data.frame(hetSNPsFreq, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
hetSNPinstNum <- hetSNPinstNum[order(hetSNPinstNum[,2],
## all heterozygous SNPs
write.table(hetSNPinstNum, file=outputHetSNPfile,
quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE,
col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
system(paste0("rm male23nonPAR.*"))
} else {
## copy/rename plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
#' Set haploid heterozygous SNPs as missing
#' @description
#' Set all heterozygous alleles of chromosome X SNPs in male as missing.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after setting haploid heterozygous
#' SNPs as missing.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "genoUpdatedData"
#' outputPrefix <- "2_03_setHeteroHaploMissing"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## setHeteroHaploMissing(plink, inputPrefix, outputPrefix)
setHeteroHaploMissing <- function(plink, inputPrefix, outputPrefix){
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --set-hh-missing --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
#' Remove SNPs with missing values
#' @description
#' Remove SNPs with missingness of greater than a certain threshold.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param snpMissCutOff the cutoff of the missingness for removing SNPs.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after removing SNPs with pre-defined
#' missing values.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' snpMissCutOff <- 0.05
#' inputPrefix <- "genoUpdatedData"
#' outputPrefix <- "2_04_removedSnpMissPre"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedSnpMiss(plink, snpMissCutOff, inputPrefix, outputPrefix)
removedSnpMiss <- function(plink, snpMissCutOff, inputPrefix, outputPrefix){
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --geno ", snpMissCutOff,
" --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
#' Remove subjects with missing values
#' @description
#' Remove Subjects or instances with missingness of greater than a certain
#' threshold.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param sampleMissCutOff the cutoff of the missingness for removing
#' subjects/instances.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after removing subjects with
#' a pre-defined removal cutoff.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' sampleMissCutOff <- 0.02
#' inputPrefix <- "genoUpdatedData"
#' outputPrefix <- "2_05_removedInstMiss"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedInstMiss(plink, sampleMissCutOff, inputPrefix, outputPrefix)
removedInstMiss <- function(plink, sampleMissCutOff, inputPrefix, outputPrefix){
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --mind ", sampleMissCutOff,
" --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
# system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix, ".irem"))
#' Remove subjects with abnormal autosomal heterozygosity deviation
#' @description
#' Remove subjects with great autosomal heterozygosity deviation.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param Fhet the cutoff of the autosomal heterozygosity deviation.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after removing subjects with great
#' autosomal heterozygosity deviation.
#' @details If the cutoff of the autosomal heterozygosity deviation is set to
#' be greater than 0.2, i.e. |Fhet| >= 0.2, then this analysis will
#' automatically skip haploid markers (male X and Y chromosome markers).
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' Fhet <- 0.2
#' inputPrefix <- "genoUpdatedData"
#' outputPrefix <- "2_06_removedInstFhet"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedInstFhet(plink, Fhet, inputPrefix, outputPrefix)
removedInstFhet <- function(plink, Fhet, inputPrefix, outputPrefix){
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --het --out ", outputPrefix))
## F inbreeding coefficient estimate
autoHet <- read.table(file=paste0(outputPrefix, ".het"), header=TRUE)
fhet <- autoHet[, "F"]
qc_data_fhet <- autoHet[which(abs(fhet) >= Fhet), c(1, 2)]
## the individual IDs to be removed
write.table(qc_data_fhet, file=paste0(outputPrefix, ".txt"), quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
## To remove certain individuals
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --remove ",
paste0(outputPrefix, ".txt"), " --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix, ".het"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix, ".txt"))
#' Reset paternal and maternal codes
#' @description
#' Reset paternal and maternal codes of non-founders if parents not present.
#' Replace the paternal ID and maternal ID of subjects (childs) by the
#' value zero if the paternal ID and the maternal ID do not belong to any
#' subject (parent) with the same family ID as the child.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files.
#' @details Do make sure that all your family relationships are correct
#' in your input data before applying this function. By default,
#' if parental IDs are provided for a sample,
#' they are not treated as a founder even if neither parent is
#' in the dataset. With no modifiers, --make-founders clears
#' both parental IDs whenever at least one parent is not in the dataset,
#' and the affected samples are now considered as founders.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "genoUpdatedData"
#' outputPrefix <- "2_07_removedParentIdsMiss"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedParentIdsMiss(plink, inputPrefix, outputPrefix)
removedParentIdsMiss <- function(plink, inputPrefix, outputPrefix){
# Remove the parent IDs which do not belong to subjects
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --make-founders require-2-missing --make-bed --out ",
#' Check Mendel errors for family-based data
#' @description
#' Exclude subjects and/or genetic variants (SNPs) based on Mendel errors in
#' the family data (trio/duo).
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param cutoffSubject the cutoff determines that families (subjects) with
#' more than the predefined cutoff of Mendel errors by considering all SNPs
#' will be removed. The default is 0.05.
#' @param cutoffSNP the cutoff indicates that SNPs with more than the
#' predefined cutoff of Mendel error rate will be excluded
#' (i.e. based on the number of trios/duos). The default is 0.1.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files.
#' @details Do make sure that all your family relationships are correct
#' in your input data before applying this function. The input PLINK data
#' should have complete sex and group/outcome information. By default, trios
#' and duos are both considered. If no family information is given at all
#' (only founders), then this function will not remove any subjects or variants
#' but give the warning showing that no duos or trios are present.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "dataWithFamChr21.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "dataWithFamChr21.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "dataWithFamChr21.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "dataWithFamChr21"
#' outputPrefix <- "removedMendelErr"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedMendelErr(plink, inputPrefix,
#' ## cutoffSubject, cutoffSNP, outputPrefix)
removedMendelErr <- function(plink, inputPrefix, cutoffSubject=0.05,
cutoffSNP=0.1, outputPrefix){
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --me ", cutoffSubject, " ", cutoffSNP,
" --mendel-duos --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
#' Remove SNPs with difference in SNP missingness between cases and controls.
#' @description
#' Remove SNPs with difference in SNP missingness between cases and controls.
#' To test for differential call rates between cases and controls for each SNP
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param snpMissDifCutOff the cutoff of the difference in missingness between
#' cases and controls.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @param groupLabel a string value indicating the outcome label: "control",
#' or, "case" or "caseControl" for both existing groups. For more details, see
#' \code{\link{getGroupLabel}}.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files.
#' @details Only if both case-control groups exist in the input genotype data,
#' differential SNPs are removed.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @seealso \code{\link{getGroupLabel}}.
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "genoUpdatedData"
#' snpMissDifCutOff <- 0.02
#' outputPrefix <- "2_09_removedSnpMissDiff"
#' groupLabel <- "control"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedSnpMissDiff(plink, inputPrefix, snpMissDifCutOff,
#' ## outputPrefix, groupLabel)
removedSnpMissDiff <- function(plink, inputPrefix, snpMissDifCutOff,
outputPrefix, groupLabel){
if (groupLabel != "caseControl"){
## this is only for the control data set
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
} else if (groupLabel == "caseControl") {
outputPrefix.tmp <- paste0(outputPrefix, "tmp")
system (paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --test-missing --out ", outputPrefix.tmp) )
## Write case/control missingness test to [ *.missing ]
## compute differential call rates
## between cases and controls for each SNP
ccmissing <- read.table(file=paste0(outputPrefix.tmp, ".missing"),
header=TRUE, sep="")
fmiss <- abs(ccmissing[, "F_MISS_A"] - ccmissing[, "F_MISS_U"])
whmiss <- which(fmiss >= snpMissDifCutOff)
SNPmissCC <- ccmissing[whmiss, "SNP"]
SNPdifCallrate <- paste0(outputPrefix, ".txt")
write.table(SNPmissCC, file=SNPdifCallrate, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
## exclude SNPs
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --exclude ",
SNPdifCallrate, " --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix.tmp, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", SNPdifCallrate))
#' remove chromosome X SNPs in females
#' @description
#' Remove SNPs on the chromosome X with a pre-defined cutoff for
#' missingness in females.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param femaleChrXmissCutoff the cutoff of the missingness
#' in female chromosome X SNPs.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' femaleChrXmissCutoff <- 0.05
#' inputPrefix <- "genoUpdatedData"
#' outputPrefix <- "2_10_removedSnpFemaleChrXmiss"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedSnpFemaleChrXmiss(plink, femaleChrXmissCutoff,
#' ## inputPrefix, outputPrefix)
removedSnpFemaleChrXmiss <- function(plink, femaleChrXmissCutoff,
inputPrefix, outputPrefix){
bim <- read.table(paste0(inputPrefix, ".bim"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
chrCodes <- names(table(bim[,1]))
chr23check <- length(grep(23, chrCodes))
if (chr23check == 1) {
## additional QC (female-chrX SNPs, missingness ok?)
outputPrefix.tmp1 <- paste0(outputPrefix, "tmp1")
outputPrefix.tmp2 <- paste0(outputPrefix, "tmp2")
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --filter-females --chr 23 --make-bed --out ",
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --filter-females --chr 23 --geno ", femaleChrXmissCutoff,
" --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix.tmp2) )
## check if equal
femaleChrXorig <- read.table(paste0(outputPrefix.tmp1, ".bim"),
femaleChrXMiss <- read.table(paste0(outputPrefix.tmp2, ".bim"),
snps2removed <- setdiff(femaleChrXorig[,2], femaleChrXMiss[,2])
snps2removedfile <- paste0(outputPrefix, ".txt")
write.table(snps2removed, file=snps2removedfile, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --exclude ",
snps2removedfile, " --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix.tmp1, ".* ", outputPrefix.tmp2, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", snps2removedfile))
} else {
## copy/rename plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
#' Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium test for autosomal SNPs
#' @description
#' Remove autosomal SNPs deviating from Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE).
#' @param groupLabel a string value indicating the outcome label: "control",
#' or, "case" or "caseControl" for both existing groups. For more details, see
#' \code{\link{getGroupLabel}}.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param pval the p-value cutoff for controlling HWE test in either control or
#' case subjects. Only autosomal SNPs are considered. The default value is
#' 0.000001.
#' @param outputPvalFile the output pure text file that stores autosomal SNPs
#' and their sorted HWE p-values.
#' @param outputSNPfile the output pure text file that stores the removed SNPs,
#' one per line.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after HWE test on the autosome.
#' @details
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @seealso \code{\link{removedSnpFemaleChrXhweControl}},
#' \code{\link{getGroupLabel}}.
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' groupLabel <- "control"
#' inputPrefix <- "genoUpdatedData" ## Specify the input PLINK file prefix
#' outputPvalFile <- "2_11_snpHwePvalAuto.txt"
#' outputSNPfile <- "2_11_snpRemovedHweAuto.txt"
#' outputPrefix <- "2_11_removedSnpHweAuto"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedSnpHWEauto(groupLabel, plink, inputPrefix, pval=0.000001,
#' ## outputPvalFile, outputSNPfile, outputPrefix)
removedSnpHWEauto <- function(groupLabel, plink, inputPrefix,
pval=0.000001, outputPvalFile,
outputSNPfile, outputPrefix){
if (groupLabel == "control"){
groupStatus <- "filter-controls"
affection <- "UNAFF"
} else if (groupLabel == "case"){
groupStatus <- "filter-cases"
affection <- "AFF"
} else {
print("ERROR: during HWE test on autosome! Wrong label warning!")
outputPrefix.tmp <- paste0(outputPrefix, "tmp")
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --",
groupStatus, " --hardy --autosome --allow-no-sex --make-bed --out ",
## read HWE p values
hweCheck <- read.table(file=paste0(outputPrefix.tmp, ".hwe"),
header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
hwe <- hweCheck[which(hweCheck$TEST == affection), ]
snpHweValAuto <- subset(hwe, select=c(SNP, P))
snpHweValAuto <- snpHweValAuto[order(snpHweValAuto[,"P"]),]
write.table(snpHweValAuto, file=outputPvalFile, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
removedSNPhwe <- hwe[which(hwe$P <= pval), "SNP"]
write.table(removedSNPhwe, file=outputSNPfile, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
## exclude SNPs
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --exclude ",
outputSNPfile, " --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix.tmp, ".*"))
#' Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium test for chromosome X SNPs in female controls.
#' @description
#' Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium test for SNPs on the chromosome X in
#' female controls.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param pval the p-value cutoff for controlling HWE test in female control
#' subjects. Only chromosome X SNPs are considered.
#' The default value is 0.000001.
#' @param outputPvalFile the output pure text file that stores chromosome X
#' SNPs and their sorted HWE p-values.
#' @param outputSNPfile the output pure text file that stores the removed SNPs,
#' one per line.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after HWE test on chromosomal X
#' in female controls.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @seealso \code{\link{removedSnpHWEauto}}
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "genoUpdatedData"
#' outputPvalFile <- "2_12_snpHwePvalfemaleXct.txt"
#' outputSNPfile <- "2_12_snpRemovedHweFemaleXct.txt"
#' outputPrefix <- "2_12_removedSnpHweFemaleX"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## removedSnpFemaleChrXhweControl(plink, inputPrefix, pval=0.000001,
#' ## outputPvalFile, outputSNPfile,
#' ## outputPrefix)
removedSnpFemaleChrXhweControl <- function(plink, inputPrefix, pval=0.000001,
outputPvalFile, outputSNPfile,
bim <- read.table(paste0(inputPrefix, ".bim"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
chrCodes <- names(table(bim[,1]))
chr23check <- length(grep(23, chrCodes))
if (chr23check == 1) {
outputPrefix.tmp <- paste0(outputPrefix, "tmp")
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --filter-females --filter-controls --chr 23 --hardy ",
" --allow-no-sex --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix.tmp) )
## read p values
hweCheck <- read.table(file=paste0(outputPrefix.tmp, ".hwe"),
header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
## for controls
hweControl <- hweCheck[which(hweCheck$TEST == "UNAFF"), ] #
snpHweValChrXCt <- subset(hweControl, select=c(SNP, P))
snpHweValChrXCt <- snpHweValChrXCt[order(snpHweValChrXCt[,"P"]),]
write.table(snpHweValChrXCt, file=outputPvalFile, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
## remove bad SNPs
removedSNPhweControl <- hweControl[which(hweControl$P <= pval), "SNP"]
write.table(removedSNPhweControl, file=outputSNPfile, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --exclude ",
outputSNPfile, " --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix.tmp, ".*"))
} else {
## copy/rename plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
#' Population outlier detection
#' @description
#' Principle component analysis (PCA) on the genotype data is performed
#' to detect population outliers, and the first two PCs
#' are plotted for the visualization.
#' @param gcta an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param nThread the number of threads used for computation.
#' The default is 20.
#' @param outputPC4subjFile the pure text file that stores all the subject IDs
#' and their corresponding eigenvalues of the first two principle components.
#' @param outputPCplotFile the plot file for visualizing the first two
#' principle components of all investigated subjects.
#' @return The output pure text file and plot file for storing first two
#' principle components of study subjects.
#' @details Before population outlier detection, it's better to perform QC
#' on the genotype data.
#' Only autosomal genotypes are used for principle component analysis.
#' @export
#' @import lattice
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "QCdata.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "QCdata.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "QCdata.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "QCdata"
#' outputPC4subjFile <- "2_13_eigenvalAfterQC.txt"
#' outputPCplotFile <- "2_13_eigenvalAfterQC.png" ## png format
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program GCTA, e.g.
#' ## gcta <- "/home/tools/gcta64"
#' ## plotPCA4plink(gcta, inputPrefix, nThread=20,
#' ## outputPC4subjFile, outputPrefix)
plotPCA4plink <- function(gcta, inputPrefix, nThread=20,
outputPC4subjFile, outputPCplotFile){
autosomefn <- paste0(inputPrefix, "Autosome")
system(paste0(gcta, " --bfile ", inputPrefix,
" --make-grm --autosome --out ",
autosomefn, " --thread-num ", nThread))
system(paste0(gcta, " --grm ", autosomefn, " --pca 20 --out ",
autosomefn, " --thread-num ", nThread))
eigen <- read.table(file=paste0(autosomefn,".eigenvec"),
pcs <- eigen[,seq_len(4)] ## first two PCs in the 3rd and 4th column.
write.table(pcs, outputPC4subjFile, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE,
col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
pcWithGroup <- cbind(pcs, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
png(outputPCplotFile, width=8, height=6, units="in", res=800)
print(xyplot(pcWithGroup[,4] ~ pcWithGroup[,3], data=pcWithGroup,
jitter.x=TRUE, jitter.y=TRUE, xlab="PC1", ylab="PC2"))
## remove unwanted files
system(paste0("rm ", autosomefn, ".*"))
#' Remove population outliers
#' @description
#' Remove population outliers by using principle component analysis.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param gcta an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param nThread the number of threads used for computation.
#' The default is 20.
#' @param cutoff the cutoff that distinguishes the outliers from ordinary
#' population using PCA. If it is null, then there are no outliers or
#' outliers are not required to be removed. The default is NULL.
#' @param cutoffSign the cutoff sign: 'greater' or 'smaller' that determines
#' if the outliers should be greater or smaller than the cutoff value.
#' @param inputPC4subjFile the pure text file that stores all the subject IDs
#' and their corresponding eigenvalues of the first two principle components.
#' @param outputPC4outlierFile the pure text file that stores the outlier IDs
#' and their corresponding eigenvalues of the first two principle components.
#' @param outputPCplotFile the plot file for visualizing the first two
#' principle components of all subjects without population outliers.
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files.
#' @return 1.) The output PLINK binary files after outlier removal.
#' 2.) The output pure text file (if any) for storing removed outlier IDs
#' and their corresponding PCs. 3.) The plot file (if any) for visualizing
#' the first two principle components after outlier removal.
#' @details This function is used for removing population outliers.
#' If the outliers are necessary to be removed, then one uses the eigenvalues
#' from the first principle component as a criterion to find out the outliers
#' by assigning an appropriate cutoff.
#' @export
#' @import lattice
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "QCdata.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "QCdata.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "QCdata.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "QCdata"
#' cutoff <- NULL ## no outlier to be removed
#' cutoffSign <- "greater" ## not used if cutoff == NULL
#' inputPC4subjFile <- "2_13_eigenvalAfterQC.txt"
#' outputPC4outlierFile <- "2_13_eigenval4outliers.txt"
#' outputPCplotFile <- "2_13_removedOutliers.png"
#' outputPrefix <- "2_13_removedOutliers"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK and GCTA, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## gcta <- "/home/tools/gcta64"
#' ## removeOutlierByPCs(plink, gcta, inputPrefix, nThread=20,
#' ## cutoff, cutoffSign, inputPC4subjFile,
#' ## outputPC4outlierFile, outputPCplotFile, outputPrefix)
removeOutlierByPCs <- function(plink, gcta, inputPrefix, nThread=20, cutoff=NULL,
cutoffSign, inputPC4subjFile,
outputPCplotFile, outputPrefix){
## if no outliers or no need to remove PC outliers.
if (is.null(cutoff) == TRUE) {
## copy/rename all snp info updated plink files
renamePlinkBFile(inputPrefix, outputPrefix, action="copy")
} else {
subjID_PCs <- read.table(file=inputPC4subjFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (length(cutoff) > 1) {
## if the outliers should be removed on both side of the cluster
## detected by PC1
outliersPC1v1 <- subjID_PCs[which(subjID_PCs[,3] <= cutoff[1]), ]
outliersPC1v2 <- subjID_PCs[which(subjID_PCs[,3] >= cutoff[2]), ]
outlierID <- rbind(outliersPC1v1, outliersPC1v2)
} else {
if (cutoffSign == "smaller"){
## detected by PC1
outlierID <- subjID_PCs[which(subjID_PCs[,3] <= cutoff), ]
} else if (cutoffSign == "greater"){
## detected by PC1
outlierID <- subjID_PCs[which(subjID_PCs[,3] >= cutoff), ]
## sorted by first PC.
outlierIDSorted <- outlierID[order(outlierID[,3]), ]
write.table(outlierIDSorted, file=outputPC4outlierFile, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
subjID4outlierTmp <- outlierIDSorted[,c("V1", "V2")]
subjID4outlierTmpFile <- "subjID4outlierTmp.txt"
write.table(subjID4outlierTmp, file=subjID4outlierTmpFile, quote=FALSE,
row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, eol="\r\n", sep=" ")
system(paste0(plink, " --bfile ", inputPrefix, " --remove ",
subjID4outlierTmpFile, " --make-bed --out ", outputPrefix))
system(paste0("rm ", subjID4outlierTmpFile))
## Plot first two PCs again; PCs for the retained subjects
outputPC4subjFiletmp <- "outputPC4subjFile.txt"
plotPCA4plink(gcta, inputPrefix=outputPrefix, nThread,
outputPC4subjFiletmp, outputPCplotFile)
system(paste0("rm ", outputPC4subjFiletmp))
#' Quality control for genotype data
#' @description
#' Perform quality control on the genotype data.
#' @param plink an executable program in either the current working directory
#' or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputPrefix the prefix of the input PLINK binary files.
#' @param snpMissCutOffpre the cutoff of the missingness for removing SNPs
#' before subject removal. The default is 0.05.
#' @param sampleMissCutOff the cutoff of the missingness for removing
#' subjects/instances. The default is 0.02.
#' @param Fhet the cutoff of the autosomal heterozygosity deviation.
#' The default is 0.2.
#' @param cutoffSubject the cutoff determines that families (subjects) with
#' more than the predefined cutoff of Mendel errors by considering all SNPs
#' will be removed. The default is 0.05.
#' @param cutoffSNP the cutoff indicates that SNPs with more than the
#' predefined cutoff of Mendel error rate will be excluded
#' (i.e. based on the number of trios/duos). The default is 0.1.
#' @param snpMissCutOffpost the cutoff of the missingness for removing SNPs
#' after subject removal. The default is 0.02.
#' @param snpMissDifCutOff the cutoff of the difference in missingness between
#' cases and controls. The default is 0.02.
#' @param femaleChrXmissCutoff the cutoff of the missingness in female
#' chromosome X SNPs. The default is 0.05.
#' @param pval4autoCtl the p-value cutoff for controlling HWE test in either
#' control or case subjects. Only autosomal SNPs are considered.
#' The default is 0.000001
#' @param pval4femaleXctl the p-value cutoff for controlling HWE test in
#' female control subjects. Only chromosome X SNPs are considered.
#' The default is 0.000001
#' @param outputPrefix the prefix of the output PLINK binary files after QC.
#' @param keepInterFile a logical value indicating if the intermediate
#' processed files should be kept or not. The default is TRUE.
#' @return The output PLINK binary files after QC.
#' @details The original PLINK files are implicitly processed by the following
#' default steps:
#' 1.) Set all heterozygous alleles of SNPs on male chrX as missing;
#' 2.) SNP missingness < 0.05 (before sample removal);
#' 3.) Subject missingness < 0.02;
#' 4.) Remove subjects with |Fhet| >= 0.2;
#' 5.) Reset paternal and maternal codes;
#' 6.) SNP missingness < 0.02 (after sample removal);
#' 7.) Remove SNPs with difference >= 0.02 of SNP missingness
#' between cases and controls;
#' 8.) Remove subjects or SNPs with Mendel errors for family based data.
#' 9.) Remove chrX SNPs with missingness >= 0.05 in females.
#' (Optional, if no chrX data);
#' 10.) Remove autosomal SNPs with HWE p < 10-6 in controls;
#' 11.) Remove chrX SNPs with HWE p < 10-6 in female controls.
#' (Optional, if no chrX data).
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @references Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics, C.
#' (2014). Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci.
#' Nature 511(7510): 421-427.
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' bedFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bed", package="Gimpute")
#' bimFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.bim", package="Gimpute")
#' famFile <- system.file("extdata", "genoUpdatedData.fam", package="Gimpute")
#' system(paste0("scp ", bedFile, bimFile, famFile, " ."))
#' inputPrefix <- "genoUpdatedData"
#' outputPrefix <- "2_13_removedSnpHweFemaleX"
#' ## Not run: Requires an executable program PLINK, e.g.
#' ## plink <- "/home/tools/plink"
#' ## genoQC(plink, inputPrefix,
#' ## snpMissCutOffpre=0.05,
#' ## sampleMissCutOff=0.02,
#' ## Fhet=0.2, cutoffSubject, cutoffSNP,
#' ## snpMissCutOffpost=0.02,
#' ## snpMissDifCutOff=0.02,
#' ## femaleChrXmissCutoff=0.05,
#' ## pval4autoCtl=0.000001,
#' ## pval4femaleXctl=0.000001,
#' ## outputPrefix, keepInterFile=TRUE)
genoQC <- function(plink, inputPrefix, snpMissCutOffpre=0.05,
sampleMissCutOff=0.02, Fhet=0.2,
cutoffSubject, cutoffSNP,
snpMissCutOffpost=0.02, snpMissDifCutOff=0.02,
femaleChrXmissCutoff=0.05, pval4autoCtl=0.000001,
outputPrefix, keepInterFile=TRUE) {
## check case control status
groupLabel <- getGroupLabel(inputFAMfile=paste0(inputPrefix, ".fam"))
## step 3
# 3. Set all heterozygous alleles of SNPs of the chr 23 for males
outputPrefix3 <- "2_03_setHeteroHaploMissing"
setHeteroHaploMissing(plink, inputPrefix, outputPrefix=outputPrefix3)
## step 4 SNP missingness < 0.05 (before sample removal);
outputPrefix4 <- "2_04_removedSnpMissPre"
removedSnpMiss(plink, snpMissCutOff=snpMissCutOffpre,
inputPrefix=outputPrefix3, outputPrefix=outputPrefix4)
## step 5
# subject missingness < 0.02;
outputPrefix5 <- "2_05_removedInstMiss"
removedInstMiss(plink, sampleMissCutOff,
inputPrefix=outputPrefix4, outputPrefix=outputPrefix5)
## step 6
outputPrefix6 <- "2_06_removedInstFhet"
removedInstFhet(plink, Fhet,
inputPrefix=outputPrefix5, outputPrefix=outputPrefix6)
## step 7
outputPrefix7 <- "2_07_removedParentIdsMiss"
removedParentIdsMiss(plink, inputPrefix=outputPrefix6,
## step 8
outputPrefix8 <- "2_08_removedMendelErr"
removedMendelErr(plink, inputPrefix=outputPrefix7, cutoffSubject,
cutoffSNP, outputPrefix=outputPrefix8)
## step 9
outputPrefix9 <- "2_09_removedSnpMissPost"
removedSnpMiss(plink, snpMissCutOff=snpMissCutOffpost,
inputPrefix=outputPrefix8, outputPrefix=outputPrefix9)
## step 10
outputPrefix10 <- "2_10_removedSnpMissDiff"
removedSnpMissDiff(plink, inputPrefix=outputPrefix9,
snpMissDifCutOff, outputPrefix=outputPrefix10,
## step 11
outputPrefix11 <- "2_11_removedSnpFemaleChrXmiss"
removedSnpFemaleChrXmiss(plink, femaleChrXmissCutoff,
## step 12
outputPvalFile <- "2_12_snpHwePvalAuto.txt"
outputSNPfile <- "2_12_snpRemovedHweAuto.txt"
outputPrefix12 <- "2_12_removedSnpHweAuto"
if (groupLabel == "control" | groupLabel == "caseControl"){
removedSnpHWEauto(groupLabel="control", plink,
pval=pval4autoCtl, outputPvalFile,
outputSNPfile, outputPrefix=outputPrefix12)
## HWE test is only performed on control data
} else { print("ERROR: HWE test on autosome!") }
## step 12
outputPvalFile <- "2_13_snpHwePvalfemaleXct.txt"
outputSNPfile <- "2_13_snpRemovedHweFemaleXct.txt"
removedSnpFemaleChrXhweControl(plink, inputPrefix=outputPrefix12,
pval=pval4femaleXctl, outputPvalFile,
outputSNPfile, outputPrefix=outputPrefix)
if (keepInterFile==FALSE){
## remove intermediate files
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix3, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix4, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix5, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix6, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix7, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix8, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix9, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix10, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix11, ".*"))
system(paste0("rm ", outputPrefix12, ".*"))
if (file.exists(outputPvalFile)) {
system(paste0("rm ", outputPvalFile))
if (file.exists(outputSNPfile)) {
system(paste0("rm ", outputSNPfile))
## remove unwanted files
system(paste0("rm *.log "))
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