#' Create an interactive plot for the number of alien species per native region
#' and year of introduction
#' Based on
#' [countYearProvince](https://github.com/inbo/reporting-rshiny-grofwildjacht/blob/exoten/reporting-grofwild/R/countYearProvince.R)
#' plot from reporting - rshiny - grofwildjacht
#' @param df input data.frame.
#' @param years (numeric) vector years we are interested to. If `NULL`
#' (default) all years from minimum and maximum of years of first observation
#' are taken into account.
#' @param type character, native_range level of interest should be one of
#' `c("native_range", "native_continent")`. Default: `"native_range"`. A
#' column called as the selected `type` must be present in `df`.
#' @param x_major_scale_stepsize (integer) Parameter that indicates the breaks
#' of the x axis. Default: 10.
#' @param x_lab character string, label of the x-axis. Default: "year".
#' @param y_lab character string, label of the y-axis. Default: "number of alien
#' species".
#' @param response_type (character) summary type of response to be displayed;
#' should be one of `c("absolute", "relative", "cumulative")`.
#' Default: `"absolute"`. If "absolute" the number per year and location
#' is displayed; if "relative" each bar is standardised per year before stacking;
#' if "cumulative" the cumulative number over years per location.
#' @param relative (logical) if `TRUE` each bar is standardised before
#' stacking. Deprecated, use `response_type = "relative"` instead.
#' @param taxon_key_col character. Name of the column of `df` containing
#' taxon IDs. Default: `"key"`.
#' @param first_observed (character) Name of the column in `data`
#' containing temporal information about introduction of the alien species.
#' Expressed as years.
#' @return list with:
#' - `static_plot`: ggplot object, for a
#' given species the observed number per year and per native range is plotted
#' in a stacked bar chart.
#' - `interactive_plot`: plotly object, for a
#' given species the observed number per year and per native range is plotted
#' in a stacked bar chart.
#' - `data`: data displayed in the plot, as a data.frame with:
#' - `year`: year at which the species were introduced.
#' - `native_range`: native range of the introduced species.
#' - `n`: number of species introduced from the native range for a given year.
#' - `total`: total number of species, from all around the world, introduced.
#' during a given year.
#' - `perc`: percentage of species introduced from the native range for a
#' given year, `n`/`total`*100.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% .data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(readr)
#' datafile <- paste0(
#' "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/trias-project/indicators/master/data/",
#' "interim/data_input_checklist_indicators.tsv"
#' )
#' data <- read_tsv(datafile,
#' na = "",
#' col_types = cols(
#' .default = col_character(),
#' key = col_double(),
#' nubKey = col_double(),
#' speciesKey = col_double(),
#' first_observed = col_double(),
#' last_observed = col_double()
#' )
#' )
#' indicator_native_range_year(data, "native_continent", years = c(2010,2013))
#' }
indicator_native_range_year <- function(
years = NULL,
type = c("native_range", "native_continent"),
x_major_scale_stepsize = 10,
x_lab = "year",
y_lab = "alien species",
response_type = c("absolute", "relative", "cumulative"),
relative = lifecycle::deprecated(),
taxon_key_col = "key",
first_observed = "first_observed") {
# initial input checks
if (!is.null(years)) {
msg = "Argument years has to be a number."
all(years < as.integer(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))),
msg = sprintf(
"All values in years has to be less than %s.", format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")
type <- match.arg(type)
assertthat::assert_that(type %in% names(df),
msg = sprintf("Column %s not present in df.", type)
msg = "Argument x_major_scale_stepsize has to be a number."
if (!is.null(x_lab)) {
msg = "Argument x_lab has to be a character or NULL."
if (!is.null(y_lab)) {
msg = "Argument y_lab has to be a character or NULL."
response_type <- match.arg(response_type)
# Check `relative` argument (deprecated)
if (lifecycle::is_present(relative)) {
when = "3.0.0",
what = "trias::indicator_native_range_year(relative = )",
with = "trias::indicator_native_range_year(response_type = )"
# Define the right response_type
if (lifecycle::is_present(relative)) {
response_type <- "relative"
msg = "Argument taxon_key_col has to be a character."
assertable::assert_colnames(df, taxon_key_col, only_colnames = FALSE)
msg = "Argument first_observed has to be a character."
assertable::assert_colnames(df, first_observed, only_colnames = FALSE)
# Rename to default column name
df <-
df %>%
dplyr::rename_at(dplyr::vars(dplyr::all_of(first_observed)), ~"first_observed") %>%
dplyr::rename_at(dplyr::vars(dplyr::all_of(taxon_key_col)), ~"key")
if (is.null(years)) {
years <- sort(unique(df$first_observed))
plotData <- df
plotData$location <- switch(type,
native_range = plotData$native_range,
native_continent = plotData$native_continent
# Select data
plotData <- plotData[!duplicated(plotData[, c("key", "first_observed", "location")]), ]
plotData <- plotData[plotData$first_observed %in% years, c("first_observed", "location")]
plotData <- plotData[!is.na(plotData$first_observed) & !is.na(plotData$location), ]
# Set location and first_observed to factors
plotData$first_observed <- as.factor(plotData$first_observed)
plotData$location <- as.factor(plotData$location)
plotData$location <- droplevels(plotData$location)
# Summarize data per native_range and year
summaryData <- reshape2::melt(table(plotData), id.vars = "first_observed")
summaryData <- summaryData %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$first_observed) %>%
total = sum(.data$value),
perc = round((.data$value / .data$total) * 100, 2)
if (response_type == "cumulative")
summaryData <- summaryData %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$location) %>%
value = cumsum(.data$value)
# For optimal displaying in the plot
summaryData$location <- as.factor(summaryData$location)
summaryData$location <- factor(summaryData$location, levels = rev(levels(summaryData$location)))
summaryData$first_observed <- as.factor(summaryData$first_observed)
# Create plot
if (response_type == "relative") {
position <- "fill"
text <- paste0(summaryData$location,
"<br>", y_lab, ": ", summaryData$perc, "%",
"<br>", x_lab, ": ", summaryData$first_observed)
} else {
position <- "stack"
text <- paste0(summaryData$location,
"<br>", y_lab, ": ", summaryData$value,
"<br>", x_lab, ": ", summaryData$first_observed)
pl <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = summaryData, ggplot2::aes(
x = .data$first_observed,
y = .data$value,
fill = .data$location,
text = text
)) +
ggplot2::geom_bar(position = position, stat = "identity") +
breaks = nice_seq(
start_year = min(years, na.rm = TRUE),
end_year = max(years, na.rm = TRUE),
step_size = x_major_scale_stepsize
) +
ggplot2::xlab(x_lab) +
ggplot2::ylab(y_lab) +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5))
if (response_type == "relative") {
pl <- pl + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format())
pl_2 <- plotly::ggplotly(data = summaryData, pl, tooltip = "text") %>%
xaxis = list(title = x_lab, tickangle = "auto"),
yaxis = list(title = y_lab, tickformat = ",d"),
margin = list(b = 80, t = 100),
barmode = ifelse(nlevels(summaryData$first_observed) == 1, "group", "stack")
# To prevent warnings in UI
pl_2$elementId <- NULL
# Change variable name
names(summaryData)[names(summaryData) == "value"] <- "n"
names(summaryData)[names(summaryData) == "first_observed"] <- "year"
names(summaryData)[names(summaryData) == "location"] <- "native_range"
return(list(static_plot = pl, interactive_plot = pl_2, data = summaryData))
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