#' Annotate AA changes in MT variants
#' @name getProteinImpact
#' @param mvr An MVRangesList or MVRanges object
#' @param coding TRUE implies look at only coding regions
#' @param parallel Whether to run things in parallel
#' @return Annotated variants
#' @import jsonlite
#' @examples
#' @export
getProteinImpact <- function(mvr, coding=TRUE, parallel=FALSE, cores=1) {
if (genome(mvr) != "rCRS") {
mvr <- decomposeAndCalcConsequences(mvr, coding=coding)
if (is(mvr, "MVRanges")) mvr$apogee <- FALSE
else {
for (i in 1:length(mvr)) {
mcols(mvr[[i]])$apogee <- FALSE
# When using decompAndCalcCons, if there are no AA changes, it will set it to ""
# Setting it to NA if someone wants to remove synonymous mutation later on
if (length(which(mvr$AAchange == "")) > 0) mvr[which(mvr$AAchange == "")]$AAchange <- NA_character_
if (length(which(!mvr$apogee)) > 0) mvr[which(!mvr$apogee)]$impacted.gene <- paste0("MT-", mvr[which(!mvr$apogee)]$impacted.gene)
# Adds a column determing type of mutation
# Missense, synonymous, nonsense, insertion, deletion, or frameshift
mvr <- .typeMutation(mvr)
# Set the number of cores if running in parallel
if (parallel) {
message("Parallel execution is currently disabled")
if (is(mvr, "MVRangesList")) {
MVRangesList(lapply(mvr, getProteinImpact, coding=coding))
stopifnot(is(mvr, "MVRanges"))
message("Processing consequences for ", sampleNames(mvr)@values)
# Right now can only handle variants in coding regions
if (coding) mvr <- .getCodingRegions(mvr)
# Return empty MVRanges if there are none in coding regions
if (length(mvr) == 0) return(mvr)
# Output that we want to have by the end of this
mvr$AAchange <- NA_character_
mvr$impacted.gene <- NA_character_
mvr$overlapGene <- NA_character_
mvr$apogee <- TRUE
for (i in 1:length(mvr)) {
# Get the url and scrape the information from mitimpact
pos <- paste0(start(mvr[i]), "-", end(mvr[i]))
url <- paste0(paste("http://mitimpact.css-mendel.it", "api", "v2.0",
"genomic_position/", sep="/"), pos)
res <- as.data.frame(read_json(url, simplifyVector=TRUE)$variants, stringsAsFactors=F)
# If mitimpact gives a valid result
# Mitimpact does not handle insertions and deletion?
if (nrow(res) > 0 && !(grepl("ins|del", names(mvr[i])))) {
# Rename the variant and paste together a simpler version of the consequences
res$genomic <- with(res, paste0("m.", Start, Ref, ">", Alt))
res$consequence <- with(res, paste0(AA_ref,AA_position,AA_alt))
# The information we are interested in
columns <- c("genomic","protein","Start", "Ref","Alt","Codon_substitution","consequence",
columnsPresent <- intersect(columns, names(res))
mitOut <- res[, columnsPresent]
# Sometimes there are multiple variants that can be found at one position
# Find the one that aligns with the variant we are looking at
index <- which(mitOut$Alt == alt(mvr[i]))
# If none of the results from apogee have the same alt and ref sequence
# Go back to the old way of doing things
if (length(index) == 0) {
mvr[i] <- decomposeAndCalcConsequences(mvr[i], coding=coding)
mvr[i]$apogee <- FALSE
# If apogee gives a result that we want
else {
if (mitOut$Ref[index] != ref(mvr[i])) {
message(paste0("Reference disparity between APOGEE and pileup for variant: ", names(mvr[i]), " in sample ", mvr[i]$sampleNames))
out <- mitOut[index,]
mvr[i]$AAchange <- out$consequence
mvr[i]$impacted.gene <- out$Gene_symbol
# If mitimpact does not give a valid result, go back to the old way
else {
mvr[i] <- decomposeAndCalcConsequences(mvr[i], coding=coding)
mvr[i]$apogee <- FALSE
} #for
# When using decompAndCalcCons, if there are no AA changes, it will set it to ""
# Setting it to NA if someone wants to remove synonymous mutation later on
if (length(which(mvr$AAchange == "")) > 0) mvr[which(mvr$AAchange == "")]$AAchange <- NA_character_
if (length(which(!mvr$apogee)) > 0) mvr[which(!mvr$apogee)]$impacted.gene <- paste0("MT-", mvr[which(!mvr$apogee)]$impacted.gene)
# Adds a column determing type of mutation
# Missense, synonymous, nonsense, insertion, deletion, or frameshift
mvr <- .typeMutation(mvr)
# helper function to subset ranges to just coding space
.getCodingRegions <- function(mvr) {
# rCRS only, for the time being
stopifnot(unique(genome(mvr)) == "rCRS")
# get mtGenes if needed
gr <- genes(mvr)
stopifnot(unique(genome(gr)) == "rCRS")
mvr <- MVRanges(subsetByOverlaps(mvr, gr, type="within"), coverage=genomeCoverage(mvr))
# subset the variants to those that overlap the target GRanges and are canon
if (length(mvr)) {
#drop anything that has an N base.. this also looks like a weird bug?
mvr <- mvr[!grepl("N", mvr@alt),]
#check again whether we've now cleared out all the variants
#return an empty ranges if we have
if (length(mvr) == 0) {
mvr <- MVRanges(subsetByOverlaps(mvr, gr, type="within"))
# helper fn to determine type of mutation
.typeMutation <- function(mvr) {
mvr$typeMut <- NA_character_
# Determine the overaching consequences (type of mutation)
snp <- grep(">", names(mvr))
if (length(snp) != 0) {
# Synonymous : no AA change overall
syn <- which(is.na(mvr[snp]$AAchange))
mvr[snp]$typeMut[syn] <- "synonymous"
# Missense or nonsense
missOrNon <- which(!is.na(mvr[snp]$AAchange))
for (i in 1:length(missOrNon)) {
index <- missOrNon[i]
# Want to split up the consequences ex. V12I to becomes "V" and "I"
# Where V is the ref AA and I is the alt AA to determine what change took place
aaChange <- unlist(strsplit(gsub("\\d+", " ", mvr[snp]$AAchange[index]), " "))
# If the * was already a part of the reference sequence
# Then it is not a nonsense mutation
if ( ("*" %in% aaChange[2]) && !("*" %in% aaChange[1]) ) mvr[snp]$typeMut[index] <- "nonsense"
else mvr[snp]$typeMut[index] <- "missense"
ins <- grep("ins", names(mvr))
if (length(ins) != 0) {
insLength <- nchar(alt(mvr[ins])) - 1
mvr[ins]$typeMut[which(insLength %% 3 == 0)] <- "insertion"
mvr[ins]$typeMut[which(!(insLength %% 3 == 0))] <- "frameshift"
del <- grep("del", names(mvr))
if (length(del) != 0) {
delLength <- nchar(ref(mvr[del])) - 1
mvr[del]$typeMut[which(delLength %% 3 == 0)] <- "deletion"
mvr[del]$typeMut[which(!(delLength %% 3 == 0))] <- "frameshift"
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