matchpos <- function(tomatch, ref.df,
auto.detect.tomatch=T, auto.detect.ref=T,
chr="", ref.chr="",
pos="", ref.pos="",
snp="", ref.snp="",
ref="", ref.ref="",
alt="", ref.alt="",
silent=F, rm.duplicates=F) {
#' @title Function to match a set of variants to a reference
#' by chromosome and/or position and/or SNP/rsIDs
#' @description
#' If REF/ALT alleles available, will also check them for reverse coding.
#' Specify the exclude.ambiguous option for possible sense/antisense ambiguity.
#' @param tomatch A data.frame or data.table
#' @param ref.df A data.frame or data.table
#' @param rm.dumplicates Remove SNPs with more than one match
#' @keywords internal
tomatch <-
ref.df <-
#### Column matching function ####
match.col <- function(test, target, default.targets, auto.detect=T, silent=F) {
mustfind <- target != ""
if(mustfind) {
test2 <- test
targets2 <- target
} else if(auto.detect) {
test2 <- tolower(substr(test,1,3))
targets2 <- tolower(substr(default.targets,1,3))
target <- default.targets[1]
} else return(integer(0))
pos <- test2 == targets2[1]
if(length(targets2) > 1) {
for(i in 2:length(targets2)) {
pos <- pos | test2 == targets2[i]
pos <- which(pos)
if(length(pos) > 1) {
vars <- paste(test[pos], collapse = ", ")
mess <- paste0("Multiple columns for ", target, ". Possible matches: ", vars)
} else if(length(pos) == 1) {
if(!silent) cat(paste(test[pos], "identified as", target, "\n"))
} else if(mustfind) {
stop(paste("No column identified for ", target))
} else {
if(!silent) cat("No column identified for ", target, "\n")
#### Identify columns ####
colnames.tomatch <- colnames(tomatch)
if(!silent) cat("For 'tomatch' data.frame: \n")
chr.col <- match.col(colnames.tomatch, chr, c("CHROMOSOME"), auto.detect.tomatch, silent=silent)
pos.col <- match.col(colnames.tomatch, pos, c("POSITION", "BP"), auto.detect.tomatch, silent=silent)
snp.col <- match.col(colnames.tomatch, snp, c("SNP", "rsid"), auto.detect.tomatch, silent=silent)
alt.col <- match.col(colnames.tomatch, alt, c("alt", "a1"), auto.detect.tomatch, silent=silent)
ref.col <- match.col(colnames.tomatch, ref, c("ref", "a2"), auto.detect.tomatch, silent=silent)
colnames.ref <- colnames(ref.df)
if(!silent) cat("\nFor 'reference' data.frame: \n")
ref.chr.col <- match.col(colnames.ref, ref.chr, c("CHROMOSOME"), auto.detect.ref, silent=silent)
ref.pos.col <- match.col(colnames.ref, ref.pos, c("POSITION", "BP"), auto.detect.ref, silent=silent)
ref.snp.col <- match.col(colnames.ref, ref.snp, c("SNP", "rsid"), auto.detect.ref, silent=silent)
ref.alt.col <- match.col(colnames.ref, ref.alt, c("alt", "a1"), auto.detect.ref, silent=silent)
ref.ref.col <- match.col(colnames.ref, ref.ref, c("ref", "a2"), auto.detect.ref, silent=silent)
#### Find the matching columns ####
match.snp <- length(snp.col) > 0 && length(ref.snp.col) > 0
match.chr.pos <- length(chr.col) > 0 && length(pos.col) > 0 &&
length(ref.chr.col) > 0 && length(ref.pos.col) > 0
if(!match.snp && !match.chr.pos) {
stop("We must be able to match either by variant ID (SNP) or by chromosome and position")
} else if(match.chr.pos && match.snp) {
match.cols <- c(snp.col, chr.col, pos.col)
ref.match.cols <- c(ref.snp.col, ref.chr.col, ref.pos.col)
} else if(match.chr.pos) {
match.cols <- c(chr.col, pos.col)
ref.match.cols <- c(ref.chr.col, ref.pos.col)
} else {
match.cols <- c(snp.col)
ref.match.cols <- c(ref.snp.col)
n.match.cols <- length(match.cols)
match.cols.names <- colnames(tomatch)[match.cols]
ref.match.cols.names <- colnames(ref.df)[ref.match.cols]
# all.cols <- c(snp.col, chr.col, pos.col, alt.col, ref.col)
# ref.all.cols <- c(ref.snp.col, ref.chr.col, ref.pos.col, ref.alt.col, ref.ref.col)
# ncols.tomatch <- length(all.cols)
# ncols.ref <- length(ref.all.cols)
tomatch.ref <- length(ref.col) > 0
tomatch.alt <- length(alt.col) > 0
refer.ref <- length(ref.ref.col) > 0
refer.alt <- length(ref.alt.col) > 0
ref.alt.tomatch <- tomatch.ref && tomatch.alt
ref.alt.ref <- refer.ref && refer.alt
match.both.alleles <- ref.alt.tomatch && ref.alt.ref
#### Matching by one allele ####
match1allele <- ""
if(!match.both.alleles) {
if(tomatch.ref && refer.ref) {
match1allele <- "ref"
} else if(tomatch.alt && refer.alt) {
match1allele <- "alt"
} else if(tomatch.ref && refer.alt) {
match1allele <- "ref.alt"
} else if(tomatch.alt && refer.ref) {
match1allele <- "alt.ref"
# if(match1allele != "") warning("Matching on 1 allele only!")
tomatch$.index.tomatch <- 1:nrow(tomatch)
ref.df$.index.ref <- 1:nrow(ref.df)
#### MERGE ####
merged <- merge(ref.df, tomatch, all=F,
by.x=ref.match.cols.names, by.y=match.cols.names)
setkey(merged, .index.ref)
merged <-
alt.col2 <- alt.col + ncol(ref.df) - sum(match.cols < alt.col)
ref.col2 <- ref.col + ncol(ref.df) - sum(match.cols < ref.col)
ref.alt.col2 <- sum(ref.match.cols > ref.alt.col) + ref.alt.col
ref.ref.col2 <- sum(ref.match.cols > ref.ref.col) + ref.ref.col
#### Change everything to capital letters ####
if(tomatch.alt) merged[,alt.col2] <- toupper(merged[,alt.col2])
if(tomatch.ref) merged[,ref.col2] <- toupper(merged[,ref.col2])
if(refer.alt) merged[,ref.alt.col2] <- toupper(merged[,ref.alt.col2])
if(refer.ref) merged[,ref.ref.col2] <- toupper(merged[,ref.ref.col2])
#### Convert T -> A and G -> C if excluding ambiguous SNPs ####
merged$ok123 <- T
if(exclude.ambiguous) {
if(match.both.alleles) {
### Ensure both ref and alt alleles switch at the same time ###
ok1 <- (merged[, ref.col2] == merged[, ref.ref.col2] &
merged[, alt.col2] == merged[, ref.alt.col2] )
ok2 <- (merged[, ref.col2] == merged[, ref.alt.col2] &
merged[, alt.col2] == merged[, ref.ref.col2] )
ok3 <- (merged[, ref.col2] != merged[, ref.ref.col2] &
merged[, ref.col2] != merged[, ref.alt.col2] &
merged[, alt.col2] != merged[, ref.ref.col2] &
merged[, alt.col2] != merged[, ref.alt.col2])
merged$ok123 <- ok1 | ok2 | ok3
### Convert T to A and G to C ###
if(tomatch.alt) {
merged[,alt.col2] <- gsub("T", "A", merged[,alt.col2])
merged[,alt.col2] <- gsub("G", "C", merged[,alt.col2])
if(tomatch.ref) {
merged[,ref.col2] <- gsub("T", "A", merged[,ref.col2])
merged[,ref.col2] <- gsub("G", "C", merged[,ref.col2])
if(refer.alt) {
merged[,ref.alt.col2] <- gsub("T", "A", merged[,ref.alt.col2])
merged[,ref.alt.col2] <- gsub("G", "C", merged[,ref.alt.col2])
if(refer.ref) {
merged[,ref.ref.col2] <- gsub("T", "A", merged[,ref.ref.col2])
merged[,ref.ref.col2] <- gsub("G", "C", merged[,ref.ref.col2])
#### Matching alleles ####
if(match.both.alleles) {
merged$ok <- merged[,ref.ref.col2] == merged[,ref.col2] & merged[,ref.alt.col2] == merged[,alt.col2]
merged$antiok <- merged[,ref.ref.col2] == merged[,alt.col2] & merged[,ref.alt.col2] == merged[,ref.col2]
merged$eitherok <- merged$ok | merged$antiok
} else if(match1allele != "") {
if(match1allele == "ref") {
merged$ok <- merged[, ref.ref.col2] == merged[, ref.col2]
if(tomatch.alt) {
merged$antiok <- merged[, ref.ref.col2] == merged[, alt.col2]
} else if(refer.alt) {
merged$antiok <- merged[, ref.alt.col2] == merged[, ref.col2]
} else {
merged$antiok <- !merged$ok
} else if(match1allele == "alt") {
merged$ok <- merged[, ref.alt.col2] == merged[, alt.col2]
if(tomatch.ref) {
merged$antiok <- merged[, ref.alt.col2] == merged[, ref.col2]
} else if(refer.ref) {
merged$antiok <- merged[, ref.ref.col2] == merged[, alt.col2]
} else {
merged$antiok <- !merged$ok
} else if(match1allele == "ref.alt") {
merged$antiok <- merged[, ref.col2] == merged[, ref.alt.col2]
merged$ok <- !merged$antiok
} else if(match1allele == "alt.ref") {
merged$antiok <- merged[, alt.col2] == merged[, ref.ref.col2]
merged$ok <- !merged$antiok
merged$eitherok <- merged$ok | merged$antiok
} else {
merged$eitherok <- T
#### Exclude ambiguous SNPs ####
# exclude.ambiguous <- F
merged$ambiguous <- F
if(exclude.ambiguous) {
if(ref.alt.tomatch) {
merged$ambiguous <- merged$ambiguous | merged[,ref.col2] == merged[,alt.col2]
if(ref.alt.ref) {
merged$ambiguous <- merged$ambiguous | merged[,ref.ref.col2] == merged[,ref.alt.col2]
#### Find duplicated matches ####
toinclude <- merged$eitherok & !merged$ambiguous & merged$ok123
mismatches <- sort(unique(merged$.index.tomatch[!toinclude]))
merged <- merged[toinclude,]
dup.ref <- duplicated(merged$.index.ref)
dup.tomatch <- duplicated(merged$.index.tomatch)
if(any(dup.ref) || any(dup.tomatch)) {
if(rm.duplicates) {
which.index.ref <- unique(merged$.index.ref[dup.ref])
duplicated <- merged$.index.ref %in% which.index.ref
which.index.tomatch <- unique(merged$.index.tomatch[dup.tomatch])
duplicated <- duplicated | merged$.index.tomatch %in% which.index.tomatch
merged <- merged[!duplicated,]
mismatches <- sort(unique(c(mismatches, merged$.index.tomatch[duplicated])))
} else {
print(merged[dup.ref | dup.tomatch, ])
stop("Multiple matches found for some of the keys")
#### Reverse allele coding ####
rev <- NULL
if(match.both.alleles || match1allele != "") {
rev <- ifelse(merged$antiok, -1,1)
#### order and ref.extract ####
order <- merged$.index.tomatch
ref.extract <- rep(F, nrow(ref.df))
ref.extract[merged$.index.ref] <- T
return(list(order=order, ref.extract=ref.extract, rev=rev,
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