
Defines functions plot_Spectrum

Documented in plot_Spectrum

#' Plot ESR spectra and peak finding
#' Function to plot an ESR spectrum and finding peaks using an automated
#' routine.
#' \bold{Status} \cr\cr In progress
#' @param data [`data.frame`] (**required**): data frame
#' with two columns for x=magnetic.field or g.value, y=ESR.intensity.
#' @param stacked [`logical`] (*with default*):
#' If `TRUE` this function produces a stacked plot where each spectrum is
#' plotted on top of each other. Use `y_scale_factor` to adjust the y-axis
#' scaling. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param normalise [`logical`] (*with default*):
#' If `TRUE` each spectrum is normalised by its individual maximum intensity
#' value. This is useful to compare the spectrums structure by eliminating 
#' relative intensity variations. Requires `stacked = TRUE`. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param crop [`logical`] (*with default*):
#' If `TRUE` all spectra are cropped to the specified `xlim` range before
#' applying any further signal processing (e.g. normalisation). Useful when 
#' plotting spectra with different scan widths. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param y_scale_factor [`numeric`] (*with default*):
#' A positive single numeric value that determines the scaling of the y-axis when
#' `stacked = TRUE`. Lower values will bring the spectra closer to each other,
#' potentially making them overlap each other. Increasing the value will
#' increase the distance and flatten the spectra. Defaults to `2`.
#' @param vertical_lines [`numeric`] (*optional*):
#' Add vertical dashed lines at specified x-axis values. See [`abline()`].
#' @param vertical_lines_manual [`list`] (*optional*):
#' A `list` of vectors of `numeric` values to draw custom vertical lines
#' in the plot. Each vector should be of the same length as the number of 
#' spectra provided. Each value indicates where a vertical line is drawn
#' in the spectrum, starting from the bottom to the top. Example: `data` is
#' a list with three spectra. To connect the three spectra with a vertical line
#' use e.g. `vertical_lines_manual = list(c(3455, 3460, 3456))`. Useful, if 
#' the spectra are not perfectly aligned and you want to connect a particular
#' are of interest with lines.
#' @param col_bg [`character`] (*with default*):
#' If more than one spectrum is provided the background is `grey90` by default.
#' @param manual_shift [`numeric`] (*optional*): 
#' If all of the `auto.shift` methods fail to properly align all of the 
#' provided spectra use `manual_shift` to align them manually. This should be
#' a vector of negative or positive `numeric` values the same length as the
#' number of provided spectra. Example: `data` is a list with three spectra.
#' To shift the spectra use e.g. `manual_shift = c(-2, 0, 0.2)`, which aligns
#' the first spectrum by `-2` to the left and the third by `0.2` to the right.
#' @param manual_shift_global [`numeric`] (*optional*):
#' The same as `manual_shift`, but shifting all spectra by one single value. 
#' Useful to shift spectra according to a calibration measurement. The correction
#' is applied after individual shifts of `manual_shift`, so it is possible
#' to individually AND globally shift the spectra for proper alignment.
#' @param gvalue [`logical`] (*with default*):
#' If `TRUE` and all spectra are of class `ESR.Spectrum` with information
#' on microwave frequency the magnetic field values are converted to g-values.
#' @param difference \code{\link{logical}} (with default): plot first
#' derivative of the spectrum
#' @param integrate \code{\link{logical}} (with default): plot integrand of the
#' spectrum
#' @param smooth.spline \code{\link{logical}} (with default): fit a cubic
#' smoothing spline to supplied spectrum.
#' @param smooth.spline.df \code{\link{integer}}: desired number of degrees of
#' freedom
#' @param smooth.spline.diff.df \code{\link{integer}}: desired number of
#' degrees of freedom for splines of the first derivative
#' @param overlay \code{\link{logical}} (with default): overlay actual data and
#' smoothing spline curve in one plot.
#' @param auto.shift \code{\link{logical}} (with default): automatically shift
#' multiple spectra by their maximum peak. This uses smoothing splines for
#' better results.
#' @param shift.method \code{\link{character}} (with default): when \code{integral}
#' the peaks are shifted by the maximum intensity of the integral.
#' Alternatively, \code{deriv} can be used to shift the spectra by the minimum of the
#' first derivative. By default, \code{ccf} is used which computes the
#' cross-correlation of two univariate series (see \code{\link{ccf}}). 
#' @param find.peaks \code{\link{logical}} (with default): find and plot peaks
#' (\code{TRUE/FALSE}).
#' @param peak.range \code{\link{integer}} (with default): range of magnetic
#' field intensities or g-values in which peaks are picked from \code{c(from,
#' to)}. If no values are provide the whole spectrum is analysed.
#' @param peak.threshold \code{\link{integer}} (with default): threshold value
#' specifying the resolution of the peak finding routine (see details).
#' @param peak.information \code{\link{logical}} (with default): plot peak
#' intensity values for peaks found by the automated routine
#' (\code{TRUE/FALSE}). Applies only when \code{find.peaks = TRUE}.
#' @param info \code{\link{character}}: add information on experimental details
#' as subtitle
#' @param plot \code{\link{logical}} (with default): show plot
#' (\code{TRUE/FALSE}).
#' @param add \code{\link{logical}} (with default): whether derivatives and/or
#' integrands are added to the spectrum or are shown separately
#' (\code{TRUE/FALSE}).
#' @param ... Further plot arguments to pass.
#' @return Returns terminal output and a plot. In addition, a list is returned
#' containing the following elements:
#' \item{data}{list containing the (modified) input data} \item{splines}{list
#' containing the spline objects} \item{auto.peaks}{data frame containing the
#' peak information (magnetic field and ESR intensity) found by the peak find
#' routine.}
#' @export
#' @note In progress
#' @author Christoph Burow, University of Cologne (Germany)
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot}}
#' @examples
#' ##load example data
#' data(ExampleData.ESRspectra, envir = environment())
#' ##plot dpph and use the automatic peak finding routine
#' plot_Spectrum(ExampleData.ESRspectra$dpph, find.peaks = TRUE,
#'                  peak.range = c(3340,3355),
#'                  peak.threshold = 10, peak.information = TRUE,
#'                  verbose = TRUE)
#' ##plot the mollusc (sample Ba01) natural ESR spectrum with a smoothing spline
#' plot_Spectrum(ExampleData.ESRspectra$Ba01_00,
#'                  smooth.spline = TRUE,
#'                  smooth.spline.df = 40,
#'                  overlay = TRUE)
#' ##plot all ESR spectra of sample Ba01
#' plot_Spectrum(ExampleData.ESRspectra$Ba01)
#' ##plot all ESR spectra of sample Ba01 and align curves by the max peak
#' plot_Spectrum(ExampleData.ESRspectra$Ba01,
#'                  auto.shift = TRUE)
#' ##plot all ESR spectra of sample Ba01, use smoothing splines and
#' ##align curves by the max peak
#' plot_Spectrum(ExampleData.ESRspectra$Ba01,
#'                  smooth.spline = TRUE,
#'                  smooth.spline.df = 40,
#'                  auto.shift = TRUE,
#'                  overlay = FALSE)
#' @md
#' @export plot_Spectrum
plot_Spectrum <- function(data, 
                          stacked = FALSE, normalise = FALSE, crop = TRUE, y_scale_factor = 2, 
                          vertical_lines, vertical_lines_manual, col_bg = "grey90",
                          manual_shift, manual_shift_global, gvalue = FALSE,
                          difference = FALSE, integrate = FALSE, 
                          smooth.spline = FALSE, smooth.spline.df, smooth.spline.diff.df, overlay = TRUE, 
                          auto.shift = FALSE, shift.method = "ccf", find.peaks = FALSE, peak.range, peak.threshold = 10, 
                          peak.information = FALSE, info = NULL, plot = TRUE, add = FALSE, 
                          ...) {
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## check if provided data fulfill the requirements
  if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    if (length(data) != 2)
      stop("\n Please provide a data frame with two columns (x=magnetic.field, y=ESR.intensity)")
    data <- list(data)
  else if (inherits(data, "ESR.Spectrum")) {
    name <- as.character(data$originator)
    if (gvalue) 
      data <- list(data$get_gvalues())
      data <- list(data$data)
    names(data) <- name
  else if (is.list(data)) {
    # TODO: check if all list items are dataframes
    if (inherits(data[[1]], "ESR.Spectrum")) {
      names <- as.character(unlist(lapply(data, function(x) x$originator)))
      data <- lapply(data, function(x) {
       if (gvalue)
      names(data) <- names
  else stop("\n [plot_Spectrum] >> data has to be of type data.fame, list or ESR.Spectrum!", call. = FALSE)
  ## check input lengths
  if (!missing(manual_shift)) {
   if (length(manual_shift) != length(data))
     stop("Arg 'manual_shift' must be the same length of provided 'data'.", call. = FALSE)
    else if (any(!is.numeric(manual_shift)))
     stop("Arg 'manual_shift' must only contain 'numeric' values.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!missing(vertical_lines))
    if (!is.numeric(vertical_lines))
      stop("Arg 'vertical_lines' must be 'numeric' vector.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!missing(vertical_lines_manual)) {
    if (!is.list(vertical_lines_manual))
      stop("Arg 'vertical_lines' must be a 'list' of 'numeric' vectors.", call. = FALSE)
    else if (any(!sapply(vertical_lines_manual, is.numeric)))
      stop("Arg 'vertical_lines' must be a 'list' of 'numeric' vectors.", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(y_scale_factor) != 1 || !is.numeric(y_scale_factor))
    stop("Arg 'y_scale_factor' must be a single 'numeric' value.", call. = FALSE)
  if (!missing(manual_shift_global)) {
    if (length(manual_shift_global) != 1)
      stop("Arg 'manual_shift_global' must be a single 'numeric' value.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!is.numeric(manual_shift_global))
      stop("Arg 'manual_shift_global' must be a 'numeric' value", call. = FALSE)
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  # save column names for legend
  if (length(data) > 1)
    colnames <- names(data)
  # if list is unnamed, grep colnames; else, disable legend and warn user
  if (is.null(colnames))
    colnames <- colnames(data)
  if (is.null(colnames)) {
    message("Warning: plotting the legend requires a named list!")
  # difference
  if (difference == TRUE || auto.shift == TRUE) {
    temp <- lapply(data, function(x) {
      diff(x[, 2])
    deriv_one <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(data)) {
      deriv_one[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(data[[i]][1:length(data[[i]][ , 1]) - 1, 1], temp[[i]]))
    deriv_one <- lapply(deriv_one, function(x) {
      colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")
  # label data data frame for easier addressing
  data <- lapply(data, function(x) {
    colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  if (integrate == TRUE || auto.shift == TRUE) {
    temp <- lapply(data, function(x) {
      t1 <- as.numeric(x[, 2])
      t2 <- x[, 2]
      for (i in 1:length(t1)) {
        t1[i] <- sum(t2[1:i])
    integrand <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(data)) {
      integrand[[i]] <- as.data.frame(cbind(data[[i]][1:length(data[[i]][,1]), 1], temp[[i]]))
    integrand <- lapply(integrand, function(x) {
      colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  if (smooth.spline == TRUE && difference == TRUE) {
    if (missing(smooth.spline.diff.df) == TRUE) {
      smooth.spline.diff.df <- smooth.spline(deriv_one[[1]])$df
    } else {
      smooth.spline.diff.df <- smooth.spline.diff.df
    deriv_one.spline <- lapply(deriv_one, function(x) {
      smooth.spline(x, df = smooth.spline.diff.df)
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  extraArgs <- list(...)
  if ("verbose" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    verbose <- extraArgs$verbose
  } else {
    verbose <- TRUE
  if ("ylim" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    ylim <- extraArgs$ylim
  } else {
    if (difference == TRUE && add == FALSE) {
      if (smooth.spline == FALSE || overlay == TRUE) {
        ylim.data <- deriv_one
      } else {
        ylim.data <- lapply(deriv_one.spline, function(x) {
          data.frame(x = x[1], y = x[2])
    } else {
      ylim.data <- data
    ymin <- min(unlist((lapply(ylim.data, function(x) {
    ymax <- max(unlist((lapply(ylim.data, function(x) {
    ymax <- ymax * 1.2
    if (ymin < 0) {
      ymin <- ymin * 1.2
    } else {
      ymin <- ymin * 0.8
    ylim <- c(ymin, ymax)
  if ("xlim" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    xlim <- extraArgs$xlim
  } else {
    # xlim<- c(min(data[[1]][1])*0.9998,
    # max(data[[1]][1])*1.0002)
    xlim <- range(pretty(c(min(data[[1]][1]), max(data[[1]][1]))))
    xlim <- range(pretty( do.call(rbind, data)[ ,1] ))
  if ("main" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    main <- extraArgs$main
  } else {
    main = "ESR Spectrum"
  if ("xlab" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    xlab <- extraArgs$xlab
  } else {
    xlab <- expression("Magnetic field [G]")
  if ("ylab" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    ylab <- extraArgs$ylab
  } else {
    ylab <- c(paste("ESR intensity [a.u.]", sep = ""))
  if ("cex" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    cex <- extraArgs$cex
  } else {
    cex <- 1
  if ("legend" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    legend <- extraArgs$legend
  } else {
    if (is.null(colnames))
      legend <- FALSE
      legend <- TRUE
  if ("legend.pos" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    legend.pos <- extraArgs$legend.pos
  } else {
    legend.pos <- "topright"
  if ("type" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    type <- extraArgs$type
  } else {
    type <- "l"
  if ("pch" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    pch <- extraArgs$pch
  } else {
    pch <- 1
  if ("col" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    col <- extraArgs$col
  } else {
    col <- "black"
  if ("lty" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    lty <- extraArgs$lty
  } else {
    lty <- 1
  if ("lwd" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    lwd <- extraArgs$lwd
  } else {
    lwd <- 1
  if ("id" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    id <- extraArgs$id
  } else {
    id <- FALSE
  if ("amplitudes" %in% names(extraArgs)) {
    amplitudes <- extraArgs$amplitudes
  } else {
    amplitudes <- NULL
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  if (smooth.spline == TRUE || auto.shift == TRUE) {
    if (missing(smooth.spline.df) == TRUE) {
      smooth.spline.df <- smooth.spline(data[[1]])$df
    spline <- lapply(data, function(x) {
      smooth.spline(x, df = smooth.spline.df)
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  if (auto.shift == TRUE && (length(data) > 1) == TRUE) {
    # DEPRECATED - shift spectra by maximum peak in smoothing splines
    # pos.peak.max<- unlist( lapply(spline, function(x) {
    # x[[1]][which.max(x[[2]])] }) )
    if (shift.method == "integral" || shift.method == "deriv") {
      if (shift.method == "integral")
        shifter <- integrand
      else if (shift.method == "deriv")
        shifter <- deriv_one
      # shift peaks by maximum peak of integrand
      pos.peak.max <- unlist(lapply(shifter, function(x) {
      diff.peak.max <- pos.peak.max[1] - pos.peak.max
      for (i in 1:length(data)) {
        # shift real data
        data[[i]][, 1] <- data[[i]][, 1] + diff.peak.max[i]
        if (smooth.spline == TRUE) {
          # shift splines
          spline[[i]][[1]] <- spline[[i]][[1]] + diff.peak.max[i]
        # shift integrand
        integrand[[i]][[1]] <- integrand[[i]][[1]] + diff.peak.max[i]
        if (difference == TRUE) {
          # shift spline of derivative
          deriv_one.spline[[i]][[1]] <- deriv_one.spline[[i]][[1]] + 
    if (shift.method == "ccf") {
      for (i in 1:length(data)) {
        data[[i]] <- align_spectrum(x = data[[i]], reference = data)
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  if (!missing(manual_shift)) {
    for (i in 1:length(data))
      data[[i]][ ,1] <- data[[i]][ ,1] + manual_shift[i]

  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  if (!missing(manual_shift_global)) {
    for (i in 1:length(data))
      data[[i]][ ,1] <- data[[i]][ ,1] + manual_shift_global
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## if any shifting occured we need to re-determine a proper x-axis limit
  if (!missing(manual_shift) || !missing(manual_shift_global) || auto.shift) {

    if (match("xlim", names(list(...)), nomatch = 0) == 0) {
      xlim <- range(pretty(c(min(data[[1]][1]), max(data[[1]][1]))))
      xlim <- range(pretty( do.call(rbind, data)[ ,1] ))
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  if (stacked) {

    ## Determine global maximum y-value
    ymax_global <- max(abs(do.call(rbind, data)[ ,2]))
    ## Crop spectra before normalising
    if (crop) {
      for(i in 1:length(data)) {
        data[[i]] <- data[[i]][which(data[[i]][,1] >= xlim[1] & data[[i]][,1] <= xlim[2]), ]
    ## Normalise all spectra and set y-offset
    for (i in 1:length(data)) {
      ymax <- max(abs(data[[i]][ ,2]))
      if (normalise)
        data[[i]][ ,2] <- data[[i]][ ,2] / ymax
        data[[i]][ ,2] <- data[[i]][ ,2] / ymax_global
      data[[i]][ ,2] <- data[[i]][ ,2] + i * y_scale_factor
    ## Re-set ylim values
    ## Determine global y-axis limit
    all_y <- do.call(rbind, data)[ ,2]
    ylim <- c(
      ifelse(min(all_y) < 0, min(all_y) * 1.05, min(all_y) * 0.95),
      ifelse(max(all_y) > 0, max(all_y) * 1.05, max(all_y) * 0.95)
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  if (find.peaks == TRUE && length(data) == 1) {
    if (missing(peak.range) == TRUE) {
      peak.range <- c(min(data[[1]][, 1]), max(data[[1]][,1]))
    input.temp <- data
    if (smooth.spline == TRUE) {
      if (difference == TRUE) {
        data[[1]][1:1023, 2] <- deriv_one.spline[[1]]$y
      } else {
        data[[1]][, 2] <- spline[[1]]$y
    } else {
      if (difference == TRUE) {
        data[[1]] <- deriv_one[[1]]
    ## Preparation
    scan.width <- seq(from = 1, to = length(data[[1]]$x), by = 1)
    peak.max.storage <- matrix(data = NA, 
                               nrow = length(scan.width), 
                               ncol = 2)
    peak.min.storage <- matrix(data = NA, 
                               nrow = length(scan.width), 
                               ncol = 2)
    for (i in 1:length(data[[1]]$x)) {
      # find max peaks
      if (any(abs(data[[1]]$y[i:c(i + if (i + peak.threshold > 
                                          length(data[[1]]$x)) {
        length(data[[1]]$x) - i
      } else {
      })]) > abs(data[[1]]$y[i])) == FALSE) {
        if (any(abs(data[[1]]$y[c(i - if (i < peak.threshold) {
          i - 1
        } else {
        }):i]) > abs(data[[1]]$y[i])) == TRUE) {
        } else {
          if (data[[1]]$x[i] > peak.range[1] && data[[1]]$x[i] < 
              peak.range[2]) {
            peak.max.storage[i, ] <- as.matrix(c(data[[1]]$x[i], 
      # find min peaks
      if (any(abs(data[[1]]$y[i:c(i + if (i + peak.threshold > 
                                          length(data[[1]]$x)) {
        length(data[[1]]$x) - i
      } else {
      })]) < abs(data[[1]]$y[i])) == FALSE) {
        if (any(abs(data[[1]]$y[c(i - if (i < peak.threshold) {
          i - 1
        } else {
        }):i]) < abs(data[[1]]$y[i])) == TRUE) {
        } else {
          if (data[[1]]$x[i] > peak.range[1] && data[[1]]$x[i] < 
              peak.range[2]) {
            peak.min.storage[i, ] <- as.matrix(c(data[[1]]$x[i], 
    all.peaks <- as.data.frame(rbind(na.omit(peak.max.storage), na.omit(peak.min.storage)))
    all.peaks <- all.peaks[order(all.peaks[, 1]), ]
    colnames(all.peaks) <- c("magnetic.field", "ESR.intensity")
    data <- input.temp
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  if (verbose == TRUE && find.peaks == TRUE && length(data) == 1) {
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  if (plot) {
    colororder = c(rgb(0, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 1), rgb(0, 0.5, 0), 
                   rgb(1, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0.75, 0.75), rgb(0.75, 0, 0.75), 
                   rgb(0.75, 0.75, 0), rgb(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), rgb(0.75, 0.25, 0.25), 
                   rgb(0.95,  0.95, 0), rgb(0.25, 0.25, 0.75), rgb(0.75, 0.75, 0.75), 
                   rgb(0, 1, 0), rgb(0.76, 0.57, 0.17), rgb(0.54, 0.63, 0.22), 
                   rgb(0.34,  0.57, 0.92), rgb(1, 0.1, 0.6), rgb(0.88, 0.75, 0.73),
                   rgb(0.1,  0.49, 0.47), rgb(0.66, 0.34, 0.65), rgb(0.99, 0.41, 0.23))
    if (is.null(info) == TRUE) {
      # general plot parameters
      par(cex = cex, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", mar = c(4, 4, 2, 2) + 
    } else {
      # general plot parameters
      par(cex = cex, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", mar = c(4, 4, 7, 2) + 
    # reverse x-scale if g-values are plotted
    if (gvalue)
      xlim <- rev(xlim)
    # create empty plot
    plot(NA, NA, 
         ylim = ylim, 
         xlim = xlim, bty = "n", xpd = FALSE, 
         xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
         yaxt = "n")
    if (!stacked)
    # add plot title
    title(main, line = if (is.null(info) == TRUE) {
    } else {
    }, cex = 0.8)
    ## add subtitle experimental settings
    if (is.null(info) == FALSE) {
      # 1. add input fields
      inf <- list(inf.rec = c("Receiver Gain", "Phase", "Harmonic", 
                              "Mod. Freq.", "Mod Amplitude"), inf.sig = c("Conversion", 
                                                                          "Time Const", "Sweep Time", "Number of Scans"), inf.field = c("Center Field", 
                                                                                                                                        "Sweep Width", "Resolution"), inf.mw = c("Frequency", "Power"))
      at.adj <- c(0, 0.275, 0.55, 0.825)
      for (i in 1:length(inf)) {
        k <- 5.5
        for (j in 1:length(inf[[i]])) {
          k <- k - 1
          mtext(text = inf[[i]][j], side = 3, line = k, cex = 0.7, 
                adj = 0, at = par("usr")[1] + at.adj[i] * diff(par("usr")[1:2]))
      # 2. add values
      at.adj <- c(0.11, 0.405, 0.65, 0.91)
      for (i in 1:length(info)) {
        k <- 5.5
        for (j in 1:length(info[[i]])) {
          k <- k - 1
          mtext(text = paste(": ", info[[i]][j]), side = 3, line = k, 
                cex = 0.7, adj = 0, at = par("usr")[1] + at.adj[i] * 
    # add amplitude lines
    if (is.null(amplitudes) == FALSE) {
      x1 <- amplitudes[1]
      x2 <- amplitudes[2]
      if (smooth.spline == TRUE) {
        temp.data <- cbind(spline[[1]]$x, spline[[1]]$y)
      } else {
        temp.data <- data[[1]]
      y1 <- temp.data[which.min(abs(temp.data[, 1] - x1)), 2]
      y2 <- temp.data[which.min(abs(temp.data[, 1] - x2)), 2]
      lines(x = c(x1, x1), y = c(y1, y2), lty = 2, col = "grey")
      lines(x = c(x1, x2), y = c(y2, y2), lty = 2, col = "grey")
      amp <- as.expression(bquote(italic(hat(u)) ~ "=" ~ .(abs(y1 - 
      if (amplitudes[1] < amplitudes[2]) {
        text(x = min(amplitudes), y = min(c(y1, y2)), labels = amp, 
             pos = 1, cex = 0.8)
      } else {
        text(x = max(amplitudes), y = max(c(y1, y2)), labels = amp, 
             pos = 3, cex = 0.8)
    # background of the plot region
    if (length(data) > 1) {
      if (col_bg != "white") {
        rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], 
             col = col_bg)
        grid(col = "white", lwd = 1, lty = 1)
    plot_line <- function(data, color, id) {
      if (overlay == TRUE && smooth.spline == TRUE) {
        if (id == "data" || id == "deriv") {
          color <- adjustcolor(color, alpha.f = 0.33)
      if (add == TRUE) {
      lines(data, col = color, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, type = type, 
            pch = pch)
    }  ##EndOf::plot_line()
    if (length(data) > 1) {
      col <- colororder
    # add sprectum lines (either measured data or splines)
    for (i in 1:length(data)) {
      # INPUT DATA
      if (add == TRUE || c(smooth.spline == FALSE && difference == 
                           FALSE)) {
        plot_line(cbind(data[[i]]$x, data[[i]]$y), 
                  col[i], "data")
      # SPLINE
      if (c(smooth.spline == TRUE && difference == FALSE) || c(smooth.spline == 
                                                               TRUE && difference == TRUE && add == TRUE && overlay == 
                                                               TRUE)) {
        plot_line(spline[[i]], col[i], "spline")
      if (difference == TRUE && c(smooth.spline == FALSE || c(smooth.spline == 
                                                              TRUE && overlay == TRUE))) {
        plot_line(deriv_one[[i]], col[i], "deriv")
      if (difference == TRUE && smooth.spline == TRUE) {
        plot_line(deriv_one.spline[[i]], col[i], "deriv.spline")
    }  ##EndOf::Loop
    # add legend
    if (length(data) > 1 && legend == TRUE) {
      legend(legend.pos, legend = colnames, lty = 1, lwd = 3, col = col, 
             cex = 0.8, ncol = 2)
    ## ==========================================================================##
    ## ==========================================================================##
    if (find.peaks == TRUE && length(data) == 1) {
      # plot min/max peaks
      points(all.peaks, col = "red", pch = 19)
      # label min/max peaks
      if (peak.information == TRUE && length(all.peaks$magnetic.field) != 
          0) {
        if (id == TRUE) {
          text(all.peaks$magnetic.field, all.peaks$ESR.intensity, 
               labels = 1:length(all.peaks$ESR.intensity), pos = 2, 
               cex = 0.8, xpd = TRUE)
        } else {
          text(all.peaks$magnetic.field, all.peaks$ESR.intensity, 
               labels = round(all.peaks$ESR.intensity), pos = 2, cex = 0.8, 
               xpd = TRUE)
    ## ==========================================================================##
    ## ==========================================================================##
    if (integrate == TRUE) {
      y <- max(unlist(lapply(integrand, function(x) {
      for (i in 1:length(integrand)) {
        par(new = TRUE)
        plot(NA, bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", 
             ylab = "", ylim = c(-y, y), xlim = xlim)
        lines(integrand[[i]], col = col[i], lwd = lwd, lty = lty, 
              type = type, pch = pch)
        if (i == 1) {
    ## ==========================================================================##
    ## ==========================================================================##
    if (!missing(vertical_lines)) {
      for (i in 1:length(vertical_lines))
        abline(v = vertical_lines[i], lty = 2)
    y_offset_abs <- ifelse(y_scale_factor <= 2, 0.8, 0)
    if (!missing(vertical_lines_manual)) {
      for (i in 1:length(vertical_lines_manual)) {
        for (j in 1:length(vertical_lines_manual[[i]])) {
          # vertical line segments
            x = c(vertical_lines_manual[[i]][j], vertical_lines_manual[[i]][j]),
            # y = c(j * y_scale_factor - y_scale_factor / 2, j * y_scale_factor + y_scale_factor / 2),
            y = c(
              ifelse(j == 1, -1 ,data[[j]][which.min(abs(data[[j]][ ,1] - vertical_lines_manual[[i]][j])), 2] - 0.8 + y_offset_abs),
              data[[j]][which.min(abs(data[[j]][ ,1] - vertical_lines_manual[[i]][j])), 2] + 0.8 - y_offset_abs
            type = "l",
            lty = 2
          # horizontal connecters between segments
          if (j < length(vertical_lines_manual[[i]]))
            x = c(vertical_lines_manual[[i]][j], vertical_lines_manual[[i]][j+1]),
            # y = c(j * y_scale_factor + y_scale_factor / 2, j * y_scale_factor + y_scale_factor / 2),
            y = c(
              data[[j]][which.min(abs(data[[j]][ ,1] - vertical_lines_manual[[i]][j])), 2] + 0.8 - y_offset_abs,
              data[[j+1]][which.min(abs(data[[j+1]][ ,1] - vertical_lines_manual[[i]][j+1])), 2] - 0.8 + y_offset_abs
            type = "l",
            lty = 2
  ## ==========================================================================##
  ## ==========================================================================##
  # create data frame for output
  if (find.peaks == FALSE || length(data) > 1) {
    all.peaks <- NULL
  if (find.peaks == TRUE && length(data) == 1) {
    man.peaks <- NULL
  if (smooth.spline == FALSE) {
    spline <- NULL
    deriv_one.spline <- NULL
  if (integrate == FALSE && auto.shift == FALSE) {
    integrand <- NULL
  if (difference == FALSE) {
    deriv_one <- NULL
    deriv_one.spline <- NULL
  # plot calculus data
  plot.par <- list(ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, ylim.integrand = if (integrate == 
                                                                  TRUE) {
    c(-y, y)
  } else {
  # return output data.frame and nls.object fit
  invisible(list(data = data, derivative = deriv_one, integrand = integrand, 
                 splines = spline, diff.splines = deriv_one.spline, auto.peaks = all.peaks, 
                 plot.par = plot.par))
tzerk/ESR documentation built on May 20, 2019, 1:12 p.m.