#' Create HTML summary
#' Given results of Linker runs and other annotations, builds an interconnected
#' html website that summarizes graph edges by support and ChIP evidence (if
#' provided).
#' @param rfiles, character vector of the string file names where results of linker
#' runs have been saved using saveRDS, e.g., linkerResult <- LINKER_run(...),
#' saveRDS(linkerResult, file = 'StringFileName').
#' @param tagstr, a string name to tag related html summary results
#' @param mapfile, a string name of file that contains identifier and regulator status information, must contain the columns
#' 'uniq_isos' - contains name of rows in LINKER_run `lognorm_est_counts` input matrix
#' 'iso_ensts' - transcript ids, but can be left blank
#' 'iso_ensgs' - contains gene identifiers that match identifiers available in the evidfile
#' 'iso_ensgvs' - versioned gene identifiers, can be left blank
#' 'iso_gnames' - gene name for display
#' 'iso_descs' - extra information about row, can be left blank
#' 'filtered' - whether to include row, can be left blank
#' 'regulator' - whether row is regulator or target (has values 1 or 0 respectively)
#' @param outdir, a string name of directory location to save html
#' @param evidfile, a string name of file that contain ChIP evidence information, must be a matrix where
#' the column names are the 'iso_ensgs' names of the targets
#' the row names are the 'iso_ensgs' names of the regulators
#' the matrix values are
#' -1: meaning that information is missing, the regulator was not chipped, or the gene names were not mapped
#' 0: meaning that the ChIP'ed regulator did not have a peak in the targets genomic region (gene body +/- 20KB)
#' positive integer: number of peaks of the ChIP'ed regulator in the targets genomic region (gene body +/- 20KB)
#' @return allsummaries, a data frame that contains for each module and graph
#' the number of graph edges at each possible level of support and the
#' percentage of cumulative edges with each type of ChIP evidence
#' @examples
#' ## We are going to use files from the example folder.
#' ## `create_html_summary()` only needs the paths, so thats what
#' ## we are giving it.
#' evidpath <- paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'),'/ChIP',
#' '/Tumor_OV50_intersectBed.weighted_evidence.txt')
#' rfiles <- c(paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'),'/ChIP',
#' '/Tumor_OV50.tar8855_reg638.VBSR.m100_b10.rds'))
#' tagstr <- 'Tumor_OV50.tar8855_reg638'
#' mapfile <- paste0(system.file('extdata',package='TraRe'),'/ChIP',
#' '/Tumor_OV50.gene_info.txt')
#' ## We are going to create a folder for this example
#' ## If u want to keep create_html_summary output,
#' ## do not run the last line.
#' ##By default, the output directory will be paste0(tempdir(),'/')
#' ##For this example, we will generate it in the working directory.
#' create_html_summary(rfiles,tagstr,mapfile,evidfile=evidpath)
#' unlink(paste0(getwd(),'/',tagstr),recursive = TRUE)
#' @export
create_html_summary <- function(rfiles, tagstr, mapfile, outdir = paste0(tempdir(), "/"), evidfile) {
runinfo <- list()
runinfo$rfiles <- rfiles
runinfo$tagstr <- tagstr
runinfo$mapfile <- mapfile
runinfo$outdir <- outdir
runinfo$evidfile <- evidfile
#################### load information on gene identifiers ####################
message("Loading id conversion table: ", runinfo$mapfile, "...")
iso_table <- as.matrix(utils::read.table(runinfo$mapfile, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = ""))
rownames(iso_table) <- iso_table[, "uniq_isos"]
all_reg_genes <- iso_table[which(iso_table[, "regulator"] == 1), "iso_gnames"]
all_tar_genes <- iso_table[which(iso_table[, "regulator"] == 0), "iso_gnames"]
runinfo$nregs <- length(all_reg_genes)
runinfo$ntargets <- length(all_tar_genes)
################ create overall summary for html index page #################
indexpath <- paste(sep = ".", "index", runinfo$tagstr, "html")
htmlinfo <- linker_create_index_page(outdir = runinfo$outdir, runtag = runinfo$tagstr, indexpath = indexpath, codedir = paste0(system.file("extdata",
package = "TraRe"), "/RewiringReport/"))
# write gene info stats
write(paste0("<br>", length(all_tar_genes), " target isoforms covering ", length(unique(all_tar_genes)), " genes.<br>"), file = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir,
htmlinfo$indexpath), append = TRUE)
write(paste0(length(all_reg_genes), " regulator isoforms covering ", length(unique(all_reg_genes)), " genes.<br><br>"), file = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir,
htmlinfo$indexpath), append = TRUE)
################# load information on chip evidence, if exists ###############
weighted_chip_evidence <- NULL
if (file.exists(runinfo$evidfile)) {
message("Loading chip evidence table: ", runinfo$evidfile, "...")
weighted_chip_evidence <- as.matrix(utils::read.table(runinfo$evidfile, header = TRUE, row.names = 1, sep = "\t", quote = ""))
message("chip evidence regulators: ")
message("chip evidence regulators: ")
binary_chip_evidence <- weighted_chip_evidence
binary_chip_evidence[binary_chip_evidence > 1] <- 1
binary_chip_summary <- table(as.numeric(binary_chip_evidence))
methods::show(signif(binary_chip_summary/(dim(weighted_chip_evidence)[1] * dim(weighted_chip_evidence)[2]) * 100, 3))
nonzeroregs <- sum(rowSums(binary_chip_evidence) >= 0)
nonzerotargs <- sum(colSums(binary_chip_evidence) != dim(binary_chip_evidence)[1] * -1)
write(paste0(nonzeroregs, " regulators and ", nonzerotargs, " targets with possible chip evidence."), file = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir,
htmlinfo$indexpath), append = TRUE)
write(paste0(binary_chip_summary["1"], " (", signif(binary_chip_summary["1"]/(nonzeroregs * nonzerotargs) * 100, 3), "%) of ",
nonzeroregs, "*", nonzerotargs, " possible chip edges have at least one peak.<br>"), file = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath),
append = TRUE)
bin_summ <- cumSumTable(cbind(as.numeric(binary_chip_evidence), 1 - as.numeric(binary_chip_evidence)))
myrnames <- c("Peaks", "noPeak", "NA")
bin_summ <- cbind(myrnames, bin_summ)
colnames(bin_summ) <- c("RowType", "nCount", "cumCount", "%RowPeaks", "%RowNoPeak", "%RowNAs")
rownames(bin_summ) <- myrnames
htmlstr <- table2html(bin_summ)
write(htmlstr, file = paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, htmlinfo$indexpath), append = TRUE)
###################### for each saved linker run result ########################
allsummaries <- NULL
for (rfile in runinfo$rfiles) {
message("Processing ", rfile, "...")
rundata <- readRDS(rfile)
runinfo$nboots <- 1
runtypestr <- "single_gene"
mymodmeths <- ls(rundata$graphs)
if (!is.null(rundata$raw_results)) {
runtypestr <- "multi_module"
mymodmeths <- ls(rundata$modules)
for (mymodmeth in mymodmeths) {
# mymodmeth <- mymodmeths[1]
graphslist <- ls(rundata$graphs)
if (runtypestr != "single_gene") {
graphslist <- ls(rundata$graphs[[mymodmeth]])
runinfo$nboots <- length(rundata$raw_results[[mymodmeth]]$bootstrapResults)
# for each graph
for (graphmeth in graphslist) {
# graphmeth='VBSR'
graphstr <- paste(sep = ".", runinfo$tagstr, mymodmeth, runtypestr, graphmeth)
if (runtypestr == "single_gene") {
message("****************Single Gene Network ", graphmeth)
rungraphs <- list(rundata$graphs[[graphmeth]])
} else {
message("****************", mymodmeth, " Method: ", graphmeth)
rungraphs <- rundata$graphs[[mymodmeth]][[graphmeth]]
final_summary <- linker_summarize_rungraphs(rungraphs = rungraphs, iso_table = iso_table, weighted_chip_evidence = weighted_chip_evidence,
graphstr = graphstr, runinfo = runinfo, htmlinfo = htmlinfo)
labeled_table <- cbind(runtypestr, mymodmeth, graphmeth, final_summary)
allsummaries <- rbind(allsummaries, labeled_table)
resultspath <- paste0(htmlinfo$txtstr, runinfo$tagstr, ".all_summaries.txt")
message("Writing table: ", resultspath)
utils::write.table(allsummaries, paste0(htmlinfo$htmldir, resultspath), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE,
quote = FALSE)
} # end graphmeth
} # end modmeth
} # end rfile
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.