
Defines functions resSelected write2csv plotVennDiagram multipleComp

Documented in multipleComp

resSelected <- function(res) {
  sum.res.rows <- apply(abs(res), 1, sum)
  res.selected <- res[sum.res.rows != 0, ]

  if(!is.null(res.selected)) {
    if(is.matrix(res.selected)) {
      resSelected <- res.selected
    } else {
      if(ncol(res) > 1) {
        resSelected <- matrix(res.selected, nrow = 1)
      } else {
        resSelected <- matrix(res.selected, ncol = 1)
        rownames(resSelected) <- names(res.selected)
  } else {
    resSelected <- NULL


write2csv <- function(my.data, fileName, csv = c("csv2", "csv", "txt", "xls"), outputDir) {
  fileName <- file.path(outputDir, paste(fileName, substr(csv[1], 1, 3) , sep = "."))
  switch (csv[1],
          "csv" = write.csv(my.data, file = fileName, quote = F),
          "csv2" = write.csv2(my.data, file = fileName, quote = F),
          "txt" = write.table(my.data, file = fileName, quote = F))
plotVennDiagram <- function(res.selected,
                            vennColors = c("red", "yellow", "green", "blue", "pink"),
                            my.cex) {
  if(is.null(colsVenn)) colsVenn <-1:length(whichContrasts)
  if(length(colsVenn)> 5) stop("venn.diagram cannot plot more than 5 elements at the same time")

  vennFName  <- paste("venn", comparisonName, sep = ".")
  ncomp <- as.character(length(colsVenn))

         "2" = {venn.plot <- venn.diagram(list(A = which(res.selected[, 1] != 0),
                                               B = which(res.selected[, 2] != 0)),
                                          category.names = colnames(res.selected)[1:2],
                                          fill = c(vennColors[1], vennColors[2]),
                                          alpha = 0.30,
                                          main = paste(comparisonName, titleText),
                                          resolution = 600,
                                          cat.cex = my.cex,
                                          filename = NULL)},

         "3" = {venn.plot <- venn.diagram(list(A = which(res.selected[, 1] != 0),
                                               B = which(res.selected[, 2] != 0),
                                               C = which(res.selected[, 3] != 0)),
                                          category.names = colnames(res.selected)[1:3],
                                          fill = c(vennColors[1], vennColors[2], vennColors[3]),
                                          alpha = 0.30,
                                          resolution = 600,
                                          cat.cex = my.cex,
                                          main = paste(comparisonName, titleText),
                                          filename = NULL)},

         "4" = {venn.plot <- venn.diagram(list(A = which(res.selected[, 1] != 0),
                                               B = which(res.selected[, 2] != 0),
                                               C = which(res.selected[, 3] != 0),
                                               D = which(res.selected[, 4] != 0)),
                                          category.names = colnames(res.selected)[1:4],
                                          fill = c(vennColors[1], vennColors[2], vennColors[3], vennColors[4]),
                                          alpha = 0.30,
                                          resolution = 600,
                                          cat.cex = my.cex,
                                          main = paste(comparisonName, titleText),
                                          filename = NULL)},

         "5" = {venn.plot <- venn.diagram(list(A = which(res.selected[, 1] != 0),
                                               B = which(res.selected[, 2] != 0),
                                               C = which(res.selected[, 3] != 0),
                                               D = which(res.selected[, 4] != 0),
                                               W = which(res.selected[, 5] != 0)),
                                          category.names = colnames(res.selected)[1:5],
                                          fill = c(vennColors[1], vennColors[2], vennColors[3], vennColors[4], vennColors[5]),
                                          alpha = 0.30,
                                          cat.cex = my.cex,
                                          resolution = 600,
                                          cat.pos = c(0,0,-140,-140,0),
                                          cat.default.pos = "outer",
                                          main = paste(comparisonName, titleText),
                                          filename = NULL)})

  pdf(file.path(outputDir,paste(vennFName, "pdf", sep = ".")))

  addToLinksFile(linksFile, paste(vennFName, "pdf", sep = "."), categ = categLabel,
                 desc = "Venn Diagram for genes selected from multiple comparisons")

  if(toTIFF) {
    tiff(file.path(outputDir, paste(vennFName,"tiff", sep = ".")), width = 3200, height = 3200, units = "px", res = 800)

    addToLinksFile(linksFile, paste(vennFName, "tiff", sep = "."), categ = categLabel,
                   desc = "Venn Diagram for genes selected from multiple comparisons")

#' multipleComp
#' Function to make multiple comparations.
#' @param fitMain Object resulting from lmFit estimation
#' @param whichContrasts Vector that determie the contrast to do.
#' @param comparisonName Name of the comparisons.
#' @param titleText Main title for the multiple comparison analysis
#' @param outputDir Path of the file created.
#' @param anotPackage Annotation package.
#' @param my.symbols List of gene symbols to be used to annotate he output.
#' @param linksFile Name of the LinksFile.
#' @param multCompMethod Method to make the comparation.
#' @param adjustMethod Method to apply in the adjust.
#' @param selectionType Selection method to be used.
#' @param P.Value.cutoff Cutoff value for p.value.
#' @param plotVenn Boolean variable to decide if plot diagram has to be used.
#' @param colsVenn Columnns for the Venn diagram
#' @param vennColors Columns for the Venn diagram
#' @param cexVenn Expansion coefficient for Venn diagram labels
#' @param geneListFName Name of file containg gene list.
#' @param csvType Type of csv file to be written.
#' @param minLFC minimum log Fold change for selecting genes.
#' @importFrom limma decideTests
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#' @importFrom grid grid.draw
#' @importFrom grDevices tiff
#' @importFrom VennDiagram venn.diagram
#' @importFrom links2File addToLinksFile
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' compName <- c("Group1")
#' wCont <- 1:3
#' pValCutOff <- c(0.01)
#' adjMethod <- c("none")
#' minLogFoldChange <- c(1)
#' load("./ResultsDir/Symbols.Rda")
#' pvalType <- ifelse(adjMethod == "none", "p-values", "adj. p-values")
#' titleText <- paste("for", pvalType, "<", pValCutOff, "and |logFC| >", minLogFoldChange)
#' geneListFName <- paste("geneList", compName, pvalType ,"LT", pValCutOff, "Rda", sep = ".")
#' geneList <- BasicP::multipleComp(fitMain = fitMain, whichContrasts = wCont,
#'                                  comparisonName = compName, titleText = titleText,
#'                                  outputDir = outputDir, anotPackage = "org.Hs.eg",
#'                                  my.symbols = symbolsTable, linksFile = linksFile,
#'                                  multCompMethod = "separate",
#'                                  adjustMethod = adjMethod, selectionType = "any",
#'                                  P.Value.cutoff = pValCutOff, plotVenn = TRUE, colsVenn = NULL,
#'                                  vennColors = c("red", "yellow", "green", "blue", "pink"),
#'                                  cexVenn = 1, geneListFName = geneListFName, csvType = csvType,
#'                                  minLFC = minLogFoldChange)
#' }
#' @export

multipleComp <- function(fitMain,
                         multCompMethod = "separate",
                         adjustMethod = "none",
                         selectionType = c("any", "all", "anyDown", "anyUp", "allDown", "allUp"),
                         P.Value.cutoff = 0.05,
                         colsVenn = NULL,
                         cexVenn = 1,
                         geneListFName = paste("geneList", comparisonName,"Rda", sep = "."),
                         csvType = NULL,
                         minLFC = 0) {
  geneList <- NULL
  categLabel <- "MULTCOMP"
  if((!is.null(fitMain)) && (!is.null(fitMain$contrasts[, whichContrasts])) && (is.matrix(fitMain$contrasts[, whichContrasts]))) {
    res <- decideTests(fitMain[, whichContrasts], method = multCompMethod, adjust.method = adjustMethod, p.value = P.Value.cutoff, lfc = minLFC)
    res.selected <- resSelected(res)

    if(!is.null(res.selected)) {
      if(!is.null(my.symbols)) {
        gNames <- rownames(res.selected)
        my.indNA <- which(is.na(my.symbols[gNames]))
        my.symbols[gNames[my.indNA]] <- my.symbols[gNames[my.indNA]]
        symbols.selected <- my.symbols[gNames]
        res.selected2 <- cbind(SYMBOLS = symbols.selected, res.selected)
      } else {
        if(!is.null(anotPackage)) {
          # stopifnot(require(old2db(anotPackage), character.only = T))                                       ### ModAlba
          stopifnot(requireNamespace(old2db(anotPackage)))                                                    ### ModAlba

          myenvirSYMBOL <- eval(parse(text = paste0(anotPackage, "SYMBOL")))

          # symbols.selected <- unlist(mget(rownames(res.selected), env = myenvirSYMBOL, ifnotfound = NA))    ### ModAlba
          symbols.selected <- unlist(mget(rownames(res.selected), envir = myenvirSYMBOL, ifnotfound = NA))    ### ModAlba
          res.selected2 <- cbind(SYMBOLS = symbols.selected, res.selected)
        } else {
          res.selected2 <- res.selected

      selectedFName <- paste("multComp", comparisonName, sep = ".")

      csvType <- ifelse(is.null(csvType), "csv2", csvType)
      write2csv(res.selected2, fileName = selectedFName, csv = csvType, outputDir = outputDir)
      addToLinksFile(linksFile, paste(selectedFName, substr(csvType[1], 1, 3), sep = "."),
                     categ = categLabel,desc = "Genes selected from multiple comparisons")

        plotVennDiagram(res.selected, colsVenn, vennColors, whichContrasts = whichContrasts,
                        comparisonName = comparisonName, titleText, outputDir = outputDir,
                        linksFile, categLabel, my.cex = cexVenn)

    geneList <- rownames(res.selected)
    save(geneList, file = file.path(outputDir, geneListFName))
  } else {
    if((!is.null(fitMain)) && (!is.null(fitMain$contrasts[, whichContrasts])) && (!is.matrix(fitMain$contrasts[, whichContrasts]))) {
      res <- decideTests(fitMain[, whichContrasts], method = multCompMethod, adjust.method = adjustMethod, p.value = P.Value.cutoff, lfc = minLFC)
      res.selected <- resSelected(res)
      geneList <- rownames(res.selected)
      save(geneList, file = file.path(outputDir, geneListFName))

uebvhir/BasicP4microArrays documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 11:03 a.m.