
Defines functions ezMethodSCFastQC

# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
# www.fgcz.ch

##### Not used yet!!!
EzAppSCFastqc <-
              contains = "EzApp",
              methods = list(
                initialize = function()
                  "Initializes the application using its specific defaults."
                  runMethod <<- ezMethodSCFastQC
                  name <<- "EzAppSCFastqc"

ezMethodSCFastQC = function(input=NA, output=NA, param=NA,
  dataset = input$meta
  samples = rownames(dataset)
  files = c()
  for (sm in samples){
    files[paste0(sm, "_R1")] = input$getFullPaths("Read1")[sm]
    if (!is.null(dataset$Read2)){
      files[paste0(sm, "_R2")] = input$getFullPaths("Read2")[sm]    
  nFiles = length(files)
  ## guess the names of the report directories that will be creatd by fastqc
  reportDirs = sub(".bam", "_fastqc", basename(files))
  filesUse = files[!file.exists(reportDirs)]
  if (length(filesUse) > 0){
    cmd = paste("fastqc", "--extract -o . -t", min(ezThreads(), 8), 
                "-a", FASTQC_ADAPTERS,
                paste(filesUse, collapse=" "),
                "> fastqc.out", "2> fastqc.err")
    result = ezSystem(cmd)
  statusToPng = c(PASS="tick.png", WARN="warning.png", FAIL="error.png")
  ## Copy the style files and templates
  styleFiles <- file.path(system.file("templates", package="ezRun"),
                          c("fgcz.css", "FastQC.Rmd", "FastQC_overview.Rmd",
                            "fgcz_header.html", "banner.png"))
  file.copy(from=styleFiles, to=".", overwrite=TRUE)
  ## collect the overview table
  plots = c("Per base sequence quality"="per_base_quality.png",
            "Per sequence quality scores"="per_sequence_quality.png",
            "Per tile sequence quality"="per_tile_quality.png",
            "Per base sequence content"="per_base_sequence_content.png",
            "Per sequence GC content"="per_sequence_gc_content.png",
            "Per base N content"="per_base_n_content.png",
            "Sequence Length Distribution"="sequence_length_distribution.png",
            "Sequence Duplication Levels"="duplication_levels.png",
            "Adapter Content"="adapter_content.png",
            "Kmer Content"="kmer_profiles.png")
  ## make for each plot type an html report with all samples
  plotPages = sub(".png", ".html", plots)
  for(i in 1:length(plots)){
    plotPage <- plotPages[i]
    pngs <- file.path(reportDirs, "Images", plots[i])
    rmarkdown::render(input="FastQC_overview.Rmd", envir = new.env(),
                      output_dir=".", output_file=plotPage, quiet=TRUE)
  ## establish the main report
  ans4Report <- list() # a list of results for rmarkdown report
  ans4Report[["dataset"]] <- dataset
  if (!is.null(dataset$"Read Count")){
    readCount = signif(dataset$"Read Count" / 1e6, digits=3)
    names(readCount) = rownames(dataset)
  } else {
    readCount = integer()
    for (i in 1:nFiles){
      x = ezRead.table(file.path(reportDirs[i], "fastqc_data.txt"), 
                       header=FALSE, nrows=7, fill=TRUE)
      readCount[names(files)[i]] = signif(as.integer(x["Total Sequences", 1]) / 
                                            1e6, digits=3)
  ans4Report[["Read Counts"]] <- readCount
  ## Each sample can have different number of reports.
  nrReports <- sapply(reportDirs, function(x){smy = ezRead.table(file.path(x, "summary.txt"), row.names=NULL, header=FALSE);nrow(smy)})
  i <- which.max(nrReports)
  smy = ezRead.table(file.path(reportDirs[i], "summary.txt"), 
                     row.names=NULL, header=FALSE)
  rowNames = paste0("<a href=", reportDirs, "/fastqc_report.html>", 
                    names(files), "</a>")
  tbl = ezMatrix("", rows=rowNames, cols=smy[[2]])
  for (i in 1:nFiles){
    smy = ezRead.table(file.path(reportDirs[i], "summary.txt"), 
                       row.names=NULL, header=FALSE)
    href = paste0(reportDirs[i], "/fastqc_report.html#M", 0:(ncol(tbl)-1))[colnames(tbl) %in% smy[[2]]]
    img = paste0(reportDirs[i], 	"/Icons/", statusToPng[smy[[1]]])
    tbl[i, colnames(tbl) %in% smy[[2]]] = paste0("<a href=", href, "><img src=", img, "></a>")
  colnames(tbl) <- ifelse(colnames(tbl) %in% names(plotPages),
                          paste0("<a href=", plotPages[colnames(tbl)], 
                                 ">", colnames(tbl),
  ans4Report[["Fastqc quality measures"]] <- tbl
  qualMatrixList = ezMclapply(files, getQualityMatrix, mc.cores=ezThreads())
  ans4Report[["Per Base Read Quality"]] <- qualMatrixList
  ## debug
  ## save(ans4Report, file="ans4Report.rda")
  ## generate the main reports
  rmarkdown::render(input="SCFastQC.Rmd", envir = new.env(),
                    output_dir=".", output_file=htmlFile, quiet=TRUE)
  ezSystem(paste("rm -rf ", paste0(reportDirs, ".zip", collapse=" ")))
uzh/ezRun documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 11:21 p.m.