
Defines functions posClusterMarkersSpatial getSpatialSeuratMarkersAndAnnotate runBasicProcessing ezMethodSpatialSeurat

# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
# www.fgcz.ch

EzAppSpatialSeurat <-
              contains = "EzApp",
              methods = list(
                initialize = function()
                  "Initializes the application using its specific defaults."
                  runMethod <<- ezMethodSpatialSeurat
                  name <<- "EzAppSpatialSeurat"
                  appDefaults <<- rbind(
                      nfeatures = ezFrame(
                          Type = "numeric",
                          DefaultValue = 3000,
                          Description = "number of variable genes for SCT"
                                                    Description="The maximal dimensions to use for reduction"),
                                                        Description="The genes used in supvervised clustering"),
                                          Type = "logical", 
                                          DefaultValue = FALSE,
                                          Description="Choose CellCycle to be regressed out when using the SCTransform method if it is a bias."
                                        enrichrDatabase = ezFrame(
                                            Type = "charVector", DefaultValue = "", Description="enrichR databases to search"
                                                          Description="Method to be used when calculating gene cluster markers. Use LR if you want to include cell cycle in the regression model."),
                                        min.pct = ezFrame(
                                          Type = "numeric",
                                          DefaultValue = 0.1,
                                          Description = "Used in calculating cluster markers: The minimum fraction of cells in either of the two tested populations."
                                        logfc.threshold = ezFrame(
                                          Type = "numeric",
                                          DefaultValue = 0.25,
                                          Description = "Used in calculating cluster markers: Limit testing to genes which show, on average, at least X-fold difference (log-scale) between the two groups of cells."
                                                           Description="Value of the resolution parameter, use a value above (below) 1.0 if you want to obtain a larger (smaller) number of communities."),
                                                                Description="A gene will be kept if it is expressed in at least this percentage of cells"),
                                                      Description='A gene will be kept if it has at least nUMIs in the fraction of cells specified before'),
                                                     Description="Median absolute deviation (MAD) from the median value of each metric across all cells"),
                                        nreads = ezFrame(
                                            Type = "numeric",
                                            DefaultValue = Inf,
                                            Description = "Low quality cells have less than \"nreads\" reads. Only when applying fixed thresholds."
                                        ngenes = ezFrame(
                                            Type = "numeric",
                                            DefaultValue = Inf,
                                            Description = "Low quality cells have less than \"ngenes\" genes. Only when applying fixed thresholds."
                                        perc_mito = ezFrame(
                                            Type = "numeric",
                                            DefaultValue = Inf,
                                            Description = "Low quality cells have more than \"perc_mito\" percent of mitochondrial genes. Only when applying fixed thresholds."
                                        perc_ribo = ezFrame(
                                            Type = "numeric",
                                            DefaultValue = Inf,
                                            Description = "Low quality cells have more than \"perc_ribo\" percent of ribosomal genes. Only when applying fixed thresholds."
                                        spotClean = ezFrame(
                                            Type = "logical",
                                            DefaultValue = FALSE,
                                            Description = "Run spotClean method"
                                        pvalue_allMarkers = ezFrame(
                                            Type = "numeric",
                                            DefaultValue = 0.01,
                                            Description = "pValue for marker detection"
                                        featSelectionMethod = ezFrame(
                                        Type = "character",
                                        DefaultValue = "STACAS",
                                        Description = "use default method or black list genes"
                                        nfeatures = ezFrame(
                                        Type = "numeric",
                                        DefaultValue = 3000,
                                        Description = "number of variable genes for SCT"
                                        pt.size.factor = ezFrame(
                                            Type = "numeric",
                                            DefaultValue = NA,
                                            Description = "pt.size.factor for spatial plots"

ezMethodSpatialSeurat <- function(input=NA, output=NA, param=NA, 
  cwd <- getwd()
  on.exit(setwd(cwd), add=TRUE)
  if (param$cores > 1){
      BPPARAM <- MulticoreParam(workers = param$cores)
  } else {
      ## scDblFinder fails with many cells and MulticoreParam
      BPPARAM <- SerialParam() 
  plan("multicore", workers = param$cores)
  future.seed = TRUE
  options(future.globals.maxSize = param$ram*1024^3)
  cmDir <- input$getFullPaths("CountMatrix")
  featInfo <- ezRead.table(paste0(cmDir, "/features.tsv.gz"), header = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
  colnames(featInfo) <- c("gene_id", "gene_name", "type")
  featInfo$isMito = grepl( "(?i)^MT-", featInfo$gene_name)
  featInfo$isRiboprot = grepl(  "(?i)^RPS|^RPL", featInfo$gene_name)
  geneAnnoFile <- sub("byTranscript", "byGene", param$ezRef@refAnnotationFile)
  if (file.exists(geneAnnoFile)){
      geneAnno <- ezRead.table(geneAnnoFile)
      if (any(geneAnno$type == "rRNA")){
          featInfo$isRibosomal <- geneAnno[featInfo$gene_id, "type"] == "rRNA"
          if(any(is.na(featInfo[, "isRibosomal"]))){
              featInfo[, "isRibosomal"][which(is.na(featInfo[, "isRibosomal"]))] <- FALSE
  rownames(featInfo) <- gsub("_", "-", uniquifyFeatureNames(ID=featInfo$gene_id, names=featInfo$gene_name)) 
  res <- load10xSpatialData(input, param)
  scData <- res[['scData']]
  scDataRaw <- res[['scDataRaw']]
  param <- res[['param']]
      param$pt.size.factor <- 2*param$imageEnlargementFactor
  scDataRes <- runBasicProcessing(scData,input, featInfo, param, BPPARAM)
  cellsPerGeneFraction <- scDataRes[['cellsPerGeneFraction']]
  scData <- scDataRes[['scData']]
  scData.unfiltered <- scDataRes[['scData.unfiltered']]
  # get markers and annotations
  anno <- getSpatialSeuratMarkersAndAnnotate(scData, param, BPPARAM)
  # save markers
  clusterMarkers <- anno$clusterMarkers
  writexl::write_xlsx(clusterMarkers, path="posMarkers.xlsx")
  spatialMarkers <- anno$spatialMarkers
  writexl::write_xlsx(spatialMarkers, path="spatialMarkers.xlsx")
    scData <- AddMetaData(scData, anno$aziResults)
  ## generate template for manual cluster annotation -----
  ## we only deal with one sample
  stopifnot(length(input$getNames()) == 1)
  clusterInfos <- ezFrame(Sample=input$getNames(), Cluster=levels(Idents(scData)), ClusterLabel="")
  if (!is.null(anno$singler.results)){
      clusterInfos$SinglerCellType <- anno$singler.results$singler.results.cluster[clusterInfos$Cluster, "pruned.labels"]
  nTopMarkers <- 10
  topMarkers <- clusterMarkers %>% group_by(cluster) %>%
      slice_max(n = nTopMarkers, order_by = avg_log2FC)
  topMarkerString <- sapply(split(topMarkers$gene, topMarkers$cluster), paste, collapse=", ")
  clusterInfos[["TopMarkers"]] <- topMarkerString[clusterInfos$Cluster]
  clusterInfoFile <- "clusterInfos.xlsx"
  writexl::write_xlsx(clusterInfos, path=clusterInfoFile)
  #Save some results in external files
  bulkSignalPerCluster <- data.frame(GeneSymbol = rownames(scData), AggregateExpression(scData, group.by = 'ident')$SCT)
  bulkSignalPerSample <-  data.frame(GeneSymbol = rownames(scData), AggregateExpression(scData, group.by = 'Sample')$SCT)
 ###Add TPM, add HVG annotation to base tables, enrichR links for HVG and top 1000 genes per sample
  dataFiles <- saveExternalFiles(list(bulkSignalPerSample = bulkSignalPerSample, bulkSignalPerCluster = bulkSignalPerCluster))
  allCellsMeta <- scData.unfiltered@meta.data
  allCellsMeta$Sample <- allCellsMeta$Batch
  allCellsMeta$useCell <- !allCellsMeta$discard
  saveRDS(scData.unfiltered, "scData.unfiltered.rds")
  saveRDS(input, "input.rds")
  saveRDS(scDataRaw, "scData.raw.rds")
  saveRDS(cellsPerGeneFraction, "cellsPerGeneFraction.rds")
  makeRmdReport(dataFiles=dataFiles, param=param, output=output, scData=scData, allCellsMeta=allCellsMeta, 
                cellsPerGeneFraction = cellsPerGeneFraction, enrichRout=anno$enrichRout, 
                cells.AUC=anno$cells.AUC, singler.results=anno$singler.results, aziResults=anno$aziResults,
                pathwayActivity=anno$pathwayActivity, TFActivity=anno$TFActivity,
                rmdFile = "SpatialSeurat.Rmd", reportTitle = paste0(param$name, ": ",  input$getNames()))
  create_loupe_from_seurat(scData, output_name = input$getNames())
  remove(scDataRaw, scData.unfiltered, scData)

runBasicProcessing <- function(scData, input, featInfo, param, BPPARAM){
    #scData$Condition <- unname(input$getColumn("Condition"))
    scData@meta.data$Sample <- input$getNames()
    scData[["Spatial"]] <- AddMetaData(object = scData[["Spatial"]], metadata = featInfo[rownames(scData), ])
    scData_list <- filterCellsAndGenes(scData, param) # return sce objects filtered and unfiltered to show the QC metrics later in the rmd
    scData <- scData_list$scData
    scData.unfiltered <- scData_list$scData.unfiltered
    cellsPerGeneFraction <- scData_list$cellsPerGeneFraction
    scData <- addCellCycleToSeurat(scData, param$refBuild, BPPARAM, assay = 'Spatial')
    scData.unfiltered <- addCellCycleToSeurat(scData.unfiltered, param$refBuild, BPPARAM, assay = 'Spatial')
    scData <- seuratStandardSCTPreprocessing(scData, param, assay="Spatial")
    ## defaultAssay is now SCT
    scData <- seuratStandardWorkflow(scData, param, ident.name="seurat_clusters")
    #scData <- seuratClusteringV3(scData, param, assay="Spatial")
    return(list(scData = scData, scData.unfiltered = scData.unfiltered, cellsPerGeneFraction = cellsPerGeneFraction))

getSpatialSeuratMarkersAndAnnotate <- function(scData, param, BPPARAM){
    #positive cluster markers
    clusterMarkers <- posClusterMarkersSpatial(scData, param)
    clusterMarkers[['isSpatialMarker']] = FALSE
    #spatially variable genes
    spatialMarkersList <- list()
    message('Find spatial Markers using markvariogram')
    res <- spatialMarkers(scData, selection.method = 'markvariogram')
    spatialMarkersList[['markvariogram']] <- data.frame(GeneSymbol = rownames(res), res, Method = 'Markvariogram')
    message('Find spatial Markers using moransi method')
    res <- spatialMarkers(scData, selection.method = 'moransi')
    spatialMarkersList[['moransi']] <- data.frame(GeneSymbol = rownames(res), res, Method = 'MoransI')
    spatialMarkers <- rbind(spatialMarkersList[['markvariogram']][,c('GeneSymbol', 'Rank','Method')], spatialMarkersList[['moransi']][,c('GeneSymbol', 'Rank','Method')])
    spatialMarkers <- spatialMarkers %>% spread(Method, Rank)
    spatialMarkers[['MeanRank']] <- apply(spatialMarkers[,c('Markvariogram','MoransI')],1,mean)
    spatialMarkers <- spatialMarkers[order(spatialMarkers$MeanRank),]
    spatialPosMarkers <- intersect(clusterMarkers$gene, spatialMarkers$GeneSymbol)
    clusterMarkers[which(clusterMarkers$gene %in% spatialPosMarkers), 'isSpatialMarker'] = TRUE
    clusterMarkers$cluster = as.factor(clusterMarkers$cluster)
    markers <- c()
    eachCluster <- 0
    for (eachCluster in levels(clusterMarkers$cluster)) {
        markersPerCluster <- dplyr::filter(clusterMarkers, cluster == eachCluster) %>%
        markersPerCluster <- head(markersPerCluster, min(nrow(markersPerCluster), 500))
        markers <- rbind(markers,markersPerCluster)
    # cell types annotation is only supported for Human and Mouse at the moment
    species <- getSpecies(param$refBuild)
    if (species == "Human" | species == "Mouse") {
        genesPerCluster <- split(markers$gene, markers$cluster)
        enrichRout <- querySignificantClusterAnnotationEnrichR(genesPerCluster, param$enrichrDatabase)
        if(length(enrichRout) == 0){
            enrichRout <- NULL
        #cells.AUC <- cellsLabelsWithAUC(GetAssayData(scData, layer="counts"), species, param$tissue, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
        cells.AUC <- NULL
        #singler.results <- cellsLabelsWithSingleR(GetAssayData(scData, layer="data"), Idents(scData), param$SingleR, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
        #for (r in names(singler.results)) {
        #    scData[[paste0(r,"_single")]] <- singler.results[[r]]$single.fine$labels
        #    scData[[paste0(r,"_cluster")]] <- singler.results[[r]]$cluster.fine$labels[match(Idents(scData), rownames(singler.results[[r]]$cluster.fine))]
        singler.results <- NULL
    } else {
        cells.AUC <- NULL
        singler.results <- NULL
        enrichRout <- NULL
    ## SCpubr advanced plots, can currently only be computed for human and mouse
    if (ezIsSpecified(param$computePathwayTFActivity) && 
        as.logical(param$computePathwayTFActivity) &&
        (species == "Human" | species == "Mouse")) {
        pathwayActivity <- computePathwayActivityAnalysis(cells = scData, species = species)
        TFActivity <- computeTFActivityAnalysis(cells = scData, species = species)
    } else {
        pathwayActivity <- NULL
        TFActivity <- NULL
        futile.logger::flog.info("Skipping pathway and TF activity")
    # run Azimuth
    if (ezIsSpecified(param$Azimuth) && param$Azimuth != "none"){
        environment(MyDietSeurat) <- asNamespace('Seurat')
        assignInNamespace("DietSeurat", MyDietSeurat, ns = "Seurat")
        rna_assay <- CreateAssay5Object(counts = GetAssayData(scData, assay = 'Spatial', layer = 'counts'))
        scData[["RNA"]] <- scData[["Spatial"]] #rna_assay
        scDataAzi <- RunAzimuth(scData, param$Azimuth, assay="RNA") ## TODO support ADT
        ##Rename annotation levels if neccessary:
        colnames(scDataAzi@meta.data) <- sub('level_', 'l', colnames(scDataAzi@meta.data))
            aziNames <- setdiff(colnames(scDataAzi@meta.data), colnames(scData@meta.data))
            aziResults <- data.frame(
                Azimuth.celltype.l1=scDataAzi@meta.data[ , grep("predicted.class$", aziNames, value=TRUE)],
                Azimuth.celltype.l2=scDataAzi@meta.data[ , grep("predicted.cluster$", aziNames, value=TRUE)],
                Azimuth.celltype.l3=scDataAzi@meta.data[ , grep("predicted.subclass$", aziNames, value=TRUE)],
                Azimuth.celltype.l4=scDataAzi@meta.data[ , grep("predicted.cross_species_cluster$", aziNames, value=TRUE)],
        } else {
            aziNames <- setdiff(colnames(scDataAzi@meta.data), colnames(scData@meta.data))
            aziResults <- data.frame(
                Azimuth.celltype.l1=scDataAzi@meta.data[ , grep("l1$", aziNames, value=TRUE)],
                Azimuth.celltype.l2=scDataAzi@meta.data[ , grep("l2$", aziNames, value=TRUE)],
                Azimuth.celltype.l3=scDataAzi@meta.data[ , grep("l3$", aziNames, value=TRUE)],
                Azimuth.celltype.l4=scDataAzi@meta.data[ , grep("l4$", aziNames, value=TRUE)],
        scData[["RNA"]] <- NULL
    } else {
        aziResults <- NULL
    return(list(clusterMarkers=clusterMarkers, spatialMarkers=spatialMarkers, cells.AUC=cells.AUC, singler.results=singler.results,
                enrichRout=enrichRout, pathwayActivity=pathwayActivity, TFActivity=TFActivity,

posClusterMarkersSpatial <- function(scData, param) {
    vars.to.regress = NULL
    if(param$name == "SCOneSample" & param$DE.method == "LR") #For the one sample app, we will regress out cell cycle if the test is LR
        vars.to.regress <- c("CellCycleS", "CellCycleG2M")
    else if(param$name == "SCReportMerging" & param$DE.method == "LR") #for multiple samples we will regress out either the cell cycle, plate or both if the test is LR
        vars.to.regress <- param$DE.regress
    markers <- FindAllMarkers(object=scData, test.use = param$DE.method, only.pos=TRUE, latent.vars = vars.to.regress,min.pct = param$min.pct, return.thresh = param$pvalue_allMarkers, logfc.threshold = param$logfc.threshold)
    ## Significant markers
    cm <- markers[ ,c("gene","cluster","pct.1", "pct.2", "avg_log2FC","p_val_adj")]
    cm$cluster <- as.factor(cm$cluster)
    diff_pct = abs(cm$pct.1-cm$pct.2)
    cm$diff_pct <- diff_pct
    cm <- cm[order(cm$diff_pct, decreasing = TRUE),] %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, round, digits=30)
    cm <- cm[cm$p_val_adj < param$pvalue_allMarkers,]
    rownames(cm) <- NULL

MyDietSeurat <- function (object, layers = NULL, features = NULL, assays = NULL, 
                          dimreducs = NULL, graphs = NULL, misc = TRUE, counts = deprecated(), 
                          data = deprecated(), scale.data = deprecated(), ...) 
    dep.args <- c(counts = counts, data = data, scale.data = scale.data)
    for (lyr in names(x = dep.args)) {
        if (is_present(arg = dep.args[[lyr]])) {
            if (is.null(x = layers)) {
                layers <- unique(x = unlist(x = lapply(X = Assays(object = object), 
                                                       FUN = function(x) {
                                                           return(Layers(object = object[[x]]))
            deprecate_soft(when = "5.0.0", what = paste0("DietSeurat(", 
                                                         lyr, " = )"), with = "DietSeurat(layers = )")
            layers <- if (isTRUE(x = dep.args[[lyr]])) {
                c(layers, lyr)
            else {
                Filter(f = function(x) x != lyr, x = layers)
    object <- UpdateSlots(object = object)
    assays <- assays %||% Assays(object = object)
    assays <- intersect(x = assays, y = Assays(object = object))
    if (!length(x = assays)) {
        abort(message = "No assays provided were found in the Seurat object")
    if (!DefaultAssay(object = object) %in% assays) {
        abort(message = "The default assay is slated to be removed, please change the default assay")
    layers <- layers %||% assays
    layers <- .PropagateList(x = layers, names = assays)
    for (assay in names(x = layers)) {
        layers[[assay]] <- tryCatch(expr = Layers(object = object[[assay]], 
                                                  search = layers[[assay]]), error = function(...) {
                                                      return(character(length = 0L))
    layers <- Filter(f = length, x = layers)
    if (!length(x = layers)) {
        abort(message = "None of the requested layers found")
    for (assay in Assays(object = object)) {
        if (!(assay %in% assays)) {
            object[[assay]] <- NULL
        layers.rm <- setdiff(x = Layers(object = object[[assay]]), 
                             y = layers[[assay]])
        if (length(x = layers.rm)) {
            if (inherits(x = object[[assay]], what = "Assay") && 
                all(c("counts", "data") %in% layers.rm)) {
                abort(message = "Cannot remove both 'counts' and 'data' from v3 Assays")
            for (lyr in layers.rm) {
                suppressWarnings(object <- tryCatch(expr = {
                    object[[assay]][[lyr]] <- NULL
                }, error = function(e) {
                    if (lyr == "data") {
                        object[[assay]][[lyr]] <- sparseMatrix(i = 1, 
                                                               j = 1, x = 1, dims = dim(object[[assay]][[lyr]]), 
                                                               dimnames = dimnames(object[[assay]][[lyr]]))
                    else {
                        slot(object = object[[assay]], name = lyr) <- new(Class = "dgCMatrix")
                    message("Converting layer ", lyr, " in assay ", 
                            assay, " to empty dgCMatrix")
        if (!is.null(x = features)) {
            features.assay <- intersect(x = features, y = rownames(x = object[[assay]]))
            if (!length(x = features.assay)) {
                warn(message = paste0("No features found in assay ", 
                                      sQuote(x = assay), ", removing..."))
                object[[assay]] <- NULL
            fixModel = FALSE
            if('SCTModel.list' %in% slotNames(object[[assay]])){
                myModel <- object[[assay]]@SCTModel.list$refmodel
                fixModel = TRUE
            suppressWarnings(object[[assay]] <- subset(x = object[[assay]], 
                                                       features = features.assay))
                object[[assay]]@SCTModel.list$refmodel <- myModel
    if (!isTRUE(x = misc)) {
        slot(object = object, name = "misc") <- list()
    all.objects <- .FilterObjects(object = object, classes.keep = c("DimReduc", 
    objects.to.remove <- all.objects[!all.objects %in% c(dimreducs, 
    for (ob in objects.to.remove) {
        object[[ob]] <- NULL
    cells.keep <- list()
    for (assay in Assays(object = object)) {
        cells.keep[[assay]] <- colnames(x = object[[assay]])
    cells.keep <- intersect(colnames(x = object), unlist(cells.keep))
    if (length(cells.keep) <- ncol(x = object)) {
        object <- subset(object, cells = cells.keep)
uzh/ezRun documentation built on May 4, 2024, 3:23 p.m.