
Defines functions getCellRangerARCReference computeBamStatsSC createLibraryFile subsample getFastqDirs ezMethodCellRangerARC

# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
# www.fgcz.ch

ezMethodCellRangerARC <- function(input = NA, output = NA, param = NA) {
  sampleName <- input$getNames()
  # Setup directories
  RNADataDir <- sort(getFastqDirs(input, "RNADataDir", sampleName))
  ATACDataDir <- sort(getFastqDirs(input, "ATACDataDir", sampleName))
  #1. extract tar files if they are in tar format
  ## RNA
  if (all(grepl("\\.tar$", RNADataDir))) {
    runRNADataDir <- tarExtract(RNADataDir, prependUnique=TRUE)
  } else {
    stop("Require rna inputs to be provided in .tar files.")
  ## ATAC
  if (all(grepl("\\.tar$", ATACDataDir))) {
    runATACDataDir <- tarExtract(ATACDataDir, prependUnique=TRUE)
  } else {
    stop("Require atac inputs to be provided in .tar files.")
  #1.1 check validity of inputs
  ## RNA
  runRNADataDir <- normalizePath(runRNADataDir)
  fileLevelDirs <- normalizePath(list.files(path=runRNADataDir, full.names=TRUE))
  if (any(fs::is_file(fileLevelDirs))) {
    stop(sprintf("Fastq rna files need to nested inside a folder sharing the samplename. Offending samples: %s", 
                 paste(fileLevelDirs[fs::is_file(fileLevelDirs)], collapse=", ")))
  ## ATAC
  runATACDataDir <- normalizePath(runATACDataDir)
  # fileLevelDirs <- normalizePath(list.files(path=runATACDataDir, full.names=TRUE))
  # if (any(fs::is_file(fileLevelDirs))) {
  #   stop(sprintf("Fastq atac files need to nested inside a folder sharing the samplename. Offending samples: %s", 
  #                paste(fileLevelDirs[fs::is_file(fileLevelDirs)], collapse=", ")))
  # }
  #2. Subsample if chosen
  # if (ezIsSpecified(param$nReads) && param$nReads > 0)
  #   fileLevelDirs <- sapply(fileLevelDirs, subsample, param)
  #2.1 Fix FileNames if sampleName in dataset was changed
  cwd <- getwd()
  if(any(basename(fileLevelDirs) != sampleName)) {
    for (fileLevelDir in fileLevelDirs) {
      cmd <- paste('rename', 
                   paste0('s/', basename(fileLevelDir),'/',sampleName, '/g'), 
  fileLevelDir <- paste(fileLevelDirs, collapse = ",")
  cellRangerARCFolder <- str_sub(sampleName, 1, 45) %>% str_c("-cellRanger-arc")
  #3.Generate the cellranger command with the required arguments
           #3.1. Obtain the ARC reference
           refDir <- getCellRangerARCReference(param)

           #3.2. Locate the ATAC sample
           ATACDataDir <- getFastqDirs(input, "ATACDataDir", sampleName)
           peakName <- gsub(".tar", "", basename(ATACDataDir))
           #3.4. Decompress the sample that contains the atac reads if they are in tar format
           if (all(grepl("\\.tar$", ATACDataDir)))
             ATACDataDir <- tarExtract(ATACDataDir)

           ATACDataDir <- normalizePath(ATACDataDir)
           #3.5. Create library file that contains the sample and atac dirs location
           libraryFn <- createLibraryFile(fileLevelDirs, ATACDataDir, sampleName, peakName)
           #3.6. Command
           cmd <- paste(
             "cellranger-arc count", 
             paste0("--id=", cellRangerARCFolder),
             paste0("--reference=", refDir),
             paste0("--libraries=", libraryFn),
             paste0("--localmem=", param$ram),
             paste0("--localcores=", param$cores),
             if (ezIsSpecified(param$expectedCells)) {paste0("--expect-cells=", param$expectedCells)},
             ifelse(ezIsSpecified(param$includeIntrons) && param$includeIntrons, "--gex-exclude-introns=false", "--gex-exclude-introns=true")
  #4. Add additional cellranger-arc options if specified
  if (ezIsSpecified(param$cmdOptions)) {
    cmd <- paste(cmd, param$cmdOptions)
  #5. Execute the command
  # #6. Optional run of VeloCyto
  # if(param$runVeloCyto){
  #   gtfFile <- param$ezRef["refFeatureFile"]
  #   cmd <- paste('velocyto run10x', cellRangerARCFolder, gtfFile, '-@', param$cores)
  #   ezSystem(cmd)
  #   ezSystem(paste('mv', file.path(cellRangerARCFolder,'velocyto'),  file.path(cellRangerARCFolder,'outs')))
  # }
  #7. Delete temp files and rename the final cellranger-arc output folder
  #unlink(dirname(RNADataDir), recursive = TRUE)
  if (exists("ATACDataDir")){
  file.rename(file.path(cellRangerARCFolder, "outs"), basename(output$getColumn("ResultDir")))
  #unlink(cellRangerARCFolder, recursive = TRUE)
  if (ezIsSpecified(param$controlSeqs)) 
    unlink(refDir, recursive = TRUE)
  # #8. Calculate alignment stats from the BAM file
  # if(param$bamStats){
  #   genomeBam <- file.path(sampleName, "possorted_genome_bam.bam")
  #   if (file.exists(genomeBam)){
  #     alignStats <- computeBamStatsSC(genomeBam, ram=param$ram)
  #     if (!is.null(alignStats)){
  #       ezWrite.table(alignStats, file=file.path(sampleName, "CellAlignStats.txt"), head="Barcode")
  #     }
  #   }
  # }
     filesToRemove <- file.path(basename(output$getColumn("ResultDir")), 
                             c("gex_possorted_bam.bam", "gex_possorted_bam.bam.bai", 
                               "atac_possorted_bam.bam", "atac_possorted_bam.bam.bai"))

getFastqDirs <- function(input, column, sampleName) {
  fastqDirs <- strsplit(input$getColumn(column), ",")[[sampleName]]
  fastqDirs <- file.path(input$dataRoot, fastqDirs)

subsample <- function(targetDir, param){
  subDir = paste0(targetDir, "-sub")
  fqFiles = list.files(targetDir, pattern = ".fastq.gz", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
  stopifnot(length(fqFiles) <= 4) ## subsample commands below do only work if reads are not split in per-lane files
  for (fq in fqFiles){
    fqSub = file.path(subDir, basename(fq))
    cmd = paste("seqtk sample -s 42 -2", fq, param$nReads, "| pigz --fast -p1 >", fqSub)

createLibraryFile <- function(RNADataDir, ATACDataDir, sampleName, featureName) {
  libraryFn <- tempfile(pattern = "library", tmpdir = ".", fileext = ".csv")
  libraryTb <- tibble(
    fastqs = c(RNADataDir, ATACDataDir),
    sample = c(
      rep(sampleName, length(RNADataDir)),
    library_type = c(
      rep("Gene Expression", length(RNADataDir)),
      rep("Chromatin Accessibility", length(ATACDataDir))
  write_csv(libraryTb, libraryFn)

computeBamStatsSC = function(bamFile, ram=NULL) {
  ## compute stats per cell from the bam file
  if (!is.null(ram)){  
    nAlign = sum(ezScanBam(bamFile, tag = "CB", 
                           what = character(0), isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, countOnly = TRUE)$records)
    if (nAlign / ram > 20e6){
      message("computeBamStatsSC: not executed - would take too much RAM")
  cb = ezScanBam(bamFile, tag = "CB", 
                 what = character(0), isUnmappedQuery = FALSE)$tag$CB
  nReads = table(cb)
  resultFrame = data.frame(nRead=as.vector(nReads), row.names=names(nReads))
  x = ezScanBam(bamFile, tag = "UB", 
                what = character(0), isUnmappedQuery = FALSE)$tag$UB
  resultFrame$nUmi = as.vector(tapply(x, cb, n_distinct))
  x = ezScanBam(bamFile, tag = "ts", 
                what = character(0), isUnmappedQuery = FALSE)$tag$ts
  if (length(x) == length(cb)){ ## the 5' protocol does not have the ts tag
    resultFrame$nTso = as.vector(tapply(x > 3, cb, sum, na.rm=TRUE)) ## at least 3 bases
  x = ezScanBam(bamFile, tag = "pa", 
                what = character(0), isUnmappedQuery = FALSE)$tag$pa
  if (length(x) == length(cb)){ ## the 5' protocol does not have the ts tag
    resultFrame$nPa = as.vector(tapply(x > 3, cb, sum, na.rm=TRUE))
  x = ezScanBam(bamFile, tag = "RE", 
                what = character(0), isUnmappedQuery = FALSE)$tag$RE
  resultFrame$nIntergenic = as.vector(tapply(x == "I", cb, sum))
  resultFrame$nExonic = as.vector(tapply(x == "E", cb, sum))
  resultFrame$nIntronic = as.vector(tapply(x == "N", cb, sum))

getCellRangerARCReference <- function(param) {
  cwd <- getwd()
  on.exit(setwd(cwd), add = TRUE)
  if (ezIsSpecified(param$controlSeqs) | ezIsSpecified(param$secondRef)) {
    refDir <- file.path(getwd(), "10X_customised_Ref")
  } else {
    if (ezIsSpecified(param$transcriptTypes)) {
      cellRangerBase <- paste(sort(param$transcriptTypes), collapse = "-")
      ## This is a combination of transcript types to use.
    } else {
      cellRangerBase <- ""
    refDir <- sub(
      "\\.gtf$", paste0("_10XARC_SC_", cellRangerBase, "_Index"),
  lockFile <- paste0(refDir, ".lock")
  i <- 0
  while (file.exists(lockFile) && i < INDEX_BUILD_TIMEOUT) {
    ### somebody else builds and we wait
    i <- i + 1
  if (file.exists(lockFile)) {
      "reference building still in progress after",
  ## there is no lock file
  if (file.exists(refDir)) {
    ## we assume the index is built and complete
  ## we have to build the reference
  ezWrite(Sys.info(), con = lockFile)
  on.exit(file.remove(lockFile), add = TRUE)
  job <- ezJobStart("10X cellranger-arc build")
  if (ezIsSpecified(param$controlSeqs)) {
    ## make reference genome
    genomeLocalFn <- tempfile(
      pattern = "genome", tmpdir = getwd(),
      fileext = ".fa"
    file.copy(from = param$ezRef@refFastaFile, to = genomeLocalFn)
                    filepath = genomeLocalFn,
                    append = TRUE
    on.exit(file.remove(genomeLocalFn), add = TRUE)
  } else if(ezIsSpecified(param$secondRef)){
    ## make reference genome
    genomeLocalFn <- tempfile(
      pattern = "genome", tmpdir = getwd(),
      fileext = ".fa"
    file.copy(from = param$ezRef@refFastaFile, to = genomeLocalFn)
    secondaryRef  <- readDNAStringSet(param$secondRef)
                    filepath = genomeLocalFn,
                    append = TRUE
    on.exit(file.remove(genomeLocalFn), add = TRUE) 
  } else {
    genomeLocalFn <- param$ezRef@refFastaFile
  ## make gtf
  gtfFile <- tempfile(
    pattern = "genes", tmpdir = getwd(),
    fileext = ".gtf"
  if (ezIsSpecified(param$transcriptTypes)) {
    export.gff2(gtfByTxTypes(param, param$transcriptTypes),
                con = gtfFile
  } else {
    file.copy(from = param$ezRef@refFeatureFile, to = gtfFile)
  if (ezIsSpecified(param$controlSeqs)|ezIsSpecified(param$secondRef)) {
    extraGR <- makeExtraControlSeqGR(param)
    gtfExtraFn <- tempfile(
      pattern = "extraSeqs", tmpdir = getwd(),
      fileext = ".gtf"
    on.exit(file.remove(gtfExtraFn), add = TRUE)
    export.gff2(extraGR, con = gtfExtraFn)
    ezSystem(paste("cat", gtfExtraFn, ">>", gtfFile))
  cmd <- paste(
    "cellranger-arc mkref",
    paste0("--genome=", basename(refDir)),
    paste0("--fasta=", genomeLocalFn),
    paste0("--genes=", gtfFile),
    paste0("--nthreads=", param$cores)

##' @author Paul, Gueguen
##' @template app-template
##' @templateVar method ezMethodCellRanger(input=NA, output=NA, param=NA)
##' @description Use this reference class to run
EzAppCellRangerARC <-
              contains = "EzApp",
              methods = list(
                initialize = function() {
                  "Initializes the application using its specific defaults."
                  runMethod <<- ezMethodCellRangerARC
                  name <<- "EzAppCellRangerARC"
                  appDefaults <<- rbind(
                    chemistry = ezFrame(
                      Type = "character",
                      DefaultValue = "auto",
                      Description = "Assay configuration."
                    expectedCells = ezFrame(
                      Type = "numeric",
                      DefaultValue = 10000,
                      Description = "Expected number of cells."
                    includeIntrons = ezFrame(
                      Type = "logical",
                      DefaultValue = TRUE,
                      Description = "Count reads on introns."
                    controlSeqs = ezFrame(
                      Type = "charVector",
                      DefaultValue = "",
                      Description = "control sequences to add"
                    bamStats = ezFrame(
                      Type = "logical",
                      DefaultValue = TRUE,
                      Description = "compute per cell alignment stats"
                    runVeloCyto = ezFrame(
                      Type = "logical",
                      DefaultValue = FALSE,
                      Description = "run velocyto and generate loom file"
                    keepBam = ezFrame(
                      Type = "logical",
                      DefaultValue = TRUE,
                      Description = "keep bam file produced by CellRangerARC"
uzh/ezRun documentation built on May 4, 2024, 3:23 p.m.