
Defines functions gtfByTxTypes trimGRanges trimTxGtf .checkGtfForExons getEnsemblTypes getTranscriptGcAndWidth ezUtrSequences getTranscriptSequences countIsoformsPerGene getTranscript2Gene ezTranscriptDbFromRef getExonNumber gffGroupToRanges groupGff gffToRanges gffTrimSingleTranscript gffTrimTranscripts ezWriteGff ezReadGff ezBuildAttributeField addPromotersToGff ezLoadFeatures

Documented in addPromotersToGff countIsoformsPerGene ezBuildAttributeField ezLoadFeatures ezReadGff ezTranscriptDbFromRef ezUtrSequences ezWriteGff getEnsemblTypes getExonNumber getTranscript2Gene getTranscriptGcAndWidth getTranscriptSequences gffGroupToRanges gffToRanges gffTrimSingleTranscript gffTrimTranscripts groupGff trimGRanges

# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
# www.fgcz.ch

ezLoadFeatures = function(param=NULL, featureFile=param$ezRef["refFeatureFile"], 
  if (!ezIsSpecified(featureFile)){
    ezWrite("no features specified in param")
  gff = ezReadGff(featureFile)
  gff = gff[!ezGrepl(c("CDS", "codon", "UTR", "protein"), gff$type, 
                     ignore.case=TRUE), ]
  if (getSuffix(featureFile) == "gtf" ){
    gff$transcript_id = ezGffAttributeField(gff$attributes, 
                                             attrsep="; *", valuesep=" ")
    stopifnot(!is.na(gff$transcript_id[gff$type == "exon"]))
    gff$gene_id = 	ezGffAttributeField(gff$attributes, field="gene_id", attrsep=";", valuesep=" ")
    use = is.na(gff$gene_id) & gff$type == "exon"
    gff$gene_id[use] = gff$transcript_id[use]
    stopifnot(!is.na(gff$gene_id[gff$type == "exon"]))
    gff$gene_name =   ezGffAttributeField(gff$attributes, field="gene_name", 
                                          attrsep="; *", valuesep=" ")
    gff$Parent = gff$transcript_id
    gff$ID = gff$transcript_id
    gff$Name = gff$gene_id
    isChild = gff$type %in% c("exon", "intron")
    # 		gff$ID[isChild] = NA
    # 		gff$Name[isChild] = NA
    gff$Parent[!isChild] = NA
    gff$tss_id = ezGffAttributeField(gff$attributes, field="tss_id", 
                                     attrsep="; *", valuesep=" ")
  if (getSuffix(featureFile) == "gff"){
    gff$Parent = ezGffAttributeField(gff$attributes, field="Parent")
    gff$ID = ezGffAttributeField(gff$attributes, field="ID")
    gff$Name = ezGffAttributeField(gff$attributes, field="Name")
  if (ezIsSpecified(param$addPromoters) && param$addPromoters){
    gff = addPromotersToGff(gff, param$addPromoters)
  if (!is.null(types)){
    gff = gff[gff$type %in% types, ]

ezGffAttributeField = function (x, field, attrsep = ";", valuesep="=") {
  ## gene_id "ENSG00000278267"; gene_version "1"; gene_name "MIR6859-1"; gene_source "mirbase"; gene_biotype "miRNA"; transcript_id "ENST00000619216"; transcript_version "1"; transcript_name "MIR6859-1-201"; transcript_source "mirbase"; transcript_biotype "miRNA"; tag "basic"; transcript_support_level "NA";
  #x <- str_extract(x, paste(field, paste0("\"{0,1}[^\"]+\"{0,1}", attrsep),
  #                          sep=valuesep)
  #                 )
  x <- str_extract(paste0(x, attrsep), paste(field, paste0('"{0,1}[^"',attrsep, ']+"{0,1}', attrsep),
  x <- sub(paste(field, "\"{0,1}", sep=valuesep), "", x)
  x <- sub(paste0("\"{0,1}", attrsep, "$"), "", x)
  # This implementation is 2 times faster than the old implementation below.
  # Old: 30.419 seconds; New: 6.353 seconds
#  x[ !ezGrepl(paste0(field, valuesep), x)] = NA
#  x = sub(paste0(".*", field, valuesep), "", x)
#  x = sub(paste0(attrsep, ".*"), "", x)
#  x = sub("^\"", "", sub("\"$", "", x))

## TODO: we should use promoters() to replace the following code.
## The boundaries of chromosoems should always be checked.
addPromotersToGff = function(gff, promWidth){
  isTranscript = gff$type %in% c("transcript", "mRNA", "gene")
  if (any(isTranscript)){
    geneGff = gff[isTranscript, ]
  } else {
    geneGff = groupGff(gff)
  promGff = geneGff
  promGff$type = "promoter"
  isPos = geneGff$strand == "+"
  promGff$start[isPos] = pmax(geneGff$start[isPos] - promWidth, 1)
  promGff$end[isPos] = pmax(geneGff$start[isPos] - 1, 1)
  promGff$start[!isPos] = geneGff$end[!isPos] +1
  promGff$end[!isPos] = geneGff$end[!isPos] + promWidth
  for (nm in intersect(colnames(geneGff), c("ID", "Name"))){
    promGff[[nm]] = paste0(geneGff[[nm]], "_", promWidth, "B")
  result = rbind(gff, promGff)

##' @title Builds an annotation attributes field
##' @description Builds a compatible attributes field for either the gtf or gff annotation format.
##' @param x a subset of an annotation data.frame to combine the attributes from.
##' @param format the annotation format to build \code{x} with. Either \code{"gtf"} or \code{"gff"}.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns a gtf or gff attribute field.
##' @examples
##' param = ezParam()
##' gtf = ezLoadFeatures(param, system.file("extdata/genes.gtf", package="ezRun", mustWork=TRUE))
##' attrNew = ezBuildAttributeField(gtf[ , c("gene_id", "gene_name", "transcript_id", "tss_id")],"gtf")
##' gtf$attributes2 = attrNew
ezBuildAttributeField = function(x, format="gtf"){
  if (format == "gtf") {
    for (nm in colnames(x)){
      x[[nm]] = paste0(nm, " \"", x[[nm]], "\";")
    return(apply(x, 1, paste, collapse=" "))
  else if (format == "gff") {
    for (nm in colnames(x)){
      x[[nm]] = paste0(nm, "=\"", x[[nm]], "\"")
    return(apply(x, 1, paste, collapse=";"))
  else stop("Format not supported. Use either 'gtf' or 'gff'.")

#### consider also
## library(genomeIntervals)
##  gff = readGff3(gffFile)
##' @title Reads an annotation table from a file.
##' @description Reads an annotation table from a gtf or gff file into a data.frame.
##' @param gffFile the gtf or gff file to read the information from.
##' @param nrows an integer specifying the maximum number of rows to read in.
##' @param x an annotation matrix or data.frame.
##' @param file a character representing the connection to write the table to.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns a data.frame containing the annotation information.
##' @examples
##' gtf = ezReadGff(system.file("extdata/genes.gtf", package="ezRun", mustWork=TRUE))
##' ezWriteGff(gtf,"newgtf")
ezReadGff = function(gffFile, nrows=-1){
  gff <- fread(gffFile, sep="\t", header=FALSE, data.table=FALSE,
               quote="", col.names=c("seqid", "source", "type", "start", "end",
                                     "score", "strand", "phase", "attributes"),
               colClasses=c("character", "character", "character", "integer", 
                            "integer", "character", "character", "character",
  ## fread is faster than read_tsv, read.table and import.
  ## some benchmarks for human gtf on Mac i7-3615QM
  ### read_tsv: 27.662s
  ### ezRead.table: 127.461s
  ### import: 33.419s
  # fread is much faster than read.table.
  # human genes.gtf, read.table: 97.124 seconds. fread: 5.976 seconds
  stopifnot(!any(is.na(gff$start)), !any(is.na(gff$end)))

##' @describeIn ezReadGff Writes a gtf or gff annotation table passed by with \code{x} to the connection \code{file}, keeping only the original columns.
ezWriteGff = function(x, file){
  gff = x[ ,c("seqid", "source", "type", "start", "end",
              "score", "strand", "phase", "attributes")]
  ezWrite.table(gff, file=file, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

## usage: gff = ezReadGff("gffFile.gff")
## gff$Parent = ezGffAttributeField(gff$attributes, "Parent")
## gffTRimmed = gffTrimTranscripts(gff[gff$type == "exon", ])
##' @title Trims transcripts in annotation data.frames
##' @description Trims transcripts in annotation data.frames of gtf or gff format.
##' @param gff an annotation data.frame in gtf or gff format.
##' @param gffSingle the annotation information for a single transcript.
##' @param maxLength an integer specifying the maximum length of transcripts after trimming.
##' @param start a logical indicating the start direction of each transcript to be trimmed.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns
##' @examples
##' param = ezParam()
##' gtf = ezLoadFeatures(param, system.file("extdata/genes.gtf", package="ezRun", mustWork=TRUE))
##' gtfTrimmed = gffTrimTranscripts(gtf[gtf$type == "exon", ])
gffTrimTranscripts = function(gff, maxLength=100, start=TRUE){
  gff$width = gff$end -  gff$start + 1
  gffList = split(gff, gff$Parent)
  gffListTrimmed = ezMclapply(gffList, function(x){gffTrimSingleTranscript(x, maxLength=maxLength, start=start)}, mc.cores=min(ezThreads(), 8))
  result = do.call("rbind", gffListTrimmed)

##' @describeIn gffTrimTranscripts Trims a single transcript according to \code{maxLength} and in reversed order depending on the strand (+ / -).
gffTrimSingleTranscript = function(gffSingle, maxLength=100, start=TRUE){
  reverseOrder = xor(gffSingle$strand[1] == "+", start)
  stopifnot(length(gffSingle$start) > 0 && (all(diff(gffSingle$start)> 0) || all(diff(gffSingle$start) < 0)))
  ## and place the order according the "start"
  gffSingle = gffSingle[order(gffSingle$start, decreasing=reverseOrder), , drop=FALSE]
  cs = cumsum(gffSingle$width)
  trimThis = which(cs > maxLength)[1]
  if (is.na(trimThis)){
    gffTrim = gffSingle
  } else {
    gffTrim = gffSingle[1:trimThis, ]
    if (trimThis > 1){
      maxLength = maxLength - cs[trimThis-1]
    if(maxLength == 0){
      gffTrim = gffTrim[1:(trimThis-1),]
        gffTrim[trimThis, "start"] = gffTrim[trimThis, "end"] - as.integer(maxLength - 1)
      } else {
        gffTrim[trimThis, "end"] = gffTrim[trimThis, "start"] + as.integer(maxLength - 1)
  gffTrim$width = NULL
    gffTrim = gffTrim[order(gffTrim$start, decreasing=FALSE), , drop=FALSE]

##' @title Gets GRanges from annotation
##' @description Gets GRanges from annotation of the format gtf or gff.
##' @param gff the annotation data.frame to get the GRanges from.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns a GRanges object
##' @seealso \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}}
##' @examples
##' param = ezParam()
##' gtf = ezLoadFeatures(param, system.file("extdata/genes.gtf", package="ezRun", mustWork=TRUE))
##' gRanges = gffToRanges(gtf)
##' gRanges
gffToRanges = function(gff){
  require("GenomicRanges", warn.conflicts=WARN_CONFLICTS, quietly=!WARN_CONFLICTS)
  gff$strand[gff$strand == "."] = "*"
  if (is.null(gff$ID)){
    gff$ID = ezGffAttributeField(gff$attributes, field="ID")
  if (any(is.na(gff$ID))){
    id = paste("gffid", 1:nrow(gff), sep="_")
                 ranges=IRanges(start=gff$start, end=gff$end, names=gff$ID),

## get a gtf file with the exon coordinates
# gtf = ezLoadFeatures(featureFile="/srv/GT/reference/Homo_sapiens/Ensembl/GRCh37/Annotation/Version-2014-03-29/Genes/genes.gtf", types="exon")
# transcriptGtf = groupGff(gtf, grouping=gtf$transcript_id, type="transcript")
# transcriptGtf$attributes = ezBuildAttributeField(transcriptGtf[ , c("transcript_id", "gene_id", "gene_name")],"gtf")
# ezWriteGff(transcriptGtf, "transcript.gtf")
##' @title Groups annotation
##' @description Groups annotation according to the \code{grouping} factor. Duplicated values are dropped and the function checks for transspliced elements.
##' @param gtf the annotation data.frame to group.
##' @param grouping a vector of the annotation data.frame to group it by.
##' @param type a character representing the new \code{type} name.
##' @param skipTransSpliced a logical indicating whether to skip transspliced elements if they exist.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns a grouped annotation data.frame.
##' @seealso \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}}
##' @examples
##' param = ezParam()
##' gtf = ezLoadFeatures(param, system.file("extdata/genes.gtf", package="ezRun", mustWork=TRUE))
##' groupedGtf = groupGff(gtf)
##' gffGroupToRanges(gtf, grouping = gtf$Parent)
groupGff = function(gtf, grouping=gtf$Parent, type="transcript", skipTransSpliced=FALSE){
  isTransSpliced = tapply(paste(gtf$seqid, gtf$strand), grouping, function(x){length(unique(x)) > 1})
  if (any(isTransSpliced)){
    tsNames = names(isTransSpliced)[isTransSpliced]
    if (skipTransSpliced){
      use = !grouping %in% tsNames
      gtf = gtf[ use, ]
      grouping = grouping[use]
    } else {
      stop("transspliced elements exist in GTF: ", paste(tsNames, collapse=" "))
  stopifnot(tapply(paste(gtf$seqid, gtf$strand), grouping, function(x){length(unique(x))}) == 1)
  start = tapply(gtf$start, grouping, function(x){min(x)})
  end = tapply(gtf$end, grouping, function(x){max(x)})
  isDup = duplicated(grouping)
  gtfGrouped = gtf[!isDup, ]
  gtfGrouped$ID = grouping[!isDup]
  gtfGrouped$start = start[gtfGrouped$ID]
  gtfGrouped$end = end[gtfGrouped$ID]
  gtfGrouped$type = type
  if (!is.null(gtfGrouped$Parent)){
    gtfGrouped$Parent = NA

##' @describeIn groupGff Groups annotation and returns a GRanges object from the grouped annotation.
gffGroupToRanges = function(gtf, grouping, skipTransSpliced=FALSE){
  gtfGrouped = groupGff(gtf, grouping=grouping, skipTransSpliced=skipTransSpliced)

##' @title Gets the exon numbers
##' @description Gets the exon numbers of an annotation data.frame of the gtf or gff format.
##' @param gtf the annotation data.frame to get transcripts from.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns a vector containing the exon numbers.
##' @examples
##' param = ezParam()
##' gtf = ezLoadFeatures(param, system.file("extdata/genes.gtf", package="ezRun", mustWork=TRUE))
##' en = getExonNumber(gtf)
getExonNumber = function(gtf){
  ## check if the same transcript id occurs at multiple loci
  locusId = paste(gtf$transcript_id, gtf$seqid, gtf$strand)
  stopifnot(tapply(locusId, gtf$transcript_id, function(x){length(unique(x))}) == 1) ## every transcript must occur only in one locus!
  exonNumbers = rep(NA, nrow(gtf))
  use = gtf$type == "exon"
  exonNumbers[use] = unsplit(tapply(gtf$start[use], gtf$transcript_id[use], order), gtf$transcript_id[use])

##' @title Gets the transcripts database from the reference
##' @description Gets the transcripts database from the reference.
##' @param reference a reference to read the information from.
##' @param dataSource a character specifying the source of the data.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns an object of the class TxDb
##' @seealso \code{\link[GenomicFeatures]{makeTxDbFromGFF}}
##' @examples 
##' refBuild = "Mus_musculus/UCSC/mm10/Annotation/Version-2012-05-23"
##' param = ezParam(list(refBuild=refBuild))
##' tdb = ezTranscriptDbFromRef(param$ezRef)
ezTranscriptDbFromRef = function(reference, dataSource="FGCZ"){
  require("GenomicFeatures", warn.conflicts=WARN_CONFLICTS, quietly=!WARN_CONFLICTS)
  genomeFastaIndexFile = paste0(reference@refFastaFile, ".fai")
  fai = ezRead.table(genomeFastaIndexFile, header=FALSE)
  chrominfo = data.frame(chrom=rownames(fai), length=fai$V2, is_circular=FALSE)
  makeTxDbFromGFF(reference@refFeatureFile, dataSource=dataSource, chrominfo=chrominfo)

##' @title Gets gene names from annotation
##' @description Gets gene names from an annotation data.frame of gtf or gff format.
##' @param gtf the annotation data.frame to get the gene data from.
##' @param tr2Gene a character vector containing the transcript ID's obtained from the gene ID's.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns a character vector with the gene names.
##' @examples
##' param = ezParam()
##' gtf = ezLoadFeatures(param, system.file("extdata/genes.gtf", package="ezRun", mustWork=TRUE))
##' tr2Gene = getTranscript2Gene(gtf)
##' ipg = countIsoformsPerGene(tr2Gene)
getTranscript2Gene = function(gtf){
  use = !duplicated(gtf$transcript_id)
  tr2Gene = gtf$gene_id[use]
  names(tr2Gene) = gtf$transcript_id[use]

##' @describeIn getTranscript2Gene Returns a contingency table of the transcript names counting isoforms per gene.
countIsoformsPerGene = function(tr2Gene){

##' @title Writes pre-spliced annotation
##' @description Writes pre-spliced annotation directly from the parameters into a new .gtf file.
##' @param param contains the feature file to load the annotation from.
##' @param featureFile the file to load the features in the \code{ezLoadFeatures()} call from.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @seealso \code{\link{ezLoadFeatures}}
##' @examples
##' param = ezParam()
##' writePresplicedGtf(param, system.file("extdata/genes.gtf", package="ezRun", mustWork=TRUE))
writePresplicedGtf <- function (param, featureFile=param$ezRef["refFeatureFile"]) {
  gtfFile = featureFile
  gtf = ezLoadFeatures(param=param, featureFile=featureFile)
  gtf = gtf[gtf$type == "exon", ]
  preSplicedId = paste(gtf$gene_id, gtf$tss_id, sep="_")
  gtfTr = groupGff(gtf, grouping=preSplicedId, type="exon")
  gtfTr$transcript_id = paste0(gtfTr$preSplicedId, "_pre")
  gtfBoth = rbind(gtf, gtfTr)
  attrNew = ezBuildAttributeField(gtfBoth[ , c("gene_id", "gene_name", "transcript_id", "tss_id")],"gtf")
  gtfBoth$attributes = attrNew
  gtfBothFile = sub(".gtf", "WithPrespliced.gtf", gtfFile)
  stopifnot(gtfBothFile != gtfFile)
  ezWriteGff(gtfBoth, file=gtfBothFile)

getTranscriptSequences = function(param=NULL, genomeFn=NULL, featureFn=NULL){
    genomeFn <- param$ezRef["refFastaFile"]
    featureFn <- param$ezRef["refFeatureFile"]
  txdb = makeTxDbFromGFF(featureFn,
                         dataSource="FGCZ", taxonomyId = NA)
  exonRgList = exonsBy(txdb, by="tx", use.names=TRUE)
  genomeFasta = FaFile(genomeFn)
  trSeqs = extractTranscriptSeqs(genomeFasta, exonRgList)

##' @title Gets UTR sequences
##' @description Gets sequences from untranslated regions.
##' @param gtf the annotation data.frame to get the gene data from.
##' @param chromSeqs the chromosome sequences to get the Views from.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns a list with two objects of the class DNAStringSet from the packages Biostrings that represent the 3 and 5 primer.
##' @seealso \code{\link[Biostrings]{DNAStringSet}}
##' @seealso \code{\link[IRanges]{Views}}
##' @seealso \code{\link[Biostrings]{reverseComplement}}
# param = ezParam()
# gtf = ezLoadFeatures(param, system.file("extdata/genes.gtf", package="ezRun", mustWork=TRUE))
# param$ezRef@@refFeatureFile = system.file("extdata/genes.gtf", package="ezRun", mustWork=TRUE)
# fp = "/srv/GT/reference/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/Ensembl/EF4/Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta/genome.fa"
# param$ezRef@@refFastaFile = fp
# trSeqs = getTranscriptSequences(param)
# ezUtrSequences(gtf)
ezUtrSequences = function(gtf, chromSeqs){
  if (is.null(gtf$transcript_id)){
    gtf$transcript_id = ezGffAttributeField(gtf$attributes, 
                                            field = "transcript_id", attrsep = "; *", valuesep = " ")
  gtf = gtf[order(gtf$start), ]
  utr = gtf[gtf$type == "UTR", ] ## UTRs may contain introns!!!
  cds = gtf[gtf$type == "CDS", ]
  codSeqid = tapply(cds$seqid, cds$transcript_id, unique)
  codStrand = tapply(cds$strand, cds$transcript_id, unique)
  codLeft = tapply(cds$start, cds$transcript_id, min)
  codRight = tapply(cds$end, cds$transcript_id, max)
  codMid = (codLeft + codRight)/2
  isLeft = utr$start < codMid[utr$transcript_id]
  isThreePrime = xor( isLeft, utr$strand == "+")
  threePrimeUtr = DNAStringSet()
  fivePrimeUtr = DNAStringSet()
  for (nm in names(chromSeqs)){
    utr3 = utr[utr$seqid == nm & isThreePrime, ,drop=FALSE]
    utr5 = utr[utr$seqid == nm & !isThreePrime, ,drop=FALSE]
    if (nrow(utr3) > 0){
      seqs = as.character(Views(chromSeqs[[nm]], 
                                end=utr3$end, names=utr3$transcript_id))
      newUtrChar = tapply(seqs, names(seqs), paste, collapse="")
      newUtr = DNAStringSet(newUtrChar)
      names(newUtr) = names(newUtrChar)
      threePrimeUtr = c(threePrimeUtr, newUtr)
    if (nrow(utr5) > 0){
      seqs = as.character(Views(chromSeqs[[nm]], 
                                end=utr5$end, names=utr5$transcript_id))
      newUtrChar = tapply(seqs, names(seqs), paste, collapse="")
      newUtr = DNAStringSet(newUtrChar)
      names(newUtr) = names(newUtrChar)
      fivePrimeUtr = c(fivePrimeUtr, newUtr)
  revTranscripts = unique(utr$transcript_id[utr$strand == "-"])
  xn = intersect(revTranscripts, names(threePrimeUtr))
  threePrimeUtr[xn] = reverseComplement(threePrimeUtr[xn])
  xn = intersect(revTranscripts, names(fivePrimeUtr))
  fivePrimeUtr[xn] = reverseComplement(fivePrimeUtr[xn])
  return(list(threePrime=threePrimeUtr, fivePrime=fivePrimeUtr))

##' @title Gets GC proportions and gene widths
##' @description Gets GC proportions and gene widths from annotation (gtf or gff) and sequence (fasta) information.
##' @param param the parameters to load the annotation and sequence files from.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns a list containing named vectors for the GC proportion and the gene width. 
##' @seealso \code{\link{ezLoadFeatures}}
##' @seealso \code{\link[Biostrings]{readDNAStringSet}}
##' @seealso \code{\link[IRanges]{Views}}
##' @seealso \code{\link[Biostrings]{letterFrequency}}
##' @examples
##' param = ezParam()
##' param$ezRef@@refFeatureFile = system.file("extdata/genes.gtf", package="ezRun", mustWork=TRUE)
##' fp = "/srv/GT/reference/Saccharomyces_cerevisiae/Ensembl/EF4/Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta/genome.fa"
##' param$ezRef@@refFastaFile = fp
##' gw = getTranscriptGcAndWidth(param)
getTranscriptGcAndWidth <- function(param=NULL, genomeFn=NULL, featureFn=NULL){
    genomeFn <- param$ezRef["refFastaFile"]
    featureFn <- param$ezRef["refFeatureFile"]
  ## try to support use with secondRef...
  # if (is.null(featureFn)){
  #   geneSeq <- getSeq(FaFile(genomeFn)) 
  #   data <- tibble(transcript_id=transcripts, featWidth=txWidth, gcCount=gcCount)
  # }
  gff <- import(featureFn)
  exons <- gff[gff$type == "exon"]
  transcripts <- exons$transcript_id
  exonsSeq <- getSeq(FaFile(genomeFn), exons)
  # FaFile can deal with spaces witin header name.
  # ">chr1 test1" can be subset by chr1 GRanges.
  gcCount <- letterFrequency(exonsSeq, letters="GC", as.prob = FALSE)[ ,"G|C"]
  txWidth <- width(exons)
  data <- tibble(transcript_id=transcripts, featWidth=txWidth, gcCount=gcCount)
  data <- data %>% group_by(transcript_id) %>% summarise_all(sum) %>%
    mutate(gc=signif(gcCount/featWidth, digits=4)) %>% dplyr::select(-gcCount)

##' @title Gets the ensembl types
##' @description Gets the ensembl types of an annotation data.frame either directly from the source, the gene_biotype or the gene_type.
##' @param gff an annotation data.frame in gtf or gff format.
##' @template roxygen-template
##' @return Returns a character vector containing the types of the elements or NULL if they are not provided in \code{gff}.
##' @examples
##' param = ezParam()
##' gtf = ezLoadFeatures(param, system.file("extdata/genes.gtf", package="ezRun", mustWork=TRUE))
##' et = getEnsemblTypes(gtf)
getEnsemblTypes = function(gff){
  if ("protein_coding" %in% gff$source){
  types = ezGffAttributeField(x=gff$attributes, field="gene_biotype", attrsep="; *", valuesep=" ")
  if ("protein_coding" %in% types){
  types = ezGffAttributeField(x=gff$attributes, field="gene_type", attrsep="; *", valuesep=" ")
  if ("protein_coding" %in% types){

.checkGtfForExons = function(){
  ## TODO 
  gtfFile = "/srv/GT/reference/Homo_sapiens/Ensembl/GRCh37/Annotation/Version-2014-03-28/Genes/genes.gtf"
  gtf = ezReadGff(gtfFile)
  gtf$Parent = ezGffAttributeField(x=gtf$attributes, field="transcript_id", attrsep="; *", valuesep=" ")
  cdsGtf = gtf[gtf$type == "CDS", ]
  exonGtf = gtf[gtf$type == "exon", ]
  cdsRanges = gffToRanges(cdsGtf)
  exonRanges = gffToRanges(exonGtf)
  cds2exon = findOverlaps(cdsRanges, exonRanges, type="within")
  cdsIdx = queryHits(cds2exon)
  exonIdx = subjectHits(cds2exon)
  table(1:length(cdsRanges) %in% cdsIdx)
  cdsParent = cdsGtf$Parent[cdsIdx]
  exonParents = exonGtf$Parent[exonIdx]
  isMatch = cdsParent == exonParents
  hasExon = tapply(isMatch, cdsParent, any)
  table(hasExon, useNA="always")

trimTxGtf <- function(param=NULL, inGTF, outGTF, fastaFile, refAnnotationFile,
                      width=100L, fix=c("start", "end"),
                      minTxLength=NULL, useTxIDs=NULL, maxTxs=NULL){
  stopifnot(length(outGTF) == length(fix))
    inGTF <- param$ezRef@refFeatureFile
    fastaFile <- param$ezRef@refFastaFile
    refAnnotationFile <- param$ezRef@refAnnotationFile
    transcriptTypes <- param$transcriptTypes
  gtf <- import(inGTF)
  seqlengthsRef <- fasta.seqlengths(fastaFile)
  names(seqlengthsRef) <- sub('[[:blank:]].*$','',names(seqlengthsRef))
  seqlengths(gtf) <- seqlengthsRef[names(seqlengths(gtf))]
  gtf <- gtf[gtf$type == "exon"]
  ## This explicit usage of S4Vectors:: isnecessary. Otherwise, it use base::split.
  exonsByTx <- S4Vectors::split(gtf, gtf$transcript_id)
    exonsByTx <- exonsByTx[sum(width(exonsByTx)) >= minTxLength]
    seqAnno <- ezFeatureAnnotation(refAnnotationFile,
    txUse <- rownames(seqAnno)[seqAnno$type %in% transcriptTypes]
    exonsByTx <- exonsByTx[names(exonsByTx) %in% txUse]
    exonsByTx <- exonsByTx[intersect(useTxIDs, names(exonsByTx))]
    exonsByTx <- sample(exonsByTx, size=min(length(exonsByTx), maxTxs))
  for(i in 1:length(fix)){
    exonsByTxTrimmed <- endoapply(exonsByTx, trimGRanges, width=width,
                           start=ifelse(fix[i]=="start", TRUE, FALSE))
    gtf <- unlist(exonsByTxTrimmed)
    export(gtf, outGTF[i])
  invisible(set_names(outGTF, fix))

trimGRanges <- function(x, width=100, start=TRUE){
  stopifnot(length(unique(strand(x))) == 1L)
  decreasing <- xor(unique(strand(x)) == "+", start)
  # "+", TRUE -> FALSE
  # "-", FALSE -> FALSE
  # "-", TRUE -> TRUE
  # "+", FALSE -> TRUE
  x <- sort(x, decreasing = decreasing)
  cs <- cumsum(width(x))
  trimThis <- which(cs >= width)[1]
    xTrim <- x
    if(trimThis > 1){
      xTrim <- x[1:(trimThis-1)]
      width <- width - cs[trimThis-1L]
      xTrim <- c(xTrim, resize(x[trimThis], 
                               fix=ifelse(start, "start", "end"),
      xTrim <- resize(x[trimThis],
                      fix=ifelse(start, "start", "end"),
  return(sort(xTrim)) ## Let's return always coordinate sorted GRanges.

# param = list()
# param[['refBuild']] = 'Mus_musculus/Ensembl/GRCm38.p5/Annotation/Release_91-2018-02-26'
# param[['refFeatureFile']] = 'genes.gtf'
# param <- ezParam(param)
# gtf <- gtfByTxTypes(param, transcriptTypes=c("protein_coding", "rRNA", "tRNA", "Mt_rRNA", "Mt_tRNA"))
gtfByTxTypes <- function(param, transcriptTypes=c("protein_coding", "rRNA")){
  gtf <- import(param$ezRef@refFeatureFile)
  seqAnno <- ezFeatureAnnotation(param$ezRef@refAnnotationFile,
  genesUse <- seqAnno[seqAnno$type %in% transcriptTypes, "gene_id"]
  gtf <- gtf[gtf$gene_id %in% genesUse]
uzh/ezRun documentation built on April 24, 2024, 4:01 p.m.