
# Functional Genomics Center Zurich
# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU General
# Public License Version 3, June 2007.
# The terms are available here:

EzAppSCOneSample <-
    contains = "EzApp",
    methods = list(
      initialize = function() {
        "Initializes the application using its specific defaults."
        runMethod <<- ezMethodSCOneSample
        name <<- "EzAppSCOneSample"
        appDefaults <<- rbind(
          npcs = ezFrame(
            Type = "numeric",
            DefaultValue = 20,
            Description = "The maximal dimensions to use for reduction"
          pcGenes = ezFrame(
            Type = "charVector",
            DefaultValue = "",
            Description = "The genes used in supvervised clustering"
          SCT.regress = ezFrame(
            Type = "character",
            DefaultValue = "none",
            Description = "Choose CellCycle to be regressed out when using the SCTransform method if it is a bias."
          DE.method = ezFrame(
            Type = "charVector",
            DefaultValue = "wilcoxon",
            Description = "Method to be used when calculating gene cluster markers. Use LR if you want to include cell cycle in the regression model."
          resolution = ezFrame(
            Type = "numeric",
            DefaultValue = 0.5,
            Description = "Value of the resolution parameter, use a value above (below) 1.0 if you want to obtain a larger (smaller) number of communities."
          nreads = ezFrame(
            Type = "numeric",
            DefaultValue = Inf,
            Description = "Low quality cells have less than \"nreads\" reads. Only when applying fixed thresholds."
          ngenes = ezFrame(
            Type = "numeric",
            DefaultValue = Inf,
            Description = "Low quality cells have less than \"ngenes\" genes. Only when applying fixed thresholds."
          perc_mito = ezFrame(
            Type = "numeric",
            DefaultValue = Inf,
            Description = "Low quality cells have more than \"perc_mito\" percent of mitochondrial genes. Only when applying fixed thresholds."
          perc_ribo = ezFrame(
            Type = "numeric",
            DefaultValue = Inf,
            Description = "Low quality cells have more than \"perc_ribo\" percent of ribosomal genes. Only when applying fixed thresholds."
          cellsFraction = ezFrame(
            Type = "numeric",
            DefaultValue = 0.01,
            Description = "A gene will be kept if it is expressed in at least this percentage of cells"
          nUMIs = ezFrame(
            Type = "numeric",
            DefaultValue = 1,
            Description = "A gene will be kept if it has at least nUMIs in the fraction of cells specified before"
          nmad = ezFrame(
            Type = "numeric",
            DefaultValue = 3,
            Description = "Median absolute deviation (MAD) from the median value of each metric across all cells"
          filterByExpression = ezFrame(
            Type = "character", DefaultValue = FALSE,
            Description = "Keep cells according to specific gene expression. i.e. Set > 1 | Pkn3 > 1"
          controlSeqs = ezFrame(
            Type = "charVector",
            DefaultValue = "",
            Description = "control sequences to add"

ezMethodSCOneSample <- function(input = NA, output = NA, param = NA,
                                htmlFile = "00index.html") {
  cwd <- getwd()
  setwdNew(basename(output$getColumn("SC Cluster Report")))
  on.exit(setwd(cwd), add = TRUE)

  scData <- load10xSC_seurat(input, param)

  pvalue_allMarkers <- 0.05
  pvalue_all2allMarkers <- 0.01

  # Doublets prediction and removal
  doubletsInfo <- scDblFinder(GetAssayData(scData, slot="counts"), returnType = "table")
  doublets <- rownames(doubletsInfo)[doubletsInfo$type == "real" & doubletsInfo$class == "doublet"]
  scData <- subset(scData, cells = doublets, invert=TRUE)

  # Cells and genes filtering
  scData_list <- filterCellsAndGenes(scData, param) # return scData objects filtered and unfiltered to show the QC metrics later in the rmd
  scData <- scData_list$scData
  scData.unfiltered <- scData_list$scData.unfiltered

  # calculate cellcycle for the filtered sce object
  scData <- addCellCycleToSeurat(scData, param$refBuild)

  if (param$filterByExpression != "") {
    expression <- param$filterByExpression
    myCommand <- paste("subset(scData,", expression, ")")
    scData <- eval(parse(text = myCommand))
  scData <- seuratClusteringV3(scData, param)

  # positive cluster markers
  posMarkers <- posClusterMarkers(scData, pvalue_allMarkers, param)

  cells_AUC <- NULL
  singler.results <- NULL
  # cell types annotation is only supported for Human and Mouse at the moment
  species <- getSpecies(param$refBuild)
  if (species == "Human" | species == "Mouse") {
    cells_AUC <- cellsLabelsWithAUC(scData, species, param$tissue)
    singler.results <- cellsLabelsWithSingleR(GetAssayData(scData, "counts"), Idents(scData), species)

  # Convert scData to Single Cell experiment Object
  sce.unfiltered <- scData.unfiltered %>% seurat_to_sce()
  rowData(sce.unfiltered)$is.expressed <- scData.unfiltered[["RNA"]][["is.expressed"]]
  #TODO: remove unnecesary dietseurat call when the bug in Seurat is fixed
  scData_diet = DietSeurat(scData, dimreducs = c("pca", "tsne", "umap"))
  sce <- scData_diet %>% seurat_to_sce(default_assay = "SCT")
  metadata(sce)$PCA_stdev <- Reductions(scData_diet, "pca")@stdev
  metadata(sce)$cells_AUC <- cells_AUC
  metadata(sce)$singler.results <- singler.results
  metadata(sce)$output <- output
  metadata(sce)$param <- param
  metadata(sce)$param$name <- paste(metadata(sce)$param$name,
    paste(input$getNames(), collapse = ", "),
    sep = ": "
  geneMeans <- geneMeansCluster(sce)
  ## generate template for manual cluster annotation -----
  ## we only deal with one sample
  stopifnot(length(input$getNames()) == 1)
  clusterInfos <- ezFrame(Sample=input$getNames(), Cluster=levels(sce$seurat_clusters), ClusterLabel="")
  if (!is.null(singler.results)){
    clusterInfos$SinglerCellType <- singler.results$singler.results.cluster[clusterInfos$Cluster, "pruned.labels"]
  nTopMarkers <- 10
  topMarkers <- posMarkers %>% group_by(cluster) %>%
    slice_max(n = nTopMarkers, order_by = avg_log2FC)
  topMarkerString <- sapply(split(topMarkers$gene, topMarkers$cluster), paste, collapse=", ")
  clusterInfos[["TopMarkers"]] <- topMarkerString[clusterInfos$Cluster]
  clusterInfoFile <- "clusterInfos.xlsx"
  writexl::write_xlsx(clusterInfos, path=clusterInfoFile)
  # Save some results in external files
  dataFiles <- saveExternalFiles(list(pos_markers = posMarkers, gene_means = as_tibble(, rownames = "gene_name")))
  # rowData(sce) = rowData(sce)[, c("gene_id", "biotypes", "description")]

  saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment(sce, dir = "sce_h5")
  saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment(sce.unfiltered, dir = "sce.unfiltered_h5")

  makeRmdReport(dataFiles = dataFiles, clusterInfoFile=clusterInfoFile, rmdFile = "SCOneSample.Rmd", reportTitle = metadata(sce)$param$name)
  #remove no longer used objects
  rm(scData, sce.singlets, sce.unfiltered)
uzh/ezRun documentation built on May 4, 2024, 3:23 p.m.