add_attr_roc: Add ROC attribute

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also


Calculates the instantaneous Rate Of Change (ROC) of a numeric attribute of a lineage tree. The ROC is calculated for each cell in the tree and can be positive or negative.


add_attr_roc(LT, attr, norm = TRUE, frameR)



The connected lineage tree, an object of class "igraph".


The name of the attribute in the LT, a character string. It can be any numeric attribute, as returned from get_attr_names, except for "colony", "generation", "frame" and "age".


A logical value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating the type of the ROC that will be calculated. When the default value TRUE is used, ROC is normalized and represents the percentage of change relative to the previous frame. When value FALSE is used, ROC represents the change per hour.


Frame rate of the movie in frames per minute, a non-zero positive numeric value. This argument is ignored in case norm = FALSE.


The calculated ROC is added as an attribute to the LT:

NA values are stored for cells that are just born as well as for cells that are not included in the analysis, as returned from get_cells.


The updated LT with the new attribute added, an object of class "igraph".

See Also

isConnected for checking if a tree is connected.

vicstefanou/ViSCA documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:50 p.m.