import_ss: Import _SuperSegger_ data

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References


Imports the cell .mat data files generated by SuperSegger and converts them into a cell list containing all the cell instants of the movie.


import_ss(path, pixelR)



A character string naming the xy#/cell directory with the cell .mat data files generated by SuperSegger (excluding the last "/") from which the data is to be imported. If it does not contain an absolute path, it is relative to the current working directory, getwd().

NOTE: The components should be separated by "/" on Windows.


The pixel ratio in units of length, a non-zero positive numeric value.


SuperSegger treats the whole frame as a single colony.

SuperSegger users importing the data with this function do not import any information about either the pixels of each cell or the pixels each colony.

SuperSegger users importing the data with this function are excluded from using plot_col_tree, split_cell, get_cand_merge_cells, merge_cells, get_cand_mother_cells, add_branch, create_movie, create_cell_life and view_cell.


A named list with the following components:




A list containing all the cell instants of the movie. Each element of the list is a named list with the following components:

  • cellName is the name of the cell, a character string in the format "c<cellId>_f<frame>".

  • frame is the ID of the frame of the cell, a non-zero positive integer number.

  • colony is the ID of the colony of the cell in the frame, a non-zero positive integer number.

  • daughterIds is a vector of character strings containing the cellName of the linked cell(s) in the next frame, or NULL in case no such cells exist.

  • length is the length of the cell in units of length, a non-zero positive numeric value.

  • width is the width of the cell in units of length, a non-zero positive numeric value.

  • area is the area of the cell in squared units of length, a non-zero positive numeric value.

  • minorAxis is the short axis of the ellipse surrounding the cell in units of length, a non-zero positive numeric value.

  • majorAxis is the long axis of the ellipse surrounding the cell in units of length, a non-zero positive numeric value.

  • orientation is a numeric value in the range [0, 360) defining the orientation of the cell in degrees.

  • cellDist is the distance of the cell to the edge of the colony in units of length, a positive numeric value.

  • edgeFlag is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether the cell is at the edge of the image or not.

  • contactHist is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether the cell is in contact with other cell or not.

  • fluorescenceInt<i>.mean is the mean cell fluorescence intensity of channel <i>, a positive numeric value.

  • fluorescenceInt<i>.std is the standard deviation of the cell fluorescence intensity of channel <i>, a positive numeric value.

  • fluorescenceInt<i>.coverage is the percentage of the cell area covered by fluorescence of channel <i>, a numeric value in the range [0, 1].

The fluorescenceInt<i>* components are included in case they were exctracted by SuperSegger.


Number of frames in the movie, a non-zero positive integer value. IDs of frames are in the range [1, Nframes].


Number of colonies in the movie, equal to 1. IDs of colonies are in the range [1, Ncols].






vicstefanou/ViSCA documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:50 p.m.