create_cell_life: Visualize cell life

Description Usage Arguments Details Prerequisites


Creates the life images of a set of given cells.


create_cell_life(DT, cells = "all", cell_list, col_list, Ncols,
  saveT = c("sep", "comb"), savePath = getwd())



The division tree where the cells specified in cells belong, an object of class "igraph".


The labels of the cells in the DT whose life images will be created, a vector of character strings. They can be any non-root cells, as returned from get_cells. The default value "all" stands for all non-root cells.


A list containing all the cell instants of the movie.


A list containing all the colony instants of the movie.


Number of colonies in the movie, a non-zero positive integer value.


A character string naming the options of image saving:

  • "sep" saves a separate .png file for each frame of the cell's lifespan, named as "<cell>_f<first_frame>_<i>.png". Image files for each cell will be saved in a directory named after the cell.

  • "comb" saves a single .png file with all frames of the cell's lifespan combined in left-to-right, top-to-bottom order, named as "<cell>_f<first_frame>.png".

"<cell>" is the label of the cell, "<first_frame>" is its birth frame and "<i>" is the instant of the cell starting from 1.


A character string naming the absolute path of the directory where the cell life images will be saved (excluding the last "/"). The default value is the current working directory getwd().

NOTE: The components should be separated by "/" on Windows.


Separate life image(s) for each cell specified in cells are generated. The cell is viewed in its colony for every frame of its lifespan and is marked as red. The rest cells of the colony are marked as white.


This function can be used by BaSCA users, importing the data with import_basca.

Users of Oufti or SuperSegger who imported the data with import_oufti or import_ss, respectively, are excluded from using this function, as no colony list was returned.

If import_json was used for importing the data, it is necessary that cell list elements have the pixelList and colId components and colony list elements have the colImage component. See import_json for more details. In other case, this function cannot be used (throws an error).

vicstefanou/ViSCA documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:50 p.m.