
Defines functions get.checkpoint.genes znorm plot.complexheatmap match.matrix.col theme_geometry plot.heatmap ttest.na cohensD.na cohensD.sign cohensD.na.sign write.dataset match.expression.distribution.combat match.expression.distribution match.distribution.zeros match.distribution normalize.expression create.km impute.closest.gene qnorm.array range01.norm get_sel_pca get_pca big.prcomp minmax normalize.std

## all source utlitity function for R processing 

normalize.std = function(tt){
    (tt - min(tt, na.rm=T))/(max(tt,na.rm=T) - min(tt, na.rm=T))

# standardise
# install.packages("data.table")
minmax <- function(x) (x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x))

big.prcomp = function(data, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE){
	data1 = scale(data, center=center, scale=scale)
	out = list()
	pca = big.PCA(data1,  pcs.to.keep = ncol(data1))
	out$center = center
	if(center) out$center = colMeans(data)
	out$scale = scale
	if(scale) out$scale = apply(data,2,sd)
	out$rotation = pca$PCs
	out$x = data1 %*% out$rotation
	# out$x = pca$loadings

get_pca = function(data, pca_obj=NULL, center = T, scale = F, subsample=1, match_standard_deviation = F){
	sds =  apply(data, 2,  sd)
	zeros.sds = which(sds == 0)
	sds = ifelse(sds==0, 1E-3, sds)
	pca_out = NULL
	# calculate pca 

		if(subsample < 1){
			data.sub = data[sample(nrow(data),size = subsample*nrow(data)),]
			pca_obj <- big.prcomp(data.sub,center = center, scale=scale)

				pca_obj <- big.prcomp(data,center = center, scale=scale)
				pca_out = pca_obj$x
		pca_obj$x = NULL ## to save space
		pca_obj$sds = sds
	if(is.null(pca_out)) {
		aa = t(apply(data, 1, function(tt) {
			## matching sds
				tt = tt * pca_obj$sds/sds ## matching the distribution
				tt = tt-pca_obj$center
				tt = tt/pca_obj$scale
		pca_out = aa %*% pca_obj$rotation 
	list(pca_out=pca_out, pca_obj=pca_obj)

get_sel_pca = function(data, top.genes, pca_sel_obj=NULL, center = T, scale = F, subsample=1){
	data = data[,top.genes]
	temp_out = get_pca(data, pca_sel_obj, center , scale, subsample)
	temp_out$genes = top.genes

range01.norm = function(mat){
	m1 = min(mat,na.rm=T)
	m2 = max(mat,na.rm=T)
	if(m1==m2) m2 = m2 +1
	(mat - m1)/(m2-m1)

qnorm.array <- function(mat)
	mat.back = mat
	mat = mat.back[!is.na(mat.back)]
    mat = rank(mat,  rank, ties.method = "average");
    mat = qnorm(mat / (length(mat)+1));
    mat.back[!is.na(mat.back)] = mat

#' Title
#' @param common.genes common genes to imputed 
#' @param incomplete_exp_mat incomplete expression matrix sample x genes
#' @param ref  reference expression matrix sample x genes
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
impute.closest.gene = function(common.genes, incomplete_exp_mat, ref= NULL, subsample=NULL){
	  genes.imputed = setdiff(common.genes, colnames(incomplete_exp_mat))
	  if(length(genes.imputed) > 0) {
	  gene1 = colnames(incomplete_exp_mat)
	  	ref.dt = fread("/liulab/asahu/data/ssgsea/xiaoman/Genetech_expression_TPM.txt")
	  	ref = t(as.matrix(ref.dt[,seq(2,ncol(ref.dt)),with=F]))
	  	setnames(ref.dt, 1, "gene_name")
	  	colnames(ref ) = ref.dt$gene_name
	  ref.dt.gene_name = colnames(ref)
	  if (!is.null(subsample)) {
	      ref = ref[sample.int(nrow(ref), size=nrow(ref)*subsample),]
	  impute = ref[,genes.imputed, drop=F]
	  only.genes = intersect(gene1, ref.dt.gene_name)
	  incomplete_exp_mat = incomplete_exp_mat[,only.genes, drop=F]
	  exp.present = ref[,only.genes,drop=F]
	  cors = cor(impute, exp.present, use="pairwise.complete.obs")
	  # cors = pcor(impute, exp.present, use="pairwise.complete.obs")
	  genes.inx = apply(cors,1, 
	  	function(tt) ifelse(sum(!is.na(tt)), which.max(tt), NA)

	  imputed = incomplete_exp_mat[,genes.inx, drop=F]
	  imputed[is.na(imputed)] = 0
	  colnames(imputed) = genes.imputed
	  merged = cbind(incomplete_exp_mat, imputed) 
	  incomplete_exp_mat = merged

create.km = function( times1, times2,  labels=list(Del="not-rescued", Norm="rescued"), file="temp.pdf",ppt=F){
    dt = data.table( rbind(times1, times2)  )
    dt$label = labels$Del
    dt$label[1:nrow(times1)] = labels$Norm
    setnames(dt, 1:2, c("time", "status"))
    sr.surv <- survfit(Surv(time,status==0)~label, data = dt)
    dt$marker <- c(rep(0,nrow(times1)), rep(1,nrow(times2)))
    dt$status1 = ifelse(dt$status==0,1,0)
    max_x = 3*max(times1[,1])/4 
    outf3 = logRank(times1, times2)
    aa <- ggsurv(sr.surv)
    text = paste0(
        drug, "\n",
        "P=", formatC(outf3[1], format="E", digits=2), "\n",
        "AUC=", formatC(outf3[8] - outf3[7],digits=2)
      aa <-aa +
      annotate( "text", x = max_x, y = .6, label = text) 
      aa <-aa +
      annotate( "text", x = max_x, y = .6, label = text) +
      theme(panel.grid.minor=element_blank(), panel.grid.major=element_blank(), panel.background=element_blank())  
  # pdf(file)
  # print(aa)
  # dev.off()

normalize.expression = function(mat, num.samp.thr=0){ 
	mat = t(mat)
	filter = rowSums(mat > 0) >= num.samp.thr
	mat1 = mat[filter,]
	aa =  calcNormFactors(mat1, method = "TMM")
	inp.norm = mat1/aa
	lcpm <- cpm(inp.norm, log=TRUE)
	mat[filter,] = lcpm

match.distribution = function(dat, ref){
	dens.obs = density(ref, adjust=0.1, n = length(dat))

match.distribution.zeros = function(dat, ref){
	## match dat with ref. 
	#The minimum values and value < ref.min are replaced by ref.min
	ref.min = min(ref)
	min.inx = (dat ==min(dat))
	dens.obs = density(ref, adjust=0.1, n = length(dat))
	out = dens.obs$x[rank(dat,ties.method="min")]
	out[out<ref.min| min.inx] = ref.min

match.expression.distribution = function(exp, ref.exp){
	out = t(do.call(rbind, mclapply(seq(ncol(exp)), function(tt) match.distribution.zeros(exp[,tt], ref.exp[,tt]), mc.cores=32)))
	rownames(out) =rownames(exp)
	colnames(out) =colnames(exp)


match.expression.distribution.combat = function(exp, ref.exp, num.samp.thr=2){
	mat =rbind(exp, ref.exp)
	exp.sd = apply(exp, 2, sd) >= 0
	ref.exp.sd = apply(exp, 2, sd) >= 0
	inp.dt = t(mat)
	my.groups =factor(c(rep(1,nrow(exp)), rep(2,nrow(ref.exp))))
	nz = apply(inp.dt, 1, function(tt) length(tt[tt!=0])>=num.samp.thr)
	nz.all = nz & exp.sd & ref.exp.sd 
    batch = as.numeric(my.groups)
    nzed = inp.dt[nz.all,]
    mod1 = model.matrix(~1, data=my.groups)
    newdata = ComBat(nzed, batch=batch, mod=mod1, ref.batch =2, par.prior = TRUE, prior.plots = FALSE)
    inp.dt[nz.all,] = newdata
    new.exp = inp.dt[,seq(nrow(exp))]
#' Title
#' @param output.dir 
#' @param sample.name 
#' @param dataset 
#' @param use.sample  NULL or vector to divide the sample. For example patient.name so that tranining and test are independent.
#' @param write.full.dataset 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
write.dataset = function(output.dir, sample.name, dataset, use.sample=NULL, write.full.dataset=T, frac = 0.85, training=TRUE) {
  write.table(file=paste0(output.dir, "/samples_name.txt"),x = sample.name,
	      row.names = F, col.names =T,  sep="\t", quote=F )

    write.table(file=paste0(output.dir, "/dataset.txt"),x = dataset,
		row.names = F, col.names =T,  sep="\t", quote=F )

      sample.name = use.sample 
      rand_inx = sample(unique(sample.name))
      train.sample = rand_inx[1:ceiling(frac * length(rand_inx))]
      val.sample = rand_inx[ceiling(frac * length(rand_inx)+1):length(rand_inx)]
      train.inx = sample(which(sample.name %in% train.sample))
      val.inx = sample(which(sample.name %in% val.sample))

      rand_inx = sample(nrow(dataset))
      train.inx = rand_inx[1:ceiling(frac * nrow(dataset))]
      val.inx = rand_inx[ceiling(frac* nrow(dataset)):nrow(dataset)]


    write.table(file=paste0(output.dir, "/dataset_train.txt"),x = dataset[train.inx,],
		row.names = F, col.names =T,  sep="\t", quote=F )
    write.table(file=paste0(output.dir, "/dataset_val.txt"),x = dataset[val.inx,],
		row.names = F, col.names =T,  sep="\t", quote=F )



cohensD.na.sign = function(x,y, ...) {
        cohensD.sign(x, y, ...),
        error = function(e) NA

cohensD.sign = function(x,y, ...){
    aa = cohensD(x, y, ...)
        aa = -aa

cohensD.na = function(x,y, ...) {
        cohensD(x, y, ...),
        error = function(e) NA
ttest.na = function(x,y, ...) {
        t.test(x, y, ...)$p.value,
        error = function(e) NA

plot.heatmap = function(dat, filename, height = 10, width =7){
	hc = hclust(as.dist(1-cor(dat, method="spearman")), method="complete")
	hr = hclust(as.dist(1-cor(t(dat), method="spearman")), method="complete")

	pdf( filename, height = height, width =width)

	heatmap3(dat, Rowv=as.dendrogram(hr),  Colv=as.dendrogram(hc), scale="col", balanceColor=T, showRowDendro=T ,   showColDendro=F, cexRow = .5, cexCol = .5)


# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17753101/center-x-and-y-axis-with-ggplot2
theme_geometry <- function(xvals, yvals, xgeo = 0, ygeo = 0, 
                           color = "black", size = 1, 
                           xlab = "x", ylab = "y",
                           ticks = 10,
                           textsize = 3,
                           xlimit = max(abs(xvals),abs(yvals)),
                           ylimit = max(abs(yvals),abs(xvals)),
                           epsilon = max(xlimit,ylimit)/50){

  #xvals .- Values of x that will be plotted
  #yvals .- Values of y that will be plotted
  #xgeo  .- x intercept value for y axis
  #ygeo  .- y intercept value for x axis
  #color .- Default color for axis
  #size  .- Line size for axis
  #xlab  .- Label for x axis
  #ylab  .- Label for y axis
  #ticks .- Number of ticks to add to plot in each axis
  #textsize .- Size of text for ticks
  #xlimit .- Limit value for x axis 
  #ylimit .- Limit value for y axis
  #epsilon .- Parameter for small space

  #Create axis 
  xaxis <- data.frame(x_ax = c(-xlimit, xlimit), y_ax = rep(ygeo,2))
  yaxis <- data.frame(x_ax = rep(xgeo, 2), y_ax = c(-ylimit, ylimit))

  #Add axis
  theme.list <- 
    theme_void(), #Empty the current theme
    geom_line(aes(x = x_ax, y = y_ax), color = color, size = size, data = xaxis),
    geom_line(aes(x = x_ax, y = y_ax), color = color, size = size, data = yaxis),
    annotate("text", x = xlimit + 2*epsilon, y = ygeo, label = xlab, size = 2*textsize),
    annotate("text", x = xgeo, y = ylimit + 4*epsilon, label = ylab, size = 2*textsize),
    xlim(-xlimit - 7*epsilon, xlimit + 7*epsilon), #Add limits to make it square
    ylim(-ylimit - 7*epsilon, ylimit + 7*epsilon)  #Add limits to make it square

  #Add ticks programatically
  ticks_x <- round(seq(-xlimit, xlimit, length.out = ticks),2)
  ticks_y <- round(seq(-ylimit, ylimit, length.out = ticks),2)

  #Add ticks of x axis
  nlist <- length(theme.list)
  for (k in 1:ticks){

    #Create data frame for ticks in x axis
    xtick <- data.frame(xt = rep(ticks_x[k], 2), 
                        yt = c(xgeo + epsilon, xgeo - epsilon))

    #Create data frame for ticks in y axis
    ytick <- data.frame(xt = c(ygeo + epsilon, ygeo - epsilon), 
                        yt = rep(ticks_y[k], 2))

    #Add ticks to geom line for x axis
    theme.list[[nlist + 4*k-3]] <- geom_line(aes(x = xt, y = yt), 
                                         data = xtick, size = size, 
                                         color = color)

    #Add labels to the x-ticks
    theme.list[[nlist + 4*k-2]] <- annotate("text", 
                                            x = ticks_x[k], 
                                            y = ygeo - 2.5*epsilon,
                                            size = textsize,
                                            label = paste(ticks_x[k]))

    #Add ticks to geom line for y axis
    theme.list[[nlist + 4*k-1]] <- geom_line(aes(x = xt, y = yt), 
                                             data = ytick, size = size, 
                                             color = color)

    #Add labels to the y-ticks
    theme.list[[nlist + 4*k]] <- annotate("text", 
                                            x = xgeo - 2.5*epsilon, 
                                            y = ticks_y[k],
                                            size = textsize,
                                            label = paste(ticks_y[k]))

  #Add theme
  #theme.list[[3]] <- 

match.matrix.col = function(dat, header, fill=NA) {
	"match column of dat to header and fill with NA"
	dat.out = matrix(fill, ncol=length(header), nrow=nrow(dat))
	colnames(dat.out) = header
	aa = intersect(colnames(dat),header)
	xx = match(header,colnames(dat))
	match1.inx = which(!is.na(xx))
	match2.inx = xx[match1.inx]
	# match.inx = match(colnames(dat),header)
	dat.out[,match1.inx] = as.matrix(dat[,match2.inx, with=F])
plot.complexheatmap <- function(df, name) {
            name = name, #title of legend
            column_title = "Variables", row_title = "Samples",
            row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 7) # Text size for row names

znorm = function(xx) (xx - mean(xx,na.rm=T))/sd(xx,na.rm=T)

get.checkpoint.genes = function(){
    T_Cell_extra = c("IL10", "IDO", "TGFB1", "TGFB2", "TGFBR1", "TGFBR1", "CD37", "TLR", "Arginase")
    APC_2 = c("A2AR", "VISTA", "B7_h3", "PDL1", "PDL2", "CD80", "CD86", "Galectin_9", "Ox40L", "CD40", "B7RP1", "CD70", "HVEM", "GITRL", "TNFSF9", "CD155", "CD112")
    T_Cell_1 = c("CTLA4", "TIM3", "OX40", "CD40L", "ICOS", "CD27", "BTLA", "LAG3", "TCR", "KIR", "GITR", "TNFRSF9", "CD226", "TIGIT")
    checkpoint.genes = unique(c(T_Cell_extra, APC_2, T_Cell_1))
    setdiff(checkpoint.genes, all.tcga.genes)
    all.genes = all.tcga.genes
    checkpoint.genes.1 = intersect(checkpoint.genes, all.genes)
    #  [1] "IDO"        "TLR"        "Arginase"   "A2AR"       "VISTA"      "B7_h3"      "PDL1"       "PDL2"       "Galectin_9" "Ox40L"      "B7RP1"      "HVEM"       "GITRL"      "CD155"      "CD112"
    # [16] "TIM3"       "OX40"       "CD40L"      "TCR"        "KIR"        "GITR"
    checkpoint.genes.rescue = c("IDO1", "IDO2", "ARG1", "ARG2", "ADORA2A", "ADORA1", "VSIR", "CD276", "VTCN1", "JAK2", "STAT3", "CD80", "ICOSLG", "ICOS", "PVR", "CD226", "HAVCR2", "CD4", "PRF1", "FOXP3", "CD28", "LCK", "B2M")
    pd1.genes = grep("^PDCD1",  all.genes, value=T)
    Galectin_9.genes = grep("^LGALS",  all.genes, value=T)
    jak.genes =c("JAK1", "JAK2", "JAK3")
    stat.genes = grep("^STAT[0-9]",  all.genes, value=T)
    TNF.genes  =c(grep("^TNFR",  all.genes, value=T), grep("^TNFS",  all.genes, value=T))
    il2.gene = c("IL2", "PTPN2", grep("^IL2R",  all.genes, value=T))
    il7.gene = grep("^IL7",  all.genes, value=T)
    il4.gene = grep("^IL7",  all.genes, value=T)
    il6.gene = grep("^IL6",  all.genes, value=T)
    il10.gene = grep("^IL10",  all.genes, value=T)
    HAVC.gene =grep("HAVC",  all.genes, value=T)
    gzm.genes  =grep("^GZM",  all.genes, value=T)
    traf.genes = grep("^TRAF",  all.genes, value=T)
    nfk.genes = grep("^NFK",  all.genes, value=T)
    cd40.genes = grep("^CD40",  all.genes, value=T)
    igh.genes = grep("^IGH",  all.genes, value=T)
    cd3.genes = grep("^CD3[A-Z]*$",  all.genes, value=T)
    tra.genes = grep("^TR[A-B][C,D,V]",  all.genes, value=T)
    kir.genes = grep("^KIR",  all.genes, value=T)
    tgf.genes =grep("^TGF",  all.genes, value=T)
    antigen.presentation.genes = grep("^HLA",  all.genes, value=T)
    traf.genes = grep("^TR[A-B]F",  all.genes, value=T)
    serpin.genes = grep("^SERPINB[1-9]$",  all.genes, value=T)
    vegf.genes = grep("^VEGF",  all.genes, value=T)
    tap.genes = c("TAP1", "TAP2", "TAPBP")
    checkpoint.genes.semifinal = unique(c(checkpoint.genes.1, checkpoint.genes.rescue, pd1.genes, Galectin_9.genes, stat.genes, TNF.genes, il2.gene, il7.gene, il4.gene, il6.gene, il10.gene, HAVC.gene, gzm.genes, traf.genes, nfk.genes, cd40.genes, igh.genes, cd3.genes,tra.genes, kir.genes, tgf.genes, antigen.presentation.genes, traf.genes,serpin.genes, vegf.genes))
    checkpoint.genes.final = checkpoint.genes.semifinal
    setdiff(checkpoint.genes.final, all.genes)
    checkpoint.genes.final = intersect(checkpoint.genes.final, all.genes)

get.immune.genes = get.checkpoint.genes
vinash85/avinash documentation built on Jan. 7, 2021, 1:44 a.m.