
Defines functions getStd

Documented in getStd

#'@title Get a TCSAM02 std object by reading a .std file
#'@description Function to get a TCSAM02 std object by reading a .std file
#'@param stdFile - std file from a TCSAM02 model run. can be NULL.
#'@param verbose - flag (T/F) to prnt diagnostic info
#'@return std model object (a list). The returned object will be a list of class 'tcsam02.std'.
#'@details If \code{stdFile} is NULL, the user will be prompted to identify a
#'TCSAM02 model report file from which to source the results object.
#'The returned object will be a list of class 'tcsam02.std'.
    if (verbose) cat("Starting rTCSAM02::getStd().\n")
    if (is.null(stdFile)){
        stdFile<-wtsUtilities::selectFile(ext='std',caption="Select TCSAM02 std file");
    if (!is.null(stdFile)&&file.exists(stdFile)) {
        stdObj <- utils::read.table(stdFile,as.is=T,header=F,skip=1);
        colnames(stdObj)<-c("row id","name","est","std.dev")
        class(stdObj)<-c('tcsam02.std',class(stdObj));#set class attribute to 'tcsam02.std' for identification
    } else {
        cat('rTCSAM02::getSTD(): No std file specified, or specified file does not exist.\n',
            'Returning NULL...\n');
    if (verbose) cat("Finished rTCSAM02::getStd().\n")
wStockhausen/rTCSAM02 documentation built on Aug. 27, 2024, 7:18 p.m.