Defines functions .CITEseqMaeToSce CITEseq .peripheral_blood .buildMap .buildColData .combMatrixForAssay .cord_blood

Documented in CITEseq .CITEseqMaeToSce

.cord_blood <- function(ess_list)
    idx <- grep(pattern="Counts", names(ess_list$experiments))
    names(ess_list$experiments) <- gsub("Counts|_Counts", "", names(ess_list$experiments))
    mae <- MultiAssayExperiment::MultiAssayExperiment(experiments=(ess_list$experiments[idx]))
    coldat <- sampleMap(mae)[,-c(1:2), drop=FALSE]
    rownames(coldat) <- coldat[,1]
    colnames(coldat) <- c("sampleID")
    cd <- ess_list$experiments[grep("coldata", names(ess_list$experiments))][[1]]
    ### check add clr counts
    if ( !is.null(dim(cd)) )
        # colData(mae) <- S4Vectors::cbind.DataFrame(coldat, cd)
        colData(mae) <- DataFrame(cd)
    } else {
        colData(mae) <- coldat

.combMatrixForAssay <- function(explist, dimslist,
                                assayId=c("scADT", "scHTO", "scRNA"))
    assIdx <- grep(assayId, names(explist))
           "scADT"=, "scHTO"={
               if(length(explist[assIdx]) == 2)
                   m1 <- Matrix::Matrix(unlist(explist[assIdx]),
               } else {
                   m1 <- Matrix::Matrix(explist[[assIdx]])
               if(length(explist[assIdx]) == 2)
                   ## we can have at last 2 matrices
                   m1 <- cbind(explist[[assIdx[1]]], explist[[assIdx[2]]])
               } else {
                   m1 <- explist[[assIdx]]
           { stop("Unrecognized assayId: ", assayId) }
    if(length(explist[assIdx]) == 2)
        colnames(m1) <- c(paste0(rep(gsub("scADT|scHTO|scRNA","",
        rownames(m1) <- rownames(explist[[assIdx[[1]]]])
    } else {
        colnames(m1) <- paste0(rep(gsub("scADT|scHTO|scRNA","",
        rownames(m1) <- rownames(explist[[assIdx[[1]]]])

.buildColData <- function(mat1, assayId)
    cd <- DataFrame(
        condition=gsub("_\\w+", "", colnames(mat1))

.buildMap <- function(mat1, assayId)
    map <- DataFrame(assay=assayId,
                     #primary=gsub("_\\w+", "", colnames(mat1)),
                     condition=gsub("_\\w+", "", colnames(mat1)))

#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
.peripheral_blood <- function(ess_list)
    ll <- ess_list$experiments
    cdidx <- grep("coldata", names(ll))
    cd <- NULL
    if (length(cdidx)!=0)
        cd <- ll[[cdidx]]
        ll <- ess_list$experiments[-cdidx]
    ll <- lapply(ll, function(x)
        x <- x[order(rownames(x)),]

    dims <- lapply(ll, dim)
    # expslist <- vector("list", length(ll))
    # sampmap <- DataFrame()
    exps <- lapply(c("scADT", "scHTO", "scRNA"), function(assayn)
        if ( !isEmpty(grep(assayn, names(ll))) )
            assmat <- .combMatrixForAssay(explist=ll, dimslist=dims, assayId=assayn)
            assmap <- .buildMap(assmat, assayId=assayn)
            return(list("EXP"=assmat, "SAMP"=assmap, "NAME"=assayn))
    names(exps) <- unlist(lapply(exps, function(e){e$NAME}))
    expslist <- lapply(exps, function(e){e$EXP})
    sampmap <- do.call("rbind", lapply(exps, function(e){e$SAMP}))
    if (is.null(cd)) {
        coldat <- .buildColData(ll)
        coldat <- sampmap[,-c(1:2)]
        colnames(coldat) <- c("sampleID", "condition")
        rownames(coldat) <- coldat$sampleID
        coldat <- unique(coldat)
    } else {
        coldat <- cd
    mae <- MultiAssayExperiment::MultiAssayExperiment(experiments=expslist,
    if(!isEmpty(grep("TCR", names(ll))))
        metadata(mae) <- ll[grep("TCR", names(ll))]

#' CITEseq
#' @description function assembles data on-the-fly from `ExperimentHub`
#'     to provide a \linkS4class{MultiAssayExperiment} container. Actually
#'     the `dataType` argument provides access to the available datasets
#'     associated to the package.
#' @author Dario Righelli
#' @details CITEseq data are a combination of single cell transcriptomics and
#'     about a hundread of cell surface proteins.
#'     Available datasets are:
#'     \itemize{
#'         \item{cord_blood:} a dataset of single cells of cord blood as
#'         provided in Stoeckius et al. (2017).
#'          \itemize{
#'             \item{scRNA_Counts} - Stoeckius scRNA-seq gene count matrix
#'             \item{scADT} - Stoeckius antibody-derived tags (ADT) data
#'             }
#'      }
#'      \itemize{
#'         \item{peripheral_blood:} a dataset of single cells of peripheral
#'         blood as provided in Mimitou et al. (2019).
#'         We provide two different conditions controls (CTRL) and
#'         Cutaneous T-cell Limphoma (CTCL).
#'         Just build appropriate \code{modes} regex for subselecting the
#'         dataset modes.
#'          \itemize{
#'             \item{scRNA} - Mimitou scRNA-seq gene count matrix
#'             \item{scADT} - Mimitou antibody-derived tags (ADT) data
#'             \item{scHTO} - Mimitou Hashtag Oligo (HTO) data
#'             \item{TCRab} - Mimitou T-cell Receptors (TCR) alpha and beta
#'             available through the object metadata.
#'             \item{TCRgd} - Mimitou T-cell Receptors (TCR) gamma and delta
#'             available through the object metadata.
#'             }
#'      }
#' @param DataType character(1) indicating the identifier of the dataset to
#'     retrieve.  (default "cord_blood")
#' @param modes character() The assay types or modes of data to obtain these
#'     include scADT and scRNA-seq data by default.
#' @param version character(1) Either version '1.0.0' depending on
#'     data version required.
#' @param dry.run logical(1) Whether to return the dataset names before actual
#'     download (default TRUE)
#' @param filtered logical(1) indicating if the returned dataset needs to
#'     have filtered cells.
#'     See Details for additional information about the filtering process.
#' @param verbose logical(1) Whether to show the dataset currently being
#'     (down)loaded (default TRUE)
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to the
#'     \link[ExperimentHub]{ExperimentHub-class} constructor
#' @param DataClass either MultiAssayExperiment or SingleCellExperiment
#' data classes can be returned (default MultiAssayExperiment)
#' @details
#' If `filtered` parameter is `FALSE` (default), the `colData` of the returned
#' object contains multiple columns of `logicals` indicating the cells to be
#' discarded.
#' In case `filtered` is `TRUE`, the `discard` column is used to filer the
#' cells.
#' Column `adt.discard` indicates the cells to be discarded computed on the ADT
#' assay.
#' Column `mito.discard` indicates the cells to be discarded computed on the
#' RNA assay and mitocondrial genes.
#' Column `discard` combines the previous columns with an `OR` operator.
#' Note that for the `peripheral_blood` dataset these three columns are
#' computed and returned separately for the `CTCL` and `CTRL` conditions.
#' In this case the additional `discard` column combines the `discard.CTCL` and
#' `discard.CTRL` columns with an `OR` operator.
#' Cell filtering has been computed for `cord_blood` and `peripheral_blood`
#' datasets following section 12.3 of the Advanced Single-Cell Analysis with
#' Bioconductor book.
#' Executed code can be retrieved in the CITEseq_filtering.R script of this
#' package.
#' @return A single cell multi-modal \linkS4class{MultiAssayExperiment} or
#'     informative `data.frame` when `dry.run` is `TRUE`.
#'     When `DataClass` is `SingleCellExperiment` an object of this class
#'     is returned with an RNA assay as main experiment and other assay(s)
#'     as `AltExp(s)`.
#' @references Stoeckius et al. (2017), Mimitou et al. (2019)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mae <- CITEseq(DataType="cord_blood", dry.run=FALSE)
#' experiments(mae)
CITEseq <- function(DataType=c("cord_blood", "peripheral_blood"), modes="*",
                version="1.0.0", dry.run=TRUE, filtered=FALSE, verbose=TRUE,
                DataClass=c("MultiAssayExperiment", "SingleCellExperiment"),
    dataType <- match.arg(DataType)
    message("Dataset: ", dataType)
    dataClass <- match.arg(DataClass)
    ess_list <- .getResourcesList(prefix = "citeseq_", datatype = dataType,
                    modes=modes, version=version,
                    dry.run=dry.run, verbose=verbose, ...)
    if (!dry.run) {
        mae <- switch(
            "cord_blood" = { .cord_blood(ess_list=ess_list) },
            "peripheral_blood" = { .peripheral_blood(ess_list=ess_list) },
            ## Add here other CITE-seq datasets based on DataType identifier
            { stop("Unrecognized CITE-seq dataset name: ", DataType) }
        if (filtered) {
            sampleMap(mae) <- sampleMap(mae)[!colData(mae)$discard, ]
        if(dataClass=="SingleCellExperiment") return(.CITEseqMaeToSce(mae))
    } else {

#' CITEseqMaeToSce
#' @description converts a `MultiAssayExperiment` object with CITEseq data into
#' a `SingleCellExperiment` object to be used with already known methods and
#' packages in literature.
#' Note that for creating a `SingleCellExperiment` object the following function
#' subsets all the assays present in the `MultiAssayExperiment` with only the
#' common cells across all the modalities.
#' This could result in a not complete object.
#' @param mae a MultiAssayExperiment object with scRNA and/or scADT and/or
#' scHTO named experiments.
#' @return a SingleCellExperiment object as widely with scRNA data as counts
#' and scADT, scHTO data as altExps.
#' If only one modality is present, it has returned as main assay of the SCE.
#' @importFrom MultiAssayExperiment experiments
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment altExps colData counts
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @keywords internal
.CITEseqMaeToSce <- function(mae)
    stopifnot(c(is(mae, "MultiAssayExperiment"), !(length(mae)==0)))

    cs <- colnames(mae[[1]])
    for ( i in seq_along(mae)[-1]) { cs <- intersect(cs, colnames(mae[[i]])) }
    scelist <- lapply(seq_along(mae), function(i)
        sce <- SingleCellExperiment(list(counts=mae[[i]]))
        sce <- sce[, (colnames(sce) %in% cs)]
        cd <- colData(mae)[(rownames(colData(mae)) %in% colnames(sce)), ]
        colData(sce) <- cd
    names(scelist) <- names(mae)
    idx <- grep("scRNA", names(scelist))
    if (length(idx) != 0 )
        altExps(scelist[[idx]]) <- scelist[-idx]
        sce <- scelist[[idx]]
    } else {
        stop("Couldn't find RNA assay in MultiAssayExperiment")
    idx <- grep("scADT_clr", names(altExps(sce)))
    if( length(idx) != 0 )
        clr <- counts(altExps(sce)[[idx]])
        altExps(sce)[idx] <- NULL
        assays(altExp(sce)) <- SimpleList(counts=counts(altExp(sce)), clr=clr)

    if ( !isEmpty(metadata(mae))) {
        metadata(sce) <- metadata(mae)

waldronlab/SingleCellMultiModal documentation built on June 19, 2024, 8:57 p.m.