
Defines functions plotSubtypePurityPloidy plotPurityStrata .extractLower .extractUpper plotNrCNAsPerSubtype plotCorrelation plotNrSamples plotNrSubtypesVsNrGisticRegions plotSubclonalityDistributions volcanoCorrelation plotCommonSCNAs plotlyPie .getStateLegend .getStateColors ggplotSubtypeStrata bpSubtypeStrata circosSubtypeAssociation getCnvGenesFromTCGA

# author: Ludwig Geistlinger and Levi Waldron
# date: 2017-08-12 22:31:59
# descr: functionality for visualization of subtype clonality

bang_wong_colors <-
cb.pink <- "#CC79A7"
cb.darkred <- "#B42F32"
cb.red <- "#D55E00"
cb.lightred <- "#DF6747"
cb.blue <- "#0072B2"
cb.yellow <- "#F0E442"
cb.green <- "#009E73"
cb.lightblue <- "#56B4E9"
cb.lightorange <- "#FAAC77"
cb.orange <- "#E69F00"
cb.darkorange <- "#F6893D"
cb.lightgrey <- "#C9C9BD"
cb.darkgrey <- "#878D92"

stcols <- c(cb.lightblue, cb.green, cb.orange, cb.pink) 
bw.stcols <- grey(c(0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2)) 
SUBTYPES <- c("DIF", "IMR", "MES", "PRO")
names(stcols) <- names(bw.stcols) <- SUBTYPES 

# as from Figure 1b in TCGA OVC paper, Nature 2011
getCnvGenesFromTCGA <- function(excl = TRUE, build = c("hg19", "hg38"))
    build <- match.arg(build)
    data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="subtypeHeterogeneity")
    cnv.genes.file <- file.path(data.dir, "ovc_cnv_genes.txt") 
    cnv.genes <- scan(cnv.genes.file, what="character")

    if(excl) excl.genes <- c("XPR1", "PAX8", "SKP2", "PRIM2", "SOX17", "ERBB2",
                             "ERBB3", "DEPTOR", "CDKN2A", "ZMYND8", "ANKRD11")
    else excl.genes <- c("XPR1", "CD47", "TACC3", "DEPTOR", "ERBB2", "ERBB3",
                         "METTL17", "ANKRD11", "MAP2K4", "ZMYND8", "SC5D")
    cnv.genes <- setdiff(cnv.genes, excl.genes)

    if(build == "hg19") edb <- EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75::EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75
        ah <- AnnotationHub::AnnotationHub() 
        # query(ah, "EnsDb for Homo sapiens")
        edb <- ah[["AH78783"]] 
    filtr <- AnnotationFilter::GeneNameFilter(cnv.genes)
    gr <- GenomicFeatures::genes(edb, filter = list(filtr))
    gr <- keepStandardChromosomes(gr, pruning.mode = "coarse")
    gr <- gr[gr$gene_biotype == "protein_coding"]
    names(gr) <- gr$symbol
    gr <- as.data.frame(gr)
    gr <- gr[,1:3]
    gr[,1] <- as.integer(as.vector(gr[,1]))
    gr <- gr[do.call(order, gr),]
    gr[,1] <- paste0("chr", gr[,1])
    gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(gr)

# @args: gistic ... RangedSummarizedExperiment
circosSubtypeAssociation <- function(gistic, cnv.genes, bw = FALSE)
    gistic <- as.data.frame(rowRanges(gistic))
    gistic$alterationTypeColor <- ifelse(gistic$type=="Deletion", cb.blue, cb.red)
        gistic$alterationTypeColor <- ifelse(gistic$type=="Deletion", gray(0.8), gray(0.1))
        stcols <- rev(gray(c(0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9)))
        names(stcols) <- c("DIF", "IMR", "MES", "PRO")
    gistic$subtype <- c("PRO", "MES", "DIF", "IMR")[gistic$subtype]
    gistic$subtypeColor <- stcols[gistic$subtype]
    circlize::circos.initializeWithIdeogram(species="hg19", chr=paste0("chr",1:22), plotType=NULL)
    df <- circlize::read.chromInfo(species="hg19")
    circlize::circos.genomicInitialize(df$df[df$df[,1] %in% paste0("chr",1:22),], plotType=NULL)

    # outer circle: GISTIC alteration type (amplification / deletion)
    circlize::circos.trackPlotRegion(ylim=c(0, 1), 
        panel.fun =
            function(x, y)
                chr <- circlize::get.cell.meta.data("sector.index")
                xlim <- circlize::get.cell.meta.data("xlim")
                ylim <- circlize::get.cell.meta.data("ylim")
                circlize::circos.rect(xlim[1], 0, xlim[2], 0.5, col="white")
                circlize::circos.text(mean(xlim), 0.9, chr, 
                    cex=0.5, facing="clockwise", niceFacing=TRUE)       
                # add cnvrs
                ccnvrs <- gistic[gistic[,1]==chr,]
                    for(i in seq_len(nrow(ccnvrs)))
                        circlize::circos.rect(ccnvrs[i,2], 0, 
                            ccnvrs[i,3], 0.5, 
            }, bg.border = NA)

    # inner circle: subtype association
            function(x, y)
                # chromosomal layout
                chr <- circlize::get.cell.meta.data("sector.index")
                xlim <- circlize::get.cell.meta.data("xlim")
                ylim <- circlize::get.cell.meta.data("ylim")
                circlize::circos.rect(xlim[1], 0, xlim[2], 0.5, col="white")
                # add cnvrs
                ccnvrs <- gistic[gistic[,1]==chr,]
                    for(i in seq_len(nrow(ccnvrs)))
                        circlize::circos.rect(ccnvrs[i,2], 0,  
                            ccnvrs[i,3], 0.5, 
                       circlize::circos.text(mean(unlist(ccnvrs[i,2:3])), 0.2, 
                            ccnvrs[i,"significance"], cex=0.7)
                         #   #, facing="clockwise", niceFacing=TRUE)

                # add genes
                cnv.genes <- as.data.frame(cnv.genes)
                cgenes <- cnv.genes[cnv.genes[,1]==chr,]
                    for(i in seq_len(nrow(cgenes)))
                        circlize::circos.text(mean(unlist(cgenes[i,2:3])), 0.8, 
                            substring(rownames(cgenes)[i],1,5), cex=0.4 
                                , facing="clockwise", niceFacing=TRUE)

            }, bg.border=NA)

    legend("bottomleft", legend=c("deletion", "amplification"), 
        col=c(gray(0.8), gray(0.1)), lwd=2, cex=0.6, title="Outer circle")

    legend("bottomright", legend = names(stcols), 
        col=stcols, lwd=2, cex=0.6, title="Inner circle")

bpSubtypeStrata <- function(x, type=c("gain", "loss"))
    type <- match.arg(type)
    col <- .getStateColors(type) 
    ltext <- .getStateLegend(type)
    dens <- c(-1,-1, 40, -1, 40)

    if(nrow(x) < 5)
        col <- col[1:3]
        ltext <- ltext[1:3]
        dens <- dens[1:3]

    barplot(x, ylab="#tumors",
        args.legend=c(x=ifelse(ncol(x) == 3, "topright", "top")), 

ggplotSubtypeStrata <- function(x, type=c("gain", "loss"))
    .single <- function(y, ty=type)
        ty <- match.arg(ty)
        col <- .getStateColors(ty) 
        ltext <- .getStateLegend(ty)
        alpha <- c(1,1,0.5,1,0.5)   
        if(nrow(y) < 5)
            col <- col[1:3]
            ltext <- ltext[1:3]
            alpha <- alpha[1:3]

        df <- reshape2::melt(y)
        colnames(df) <- c("state", "subtype", "tumors")
        df$state <- factor(ltext[df$state], levels=rev(ltext))
        df$subtype <- factor(as.vector(df$subtype), levels=sort(levels(df$subtype)))
        df$color <- rev(col)[df$state]
        df$alpha <- ifelse(grepl("subclonal", df$state), 0.5, 1)

        genes <- names(x)
        df <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) .single(x[[i]], type[i]))
        nr <- vapply(df, nrow, integer(1))
        df <- do.call(rbind, df)
        df$state <- factor(as.vector(df$state), levels=sort(levels(df$state))[c(2,1,4,3,6,5,7)])
        df$gene <- factor(rep(genes, times=nr), levels=genes)
    else df <- .single(x, type)

    p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=df, ggplot2::aes(x=subtype, y=tumors, fill=state, alpha=state)) + 
                ggplot2::geom_col() + 
                ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=rev(df$color[!duplicated(df$state)])) + 

    if(is.list(x)) p + ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~ gene, 
                       ncol = ifelse(length(x) %% 2 == 0, length(x) / 2, length(x)))
    else p

.getStateColors <- function(type=c("gain", "loss"))
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if(type == "gain")
        n1.col <- cb.orange
        n2.col <- cb.red
        n1.col <- cb.green
        n2.col <- cb.blue
    col <- c("grey", rep(n1.col, 2), rep(n2.col, 2))

.getStateLegend <- function(type=c("gain", "loss"))
    type <- match.arg(type)
    ltext <- c("normal", 
                paste0("1-copy xxxx (", c("", "sub"), "clonal)"),
                paste0("2-copy xxxx (", c("", "sub"), "clonal)"))
    ltext <- sub("xxxx", type, ltext)
    if(type == "gain")
        #ltext[4] <- substitute(pre>=suff, list(pre="", suff=ltext[4]))
        #ltext[5] <- substitute(pre>=suff, list(pre="", suff=ltext[5])) 
        ltext[4:5] <- paste0(">=", ltext[4:5])

plotlyPie <- function(labels, values, colors, out.file=NULL)
    p <- plotly::plot_ly(
        labels = labels, 
        values = values, 
        type = 'pie',
        textposition = 'inside',
        textinfo = 'label+percent',
        insidetextfont = list(color = '#FFFFFF', size=30),
        pull = 0.01,
        hole = 0.01, 
        marker = list(colors = colors,
                     line = list(color = '#FFFFFF', width = 1)),
       showlegend = FALSE) %>% 
        xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE),
        yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE, zeroline = FALSE, showticklabels = FALSE))

        Sys.setenv('MAPBOX_TOKEN' = "pk.eyJ1IjoibHVkd2lnZyIsImEiOiJjamx3cXFwMm8xOGJ3M2tvZGV5amozNG5rIn0.-EpukkiU2QxcbUvFtq1QOw")
        plotly::orca(p, "pie-plot.pdf")

plotCommonSCNAs <- function(ovranges, sarcranges)
    # restrict to significant subtye assocation
    ovsig <- ovranges[ovranges$adj.pval < 0.1]
    sarcsig <- sarcranges[sarcranges$adj.pval < 0.1]
    hits <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(ovsig, sarcsig)
    qh <- S4Vectors::queryHits(hits)
    sh <- S4Vectors::subjectHits(hits)
    ovsig <- ovsig[qh]
    sarcsig <- sarcsig[sh]
    is.type <- ovsig$type == sarcsig$type
    len <- length(hits)
    col <- rep("grey", len)
    for(i in seq_len(len)) 
        if(is.type[i]) col[i] <- ifelse(ovsig$type[i] == "Deletion", cb.blue, cb.red)

    plot(ovsig$subcl, sarcsig$subcl, 
            xlab="OV subclonality", ylab="SARC subclonality", col=col)
    text(x=0.3, y=0.249, "chr13:q14.2 (RB1)", pos=4)
    text(x=0.56, y=0.625, "chr20:q13.33 (EEF1A2)", pos=2)
    text(x=0.6, y=0.678, "chr8:q24.21 (MYC)", pos=2)
    text(x=0.463, y=0.351, "chr3:q13.31 (TUSC7)", pos=4)
    text(x=0.483, y=0.455, "chr2:q37.3 (ING5)", pos=4) 
    text(x=0.483, y=0.512, "chr2:q37.3 (TWIST2)", pos=4) 
    text(x=0.305, y=0.625, "chr8:p23.2 (CSMD1)", pos=4)
    text(x=0.265, y=0.58, "chr15:q15.1 (MGA)", pos=4)
    text(x=0.29, y=0.564, "chr15:q11.2 (Prader-Willi)", pos=4)
    text(x=0.47, y=0.5, "chr1:q42.3 (ARID4B)", pos=2)
    text(x=0.477, y=0.53, "chr6:p22.3 (RNF144B)", pos=4)

    legend("bottomright", lwd=2, col=c(cb.blue, cb.red, "grey"), legend=c("deletion", "amplification", "amp-OV/del-SARC"))

volcanoCorrelation <- function(rho, p)
    plot(x=rho, y=-log(p, base=10), 
        ylab="-log10(p)", xlab="Spearman correlation", col="white")
    text(x=rho, y=-log(p, base=10), names(allCT), cex=0.8)

plotSubclonalityDistributions <- function(subcl.scores)
    meds <- sapply(subcl.scores, median)
    ind <- order(meds)
    subcl.scores <- subcl.scores[ind]
    boxplot(subcl.scores, ylab="subclonality score")

plotNrSubtypesVsNrGisticRegions <- function(nr.sts, nr.gregs)
    plot(nr.sts, nr.gregs, col="white", xlab="#subtypes", ylab="#GISTIC.regions")
    text(nr.sts, nr.gregs, names(nr.sts), cex=0.8)

# plot nr of samples available for each cancer type
plotNrSamples <- function(gistic, subtypes, absolute)
    dat <- rbind(gistic, subtypes, absolute) 
    dat <- dat[,order(subtypes)]

    barplot(dat, beside=TRUE, ylab="#samples")
    legend("topleft", lwd=3, 
        legend=c("gistic", "subtype", "absolute"),  
        col=c("black", "darkgrey", "lightgrey"))

# scatterplot correlation between 
#   (1) subtype association score, and 
#   (2) subclonality score
plotCorrelation <- function(assoc.score, subcl.score, 
    subtypes=NULL, stcols=NULL, xlim=NULL, lpos="bottomright")
        col <- cb.red
        pch <- 20
        col <- stcols[subtypes]
        pch <- c(20, 15, 17, 8)
        pch <- pch[subtypes]
    if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(0, max(assoc.score))
    plot(assoc.score, subcl.score, col=col, xlim=xlim, pch = pch,
        xlab=expression(paste("Subtype association score ", italic(S[A]))), 
        ylab=expression(paste("Subclonality score ", italic(S[C]))))
    rho <- cor(assoc.score, subcl.score, method="spearman")
    rho <- paste("cor", round(rho, digits=3), sep=" = ")

    p <- cor.test(assoc.score, subcl.score, method="spearman", exact=FALSE)
    p <- p$p.value
    p <- paste("   p", round(p, digits=3), sep=" = ")
    legend("topright", legend=c(rho, p))
        ind <- order(names(stcols))
        stcols <- stcols[ind]
        pch <- c(20, 15, 17, 8)
        legend(lpos, legend=names(stcols), col=stcols, pch = pch[ind])

    abline(lm(subcl.score ~ assoc.score), lty=2, col="grey")

# barplot summarizing associated CNAs per subtype
plotNrCNAsPerSubtype <- function(type, subtype, bw = FALSE)
    spl <- split(type, subtype)
    .countType <- 
            nr.amp <- sum(s == "Amplification")
            nr.del <- length(s) - nr.amp
            res <- c(nr.amp, nr.del)
            names(res) <- c("Amplification", "Deletion")
    m <- vapply(spl, .countType, integer(2))
    m <- m[2:1,]     
    m <- m[,order(colSums(m))]
    colnames(m) <- c("MES", "DIF", "IMR", "PRO")

    col <- if(bw) gray(c(0.8, 0.1)) else c(cb.blue, cb.red)  
        stcols <- rev(gray(c(0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9)))
        names(stcols) <- c("DIF", "IMR", "MES", "PRO")
    bcol <- stcols[colnames(m)]
    bp <- barplot(m, col=col, border=NA, ylab="#CNAs")
    for(i in 1:4) 
        rect( xleft=bp[i]-0.5, ybottom=0, 
                xright=bp[i]+0.5, ytop=sum(m[,i]), 
                border=bcol[i], lwd=3)

.extractUpper <- function(x)
    spl <- unlist(strsplit(x, ","))[2]
    spl <- substring(spl, 1, nchar(spl)-1)
    spl <- as.numeric(spl)

.extractLower <- function(x)
    spl <- unlist(strsplit(x, ","))[1]
    spl <- substring(spl, 2, nchar(spl))
    spl <- as.numeric(spl)

plotPurityStrata <- function(puri.ploi, subtys, gistic, absGRL,
    method=c("equal.bin", "quintile"))
    method <- match.arg(method)
    puri.ploi <- puri.ploi[!is.na(puri.ploi[,1]),]
    cids <- intersect(rownames(subtys), rownames(puri.ploi))    

    sebin <- stratifyByPurity(ovsubs, puri.ploi, method=method)
    sex <- vapply(names(sebin), .extractUpper, numeric(1))
    sel <- vapply(names(sebin), .extractLower, numeric(1))
    if(method=="equal.bin") sebin <- sebin[-1] 
    strata.cor <- vapply(sebin, function(ids) 
                    analyzeStrata(ids, absGRL, gistic, subtys), numeric(1))
    hcols <- rev(grey(2:6/8))
    col.ind <- vapply(puri.ploi[cids,1], 
                    function(p) min(which(p <= sex)), integer(1)) 
    plot(puri.ploi[cids,1], puri.ploi[cids,2], 
            col=hcols[col.ind], xlab="purity", ylab="ploidy")
    abline(v=sex[1:4], col=hcols[2:5], lty=3)
        sex <- sex[-1]
        sel <- sel[-1]
    xm <- sel + (sex - sel) / 2
    text(x=xm, y=8, labels=round(strata.cor, digits=2), col=hcols, font=2)
    axis(3, labels=lengths(sebin), at=xm)
    mtext("#tumors", line=3)

#@subtys: a matrix with sample IDs as rownames and at least a column 'cluster'
#@puri.ploi: a matrix with sample IDs as rownames and at least two columns
#               named 'purity' and 'ploidy'
#@returns: plots to a graphics device
plotSubtypePurityPloidy <- function(subtys, puri.ploi)
    cids <- intersect(rownames(subtys), rownames(puri.ploi)) 
    subtys <- subtys[cids, "subtype"] 
    puri.ploi <- puri.ploi[cids,]
    for(i in c(1:2,4,3))
        title <- colnames(puri.ploi)[i]
        title <- gsub("\\.", " ", title)
        vlist <- split(puri.ploi[,i], subtys)
        if(i != 3) suppressWarnings( boxplot(vlist, col=stcols[names(vlist)], 
                    ylab=title, varwidth=TRUE, notch=TRUE, main="") )
            cols <- c("mistyrose2", "moccasin", "plum3")
            tlist <- sapply(vlist, table)
            barplot(tlist, ylab="#tumors", ylim=c(0,170), main="", col=cols)
            legend("topleft", legend=0:2, lwd=4, col=cols, horiz=TRUE)
waldronlab/subtypeHeterogeneity documentation built on Oct. 28, 2020, 9:14 a.m.