
Defines functions probSubtreeLinear probSubtreeR probPTreeGivenTTreeR

Documented in probPTreeGivenTTreeR

#' Calculate the probability of a phylogenetic tree given a transmission tree
#' @param ctree Combined phylogenetic/transmission tree
#' @param neg Within-host coalescent rate
#' @param w Vector of hosts for which to calculate the probability, or NULL for all
#' @return Probability of phylogeny given transmission tree
#' @export
probPTreeGivenTTreeR = function(ctree,neg,w=NULL)  {
  #if (is.list(ctree)) ctree=ctree$ctree
  prob <- 0 
  if (!is.null(w)) wi=intersect(wi,w)
  parents <- rep(NA, nrow(ctree))
  parents[ctree[ ,2:3] + 1] <- 1:nrow(ctree)
  for (i in wi) {
    #subtree <- extractSubtree(ctree,i,parents) 
    toinc <- which(ctree[,4]==i)
    toinc <- c(toinc,parents[toinc[length(toinc)]])
    revtoinc <- rep(0,nrow(ctree))
    revtoinc[toinc] <- 1:length(toinc)
    subtree <- cbind(ctree[toinc,1],revtoinc[parents[toinc]])
    prob <- prob + probSubtreeR(subtree,neg) 

#extractSubtree = function(ctree,w)  {
#  #Take all nodes in host 
#  ind <- which(ctree[,4] == w)
#  #Add father of oldest node 
#  ind <- c(ind,which(ctree[,2]==ind[length(ind)]|ctree[,3]==ind[length(ind)]))
#  #Create subtree 
#  subtree <- matrix(0, length(ind), 2) 
#  for (i in 1:length(ind)) { 
#    subtree[i,1] <- ctree[ind[i],1]
#    subtree[which(ind==ctree[ind[i],2]),2]=i
#    subtree[which(ind==ctree[ind[i],3]),2]=i
#  } 
#  return(subtree)

probSubtreeR=function(tab,rate)  {
  #tab[,1]=times at bottom;tab[,2]=father;rate=coalescence rate 
  #Return the log-prior probability of a subtree 
  #This is an extension to Eq1 of Drummond et al(2002) Genetics 161:1307-1320 that accounts for condition TMRCA<INCUBATION_PERIOD 
  p <- 0 
  tab[ ,1] <- max(tab[ ,1])-tab[ ,1];#convert times to ages
  isiso <- rep(1, nrow(tab)) 
  isiso[tab[1:(nrow(tab)-1),2]] <- 0 
  ex <- rep(0, nrow(tab))#Keep track of which nodes are active 
  #MySort <- sort(tab[ ,1],index.return = TRUE); ind <- MySort$ix 
  ind=c(1+which(tab[2:nrow(tab),1]<tab[1,1]),1,1+which(tab[2:nrow(tab),1]>tab[1,1]))#The tab matrix should be already ordered, except maybe the first leaf corresponding to a sample
  iso=c(which(tab[,1]<tab[1,1]&isiso),1,which(tab[,1]>tab[1,1]&isiso))#List of leaves in increasing order of age
  cur <- iso[1]#Start with youngest leaf
  while (tab[cur,2] > 0) {ex[cur] <- 1;cur <- tab[cur,2]}#Activate path to root
  ex[length(ex)] <- 1#Activate root
  for (l in iso[-1]) {#For all leaves in increasing order of age
    isanc <- rep(0, nrow(tab))#Ancestors of the current node 
    anc <- l
    while (tab[anc,2] > 0)  { 
      isanc[anc] <- 1 
      anc <- tab[anc,2] 
    bra1 <- 0 
    bra2 <- 0 
    start <- FALSE 
    found <- FALSE 
    curage <- 0 
    k <- 0 
    for (i in ind) {
      if (i == l)  { 
        start <- TRUE 
        curage <- tab[l,1] 
      if (ex[i]==0) next #Ignore non-existent nodes
      if (start)  { 
        if (!found)  { 
          bra1 <- bra1 + k*(tab[i,1]-curage) 
          if (isanc[i])  found <- TRUE 
        bra2 <- bra2 + k*(tab[i,1]-curage) 
      curage <- tab[i,1] 
      if (isiso[i])  k <- k + 1 else k <- k-ex[i] + 1
    p <- p-log(rate)-bra1/rate-log(1-exp(-bra2/rate))
    if (k != 1) warning('k!=1')
    if (bra1 >= bra2)  warning('bra1>=bra2')
    #Make all ancestors of current node active
    cur <- l
    while (TRUE) {
      if (ex[cur] == 1) {ex[cur] <- 2;break}
      ex[cur] <- 1
      cur <- tab[cur,2]
  if (min(ex)==0) warning('Warning: some nodes have not been activated')
  if (length(which(ex==2))!=(length(iso)-1)) warning('Warning: some internal nodes have not been activated twice')

probSubtreeLinear=function(tab,rate)  {
  #tab[,1]=times at bottom;tab[,2]=father;rate=linear growth rate of within-host population 
  #Return the log-prior probability of a subtree 
  p <- 0 
  tab[ ,1] <- tab[ ,1]-min(tab[,1])#convert dates to relative dates
  isiso <- rep(1, nrow(tab)) 
  isiso[tab[1:(nrow(tab)-1),2]] <- 0
  tab[,2]=cumsum(tab[,2])#number of live lineages
  for (i in 2:(nrow(tab)-1)) {
    if (tab[i,2]>1) p=p-choose(tab[i,2],2)*(log(tab[i+1,1])-log(tab[i,1]))/rate
    if (tab[i,2]>tab[i-1,2]) p=p-log(rate*tab[i,1])#-log(choose(tab[i,2],2))
xavierdidelot/EpiPhylo documentation built on Sept. 28, 2023, 6:39 p.m.