#' Plot the methylation correlation.
#' @import corrplot
#' @description This function outputs the correlation plot for the methylation level of different samples or groups based on R package corrplot.
#' @param inputmethfile_QC refers to the input file with methylation levels, with default inputmethfile after quality control.
#' @param unmeth_exclude refers to whether to exclude the unmethylated sites or regions, with default TRUE.
#' @return Outputs a correlation figure.
#' @examples
#' Correlation_plot(inputmethfile_QC)
#' Correlation_plot(siteall)
#' Correlation_plot(regiongenealls)
#' Correlation_plot(genefeatureall_cpgfeature)
#' Correlation_plot(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, unmeth_exclude = FALSE)
#' @export
Correlation_plot <- function(inputmethfile_QC, unmeth_exclude = TRUE){
# calculate the total feature and group number from input inputmethfile_QC #
featurenum <- length(grep("Methgroup1", colnames(inputmethfile_QC)))
# judge group or sample #
if(featurenum > 0){
methpos <- grep("Methgroup", colnames(inputmethfile_QC))
samplematrix <- inputmethfile_QC[, methpos]
# NaN is filled by 0 for correlation #
samplematrix[samplematrix == "NaN"] <- 0
# for sample #
# new matrix for all samples #
samplepos <- grep("_", colnames(inputmethfile_QC))
sampledata <- inputmethfile_QC[, samplepos]
# methylation level #
Cspos <- grep("Cs", colnames(sampledata))
Tspos <- grep("Ts", colnames(sampledata))
samplematrix <- sampledata[, Cspos] / (sampledata[, Cspos] + sampledata[, Tspos])
# opitional #
#samplematrix <- array(0, c(nrow(sampledata), (ncol(sampledata) / 2)))
#for(i in 1:(ncol(sampledata) / 2)){
# methylation level #
#samplematrix[, i] <- sampledata[, (2*i - 1)] / (sampledata[, (2*i - 1)] + sampledata[, (2*i)])
# rename by lapply function for vector strsplit#
samplename <- colnames(sampledata)[grep("Cs", colnames(sampledata))]
colnames(samplematrix) <- paste("Methsample", unlist(lapply(samplename, FUN = function(x) {return(strsplit(x, split = "Cs")[[1]][2])})))
# exclude the unmethylated rows #
if(unmeth_exclude == TRUE){
samplematrix <- data.frame(samplematrix, unmeth = apply(samplematrix, 1, sum))
unmeth_samplematrix <- samplematrix[samplematrix$unmeth != 0, ]
samplematrix <- unmeth_samplematrix[, -grep("unmeth", colnames(unmeth_samplematrix))]
# correlation #
Maxcor <- cor(as.matrix(samplematrix))
res <- cor.mtest(as.matrix(samplematrix), conf.level = .95)
corrplot(Maxcor, type="upper", order="hclust", p.mat = res$p,
insig = "label_sig",sig.level = c(.001, .01, .05), pch.cex = .9, pch.col = "black")
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