
Defines functions ldw_parse_model_string ldw_parse_get_modifier ldw_adapt_vector_type ldw_evaluate_r_expression ldw_unpaste ldw_num_modifier ldw_parse_check_valid_name ldw_parse_step2 ldw_parse_step1 ldw_txtloc ldw_parse_sublist ldw_create_enum

# ----------------------- intro -------------------------------------------
# Trying to implement a cleaner, more structurated version of
# lavaan function lavParseModelString
# Written by Luc De Wilde in september/october 2023
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

#------------------------- known differences ------------------------------
# Different behaviour of new code:
# Lines ending with a '+', "*" or "=~" are explicitly concatenated with the
#         following line (current code achieves the same, but via other means)
# Lines beginning with these same string are concatenated to the previous line.
# Labels given via label(...), equal(...) or rv(...) can contain spaces.
# Adding modifiers to a lhs-op-rhs-block item can be done
#                        on a new line (cf. multimod.lmd)
# Adding multiple times the same modifier results in the last one being applied.
# if model is given in a character-vector with length > 1 and some comments
#   that include a lavaan operator or "efa", the current procedure gives
#   a fatal error while the new procedure doesn't (cf. first test
#   'non collapsed' in testing.R)
# if there are blocks defined and the first one occurs after other formula's
#  have been processed, a warning is given
# Splitting of lavaan operators "=~" and "~~" is possible and regulated by
# parameter spaces.in.operator:
#   ignore: silently remove spaces
#   warn: remove spaces and gives warning
#   error: spaces are not removed and this will lead to a syntax error
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------- ldw_create_enum ---------------------------------
# function to create an Enumerable like structure in R
#  usage example  mycolors <- ldw_create_enum(c("black", "white", "orange", "green", "red", "blue"))
#                 xyz <- mycolors$red
# values are default 1L, ..., number of names, but can be user specified
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ldw_create_enum <- function(names, values = seq_along(names)) {
  stopifnot(identical(unique(names), names), is.character(names))
  stopifnot(length(names) == length(values))
  res <- as.list(setNames(values, names))
  res$enum.names <- names
  res$enum.values <- values
  res$enum.size <- length(values)
  res <- as.environment(res)
  lockEnvironment(res, bindings = TRUE)

# ------------------------ ldw_parse_sublist ------------------------------------
# function to create a list with only some indexes for all members
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ldw_parse_sublist <- function(inlist, indexes) {
  for (j in seq_along(inlist)) {
    inlist[[j]] <- inlist[[j]][indexes]

# ------------------------ ldw_txtloc  --------------------------------
# function which translates a position in the model source string to a
# user friendly locator and shows the line with position
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ldw_txtloc <- function(modelsrc, position) {
  txt <- ""
  if (nchar(modelsrc) >= position && position > 0) {
    newlines <- gregexpr("\n", paste0(modelsrc, "\n"), fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
    lijn <- which(newlines >= position)[1]
    if (lijn == 1L) {
      pos <- position
      lijnchar <- substr(modelsrc, 1L, newlines[1])
    } else {
      pos <- position - newlines[lijn - 1L]
      lijnchar <- substr(modelsrc, newlines[lijn - 1L] + 1L, newlines[lijn])
    if (nchar(lijnchar) == 1L) {
      lijnchar <- ""
    } else {
      lijnchar <- substr(lijnchar, 1L, nchar(lijnchar) - 1)
    # adapt line number when first line blank :
    if (grepl("^[ \t]*\n", modelsrc)) lijn <- lijn - 1L
    txt <- gettextf(" at line %1$s, pos %2$s", lijn, pos)
    cat(lijnchar, "\n", strrep(" ", pos - 1L), "^\n", sep = "")

# ------------------------ ldw_parse_step1 ------------------------------
# function to split the model source in tokens.
# Returns a list with tokens with their attributes
#   elem.pos  : position in source
#   elem.type : type of token (cf. definition of types
#               in ldw_parse_model_string)
#   elem.text : the text of the token
#   elem.formule.number : sequence number of the 'logical'
#                         formula where the token occurs
# the function returns the stored tokens in a list
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ldw_parse_step1 <- function(modelsrc, types, debug, warn, spaces.in.operator) {
  nmax <- nchar(modelsrc)
  elem.pos <- vector("integer", nmax)
  elem.type <- elem.pos
  elem.text <- vector("character", nmax)
  elem.i <- 1L
  modelsrcw <- paste0(modelsrc, "\n") # working model, must end
                                      # with a newline for tests via regexpr
  stringliterals <- gregexpr("\"[^\"]*?[\"\n]", modelsrcw)[[1L]]
  if (stringliterals[1L] > -1L) {
    stringliteral.lengths <- attr(stringliterals, "match.length")
    for (i in seq_along(stringliterals)) {
      pfpos <- stringliterals[i]
      pflen <- stringliteral.lengths[i]
      substr(modelsrcw, pfpos + 1L, pfpos + pflen - 2L) <-
                                                      strrep(" ", pflen - 2L)
      elem.pos[elem.i] <- pfpos
      elem.text[elem.i] <- substr(modelsrc, pfpos + 1L, pfpos + pflen - 2L)
      elem.type[elem.i] <- types$stringliteral
      elem.i <- elem.i + 1L
  comments <- gregexpr("[#!].*?\n", modelsrcw)[[1L]]
  if (comments[1] > -1L) {
    comment.lengths <- attr(comments, "match.length")
    for (i in seq_along(comments)) {
      substr(modelsrcw, comments[i], comments[i] + comment.lengths[i] - 1L) <-
                                          strrep(" ", comment.lengths[i] - 1L)
      # check for stringliterals in comment
      str.in.comment <- (elem.pos > comments[i] &
                           elem.pos < comments[i] + comment.lengths[i])
      if (any(str.in.comment)) {
        elem.type[str.in.comment] <- 0
  modelsrcw <- gsub("\t", " ", modelsrcw)
  newlines <- gregexpr("[;\n]", modelsrcw)[[1L]]
  if (newlines[1L] > -1L) {
    for (i in seq_along(newlines)) {
      pfpos <- newlines[i]
      substr(modelsrcw, pfpos, pfpos) <- "\n"
      elem.pos[elem.i] <- pfpos
      elem.text[elem.i] <- "\n"
      elem.type[elem.i] <- types$newline
      elem.i <- elem.i + 1L
  # --------------------- handling spaces.in.operator ------------------------
  if (spaces.in.operator != "error") {
    if (grepl("= +~", modelsrcw)) {
      waar <- regexpr("= +~", modelsrcw)[1]
      modelsrcw <- gsub("=( +)~", "=~\\1", modelsrcw)
      if (spaces.in.operator == "warn" && warn == TRUE) {
        lav_msg_warn(gettext("splitting of '=~' deprecated"),
                     ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, waar))
    if (grepl("[^=~]~ +~", modelsrcw)) {
      waar <- regexpr("[^=~]~ +~", modelsrcw)[1]
      modelsrcw <- gsub("([^=~])~( +)~", "\\1~~\\2", modelsrcw)
      if (spaces.in.operator == "warn" && warn == TRUE) {
        lav_msg_warn(gettext("splitting of '~~' deprecated"),
                     ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, waar + 1L))
  # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  lavops <- gregexpr("=~|<~|~\\*~|~~|~|==|<|>|:=|:|\\||%", modelsrcw)[[1]]
  if (lavops[1L] > -1L) {
    lavop.lengths <- attr(lavops, "match.length")
    for (i in seq_along(lavops)) {
      pfpos <- lavops[i]
      pflen <- lavop.lengths[i]
      elem.pos[elem.i] <- pfpos
      elem.text[elem.i] <- substr(modelsrcw, pfpos, pfpos + pflen - 1L)
      elem.type[elem.i] <- types$lavaanoperator
      substr(modelsrcw, pfpos, pfpos + pflen - 1L) <- strrep(" ", pflen)
      elem.i <- elem.i + 1L
  symbols <- gregexpr("[,()/*?^']", modelsrcw)[[1L]] # f1=~x2 + 0.5 ? x3
  symbols1 <- gregexpr("[-+][^.0-9]", modelsrcw)[[1L]] # f1=~x2+x3
  symbols2 <- gregexpr("[._0-9a-df-zA-DF-Z)] *[-+][.0-9]", modelsrcw)[[1L]]
                                                       # f1=~x2+2*x3, len-2 !
  symbols3 <- gregexpr("[^.0-9][eE] *[-+][.0-9]", modelsrcw)[[1L]]
                                                       # f1=~xe+2*x3, len-2 !
  if (symbols1[1L] > -1L) {
    if (symbols[1L] == -1L) {
      symbols <- symbols1
    } else {
      symbols <- c(symbols, symbols1)
  if (symbols2[1L] > -1L) {
    symbols2.lengths <- attr(symbols2, "match.length")
    symbols2 <- symbols2 + symbols2.lengths - 2L
    if (symbols[1L] == -1L) {
      symbols <- symbols2
    } else {
      symbols <- c(symbols, symbols2)
  if (symbols3[1L] > -1L) {
    symbols3.lengths <- attr(symbols3, "match.length")
    symbols3 <- symbols3 + symbols3.lengths - 2L
    if (symbols[1L] == -1L) {
      symbols <- symbols3
    } else {
      symbols <- c(symbols, symbols3)
  if (symbols[1L] > -1L) {
    for (i in seq_along(symbols)) {
      pfpos <- symbols[i]
      substr(modelsrcw, pfpos, pfpos) <- " "
      elem.pos[elem.i] <- pfpos
      elem.text[elem.i] <- substr(modelsrc, pfpos, pfpos)
      elem.type[elem.i] <- types$symbol
      elem.i <- elem.i + 1L

  numliterals <- gregexpr(
    "([ \n][-+][.0-9]|[ \n]\\.[0-9]|[ \n][0-9])[-+\\.0-9eE]*",
  if (numliterals[1L] > -1L) {
    numliteral.lengths <- attr(numliterals, "match.length") - 1L
    numliterals <- numliterals + 1L
    for (i in seq_along(numliterals)) {
      pfpos <- numliterals[i]
      pflen <- numliteral.lengths[i]
      substr(modelsrcw, pfpos, pfpos + pflen - 1L) <- strrep(" ", pflen)
      elem.pos[elem.i] <- pfpos
      elem.text[elem.i] <- substr(modelsrc, pfpos, pfpos + pflen - 1L)
      elem.type[elem.i] <- types$numliteral
      elem.i <- elem.i + 1L
  identifiers <- gregexpr(
    "[ \n][_.a-zA-Z][._a-zA-Z0-9]*",
    paste0(" ", modelsrcw))[[1]]
  identifier.lengths <- attr(identifiers, "match.length") - 1L
  for (i in seq_along(identifiers)) {
    pfpos <- identifiers[i]
    pflen <- identifier.lengths[i]
    substr(modelsrcw, pfpos, pfpos + pflen - 1L) <- strrep(" ", pflen)
    elem.pos[elem.i] <- pfpos
    elem.text[elem.i] <- substr(modelsrc, pfpos, pfpos + pflen - 1L)
    elem.type[elem.i] <- types$identifier
    elem.i <- elem.i + 1L
  # check for uninterpreted chars
  wrong <- regexpr("[^\"\n ]", modelsrcw)
  if (wrong != -1L) {
    lav_msg_stop(gettext("unexpected character"),
                 ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, wrong))
  # remove unused elements from vectors
  elements <- which(elem.type > 0L)
  elem.pos <- elem.pos[elements]
  elem.type <- elem.type[elements]
  elem.text <- elem.text[elements]
  # order tokens
  token.order <- order(elem.pos)
  elem.pos <- elem.pos[token.order]
  elem.type <- elem.type[token.order]
  elem.text <- elem.text[token.order]

  # concatenate identifiers with only spaces in between - LDW 22/4/2024
  elem.i <- length(elem.pos)
  concatenated <- FALSE
  while (elem.i > 1L) {
    if (elem.type[elem.i] == types$identifier &&
        elem.type[elem.i - 1L] == types$identifier) {
        spaces.between <- elem.pos[elem.i] - elem.pos[elem.i - 1L] -
          length(elem.text[elem.i - 1L])
        elem.text[elem.i - 1L] <- paste0(
          elem.text[elem.i - 1L],
          strrep(" ", spaces.between),
        elem.type[elem.i] <- 0L
        concatenated <- TRUE
    elem.i <- elem.i - 1L
  if (concatenated) { # remove items with type 0
    elements <- which(elem.type > 0L)
    elem.pos <- elem.pos[elements]
    elem.type <- elem.type[elements]
    elem.text <- elem.text[elements]

  # to set formula number
  elem.formula.number <- rep(0L, length(elem.type))
  frm.number <- 1L
  frm.hasefa <- FALSE
  frm.lastplus <- FALSE
  frm.incremented <- FALSE
  for (i in seq_along(elem.type)) {
    elem.formula.number[i] <- frm.number
    if (elem.type[i] == types$identifier && elem.text[i] == "efa") frm.hasefa <- TRUE
    if (any(elem.text[i] == c("+", "*", "=~"))) {
      if (frm.incremented) {
        frm.number <- frm.number - 1L
        elem.formula.number[i] <- frm.number
        frm.incremented <- FALSE
      frm.lastplus <- TRUE
    } else {
      if (any(elem.type[i] == c(
        types$stringliteral, types$identifier, types$numliteral,
        types$stringliteral, types$symbol
      ))) {
        frm.lastplus <- FALSE
      if (i > 1 && elem.type[i] != types$newline && elem.type[i - 1L] == types$lavaanoperator) {
        frm.hasefa <- FALSE
    if (elem.type[i] == types$newline) {
      if (i > 1 && elem.type[i - 1L] != types$newline) { # ignore multiple new lines
        if (!frm.hasefa && !frm.lastplus) {
          frm.number <- frm.number + 1L
          frm.incremented <- TRUE
        } else {
          frm.hasefa <- FALSE
    } else {
      frm.incremented <- FALSE
    elem.pos = elem.pos, elem.type = elem.type,
    elem.text = elem.text, elem.formula.number = elem.formula.number

# ------------------------ ldw_parse_step2 ------------------------------
# function to group the modellist tokens in 'mono' formulas.
# mono means that the terms (for formulas other then blocks and constraints)
#   are split in seperate formula's, e.g.
#   a1 + a2 =~ b1 + b2  becomes
#     /  a1 =~ b1
#     |  a1 =~ b2
#     |  a2 =~ b1
#     \  a2 =~ b2
# newlines are removed
# the function returns a list of formulas
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ldw_parse_step2 <- function(modellist, modelsrc, types, debug, warn) {
  real.operators <- c("=~", "<~", "~*~", "~~", "~", "|", "%")
  welke <- modellist$elem.type != types$newline
  formula.numbers <- unique(modellist$elem.formula.number[welke])
  formulas <- lapply(formula.numbers, function(s) {
    welkenu <- modellist$elem.formula.number == s & welke
      elem.pos = modellist$elem.pos[welkenu],
      elem.type = modellist$elem.type[welkenu],
      elem.text = modellist$elem.text[welkenu]
  maxnum <- length(formula.numbers) + sum(modellist$elem.text == "+")
  outval <- vector(mode = "list", length = maxnum)
  realnum <- 0L
  for (i in seq_along(formulas)) {
    formul1 <- formulas[[i]]
    opi <- which(formul1$elem.type == types$lavaanoperator)
    nelem <- length(formul1$elem.type)
    if (length(opi) == 0L) {
      lav_msg_stop(gettext("formula without valid operator"),
                   ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[1]))
    if (length(opi) > 1L) opi <- opi[1] # only first operator taken
    if (any(formul1$elem.text[opi] == real.operators) && sum(formul1$elem.text == "+") > 0) {
      # check + symbols outside parentheses in left and right hand side
      lhplusjes <- integer(0)
      openparentheses <- 0L
      for (jj in seq.int(1L, opi - 1L)) {
        if (formul1$elem.text[jj] == "(") {
          openparentheses <- openparentheses + 1L
        if (formul1$elem.text[jj] == ")") {
          openparentheses <- openparentheses - 1L
        if (formul1$elem.text[jj] == "+" && openparentheses == 0L) {
          lhplusjes <- c(lhplusjes, jj)
      lhplusjes <- c(lhplusjes, opi)
      plusjes <- integer(0)
      openparentheses <- 0L
      for (jj in seq.int(opi + 1L, nelem)) {
        if (formul1$elem.text[jj] == "(") {
          openparentheses <- openparentheses + 1L
        if (formul1$elem.text[jj] == ")") {
          openparentheses <- openparentheses - 1L
        if (formul1$elem.text[jj] == "+" && openparentheses == 0L) {
          plusjes <- c(plusjes, jj)
      plusjes <- c(plusjes, nelem + 1)
      # splitting lhs and rhs on '+' signs
      for (j in seq_along(lhplusjes)) {
        j0 <- 1L
        if (j > 1L) j0 <- lhplusjes[j - 1L] + 1L
        j1 <- lhplusjes[j] - 1L
        if (j1 < j0) next # skip empty parts
        for (k in seq_along(plusjes)) {
          k0 <- opi + 1L
          k1 <- plusjes[k] - 1L
          if (k > 1L) k0 <- plusjes[k - 1L] + 1L
          if (k1 < k0) next # skip empty parts
          welke <- c(seq.int(j0, j1), opi, seq.int(k0, k1))
          realnum <- realnum + 1L
          outval[[realnum]] <- ldw_parse_sublist(formul1, welke)
    } else {
      realnum <- realnum + 1L
      outval[[realnum]] <- formul1
# ------------------------ ldw_parse_check_valid_name ------------------------
# checks if an element of the elem.text member in a list is a valid r-name
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ldw_parse_check_valid_name <- function(formul1, ind, modelsrc) {

  # allow spaces, LDW 22/4/2024
  testitem <- gsub(" ", "_", formul1$elem.text[ind], fixed = TRUE)

  if (make.names(testitem) != testitem) {
      gettext("identifier is either a reserved word (in R) or
              contains an illegal character"),
      ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[ind])
# ------------------------ ldw_num_modifier  ----------------------------------
# function for transforming string with numeric values separated by semicolons
# in a numeric vector (used in ldw_parse_get_modifier)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ldw_num_modifier <- function(txt) {
  # help function
  vapply(strsplit(txt, ";")[[1]], function(x)
    if (x == "NA")  NA_real_ else as.numeric(x), 1.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
# ------------------------ ldw_unpaste  ---------------------------------------
# function for transforming string with string values separated by semicolons
# in a vector (used in ldw_parse_get_modifier)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ldw_unpaste <- function(text) {
  out <- strsplit(text, ";(NA;)*")[[1]]
  if (grepl(";$", text)) out <- c(out, "")
# ------------------------ ldw_evaluate_r_expression --------------------------
# help function to evaluate the value of an r expression formed by the elements
# with index 'from' to 'to' of a formula 'formul1'
# returns "_error_" if evaluation failed
# used only in ldw_parse_get_modifier
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ldw_evaluate_r_expression <- function(formul1, from, to, types) {
  strings <- vapply(seq.int(from, to), function(x) {
    if (formul1$elem.type[x] == types$stringliteral) {
      paste0('"', formul1$elem.text[x], '"')
    } else {
  }, "")
  txt <- paste(strings, collapse = "")
  result <- try(eval(parse(text = txt), envir = NULL,
                     enclos = baseenv()), silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(result, "try-error")) {
# ------------------------ ldw_adapt_vector_type -----------------------------
# help function to dynamically adapt the type of a vector in a c(...) sequence
# used only in ldw_parse_get_modifier
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ldw_adapt_vector_type <- function(typenu, typetoadd, texttoadd, types) {
  if (texttoadd != "NA") {
    if (typenu == 0) {
      typenu <- typetoadd
    } else {
      if (typenu != typetoadd) typenu <- types$stringliteral
  } else if (typenu == 0) {
    typenu <- types$numliteral
# ------------------------ ldw_parse_get_modifier ------------------------------
# The function takes a list with tokens belonging to a single 'mono' lavaan
# formula as input. The other arguments are:
#       lhs : check for lhs or rhs modifier
#       opi : index of the lavaan operator in the list-items
#  modelsrc : the model source string (for error messages and warnings)
#     types : the types of tokens
#     debug : should debug information be displayed?
#      warn : give warnings when appropiate?
# The function return the modifier detected as element of a list
#  with name the modifier type (efa, fixed, start, label, lower, upper, prior or rv)
#  and value an array of values (length > 1 if vector via c(...)) for the modifier value.
# An error message is produced when no modifier can be determined.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ldw_parse_get_modifier <- function(formul1, lhs, opi, modelsrc, types, debug, warn) {
  nelem <- length(formul1$elem.type)
  # remove unnecessary parentheses (one element between parentheses, previous no identifier)
  check.more <- TRUE
  while (check.more && nelem > 4L) {
    check.more <- FALSE
    for (par.i in seq.int(3L, nelem - 1L)) {
      if (formul1$elem.text[par.i - 1L] == "(" &&
        formul1$elem.text[par.i + 1L] == ")" &&
        formul1$elem.type[par.i - 2L] != types$identifier) {
        formul1$elem.type[par.i - 1L] <- 0L
        formul1$elem.type[par.i + 1L] <- 0L
        check.more <- TRUE
    if (check.more) {
      formul1 <- ldw_parse_sublist(formul1, which(formul1$elem.type > 0))
      nelem <- length(formul1$elem.type)
  if (lhs) {
    # modifier on left hand side
    # only 1 possibility : efa ( expression-resulting-in-char ) * identifier operator ... (rhs) ...
    if (formul1$elem.text[1L] == "efa" &&
      formul1$elem.text[2L] == "(" &&
      formul1$elem.text[opi - 3L] == ")" &&
      formul1$elem.text[opi - 2L] == "*") {
      temp <- ldw_evaluate_r_expression(formul1, 3L, opi - 4L, types)
      if (is.character(temp) && temp[1] != "_error_") {
        return(list(efa = temp))
    lav_msg_stop(gettext("invalid left hand side modifier"),
                 ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[1L]))
  } else {
    # modifier on right hand side
    # check for vectors c(...), start(...), fixed(...), ...
    for (j in (opi + 1L):(nelem - 2L)) {
      if (formul1$elem.text[j + 1L] == "(") {
        if (formul1$elem.text[j] == "c") {
          vector.type <- 0
          labnu <- j + 2L
          lab <- formul1$elem.text[labnu]
          vector.type <- ldw_adapt_vector_type(
            vector.type, formul1$elem.type[labnu],
            formul1$elem.text[labnu], types
          while (formul1$elem.text[labnu + 1L] == ",") {
            labnu <- labnu + 2L
            lab <- c(lab, formul1$elem.text[labnu])
            vector.type <- ldw_adapt_vector_type(
              vector.type, formul1$elem.type[labnu],
              formul1$elem.text[labnu], types
          if (vector.type == 0) vector.type <- types$stringliteral
          if (formul1$elem.text[labnu + 1L] == ")") {
            formul1$elem.type[seq.int(j, labnu)] <- 0
            formul1$elem.type[labnu + 1L] <- vector.type
            formul1$elem.text[labnu + 1L] <- paste(lab, collapse = ";")
            formul1 <- ldw_parse_sublist(formul1, which(formul1$elem.type > 0))
            nelem <- length(formul1$elem.type)
          } else {
            lav_msg_stop(gettext("invalid vector specification"),
                         ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[j]))
        if (j + 3L < nelem && formul1$elem.text[j + 3L] == "," &&
          any(formul1$elem.text[j] == c("start", "fixed", "label",
                                        "upp", "lower", "rv", "prior"))) {
          vector.type <- 0
          labnu <- j + 2L
          lab <- formul1$elem.text[labnu]
          vector.type <- ldw_adapt_vector_type(
            vector.type, formul1$elem.type[labnu],
            formul1$elem.text[labnu], types
          while (formul1$elem.text[labnu + 1L] == ",") {
            labnu <- labnu + 2L
            lab <- c(lab, formul1$elem.text[labnu])
            vector.type <- ldw_adapt_vector_type(
              vector.type, formul1$elem.type[labnu],
              formul1$elem.text[labnu], types
          if (vector.type == 0) vector.type <- types$stringliteral
          if (formul1$elem.text[labnu + 1L] == ")") {
            formul1$elem.type[seq.int(j + 3L, labnu)] <- 0
            formul1$elem.type[j + 2L] <- vector.type
            formul1$elem.text[j + 2L] <- paste(lab, collapse = ";")
            formul1 <- ldw_parse_sublist(formul1, which(formul1$elem.type > 0))
            nelem <- length(formul1$elem.type)
          } else {
            lav_msg_stop(gettext("invalid vector specification"),
                         ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[j]))
    # possibilities
    # stringliteral|identifier * identifier|numliteral
    # numliteral * identifier|numliteral
    # numliteral ? identifier|numliteral
    # fixed|start|upper|lower|rv|prior(numliteral) * identifier|numliteral
    # label|equal (stringliteral|identifier) * identifier|numliteral
    # ==> literals before * or ? can be replaced by R-expression
    #     resulting in correct type
    # check on last element being a numliteral or identifier
    #                       already done in calling function
    if (all(formul1$elem.text[nelem - 1L] != c("*", "?"))) {
      lav_msg_stop(gettext("invalid modifier symbol (should be '*' or '?')"),
                   ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[nelem - 1L]))
    if (formul1$elem.text[nelem - 1L] == "?") {
      temp <- ldw_evaluate_r_expression(formul1, opi + 1L, nelem - 2L, types)
      if (is.numeric(temp)) {
        return(list(start = temp))
      lav_msg_stop(gettext("invalid start value expression (should be numeric)"),
                   ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[opi + 1L]))
    if (nelem == opi + 3) {
      if (formul1$elem.text[opi + 1L] == "NA")
        formul1$elem.type[opi + 1L] <- types$numliteral
      if (any(formul1$elem.type[opi + 1L] ==
              c(types$identifier, types$stringliteral))) {
        return(list(label = ldw_unpaste(formul1$elem.text[opi + 1L])))
      } else {
        if (formul1$elem.type[opi + 1L] == types$numliteral) {
          return(list(fixed = ldw_num_modifier(formul1$elem.text[opi + 1L])))
        } else {
            gettext("invalid value (should be numeric, identifier or string)"),
            ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[opi + 1L]))
    if (formul1$elem.text[opi + 2L] == "(" &&
        formul1$elem.text[nelem - 2L] == ")") {
      if (any(formul1$elem.text[opi + 1L] ==
              c("fixed", "start", "upper", "lower", "prior"))) {
        if (nelem == opi + 6L) {
          if (formul1$elem.text[opi + 3L] == "NA")
            formul1$elem.type[opi + 3L] <- types$numliteral
          if (formul1$elem.type[opi + 3L] == types$numliteral) {
            outje <- list()
            outje[[formul1$elem.text[opi + 1L]]] <-
              ldw_num_modifier(formul1$elem.text[opi + 3L])
          lav_msg_stop(gettext("invalid value (should be numeric)"),
                       ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[opi + 3L]))
        temp <- ldw_evaluate_r_expression(formul1, opi + 3L, nelem - 3L, types)
        if (is.numeric(temp)) {
          outje <- list()
          outje[[formul1$elem.text[opi + 1L]]] <- temp
          gettext("invalid value R-expression (should be numeric)"),
          ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[opi + 3L]))
      if (any(formul1$elem.text[opi + 1L] == c("equal", "rv", "label"))) {
        modname <- formul1$elem.text[opi + 1L]
        if (modname == "equal") modname <- "label"
        if (nelem == opi + 6L) {
          if (formul1$elem.type[opi + 3L] == types$stringliteral) {
            outje <- list()
            outje[[modname]] <-
              ldw_unpaste(formul1$elem.text[opi + 3L])
          lav_msg_stop(gettext("invalid value (should be string)"),
                       ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[opi + 3L]))
        temp <- ldw_evaluate_r_expression(formul1, opi + 3L, nelem - 3L, types)
        if (is.character(temp) && temp[1] != "_error_") {
          outje <- list()
          outje[[modname]] <- temp
          gettext("invalid value R-expression (should be a string)"),
          ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[opi + 3L]))
    temp <- ldw_evaluate_r_expression(formul1, opi + 1L, nelem - 2L, types)
    if (is.numeric(temp)) {
      return(list(fixed = temp))
    if (is.character(temp) && temp[1] != "_error_") {
      return(list(label = temp))
    lav_msg_stop(gettext("invalid modifier specification"),
                 ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[opi + 1L]))

ldw_parse_model_string <- function(model.syntax = "", as.data.frame. = FALSE,
                                   warn = TRUE, debug = FALSE, spaces.in.operator = "warn") {
  stopifnot(length(model.syntax) > 0L)
  stopifnot(any(spaces.in.operator == c("ignore", "warn", "error")))
  # replace 'strange' tildes (in some locales) (new in 0.6-6)
  modelsrc <- gsub(
    pattern = "\u02dc",
    replacement = "~",
    paste(unlist(model.syntax), "", collapse = "\n")
  types <- ldw_create_enum(c(
    "identifier", "numliteral", "stringliteral",
    "symbol", "lavaanoperator", "newline"
  modellist <- ldw_parse_step1(modelsrc, types, debug = debug, warn = warn, spaces.in.operator = spaces.in.operator)
  if (debug) {
      pos = modellist$elem.pos,
      type = types$enum.names[modellist$elem.type],
      text = modellist$elem.text,
      formula = modellist$elem.formula.number
  formulalist <- ldw_parse_step2(modellist, modelsrc, types, debug = debug, warn = warn)
  #---- analyse syntax formulas and put in flat.-----
  max.mono.formulas <- length(formulalist)
  flat.lhs <- character(max.mono.formulas)
  flat.op <- character(max.mono.formulas)
  flat.rhs <- character(max.mono.formulas)
  flat.rhs.mod.idx <- integer(max.mono.formulas)
  flat.block <- integer(max.mono.formulas) # keep track of groups using ":" operator
  flat.fixed <- character(max.mono.formulas) # only for display purposes!
  flat.start <- character(max.mono.formulas) # only for display purposes!
  flat.lower <- character(max.mono.formulas) # only for display purposes!
  flat.upper <- character(max.mono.formulas) # only for display purposes!
  flat.label <- character(max.mono.formulas) # only for display purposes!
  flat.prior <- character(max.mono.formulas)
  flat.efa <- character(max.mono.formulas)
  flat.rv <- character(max.mono.formulas)
  flat.idx <- 0L
  mod.idx <- 0L
  constraints <- list()
  mod <- list()
  block <- 1L
  block.op <- FALSE
  if (debug) {
    cat("formula to analyse:\n")
  #  operators <- c("=~", "<~", "~*~", "~~", "~", "==", "<", ">", ":=",
  #                 ":", "\\|", "%")
  constraint_operators <- c("==", "<", ">", ":=")
  for (s in seq_along(formulalist)) {
    formul1 <- formulalist[[s]]
    if (debug) {
      cat(vapply(seq_along(formul1$elem.type), function(j) {
        if (formul1$elem.type[j] == types$stringliteral) {
          return(dQuote(formul1$elem.text[j], FALSE))
      }, ""), "\n")
    nelem <- length(formul1$elem.type)
    # where is the operator
    opi <- match(types$lavaanoperator, formul1$elem.type)
    # opi <- which(formul1$elem.type == types$lavaanoperator)
    # if (length(opi) > 1L) opi <- opi[1L]
    op <- formul1$elem.text[opi]
    if (any(op == constraint_operators)) { # --------------- constraints ------------------
      lhs <- paste(formul1$elem.text[seq.int(1L, opi - 1L)], collapse = "")
      rhs <- paste(formul1$elem.text[seq.int(opi + 1L, nelem)], collapse = "")
      constraints <- c(
          op = op,
          lhs = lhs,
          rhs = rhs,
          user = 1L
    if (op == ":") { # ------------------------- block start ------------------
      if (opi == 1L) {
        gettext("Missing block identifier. The correct syntax is: \"LHS: RHS\",
                where LHS is a block identifier (eg group or level), and RHS is
                the group/level/block number or label."),
        ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[1]))
      if (opi > 2L || all(tolower(formul1$elem.text[1]) !=
                          c("group", "level", "block", "class"))) {
        gettext("Invalid block identifier. The correct syntax is: \"LHS: RHS\",
                where LHS is a block identifier (eg group or level), and RHS is
                the group/level/block number or label."),
        ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[1]))
      if (nelem != 3 || all(formul1$elem.type[3] !=
                c(types$stringliteral, types$identifier, types$numliteral))) {
        gettext("syntax contains block identifier \"group\" with missing or
                invalid number/label.The correct syntax is: \"LHS: RHS\", where
                LHS is a block identifier (eg group or level), and RHS is the
                group/level/block number or label."),
        ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[1]))
      flat.idx <- flat.idx + 1L
      flat.lhs[flat.idx] <- formul1$elem.text[1]
      flat.op[flat.idx] <- op
      flat.rhs[flat.idx] <- formul1$elem.text[3]
      flat.rhs.mod.idx[flat.idx] <- 0L
      if (block.op) {
        block <- block + 1L
      } else {
        if (flat.idx != 1 && warn == TRUE) {
            gettext("First block defined after other formula's"),
            ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[1]))
      flat.block[flat.idx] <- block
      block.op <- TRUE
    # ------------------ relational operators -----------------------------
    # checks for valid names in lhs and rhs
    ldw_parse_check_valid_name(formul1, opi - 1L, modelsrc) # valid name lhs
    for (j in seq.int(opi + 1L, nelem)) { # valid names rhs
      if (formul1$elem.type[j] == types$identifier &&
          formul1$elem.text[j] != "NA") {
        ldw_parse_check_valid_name(formul1, j, modelsrc)
    if (formul1$elem.type[nelem] != types$identifier &&
      (formul1$elem.type[nelem] != types$numliteral || all(op != c("~", "=~"))))
        gettext("Last element of rhs part expected to be an identifier or,
                for operator ~ or =~, a numeric literal!"),
        ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[nelem]))
    # intercept fixed on 0
    # replace 'lhs ~ 0' => 'lhs ~ 0 * 1' - intercept fixed on zero
    if (formul1$elem.text[nelem] == "0" && op == "~" && opi == nelem - 1L) {
      formul1$elem.type <- c(formul1$elem.type, types$symbol, types$numliteral)
      formul1$elem.text <- c(formul1$elem.text, "*", "1")
      formul1$elem.pos <- c(formul1$elem.pos, rep(formul1$elem.pos[nelem], 2))
      nelem <- length(formul1$elem.type)
    # phantom latent variable
    # replace 'lhs =~ 0' => 'lhs =~ fixed(0)*lhs', 0 can be other numliteral
    #          also, lhs is last element before '=~'
    if (formul1$elem.type[nelem] == types$numliteral && op == "=~") {
      formul1$elem.type <- c(
        formul1$elem.type[seq.int(1L, nelem - 1L)], types$identifier,
        types$symbol, types$numliteral, types$symbol, types$symbol,
      formul1$elem.text <- c(
        formul1$elem.text[seq.int(1L, nelem - 1L)], "fixed", "(",
        formul1$elem.text[nelem], ")", "*", formul1$elem.text[opi - 1L]
      formul1$elem.pos <- c(formul1$elem.pos[seq.int(1L, nelem - 1L)],
                            rep(formul1$elem.pos[nelem], 6))
      nelem <- length(formul1$elem.type)
    # handling interaction variable types
    colons <- which(formul1$elem.text[seq.int(1L, nelem - 1L)] == ":" &
      formul1$elem.type[seq.int(2L, nelem)] == types$identifier)
    # check at most 1 colon
    if (length(colons) > 1) {
        gettext("Three-way or higher-order interaction terms (using multiple
                colons) are not supported in the lavaan syntax; please manually
                construct the product terms yourself in the data.frame, give
                them an appropriate name, and then you can use these interaction
                variables as any other (observed) variable in the model syntax."
                ), ldw_txtloc(modelsrc, formul1$elem.pos[colons[2]]))
    if (length(colons) == 1) { # collapse items around colon "a" ":" "b" => "a:b"
      formul1$elem.text[colons - 1L] <-
        paste(formul1$elem.text[seq.int(colons - 1L, colons + 1L)],
              collapse = "")
      formul1 <- ldw_parse_sublist(formul1, seq.int(1L, colons - 1L))
      nelem <- length(formul1$elem.type)
    lhs <- formul1$elem.text[opi - 1L]
    rhs <- formul1$elem.text[nelem]
    already <- which(flat.lhs == lhs & flat.op == op & flat.block == block &
      (flat.rhs == rhs | (flat.rhs == "" & op == "~" &
                            formul1$elem.type[nelem] == types$numliteral)))
    if (length(already) == 1L) {
      idx <- already
    } else {
      flat.idx <- flat.idx + 1L
      idx <- flat.idx
      flat.lhs[idx] <- lhs
      flat.op[idx] <- op
      flat.rhs[idx] <- rhs
      flat.block[idx] <- block
      if (formul1$elem.type[nelem] == types$numliteral) {
        if (op == "~") flat.rhs[idx] <- ""
    lhsmod <- list()
    if (opi > 2) lhsmod <- ldw_parse_get_modifier(formul1,
                                      TRUE, opi, modelsrc, types, debug, warn)
    rhsmod <- list()
    if (nelem - opi > 1) rhsmod <- ldw_parse_get_modifier(formul1,
                                      FALSE, opi, modelsrc, types, debug, warn)
    flat.fixed[idx] <- if (is.null(rhsmod$fixed)) flat.fixed[idx] else
      paste(rhsmod$fixed, collapse = ";")
    flat.start[idx] <- if (is.null(rhsmod$start)) flat.start[idx] else
      paste(rhsmod$start, collapse = ";")
    flat.label[idx] <- if (is.null(rhsmod$label)) flat.label[idx] else
      paste(rhsmod$label, collapse = ";")
    flat.lower[idx] <- if (is.null(rhsmod$lower)) flat.lower[idx] else
      paste(rhsmod$lower, collapse = ";")
    flat.upper[idx] <- if (is.null(rhsmod$upper)) flat.upper[idx] else
      paste(rhsmod$upper, collapse = ";")
    flat.prior[idx] <- if (is.null(rhsmod$prior)) flat.prior[idx] else
      paste(rhsmod$prior, collapse = ";")
    flat.efa[idx] <- if (is.null(lhsmod$efa)) flat.efa[idx] else
      paste(lhsmod$efa, collapse = ";")
    flat.rv[idx] <- if (is.null(rhsmod$rv)) flat.rv[idx] else
      paste(rhsmod$rv, collapse = ";")
    modnu <- c(lhsmod, rhsmod)
    if (length(modnu) > 0L) { # there is a modifier here
      if (length(already) == 0) { # unknown element
        mod.idx <- mod.idx + 1L
        cur.mod.idx <- mod.idx
        mod[[cur.mod.idx]] <- modnu
        flat.rhs.mod.idx[idx] <- cur.mod.idx
      } else { # known element
        if (flat.rhs.mod.idx[idx] == 0) { # not yet modifier
          mod.idx <- mod.idx + 1L
          cur.mod.idx <- mod.idx
          mod[[cur.mod.idx]] <- modnu
          flat.rhs.mod.idx[idx] <- cur.mod.idx
        } else { # use existing modifier index
          cur.mod.idx <- flat.rhs.mod.idx[idx]
          mod[[cur.mod.idx]] <- c(mod[[cur.mod.idx]], modnu)
  # create flat (omit items without operator)
  filled.ones <- which(flat.op != "")
  flat <- list(
    lhs = flat.lhs[filled.ones],
    op = flat.op[filled.ones],
    rhs = flat.rhs[filled.ones],
    mod.idx = flat.rhs.mod.idx[filled.ones],
    block = flat.block[filled.ones],
    fixed = flat.fixed[filled.ones],
    start = flat.start[filled.ones],
    lower = flat.lower[filled.ones],
    upper = flat.upper[filled.ones],
    label = flat.label[filled.ones],
    prior = flat.prior[filled.ones],
    efa = flat.efa[filled.ones],
    rv = flat.rv[filled.ones]
  # change op for intercepts (for convenience only)
  int.idx <- which(flat.op == "~" & flat.rhs == "")
  if (length(int.idx) > 0L) {
    flat$op[int.idx] <- "~1"
  # new in 0.6, reorder covariances here!
  flat <- lav_partable_covariance_reorder(flat)
  if (as.data.frame.) {
    flat <- as.data.frame(flat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # new in 0.6-4: check for 'group' within 'level'
  if (any(flat.op == ":")) {
    op.idx <- which(flat.op == ":")
    if (length(op.idx) < 2L) {
      # only 1 block identifier? this is weird -> give warning
      if (warn == TRUE)
        lav_msg_warn(gettext("syntax contains only a single block identifier!"))
    } else {
      first.block <- flat.lhs[op.idx[1L]]
      second.block <- flat.lhs[op.idx[2L]]
      if (first.block == "level" && second.block == "group") {
        lav_msg_stop(gettext("groups can not be nested within levels!"))
  attr(flat, "modifiers") <- mod
  attr(flat, "constraints") <- constraints
yrosseel/lavaan documentation built on May 1, 2024, 5:45 p.m.